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     2 /**
     3 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 * All rights reserved.
     5 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     6 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     7 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     8 * at the URL "".
     9 *
    10 * Initial Contributors:
    11 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    12 *
    13 * Contributors:
    14 *
    15 * Description:
    16 * Baseband Channel Adaptor(BCA) APIs.
    17 * This file contains all the APIs required to implement a BCA interface for Symbian OS.
    18 * 
    19 *
    20 */
    24 /**
    25  @file
    26  @publishedPartner
    27  @prototype
    28  @released
    29 */
    30 #ifndef BCA2_H
    31 #define BCA2_H
    33 /** This namespace includes the BCA component names.*/
    34 namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation2
    35 {
    36 /**
    37  * The class implemented by an upper component to accept control signals from the lower component
    39  * @publishedPartner
    40  * @prototype
    41  */
    42 class MUpperControl
    43 	{
    44 public:
    45 	/**
    46 	* Indicates to the layer above (link layer) that the Bca is ready to start 
    47 	* receiving packets from the upper layer (either after MBca start 
    48 	* completes or following congestion)
    50 	* @param none
    51 	* @return none.
    52 	*/
    53 	virtual void StartSending()=0;
    55 	/**
    56 	* Any fatal error which occurs during the send/receive session is reported 
    57 	* to the client by a call to this function. Fatal errors are errors which can’t 
    58 	* be recovered from (e.g.:  connection down) in which case MBca has become 
    59 	* defunct and can no longer be used to send and receive data
    61 	* @param aErr TThe fatal error code from the session failures propagated 
    62 	* to the upper layer of the communications stack . Non fatal errors keep 
    63 	* the MBca2 functional which in the context of MBca2 implementation may 
    64 	* include KErrNoMemory, KErrCommsParity, KErrCommsOverrun, KErrCommsFrame. 
    65 	* @return none.
    66 	*/
    67 	virtual void Error(TInt aErr)=0;
    69 	};
    71 /**
    72  * The Class implemented by an upper component to accept inbound data travelling 
    73  * upwards from the lower component
    75  * @publishedPartner
    76  * @prototype
    77  */ 	
    78 class MUpperDataReceiver
    79 	{
    80 public:
    81 	/**
    82 	* This function is called whenever data has been received by MBca which 
    83 	* should be processed by its client. The implementer takes ownership of the 
    84 	* buffer and is responsible for its deletion.
    86 	* @param aCommsBufChain - The list of comms buffers containing data to be processed. 
    87          * Destination keeps the custody of the buffer.
    88 	* @return none.
    89 	*/
    90 	virtual void Process(RCommsBufChain& aCommsBufChain)=0;
    91 	};
    93 /**
    94  * The interface implemented by the lower component to accept data from the upper component
    96  * @publishedPartner
    97  * @prototype
    98  */
   100 class MLowerDataSender
   101 	{
   102 	public:
   103 	enum TSendResult
   104 		{
   105 			// data accepted, send no more until MUpperControl::StartSending() is called
   106 			ESendBlocked,
   107 			// data accepted, can send more.
   108 			ESendAccepted
   109 		};
   110 	/**
   111 	* Sends the specified buffer data down to the base-band. The implementer takes 
   112 	* ownership of the buffer and is responsible for its deletion.
   114 	* @param aCommsBufChain the comms buffer list to be sent.The buffer ownership is passed 
   115 	* to the BCA
   116 	* @return TTSendResult either ESendBlocked or SendAccepted. When the Bca 
   117 	* is congested and cannot send any data beyond the current packet (which is 
   118 	* always accepted), the implementation returns ESendBlocked. If BCA is not
   119 	* congested then ESendAccepted is returned to continue sending. When congestion 
   120 	* passes, the Bca calls StartSending on the upper layer to resume sending. The
   121 	* implementation is recommended to panic any attempts to call Send during congestion 
   122 	*/
   123 	virtual	TSendResult Send(RCommsBufChain& aCommsBufChain)=0;
   124 	};
   126 /**
   127  * The interface implemented by the lower component to accept control signals from the upper component
   129  * @publishedPartner
   130  * @prototype
   131  */ 
   132 class MBca2
   133 	{
   134 public:
   135 	 struct TBcaParams 
   136 		{
   137 		RCommsBufPond iCommsBufPond;	// Pond to be used by BCA implementation for creating, using pools and buffers
   138 		const TDesC& iChannelId;				// port number or channel which BCA uses to communicate with its lower layers 
   139 		TBcaParams(RCommsBufPond aCommsBufPond,const TDesC& aChannelId)
   140 		: iCommsBufPond(aCommsBufPond),
   141 		iChannelId(aChannelId){}
   142 	 	};
   145 	/**
   146 	* Opens the BCA instance and commences a BCA session (::Close() terminates the session). 
   148 	* @param aControl reference to a MUpperControl implementation, which will 
   149 	* serve as the call-back interface for incoming control calls
   150 	* @param aData - reference to a MUpperDataReceiver implementation, which
   151 	* will serve as the call-back interface for incoming data
   152 	* @param aBcaParams A reference to the BCA start up params
   153 	* @return KErrNone if successful, system-wide error code otherwise. All 
   154 	* other error codes reported are fatal denoting that MBca interface has 
   155 	* failed to open and MBca is not good for transferring data
   156 	*/
   157 	virtual TInt Open(MUpperControl& aControl, 
   158 					MUpperDataReceiver& aData, 
   159 					const TBcaParams& aBcaParams)=0;
   161 	/**
   162 	 * The API starts the baseband connection asynchronously. The Start () request 
   163 	 * API’s successful completion is acknowledged with MUpperControl::StartSending(). 
   164 	 * The request failure is acknowledged with MUpperControl::Error(). Client should 
   165 	 * take care of scenarios when MUpperControl::StartSending() gets very delayed 
   166 	 * or not called at all
   168 	* @param none
   169 	* @return none
   170 	*/
   171 	virtual void Start()=0;
   173 	/**
   174 	 * Returns a reference to the MLowerDataSender, This reference is used by 
   175 	 * upper components to send packets to the lower components. This API must be 
   176 	 * called only after Start() completes, otherwise the implementation should panic.
   178 	* @param none
   179 	* @return reference to the MLowerDataSender. 
   180 	*/
   181 	virtual MLowerDataSender& GetSender()=0;
   183 	/**
   184 	* Synchronously closes the BCA immediately. Informs the BCA is no longer 
   185 	* required by the client and can release its resources. Close cancels all 
   186 	* pending asynchronous operations which can only be ::Start() or ::Control() .
   187 	* To use the BCA instance it needs to be re-opened. Close operation must not fail.
   189 	* @param none
   190 	* @return none.
   191 	*/
   192 	virtual void Close()=0;
   194 	/**
   195 	* Release/deletes the BCA instance. Derived classes will typically implement 
   196 	* this as ‘delete this’.
   198 	* @param none
   199 	* @return none.
   200 	*/
   201 	virtual void Release()=0;
   203 	enum TBlockOption
   204 		{
   205 			//stop sending [block] data on interface
   206 			EBlockFlow, 
   207 			// start sending [unblock] data on interface
   208 			EUnblockFlow
   209 		};
   210 	/**
   211 	* Either blocks or unblocks the pushing of received data to the upper layers, 
   212 	* depending on TBlockOption. If the upper layers can’t process any more
   213 	* data to stop receiving packets this API is called with EBlockFlow. 
   214 	* Later after the congestion eases, to start receiving packets again call 
   215 	* this API with EUnblockFlow
   217 	* @param aOption either block or unblock receive flow
   218 	* @return none.
   219 	*/
   220 	virtual void SetFlowControl(TBlockOption aOption)=0;
   222 	/**
   223 	* The BCA control function to get or set the options of the BCA in an 
   224 	* asynchronous manner.
   226 	* @param aStatus  asynchronous completion status, KErrNone if successful, 
   227          * system-wide error code otherwise
   228 	* @param aOptLevel option level to be used KBcaOptLevelGeneric 
   229 	* or KBcaOptLevelExtSerial
   230 	* @param aOptName option name to be used.
   231 	* @param aOpt an optional parameter,holds the option value on return or the
   232 	* option value to be set.
   233 	* @return none.
   234 	*/
   235 	virtual void Control(TRequestStatus& aStatus,
   236 							TUint aOptLevel,
   237 							TUint aOptName,
   238 							TDes8& aOpt)=0;
   240 	/**
   241 	* Cancels the Control request in a synchronous way.
   243 	* @param none
   244 	* @return none.
   245 	*/
   246 	virtual void CancelControl()=0;
   247 	};
   249 /**
   250 * Control option level.
   251 */
   252 const TUint KBcaOptLevelGeneric 		= 0x0194;
   253 const TUint KBcaOptLevelExtSerial 		= 0x0195;
   255 /**
   256 * C32 BCA capability
   257 */
   258 const TUint KBcaCapSerial			= 0x01; //Serial port capability supported
   260 /**
   261 * Generic Control option name
   262 */
   263 const TUint KBCAMru	                = 0x12;
   264 const TUint KBCAMtu	                = 0x13;
   265 const TUint KBCASpeedMetric	        = 0x14;
   266 const TUint KBCACaps	            = 0x15;
   267 const TUint KBCASetIapId	        = 0x16;
   268 const TUint KBCASetBcaStack	        = 0x1e;
   269 const TUint KVersionNumber	        = 0x1c;
   270 /** 
   271 Purges the buffers */
   272 const TUint KBCAResetBuffers        = 0x1f;
   274 /**
   275 * Serial Control option name
   276 */
   277 const TUint KSerialCaps	            = 0x17;
   278 const TUint KSerialConfig	        = 0x18;
   279 const TUint KSerialSetConfig	    = 0x1a;
   280 const TUint KSerialPortName	        = 0x19;
   281 const TUint KSerialSetCsyName	    = 0x1b;
   282 const TUint KSerialSetCommRole	    = 0x1d;
   284 /**
   285 Set the size of receive & transmit buffers.
   286 Provided for compatibility with C32 RComm */
   287 const TUint KSerialSetTxRxBufferSize  = 0x2a;
   289 /** Retrieves the size of the receive & transmit buffers */
   290 const TUint KSerialTxRxBufferSize     = 0x2b;
   292 /** Set and/or clear signal lines */
   293 const TUint KSerialSetControlLines	  = 0x2c;
   295 struct TSerialSetControlLines {
   296 /**
   297 Structure associated with KSerialSetSignals control.
   298 Indicates which control lines to set/clear. 
   299 */
   300 	TUint	iSetMask;
   301 	TUint	iClearMask;
   302 };
   304 //
   305 // Bitmasks specifying which buffer to reset. Used with KBCaResetBuffers
   306 //
   308 /** Reset Rx buffer only */
   309 const TUint KResetRxBuf = 0x01;
   311 /** Reset Tx buffer only */
   312 const TUint KResetTxBuf = 0x02;
   315 /** Monitor EIA-232 control lines and take action specified. */
   316 const TUint KSerialMonitorControlLines = 0x30;
   318 /** Turn control line monitoring off - do not fail on line change */
   319 const TUint KMonitorOff = 0x0;
   321 /** Fail when BCA-specific lines go from high to low. 
   322 This is the "Default" option, where the BCA itself selects what lines to monitor 
   323 This mask must not be specified in conjunction with other masks, as the BCA will monitor
   324 & fail on its specific lines ONLY. The other lines will be ignored.*/
   325 const TUint KFailBcaSpecificOnly = 0xFFFFFFFF; 
   326 }
   328 #endif // BCA2_H