changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Contains method implementations for RMobileCall subsession
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20 */
    22 #include <etelext.h>
    23 #include <etelmm.h>
    24 #include <et_clsvr.h>
    25 #include "mm_hold.h"
    27 /************************************************************************/
    28 //
    29 //  RMobileCall
    30 //
    31 /************************************************************************/
    33 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::RMobileCall()
    34 	: iMmPtrHolder(NULL)
    35 /** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
    36 function table export.
    37 This member is internal and not intended use. */
    38 	{
    39 	}
    41 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::ConstructL()
    42 	{
    43 	RCall::ConstructL();
    44 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder==NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicHandleNotClosed));
    45 	iMmPtrHolder = CMobileCallPtrHolder::NewL(CMobileCallPtrHolder::EMaxNumberCallPtrSlots,CMobileCallPtrHolder::EMaxNumberCallPtrCSlots);
    46 	}
    48 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::Destruct()
    49 	{
    50 	RCall::Destruct();
    51 	delete iMmPtrHolder;
    52 	iMmPtrHolder = NULL;
    53 	}
    55 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1::TMobileCallParamsV1() 
    56 :	RCall::TCallParams(),
    57 	iIdRestrict(EIdRestrictDefault), 
    58 	iAutoRedial(EFalse)
    59 	{
    60 	iCug.iExplicitInvoke = EFalse;
    61 	iCug.iCugIndex = 0;
    62 	iCug.iSuppressOA = EFalse;
    63 	iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = EFalse;
    64 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileCallParamsV1; //overwrite iExtensionId setup in RCall::TCallParams c'tor
    65 	}
    67 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV2::TMobileCallParamsV2() 
    68 :	TMobileCallParamsV1(), 
    69  	iBearerMode(EMulticallNotSupported)
    70 	/** Default constructor. The bearer mode is set to EMulticallNotSupported. */
    71  	{
    72  	iExtensionId = KETelMobileCallParamsV2; //overwrite iExtensionId setup in RCall::TCallParams c'tor
    73  	}
    75 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV7::TMobileCallParamsV7()
    76 :	TMobileCallParamsV2(),
    77 	iCallParamOrigin(EOriginatorUnknown),
    78 	iBCRepeatIndicator(EBCAlternateMode)
    79 	{
    80 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileCallParamsV7;
    81 	iIconId.iQualifier = EIconQualifierNotSet;
    82 	iIconId.iIdentifier = 0;
    83 	}
    86 /***********************************************************************************/
    87 //
    88 // MobileDataCall Functional Unit
    89 //
    90 /***********************************************************************************/
    92 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallCugV1::TMobileCallCugV1() :
    93 	iExplicitInvoke(EFalse), 
    94 	iCugIndex(0), 
    95 	iSuppressOA(EFalse), 
    96 	iSuppressPrefCug(EFalse)
    97 	/** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
    98 	function table export. */
    99 	{
   100 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
   101 	}
   103 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1::TMobileCallDataCapsV1() : 
   104 	iSpeedCaps(0), 
   105 	iProtocolCaps(0), 
   106 	iServiceCaps(0), 
   107 	iQoSCaps(0), 
   108 	iHscsdSupport(EFalse),
   109 	iMClass(0), 
   110 	iMaxRxTimeSlots(0), 
   111 	iMaxTxTimeSlots(0), 
   112 	iTotalRxTxTimeSlots(0), 
   113 	iCodingCaps(0),
   114 	iAsymmetryCaps(0),
   115 	iUserInitUpgrade(EFalse),
   116 	iRLPVersionCaps(0),
   117 	iV42bisCaps(0)
   118 	/** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   119 	function table export. */
   120 	{
   121 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
   122 	}
   124 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::GetMobileDataCallCaps(TDes8& aCaps) const
   125 /** Gets the current data call capabilities. The data capabilities 
   126 provide clients with knowledge of which data call parameter values they can 
   127 then set-up or negotiate for this call.
   129 @param aCaps On completion, contains the current snapshot of the call's circuit 
   130 switched data capabilities. The capabilities will be placed in an instance 
   131 of the TMobileCallDataCapsV1Pckg.
   132 @return KErrNone if the function member was successful, KErrNotSupported if 
   133 call does not support circuit switched data, KErrNotFound if this 
   134 call is not a data call. 
   135 @capability None
   136 */
   137 	{
   138 	return Get(EMobileCallGetMobileDataCallCaps,aCaps);
   139 	}
   141 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aCaps) const
   142 /** Allows clients to be notified of a change in the call's data capabilities.
   144 The data capabilities of a call can change if the phone changes mode before 
   145 the call moves out of the idle state.
   147 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange) 
   148 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange() 
   149 request.
   151 @param aReqStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide 
   152 error codes.
   153 @param aCaps On completion, contains the current snapshot of the call's circuit 
   154 switched data capabilities. The new capabilities will be placed in an instance 
   155 of the TMobileCallDataCapsV1 type. This class will have been packaged into 
   156 a TMobileCallDataCapsV1Pckg. 
   157 @capability None
   158 */
   159 	{
   160 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange,aReqStatus,aCaps);
   161 	}
   163 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileDataRLPRangesV1::TMobileDataRLPRangesV1() :
   164 	iIWSMax(0),
   165 	iIWSMin(0),
   166 	iMWSMax(0),
   167 	iMWSMin(0),
   168 	iT1Max(0),
   169 	iT1Min(0),
   170 	iN2Max(0),
   171 	iN2Min(0),
   172 	iT4Max(0),
   173 	iT4Min(0)
   174 	/** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   175 	function table export. */
   176 	{
   177 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
   178 	}
   180 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::GetMobileDataCallRLPRange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TInt aRLPVersion, TDes8& aRLPRange) const
   181 /** Gets the minimum and maximum RLP parameter ranges supported 
   182 by the phone for the specified RLP version.
   184 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallGetMobileDataCallRLPRange)with 
   185 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous GetMobileDataCallRLPRange() request.
   187 @param aReqStatus KErrNone if the function member was successful, KErrNotSupported 
   188 if the phone does not support the RLP version interrogated.
   189 @param aRLPVersion The requested RLP version.
   190 @param aRLPRange On completion, a descriptor that will contain the RLP parameter 
   191 ranges. The capabilities will be packaged into a TMobileDataRLPRangesV1Pckg. 
   192 @capability NetworkControl
   193 @capability ReadDeviceData
   195 @see TMobileDataRLPRangesV1Pckg
   196 @see TMobileDataRLPRangesV1
   197 */
   198 	{
   199 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   201 	iMmPtrHolder->iRLPVersion = aRLPVersion;
   202 	TPtrC8& ptr1=iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1GetMobileDataCallRLPRange, iMmPtrHolder->iRLPVersion);
   204 	SetAndGet(EMobileCallGetMobileDataCallRLPRange, aReqStatus, ptr1, aRLPRange);
   205 	}
   207 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1::TMobileDataCallParamsV1() 
   208 :	TMobileCallParamsV1(),
   209 	iService(EServiceUnspecified),
   210 	iSpeed(ESpeedUnspecified), 
   211 	iProtocol(EProtocolUnspecified), 
   212 	iQoS(EQoSUnspecified),
   213 	iRLPVersion(ERLPNotRequested),
   214 	iModemToMSWindowSize(0),
   215 	iMSToModemWindowSize(0),
   216 	iAckTimer(0),
   217 	iRetransmissionAttempts(0),
   218 	iResequencingPeriod(0),
   219 	iV42bisReq(EV42bisNeitherDirection),
   220 	iV42bisCodewordsNum(0),
   221 	iV42bisMaxStringLength(0),
   222 	iUseEdge(0)
   223 /**
   224 Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   225 function table export. 
   226 */
   227 	{
   228 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileDataCallParamsV1; //overwrite iExtensionId setup in TMobileCallParamsV1 c'tor
   229 	}
   231 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV2::TMobileDataCallParamsV2() 
   232 :	TMobileDataCallParamsV1(),
   233 	iBearerMode(EMulticallNotSupported)
   234 /** Default constructor. The bearer mode is set to EMulticallNotSupported. */
   235 	{
   236 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileDataCallParamsV2; //overwrite iExtensionId setup in TMobileCallParamsV2 c'tor
   237 	}
   239 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV8::TMobileDataCallParamsV8() 
   240 :	TMobileDataCallParamsV2(),
   241 	iCallParamOrigin(EOriginatorUnknown),
   242 	iBCRepeatIndicator(EBCAlternateMode)
   243 /** Default constructor. The call origin is initialized to EOriginatorUnknown. */
   244 	{
   245 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileDataCallParamsV8; 
   246 	iIconId.iQualifier = EIconQualifierNotSet;
   247 	iIconId.iIdentifier = 0;
   248 	}
   250 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1() 
   251 :	TMobileDataCallParamsV1(),
   252 	iWantedAiur(EAiurBpsUnspecified),
   253 	iWantedRxTimeSlots(0), 
   254 	iMaxTimeSlots(0), 
   255 	iCodings(0),
   256 	iAsymmetry(EAsymmetryNoPreference),
   257 	iUserInitUpgrade(EFalse)
   258 /** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   259 function table export. */
   260 	{
   261 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV1; //overwrite iExtensionId setup in TMobileDataCallParamsV1 c'tor
   262 	}
   265 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV2::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV2() 
   266 :	TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1(),
   267 	iBearerMode(EMulticallNotSupported)
   268 /** Default constructor. The bearer mode defaults to EMulticallNotSupported. */
   269 	{
   270 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV2; //overwrite iExtensionId setup in TMobileDataCallParamsV2 c'tor
   271 	}
   273 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV7::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV7() 
   274 :	TMobileHscsdCallParamsV2(),
   275 	iCallParamOrigin(EOriginatorUnknown)
   276 /** Default constructor. The call origin is set to EOriginatorUnknown by default. */
   277 	{
   278 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV7;
   279 	iIconId.iQualifier = EIconQualifierNotSet;
   280 	iIconId.iIdentifier = 0;
   281 	}
   282 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV8::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV8() 
   283 :	TMobileHscsdCallParamsV7(),
   284 	iBCRepeatIndicator(EBCAlternateMode)
   285 /** Default constructor. The BC Repeat Indicator is initialized to EBCAlternateMode. */
   286 	{
   287 	iExtensionId = KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV8; 
   288 	}
   289 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::SetDynamicHscsdParams(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileCallAiur aAiur, TInt aRxTimeslots) const
   290 /** Sets the call's dynamic HSCSD parameters.
   292 This request can be used before call set-up starts or during call connection. 
   293 If the call is not a HSCSD call then KErrNotSupported is returned.
   295 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallSetDynamicHscsdParams) 
   296 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous SetDynamicHscsdParams() request.
   298 @param aReqStatus KErrNone if the function member was successful, KErrNotSupported 
   299 if the phone does not support the RLP version interrogated.
   300 @param aAiur Wanted air interface user rate.
   301 @param aRxTimeslots Wanted number of receive (downlink) timeslots. 
   302 @capability NetworkServices
   303 */
   304 	{
   305 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   307 	iMmPtrHolder->iAiur = aAiur;
   308 	TPtrC8& ptr1=iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1SetDynamicHscsdParams, iMmPtrHolder->iAiur);
   310 	iMmPtrHolder->iRxTimeslots = aRxTimeslots;
   311 	TPtrC8& ptr2=iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot2SetDynamicHscsdParams, iMmPtrHolder->iRxTimeslots);
   313 	Set(EMobileCallSetDynamicHscsdParams,aReqStatus,ptr1,ptr2);
   314 	}
   316 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV1::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV1() : 
   317 	iAiur(EAiurBpsUnspecified), 
   318 	iRxTimeSlots(0), 
   319 	iTxTimeSlots(0), 
   320 	iCodings(ETchCodingUnspecified)
   321 /** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   322 function table export. */
   323 	{
   324 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
   325 	}
   327 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV7::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV7() : 
   328 	iCallParamOrigin(EOriginatorUnknown)
   329 /** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   330 function table export. */
   331 	{
   332 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
   333 	}
   334 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8() 
   335 :	iBCRepeatIndicator(EBCAlternateMode)
   336 /** Default constructor. The BC Repeat Indicator is initialized to EBCAlternateMode. */
   337 	{
   338 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV8; 
   339 	}
   341 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::GetCurrentHscsdInfo(TDes8& aHSCSDInfo) const
   342 /** Gets the current values of the HSCSD parameters of an 
   343 active mobile HSCSD call.
   345 @see TMobileCallHscsdInfoV1
   346 @see TMobileCallHscsdInfoV7
   348 @param aHSCSDInfo A descriptor that will contain the retrieved HSCSD information.
   350 @return KErrNone if HSCSD information successfully retrieved. 
   351 @return KErrEtelCallNotActive if call is not an active HSCSD call
   352 @return KErrNotSupported if call does not support HSCSD
   354 @capability None
   355 */
   356 	{
   357 	return Get(EMobileCallGetCurrentHscsdInfo,aHSCSDInfo);
   358 	}
   360 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyHscsdInfoChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aHSCSDInfo) const
   361 /** This notification completes when the mobile call's HSCSD parameters change.
   363 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyHscsdInfoChange)to 
   364 cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyHscsdInfoChange() request.
   366 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   367 the system-wide error codes.
   368 @param aHSCSDInfo A descriptor that will contain the new HSCSD information 
   369 @capability None
   370 */
   371 	{
   372 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyHscsdInfoChange,aReqStatus,aHSCSDInfo);			
   373 	}
   375 /***********************************************************************************/
   376 //
   377 // MobileMultimediaCall functional unit
   378 //
   379 /***********************************************************************************/
   381 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyVoiceFallback(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TName& aCallName) const
   382 /** Notifies the client if a Multimedia call falls back to 
   383 a voice call due to inability in network or terminating end to comply with 
   384 the Multimedia request.
   386 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyVoiceFallback) 
   387 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyVoiceFallback() request.
   389 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   390 the system-wide error codes.
   391 @param aCallName On Completion, contains the name of a new voice call object 
   392 created by the TSY. 
   393 @capability None
   394 */
   395 	{
   396 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyVoiceFallback, aReqStatus, aCallName);
   397 	}
   399 /***********************************************************************************/
   400 //
   401 // MobileAlternatingCall functional unit
   402 //
   403 /***********************************************************************************/
   406 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::SwitchAlternatingCall(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   407 /** Switches an alternating call to its opposite call mode.
   409 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(TEMobileCallSwitchAlternatingCall) 
   410 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous SwitchAlternatingCall() request.
   412 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if the function member was successful, 
   413 or KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall if there are no valid clients who 
   414 have called the associated NotifyAlternatingCallSwitch(). 
   415 @capability NetworkServices
   416 */
   417 	{
   418 	Blank(EMobileCallSwitchAlternatingCall,aReqStatus);
   419 	}
   421 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyAlternatingCallSwitch(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   422 /** This notification completes when an alternating call successfully switches 
   423 call mode.
   425 Use: RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyAlternatingCallSwitch) 
   426 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyAlternatingCallSwitch() request.
   428 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone is returned after an alternating call 
   429 successfully switched call mode, KErrMMETelAlternatingCallTerminated is returned 
   430 if the TSY detects that the alternating call has ended while a client is still 
   431 waiting for an alternating call mode switch. 
   432 @capability None
   433 */
   434 	{
   435 	Blank(EMobileCallNotifyAlternatingCallSwitch,aReqStatus);
   436 	}
   438 /***********************************************************************************/
   439 //
   440 // Call control methods for all calls
   441 //
   442 /***********************************************************************************/
   444 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1::TMobileCallCapsV1() : 
   445 	iCallControlCaps(0),
   446 	iCallEventCaps(0)
   447 	/** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
   448 	function table export. */
   449 	{
   450 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
   451 	}
   453 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::GetMobileCallCaps(TDes8& aCaps) const
   454 /** Gets the mobile call's call control and event capabilities.
   456 @param aCaps On completion, a TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg that will contain the 
   457 call control and event capabilities.
   458 @return KErrNone 
   459 @capability None
   461 @see TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg
   462 @see TMobileCallCapsV1
   463 */
   464 	{
   465 	return Get(EMobileCallGetMobileCallCaps, aCaps);
   466 	}
   468 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aCaps) const
   469 /** This notification completes when the mobile call's call control and event capabilities 
   470 change.
   472 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChange) 
   473 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyMobileCallCapsChange() request.
   475 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   476 the system-wide error codes.
   477 @param aCaps On completion, TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg that will contain the new 
   478 call control and event capabilities. 
   479 @capability None
   481 @see TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg
   482 @see TMobileCallCapsV1
   483 */
   484 	{
   485 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChange, aReqStatus, aCaps);
   486 	}
   488 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::GetMobileCallStatus(TMobileCallStatus& aStatus) const
   489 /** Gets the current status of a mobile call.
   491 @param aStatus On completion, contains the status of the call.
   492 @return KErrNone 
   493 @capability None
   494 */
   495 	{
   496 	TPckg<TMobileCallStatus> ptr1(aStatus);
   497 	return Get(EMobileCallGetMobileCallStatus, ptr1);
   498 	}
   500 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileCallStatus& aStatus) const
   501 /** Allows a client to be notified when the call changes state.
   503 The request completes when the call changes state, the new state being passed 
   504 in the aStatus parameter.
   506 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(TEMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChange) 
   507 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyMobileCallStatusChange() 
   508 request.
   510 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   511 the system-wide error codes.
   512 @param aStatus On completion, contains the new call state. 
   513 @capability None
   514 */
   515 	{
   516 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   518 	TPtr8& ptr1=iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyMobileCallStatusChange, aStatus);
   520 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChange, aReqStatus, ptr1);
   521 	}
   523 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::Hold(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   524 /** Puts a call on hold.
   526 It will complete when the network confirms that the call is in the hold state. 
   527 It can be called by any client that has a handle on this call (i.e. not necessarily 
   528 the client that first opened and dialed or answered the call). The action 
   529 is only valid if the call is a voice call and if there are no other calls 
   530 already on hold. If call hold is possible then it will be reflected in that 
   531 call's dynamic capabilities, i.e. the KCapsHold bit of TMobileCallControlCaps 
   532 will be set.
   534 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallHold) to cancel a previously 
   535 placed asynchronous Hold() request.
   537 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   538 the system-wide error codes. 
   539 @capability NetworkServices
   540 */
   541 	{
   542 	Blank(EMobileCallHold,aReqStatus);
   543 	}
   545 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::Resume(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   546 /** Resumes a call that is on hold.
   548 It will complete when the network confirms that the call is in the active 
   549 state. It can be called by any client that has a handle on this call (i.e. 
   550 not necessarily the client that first opened and dialed or answered the call). 
   551 This action is only valid if there are no other calls already active. If call 
   552 resume is possible then it will be reflected in that call's dynamic capabilities, 
   553 i.e. the KCapsResume bit of TMobileCallControlCaps will be set.
   555 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallResume) to cancel a 
   556 previously placed asynchronous Resume() request.
   558 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   559 the system-wide error codes. 
   560 @capability NetworkServices
   561 */
   562 	{
   563 	Blank(EMobileCallResume, aReqStatus);
   564 	}
   566 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::Swap(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   567 /** Swaps a connected call to its opposite state, either active 
   568 or on hold. 
   570 This function member will complete either when the call has successfully 
   571 moved to the opposite state or if the action failed due to some reason. It 
   572 can be called by any client that has a handle on this call (i.e. not necessarily 
   573 the client that first opened and dialed or answered the call).
   575 This action is possible under two circumstances:
   577 There is just one active or held single call. This implies that there are 
   578 no other calls already in the state to which the client wishes to move this 
   579 call to. The client will call Swap on this call and if it is active it will 
   580 move to the held state and if it is held it will move to the active state.
   582 There are two single calls, one currently active and one on hold. This function 
   583 member therefore swaps the active call with the held call, simultaneously 
   584 placing the active call on hold and resuming the held call.
   586 In the first circumstance, an active call's dynamic capabilities will contain 
   587 the KCapsHold and KCapsSwap bits set. A held calls' dynamic capabilities will 
   588 contain the KCapsResume and KCapsSwap bits set. In the second circumstance, 
   589 both the active and held call's dynamic capabilities will contain just the 
   590 KCapsSwap bit set. The above function member is applicable to both single 
   591 and conference calls. If there is a single call and a conference call then 
   592 the client can call Swap on either the single call or the conference call. 
   593 The action will still move both the single call and the conference call to 
   594 their opposite states.
   596 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallSwap) to cancel a previously 
   597 placed asynchronous Swap() request.
   599 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   600 the system-wide error codes. 
   601 @capability NetworkServices
   602 */
   603 	{
   604 	Blank(EMobileCallSwap, aReqStatus);
   605 	}
   607 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::Deflect(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileCallDeflect aDeflectType, const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aDestination) const
   608 /** Allows a client to deflect an incoming call that is still 
   609 in the EStatusRinging state.
   611 The destination of the deflected call is determined by the aDeflectType parameter. 
   612 If this parameter equals EDeflectSuppliedNumber then the destination address 
   613 is given in the aDestination parameter. If call deflection is possible then 
   614 it will be reflected in that call's dynamic capabilities, i.e. the KCapsDeflect 
   615 bit of TMobileCallControlCaps will be set.
   617 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallDeflect) to cancel a 
   618 previously placed asynchronous Deflect() request.
   620 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   621 the system-wide error codes.
   622 @param aDeflectType Type of call deflection wanted.
   623 @param aDestination The telephone number (E164) to deflect the call to. 
   624 @capability NetworkServices
   625 */
   626 	{
   627 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   630 	iMmPtrHolder->iDeflectType = aDeflectType;
   631 	TPtrC8& ptr1=iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1Deflect, iMmPtrHolder->iDeflectType);
   632 	TPtrC8& ptr2=iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot2Deflect, aDestination);
   634 	Set(EMobileCallDeflect, aReqStatus, ptr1, ptr2);
   635 	}
   637 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::Transfer(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   638 /** Allows a client to transfer a call so that the remote 
   639 party of one call ends up connected to the remote party of another call while 
   640 this user drops out of both calls. For call transfer to be possible, the phone 
   641 must have one call on hold and another call either connected or still ringing 
   642 at the remote end. If call transfer is possible then it will be reflected 
   643 in the affected call's dynamic capabilities, i.e. the KCapsTransfer bit of 
   644 TMobileCallControlCaps will be set.
   646 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallTransfer) to cancel 
   647 a previously placed asynchronous Transfer() request. 
   649 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, KErrMMETelWrongMode if 
   650 the transfer is requested for a CDMA call. 
   651 @capability NetworkServices
   652 */
   653 	{
   654 	Blank(EMobileCallTransfer,aReqStatus);
   655 	}
   657 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::GoOneToOne(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
   658 /** Requests a private communication to the remote party of 
   659 one call within a conference call. The rest of the conference call will be 
   660 put on hold while the user and the selected remote party go "one-to-one". 
   661 It can be called by any client that has a handle on this call (i.e. not necessarily 
   662 the client that first opened and dialed or answered the call). The action 
   663 is only valid if the MS is in GSM mode, the selected call is a voice call 
   664 and it is a member of an ongoing conference call. If "one-to-one" is possible 
   665 then it will be reflected in that call's dynamic capabilities, i.e. the KCapsOneToOne 
   666 bit of TMobileCallControlCaps will be set.
   668 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallGoOneToOne) to cancel 
   669 a previously placed asynchronous GoOneToOne() request.
   671 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   672 the system-wide error codes. 
   673 @capability NetworkServices
   674 */
   675 	{
   676 	Blank(EMobileCallGoOneToOne,aReqStatus);
   677 	}
   679 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyCallEvent(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileCallEvent& aEvent) const
   680 /** Allows the client to be notified when various call events occur.
   682 These events may be generated locally (i.e. from within the ME) or remotely 
   683 (by the remote connected party). The request completes when an event occurs. 
   684 Upon completion, the aEvent parameter will return the event type.
   686 The call (and line) status will be changed to reflect any events detected 
   687 locally or remotely. 
   689 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyCallEvent) to 
   690 cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyCallEvent() request.
   692 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   693 the system-wide error codes.
   694 @param aEvent On completion, contains the new call event. 
   695 @capability None
   696 */
   697 	{
   698 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   700 	TPtr8& ptr1=iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyCallEvent, aEvent);
   702 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyCallEvent, aReqStatus, ptr1);
   703 	}
   705 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::DialNoFdnCheck(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TDesC& aTelNumber) const
   706 /**
   707 Dials the number specified by aTelNumber. 
   709 The number used for dialling is not checked against those in the Fixed 
   710 Dialling Number list even if the FDN service is enabled.
   711 Null CallParams are applied.
   713 @param aTelNumber Supplies the number to dial.
   715 @capability NetworkServices
   716 @capability NetworkControl
   717 */
   718 	{
   719 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   721 	// Confirm that we DO have a number to dial
   722  	if(aTelNumber.Length()==0)
   723  		{
   724  		TRequestStatus* status=&aReqStatus;
   725  		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrArgument);
   726  		return;
   727  		}
   729 	TPtr8 nullptr(NULL,0);
   730  	TPtrC8& null=iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1DialNoFdnCheck, nullptr);
   731  	Set(EMobileCallDialNoFdnCheck, aReqStatus, null, aTelNumber);
   732 	}
   734 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::DialNoFdnCheck(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TDesC8& aCallParams,const TDesC& aTelNumber) const
   735 /**
   736 Dials the number specified by aTelNumber. 
   738 The number used for dialling is not checked against those in the 
   739 Fixed Dialling Number list even if the FDN service is enabled.
   741 @param aCallParams Supplies the call parameters.  This should be a packaged RCall::TCallParams derived class.
   742 @param aTelNumber Supplies the number to dial.
   744 @capability NetworkServices
   745 @capability NetworkControl
   747 @see TMobileCallParamsV1
   748 @see TMobileCallParamsV2
   749 @see TMobileCallParamsV7
   750 @see TMobileDataCallParamsV1
   751 @see TMobileDataCallParamsV2
   752 @see TMobileDataCallParamsV8
   753 @see TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1
   754 @see TMobileHscsdCallParamsV2
   755 @see TMobileHscsdCallParamsV7
   756 @see TMobileHscsdCallParamsV8
   757 */
   758 	{
   759 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   761 	// Confirm that we DO have a number to dial
   762  	if(aTelNumber.Length()==0)
   763  		{
   764  		TRequestStatus* status=&aReqStatus;
   765  		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrArgument);
   766  		return;
   767  		}
   769  	Set(EMobileCallDialNoFdnCheck, aReqStatus, aCallParams, aTelNumber);
   770 	}
   772 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::DialCallControl(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aCallParams, const TTelNumberC& aTelNumber) const
   773 /**
   774 Dial the number specified in aTelNumber using the call parameters
   775 specified in aCallParams.  This API differs from the standard
   776 RCall::Dial method to allow the TSY to know that the dial request 
   777 is resulting from Call Control.
   779 When a client wishes to dial a call (using one of the 
   780 other dial APIs such as RCall::Dial) and Call Control is being 
   781 used, the dial request is passed to the Call Control which can
   782 then modify the call parameters originally specified by the
   783 client.  The SAT engine then issues a second dial request to 
   784 make the actual call using the new modified parameters.  
   785 When making this second request, this API should be used to 
   786 indicate to the TSY that this call results from Call Control.
   787 Call parameter classes RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV7 and 
   788 RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV2 (and in future one of their
   789 derived classes) allow the call originator to be specified.
   791 The API RMobileCall::GetMobileCallInfo with 
   792 RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV7 also allows a client to get
   793 information regarding the originator of a call.
   795 Error codes returned by this API from the TSY/Etelmm via 
   796 aStatus are:
   798 	- KErrNone if the dial request was successful.
   799 	- KErrArgument if no number was supplied or an invalid telephone number was passed in aTelNumber.
   800 	- KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have the required PlatSec capabilities or the SID of the SAT engine was not provided (see below for more details). 
   801 	- Another error code depending on the failure.
   803 This API is policed by both Platform Security capabilities and SID 
   804 and can only be called by the SAT engine.
   806 On hardware, the API can be called by providing the SID of the SAT 
   807 engine in ETel.iby file found in \epoc32\rom\include
   809 A patchable constant KSatEngineSid is used for defining the SID value
   810 of the SAT engine.
   812 For example, add the following line to ETel.iby:
   813 patchdata etel.dll@KSatEngineSid 0x12345678
   815 On emulator, the API can be called by providing the SID of the SAT
   816 engine in epoc.ini file found at \epoc32\data
   818 To do this, add the following line to \epoc32\data\epoc.ini
   819 etel_KSatEngineSid <SID>
   821 For example:
   822 etel_KSatEngineSid 0x12345678
   824 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallDialCallControl) to 
   825 cancel a previously placed asynchronous DialCallControl() request.
   827 @param aCallParams The call parameters. This should be a 
   828 packaged RCall::TCallParams derived class. 
   830 @param aTelNumber The number to dial.
   832 @param aStatus On completion aReqStatus contains KErrNone if successful. 
   833 Otherwise, another error code depending on failure.
   835 @see RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV7
   836 @see RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1
   837 @see RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV7
   839 @capability NetworkServices
   840 @capability NetworkControl
   841 */
   842 	{
   843 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   845 	// Check that a number to dial has been passed
   846  	if(aTelNumber.Length()==0)
   847  		{
   848  		TRequestStatus* status=&aStatus;
   849  		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrArgument);
   850  		return;
   851  		}
   853  	Set(EMobileCallDialCallControl, aStatus, aCallParams, aTelNumber); 	
   854 	}
   856 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TAudioToneV3::TAudioToneV3() :
   857 	iEvent(EAudioStop),
   858 	iTone(ENoTone),
   859 	iPlayedLocally(EFalse)	
   860 /**
   861 Default constructor.
   862 */
   863 	{
   864 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV3;
   865 	}
   867 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyAudioToneEvent(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aToneInfo) const
   868 /**
   869 Notification completes when there has been a change of call control audio tone event.   
   871 @param aReqStatus returns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.
   872 @param aToneInfo Will contain the information on whether the tone is to start/stop playing, 
   873 what tone is playing/to be played and whether the tone is to be played locally by the ME.
   874 This should be a packaged RMobileCall::TAudioToneV3 or derived class.
   876 @capability None
   878 @see TAudioToneV3Pckg
   879 */
   880 	{
   881 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyAudioToneEvent, aReqStatus, aToneInfo);	
   882 	}
   884 /***********************************************************************************/
   885 //
   886 // MobilePrivacy functional unit
   887 //
   888 /***********************************************************************************/
   891 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::SetPrivacy(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePrivacy aPrivacySetting) const
   892 /** Causes the phone to request a new privacy setting for this call.
   894 This setting will over-ride (for this call only), the phone's default privacy 
   895 setting.
   897 The function member is synchronous for two reasons. Firstly because the phone 
   898 may not be able to request the new setting immediately if the call has not 
   899 started yet. Secondly, the CDMA network only sends confirmation of a successful 
   900 privacy setting and will not respond if it is unable to service the request. 
   901 This means a client needs to request a privacy setting but then not assume 
   902 the setting is active until "notify privacy confirmation" completes.
   904 @leave KErrMMEtelWrongMode if request made during a mode that does not support it
   905 @param aPrivacySetting Wanted privacy setting (either on or off).
   906 @return KErrNone if request processed successfully. KErrMMEtelWrongMode if 
   907 request made during a mode that does not support it. 
   908 @capability NetworkServices
   909 */
   910 	{
   911 	TPckg<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePrivacy> ptr1(aPrivacySetting);
   912 	return Set(EMobileCallSetPrivacy, ptr1);	
   913 	}
   915 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyPrivacyConfirmation(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePrivacy& aPrivacySetting) const
   916 /** This notification completes when the network confirms whether privacy is on 
   917 or off for this call.
   919 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyPrivacyConfirmation) 
   920 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyPrivacyConfirmation() request.
   922 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if request processed successfully. KErrMMEtelWrongMode 
   923 if request made during a mode that does not support it.
   924 @param aPrivacySetting On completion, the confirmed privacy setting (either 
   925 on or off). 
   926 @capability NetworkServices
   927 */
   928 	{
   929 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   931 	TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyPrivacyConfirmation,aPrivacySetting);
   933 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyPrivacyConfirmation,aReqStatus,ptr1);
   934 	}
   936 /***********************************************************************************/
   937 //
   938 // MobileTrafficChannel Functional Unit
   939 //
   940 /***********************************************************************************/
   944 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::SetTrafficChannel(TMobileCallTch aTchRequest) const
   945 /** Sets a new value for the traffic channel setting of a mobile call.
   947 The function member is synchronous for two reasons. Firstly because the phone 
   948 may not be able to request the new setting immediately if the call has not 
   949 started yet. Secondly, the CDMA network only sends confirmation of a successful 
   950 traffic channel allocation and will not respond if it is unable to service 
   951 the request. This means a client needs to request a traffic channel type but 
   952 then not assume the channel is allocated until "notify traffic channel confirmation" 
   953 completes.
   955 @leave KErrMMEtelWrongMode if request made during a mode that does not support it
   956 @param aTchRequest The wanted traffic channel (either analog or digital).
   957 @return KErrNone if request processed successfully, KErrMMEtelWrongMode if 
   958 request made during a mode that does not support it. 
   959 @capability NetworkServices
   960 */
   961 	{
   962 	TPckg<TMobileCallTch> ptr1(aTchRequest);
   963 	return Set(EMobileCallSetTrafficChannel,ptr1);
   964 	}
   966 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyTrafficChannelConfirmation(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileCallTch& aTchType) const
   967 /** Allows the client to be notified when the CDMA network 
   968 has confirmed the traffic channel type requested during call set-up or during 
   969 call connection.
   971 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyTrafficChannelConfirmation) 
   972 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyTrafficChannelConfirmation() 
   973 request. 
   975 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
   976 the system-wide error codes.
   977 @param aTchType On completion, the traffic channel type (either analog or digital). 
   978 @capability NetworkServices
   979 */
   980 	{
   981 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   983 	TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyTrafficChannelConfirmation,aTchType);
   985 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyTrafficChannelConfirmation,aReqStatus,ptr1);
   986 	}
   988 /***********************************************************************************/
   989 //
   990 // Call Information methods  for calls of any type
   991 //
   992 /***********************************************************************************/
   994 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1::TMobileCallInfoV1() 
   995 :   iValid(0), 
   996 	iService(RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified), 
   997 	iStatus(EStatusUnknown), 
   998 	iCallId(-1), 
   999 	iExitCode(0), 
  1000 	iEmergency(EFalse),
  1001 	iForwarded(EFalse),
  1002 	iPrivacy(RMobilePhone::EPrivacyUnspecified),
  1003 	iAlternatingCall(RMobilePhone::EAlternatingModeUnspecified),
  1004 	iDuration(0),
  1005 	iTch(RMobileCall::ETchUnknown)
  1006 	/** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
  1007 	function table export. */
  1008 	{
  1009 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
  1010 	}
  1012 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV3::TMobileCallInfoV3()
  1013 	: TMobileCallInfoV1(),
  1014 	  iSecurity(RMobilePhone::ECipheringOff)
  1015 /**
  1016 Default constructor.
  1017 */
  1018 	{
  1019 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV3;
  1020 	}
  1022 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV7::TMobileCallInfoV7()
  1023 	: 	TMobileCallInfoV3(),
  1024     	iCallParamOrigin(EOriginatorUnknown),
  1025 		iParamsCallControlModified(EFalse)
  1026 /**
  1027 Default constructor.
  1028 */
  1029 	{
  1030 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
  1031 	iIconId.iQualifier = EIconQualifierNotSet;
  1032 	iIconId.iIdentifier = 0;
  1033 	}
  1035 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV8::TMobileCallInfoV8()
  1036 : 	TMobileCallInfoV7(),
  1037     iBCRepeatIndicator(EBCAlternateMode)
  1038 /** Default constructor. The BC Repeat Indicator is initialized to EBCAlternateMode. */
  1039 	{
  1040 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV8;
  1041 	}
  1043 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::GetMobileCallInfo(TDes8& aCallInfo) const
  1044 /** Retrieves the current snapshot of all information related 
  1045 to this call as described in the TMobileCallInfoV1 class.
  1046 @leave KErrNotFound if call information is not available
  1047 @param aCallInfo On completion, a TMobileCallInfoV1Pckg holding 
  1048 the call information block.
  1049 @return KErrNone, KErrNotFound if call information is not available 
  1050 @capability ReadUserData
  1051 */
  1052 	{
  1053 	return Get(EMobileCallGetMobileCallInfo, aCallInfo);
  1054 	}
  1056 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallRemotePartyInfoV1::TMobileCallRemotePartyInfoV1() 
  1057 	: iRemoteIdStatus(ERemoteIdentityUnknown), iDirection(EDirectionUnknown)
  1058 /** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
  1059 function table export. */
  1060 	{
  1061 	iExtensionId = KETelExtMultimodeV1;
  1062 	}
  1064 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyRemotePartyInfoChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TDes8& aRemotePartyInfo) const
  1065 /** Allows the client to be notified of any change in the remote party information.
  1067 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyRemotePartyInfoChange) 
  1068 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyRemotePartyInfoChange() request.
  1070 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
  1071 the system-wide error codes.
  1072 @param aRemotePartyInfo On completion, the new remote party information in 
  1073 a TMobileCallRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg. 
  1074 @capability ReadUserData
  1075 */
  1076 	{
  1077 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyRemotePartyInfoChange, aReqStatus, aRemotePartyInfo);
  1078 	}
  1080 /***********************************************************************************/
  1081 //
  1082 // MobileCallEmergency functional unit
  1083 // 
  1084 /***********************************************************************************/
  1086 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::DialEmergencyCall(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC& aNumber) const
  1087 /** Places an emergency call request.
  1089 It is advised that the client opens a call object during system initialization 
  1090 and reserves it for an emergency call. This will guarantee that it will not 
  1091 leave with a KErrOutOfMemory, which could happen if the client had to open 
  1092 a new call to make the emergency call.
  1094 The TSY should make sure that any needed resource for an emergency call is 
  1095 created at initialization and set aside in the event of a DialEmergencyCall() 
  1096 request. Upon receiving a DialEmergencyCall() request, the TSY should ask 
  1097 the ETel server if the client is a priority client, using the following call 
  1098 to the server: CCallBase::CheckPriorityClient().
  1100 DialEmergencyCall is designated a "priority client" request, which means that 
  1101 if a client that is known to the server as a priority client calls this, the 
  1102 server will guarantee that it will not leave with KErrOutOfMemory. However, 
  1103 a non-priority client may call it without this guarantee.
  1105 This function member is similar to the standard Dial() function member in 
  1106 that it will initiate a call set-up. The emergency call object will follow 
  1107 the standard call states.
  1109 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallDialEmergencyCall) to 
  1110 cancel a previously placed asynchronous DialEmergencyCall() request.
  1112 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if the emergency call successfully reaches 
  1113 the connected state. If the call set-up fails, the function member will complete 
  1114 with whatever error was returned by the network.
  1115 @param aNumber The actual emergency number, which is needed to set up an emergency 
  1116 call to a particular emergency centre (e.g. Ambulance, Police, Fire Brigade, 
  1117 etc.). The aNumber parameter should be a RMobileENStore::TEmergencyNumber 
  1118 buffer. 
  1119 @capability NetworkServices
  1120 @capability NetworkControl
  1121 */
  1122 	{
  1123 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
  1124 	Set(EMobileCallDialEmergencyCall, aReqStatus, aNumber, type);
  1125 	}
  1127 /***********************************************************************************/
  1128 //
  1129 // MobileCallCompletion functional unit
  1130 // 
  1131 /***********************************************************************************/
  1134 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::ActivateCCBS(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TInt& aIndex) const
  1135 /**
  1136 Activates a CCBS request on a call that has failed due to remote user busy
  1137 It will complete once the activate request has been confirmed by the network
  1139 @param aIndex the index of the CCBS call activated
  1140 @capability NetworkServices
  1141 */
  1142 	{
  1143 	TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1ActivateCcbs, aIndex);
  1144 	Get(EMobileCallActivateCCBS,aReqStatus, ptr1);
  1145 	}
  1147 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::RejectCCBS() const
  1148 /** Allows a client to specify that it does not wish to set-up 
  1149 a CCBS request on a failed call setup.
  1151 When the user is presented with the option of activating a CCBS request to 
  1152 a remote busy number, if the user chooses not to bother then this API function 
  1153 member can be used by the client application to inform the TSY of this user 
  1154 decision.
  1156 This enables the TSY to inform the network immediately that the CCBS possibility 
  1157 is not going to be used and therefore stop all relevant timers. If the client 
  1158 application calls neither ActivateCCBS() or RejectCCBS() when the call control 
  1159 capability KCapsCCbsActivate is set, the possibility of activating CCBS will 
  1160 eventually time-out and the associated call control capability will disappear.
  1162 @leave KErrNotReady if call is not expecting a CCBS rejection
  1163 @return KErrNone 
  1164 @capability NetworkServices
  1165 */
  1166 	{
  1167 	return Blank(EMobileCallRejectCCBS);
  1168 	}
  1171 /************************************************************************************/
  1172 //
  1173 // MobileUserSignalling functional unit
  1174 //
  1175 /************************************************************************************/
  1177 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TMobileCallUUSRequestV1::TMobileCallUUSRequestV1()
  1178 /** Default constructor, and is present only to support virtual 
  1179 function table export. */
  1180 	{
  1181 	iExtensionId=KETelExtMultimodeV1;
  1182 	}
  1184 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileCall::GetUUSCaps(TUint32& aCaps) const
  1185 /** Gets the current instance of the UUS capabilities of the 
  1186 call. This function member can be used before making the call to find out 
  1187 which UUS the phone supports, or during the call to find out which UUS are 
  1188 active for the current call.
  1190 @leave KErrNotSupported if UUS functionality is not supported by the phone/TSY
  1191 @param aCaps On completion, the sum of TMobileCallUUSCaps constants of the 
  1192 current UUS capabilities.
  1193 @return KErrNone if the TSY/ME supports any UUS functionality, KErrNotSupported 
  1194 if the TSY/ME does not support any UUS functionality. 
  1195 @capability None
  1196 */
  1197 	{
  1198 	TPckg<TUint32> ptr1(aCaps);
  1199 	return Get(EMobileCallGetUUSCaps, ptr1);
  1200 	}
  1202 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::NotifyUUSCapsChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TUint32& aCaps) const
  1203 /** Notifies the clients of changes to the UUS capabilities 
  1204 of the phone.
  1206 The UUS capabilities are most likely to change when the call starts.
  1208 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallNotifyUUSCapsChange) 
  1209 to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyUUSCapsChange() request.
  1211 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of 
  1212 the system-wide error codes.
  1213 @param aCaps On completion, the sum of TMobileCallUUSCaps relating to the new 
  1214 UUS capabilities 
  1215 @capability None
  1216 */
  1217 	{
  1218 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
  1220 	TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyUUSCapsChange, aCaps);
  1222 	Get(EMobileCallNotifyUUSCapsChange, aReqStatus, ptr1);
  1223 	}
  1225 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::ActivateUUS(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aUUSRequest) const
  1226 /** Specifies which User-To-User Signalling service(s) the 
  1227 phone should request to activate.
  1229 This function member can be used before a call has started or during a call 
  1230 (for UUS3 only).
  1232 In order to use UUS the calling subscriber must have the UUS supplementary 
  1233 service provisioned by the network provider and the network must have the 
  1234 capability of supporting the UUS service.
  1236 Use of this function member is only applicable to a phone whose UUS caps (TMobileCallUUSCaps) 
  1237 are set to support the required UUS service. The KCapsSetupUUS1Implicit flag 
  1238 allows the calling user to activate the UUS service implicitly by sending 
  1239 the UUI embedded within the call set-up message. The UUS Service 1 can also 
  1240 be activated explicitly. The UUS Services 2 and 3 can only be activated by 
  1241 means of an explicit request. Service 2 can only be activated when initiating 
  1242 an outgoing call, whereas Service 3 can also be activated during the call.
  1244 If UUS Service 1 is being requested, then the iUUI field of TMobileCallUUSRequestV1 
  1245 will contain any UUI data to send with the call set-up message.
  1247 If the call has not started yet, the TSY is expected to save the request information 
  1248 until it receives the next Dial request. In this case ActivateUUS should complete 
  1249 with KErrNone if the TSY supports the requested UUS or KErrNotSupported if 
  1250 the TSY can not fulfill the request for the next Dial. Once the Dial request 
  1251 is received, the phone will send the SETUP request to the network and include 
  1252 the UUS service activation request. A number of outcomes are possible once 
  1253 the phone has sent the SETUP message.
  1255 If the network does not support UUS or the caller is not subscribed to UUS 
  1256 and the service is mandatory for the call, the network will send a DISCONNECT 
  1257 or RELEASE message. The Dial request will complete with the error received 
  1258 from the network. (KErrGsmCCResourceNotAvailable or KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed).
  1260 If the network does not support UUS but the service is not mandatory, the 
  1261 network will still proceed with the call but without UUI, and the Dial request 
  1262 will complete with KErrNone when the call is connected.
  1264 If the network does support UUS then the remote user will be alerted to the 
  1265 UUS service activation.
  1267 If the remote user accepts the UUS service activation, the network will proceed 
  1268 with the call and the Dial request will complete with KErrNone when the call 
  1269 is connected.
  1271 If the remote user rejects the UUS service activation and the service is mandatory 
  1272 for the call, the network will send a DISCONNECT or RELEASE message and the 
  1273 Dial request will complete with the error received from the network (KErrGsmCCFacilityRejected).
  1275 If the remote user rejects the UUS service activation and the service is not 
  1276 mandatory, the network will still proceed with the call and the Dial request 
  1277 will complete with KErrNone when the call is connected.
  1279 Once the call is connected, clients can check the call's UUS capabilities 
  1280 to see which UUS services are active.
  1282 If this function member is used to activate the UUS Service 3 during a call 
  1283 then the connection with the remote side has already been established. In 
  1284 order to use this function member during the call the activating subscriber 
  1285 must have the UUS supplementary service 3 provisioned by the network provider 
  1286 and the network must have the capability of supporting the UUS service 3. 
  1287 Once the ActivateUUS() request is posted, the phone will send the FACILITY 
  1288 request to the network and include the UUS service activation request. A number 
  1289 of outcomes are possible once the phone has sent the FACILITY message.
  1291 If the network does not support UUS the call will remain connected but no 
  1292 UUI transmission is possible and the ActivateUUS() request will complete with 
  1293 the error returned by the network (KErrGsmCCResourceNotAvailable or 
  1294 KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed).
  1296 If the network does support UUS then the remote user will be alerted to the 
  1297 UUS service activation
  1299 If the remote user accepts the UUS service activation, the ActivateUUS() request 
  1300 will complete with KErrNone and then UUI can be transferred. 
  1302 If the remote user rejects the UUS service activation, the ActivateUUS() request 
  1303 will complete with the error returned by the network (KErrGsmCCFacilityRejected) 
  1304 and no UUI can be transferred.
  1306 Use: RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallActivateUUS) to cancel 
  1307 a previously placed asynchronous ActivateUUS() request. 
  1309 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if the UUS request was successful, an 
  1310 error message when not.
  1311 @param aUUSRequest A packaged instance of RMobileCall::TMobileCallUUSRequestV1 
  1312 and the iServiceReq field will contain the bit-wise sum of all service activation 
  1313 requests. 
  1314 @capability WriteDeviceData
  1315 @capability NetworkServices
  1316 */
  1317 	{
  1318 	Set(EMobileCallActivateUUS, aReqStatus, aUUSRequest);
  1319 	}
  1321 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::SendUUI(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TBool aMore, const TMobileCallUUI& aUUI) const
  1322 /** Sends a UUI message for UUS2 and UUS3 services to the 
  1323 remote user either during the call set-up or during the actual call. The client 
  1324 must supply the message data within the aUUI parameter.
  1326 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallSendUUI) to cancel a 
  1327 previously placed asynchronous SendUUI() request.
  1329 @leave KErrGsmCCAccessInformationDiscarded if congestion forces the network to 
  1330 drop the UUI
  1331 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if the UUI is successfully transferred 
  1332 or with a network generated error if the network for some reason fails to 
  1333 deliver the message to the remote user. A possible error code is 
  1334 KErrGsmCCAccessInformationDiscarded if congestion forces the network to drop the UUI.
  1335 @param aMore Indicator that there is another UUI message to follow containing 
  1336 information belonging to the same block.
  1337 @param aUUI The UUI element to send. 
  1338 @capability NetworkServices
  1339 @capability WriteUserData
  1340 */
  1341 	{
  1342 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
  1344 	iMmPtrHolder->iMoreUUI = aMore;
  1345 	TPtrC8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileCallPtrHolder::ESlot2SendUUI, iMmPtrHolder->iMoreUUI);
  1347 	Set(EMobileCallSendUUI, aReqStatus, ptr1, aUUI);
  1348 	}
  1350 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::ReceiveUUI(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileCallUUI& aUUI) const
  1351 /** Enables the client to receive the next incoming UUI message 
  1352 from the remote user.
  1354 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallReceiveUUI) to cancel 
  1355 a previously placed asynchronous ReceiveUUI() request.
  1357 @param aReqStatus KErrNone
  1358 @param aUUI On completion, the UUI message data. 
  1359 @capability NetworkServices
  1360 @capability ReadUserData
  1361 */
  1362 	{
  1363 	Get(EMobileCallReceiveUUI, aReqStatus, aUUI);
  1364 	}
  1366 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::HangupWithUUI(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TMobileCallUUI& aUUI) const
  1367 /**
  1368 This overloaded RCall::HangUp() function member enables the client to send 
  1369 a UUS1 data at the call release.
  1371 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallHangupWithUUI) to cancel 
  1372 a previously placed asynchronous HangupWithUUI() request.
  1374 @param aReqStatus KErrNone
  1375 @param aUUI The UUI message to be send with the release. 
  1376 @capability NetworkServices
  1377 @capability WriteUserData
  1378 */
  1379 	{
  1380 	Set(EMobileCallHangupWithUUI,aReqStatus,aUUI);
  1381 	}
  1383 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCallWithUUI(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aCallParams, const TMobileCallUUI& aUUI) const
  1384 /**
  1385 Enables the client to answer an incoming call and send 
  1386 UUI to the calling party at the same time.
  1388 Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileCallAnswerWithUUI) to cancel 
  1389 a previously placed asynchronous AnswerIncomingCallWIthUUI() request.
  1391 @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if the call successfully connects or 
  1392 with an error if the call fails to connect for some reason.
  1393 @param aCallParams The data call parameters, can be a packaged instance of 
  1394 any of the call parameters classes.
  1395 @param aUUI The UUI element to send to the calling party. 
  1396 @capability NetworkServices
  1397 @capability WriteUserData
  1398 */
  1399 	{
  1400 	Set(EMobileCallAnswerWithUUI,aReqStatus,aCallParams,aUUI);
  1401 	}
  1403 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::DialISV(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aCallParams, const TTelNumberC& aTelNumber)
  1404 /**
  1405 Attempts to establish a connection using the telephone number specified.
  1406 This is an asynchronous method and is intended for use by the EtelISV API
  1408 The mode of the connection, i.e. whether it is a data or fax connection, is 
  1409 determined by whether the RCall object has been opened from a data line or 
  1410 a fax line.
  1412 This method is similar to RCall::Dial(), with two exceptions.  Functionally,
  1413 RMobileCall::DialISV() is given lower capabilities than RCall::Dial()'s
  1414 NetworkServices + NetworkControl.  The second difference is up to the TSY developer;
  1415 a TSY may chose to distinguish between a CTelephony (i.e. ETel3rdParty)
  1416 RMobileCall::DialISV() and an RCall::Dial() originated dial request.  Although
  1417 it would also be correct for a TSY to treat the two in the same way; the choice
  1418 is left to the TSY writer and the use cases they can envisage.
  1420 Giving this method a lower PlatSec capability requirement means that it is more
  1421 easily accessible to the third party developers.  Also, RCall::Dial() is intended
  1422 for use by the Phone Application alone, thus, the higher RCall capability
  1423 settings may also provide it with some form of protection.  Thus, this can be
  1424 viewed as an attempt to restrict RCall::Dial() to the Phone Application.
  1426 The two different forms of dialling should be seen as a way of filtering the more
  1427 important calls, requested by the high priority Phone Application/UI, from those
  1428 requested by other applications.  The TSY can use this filtering of call requests,
  1429 perhaps to use different or dedicated channels for each IPC, prioritise one over
  1430 the other (e.g. in the case of limited channels), etc..
  1432 @param aStatus A variable that indicates the completion status of the request.
  1433 @param aCallParams The call parameters used by the TSY (a TCallParamsPckg object).
  1434 @param aTelNumber The telephone number 
  1435 @capability NetworkServices
  1436 */
  1437 	{
  1438 	if(aTelNumber.Length()==0)
  1439 		{
  1440 		TRequestStatus* status=&aStatus;
  1441 		User::RequestComplete(status,KErrArgument);
  1442 		return;
  1443 		}
  1444 	Set(EMobileCallDialISV, aStatus, aCallParams, aTelNumber);
  1445 	}
  1448 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::AnswerIncomingCallISV(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC8& aCallParams) 
  1449 /**
  1450 Waits for an incoming call and answers it when it arrives - asynchronous. 
  1451 The function also answers calls which are ringing when it is invoked.
  1453 This method is intended to be used by the EtelISV API
  1455 @param aStatus A variable that indicates the completion status of the request.
  1456 @param aCallParams The call parameters used by the TSY (a TCallParamsPckg object). 
  1457 @capability NetworkServices
  1458 */
  1459 	{
  1460 	Set(EMobileCallAnswerISV, aStatus, aCallParams);
  1461 	}	
  1464 /************************************************************************************/
  1465 //
  1466 // Multimedia Calls functional unit
  1467 //
  1468 /************************************************************************************/
  1471 EXPORT_C void RMobileCall::AnswerMultimediaCallAsVoice(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TDesC8& aCallParams, TName& aCallName) const
  1472 /** Rejects an incoming multimedia call, but offers fallback 
  1473 to voice. The aCallParams is now the alternative TMobileCallParamsV1, because 
  1474 the call is no longer data. The aCallName is now the name of the new voice 
  1475 call created to handle the fallback to voice.
  1477 This name is used then by the client to open the voice call by name. The TSY 
  1478 returns the name of the new voice call object in aName parameter for the Client 
  1479 to open.
  1481 @param aReqStatus Upon completion this is result code of the asynchronous call
  1482 @param aCallParams Supplies the voice bearer call parameters.
  1483 @param aCallName Supplies the voice call name. 
  1484 @capability NetworkServices
  1485 */
  1486 	{
  1487 	SetAndGet(EMobileCallAnswerMultimediaCallAsVoice,aReqStatus,aCallParams,aCallName);
  1488 	}
  1490 EXPORT_C RMobileCall::TEtel3rdPartyMobileCallParamsV1::TEtel3rdPartyMobileCallParamsV1()
  1491 /** Default constructor */
  1492 : 	RCall::TCallParams(),
  1493 	iIdRestrict(EIdRestrictDefault), 
  1494 	iAutoRedial(EFalse)
  1495 	{
  1496 	iExtensionId=KETel3rdPartyCallParamsV1;
  1497 	}