changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // CsdAgtTestStateMachineInit.cpp
    15 // This contains CsdAgt TestCase Test 5.1 - 5.15
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 // EPOC includes
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include <in_sock.h>
    22 #include <dummyetel.h> // include here to avoid picking up the real etel.h
    23 #include <etelmm.h>
    24 #include <nd_err.h>
    26 // Test system includes
    27 #include "log.h"
    28 #include "teststep.h"
    29 #include "TestStepCsdAgt.h"
    30 #include "TestSuiteCsdAgt.h"
    32 // COMMDB Database Undo
    33 #include "DbUndo.h"
    34 // EFinishedDialling
    35 #include <csdprog.h>
    37 // Class definitions
    38 #include "CsdAgtTestScriptErr.h"
    41 // The tests in this file test the following script processing conditions:
    42 //
    43 // KErrNoExpression
    44 // KErrMissingQuote
    45 // KErrVariableNotFound
    46 // KErrInvalidNumber
    47 // KErrNumberOutOfRange
    48 // KErrNoEquals
    49 // KErrNoOpenExpresion
    50 // KErrNestedLoop
    51 // KErrLoopCounterOutOfRange
    52 // KErrMissingChevron
    53 // KErrIllegalCommand
    54 // KErrNoDropOrRaise
    55 // KErrVariableNameTooLong
    56 // KErrMissingBracket
    57 // KErrExitScriptTimeOut
    58 // KErrCharacterSetDoesNotExist
    59 //
    60 // In fact, apart from KErrExitScriptTimeOut, these are all error values internal to csdagt, and get reduced to 
    61 // KErrExitScriptError before they are visible to the test harness.
    62 // If you need to check that a specific error value was generated for a test, then the
    63 // information is logged in Logs\Netdial\NetDial.txt
    64 // You then need to check the error represented by the logged number in nd_std.h
    65 //
    67 void CCsdAgtTest5_xx::CustomiseLoginScriptL(const TDesC16& aLoginScript)
    68 {
    69 	csd = CDbCsdTable::NewL();
    70 	CleanupStack::PushL(csd);
    72 	csd->SetColumnBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT),ETrue);
    73 	csd->SetColumnLongTextL(TPtrC(ISP_LOGIN_SCRIPT),aLoginScript);
    74 }
    75 void CCsdAgtTest5_xx::RevertCommdbChangesL()
    76 {
    77 	Log(_L("Reverting COMMDB changes"));
    79     csd->UndoDatabaseChangesL();
    81     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(csd);
    82 }
    85 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_xx::DoScriptErrTestL(TInt aTestNo, const TDesC& aLoginScript)
    86 {
    87 	char OK = 1;
    89 	TInt ret = KErrGeneral;
    91 	TRealAgtNotify AgtNotify;
    93 	AgtNotify.SetTestCase(aTestNo);
    95 	if(OK)
    96 	{
    97 	   TRAP(ret,SetGSMModeL(AgtNotify));
    98 	   OK = (ret == KErrNone);
    99 	}
   101 	// Set up the login script to use.
   102 	if(OK)
   103 	   CustomiseLoginScriptL(aLoginScript);
   105 	if(OK)
   106 	{
   107 		switch(aTestNo)
   108 		{
   109 		case 10515: // special case - timeout gets reported as such
   110 		case 10517:
   111 		case 10518:
   112 			{
   113 			TRAP(ret,ConnectExpectErrorL(KErrExitScriptTimeOut,ECsdFinishedLogIn));
   114 			}
   115 			break;
   116 		case 10516: // no error expected here.
   117 			{
   118 	        TRAP(ret,NormalConnectL());
   119 			}
   120 			break;
   121 		default:
   122 			{
   123 			TRAP(ret,ConnectExpectErrorL(KErrExitScriptError,ECsdFinishedLogIn));
   124 			}
   125 			break;
   126 		}
   127 	}		
   128 	if(OK) OK = (ret == KErrNone);
   130 	// Close database object, forcing it to undo all changes that were made
   131 	RevertCommdbChangesL();
   133 	return(OK ? EPass : EFail);
   134 }
   135 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_1::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   136 	{
   137 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10501, _L("SEND\n"));
   138 	return(iTestStepResult);
   139 	}
   140 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_2::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   141 	{
   142 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10502, _L("SEND \"AT+<0x0d>\n"));
   143 	return(iTestStepResult);
   144 	}
   145 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_3::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   146 	{
   147 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10503, _L("SEND login_init11$+<0x0d>\n"));
   148 	return(iTestStepResult);
   149 	}
   150 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_4::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   151 	{
   152 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10504, _L("LOOP 2147483648\n{\n}\nExit KErrNoModem$\nalive:\n"));
   153 	return(iTestStepResult);
   154 	}
   155 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_5::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   156 	{
   157 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10505, _L("WAIT 500001\n{\n\"OK\" alive\n}\nExit KErrNoModem$\nalive:\n"));
   158 	return(iTestStepResult);
   159 	}
   160 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_6::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   161 	{
   162 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10506, _L("SET err$ 0\n"));
   163 	return(iTestStepResult);
   164 	}
   165 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_7::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   166 	{
   167 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10507, _L("WAIT 10\n\"OK\" alive\n}\nExit KErrNoModem$\nalive:\n"));
   168 	return(iTestStepResult);
   169 	}
   170 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_8::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   171 	{
   172 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10508, _L("LOOP 2\n{\nSEND \"AT\"+<0xd>\nLOOP 4\n{\nSEND \"AT\"+<0xd>\n}\n}\n"));
   173 	return(iTestStepResult);
   174 	}
   175 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_9::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   176 	{
   177 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10509, _L("LOOP 10001\n{\nSEND \"AT\"+<0xd>\n}\n"));
   178 	return(iTestStepResult);
   179 	}
   180 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_10::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   181 	{
   182 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10510, _L("SEND \"AT\"+<0x0d\n"));
   183 	return(iTestStepResult);
   184 	}
   185 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_11::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   186 	{
   187 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10511, _L("WIAT 10\n{\n\"OK\" alive\n}\nExit KErrNoModem$\nalive:\n"));
   188 	return(iTestStepResult);
   189 	}
   190 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_12::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   191 	{
   192 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10512, _L("DTR\n"));
   193 	return(iTestStepResult);
   194 	}
   195 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_13::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   196 	{
   197 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10513, _L("SET e12345678901234567890$=\"hello\"\n"));
   198 	return(iTestStepResult);
   199 	}
   200 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_14::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   201 	{
   202 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10514, _L("SEND \"Hello\"+<0x0d> [UNICODE\n"));
   203 	return(iTestStepResult);
   204 	}
   205 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_15::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   206 	{
   207 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10515, _L("WAIT 3\n{\n}\nExit KErrTimeOut$\n"));
   208 	return(iTestStepResult);
   209 	}
   210 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_16::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   211 	{
   212 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10516, _L("SEND \"Hello\"+<0x0d>\n"));
   213 	return(iTestStepResult);
   214 	}
   215 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_17::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   216 	{
   217 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10517, _L("letsgo:\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"ogin:\" loginok\n}\nGOTO timeout\nloginok:\nSEND login_name$+<0x0d>\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"assword:\" passok\n}\nGOTO timeout\npassok:\nSEND login_pass$+<0x0d>\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"rotocol:\" protocolok\n}\nGOTO lofail\nprotocolok:\nSend \"PPP\"+<0x0d>\nEXIT\ntimeout:\nEXIT KErrTimeOut$\nlofail:\nEXIT KErrLoginFail$\n"));
   218 	return(iTestStepResult);
   219 	}
   220 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_18::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   221 	{
   222 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10518, _L("letsgo:\nWAIT 20\n	{\n\"ogin:\" loginok\n}\nGOTO timeout\nloginok:\n! READ\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"assword:\" passok\n}\nGOTO timeout\npassok:\n! READ\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"rotocol:\" protocolok\n}\nGOTO lofail\nprotocolok:\nSend \"PPP\"+<0x0d>\nEXIT\ntimeout:\nEXIT KErrTimeOut$\nlofail:\nEXIT KErrLoginFail$\n"));
   223 	return(iTestStepResult);
   224 	}
   225 enum TVerdict CCsdAgtTest5_19::doCsdAgtTestStepL( void )
   226 	{
   227 	iTestStepResult = DoScriptErrTestL(10519, _L("CHARMAP [UNKNOWN]\nletsgo:\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"ogin:\" loginok\n}\nGOTO timeout\nloginok:\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"assword:\" passok\n}\nGOTO timeout\npassok:\nWAIT 20\n{\n\"rotocol:\" protocolok\n}\nGOTO lofail\nprotocolok:\nSend \"PPP\"+<0x0d>\nEXIT\ntimeout:\nEXIT KErrTimeOut$\nlofail:\nEXIT KErrLoginFail$\n"));
   228 	return(iTestStepResult);
   229 	}