changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 //
     2 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 // All rights reserved.
     4 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 //
     9 // Initial Contributors:
    10 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 //
    12 // Contributors:
    13 //
    14 // Description:
    15 //
    16 //! @file
    17 //! @SYMTestSuiteName multimedia_telephony-validation-manual-outgoingcall_rec
    18 //! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment This test script requires a basic ROM.
    19 // 
    20 // Tests all public elements of the RMobileCall, CMMFDevSound, Crepository, CAudioInput
    21 // classes as a means of confidence that the APIs work as expected.
    22 // 
    23 // The purpose is to provide a regression test suite of PublishedAll
    24 // APIs for: RMobileCall, CMMFDevSound, Crepository, CAudioInput
    25 // Voice Call tests are intended for semi-automatic testing because dialing/ answering calls require user interaction.
    26 //
    30 LOAD_SUITE t_etelmm_devsound
    39 //!@SYMAPI
    40 //!                RLine::Open(RPhone{ref}; const TDesC{ref});
    41 //!                RLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChange (TRequestStatus{ref}; RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus{ref});
    42 //!                RCall::OpenExistingCall(RLine{ref}; const TDesC{ref});
    43 //!                RCall::GetCaps(TCaps{ref});
    44 //!                TCallInfo::AnswerIncomingCall(const TDesC8{ref});
    45 //!                RCall::Dial(TRequestStatus{ref} aStatus,const TTelNumberC{ref});
    46 //!                TCallInfo::HangUp(TRequestStatus{ref});
    47 //!                RCall::Close( )
    48 //!                RLine::Close( )
    49 //!                CMMFDevSound::SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings )
    50 //!                CMMFDevSound::Capabilities()
    51 //!                CMMFDevSound::SetConfigL(const TMMFCapabilities )
    52 //!                CMMFDevSound::PlayInitL()
    53 //!                CMMFDevSound::Stop()
    54 //!@SYMAuthor			jpacho
    55 //!@SYMCreationDate		22/9/08
    56 //!@SYMTestCaseDesc		AA_Audio routing - MO CS call with different output preferences
    57 //!@SYMTestActions
    58 //!                1. Open telephony server
    59 //!                2. Open mobile phone (RTelServer = telserver1; Phone = 0)
    60 //!                3. Create first DevSound instance
    61 //!                4. Create second DevSound instance
    62 //!                5. Create AudioInput instance(DevSoundInstanceName=devsound1)
    63 //!                6. Create Telephony routing instance
    64 //!                7. Get available outputs
    65 //!                8. Set audio input  (AudioInput=Input_DefaultMic)
    66 //!                9. Get current output
    67 //!                10. Set telephony output (Output=EEarPiece)
    68 //!                11. Open line (Line = Voice1;RMobilePhone=mobilephone1)
    69 //!                12. Open new call (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
    70 //!                13. Get VoiceCall capabilities for the call (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Capabilities = VoiceCall; Call = 1)
    71 //!                14. Dial (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1; PhoneNumber = {PHONENUMBERS, PhoneNumber1}; CallTimeout = 10)
    72 //!                15. Initialize DevSound instance 2 (InitializeMode =EInitializeHwDeviceMode; Mode = EMMFStatePlaying; FourCC=MP3)
    73 //!                16. Initialize DevSound instance 1 (InitializeMode =EInitializeHwDeviceMode; Mode = EMMFStateRecording; FourCC=AMR)
    74 //!                17. Set priority settings DS instance 2 (Priority = {Priority, PriorityAudioPlayback}; Preference = {PriorityPreference, PriorityPreferenceAudioPlayback}; PriorityState=EMMFStatePlaying)
    75 //!                18. Set priority settings DS instance 1 (Priority = {Priority, PriorityVoipCallUp}; Preference = {PriorityPreference, PriorityPreferenceVoipCallUp}; PriorityState=EMMFStateRecording)
    76 //!                19. Get DS instance 2 capabilities
    77 //!                20. Get DS instance 1 capabilities
    78 //!                21. Set Configuration DS instance 2 (Channels = EMMFStereo; Rate = EMMFSampleRate44100Hz)
    79 //!                22. Set Configuration DS instance 1 (Channels = EMMFMono; Rate = EMMFSampleRate8000Hz)
    80 //!                23. Open file  for playing (Filename = {drive,mmc}\multimedia\mmf\devsound\mp3\MP3_44.1k_128kbps_st_Test3.mp3)
    81 //!                24. ReplaceFile for recording (Filename = {drive,mmc}\multimedia\mmf\devsound\Recording\RecVioceCall1.amr)
    82 //!                25. Start record in DevSound instance 1
    83 //!                26. Start playing in DevSound instance 2
    84 //!                27. Get current output
    85 //!                28. Set telephony output 10s  (Output=ELoudSpeaker)
    86 //!                29. Get current output
    87 //!                30. Set telephony output 10s  (Output=EEarPiece)
    88 //!                31. Stop record
    89 //!                32. Stop play
    90 //!                33. Close file recorded
    91 //!                34. Close file played
    92 //!                35. Get call duration (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
    93 //!                36. Hang up (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
    94 //!                37. Close call (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
    95 //!                38. Close line
    96 //!                39. Close mobile phone
    97 //!                40. Close telephomy server
    98 //!                41.  Get currrent output
    99 //!                42. Set telephony output (Output=ENotActive)
   100 //!                43. Destroy telephony routing instance
   101 //!                44. Destroy DevSound instance 1
   102 //!                45. Destroy DevSound instance 2
   103 //!@SYMTestStatus		On Work
   104 //!@SYMTestPriority		High
   105 //!@SYMTestExpectedResults
   106 //!                Function does not leave nor panic. Call is dialed, after answered starts the play and the record to the end, later stops the play and record and finally the call is hanged it up
   107 //!@SYMTestType			CIT
   109 	START_TEST_BLOCK	300	t_etelmm_devsound	\mixed_technology\telephony_devsound\multimedia_telephony-validation-manual-outgoingcall_rec.ini
   110 		CREATE_OBJECT	CMMFDevSound		devsound1
   111 		CREATE_OBJECT	CMMFDevSound		devsound2
   112 		CREATE_OBJECT	RTelServer		telserver1
   113 		CREATE_OBJECT	RMobilePhone		mobilephone1
   114 		CREATE_OBJECT	RMobileLine		mobileline1
   115 		CREATE_OBJECT	RMobileCall		mobilecall1
   116 		CREATE_OBJECT	CAudioInput		audioinput1
   117 		CREATE_OBJECT	CTelephonyAudioRouting		telephonyaudiorouting1
   118 		COMMAND		telserver1		Connect
   119 		COMMAND		mobilephone1		Open			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-Open_command02
   120 		COMMAND		devsound1		NewL
   121 		COMMAND		devsound2		NewL
   122 		COMMAND		audioinput1		NewL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-NewL_command05
   123 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		NewL
   124 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		AvailableOutputs
   125 		COMMAND		audioinput1		SetAudioInput			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetAudioInput_command08
   126 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   127 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetOutputL_command10
   129 		COMMAND		mobileline1		Open			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-Open_command11
   130 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		OpenNewCall			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-OpenNewCall_command12
   131 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		GetCaps			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-GetCaps_command13
   132 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		Dial			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-Dial_command14
   134 		COMMAND		devsound2		InitializeL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-InitializeL_command15
   136 		COMMAND		devsound1		InitializeL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-InitializeL_command16
   138 		COMMAND		devsound2		SetPrioritySettings			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetPrioritySettings_command17
   139 		COMMAND		devsound1		SetPrioritySettings			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetPrioritySettings_command18
   140 		COMMAND		devsound2		Capabilities
   141 		COMMAND		devsound1		Capabilities
   142 		COMMAND		devsound2		SetConfigL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetConfigL_command21
   143 		COMMAND		devsound1		SetConfigL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetConfigL_command22
   144 		COMMAND		devsound2		OpenFile			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-OpenFile_command23
   145 		COMMAND		devsound1		ReplaceFile			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-ReplaceFile_command24
   146 		COMMAND		devsound1		RecordInitL
   147 		COMMAND		devsound2		PlayInitL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-PlayInitL_command26
   149 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   150 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetOutputL_command28
   152 		DELAY  10000000 
   153 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   154 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetOutputL_command30
   156 		DELAY  10000000 
   157 		COMMAND		devsound1		Stop
   158 		COMMAND		devsound2		Stop
   159 		COMMAND		devsound1		CloseFile
   160 		COMMAND		devsound2		CloseFile
   161 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		GetCallDuration			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-GetCallDuration_command35
   162 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		HangUp			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-HangUp_command36
   164 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		Close			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-Close_command37
   165 		COMMAND		mobileline1		Close
   166 		COMMAND		mobilephone1		Close
   167 		COMMAND		telserver1		Close
   168 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   169 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0001-0001-SetOutputL_command42
   171 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		~
   172 		COMMAND		devsound1		~
   173 		COMMAND		devsound2		~
   183 //!@SYMAPI
   184 //!                RLine::Open(RPhone{ref}; const TDesC{ref});
   185 //!                RLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChange (TRequestStatus{ref}; RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus{ref});
   186 //!                RCall::OpenExistingCall(RLine{ref}; const TDesC{ref});
   187 //!                RCall::GetCaps(TCaps{ref});
   188 //!                TCallInfo::AnswerIncomingCall(const TDesC8{ref});
   189 //!                RCall::Dial(TRequestStatus{ref} aStatus,const TTelNumberC{ref});
   190 //!                TCallInfo::HangUp(TRequestStatus{ref});
   191 //!                RCall::Close( )
   192 //!                RLine::Close( )
   193 //!                CMMFDevSound::SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings )
   194 //!                CMMFDevSound::Capabilities()
   195 //!                CMMFDevSound::SetConfigL(const TMMFCapabilities )
   196 //!                CMMFDevSound::PlayInitL()
   197 //!                CMMFDevSound::Stop()
   198 //!@SYMAuthor			jpacho
   199 //!@SYMCreationDate		22/9/08
   200 //!@SYMTestCaseDesc		AA_Audio routing - MO CS call with different output preferences when accessory is used
   201 //!@SYMTestActions
   202 //!                1. Open telephony server
   203 //!                2. Open mobile phone (RTelServer = telserver1; Phone = 0)
   204 //!                3. Create first DevSound instance
   205 //!                4. Create second DevSound instance
   206 //!                5. Create AudioInput instance(DevSoundInstanceName=devsound1)
   207 //!                6. Create Telephony routing instance
   208 //!                7. Get available outputs
   209 //!                8. Set audio input  (AudioInput=Input_DefaultMic)
   210 //!                9. Get current output
   211 //!                10. Set telephony output (Output=EHeadSet)
   212 //!                11. Open line (Line = Voice1;RMobilePhone=mobilephone1)
   213 //!                12. Open new call (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
   214 //!                13. Get VoiceCall capabilities for the call (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Capabilities = VoiceCall; Call = 1)
   215 //!                14. Dial (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1; PhoneNumber = {PHONENUMBERS, PhoneNumber1}; CallTimeout = 10)
   216 //!                15. Initialize DevSound instance 2 (InitializeMode =EInitializeHwDeviceMode; Mode = EMMFStatePlaying; FourCC=MP3)
   217 //!                16. Initialize DevSound instance 1 (InitializeMode =EInitializeHwDeviceMode; Mode = EMMFStateRecording; FourCC=AMR)
   218 //!                17. Set priority settings DS instance 2 (Priority = {Priority, PriorityAudioPlayback}; Preference = {PriorityPreference, PriorityPreferenceAudioPlayback}; PriorityState=EMMFStatePlaying)
   219 //!                18. Set priority settings DS instance 1 (Priority = {Priority, PriorityVoipCallUp}; Preference = {PriorityPreference, PriorityPreferenceVoipCallUp}; PriorityState=EMMFStateRecording)
   220 //!                19. Get DS instance 2 capabilities
   221 //!                20. Get DS instance 1 capabilities
   222 //!                21. Set Configuration DS instance 2 (Channels = EMMFStereo; Rate = EMMFSampleRate44100Hz)
   223 //!                22. Set Configuration DS instance 1 (Channels = EMMFMono; Rate = EMMFSampleRate8000Hz)
   224 //!                23. Open file  for playing (Filename = {drive,mmc}\multimedia\mmf\devsound\mp3\MP3_44.1k_128kbps_st_Test3.mp3)
   225 //!                24. ReplaceFile for recording (Filename = {drive,mmc}\multimedia\mmf\devsound\Recording\RecVioceCall2.amr)
   226 //!                25. Start record in DevSound instance 1
   227 //!                26. Start playing in DevSound instance 2
   228 //!                27. Get current output
   229 //!                28. Set telephony output 10s  (Output=ELoudSpeaker)
   230 //!                29. Get current output
   231 //!                30. Se telephony output  10s (Output=EHeadSet)
   232 //!                31. Get current output
   233 //!                32. Set telephony output 10s  (Output=EEarPiece)
   234 //!                33. Get current output
   235 //!                34. Set telephony output  10s (Output=EHeadSet)
   236 //!                35. Stop record
   237 //!                36. Stop play
   238 //!                37. Close file recorded
   239 //!                38. Close file played
   240 //!                39. Get call duration (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
   241 //!                40. Hang up (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
   242 //!                41. Close call (RMobileLine=mobileline1; Call = 1)
   243 //!                42. Close line
   244 //!                43. Close mobile phone
   245 //!                44. Close telephomy server
   246 //!                45. Get current output
   247 //!                46. Set telephony output (Output=ENotActive)
   248 //!                47. Destroy telephony routing instance
   249 //!                48. Destroy Audio Input instacnce
   250 //!                49. Destroy DevSound instance 1
   251 //!                50. Destroy DevSound instance 2
   252 //!@SYMTestStatus		On Work
   253 //!@SYMTestPriority		High
   254 //!@SYMTestExpectedResults
   255 //!                Function does not leave nor panic. Call is dialed, after answered starts the play and the record to the end, later stops the play and record and finally the call is hanged it up
   256 //!@SYMTestType			CIT
   258 	START_TEST_BLOCK	300	t_etelmm_devsound	\mixed_technology\telephony_devsound\multimedia_telephony-validation-manual-outgoingcall_rec.ini
   259 		CREATE_OBJECT	CMMFDevSound		devsound1
   260 		CREATE_OBJECT	CMMFDevSound		devsound2
   261 		CREATE_OBJECT	RTelServer		telserver1
   262 		CREATE_OBJECT	RMobilePhone		mobilephone1
   263 		CREATE_OBJECT	RMobileLine		mobileline1
   264 		CREATE_OBJECT	RMobileCall		mobilecall1
   265 		CREATE_OBJECT	CAudioInput		audioinput1
   266 		CREATE_OBJECT	CTelephonyAudioRouting		telephonyaudiorouting1
   267 		COMMAND		telserver1		Connect
   268 		COMMAND		mobilephone1		Open			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-Open_command02
   269 		COMMAND		devsound1		NewL
   270 		COMMAND		devsound2		NewL
   271 		COMMAND		audioinput1		NewL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-NewL_command05
   272 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		NewL
   273 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		AvailableOutputs
   274 		COMMAND		audioinput1		SetAudioInput			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetAudioInput_command08
   275 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   276 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetOutputL_command10
   278 		COMMAND		mobileline1		Open			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-Open_command11
   279 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		OpenNewCall			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-OpenNewCall_command12
   280 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		GetCaps			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-GetCaps_command13
   281 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		Dial			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-Dial_command14
   283 		COMMAND		devsound2		InitializeL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-InitializeL_command15
   285 		COMMAND		devsound1		InitializeL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-InitializeL_command16
   287 		COMMAND		devsound2		SetPrioritySettings			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetPrioritySettings_command17
   288 		COMMAND		devsound1		SetPrioritySettings			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetPrioritySettings_command18
   289 		COMMAND		devsound2		Capabilities
   290 		COMMAND		devsound1		Capabilities
   291 		COMMAND		devsound2		SetConfigL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetConfigL_command21
   292 		COMMAND		devsound1		SetConfigL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetConfigL_command22
   293 		COMMAND		devsound2		OpenFile			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-OpenFile_command23
   294 		COMMAND		devsound1		ReplaceFile			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-ReplaceFile_command24
   295 		COMMAND		devsound1		RecordInitL
   296 		COMMAND		devsound2		PlayInitL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-PlayInitL_command26
   298 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   299 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetOutputL_command28
   301 		DELAY  10000000 
   302 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   303 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetOutputL_command30
   305 		DELAY  10000000 
   306 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   307 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetOutputL_command32
   309 		DELAY  10000000 
   310 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   311 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetOutputL_command34
   313 		DELAY  10000000 
   314 		COMMAND		devsound1		Stop
   315 		COMMAND		devsound2		Stop
   316 		COMMAND		devsound1		CloseFile
   317 		COMMAND		devsound2		CloseFile
   318 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		GetCallDuration			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-GetCallDuration_command39
   319 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		HangUp			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-HangUp_command40
   321 		COMMAND		mobilecall1		Close			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-Close_command41
   322 		COMMAND		mobileline1		Close
   323 		COMMAND		mobilephone1		Close
   324 		COMMAND		telserver1		Close
   325 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		Output
   326 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		SetOutputL			MULTIMEDIA_TELEPHONY-OutgoingCall_Rec-0002-0001-SetOutputL_command46
   328 		COMMAND		telephonyaudiorouting1		~
   329 		COMMAND		audioinput1		~
   330 		COMMAND		devsound1		~
   331 		COMMAND		devsound2		~