changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "T_CMMFDevSoundData.h"
    21 /*@{*/
    22 //Constants for HwDevice
    23 const TInt KHwDeviceDefaultDataLength = 9;
    24 const TInt KFourCCLength = 4;
    25 //Supported Input Data Types
    26 const TInt KFourCCMaxBitDisplacement = 24;
    27 const TInt K8Bits = 8;
    28 const TInt KTFourCC = 4;
    29 /*@}*/
    31 /*@{*/
    32 //Command literals
    33 _LIT(KCmdNewL,                         "NewL");
    34 _LIT(KCmdNewLLoopL,                    "NewLLoopL");
    35 _LIT(KCmdDestructor,                   "~");
    36 _LIT(KCmdCapabilities,                 "Capabilities");
    37 _LIT(KCmdConfig,                       "Config");
    38 _LIT(KCmdMaxGain,                      "MaxGain");
    39 _LIT(KCmdMaxVolume,                    "MaxVolume");
    40 _LIT(KCmdGetPlayBalanceL,              "GetPlayBalanceL");
    41 _LIT(KCmdGetRecordBalanceL,            "GetRecordBalanceL");
    42 _LIT(KCmdGetSupportedInputDataTypesL,  "GetSupportedInputDataTypesL");
    43 _LIT(KCmdGetSupportedOutputDataTypesL, "GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL");
    44 _LIT(KCmdSamplesPlayed,                "SamplesPlayed");
    45 _LIT(KCmdSamplesRecorded,              "SamplesRecorded");
    46 _LIT(KCmdVolume,                       "Volume");
    47 _LIT(KCmdGain,                         "Gain");
    48 _LIT(KCmdFixedSequenceCount,           "FixedSequenceCount");
    49 _LIT(KCmdFixedSequenceName,            "FixedSequenceName");
    50 _LIT(KCmdSetConfigL,                   "SetConfigL");
    51 _LIT(KCmdSetDTMFLengths,               "SetDTMFLengths");
    52 _LIT(KCmdSetGain,                      "SetGain");
    53 _LIT(KCmdSetPlayBalanceL,              "SetPlayBalanceL");
    54 _LIT(KCmdSetPrioritySettings,          "SetPrioritySettings");
    55 _LIT(KCmdSetRecordBalanceL,            "SetRecordBalanceL");
    56 _LIT(KCmdSetToneRepeats,               "SetToneRepeats");
    57 _LIT(KCmdSetVolume,                    "SetVolume");
    58 _LIT(KCmdSetVolumeRamp,                "SetVolumeRamp");
    59 _LIT(KCmdInitializeL,                  "InitializeL");
    60 _LIT(KCmdPlayDTMFStringL,              "PlayDTMFStringL");
    61 _LIT(KCmdPlayData,                     "PlayData");
    62 _LIT(KCmdPlayDualToneL,                "PlayDualToneL");
    63 _LIT(KCmdPlayInitL,                    "PlayInitL");
    64 _LIT(KCmdPlayToneL,                    "PlayToneL");
    65 _LIT(KCmdPlayToneSequenceL,            "PlayToneSequenceL");
    66 _LIT(KCmdRecordData,                   "RecordData");
    67 _LIT(KCmdRecordInitL,                  "RecordInitL");
    68 _LIT(KCmdStop,                         "Stop");
    69 _LIT(KCmdErrorConceal,                 "ErrorConceal");
    70 _LIT(KCmdSetVolumeLoop,                "SetVolumeLoop");
    71 /*@}*/
    73 /*@{*/
    74 //Utility literals
    75 _LIT(KCmdUtilityReplaceFile,                  "ReplaceFile");
    76 _LIT(KCmdUtilityOpenFile,                     "OpenFile");
    77 _LIT(KCmdUtilityCloseFile,                    "CloseFile");
    78 _LIT(KCmdUtilityFileStartPosition,            "FileStartPosition");
    79 /*@}*/
    81 /*@{*/
    82 //INI Section name literals
    83 _LIT(KGainValue,                       "Gain");
    84 _LIT(KVolumeValue,                     "Volume");
    85 _LIT(KLeftPercentage,                  "LeftPercentage");
    86 _LIT(KRightPercentage,                 "RightPercentage");
    87 _LIT(KSequenceNumber,                  "SequenceNumber");
    88 _LIT(KRate,                            "Rate");
    89 _LIT(KEncoding,                        "Encoding");
    90 _LIT(KChannels,                        "Channels");
    91 _LIT(KBufferSize,                      "BufferSize");
    92 _LIT(KToneOnLength,                    "ToneOnLength");
    93 _LIT(KToneOffLength,                   "ToneOffLength");
    94 _LIT(KPause,                           "Pause");
    95 _LIT(KPauseLength,                     "PauseLength");
    96 _LIT(KPriority,                        "Priority");
    97 _LIT(KPreference,                      "Preference");
    98 _LIT(KPriorityState,                   "PriorityState");
    99 _LIT(KRepeatCount,                     "RepeatCount");
   100 _LIT(KRepeatTrailingSilence,           "RepeatTrailingSilence");
   101 _LIT(KRampDuration,                    "RampDuration");
   102 _LIT(KMode,                            "Mode");
   103 _LIT(KHwDevice,                        "HwDevice");
   104 _LIT(KFourCC,                          "FourCC");
   105 _LIT(KFilename,                        "Filename");
   106 _LIT(KDTMFString,                      "DTMFString");
   107 _LIT(KFrequency,                       "Frequency");
   108 _LIT(KFrequencyOne,                    "FrequencyOne");
   109 _LIT(KFrequencyTwo,                    "FrequencyTwo");
   110 _LIT(KDuration,                        "Duration");
   111 _LIT(KLoop,                            "Loop");
   112 _LIT(KAllowedError,                    "AllowedError");
   113 _LIT(KVolumeList,                      "VolumeList");
   114 _LIT(KVolumeLoop,                      "VolumeLoop");
   115 /*@}*/
   117 /*@{*/
   118 //Literals for iEnumChannels
   119 _LIT(KEMMFStereo, "EMMFStereo");
   120 _LIT(KEMMFMono,   "EMMFMono");
   121 /*@}*/
   123 const CDataWrapperBase::TEnumEntryTable CT_CMMFDevSoundData::iEnumChannels[] =
   124 	{
   125 	{KEMMFMono,   EMMFMono},
   126 	{KEMMFStereo, EMMFStereo}
   127 	};
   129 /*@{*/
   130 //Literals for iEnumSampleRate
   131 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate8000Hz,  "EMMFSampleRate8000Hz");
   132 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate11025Hz, "EMMFSampleRate11025Hz");
   133 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate16000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate16000Hz");
   134 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate22050Hz, "EMMFSampleRate22050Hz");
   135 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate32000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate32000Hz");
   136 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate44100Hz, "EMMFSampleRate44100Hz");
   137 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate48000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate48000Hz");
   138 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate88200Hz, "EMMFSampleRate88200Hz");
   139 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate96000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate96000Hz");
   140 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate12000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate12000Hz");
   141 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate24000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate24000Hz");
   142 _LIT(KEMMFSampleRate64000Hz, "EMMFSampleRate64000Hz");
   143 /*@}*/
   145 const CDataWrapperBase::TEnumEntryTable CT_CMMFDevSoundData::iEnumSampleRate[] =
   146 	{
   147 	{KEMMFSampleRate8000Hz,  EMMFSampleRate8000Hz},
   148 	{KEMMFSampleRate11025Hz, EMMFSampleRate11025Hz},
   149 	{KEMMFSampleRate16000Hz, EMMFSampleRate16000Hz},
   150 	{KEMMFSampleRate22050Hz, EMMFSampleRate22050Hz},
   151 	{KEMMFSampleRate32000Hz, EMMFSampleRate32000Hz},
   152 	{KEMMFSampleRate44100Hz, EMMFSampleRate44100Hz},
   153 	{KEMMFSampleRate48000Hz, EMMFSampleRate48000Hz},
   154 	{KEMMFSampleRate88200Hz, EMMFSampleRate88200Hz},
   155 	{KEMMFSampleRate96000Hz, EMMFSampleRate96000Hz},
   156 	{KEMMFSampleRate12000Hz, EMMFSampleRate12000Hz},
   157 	{KEMMFSampleRate24000Hz, EMMFSampleRate24000Hz},
   158 	{KEMMFSampleRate64000Hz, EMMFSampleRate64000Hz}
   159 	};
   161 /*@{*/
   162 //Literal for iEnumMode
   163 _LIT(KEMMFStateIdle,             "EMMFStateIdle");
   164 _LIT(KEMMFStatePlaying,          "EMMFStatePlaying");
   165 _LIT(KEMMFStateTonePlaying,      "EMMFStateTonePlaying");
   166 _LIT(KEMMFStateRecording,        "EMMFStateRecording");
   167 _LIT(KEMMFStatePlayingRecording, "EMMFStatePlayingRecording");
   168 _LIT(KEMMFStateConverting,       "EMMFStateConverting");
   169 /*@}*/
   171 const CDataWrapperBase::TEnumEntryTable CT_CMMFDevSoundData::iEnumMode[] =
   172 	{
   173 	{KEMMFStateIdle,             EMMFStateIdle},
   174 	{KEMMFStatePlaying,          EMMFStatePlaying},
   175 	{KEMMFStateRecording,        EMMFStateRecording},
   176 	{KEMMFStateTonePlaying,      EMMFStateTonePlaying},
   177 	{KEMMFStatePlayingRecording, EMMFStatePlayingRecording},
   178 	{KEMMFStateConverting,       EMMFStateConverting}
   179 	};
   181 /*@{*/
   182 //Literals for iEnumInitializeLType
   183 _LIT(KEInitializeState,          "EInitializeState");
   184 _LIT(KEInitializeHwDeviceMode,   "EInitializeHwDeviceMode");
   185 _LIT(KEInitializeFourCCMode,     "EInitializeFourCCMode");
   186 /*@}*/
   188 enum TMMFInitializeMode
   189 	{
   190 	EInitializeState,
   191 	EInitializeHwDeviceMode,
   192 	EInitializeFourCCMode
   193 	};
   195 const CDataWrapperBase::TEnumEntryTable CT_CMMFDevSoundData::iEnumInitializeLType[] =
   196 	{
   197 	{KEInitializeState,        EInitializeState},
   198 	{KEInitializeHwDeviceMode, EInitializeHwDeviceMode},
   199 	{KEInitializeFourCCMode,   EInitializeFourCCMode}
   200 	};
   202 /**
   203  * Two phase constructor
   204  *
   205  * @leave   system wide error
   206  */
   207 CT_CMMFDevSoundData* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::NewL()
   208 	{
   209 	CT_CMMFDevSoundData* ret = new (ELeave) CT_CMMFDevSoundData();
   210 	CleanupStack::PushL(ret);
   211 	ret->ConstructL();
   212 	CleanupStack::Pop(ret);
   213 	return ret;
   214 	}
   216 /**
   217  * Private constructor. First phase construction
   218  */
   219 CT_CMMFDevSoundData::CT_CMMFDevSoundData()
   220 	:
   221 	iDevSound(NULL),
   222 	iPrioritySettings(),
   223 	iCapabilities(),
   224 	iVolumeValue(0),
   225 	iGainValue(0),
   226 	iLeftPercentage(0),
   227 	iRightPercentage(0),
   228 	iFs(),
   229 	iToneFile(),
   230 	iAudiofile(),
   231 	iBuffer(NULL),
   232 	iLastSample(0),
   233 	iPaused(EFalse),
   234 	iErrorConceal(EFalse),
   235 	iEndFile(EFalse),
   236 	iToneSequence(),
   237 	iRecordErrorIndex(0),
   238 	iPlayErrorIndex(0),
   239 	iToneErrorIndex(0),
   240     iInitializeErrorIndex(0)
   241 	{
   242 	}
   244 /**
   245  * Second phase construction
   246  * @internalComponent
   247  * @return  N/A
   248  * @pre     None
   249  * @post    None
   250  * @leave   system wide error
   251  */
   252 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ConstructL()
   253 	{
   254 	iFs.Connect();
   255 	}
   257 /**
   258  * Public destructor
   259  */
   260 CT_CMMFDevSoundData::~CT_CMMFDevSoundData()
   261 	{
   262 	iFs.Close();
   263 	DestroyData();
   264 	}
   266 /**
   267  * Helper Destructor
   268  */
   269 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DestroyData()
   270 	{
   271 	if(iDevSound)
   272 		{
   273 		delete iDevSound;
   274 		iDevSound = NULL;
   275 		}
   276 	}
   278 /**
   279  * Return a pointer to the object that the data wraps
   280  *
   281  * @return  pointer to the object that the data wraps
   282  */
   283 TAny* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::GetObject()
   284 	{
   285 	return iDevSound;
   286 	}
   288 /**
   289  * Process a command read from the Ini file
   290  * @param aCommand          - The command to process
   291  * @param aSection          - The section get from the *.ini file of the project T_Wlan
   292  * @param aAsyncErrorIndex  - Command index dor async calls to returns errors to
   293  * @return TBool            - ETrue if the command is process
   294  * @leave                   - system wide error
   295  */
   296 TBool CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
   297 	{
   298 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   300 	if (aCommand == KCmdNewL)
   301 		{
   302 		DoCmdNewL();
   303 		}
   304 	else if(aCommand == KCmdNewLLoopL)
   305 		{
   306 		DoCmdNewLLoopL(aSection);
   307 		}
   308 	else if (aCommand == KCmdDestructor)
   309 		{
   310 		DoCmdDestructor();
   311 		}
   312 	else if (aCommand == KCmdUtilityReplaceFile)
   313 		{
   314 		DoCmdUtilityReplaceFile(aSection);
   315 		}
   316 	else if (aCommand == KCmdUtilityOpenFile)
   317 		{
   318 		DoCmdUtilityOpenFile(aSection);
   319 		}
   320 	else if (aCommand == KCmdUtilityCloseFile)
   321 		{
   322 		DoCmdUtilityCloseFile();
   323 		}
   324 	else if (aCommand == KCmdUtilityFileStartPosition)
   325 		{
   326 		DoCmdUtilityFileStartPosition();
   327 		}
   328 	else if (aCommand == KCmdCapabilities)
   329 		{
   330 		DoCmdCapabilities();
   331 		}
   332 	else if (aCommand == KCmdConfig)
   333 		{
   334 		DoCmdConfig();
   335 		}
   336 	else if (aCommand == KCmdMaxGain)
   337 		{
   338 		DoCmdMaxGain(aSection);
   339 		}
   340 	else if (aCommand == KCmdMaxVolume)
   341 		{
   342 		DoCmdMaxVolume(aSection);
   343 		}
   344 	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetPlayBalanceL)
   345 		{
   346 		DoCmdGetPlayBalanceL(aSection);
   347 		}
   348 	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetRecordBalanceL)
   349 		{
   350 		DoCmdGetRecordBalanceL(aSection);
   351 		}
   352 	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetSupportedInputDataTypesL)
   353 		{
   354 		DoCmdGetSupportedInputDataTypesL();
   355 		}
   356 	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetSupportedOutputDataTypesL)
   357 		{
   358 		DoCmdGetSupportedOutputDataTypesL();
   359 		}
   360 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSamplesPlayed)
   361 		{
   362 		DoCmdSamplesPlayed();
   363 		}
   364 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSamplesRecorded)
   365 		{
   366 		DoCmdSamplesRecorded();
   367 		}
   368 	else if (aCommand == KCmdVolume)
   369 		{
   370 		DoCmdVolume(aSection);
   371 		}
   372 	else if (aCommand == KCmdGain)
   373 		{
   374 		DoCmdGain(aSection);
   375 		}
   376 	else if (aCommand == KCmdFixedSequenceCount)
   377 		{
   378 		DoCmdFixedSequenceCount();
   379 		}
   380 	else if (aCommand == KCmdFixedSequenceName)
   381 		{
   382 		DoCmdFixedSequenceName(aSection);
   383 		}
   384 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetConfigL)
   385 		{
   386 		DoCmdSetConfigL(aSection);
   387 		}
   388 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetDTMFLengths)
   389 		{
   390 		DoCmdSetDTMFLengths(aSection);
   391 		}
   392 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetGain)
   393 		{
   394 		DoCmdSetGain(aSection);
   395 		}
   396 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetPlayBalanceL)
   397 		{
   398 		DoCmdSetPlayBalanceL(aSection);
   399 		}
   400 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetPrioritySettings)
   401 		{
   402 		DoCmdSetPrioritySettings(aSection);
   403 		}
   404 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetRecordBalanceL)
   405 		{
   406 		DoCmdSetRecordBalanceL(aSection);
   407 		}
   408 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetToneRepeats)
   409 		{
   410 		DoCmdSetToneRepeats(aSection);
   411 		}
   412 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetVolume)
   413 		{
   414 		DoCmdSetVolume(aSection);
   415 		}
   416 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetVolumeLoop)
   417 		{
   418 		DoCmdSetVolumeLoop(aSection);
   419 		}
   420 	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetVolumeRamp)
   421 		{
   422 		DoCmdSetVolumeRamp(aSection);
   423 		}
   424 	else if (aCommand == KCmdInitializeL)
   425 		{
   426 		DoCmdInitializeL(aSection,aAsyncErrorIndex);
   427 		}
   428 	else if (aCommand == KCmdPlayDTMFStringL)
   429 		{
   430 		DoCmdPlayDTMFStringL(aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
   431 		}
   432 	else if (aCommand == KCmdPlayData)
   433 		{
   434 		DoCmdPlayData();
   435 		}
   436 	else if (aCommand == KCmdPlayDualToneL)
   437 		{
   438 		DoCmdPlayDualToneL(aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
   439 		}
   440 	else if (aCommand == KCmdPlayInitL)
   441 		{
   442 		DoCmdPlayInitL(aAsyncErrorIndex);
   443 		}
   444 	else if (aCommand == KCmdPlayToneL)
   445 		{
   446 		DoCmdPlayToneL(aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
   447 		}
   448 	else if (aCommand == KCmdPlayToneSequenceL)
   449 		{
   450 		DoCmdPlayToneSequenceL(aSection,aAsyncErrorIndex);
   451 		}
   452 	else if (aCommand == KCmdRecordData)
   453 		{
   454 		DoCmdRecordData();
   455 		}
   456 	else if (aCommand == KCmdRecordInitL)
   457 		{
   458 		DoCmdRecordInitL(aAsyncErrorIndex);
   459 		}
   460 	else if (aCommand == KCmdStop)
   461 		{
   462 		DoCmdStop(aSection);
   463 		}
   464 	else if(aCommand == KCmdErrorConceal)
   465 		{
   466 		DoCmdUtilityErrorConceal();
   467 		}
   468 	else
   469 		{
   470 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Unknown command."));
   471 		ret=EFalse;
   472 		}
   473 	return ret;
   474 	}
   476 /**
   477  * Handles initialization completion event.
   478  * CMMFDevSound object calls this function when its InitializeL() function
   479  * completes.
   480  * @param  aError - Error code. KErrNone if successful. Other values are possible
   481  *                  indicating a problem initializing CMMFDevSound object.
   482  * @return void
   483  */
   485 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::InitializeComplete(TInt aError)
   486 	{
   487 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::InitializeComplete"));
   488 	if(KErrNone != aError)
   489 		{
   490 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("InitializeComplete callback failed with error %d"), aError);
   491 		SetAsyncError(iInitializeErrorIndex, aError);
   492         iInitializeErrorIndex = 0;
   493 		}
   494 	if(Outstanding())
   495 	{
   496     DecOutstanding();
   497 	}
   498 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::InitializeComplete"));
   499 	}
   501 /**
   502  * It's needed for playing o converting
   503  * @param aBuffer - Buffer into which data should be read. The amount of data that is
   504  *                  needed is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
   505  */
   506 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::BufferToBeFilled(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer)
   507 	{
   508 	if (!aBuffer)
   509 		{
   510 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("BufferToBeFilled callback received a NULL CMMFBuffer!"));
   511 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   512 		}
   513 	else
   514 		{
   515 		TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   516 		iBuffer = aBuffer;
   517 		iBuffer->SetLastBuffer(EFalse);
   518 		CMMFDataBuffer* buffer = static_cast <CMMFDataBuffer*> (iBuffer);
   519 		if (iPaused)
   520 			{
   521 			iPaused=EFalse;
   522 			TInt error = iAudiofile.Read(iLastSample,buffer->Data());
   523 			if (error != KErrNone)
   524 				{
   525 				ERR_PRINTF2(_L("ERROR : iFile.Read() failed with %d"), error);
   526 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
   527 				dataOk = EFalse;
   528 				}
   529 			}
   530 		else
   531 			{
   532 			TInt error = iAudiofile.Read(buffer->Data());
   533 			if (error != KErrNone)
   534 				{
   535 				ERR_PRINTF2(_L("ERROR : iFile.Read() failed with %d"), error);
   536 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
   537 				dataOk =EFalse;
   538 				}
   539 			}
   540 		if(dataOk)
   541 			{
   542 			if (buffer->Data().Length() != buffer->RequestSize())
   543 				{
   544 				iBuffer->SetLastBuffer(ETrue);
   545 				}
   546 			if (iErrorConceal)
   547 				{
   548 				iErrorConceal=EFalse;
   549 				buffer->Data().Zero();
   550 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("buffer->Data().Zero()"));
   551 				}
   552 			PlayData();
   553 			TInt pos=0;
   554 			iLastSample=iAudiofile.Seek(ESeekCurrent ,pos);
   555 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of samples played so far: %d"), pos);
   556 			iLastSample=pos;
   557 			}
   558 		}
   559 	}
   561 /**
   562 * Handles play completion or cancel event.
   563 *
   564 * CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to play audio sample
   565 * has completed, successfully or otherwise.
   566 *
   567 *   @param  aError - Error code. The status of playback. KErrUnderflow playing of the
   568 *                    audio sample is complete. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is in
   569 *                    use by another higher priority client.
   570 */
   571 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::PlayError(TInt aError)
   572 	{
   573 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::PlayError"));
   574 	if(Outstanding())
   575 	{
   576     DecOutstanding();
   577 	}
   578 	if(aError != KErrNone && aError != KErrUnderflow)
   579 	{
   580    	ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Playback completed with error %d"), aError);
   581 		SetAsyncError(iPlayErrorIndex, aError);	
   582 		iPlayErrorIndex = 0; 
   583 	}
   584 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::PlayError"));
   585 	}
   588 /**
   589  *  Handles tone play completion event.
   590  *
   591  *
   592  *  CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to play tone has
   593  *  completed, successfully or otherwise.
   594  *
   595  *  The following are the play tone functions; PlayToneL(), PlayDMTFStringL(),
   596  *  PlayToneSequenceL(), and PlayFixedSequenceL().
   597  *
   598  *  @param  aError -  Error code. The status of tone playback. KErrUnderflow playing of
   599  *                    the tone is complete. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is in use by
   600  *                    another higher priority client. KErrCancel playing of the audio
   601  *                    sample is stopped by DevSound client another higher priority client.
   602  *
   603  */
   605 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ToneFinished(TInt aError)
   606 	{
   607 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ToneFinished"));
   608 	if(Outstanding())
   609 	{
   610     DecOutstanding();
   611 	}
   612 	if(aError != KErrNone)
   613 	{
   614    	ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Tone finished with error %d"), aError);
   615 		SetAsyncError(iToneErrorIndex, aError);
   616 	  iToneErrorIndex = 0;	
   617 	}
   618 	iToneFile.Close();
   619 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ToneFinished"));
   620 	}
   622 /**
   623  * Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
   624  *
   625  * CMMFDevSound object calls this function when the buffer, aBuffer gets filled
   626  * while recording or converting. The observer should notify CMMFDevSound
   627  * object as quickly as possible after data in the buffer is processed by
   628  * calling RecordData(), otherwise the implementation might callback
   629  * the function RecordError() on derived class object with error code KErrOverflow.
   630  *
   631  * @param  aBuffer - Buffer containing processed (recorded or converted) data. The amount
   632  *                   of data that is available is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
   633  */
   635 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::BufferToBeEmptied(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer)
   636 	{
   637 	if (!aBuffer)
   638 		{
   639 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("BufferToBeEmptied callback received a NULL CMMFBuffer"));
   640 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   641 		}
   642 	else
   643 		{
   644 		iBuffer = aBuffer;
   645 		CMMFDataBuffer* buffer = static_cast <CMMFDataBuffer*> (iBuffer);
   646 		TInt error = iAudiofile.Write(buffer->Data());
   647 		if(error == KErrNone)
   648 			{
   649 			if (!aBuffer->LastBuffer())
   650 				{
   651 				RecordData();
   652 				}
   653 			else{
   654 				Stop();
   655 				}
   656 			}
   657 		else
   658 			{
   659 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("iFile.Write() returned the error %d"), error);
   660 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   661 			}
   662 		}
   663 	}
   665 /**
   666  * Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert).
   667  * This function should be synchronous and invoke no callbacks through MDevSoundObserver.
   668  */
   669 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::Stop()
   670 	{
   671 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::Stop()"));
   672 	iDevSound->Stop();
   673 	if(Outstanding())
   674 		{
   675 		DecOutstanding();
   676 		}
   677 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::Stop()"));
   678 	}
   680 /**
   681  * Handles record completion or cancel event.
   682  *
   683  * CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to record audio sample
   684  * has completed, successfully or otherwise.
   685  *
   686  * @param  aError - Error code. The status of recording. KErrOverflow audio devices
   687  *                  runs out of internal buffer. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is
   688  *                  in use by another higher priority client.
   689  *
   690  */
   692 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::RecordError(TInt aError)
   693 	{
   694 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::RecordError"));
   695 	if(aError != KErrNone)
   696 	{
   697    ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Record failed with error %d"), aError); 
   698    SetAsyncError(iRecordErrorIndex , aError);	
   699 	 iRecordErrorIndex = 0;	
   700 	}
   701 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::RecordError"));
   702 	}
   705 /**
   706  * Handles conversion completion or cancel event.
   707  *
   708  * CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to convert data from
   709  * source format to destination format has completed, successfully or otherwise.
   710  *
   711  * @param  aError - Error code. KErrCancel conversion operation is cancelled. KErrNone
   712  *                  conversion is complete. Other values are possible indicating a
   713  *                  problem converting data.
   714  */
   716 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ConvertError(TInt aError)
   717 	{
   718 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ConvertError"));
   719 	ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Callback call"));
   720 	if (aError == KErrNone)
   721 		{
   722 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Data conversion completed successfully."));
   723 		}
   724 	if (aError == KErrCancel)
   725 		{
   726 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Data conversion operation was cancelled."));
   727 		}
   728 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::ConvertError"));
   729 	}
   731 /**
   732  * Handles device event.
   733  *
   734  * CMMFDevSound object calls this function when a message is received from the
   735  * audio hardware device.
   736  *
   737  * @param   aMessageType - Defines the type of message. Used to determine how to
   738  *                         interpret the contents of aMsg.
   739  * @param   aMsg         - Message that is packed in the Descriptor format.
   740  */
   743 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DeviceMessage(TUid aMessageType, const TDesC8& aMsg)
   744 	{
   745 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DeviceMessage"));
   746 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Message type: %d"), aMessageType.iUid);
   747 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Message type: %S"), &aMsg);
   748 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DeviceMessage"));
   749 	}
   752 /**
   753  * Create a new or Replace the existing file
   754  *
   755  */
   756 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityReplaceFile(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   757 	{
   758 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityReplaceFile()"));
   759 	TPtrC fileName;
   760 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   761 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFilename, fileName))
   762 		{
   763 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KFilename);
   764 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   765 		dataOk =EFalse;
   766 		}
   767 	if(dataOk)
   768 		{
   769 		TInt error = iAudiofile.Replace(iFs, fileName, EFileRead);
   770 		if (error != KErrNone)
   771 			{
   772 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not open input file. Error = %d"), error);
   773 			SetError(error);
   774 			}
   775 		}
   777 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityReplaceFile()"));
   778 	}
   780 /**
   781  * Open a file
   782  */
   783 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityOpenFile(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   784 	{
   786 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityOpenFile()"));
   787 	TPtrC fileName;
   788 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   789 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFilename, fileName))
   790 		{
   791 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KFilename);
   792 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   793 		dataOk =EFalse;
   794 		}
   795 	if(dataOk)
   796 		{
   797 		TInt error = iAudiofile.Open(iFs, fileName, EFileRead);
   798 		if (error != KErrNone)
   799 			{
   800 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not open input file. Error = %d"), error);
   801 			iFs.Close();
   802 			SetError(error);
   803 			}
   804 		}
   805 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityOpenFile()"));
   806 	}
   808 /**
   809  * Close the opened file
   810  */
   811 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityCloseFile()
   812 	{
   813 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityCloseFile()"));
   814 	iAudiofile.Close();
   815 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityCloseFile()"));
   816 	}
   818 /**
   819  * Place the the pointer file at the begining
   820  *
   821  */
   822 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityFileStartPosition()
   823 	{
   824 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityFileStartPosition()"));
   825 	TInt filePosition = 0;
   826 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   827 	TInt error = iAudiofile.Seek(ESeekStart, filePosition);
   828 	if (error != KErrNone)
   829 		{
   830 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not set file to the start position. Error = %d"), error);
   831 		SetError(error);
   832 		dataOk =EFalse;
   833 		}
   834 	if(dataOk)
   835 		{
   836 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("File Position: %d"), filePosition);
   837 		}
   838 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityFileStartPosition()"));
   839 	}
   842 /**
   843  * Creates "n" instance of CMMFDevSound
   844  * @param aSection - Section to read from the ini file
   845  * @return void
   846  */
   847 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdNewLLoopL(const TTEFSectionName&aSection)
   848 	{
   849 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdNewLLoopL"));
   850 	CMMFDevSound* devSound = NULL;
   851 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   852 	TInt loop= 0;
   853 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLoop, loop))
   854 		{
   855 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KLoop);
   856 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   857 		dataOk = EFalse;
   858 		}
   859 	TInt allowedError=0;
   860 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KAllowedError, allowedError) )
   861 		{
   862 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KAllowedError);
   863 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   864 		dataOk = EFalse;
   865 		}
   866 	if(dataOk)
   867 		{
   868 		for(TInt i=0; i<loop; i++)
   869 			{
   870 			TRAPD(error,devSound = CMMFDevSound::NewL());
   871 			if(error == KErrNone)
   872 				{
   873 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Instance %d of DevSound was created"),i);
   874 				CleanupStack::PushL(devSound);
   875 				iObjectsDevSound.AppendL(devSound);
   876 				CleanupStack::Pop(devSound);
   877 				}
   878 			else if(error == allowedError)
   879 				{
   880 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L(" Allowing Error: %d"), error);
   881 				ERR_PRINTF2(_L(" Could not create CMMFDevSound due to error: %d"), error);
   882 				i = loop;
   883 				}
   884 			else if((error != KErrNone) && (error!=allowedError))
   885 				{
   886 				ERR_PRINTF2(_L("> Could not create CMMFDevSound: %d"), error);
   887 				SetError(error);
   888 				}
   889 			}
   890 		iObjectsDevSound.ResetAndDestroy();
   891 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%d DevSound instances were deleted"),loop);
   892 		}
   893 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdNewLLoopL"));
   894 	}
   897 /**
   898  * Create an instance of CMMFDevSound
   899  */
   900 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdNewL()
   901 	{
   902 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdNewL"));
   903 	DestroyData();
   904 	TRAPD(error,iDevSound = CMMFDevSound::NewL());
   905 	if(error!= KErrNone)
   906 		{
   907 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("> Could not create CMMFDevSound: %d"), error);
   908 		SetError(error);
   909 		}
   910 	else
   911 		{
   912 		iPaused= EFalse;
   913 		iErrorConceal = EFalse;
   914 		}
   915 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdNewL"));
   916 	}
   917 /**
   918  * Destroy an instance of CMMFDevSound
   919  */
   921 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdDestructor()
   922 	{
   923 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdDestroyData"));
   924 	DestroyData();
   925 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdDestroyData"));
   926 	}
   928 /**
   929  * Show the supported Audio settings ie. encoding, sample rates, mono/stereo operation, buffer
   930  * size, etc.
   931  * @param none
   932  * @return none
   933  */
   934 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdCapabilities()
   935 	{
   936 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdCapabilities"));
   937 	iCapabilities = iDevSound->Capabilities();
   938 	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("Supported Audio settings: buffsize=%d, channels=0x%x, encoding=0x%x and rate=0x%x"),
   939 							iCapabilities.iBufferSize,
   940 							iCapabilities.iChannels,
   941 							iCapabilities.iEncoding,
   942 							iCapabilities.iRate);
   943 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdCapabilities"));
   944 	}
   947 /**
   948  * Shows the current device configuration.
   949  * @params none
   950  * @return none
   951  */
   952 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdConfig()
   953 	{
   954 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdConfig"));
   955 	TMMFCapabilities currentConfiguration = iDevSound->Config();
   956 	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("Current device configuration: buffsize=%d, channels=0x%x, encoding=0x%x and rate=0x%x"),
   957 			currentConfiguration.iBufferSize,
   958 			currentConfiguration.iChannels,
   959 			currentConfiguration.iEncoding,
   960 			currentConfiguration.iRate);
   961 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdConfig"));
   962 	}
   965 /**
   966  * Shows an integer representing the maximum gain the device supports.
   967  * This is the maximum value which can be passed to CMMFDevSound::SetGain.
   968  * @param aSection - The section to read the params from the ini file
   969  * @return none
   970  */
   972 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdMaxGain(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   973 	{
   974 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdMaxGain"));
   975 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   976 	TInt expectedGainValue=0;
   977 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KGainValue, expectedGainValue))
   978 		{
   979 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KGainValue);
   980 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   981 		dataOk = EFalse;
   982 		}
   983 	if(dataOk)
   984 		{
   985 		iGainValue = iDevSound->MaxGain();
   986 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Retrieved maximum gain value: %d"), iGainValue);
   987 		if (expectedGainValue != iGainValue)
   988 			{
   989 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected gain value %d is different from retrieved gain value %d"), expectedGainValue, iGainValue);
   990 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   991 			}
   992 		}
   993 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdMaxGain"));
   994 	}
   996 /**
   997  * Shows an integer representing the maximum volume device supports.
   998  * This is the maximum value which can be passed to CMMFDevSound::SetVolume.
   999  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1000  * @return none
  1001  */
  1003 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdMaxVolume(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1004 	{
  1005 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdMaxVolume"));
  1006 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1007 	TInt expectedVolumeValue=0;
  1008 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KVolumeValue, expectedVolumeValue))
  1009 		{
  1010 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KVolumeValue);
  1011 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1012 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1013 		}
  1014 	if(dataOk)
  1015 		{
  1016 		iVolumeValue = iDevSound->MaxVolume();
  1017 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Retrieved maximum volume value: %d"), iVolumeValue);
  1018 		if(expectedVolumeValue != iVolumeValue)
  1019 			{
  1020 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected volume value %d is different from retrieved volume value %d"), expectedVolumeValue, iVolumeValue);
  1021 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1022 			}
  1023 		}
  1024 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdMaxVolume"));
  1025 	}
  1027 /**
  1028  * Shows the speaker balance set for playing.
  1029  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1030  * @return none
  1031  */
  1033 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetPlayBalanceL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1034 	{
  1035 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetPlayBalanceL"));
  1036 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1037 	TInt expectedLeftPercentage=0;
  1038 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLeftPercentage, expectedLeftPercentage))
  1039 		{
  1040 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KLeftPercentage);
  1041 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1042 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1043 		}
  1044 	TInt expectedRightPercentage=0;
  1045 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRightPercentage, expectedRightPercentage))
  1046 		{
  1047 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KRightPercentage);
  1048 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1049 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1050 		}
  1051 	if(dataOk)
  1052 		{
  1053 		TRAPD(error, iDevSound->GetPlayBalanceL(iLeftPercentage, iRightPercentage));
  1054 		if (error != KErrNone)
  1055 			{
  1056 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetPlayBalanceL left with error %d"), error);
  1057 			SetError(error);
  1058 			}
  1059 		else
  1060 			{
  1061 			INFO_PRINTF3(_L("> Retrieved play balance values are left: %d, right:%d"), iLeftPercentage, iRightPercentage);
  1062 			if (expectedLeftPercentage !=iLeftPercentage)
  1063 				{
  1064 				ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected left percentage value %d is different from retrieved value %d"), expectedLeftPercentage, iLeftPercentage);
  1065 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1066 				}
  1067 			if (expectedRightPercentage !=iRightPercentage)
  1068 				{
  1069 				ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected right percentage value %d is different from retrieved value %d"), expectedRightPercentage, iRightPercentage);
  1070 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1071 				}
  1072 			}
  1073 		}
  1075 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetPlayBalanceL"));
  1076 	}
  1079 /**
  1080  * Shows the microphone gain balance set for recording.
  1081  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1082  * @return none
  1083  */
  1084 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetRecordBalanceL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1085 	{
  1086 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetRecordBalanceL"));
  1087 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1088 	TInt expectedLeftPercentage=0;
  1089 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLeftPercentage, expectedLeftPercentage))
  1090 		{
  1091 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KLeftPercentage);
  1092 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1093 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1094 		}
  1095 	TInt expectedRightPercentage=0;
  1096 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRightPercentage, expectedRightPercentage))
  1097 		{
  1098 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KRightPercentage);
  1099 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1100 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1101 		}
  1102 	if(dataOk)
  1103 		{
  1104 		TRAPD(error, iDevSound->GetRecordBalanceL(iLeftPercentage, iRightPercentage));
  1105 		if (error != KErrNone)
  1106 			{
  1107 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetRecordBalanceL left with error %d"), error);
  1108 			SetError(error);
  1109 			}
  1110 		else
  1111 			{
  1112 			INFO_PRINTF3(_L("> Retrieved record balance values are left: %d, right:%d"), iLeftPercentage, iRightPercentage);
  1113 			if(expectedLeftPercentage !=iLeftPercentage)
  1114 				{
  1115 				ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected left percentage value %d is different from retrieved value %d"), expectedLeftPercentage, iLeftPercentage);
  1116 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1117 				}
  1118 			if(expectedRightPercentage !=iRightPercentage)
  1119 				{
  1120 				ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected right ercentage value %d is different from retrieved value %d"), expectedRightPercentage, iRightPercentage);
  1121 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1122 				}
  1123 			}
  1125 		}
  1126 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetRecordBalanceL"));
  1127 	}
  1129 /**
  1130  * Shows a list of the supported input datatypes that can be sent to DevSound for playing audio.
  1131  * The datatypes returned are those that the DevSound supports given the priority settings passed
  1132  * in aPrioritySettings.
  1133  * @params none
  1134  * @return none
  1135  */
  1136 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetSupportedInputDataTypesL()
  1137 	{
  1138 	TUid outputUid= {0x0};
  1139 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetSupportedInputDataTypesL"));
  1140 	RArray< TFourCC > supportedDataTypes;
  1141 	TRAPD(error, iDevSound->GetSupportedInputDataTypesL(supportedDataTypes, iPrioritySettings));
  1142 	if (error != KErrNone)
  1143 		{
  1144 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedInputDataTypesL left with error %d"), error);
  1145 		SetError(error);
  1146 		}
  1147 	else
  1148 		{
  1149 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("List of the supported input datatypes that can be sent to DevSound for playing audio."));
  1150 		for (TInt i=0; i<supportedDataTypes.Count(); i++)
  1151 			{
  1152 			TFourCC fourCC = supportedDataTypes[i];
  1153 			TBuf<4> name;
  1154 			for(TInt j=0; j<= KFourCCMaxBitDisplacement; j+=K8Bits)
  1155 				{
  1156 				name.Append((TUint8)(fourCC.FourCC() >> j));
  1157 				}
  1158 			INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Supported Input Data types: 0x%x  %S "), fourCC.FourCC(), &name);
  1159 			UtilityFourCCToHwDeviceUidL(name,EDecoder, outputUid);
  1160 			if(outputUid.iUid != 0)
  1161 				{
  1162 				INFO_PRINTF3(_L("\nHwDevice Uid=0x%08x for %S"),outputUid.iUid,&name);
  1163 				}
  1164 			else
  1165 				{
  1166 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Not Found"));
  1167 				}
  1168 			}
  1169 		supportedDataTypes.Reset();
  1170 		}
  1171 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetSupportedInputDataTypesL"));
  1172 	}
  1174 /**
  1175  * Shows a list of the supported output dataypes that can be received from DevSound for
  1176  * recording audio.  The datatypes returned are those that the DevSound supports given the priority
  1177  * settings passed in aPrioritySettings.
  1178  * @param none
  1179  * @return none
  1180  */
  1181 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetSupportedOutputDataTypesL()
  1182 	{
  1183 	TUid outputUid= {0x0};
  1184 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetSupportedOutputDataTypesL"));
  1185 	RArray< TFourCC > supportedDataTypes;
  1186 	TRAPD(error, iDevSound->GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL(supportedDataTypes, iPrioritySettings));
  1187 	if (error != KErrNone)
  1188 		{
  1189 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL left with error %d"), error);
  1190 		SetError(error);
  1191 		}
  1192 	else
  1193 		{
  1194 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("List of the supported output dataypes that can be received from DevSound for recording audio."));
  1195 		for (TInt i=0; i<supportedDataTypes.Count(); i++)
  1196 			{
  1197 			TFourCC fourCC = supportedDataTypes[i];
  1198 			TBuf<4> name;
  1199 			for(TInt j=0; j<=KFourCCMaxBitDisplacement; j+=K8Bits)
  1200 				{
  1201 				name.Append((TUint8)(fourCC.FourCC() >> j));
  1202 				}
  1203 			INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Supported Output Data types: 0x%x  %S "), fourCC.FourCC(), &name);
  1204 			UtilityFourCCToHwDeviceUidL(name, EEncoder, outputUid);
  1205 			if(outputUid.iUid != 0)
  1206 				{
  1207 				INFO_PRINTF3(_L("\nHwDevice Uid=0x%08x for %S"),outputUid.iUid,&name);
  1208 				}
  1209 			else
  1210 				{
  1211 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Not Found"));
  1212 				}
  1213 			}
  1214 		supportedDataTypes.Reset();
  1215 		}
  1216 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGetSupportedOutputDataTypesL"));
  1217 	}
  1219 /**
  1220  * Shows the number of samples played
  1221  * @param none
  1222  * @return none
  1223  */
  1224 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSamplesPlayed()
  1225 	{
  1226 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSamplesPlayed"));
  1227 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of samples played so far: %d"),iDevSound->SamplesPlayed());
  1228 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSamplesPlayed"));
  1229 	}
  1231 /**
  1232  * Shows the number of samples recorded
  1233  * @param none
  1234  * @return none
  1235  */
  1236 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSamplesRecorded()
  1237 	{
  1238 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSamplesRecorded"));
  1239 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of samples recorded so far: %d"), iDevSound->SamplesRecorded());
  1240 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSamplesRecorded"));
  1241 	}
  1243 /**
  1244  * Shows an integer representing the current volume.
  1245  * @param aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1246  * @return none
  1247  */
  1248 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdVolume(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1249 	{
  1250 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdVolume"));
  1251 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1252 	TInt expectedVolumeValue=0;
  1253 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KVolumeValue, expectedVolumeValue))
  1254 		{
  1255 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KVolumeValue);
  1256 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1257 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1258 		}
  1259 	if(dataOk)
  1260 		{
  1261 		iVolumeValue = iDevSound->Volume();
  1262 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Retrieved volume value: %d"), iVolumeValue);
  1263 		if(expectedVolumeValue != iVolumeValue)
  1264 			{
  1265 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected volume value %d is different from retrieved volume value %d"), expectedVolumeValue, iVolumeValue);
  1266 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1267 			}
  1268 		}
  1269 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdVolume"));
  1270 	}
  1272 /**
  1273  * Shows an integer representing the current gain.
  1274  * @param aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1275  * @return none
  1276  */
  1277 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGain(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1278 	{
  1279 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGain"));
  1280 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1281 	TInt expectedGainValue=0;
  1282 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KGainValue, expectedGainValue))
  1283 		{
  1284 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KGainValue);
  1285 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1286 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1287 		}
  1288 	if(dataOk)
  1289 		{
  1290 		iGainValue = iDevSound->Gain();
  1291 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Retrieved gain value: %d"), iGainValue);
  1292 		if(expectedGainValue != iGainValue)
  1293 			{
  1294 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected gain value %d is different from retrieved gain value %d"), expectedGainValue, iGainValue);
  1295 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1296 			}
  1297 		}
  1298 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdGain"));
  1299 	}
  1301 /**
  1302  * Shows the number of available pre-defined tone sequences
  1303  * @param none
  1304  * @return none
  1305  */
  1306 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdFixedSequenceCount()
  1307 	{
  1308 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdFixedSequenceCount"));
  1309 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of available pre-defined tone sequences: %d"), iDevSound->FixedSequenceCount());
  1310 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdFixedSequenceCount"));
  1311 	}
  1313 /**
  1314  * Shows the name assigned to a specific pre-defined tone sequence.
  1315  * This is the number of the fixed sequence supported by DevSound by default.
  1316  * @param aSection -  Section to read params from the ini file
  1317  * @return none
  1318  */
  1319 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdFixedSequenceName(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1320 	{
  1321 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdFixedSequenceName"));
  1322 	TBool dataOk =ETrue;
  1323 	TInt sequenceNumber=0;
  1324 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KSequenceNumber, sequenceNumber))
  1325 		{
  1326 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KSequenceNumber);
  1327 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1328 		dataOk =EFalse;
  1329 		}
  1330 	if(dataOk)
  1331 		{
  1332 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Name assigned to a specific pre-defined tone sequence returned: %S"),
  1333 					&iDevSound->FixedSequenceName(sequenceNumber));
  1334 		}
  1335 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdFixedSequenceName"));
  1336 	}
  1339 /**
  1340  * Configure CMMFDevSound object with the settings in aConfig.
  1341  * Use this to set sampling rate, encoding and mono/stereo.
  1342  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1343  * @return none
  1344  */
  1345 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetConfigL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1346 	{
  1347 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetConfigL"));
  1349 	TInt rate=0;
  1350 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("To use default values run Capabilities before SetConfigL"));
  1351 	if (!GetEnumFromConfig(aSection, KRate, iEnumSampleRate, rate))
  1352 		{
  1353 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Rate value was not overwritten, using default value %d."), iCapabilities.iRate);
  1354 		}
  1355 	else
  1356 		{
  1357 		iCapabilities.iRate = rate;
  1358 		}
  1360 	TInt encoding=0;
  1361 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KEncoding, encoding))
  1362 		{
  1363 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Encoding value was not overwritten, using default value %d."), iCapabilities.iEncoding);
  1364 		}
  1365 	else
  1366 		{
  1367 		iCapabilities.iEncoding = encoding;
  1368 		}
  1370 	TInt channels=0;
  1371 	if (!GetEnumFromConfig(aSection, KChannels, iEnumChannels, channels))
  1372 		{
  1373 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Channels value was not overwritten, using default value %d ."), iCapabilities.iChannels);
  1374 		}
  1375 	else
  1376 		{
  1377 		iCapabilities.iChannels = channels;
  1378 		}
  1380 	TInt bufferSize=0;
  1381 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KBufferSize, bufferSize))
  1382 		{
  1383 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("BufferSize value was not overwritten, using default value %d"), iCapabilities.iBufferSize);
  1384 		}
  1385 	else
  1386 		{
  1387 		iCapabilities.iBufferSize = bufferSize;
  1388 		}
  1389 	TRAPD(error,iDevSound->SetConfigL(iCapabilities))
  1390 	if(error != KErrNone)
  1391 		{
  1392 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetConfigL left with error %d"), error);
  1393 		SetError(error);
  1394 		}
  1395 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetConfigL"));
  1396 	}
  1399 /**
  1400  * Defines the duration of tone on, tone off and tone pause to be used during the
  1401  * DTMF tone playback operation.
  1402  * Supported only during tone playing.
  1403  * @param aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1404  * @return none
  1405  */
  1406 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetDTMFLengths(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1407 	{
  1408 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetDTMFLengths"));
  1409 	TInt time=0;
  1410 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1411 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KToneOnLength, time))
  1412 		{
  1413 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KToneOnLength);
  1414 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1415 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1416 		}
  1417 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 toneOnLength(time);
  1419 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KToneOffLength, time))
  1420 		{
  1421 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KToneOffLength);
  1422 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1423 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1424 		}
  1425 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 toneOffLength(time);
  1427 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPauseLength, time))
  1428 		{
  1429 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KPauseLength);
  1430 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1431 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1432 		}
  1433 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 pauseLength(time);
  1434 	if(dataOk)
  1435 		{
  1436 		iDevSound->SetDTMFLengths(toneOnLength, toneOffLength, pauseLength);
  1437 		}
  1438 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetDTMFLengths"));
  1439 	}
  1442 /**
  1443  * Changes the current recording gain to a specified value.
  1444  * The gain can be changed before or during recording and is effective
  1445  * immediately.
  1446  * @params aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1447  */
  1448 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetGain(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1449 	{
  1450 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetGain"));
  1451 	TInt gainValue = iGainValue;
  1452 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KGainValue, gainValue))
  1453 		{
  1454 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The Gain value was not found in the ini file, using default value"));
  1455 		}
  1456 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Setting gain value to %d"), gainValue);
  1457 	iDevSound->SetGain(gainValue);
  1458 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetGain"));
  1459 	}
  1461 /**
  1462  * Sets the speaker balance for playing.
  1463  * The speaker balance can be changed before or during playback and is
  1464  * effective immediately.
  1465  * @param aSection - The section to read params from the ini file
  1466  * @return none
  1467  */
  1468 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetPlayBalanceL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1469 	{
  1470 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetPlayBalanceL"));
  1471 	TInt leftPercentage = iLeftPercentage;
  1472 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLeftPercentage, leftPercentage))
  1473 		{
  1474 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The Left percentage was not found in the ini file, using default value"));
  1475 		}
  1476 	TInt rightPercentage = iRightPercentage;
  1477 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRightPercentage, rightPercentage))
  1478 		{
  1479 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The Right percentage was not found in the ini file, using default value"));
  1480 		}
  1481 	INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Setting play balance to left: %d, right: %d values"), leftPercentage, rightPercentage);
  1482 	TRAPD(error, iDevSound->SetPlayBalanceL(leftPercentage, rightPercentage));
  1483 	if(error != KErrNone)
  1484 		{
  1485 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetPlayBalanceL left with error %d"), error);
  1486 		SetError(error);
  1487 		}
  1488 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetPlayBalanceL"));
  1489 	}
  1491 /**
  1492  * Defines the priority settings that should be used for this instance.
  1493  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1494  * @return none
  1495  */
  1496 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetPrioritySettings(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1497 	{
  1498 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetPrioritySettings"));
  1499 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1500 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPriority, iPrioritySettings.iPriority))
  1501 		{
  1502 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KPriority);
  1503 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1504 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1505 		}
  1506 	TInt preference=0;
  1507 	if (!GetHexFromConfig(aSection, KPreference, preference))
  1508 		{
  1509 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S parameter was not found in INI file"), &KPreference);
  1510 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1511 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1512 		}
  1513 	iPrioritySettings.iPref = (TMdaPriorityPreference)preference;
  1514 	TInt state=0;
  1515 	if (!GetEnumFromConfig(aSection, KPriorityState, iEnumMode, state))
  1516 		{
  1517 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KPriorityState);
  1518 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1519 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1520 		}
  1521 	iPrioritySettings.iState = (TMMFState)state;
  1522 	if(dataOk)
  1523 		{
  1524 		iDevSound->SetPrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
  1525 		}
  1526 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetPrioritySettings"));
  1527 	}
  1529 /**
  1530  * Sets the microphone gain balance for recording.
  1531  * The microphone gain balance can be changed before or during recording and
  1532  * is effective immediately.
  1533  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1534  * @return none
  1535  */
  1536 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetRecordBalanceL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1537 	{
  1538 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetRecordBalanceL"));
  1539 	TInt leftPercentage = iLeftPercentage;
  1540 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLeftPercentage, leftPercentage))
  1541 		{
  1542 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The Left value was not found in the ini file, using default value"));
  1543 		}
  1544 	TInt rightPercentage = iRightPercentage;
  1545 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRightPercentage, rightPercentage))
  1546 		{
  1547 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The Right value was not found in the ini file, using default value"));
  1548 		}
  1549 	INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Setting record balance to left: %d, right: %d values"), leftPercentage, rightPercentage);
  1550 	TRAPD(error, iDevSound->SetRecordBalanceL(leftPercentage, rightPercentage));
  1551 	if (KErrNone != error)
  1552 		{
  1553 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetRecordBalanceL left with error %d"), error);
  1554 		SetError(error);
  1555 		}
  1556 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetRecordBalanceL"));
  1557 	}
  1559 /**
  1560  * Defines the number of times the audio is to be repeated during the tone
  1561  * playback operation.
  1562  * A period of silence can follow each playing of a tone. The tone playing can
  1563  * be repeated indefinitely.
  1564  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1565  * @return none
  1566  */
  1567 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetToneRepeats(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1568 	{
  1569 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetToneRepeats"));
  1570 	TInt repeatCount=0;
  1571 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1572 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRepeatCount, repeatCount))
  1573 		{
  1574 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KRepeatCount);
  1575 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1576 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1577 		}
  1579 	TInt tempValue=0;
  1580 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRepeatTrailingSilence, tempValue))
  1581 		{
  1582 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KRepeatTrailingSilence);
  1583 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1584 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1585 		}
  1586 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds repeatTrailingSilence(tempValue);
  1588 	if(dataOk)
  1589 		{
  1590 		iDevSound->SetToneRepeats(repeatCount, repeatTrailingSilence);
  1591 		}
  1592 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetToneRepeats"));
  1593 	}
  1595 /**
  1596  * Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from
  1597  * nothing to the normal volume level.
  1598  * The function is only available while the tone is playing.
  1599  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1600  * @return none
  1601  */
  1602 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolume(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1603 	{
  1604 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolume"));
  1605 	TInt volume = iVolumeValue;
  1606 	if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KVolumeValue, volume))
  1607 		{
  1608 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The Volume value was not found in the ini file, using default value"));
  1609 		}
  1610 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Setting volume value to %d"), volume);
  1611 	iDevSound->SetVolume(volume);
  1612 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolume"));
  1613 	}
  1615 /**
  1616  * Defines the loop over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from
  1617  * nothing to the normal volume level.
  1618  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1619  * @return none
  1620  */
  1621 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolumeLoop(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1622 	{
  1623 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolumeLoop"));
  1624 	TInt volLoop=0;
  1625 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1626 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KVolumeLoop, volLoop))
  1627 		{
  1628 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KVolumeLoop);
  1629 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1630 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1631 		}
  1632 	if(dataOk)
  1633 		{
  1634 		TPtrC parVolume;
  1635 		TInt volumeValue=0;
  1636 		RPointerArray<HBufC> volumeList;
  1637 		for (TInt i=0; i<volLoop; i++)
  1638 			{
  1639 			if (!GetArrayRectFromConfig(aSection, KVolumeList, volumeList))
  1640 				{
  1641 				ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KVolumeList);
  1642 				volumeList.ResetAndDestroy();
  1643 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1644 				dataOk = EFalse;
  1645 				}
  1646 			if(dataOk)
  1647 				{
  1648 				for (TInt j=0; j<volumeList.Count(); j++)
  1649 					{
  1650 					parVolume.Set(*volumeList[j]);
  1651 					TLex lex(parVolume);
  1652 					TInt error = lex.Val(volumeValue);
  1653 					if (error != KErrNone)
  1654 						{
  1655 						ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Obtaining volume value failed with error %d"), error);
  1656 						SetError(error);
  1657 						volumeList.ResetAndDestroy();
  1658 						}
  1659 					else
  1660 						{
  1661 						INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Setting volume number %d in the iteration number %d"), j, i);
  1662 						iDevSound->SetVolume(volumeValue);
  1663 						}
  1664 					}
  1665 				}
  1666 			}
  1667 		volumeList.ResetAndDestroy();
  1668 		}
  1669 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolumeLoop"));
  1670 	}
  1672 /**
  1673  * Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from
  1674  * nothing to the normal volume level.
  1675  * The function is only available while the tone is playing.
  1676  * @param aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1677  * @return none
  1678  */
  1679 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolumeRamp(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  1680 	{
  1681 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolumeRamp"));
  1682 	TInt tempValue=0;
  1683 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1684 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRampDuration, tempValue))
  1685 		{
  1686 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KRampDuration);
  1687 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1688 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1689 		}
  1690 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds rampDuration(tempValue);
  1692 	if(dataOk)
  1693 		{
  1694 		iDevSound->SetVolumeRamp(rampDuration);
  1695 		}
  1696 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdSetVolumeRamp"));
  1697 	}
  1699 /**
  1700  * Initializes DevSound object for the mode aMode for processing audio data
  1701  * with hardware device aHWDev and supporting FourCC.
  1702  * Too Initializes CMMFDevSound object to play and record PCM16 raw audio data
  1703  * with sampling rate of 8 KHz.
  1704  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1705  */
  1706 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdInitializeL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  1707 	{
  1708 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdInitializeL"));
  1709 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1710 	TInt mode=0;
  1711 	if (!GetEnumFromConfig(aSection, KMode, iEnumMode, mode))
  1712 		{
  1713 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KMode);
  1714 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1715 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1716 		}
  1717 	else
  1718 		{
  1719 		TInt hwDeviceInt=0;
  1720 		if (!GetHexFromConfig(aSection, KHwDevice, hwDeviceInt))
  1721 			{
  1722 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S parameter was not found in INI file"), &KHwDevice);
  1723 			TPtrC fourCCIniString;
  1724 			if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFourCC, fourCCIniString))
  1725 				{
  1726 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S parameter was not found in INI file"), &KFourCC);
  1727 				if (dataOk)
  1728 					{
  1729 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initializing DevSound with overload: void InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver &aDevSoundObserver, TMMFState aMode)"));
  1730 					TRAPD(error, iDevSound->InitializeL(*this, (TMMFState)mode));
  1731 					if(KErrNone != error)
  1732 						{
  1733 						ERR_PRINTF2(_L("InitializeL(aMDevSoundObserver, mode) left with error %d"), error);
  1734 						SetError(error);
  1735 						}
  1736 					}
  1737 				}
  1738 			else
  1739 				{
  1740 				if (fourCCIniString.Length() > KTFourCC)
  1741 					{
  1742 					ERR_PRINTF2(_L("FourCC obtained from INI file exceeded the valid length in %d"), fourCCIniString.Length());
  1743 					SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1744 					dataOk = EFalse;
  1745 					}
  1746 				if (dataOk)
  1747 					{
  1748 					TBuf<256> fourCCString;
  1749 					fourCCString.Copy(fourCCIniString);
  1750 					while (fourCCString.Length() < KTFourCC)
  1751 						{
  1752 						fourCCString.Insert(0, _L(" "));
  1753 						}
  1754 					TFourCC fourCC;
  1755 					fourCC = TFourCC(fourCCString[3] << 24 | fourCCString[2] << 16 | fourCCString[1] << 8 | fourCCString[0]);
  1756 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initializing DevSound with overload: void InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver &aDevSoundObserver, TFourCC aDesiredFourCC, TMMFState aMode)"));
  1757 					TRAPD(error, iDevSound->InitializeL(*this, fourCC, (TMMFState)mode));
  1758 					if(KErrNone!=error)
  1759 						{
  1760 						ERR_PRINTF2(_L("InitializeL(aMDevSoundObserver, fourCC, mode) left with error %d"), error);
  1761 						ERR_PRINTF2(_L(" %S Not supported in this device"), &fourCCString);
  1762 						SetError(error);
  1763 						SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1764 						}
  1765 					}
  1766 				}
  1767 			}
  1768 		else
  1769 			{
  1770 			if (dataOk)
  1771 				{
  1772 				TUid hwDevice;
  1773 				hwDevice.iUid = hwDeviceInt;
  1774 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initializing DevSound with overload: void InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver &aDevSoundObserver, TUid aHWDev, TMMFState aMode)"));
  1775 				TRAPD(error, iDevSound->InitializeL(*this, hwDevice, (TMMFState)mode));
  1776 				if(KErrNone != error)
  1777 					{
  1778 					ERR_PRINTF2(_L("InitializeL(aMDevSoundObserver, hwDevice, mode) left with error %d"), error);
  1779 					SetError(error);
  1780 					}
  1781 				}
  1782 			}
  1783 		}
  1785 	if (dataOk)
  1786 		{
  1787 		IncOutstanding();
  1788         iInitializeErrorIndex = aAsyncErrorIndex;
  1789 		}
  1790 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdInitializeL"));
  1791 	}
  1794 /**
  1795  * Initializes the audio device and starts playing the DTMF string aDTMFString.
  1796  * @param aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1797  * @return none
  1798  */
  1799 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayDTMFStringL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  1800 	{
  1801 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayDTMFStringL"));
  1802 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1803 	TPtrC dtmfString;
  1804 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KDTMFString, dtmfString) )
  1805 		{
  1806 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KDTMFString);
  1807 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1808 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1809 		}
  1810 	if(dataOk)
  1811 		{
  1812 		TRAPD( error, iDevSound->PlayDTMFStringL(dtmfString) );
  1813 		if(error != KErrNone)
  1814 			{
  1815 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play DTMF string failed with error: %d "), error);
  1816 			SetError(error);
  1817 			}
  1818 		else
  1819 			{
  1820 			iToneErrorIndex = aAsyncErrorIndex;
  1821 			IncOutstanding();
  1822 			}
  1823 		}
  1825 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayDTMFStringL"));
  1826 	}
  1828 /**
  1829  * Plays data in the buffer at the current volume.
  1830  * @param
  1831  * @return
  1832  */
  1833 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayData()
  1834 	{
  1835 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayData"));
  1836 	PlayData();
  1837 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayData"));
  1838 	}
  1840 /**
  1841  * Helper for the DoCmdPlayData command
  1842  */
  1843 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::PlayData()
  1844 	{
  1845 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CT_CMMFDevSoundData::PlayData()"));
  1846 	iDevSound->PlayData();
  1847 	}
  1849 /**
  1850  * Initializes audio device and starts playing a dual tone.
  1851  * The generated tone consists of two sine waves of different frequencies summed together.
  1852  * Dual Tone is played with the specified frequencies and for the specified duration.
  1853  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file.
  1854  * @return none
  1855  */
  1856 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayDualToneL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection , const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  1857 	{
  1858 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayDualToneL"));
  1859 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1860 	TInt frequencyOne=0;
  1861 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFrequencyOne, frequencyOne) )
  1862 		{
  1863 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KFrequencyOne);
  1864 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1865 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1866 		}
  1868 	TInt frequencyTwo=0;
  1869 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFrequencyTwo, frequencyTwo) )
  1870 		{
  1871 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KFrequencyTwo);
  1872 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1873 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1874 		}
  1876 	TInt duration=0;
  1877 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KDuration, duration) )
  1878 		{
  1879 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KDuration);
  1880 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1881 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1882 		}
  1883 	if(dataOk)
  1884 		{
  1885 		TRAPD( error, iDevSound->PlayDualToneL(frequencyOne, frequencyTwo, duration) );
  1886 		if(error != KErrNone)
  1887 			{
  1888 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play dual tone failed with error %d"), error);
  1889 			SetError(error);
  1890 			}
  1891 		else
  1892 			{
  1893 			iToneErrorIndex =  aAsyncErrorIndex;
  1894 			IncOutstanding();
  1895 			}
  1896 		}
  1898 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayDualToneL"));
  1899 	}
  1902 /**
  1903  * Initializes the audio device and starts the play process.
  1904  *
  1905  * This function queries and acquires the audio policy before initializing audio device. If there was
  1906  * an error during policy initialization, PlayError() function will be called on    the observer with
  1907  * error code KErrAccessDenied, otherwise BufferToBeFilled() function will be called with a buffer
  1908  * reference. After reading data into the buffer reference passed, the client should call PlayData() to play data.
  1909  *
  1910  * The amount of data that can be played is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize(). Any data that is read into
  1911  * buffer beyond this size will be ignored.
  1912  * @param none
  1913  * @return none
  1914  */
  1915 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayInitL(const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  1916 	{
  1917 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayInitL"));
  1918 	TRAPD(error, iDevSound->PlayInitL());
  1919 	if (error != KErrNone)
  1920 		{
  1921 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("PlayInitL left with error %d"), error);
  1922 		SetError(error);
  1923 		}
  1924 	else
  1925 		{
  1926 		iPlayErrorIndex =  aAsyncErrorIndex;
  1927 		IncOutstanding();
  1928 		}
  1929 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayInitL"));
  1930 	}
  1932 /**
  1933  * Initializes the audio device and starts playing a tone. The tone is played with the
  1934  * frequency and duration specified.
  1935  * @param aSection - Section to read params from the ini file
  1936  * @return none
  1937  */
  1938 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayToneL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection , const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  1939 	{
  1940 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayToneL"));
  1941 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1942 	TInt frequency=0;
  1943 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFrequency, frequency))
  1944 		{
  1945 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KFrequency);
  1946 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1947 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1948 		}
  1950 	TInt duration=0;
  1951 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KDuration, duration))
  1952 		{
  1953 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KDuration);
  1954 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1955 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1956 		}
  1957 	if(dataOk)
  1958 		{
  1959 		TRAPD(error, iDevSound->PlayToneL(frequency, duration));
  1960 		if (error != KErrNone)
  1961 			{
  1962 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play tone failed with error %d"), error);
  1963 			SetError(error);
  1964 			}
  1965 		else
  1966 			{
  1967 			iToneErrorIndex =  aAsyncErrorIndex;
  1968 			IncOutstanding();
  1969 			}
  1970 		}
  1971 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayToneL"));
  1972 	}
  1974 /**
  1975  * Initializes the audio device and starts playing a tone sequence.
  1976  * @param aSection - Section to read param from the ini file
  1977  * @return none
  1978  */
  1979 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayToneSequenceL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection , const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  1980 	{
  1981 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayToneSequenceL"));
  1982 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
  1983 	TPtrC toneFileParameter;
  1984 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFilename, toneFileParameter))
  1985 		{
  1986 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KFilename);
  1987 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1988 		dataOk = EFalse;
  1989 		}
  1990 	if(dataOk)
  1991 		{
  1992 		TInt error = iToneFile.Open(iFs, toneFileParameter, EFileRead);
  1993 		if (error != KErrNone)
  1994 			{
  1995 			ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Open file failed with error %d"), error);
  1996 			SetError(EFail);
  1997 			}
  1998 		else
  1999 			{
  2000 			error = iToneFile.Read(iToneSequence);
  2001 			if (error != KErrNone)
  2002 				{
  2003 				ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Read file failed with error %d"), error);
  2004 				SetError(EFail);
  2005 				}
  2006 			else
  2007 				{
  2008 				TRAP(error, iDevSound->PlayToneSequenceL(iToneSequence));
  2009 				if (error != KErrNone)
  2010 					{
  2011 					ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play tone sequence failed with error %d"), error);
  2012 					SetError(error);
  2013 					}
  2014 				else
  2015 					{
  2016 				  iToneErrorIndex =  aAsyncErrorIndex;
  2017 					IncOutstanding();
  2018 					}
  2019 				}
  2020 			}
  2021 		}
  2022 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdPlayToneSequenceL"));
  2023 	}
  2025 /**
  2026  * Contine the process of recording.
  2027  *
  2028  * Once the buffer is filled with recorded  data, the Observer gets a reference to the buffer along
  2029  * with the callback function BufferToBeEmptied(). After processing the buffer (copying over to a
  2030  * different buffer or writing to file) the client should call this function to continue the
  2031  * recording process.
  2032  * @param none
  2033  * @return none
  2034  */
  2035 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdRecordData()
  2036 	{
  2037 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdRecordData"));
  2038 	RecordData();
  2039 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdRecordData"));
  2040 	}
  2042 /**
  2043  * Helper method to DoCmdRecordData command
  2044  */
  2045 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::RecordData()
  2046 	{
  2047 	iDevSound->RecordData();
  2048 	}
  2050 /**
  2051  * Initializes audio device and starts the recording process.
  2052  *
  2053  * This command queries and acquires the audio policy before initializing audio device. If there
  2054  * was an error during policy initialization, RecordError() function will be called on the observer
  2055  * with error code KErrAccessDenied, otherwise BufferToBeEmptied()  function will be called with a
  2056  * buffer reference. This buffer contains recorded  or encoded data. After processing data in the
  2057  * buffer reference passed, the client should call RecordData() to continue recording process.
  2058  *
  2059  * The amount of data that is available is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
  2060  * @param none
  2061  * @return none
  2062  */
  2063 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdRecordInitL(const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
  2064 	{
  2065 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdRecordInitL"));
  2066 	iRecordErrorIndex = aAsyncErrorIndex;	
  2067 	TRAPD(error, iDevSound->RecordInitL());
  2068 	if (error != KErrNone)
  2069 		{
  2070 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("RecordInitL left with error %d"), error);
  2071 		SetError(error);
  2072 		}
  2073 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdRecordInitL"));
  2074 	}
  2077 /**
  2078  * Conceal an error
  2079  * @param none
  2080  * @return none
  2081  */
  2082 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdUtilityErrorConceal()
  2083 	{
  2084 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdErrorConceal"));
  2085 	iErrorConceal=ETrue;
  2086 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdErrorConceal"));
  2087 	}
  2089 /**
  2090  * Stop an audio file
  2091  * @param none
  2092  * @return none
  2093  */
  2094 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdStop(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
  2095 	{
  2096 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdStop"));
  2097 	TBool pause;
  2098 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection,KPause,pause))
  2099 		{
  2100 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The DoCmdStop command will be execute"));
  2101 		pause = EFalse;
  2102 		}
  2103 	iPaused=pause;
  2104 	if(iPaused)
  2105 		{
  2106 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("a Pause was required"));
  2107 		}
  2108 	Stop();
  2109 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_CMMFDevSoundData::DoCmdStop"));
  2110 	}
  2115 /**
  2116  * Utility for get the HwDevice for play and recording
  2117  */
  2119 void CT_CMMFDevSoundData::UtilityFourCCToHwDeviceUidL(const TDesC& aFourCC, THwDeviceType aType, TUid& aHwDeviceUid)
  2120 	{
  2121 	TPtrC8 fourCCPtr(0,0);
  2122 	TPtrC8 fourCCP16Ptr(0,0);
  2123 	RImplInfoPtrArray impArray;
  2124 	CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(impArray);
  2125 	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(TUid::Uid(KMmfUidPluginInterfaceHwDevice), impArray);
  2126 	TBuf<KHwDeviceDefaultDataLength> datatype;
  2127 	for(TInt i = 0; i < impArray.Count(); ++i)
  2128 		{
  2129 		CImplementationInformation& entry = *(impArray[i]);
  2130 		// Validate lenght
  2131 		if (entry.DataType().Length() == KHwDeviceDefaultDataLength)
  2132 			{
  2133 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Implementation UID=0x%08x"),entry.ImplementationUid());
  2134 			datatype.Copy(entry.DataType());
  2135 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Default data (fourCCs)=%S"), &datatype);
  2136 			// Extract FourCC
  2137 			if(aType == EDecoder)
  2138 				{
  2139 				fourCCPtr.Set(entry.DataType().Left(KFourCCLength));
  2140 				fourCCP16Ptr.Set(entry.DataType().Right(KFourCCLength));
  2141 				}
  2142 			else if (aType == EEncoder)
  2143 				{
  2144 				fourCCPtr.Set(entry.DataType().Right(KFourCCLength));
  2145 				fourCCP16Ptr.Set(entry.DataType().Left(KFourCCLength));
  2146 				}
  2147 			// Compare FourCC
  2148 			TBuf16<4> foundFourCC;
  2149 			foundFourCC.Copy(fourCCPtr);
  2150 			if(aFourCC.CompareF(foundFourCC) == 0)
  2151 				{
  2152 				aHwDeviceUid = entry.ImplementationUid();
  2153 				break;
  2154 				}
  2155 			}
  2156 		}
  2157 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&impArray);
  2158 	REComSession::FinalClose();
  2159 	}