changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <in_iface.h>
    18 #include "guqos.h"
    19 #include "iface.h"
    20 #include "tc.h"
    21 #include "parameters.h"
    22 #include "guqos_err.h"
    23 #include "async_request.h"
    24 #include "context.h"
    25 #include "guqos_log.h"
    27 #ifdef _LOG
    28 // *****************
    29 // Logging utilities
    30 // *****************
    32 // Return count of contiguous most significant 1-bits in TUint32
    33 static TInt MaskLength(TUint32 aAddr)
    34 	{
    35 	TInt count = 0;
    36 	// obviously, this is "brute force" counting
    37 	while (aAddr & 0x80000000)
    38 		{
    39 		count++;
    40 		aAddr <<= 1;
    41 		}
    42 	return count;
    43 	}
    45 //Return count of contiguous most significant 1-bits in IPv6 address.
    46 static TInt MaskLength(const TIp6Addr &aAddr)
    47 	{
    48 	TInt count = 0;
    49 	for (TUint i = 0; i < sizeof(aAddr.u.iAddr8) / sizeof(aAddr.u.iAddr8[0]); ++i)
    50 		if (aAddr.u.iAddr8[i] == 0xFF)
    51 			count += 8;
    52 		else
    53 			{
    54 			count += MaskLength(aAddr.u.iAddr8[i] << 24);
    55 			break;
    56 			}
    57 	return count;
    58 	}
    60 // A buffer to contain textual format of internet address
    61 class TAddressBuf : public TBuf<70>
    62 	{
    63 public:
    64 	TAddressBuf(const TIp6Addr& aAddr, TInt aMask, TUint16 aPort = 0);
    65 	};
    67 TAddressBuf::TAddressBuf(const TIp6Addr& aAddr, TInt aMask, TUint16 aPort)
    68 	{
    69 	TInetAddr addr(aAddr, 0);
    70 	addr.Output(*this);
    71 	if (aMask != 128)
    72 		{
    73 		if (aAddr.IsV4Mapped())
    74 			aMask -= 96;
    75 		_LIT(KFormat1, "/%u");
    76 		AppendFormat(KFormat1, aMask);
    77 		}
    78 	if (aPort)
    79 		{
    80 		_LIT(KFormat2, "#%u");
    81 		AppendFormat(KFormat2, (TInt)aPort);
    82 		}
    83 	}
    85 // Log packet filter address selector
    86 // Make this not "static", so that it can be used by other modules too...
    87 void LogPacketFilter(const TPacketFilter& aFilter)
    88 	{
    89 	TIp6Addr srcAddr;
    90 	Mem::Copy(&srcAddr,aFilter.iSrcAddr, sizeof(srcAddr));
    91 	TIp6Addr mask;
    92 	Mem::Copy(&mask,aFilter.iSrcAddrSubnetMask,sizeof(mask));
    93 	TAddressBuf addr(
    94 		srcAddr, 
    95 		MaskLength(mask),
    96 		aFilter.iSrcPortMin);
    97 	Log::Printf(_L("\t\t%u(%u) %S-%u dst#%u-%u SPI=%u TOS=%u FL=%u"),
    98 		aFilter.iId, aFilter.iEvaluationPrecedenceIndex,
    99 		&addr, (TInt)aFilter.iSrcPortMax,
   100 		(TInt)aFilter.iDestPortMin, (TInt)aFilter.iDestPortMax,
   101 		(TInt)aFilter.iIPSecSPI,
   102 		(TInt)aFilter.iTOSorTrafficClass,
   103 		(TInt)aFilter.iFlowLabel);
   104 	}
   105 #endif
   107 //	XPdpContextTimeoutLinkage
   108 //	************************
   109 //	Glue to bind timeout callback from the timeout manager into Timeout() call
   110 //	on the CPdpContext
   111 //
   112 //	*NOTE*
   113 //		This kludgery is all static and compile time, and only used in the constructor
   114 //		of CPdpContext.
   115 //
   117 // This ungainly manoevure is forced on us because the offset is not evaluated early enough by GCC3.4 to be
   118 // passed as a template parameter
   119 #if defined(__X86GCC__) || defined(__GCCE__)
   120 #define KPdpContextTimeoutOffset 716
   121 __ASSERT_COMPILE(KPdpContextTimeoutOffset == _FOFF(CPdpContext, iTimeout));
   122 #else
   123 #define KPdpContextTimeoutOffset _FOFF(CPdpContext, iTimeout)
   124 #endif
   126 class XPdpContextTimeoutLinkage : public TimeoutLinkage<CPdpContext, KPdpContextTimeoutOffset>
   127 	{
   128 public:
   129 	static void Timeout(RTimeout &aLink, const TTime & /*aNow*/, TAny * /*aPtr*/)
   130 		{
   131 		Object(aLink)->Timeout();
   132 		}
   133 	};
   136 CPdpContext* CPdpContext::NewL(CNif& aNifItem, const TContextType& aType, TUint8 aContextId)
   137 	{
   138 	CPdpContext* context = new (ELeave) CPdpContext(aNifItem, aType, aContextId);
   139 	CleanupStack::PushL(context);
   140 	context->ConstructL();
   141 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   142 	return context;
   143 	}
   145 CPdpContext::CPdpContext(CNif& aNifItem, TContextType aType, TUint8 aContextId) : 
   146 	iContextId(aContextId),
   147 	iNifItem(aNifItem),
   148 	iTimeout(XPdpContextTimeoutLinkage::Timeout)
   149 	{
   150 	iContextType = aType;
   151 	iContextStatus = RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown;
   152 	iFlows.SetOffset(_FOFF(CFlowData, iLink));
   153 	//iTrafficClass = -1;
   154 	}
   157 void CPdpContext::ConstructL()
   158 	{
   159 	}
   161 CPdpContext::~CPdpContext()
   162 	{
   163 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::~CPdpContext [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   164 	while (!iFlows.IsEmpty())
   165 		{
   166 		// Any flows still attached to the PDP Context instance when
   167 		// we are in destructor, are deleted. If automatic move of
   168 		// flows to another context is the desired, it must be taken
   169 		// care before deleting the context (this destructor is also
   170 		// called from CNif destructor, and we cannot reference
   171 		// any other contexts on the CNif)
   172 		CFlowData* flow = iFlows.First();
   173 		// Deleting flow removes it from the list,
   174 		// and eventually the iFlows will become EMPTY!
   175 		delete flow;
   176 		}
   177 	iNifItem.CancelPendingRequest(this);
   178 	iTimeout.Cancel();	// ..if any active
   179 	}
   182 void CPdpContext::Timeout()
   183 	{
   184 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("")));
   185 	if (Flows().IsEmpty())
   186 		{
   187 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::Timeout -- no flows, delete context")));
   188 		Delete();
   189 		Nif().DeletePdpContext(this);
   190 		}
   191 	else
   192 		{
   193 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::Timeout -- flows have re-appeared, keep context")));
   194 		// Some flows have come back, context is not
   195 		// deleted after all. But, because TFT's are
   196 		// not updated when the last flow leaves the
   197 		// context and this callback is scheduled, we
   198 		// now may have garbage TFT's left on the
   199 		// context. To cleanup the situation, schedule
   200 		// a CClose request.
   201 		CClose* request = CClose::New(*this);
   202 		if (request)
   203 			Nif().AddRequest(*request);
   204 		// If allocating request object fails, just
   205 		// ignore the issue of extra TFT's. It will
   206 		// eventually fix itself next time some flow
   207 		// leaves the context or context is deleted.
   208 		}
   209 	}
   211 void CPdpContext::NotifyBlockingState(TUint aOldBlocking)
   212 	{
   213 	const TUint blocked = IsFlowBlocked();
   214 	if (blocked == aOldBlocking)
   215 		{
   216 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tContextId = %d (channel=%d) Blocking unchanged (%d)"), ContextId(), ChannelId(), blocked));
   217 		return;		// No Change, no need to notify anyone.
   218 		}
   219 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tContextId = %d (channel=%d) Blocking changed to (%d)"), ContextId(), ChannelId(), blocked));
   221 	MEventInterface *notifier = Nif().Module().QoSEvent();
   222 	if (!notifier)
   223 		{
   224 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tOops -- QoS has not setup the MEventInterface")));
   225 		return;
   226 		}
   228 	// Set all flows associated with this context into blocked or unblocked state
   229 	TDblFlowIter iter(iFlows);
   230 	CFlowData *flow;
   231 	//?? Potentially dangerout iterator, becuase BlockFlow upcall
   232 	//?? may call back and modify the list!
   233 	while ((flow = iter++) != NULL)
   234 		{
   235 		// Throw away "const". The MEventInterface is misdeclared to
   236 		// use non-const reference parameter, when const reference
   237 		// would be the correct way...
   238 		if (blocked)
   239 			notifier->BlockFlow((CFlowContext &)flow->FlowContext());
   240 		else
   241 			notifier->UnBlockFlow((CFlowContext &)flow->FlowContext());
   242 		}
   243 	}
   245 // Block flows on this context, no packets are sent to these flows after this.
   246 void CPdpContext::Block()
   247 	{
   248 	const TUint blocked = IsFlowBlocked(); // get old state
   249 	iBlocked = ETrue;
   250 	NotifyBlockingState(blocked);
   251 	}
   254 // Unblock flows on this context. Re-enable packet sending for these flows.
   255 void CPdpContext::UnBlock()
   256 	{
   257 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCPdpContext::UnBlock()")));
   258 	const TUint blocked = IsFlowBlocked(); // get old state
   259 	iBlocked = EFalse;
   260 	NotifyBlockingState(blocked);
   261 	}
   264 // Check if CFlowContext matches with packet filter attributes
   265 TBool CPdpContext::MatchPacketFilter(const TPacketFilter& aFlow, const TPacketFilter& aFilter) const
   266 	{
   267 	if (Mem::Compare(aFlow.iSrcAddr, 16, aFilter.iSrcAddr, 16) != 0)
   268 		return EFalse;
   270 	if (Mem::Compare(aFlow.iSrcAddrSubnetMask, 16, aFilter.iSrcAddrSubnetMask, 16) != 0)
   271 		return EFalse;
   273 	if (aFlow.iProtocolNumberOrNextHeader != (TUint)aFilter.iProtocolNumberOrNextHeader)
   274 		return EFalse;
   276 	if (aFlow.iDestPortMin < aFilter.iDestPortMin || aFlow.iDestPortMax > aFilter.iDestPortMax)
   277 		return EFalse;
   279 	if (aFlow.iSrcPortMin < aFilter.iSrcPortMin || aFlow.iSrcPortMax > aFilter.iSrcPortMax)
   280 		return EFalse;
   282 	if (aFlow.iFlowLabel != aFilter.iFlowLabel)
   283 		return EFalse;
   285 	if (aFlow.iTOSorTrafficClass != aFilter.iTOSorTrafficClass)
   286 		return EFalse;
   288 	return ETrue;
   289 	}
   292 // Return QoS ranking according to TS 23.107
   293 //
   294 // (only used for turning some secondary context into new default/primary context)
   295 TInt CPdpContext::GetQoSRanking()
   296 	{
   297 	TInt ranking = 6;
   298 	switch (TrafficClass())
   299 		{
   300 	case RPacketQoS::ETrafficClassConversational:
   301 		ranking = 2;
   302 		break;
   304 	case RPacketQoS::ETrafficClassStreaming:
   305 		ranking = 3;
   306 		break;
   308 	case RPacketQoS::ETrafficClassInteractive:
   309 		{
   310 		const TInt priority = iNegotiated.iTrafficHandlingPriority;
   311 		if (priority == 1)
   312 			ranking = 1;
   313 		else if (priority == 2)
   314 			ranking = 4;
   315 		else
   316 			ranking = 5;
   317 		}
   318 		break;
   320 	default:
   321 	case RPacketQoS::ETrafficClassBackground:
   322 		ranking = 6;
   323 		break;
   324 		}
   325 	return ranking;
   326 	}
   329 TInt CPdpContext::FindPacketFilterId()
   330 	{
   331 	// Valid filter id's are from 1 - 8, find one which
   332 	// is not yet in use: First find out used id's into mask
   334 	// Note: 3GPP specification uses 0-7 as the filter id.
   335 	// The etelpckt.h range [1-8] is adjusted to [0-7] at
   336 	// lower layers.
   337 	TUint mask = 0;
   338 	for (TInt i = iNumFilters; --i >= 0;)
   339 		{
   340 		const TPacketFilter& f = iFilters[i];
   341 		// Note silly naked constants, but there are no symbols for these?
   342 		if (f.iId > 0 && f.iId < 9)
   343 			{
   344 			mask |= (1 << f.iId);
   345 			}
   346 		}
   347 	// Find an empty id slot.
   348 	for (TInt j = 0; ++j < 9; )
   349 		{
   350 		if ((mask & (1 << j)) == 0)
   351 			return j;
   352 		}
   353 	//??What error is supposed to be returned?
   354 	//return KErrNotFound;
   355 	return KErrOverflow;
   356 	}
   359 // Add packet filter to TFT, return error or number of filters added
   360 TInt CPdpContext::AddPacketFilter(CFlowData& aFlow, TTFTInfo& aTft)
   361 	{
   362 	TInt ret = KErrNone;
   364 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::AddPacketFilter")));
   367 	TPacketFilter& flow_filter = aFlow.PacketFilter();
   369 	for (TInt i = iNumFilters; --i >= 0; )
   370 		if (MatchPacketFilter(flow_filter, iFilters[i]))
   371 			{
   372 			// The flow is already covered by an existing filter,
   373 			// no need to add anything, return 0.
   374 			return 0;
   375 			}
   377 	// Update flow filter with dynamic fields.
   378 	// This only marks the Id and evaluation precedende as reserved. It
   379 	// does not add the filter to the context object (iNumFilters is not
   380 	// incremented).
   381 	// It is assumed that once NIF completes the request, it will return
   382 	// the complete state of the context, including all currently active
   383 	// filters. At that point GUQOS state is recomputed to match the
   384 	// actual reality.
   386 	// Not touching the iNumFilters works for now, because there is at
   387 	// most one negotiation open on any interface, and because negoatiation
   388 	// currently adds at most one new filter.
   389 	// If above changes, and some negotiation would need to add multiple
   390 	// filters, then additional logic needs to remember the to-be-added
   391 	// filters and assigned ids.
   392 	ret = FindPacketFilterId();
   393 	if (ret < 0)
   394 		{
   395 		// All filter slots already used!
   396 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tNo PacketFilterId -- all used")));
   397 		return ret;
   398 		}
   399 	flow_filter.iId = ret;
   400 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tPacketFilterId: %d"), flow_filter.iId));
   402 	flow_filter.iEvaluationPrecedenceIndex = Nif().FindEvaluationPrecedence();
   403 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tEvaluationPrecedenceIndex: %d"), flow_filter.iEvaluationPrecedenceIndex));
   404 	LOG(LogPacketFilter(flow_filter));
   405 	ret = aTft.AddPacketFilter(flow_filter);
   406 	return ret < 0 ? ret : 1;	// if OK, 1 filter added
   407 	}
   410 // Remove packet filter(s) from the TFT, return error or number of filters to remove
   411 TInt CPdpContext::RemovePacketFilter(TTFTInfo& aTft, const CFlowData* aFlow)
   412 	/**
   413 	* Find the set of unused filters.
   414 	*
   415 	* Scan all currently attached flows and match them against current set of
   416 	* filters. Return the list of filters that didn't match any flows.
   417 	*
   418 	* One optional flow can be treated as non-attached (even if it appears
   419 	* in the attached list) and excluded matching test. This allows caller
   420 	* to leave a flow in the attached list for later removal.
   421 	*
   422 	* @retval aTft The list of unused filters
   423 	* @par	aFlow Optional flow to exclude from the matching.
   424 	*
   425 	* @return Negative error code (< 0), or number of unsed filters (>= 0),
   426 	* which were added into.
   427 	*/
   428 	{
   429 	// Because filters can match multiple flows (if someone actually starts
   430 	// using the netmask and port ranges), this must test whether any of the
   431 	// current filters become unnecessary when the indicated flow has been
   432 	// removed.
   434 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::RemovePacketFilter")));
   435 	TUint mask = 0;
   437 	// If the context is current designated "primary", then all filters
   438 	// must be removed (there can be filters only if this primary is
   439 	// a secondary context that has been assigned as new default).
   440 	if (!IsPrimary())
   441 		{
   442 		TDblFlowIter iter(iFlows);
   443 		CFlowData *flow;
   444 		while ((flow = iter++) != NULL)
   445 			{
   446 			if (flow == aFlow)
   447 				continue;	// skip the flow being removed.
   448 			const TPacketFilter& flow_filter = flow->PacketFilter();
   449 			for (TInt i = iNumFilters; --i >= 0; )
   450 				if (MatchPacketFilter(flow_filter, iFilters[i]))
   451 					{
   452 					mask |= (1 << i);	// Mark this filter as used.
   453 					break;				// No need to test other filters for this flow.
   454 					}
   455 			}
   456 		}
   457 	// Schedule removal of all filters that were not used.
   458 	TInt count = 0;
   459 	for (TInt j = 0; j < iNumFilters; ++j, mask >>= 1)
   460 		{
   461 		if ((mask & 1) == 0)
   462 			{
   463 			// This filter is not needed anymore
   464 			LOG(LogPacketFilter(iFilters[j]));
   465 			TInt ret = aTft.AddPacketFilter(iFilters[j]);
   466 			if (ret != KErrNone)
   467 				return ret;
   468 			++count;
   469 			}
   470 		}
   471 	return count;
   472 	}
   474 //
   475 // Set QoS parameters for a Pdp context.
   476 // Note: Change is not signaled to network until Activate/ModifyActive is called.
   477 //
   478 TInt CPdpContext::SetQoS(const TQoSParameters& aGeneric, const TQoSRequested& aUmts)
   479 	{
   480 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::SetQoSL on PDP Context [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   482 	TContextParameters& parameters(Nif().ContextParameters());
   484 	TQoSRequested requested;
   485 	ParameterMapper::MapGenericToRel99(aGeneric, requested);
   487 	// If adapt flag set, minimum params are set to unspecified
   488 	if (aGeneric.AdaptMode())
   489 		requested.ClearMinimumParameters();
   491 	ParameterMapper::CombineOverride(aUmts, requested);
   493 	parameters.iContextConfig.SetUMTSQoSReq(requested);
   494 	parameters.iContextConfig.SetPdpCompression(requested.iHeaderCompression);
   495 	parameters.iContextInfo.iContextId = iContextId;
   496 	parameters.iContextType = iContextType;
   497 	TPckg<TContextParameters> options(parameters);
   498 	const TInt ret = Nif().Interface().Control(KSOLInterface, KContextQoSSet, options);
   499 	return ret == KErrNone ? parameters.iReasonCode : ret;
   500 	}
   503 // Set QoS parameters for a Pdp context from defaults
   504 // Note: Change is not signaled to network until Activate/ModifyActive is called.
   505 TInt CPdpContext::SetQoS()
   506 	{
   507 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::SetQoSL on PDP Context [ContextId=%d ChannelId=%d]"), iContextId, iChannelId));
   509 	TContextParameters& parameters(Nif().ContextParameters());
   510 	TQoSRequested policy;
   511 	Nif().Module().GetDefaultParameters(policy, Nif().IapId());
   512 	parameters.iContextConfig.SetUMTSQoSReq(policy);
   513 	parameters.iContextConfig.SetPdpCompression(policy.iHeaderCompression);
   514 	parameters.iContextInfo.iContextId = iContextId;
   515 	parameters.iContextType = iContextType;
   516 	TPckg<TContextParameters> options(parameters);
   517 	const TInt ret = Nif().Interface().Control(KSOLInterface, KContextQoSSet, options);
   518 	return ret == KErrNone ? parameters.iReasonCode : ret;
   519 	}
   522 // SetQoS response
   523 void CPdpContext::SetQoSReply(CRequestBase* aRequest, const TContextParameters& aParams)
   524 	{
   525 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::SetQoSReply [ContextId=%d] [ReasonCode=%d]"),iContextId,aParams.iReasonCode));
   527 	// Note: Because Run may complete the request, and resulting upcall
   528 	// to QoS may delete anything within the GUQOS, don't assume "this"
   529 	// exists after Run! Any actions on this must be done before the
   530 	// Run call.
   531 	if (aRequest)
   532 		aRequest->Run(EPendingSetQoS, this, aParams);
   533 	}
   535 TInt CPdpContext::ModifyTft(const TTFTOperationCode& aTFTOperationCode, const TTFTInfo& aTft)
   536 	{
   537 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tModifyTFT on PDP Context [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   539 	TPckg<TContextParameters> options(Nif().ContextParameters());
   540 	options().iContextConfig.SetTFTInfo(aTft);
   541 	options().iContextInfo.iContextId = iContextId;
   542 	options().iContextType = iContextType;
   543 	options().iTFTOperationCode = aTFTOperationCode;
   545 	const TInt ret = Nif().Interface().Control(KSOLInterface, KContextTFTModify, options);
   546 	return ret == KErrNone ? options().iReasonCode : ret;
   547 	}
   549 void CPdpContext::ModifyTftReply(CRequestBase* aRequest, const TContextParameters& aParams)
   550 	{
   551 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::ModifyTftReply [ContextId=%d] [ReasonCode=%d]"),iContextId,aParams.iReasonCode));
   552 	if (!aRequest)
   553 		return;
   555 	// Translate operation code into "request code"...
   556 	TRequest code = EPendingAny;;
   557 	switch(aParams.iTFTOperationCode)
   558 		{
   559 	case KAddFilters:
   560 		code = EPendingPacketFilterAdd;
   561 		break;
   563 	case KRemoveFilters:
   564 		code = EPendingPacketFilterRemove;
   565 		break;
   567 	case KDeleteTFT:
   568 		code = EPendingTFTRemove;
   569 		break;
   571 	case KAddSblpParameter:
   572 		code = EPendingSblpParameterAdd;
   573 		break;
   575 	case KRemoveSblpParameter:
   576 		code = EPendingSblpParameterRemove;
   577 		break;
   579 	default:
   580 		// Should not happen, but if it does, let the request state
   581 		// machine handle the problem (code is now EPendingAny!)
   582 		break;
   583 		}
   584 	// Note: Because Run may complete the request, and resulting upcall
   585 	// to QoS may delete anything within the GUQOS, don't assume "this"
   586 	// exists after Run! Any actions on this must be done before the
   587 	// Run call.
   588 	aRequest->Run(code, this, aParams);
   589 	}
   592 // Activate context
   593 TInt CPdpContext::Activate()
   594 	{
   595 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::Activate PDP Context [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   597 	TContextParameters& parameters(Nif().ContextParameters());
   599 	// Activate only needs the context id.
   600 	parameters.iContextInfo.iContextId = iContextId;
   601 	//?? Does it need the "context type"?
   602 	parameters.iContextType = iContextType;
   603 	TPckg<TContextParameters> options(parameters);
   604 	const TInt ret =  Nif().Interface().Control(KSOLInterface, KContextActivate, options);
   605 	return ret == KErrNone ? parameters.iReasonCode : ret;
   606 	}
   608 // Activate context response
   609 void CPdpContext::ActivateReply(CRequestBase* aRequest, const TContextParameters& aParams)
   610 	{
   611 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::ActivateReply() [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   613 	Update(aParams);
   614 	// Must be done before Run (see below)!
   615 	if (ContextActive())
   616 		UnBlock();
   617 	// Note: Because Run may complete the request, and resulting upcall
   618 	// to QoS may delete anything within the GUQOS, don't assume "this"
   619 	// exists after Run! Any actions on this must be done before the
   620 	// Run call.
   621 	if (aRequest)
   622 		{
   623 		aRequest->Run(EPendingActivate, this, aParams);
   624 		}
   625 	}
   627 // Modify active Pdp context
   628 TInt CPdpContext::ModifyActive()
   629 	{
   630 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::ModifyActive [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   632 	TContextParameters& parameters(Nif().ContextParameters());
   633 	parameters.iContextInfo.iContextId = iContextId;
   634 	TPckg<TContextParameters> options(parameters);
   636 	const TInt ret(Nif().Interface().Control(KSOLInterface, KContextModifyActive, options));
   637 	return ret == KErrNone ? parameters.iReasonCode : ret;
   638 	}
   640 void CPdpContext::ModifyActiveReply(CRequestBase* aRequest, const TContextParameters& aParams)
   641 	{
   642 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::ModifyActiveReply [ContextId=%d] [ReasonCode=%d]"),iContextId,aParams.iReasonCode));
   643 	Update(aParams);
   645 	// Must be done before Run (see below)!
   646 	if (ContextActive())
   647 		UnBlock();
   648 	// Note: Because Run may complete the request, and resulting upcall
   649 	// to QoS may delete anything within the GUQOS, don't assume "this"
   650 	// exists after Run! Any actions on this must be done before the
   651 	// Run call.
   652 	if (aRequest)
   653 		aRequest->Run(EPendingModifyActive, this, aParams);
   654 	}
   656 // QoS parameters have changed
   657 void CPdpContext::ParametersChangedEvent(const TContextParameters& aParams)
   658 	{
   659 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::ParametersChangedEvent [ContextId=%d] [ReasonCode=%d]"),iContextId,aParams.iReasonCode));
   660 	Update(aParams);
   661 	// Notify applications about QoS change
   662 	GenerateEvent(KPfqosEventAdapt, aParams);
   663 	}
   665 void CPdpContext::DeleteEvent(const TContextParameters& aParams)
   666 	{
   667 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CPdpContext::DeleteEvent [ContextId=%d] [ReasonCode=%d]"),iContextId,aParams.iReasonCode));
   668 	GenerateEvent(KPfqosEventFailure, aParams);
   669 	}
   671 // delete Pdp context
   672 TInt CPdpContext::Delete()
   673 	{
   674 	if (!IsPrimary())
   675 		{
   676 		LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCPdpContext::Delete [ContextId=%d]"),iContextId));
   678 		TContextParameters& parameters(Nif().ContextParameters());
   679 		parameters.iContextInfo.iContextId = iContextId;
   680 		TPckg<TContextParameters> options(parameters);
   681 		Nif().Interface().Control(KSOLInterface, KContextDelete, options);
   682 		}
   683 	return KErrNone;
   684 	}
   687 void CPdpContext::FlowAttached()
   688 	{
   689 	++iRefs;	
   690 	}
   692 void CPdpContext::FlowDetached()
   693 	{
   694 	--iRefs;
   695 	if (!IsPrimary() && iFlows.IsEmpty())
   696 		{
   697 		ASSERT(iRefs == 0);
   698 		iTimeout.Set(Nif().Module().TimeoutManager(), Nif().Module().Options().iTimeout);
   699 		}
   700 	}
   702 void CPdpContext::GenerateEvent(TUint aEventType, const TContextParameters& aParams)
   703 	{
   704 	// Generate event for channels
   705 	MEventInterface *notifier = Nif().Module().QoSEvent();
   706 	if (!notifier)
   707 		return;	// Nobody to notify!
   709 	RExtensionData extension;
   710 	TInt ret = extension.CreateExtension(aParams.iContextConfig, aParams.iReasonCode);
   711 	// if cannot generate full return information, try with plain reason code
   712 	if (ret != KErrNone)
   713 		(void)extension.SetErrorCode(aParams.iReasonCode);
   715 	if (ChannelId())
   716 		{
   717 		// The PDP context represents a channel, one event for all joined flows
   718 		notifier->NotifyEvent(ChannelId(), aEventType, NULL, extension);
   719 		}
   720 	else
   721 		{
   722 		// Generate event for each flow
   723 		TDblFlowIter iter(iFlows);
   724 		CFlowData *flow;
   725 		while ((flow = iter++) != NULL)
   726 			{
   727 			// Throw away "const". The MEventInterface is misdeclared to
   728 			// use non-const reference parameter, when const reference
   729 			// would be the correct way...
   730 			notifier->NotifyEvent((CFlowContext &)flow->FlowContext(), aEventType, NULL, extension);
   731 			}
   732 		}
   733 	extension.Close();
   734 	}
   737 void CPdpContext::SetContextStatus(const RPacketContext::TContextStatus& aStatus)
   738 	{
   739 #ifdef _LOG
   740 	TBuf<40> statusBefore;
   742 	switch(iContextStatus)
   743 		{
   744 		case RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown:		statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusUnknown"));		break;
   745 		case RPacketContext::EStatusInactive:		statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusInactive"));		break;
   746 		case RPacketContext::EStatusActivating:		statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusActivating"));	break;
   747 		case RPacketContext::EStatusActive:			statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusActive"));		break;
   748 		case RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating:	statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusDeactivating"));	break;
   749 		case RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended:		statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusSuspended"));	break;
   750 		case RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted:		statusBefore.Append(_L("EStatusDeleted"));		break;
   751 		default:									statusBefore.Append(_L("error"));				break;
   752 		}
   754 	TBuf<40> statusAfter;
   756 	switch(aStatus)
   757 		{
   758 		case RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown:		statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusUnknown"));		break;
   759 		case RPacketContext::EStatusInactive:		statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusInactive"));		break;
   760 		case RPacketContext::EStatusActivating:		statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusActivating"));	break;
   761 		case RPacketContext::EStatusActive:			statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusActive"));		break;
   762 		case RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating:	statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusDeactivating"));	break;
   763 		case RPacketContext::EStatusSuspended:		statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusSuspended"));		break;
   764 		case RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted:		statusAfter.Append(_L("EStatusDeleted"));		break;
   765 		default:									statusAfter.Append(_L("error"));				break;
   766 		}
   768 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCPdpContext::SetContextStatus, iContextStatus before: {%S}, after: {%S}"), &statusBefore, &statusAfter));
   769 #endif
   771 	const TUint blocked = IsFlowBlocked();
   772 	iContextStatus = aStatus;
   773 	NotifyBlockingState(blocked);
   774 	}
   776 void CPdpContext::Update(const TContextParameters& aParams)
   777 	{
   778 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tUpdate Context id = %d (channel=%d)"), ContextId(), ChannelId()));
   779 	// Save some basic negotiated values to the context instance.
   780 	aParams.iContextConfig.GetUMTSQoSNeg(iNegotiated);
   782 	// *NOTE* *ASSUMED*
   783 	// This function is called on completion of MofifyActive/Activate and
   784 	// in some other cases. Assume that the TContextParameters contains the
   785 	// current state of the context as seen by lower layers. The iReasonCode
   786 	// only indicates that the indicated operation failed or succeeded.
   787 	// The current state is provided even if iReasonCode != KErrNone.
   789 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCurrent TFT from NIF to PDP ContextId=%d"), ContextId()));
   790 	//?? The specification of TTFTInfo class is plain idiotic. There is no way to
   791 	//?? scan through filters with constant object. There is no way to get a
   792 	//?? const ref to filter inside TFTInfo, instead all scanning always requires
   793 	//?? inconvenient copying of the element (in addition to the fact that,
   794 	//?? you often have to copy the whole TTFTInfo structure to local store
   795 	//?? for a "modifiable copy" (which really should not be needed!)
   797 	// Avoid some of the problems by *not* keeping TTFTInfo in CPdpContext, and
   798 	// maintain own simple array of TPacketFilters instead, which can at least
   799 	// be looked without needing to copy the elements each time...
   800 	TTFTInfo& tft = ((RContextConfig&)aParams.iContextConfig).TFTInfo();
   801 	tft.SetToFirst();
   802 	iNumFilters = 0;
   803 	while (iNumFilters < KMaxPacketFilters && tft.NextPacketFilter(iFilters[iNumFilters]) == KErrNone)
   804 		{
   805 		LOG(LogPacketFilter(iFilters[iNumFilters]));
   806 		++iNumFilters;
   807 		}
   808 	Nif().RecomputeEvaluationPrecedences();
   810 #ifdef _LOG
   811 	RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3 *sblpParams;
   812 	TRAPD(err, sblpParams = RPacketContext::CTFTMediaAuthorizationV3::NewL());
   813 	if (err != KErrNone)
   814 		return;	// Blah!!
   815 	if (tft.GetSblpToken(*sblpParams) == KErrNone)
   816 		{
   817 		TBuf<KMaxFQDNLength> mat;
   818 		mat.Copy(sblpParams->iAuthorizationToken);
   819 		//coverity[leave_without_push]
   820 		Log::Printf(_L("\t\tMedia authorization: '%S'"),&mat);
   821 		for( TInt i = 0; i < sblpParams->iFlowIds.Count(); i++ )
   822 			{
   823 			//coverity[leave_without_push]
   824 			Log::Printf(_L("\t\tFlowId %d.  Media <%d> Flow <%d>"),
   825 				i,
   826 				sblpParams->iFlowIds[i].iMediaComponentNumber,
   827 				sblpParams->iFlowIds[i].iIPFlowNumber);
   828 			}
   829 		}
   830 	else
   831 		//coverity[leave_without_push]
   832 		Log::Printf(_L("\t\tNo SBLP"));
   833 	delete sblpParams;
   834 #endif
   835 	// Do the status change last, because it may generate events
   836 	// and callbacks. Now all the context state is updated...
   837 	SetContextStatus(aParams.iContextInfo.iStatus);
   838 	}
   840 // Rename: IsDefaultContext()
   841 TBool CPdpContext::IsPrimary() const
   842 	{
   843 	return (iNifItem.DefaultPdpContext() == this);
   844 	}