changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB - initial contribution.
    11 * Nokia Corporation - additional changes.
    12 * 
    13 * Contributors:
    14 * 
    15 * Description:
    16 * Implements the Enhanced SMS Animation Information Element.
    17 *
    18 */
    21 /**
    22  *  @file
    23  *  
    24  *  Implements  CEmsPreDefAnimationIE and CEmsAnimationIE classes
    25  */
    27 #include <emsanimationie.h>
    28 #include <w32std.h>
    30 /**
    31  *  Creates a new Predifined animation class.
    32  *  @param aAnimValue number of the predefined animations
    33  */
    34 EXPORT_C CEmsPreDefAnimationIE* CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::NewL(TAnimType aAnimValue)
    35 /**
    36  *  @capability None
    37  */
    38 	{
    39 	if(aAnimValue > EDevil)User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    40 	CEmsPreDefAnimationIE* self = new (ELeave) CEmsPreDefAnimationIE(aAnimValue);
    41 	return self;
    42 	}
    44 EXPORT_C CEmsInformationElement* CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::DuplicateL() const
    45 /**
    46  *  @capability None
    47  */
    48 	{
    49 	CEmsPreDefAnimationIE* copy = new (ELeave) CEmsPreDefAnimationIE();
    50 	CleanupStack::PushL(copy);
    51 	copy->CopyL(*this);
    52 	CleanupStack::Pop(copy);
    53 	return copy;
    54 	}
    56 EXPORT_C void CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::CopyL(const CEmsPreDefAnimationIE& aSrc)
    57 /**
    58  *  @capability None
    59  */
    60 	{
    61 	CEmsInformationElement::CopyL(aSrc);
    62 	iAnimNumber = aSrc.iAnimNumber;
    63 	}
    65 EXPORT_C CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::TAnimType  CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::Animation() const
    66 /**
    67  *  @capability None
    68  */
    69 	{
    70 	return iAnimNumber;
    71 	}
    73 EXPORT_C void CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::SetAnimationL(TAnimType  aValue)
    74 /**
    75  *  @capability None
    76  */
    77 	{
    78 	 if(aValue > EDevil)User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    79 	 iAnimNumber = aValue;
    80 	}
    83 CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::CEmsPreDefAnimationIE(TAnimType  aAnimValue) :
    84 	CEmsInformationElement(CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedPredefinedAnimation), iAnimNumber(aAnimValue)
    85 	{
    86 	iEncodedBodyLength=EIESize;
    87 	}
    89 CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::CEmsPreDefAnimationIE() :
    90 	CEmsInformationElement(CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedPredefinedAnimation)
    91 	{
    92 	iEncodedBodyLength=EIESize;
    93 	}
    95 /**
    96  *  Encodes the raw Ems information element into a data buffer that can be use to create a normal information element.
    97  *  
    98  *  @param aPtr the buffer to be used which is to contain the data
    99  *  @param TBool boolean to indicate if it is for serialisation or encoding
   100  */
   101 void CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::EncodeBodyL(TPtr8 aPtr, TBool) const
   102 	{
   103 	// We don't need to worry about the aIsForSerialisation flag since
   104 	// encoding and serialisation will result in the same data
   105 	aPtr.Append(static_cast<TUint8>(iAnimNumber));
   106 	}
   108 /**
   109  *  Decodes the raw data out of an information element into this class.
   110  *  
   111  *  @param aPtr The raw predefined animation data
   112  *  @param TBool boolean to indicate if it is from serialisation
   113  *  @leave KErrargument If the size of the data does not match what is expected.
   114  */
   115 void CEmsPreDefAnimationIE::DecodeBodyL(const TPtrC8 aPtr, TBool)
   116 	{
   117 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPtr.Length()==EIESize, User::Leave(KErrArgument));
   118 	iAnimNumber = static_cast<TAnimType>(aPtr[0]);
   119 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAnimNumber<=EDevil, User::Leave(KErrArgument));
   120 	}
   122 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 /**
   125  *  Creates a new of an animation object.
   126  *  
   127  *  @return CEmsAnimationIE* the newly created object.
   128  */
   129 CEmsAnimationIE* CEmsAnimationIE::NewL()
   130 	{
   131 	CEmsAnimationIE* self = new (ELeave) CEmsAnimationIE();
   132 	return self;
   133 	}
   135 /**
   136  *  Creates a new EMS animation object from a given bitmap
   137  *  
   138  *  @param aBitmap a 4 frame Bitmap that is converted into an EMS animation type.
   139  *  @return CEmsAnimationIE* the newly created object.
   140  *  @leave KErrTooBig if the animation does not match the size of a Small/Large animation.
   141  */
   142 EXPORT_C CEmsAnimationIE* CEmsAnimationIE::NewL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap)
   143 /**
   144  *  @capability None
   145  */
   146 	{
   147 	CEmsAnimationIE* self = new (ELeave) CEmsAnimationIE();
   148 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   149 	self->ConstructL(aBitmap);
   150 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   151 	return self;
   152 	}
   154 /**
   155  *  Creates a Copy of the object.
   156  *  
   157  *  @return CEmsAnimationIE* the newly created object.
   158  */
   159 EXPORT_C CEmsInformationElement* CEmsAnimationIE::DuplicateL() const
   160 /**
   161  *  @capability None
   162  */
   163 	{
   164 	CEmsAnimationIE* copy = new (ELeave) CEmsAnimationIE();
   165 	CleanupStack::PushL(copy);
   166 	copy->CopyL(*this);
   167 	CleanupStack::Pop(copy);
   168 	return copy;
   169 	}
   171 /**
   172  *  Copys the information element out of the source into this object.
   173  *  
   174  *  @param aSrc the source object to copy from.
   175  */
   176 EXPORT_C void CEmsAnimationIE::CopyL(const CEmsAnimationIE& aSrc)
   177 /**
   178  *  @capability None
   179  */
   180 	{
   181 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSrc.iData, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
   182 	CEmsInformationElement::CopyL(aSrc);
   183 	delete iData;
   184 	iData=NULL;
   185 	iData = aSrc.iData->AllocL();
   186 	}
   188 CEmsAnimationIE::CEmsAnimationIE() : CEmsInformationElement(CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedLargeAnimation) {};
   190 EXPORT_C CEmsAnimationIE::~CEmsAnimationIE()
   191 /**
   192  *  @capability None
   193  */
   194 	{
   195 	delete iData;
   196 	}
   198 /**
   199  *  Constructs the object from the given FbsBitmap
   200  *  Will convert colour bitmaps into the correct format.
   201  *  
   202  *  @see
   203  *  @param aBitmap the source bitmap containing the 4 frames.
   204  *  @leave KErrTooBig if the animation will not fit within a single pdu.
   205  *  @leave KErrTooBig if the animation is not one of the Two animation sizes.
   206  */
   207 void CEmsAnimationIE::ConstructL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap)
   208 	{
   209 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aBitmap.SizeInPixels().iWidth%8==0, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
   211 	TSize frameSize = aBitmap.SizeInPixels();
   213 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   215 	frameSize.iWidth /= EFramesPerMsg;
   216 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(frameSize==KSmallAnimSize || frameSize==KLargeAnimSize, User::Leave(KErrTooBig));
   217 	if(frameSize==KSmallAnimSize)
   218 		{
   219 		iEncodedBodyLength = EIESmallSize;
   220 		}
   221 	else
   222 		{
   223 		iEncodedBodyLength = EIELargeSize;
   224 		}
   226 	iIdentifier = (frameSize == KSmallAnimSize) ? CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedSmallAnimation : CSmsInformationElement::ESmsEnhancedLargeAnimation;
   229 	iData = HBufC8::NewL(frameSize.iWidth*frameSize.iHeight/2); // div PixelsPerByte * NumFrames = /2
   231 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   232 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   233 	User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(frameSize, EGray2));
   235 	// create an off-screen device and context
   236 	CGraphicsContext* bitGc;
   237 	CFbsBitmapDevice* dev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
   238 	CleanupStack::PushL(dev);
   239 	User::LeaveIfError(dev->CreateContext(bitGc));
   240 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitGc);
   242 	for (TInt frame=0; frame<EFramesPerMsg; ++frame)
   243 		{
   244 		TRect srcRect(TPoint(0,0),frameSize);
   245 		TRect dstRect(TPoint(frameSize.iWidth*frame,0), frameSize);
   246 		bitGc->DrawBitmap(srcRect, &aBitmap, dstRect);
   247 		HBufC8* pictureData = CEmsPictureIE::CreatePictureBufferL(*bitmap);
   248 		CleanupStack::PushL(pictureData);
   249 		iData->Des().Append(*pictureData);
   250 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pictureData);
   251 		}
   253 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, bitmap);
   254 	}
   256 /**
   257  *  Encodes the animation object into its raw format. (no IE id)
   258  *  
   259  *  @param aPtr the buffer to be used which is to contain the data
   260  *  @param TBool boolean to indicate if it is for serialisation or encoding
   261  */
   262 void CEmsAnimationIE::EncodeBodyL(TPtr8 aPtr, TBool) const
   263 	{
   264 	aPtr.Append(*iData);
   265 	}
   267 /**
   268  *  Decodes the raw data out of an information element into this class.
   269  *  
   270  *  @param aPtr The raw predefined animation data
   271  *  @param TBool boolean to indicate if it is from serialisation
   272  *  @leave KErrargument If the size of the data does not match what is expected.
   273  */
   274 void CEmsAnimationIE::DecodeBodyL(const TPtrC8 aPtr, TBool)
   275 	{
   276 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPtr.Length()==EIESmallSize || aPtr.Length()==EIELargeSize, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
   278 	delete iData;
   279 	iData = NULL;
   280 	iData = aPtr.AllocL();
   281 	}
   284 EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap* CEmsAnimationIE::GetBitmapL() const
   285 /**
   286  *  @capability None
   287  */
   288 	{
   289 	TSize size;
   290 	if (iData->Length()==EIESmallSize)
   291 		size = KSmallAnimSize;
   292 	else
   293 		size = KLargeAnimSize;
   294 	////////////////////////////////////
   295     __ASSERT_ALWAYS(size.iWidth*size.iHeight*EFramesPerMsg==iData->Length()*8, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
   296 	TInt frameDataLength = iData->Length()/EFramesPerMsg;
   298 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   299 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   300 	User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(size.iWidth*EFramesPerMsg, size.iHeight), EGray2));
   302 	// create an off-screen device and context
   303 	CFbsBitGc* bitGc;
   304 	CFbsBitmapDevice* dev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
   305 	CleanupStack::PushL(dev);
   306 	User::LeaveIfError(dev->CreateContext(bitGc));
   307 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitGc);
   309 	bitGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbBlack);
   310 	bitGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
   311 	bitGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   312 	bitGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
   314 	// Draw all frames into the master bitmap
   315 	for (TInt frame=0; frame<EFramesPerMsg; frame++)
   316 		{
   317 		TPtrC8 frameData(iData->Mid(frame*frameDataLength, frameDataLength));
   319 		CFbsBitmap* pic;
   320 		pic = GetBitmapL(size, frameData);
   322 		TPoint topLeft(size.iWidth*frame,0);
   323 		bitGc->BitBlt(topLeft,pic);
   324 		delete pic;
   325 		};
   327 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, dev);
   328 	CleanupStack::Pop(bitmap);
   329 	return bitmap;
   330 	}
   332 CFbsBitmap* CEmsAnimationIE::GetBitmapL(const TSize& aSize, const TDesC8& aDataBuf)const
   333 	{
   334 	// bitmap must have a width that is a x of 8.
   335 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSize.iWidth%8==0, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
   336 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   337 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   339 	TInt numLineBytes = aSize.iWidth/8;
   340 	User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(aSize,EGray2));
   342 	HBufC8* working = HBufC8::NewLC(numLineBytes);
   344 	TPtr8 convertedScanLine(working->Des());
   345 	convertedScanLine.SetLength(numLineBytes);
   348 	TUint8 byte = 0;
   349 	const TUint8* adr=NULL;
   351 	for (TInt line =0; line < aSize.iHeight; line++)
   352 		{
   353 		adr = &(aDataBuf[(numLineBytes) * line]);
   354 		TPtrC8 scanLine(adr, numLineBytes);
   356 		for (TInt word=0; word<numLineBytes; word++)
   357 			{
   358 			// Convert EMS Black=1 to Epoc Black=0
   359 			// and Convert little endean to big.
   360 			byte = 0;
   361 			for (TInt bit=0; bit<8; bit++)
   362 				byte |= (scanLine[word] & (1<<bit)) ? 0 : (1<<(7-bit));
   364 			convertedScanLine[word] = byte;
   365 			}
   367 		bitmap->SetScanLine(convertedScanLine, line);
   368 		}
   370 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(working);
   371 	CleanupStack::Pop(bitmap);
   372 	return bitmap;
   373 	}