changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // SPUD data multiplexer
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalComponent
    21 */
    23 #include "mux.h"
    24 #include <nifmbuf.h>
    25 #include <in6_if.h>
    27 // Flow control constants expected by the upper protocol stack
    28 const TInt KStopSending		= 0;
    29 const TInt KContinueSending	= 1;
    31 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    32 #define SPUDMUX_LOG(x) iBindMan->SpudMan()->x
    33 #else
    34 #define SPUDMUX_LOG(x)
    35 #endif
    38 //
    39 // CSpudMux
    40 //
    43 CSpudMux::CSpudMux(CSpudMan& aNifBase)
    44 	: CNifIfBase(aNifBase)
    45     {
    46 	}
    48 CSpudMux::~CSpudMux()
    49     {
    50     // Notify BindMan to delete the pointer to this object
    51     if (iBindMan)
    52     	{
    53 	    iBindMan->MuxClosed();
    54     	}
    55 	}
    57 /**
    58 Constructs the mux object
    60 @param aBindMan Reference to BindMan object
    61 */
    62 void CSpudMux::Construct(CBindMan& aBindMan)
    63 	{
    64 	iBindMan = &aBindMan;
    66 	// Create a unique interface name
    67 	iIfName.Format(_L("%S[0x%08x]"), &KSpudName, this);
    68 	}
    70 /**
    71 Binds SPUD to the TCP/IP stack.
    73 @param aId Pointer to network stack object (CProtocolBase*)
    74 @leave KErrInUse if SPUD is already bound
    75 */
    76 void CSpudMux::BindL(TAny* aId)
    77 	{
    78 	iBindMan->SetProtocolBaseL(static_cast<CProtocolBase*>(aId));
    79 	}
    82 /**
    83 Fills in the info object with NIF information.
    85 @param aInfo object to hold information on return
    86 */
    87 void CSpudMux::Info(TNifIfInfo& aInfo) const
    88 	{
    89 	// Get the binder for the first (default) lower NIF.
    90 	CSpudBinderRef* ref = NULL;
    91 	TRAPD(err, ref = iBindMan->GetAnyRefL());
    92 	if (err == KErrNone)
    93 		{
    94 		// Read the protocol supported value from the lower NIF
    95 		ref->NifBase()->Info(aInfo);
    96 		ASSERT((aInfo.iFlags & (KNifIfIsBase | KNifIfUsesNotify | KNifIfCreatedByLink)) == (KNifIfIsBase | KNifIfUsesNotify | KNifIfCreatedByLink));
    97 		}
    98 	else
    99 		{
   100 		aInfo.iProtocolSupported=KProtocolUnknown;
   101 		}
   103 	// Overwrite these values with our own
   104 	aInfo.iName.Copy(iIfName);
   105 	aInfo.iVersion = TVersion(KSpudMajorVersionNumber, KSpudMinorVersionNumber, KSpudBuildVersionNumber);
   106 	aInfo.iFlags = KNifIfIsBase | KNifIfUsesNotify | KNifIfCreatedByLink;
   107 	}
   109 /**
   110 Takes packets from the IP stack and demultiplexes them by sending each on to
   111 the appropriate lower NIF for processing. The packets are assumed to be
   112 ordered correctly, as appropriate for the QoS guarantees given to each.
   113 This function's responsibility is to pass each packet to the appropriate
   114 lower NIF for processing, where each lower NIF handles a single PDP context.
   116 @param aPacket MBuf chain containing packet
   117 @param aSource Passed unchanged to lower NIF
   118 @return 1 for a successful send, 0 to tell upper layer to flow off
   119 */
   120 TInt CSpudMux::Send(RMBufChain& aPacket, TAny* aSource)
   121 	{
   122 	// GUQoS places the context ID for the outgoing packet into the Port field
   123 	// in the RMBufChain info header.
   124 	const RMBufPktInfo* info = RMBufPacket::PeekInfoInChain(aPacket);
   125 	TUint contextId(info->iDstAddr.Port());
   126 	if (contextId >= static_cast<TUint>(KMaxPdpContexts))
   127 		{
   128 		// Context ID is illegal; use 0 instead and try to continue
   129 		SPUDMUX_LOG(__FLOG_1(_L("CSpudMux::Send context id %d is out of range; using 0 instead"), contextId));
   130 		contextId = 0;
   131 		}
   132 	const TContextId id(static_cast<TContextId>(contextId));
   134 	// Get the binder for the appropriate lower NIF.
   135 	CSpudBinderRef* ref = NULL;
   136 	TRAPD(err, ref = iBindMan->GetRefL(id));
   137 	if (err != KErrNone)
   138 		{
   139 		// That's odd--GUQoS is sending to an invalid context.
   140 		// Redirect it to the first valid context instead.
   141 		SPUDMUX_LOG(__FLOG_1(_L("CSpudMux::Send context id %d is invalid; searching for another"), id));
   142 		TRAPD(err, ref = iBindMan->GetAnyRefL());
   143 		if (err != KErrNone)
   144 			{
   145 			// Something is really wrong here! No contexts available at all!
   146 			SPUDMUX_LOG(__FLOG_0(_L("Nowhere to send data! Dropping packet")));
   147 			return err;
   148 			}
   149 		}
   150 	TInt rc = ref->NifBase()->Send(aPacket, aSource);
   152 	// See if NIF is flowing off data on this context
   153 	if ((rc == KStopSending) && iBindMan->SpudMan()->AreQoSEventsEnabled())
   154 		{
   155 		// Send flow off indication via GUQoS instead
   156 		iBindMan->SpudMan()->StopSending(id);
   157 		rc = KContinueSending;	// Successful send indication
   158 		}
   159 	return rc;
   160 	}
   162 /**
   163 Processes notifications from agent.
   165 @param aEvent event type
   166 @param aInfo data associated with event
   167 @return error code
   168 */
   169 TInt CSpudMux::Notification(TAgentToNifEventType aEvent, void* aInfo)
   170 	{
   171 	SPUDMUX_LOG(__FLOG_1(_L("CSpudMux::Notification received event %d"), aEvent));
   172 	TInt rc = KErrNotSupported;
   173 	switch (aEvent)
   174 		{
   175 	case EAgentToNifEventTypeModifyInitialTimer:
   176 	case EAgentToNifEventTypeDisableTimers:
   177 	case EAgentToNifEventTypeEnableTimers:
   178 		// Send notification to all lower NIFs
   179 		rc =  KErrNotReady;
   180 		TContextId i;
   181 		for (i=0; i < KMaxPdpContexts; ++i)
   182 			{
   183 			CSpudBinderRef* ref = NULL;
   184 			TRAP(rc, ref = iBindMan->GetRefL(i));
   185 			if (rc == KErrNone)
   186 				{
   187 				rc = ref->NifBase()->Notification(aEvent, aInfo);
   188 				}
   189 			}
   190 		break;
   192 	case EAgentToNifEventTypeDisableConnection:
   193 		SPUDMUX_LOG(__FLOG_0(_L("CSpudMux::Notification received EAgentToNifEventTypeDisableConnection")));
   194 		// TODO: How to handle this event?  Just fall through and ignore for now.
   195 	default:
   196 		break;
   197 		}
   199 	return rc;
   200 	}
   202 /**
   203 Returns the current state of the interface
   205 @return TIfStatus indicating the current state of the interface
   206 */
   207 TInt CSpudMux::State()
   208 	{
   209 	// Get the binder for the first (default) lower NIF.
   210 	CSpudBinderRef* ref = NULL;
   211 	TRAPD(err, ref = iBindMan->GetAnyRefL());
   212 	if (err != KErrNone)
   213 		{
   214 		return EIfDown;
   215 		}
   217 	// Use the state of the first lower NIF as the state of the SPUD
   218 	return ref->NifBase()->State();
   219 	}
   221 /**
   222 Controls the NIF
   224 @param aLevel The intended level for this control option
   225 @param aName The name of the control option
   226 @param aOption Any data associated with this control option, contained within a TPckg(Buf)
   227 @param aSource If provided, an identifier for the source of the control option; by default, zero
   228 @return KErrNone if successful; otherwise one of the standard Symbian OS error codes
   229 */
   230 TInt CSpudMux::Control(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& aOption, TAny* aSource)
   231 	{
   232 	if (aLevel==KSOLInterface)
   233 		{
   234 		switch (aName)
   235 			{
   236 		// From elsewhere
   237 		case KSoIfInfo:
   238 		case KSoIfInfo6:
   239 		case KSoIfConfig:
   240 		case KSoIfCompareAddr:
   241 		case KSoIfGetConnectionInfo:
   242 		case KSoIfHardwareAddr:
   243 			{
   244 			// Get the binder for the first (default) lower NIF.
   245 			CSpudBinderRef* ref = NULL;
   246 			TRAPD(err, ref = iBindMan->GetAnyRefL());
   247 			if (err != KErrNone)
   248 				{
   249 				return err;
   250 				}
   251 			return ref->NifBase()->Control(aLevel, aName, aOption, aSource);
   252 			}
   254 		default:
   255 			// Unknown event
   256 			// Assume it's for GUQoS, so let SpudMan handle it and error out the unknown ones
   257 			// These include:
   258 			//   KSoIfControllerPlugIn
   259         	//   KRegisterEventHandler
   260 			//   KContextSetEvents
   261 			//   KNifSetDefaultQoS
   262 			//   KContextCreate
   263 			//   KContextDelete
   264 			//   KContextActivate
   265 			//   KContextQoSSet
   266 			//   KContextTFTModify
   267 			//   KContextModifyActive
   268 			return iBindMan->SpudMan()->GuqosInput(aName, aOption);
   269 			}
   270 		}
   271 	return KErrNotSupported;
   272 	}
   274 //
   275 // CSpudProtocol
   276 //
   279 CSpudProtocol::CSpudProtocol()
   280 	{
   281 	}
   283 CSpudProtocol::~CSpudProtocol()
   284 	{
   285 	}
   287 /**
   288 Constructs the SpudProtocol object
   290 @param aBindMan reference to BindMan object
   291 */
   292 void CSpudProtocol::Construct(CBindMan& aBindMan)
   293 	{
   294 	iBindMan = &aBindMan;
   295 	}
   297 void CSpudProtocol::SetProtocolBaseL(CProtocolBase* aProtocolBase)
   298 	{
   299 	if(iProtocolBase)
   300 		{
   301 		SPUDMUX_LOG(__FLOG_0(_L("CSpudProtocol::SetProtocolBaseL already bound to protocol")));
   302 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   303 		}
   305 	iProtocolBase = aProtocolBase;
   306 	ASSERT(iProtocolBase);
   307 	}
   310 void CSpudProtocol::Identify(TServerProtocolDesc *aDesc) const
   311 	{
   312 	ASSERT(iProtocolBase);
   313     iProtocolBase->Identify(aDesc);
   314 	}
   316 /**
   317 Receives an indication that the lower NIF is ready to send packets.
   319 @param aProtocol CNifIfBase pointer of lower NIF
   320 */
   321 void CSpudProtocol::StartSending(CProtocolBase* aProtocol)
   322 	{
   323 	TContextId id = KAllContexts;
   324 	TRAPD(rc, id = iBindMan->FindContextIdL(reinterpret_cast<CNifIfBase*>(aProtocol)));
   325 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(rc == KErrNone, iBindMan->SpudMan()->Panic());
   326 	iBindMan->SpudMan()->StartSending(id);
   327 	}
   329 /**
   330 Receives PDU from the lower NIF and passes it to the upper protocol layer.
   332 @param aChain Datagram to process
   333 @param aSourceProtocol CNifIfBase pointer of lower NIF (ignored)
   334 */
   335 void CSpudProtocol::Process(RMBufChain& aChain, CProtocolBase* /*aSourceProtocol*/)
   336 	{
   337 	ASSERT(iProtocolBase);
   338     iProtocolBase->Process(aChain, reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(iBindMan->SpudMux()));
   339 	}
   341 /**
   342 Receives PDU from the lower NIF and passes it to the upper protocol layer.
   344 @param aPDU Datagram to process
   345 @param aFrom Source address
   346 @param aTo Destination address
   347 @param aSourceProtocol (ignored)
   348 */
   349 void CSpudProtocol::Process(TDes8& aPDU, TSockAddr* aFrom, TSockAddr* aTo, CProtocolBase* /*aSourceProtocol*/)
   350 	{
   351 	ASSERT(iProtocolBase);
   352     iProtocolBase->Process(aPDU, aFrom, aTo, reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(iBindMan->SpudMux()));
   353 	}
   355 /**
   356 Propagates error conditions up the stack, eventually to socket service providers.
   358 @param aError The error code 
   359 @param aSourceProtocol (ignored)
   360 */
   361 void CSpudProtocol::Error(TInt aError, CProtocolBase* /*aSourceProtocol*/)
   362 	{
   363 	ASSERT(iProtocolBase);
   364     iProtocolBase->Error(aError, reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(iBindMan->SpudMux()));
   365 	}
   367 /**
   368 Calls StartSending on the upper network protocol.
   369 */
   370 void CSpudProtocol::DoStartSending() const
   371 	{
   372 	ASSERT(iProtocolBase);
   373 	iProtocolBase->StartSending(reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(iBindMan->SpudMux()));
   374 	}