changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
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-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalAll 
    19 */
    22 #if !defined(__SMSPMAIN_H__)
    23 #define __SMSPMAIN_H__
    25 #include <e32base.h>
    26 #include "smsstacklog.h"
    27 #include "etelmm.h"
    29 /**
    30  *  @internalComponent
    31  */
    32 const TInt KSmsSessionPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard;
    34 /**
    35  *  @internalComponent
    36  */
    37 GLREF_C TInt ErrorToRPError(TInt aError);
    38 GLREF_C TInt ErrorToTPError(TInt aError);
    39 GLREF_C void GsmFindOutTonAndNpi(TUint aTypeOfAddress,RMobilePhone::TMobileTON& aTon,RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI& aNpi);
    40 GLREF_C TInt FailureCauseToError(TInt aFailureCause);
    43 //GLREF_C TBool IsRecoverable(TInt aError);
    45 /**
    46  *  @internalComponent
    47  */
    48 enum TSmspPanic
    49 	{
    50 //  SMSPSTOR.CPP
    51 	KSmspPanicBadIndexArray=0x0000,
    52 	KSmspPanicBadReferenceArray,
    53 	KSmspPanicNotSubmit,
    54 	KSmspPanicNotCommand,
    55 	KSmspPanicNotStatusReport,
    56 	KSmspPanicEntryWithSameLogServerId,
    57 	KSmspPanicEntryWithLogServerIdNotFound,
    58 	KSmspPanicMessageConcatenated,
    59 	KSmspPanicPreallocatedFileCorrupt,
    60 	KSmspPanicPreallocatedFileNoFreeContainer,
    61 //  SMSPUTIL.CPP
    62 	ESmspSmsActiveAlreadyActive=0x0100,
    63 //  SMSPSEND.CPP
    64 	KSmspPanicUnexpectedState=0x0200,
    65 	KSmspPanicNoServiceCenterAddress,
    66 //  SMSPROT.CPP
    67 	ESmspCantCreateServiceResolver=0x0300,
    68 	ESmspCantCreateNetDatabase,
    69 	ESmspCantCreateHostResolver,
    70 	ESmspCantBind,
    71 	ESmspCantBindTo,
    72 	ESmspCantSend,
    73 	ESmspCantProcess,
    74 	ESmspCantGetOption,
    75 	ESmspCantSetOption,
    76 	ESmspCantError,
    77 	ESmspMessageObserverNotFound,
    78 	ESmspMessageWrongObserver,
    79 	ESmspMessageSendObserverNotFound,
    80 	ESmspMessageWriteObserverNotFound,
    81 	ESmspMessageDeleteObserverNotFound,
    82 	ESmspPhoneNotFound,
    83 	ESmspCorruptObserverList,
    84 	ESmspUnknownSmsAddressFamily,
    85 	KSmspPanicOriginalSmsMessageIsNull,
    86 	KSmspPanicUnknownModemDetection,
    87 	ESmspPanicAddrFamilyNotAllowed,
    88 	ESmspPDUReadProcessNotFound,
    89 	KSmspPhoneHasNotTurnedOn,
    90 	KSmspPhoneHasNotTurnedOff,
    91 	KSmspStartMustOnlyBeCalledOnce,
    92 	KSmspSlotArrayEmpty,
    93 //  SMSPROV.CPP
    94 	KSmspUndefinedLevel=0x0400,
    95 	KSmspUndefinedName,
    96 	ESmspBadIoctlName,
    97 	KSmspPanicBadClientIoctlCall,
    98 	KSmspPanicBadClientMessageRead,
    99 	KSmspPanicOptionBufferNull,
   100 	KSmspPanicWrongSmsAddressFamily,
   101 	KSmspPanicIoctlAlreadyOutstanding,
   102     KSmspPanicParameterBufferNull,
   103 //  SMSPROC.CPP
   104 	ESmspUnexpectedSmsPDUType=0x0500,
   105 	KSmspPanicUnexpectedCommand,
   106 //  SMSPENUM.CPP
   107 	KSmspPanicStoreInfoNULL=0x0600,
   108 	KSmspPanicStoreInfoArrayNULL,
   109 	KSmspPanicBadSlotIndex,
   110 //  SMSPIMG.CPP
   111 	ESmspSlotAlreadyPresent=0x0700,
   112 	ESmspSlotInvalid,
   113 //	SMSPBEAR.CPP
   114 	ESmspGprsSessionAlreadyOpen=0x0800,
   115 	ESmspCommDbSmsBearerReadError,
   116 	ESmspUnexpectedErrorSettingSmsBearer,
   117 //  SMSPPARA.CPP
   118     KSmspPanicCorruptedSmspList=0x0900,
   119 //	SMSPREAD.CPP
   120 	KSmspPanicLogIdNull=0x1000,
   121 	KSmspPanicUnexpectedStateEncountered,
   122 //	Queuing
   123 	KSmspQueueNotEmpty=0x2000
   124 	};
   126 /**
   127  *  @internalComponent
   128  */
   129 GLDEF_C void SmspPanic(TSmspPanic aPanic);
   131 #endif