changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This file contains the definition for the ETelMM sub-session
    15 // RMobileLocationServices, which allows access to MT-LR and MO-LR Requests supporting LBS Framwork
    16 // applications and all their functionality.
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 /**
    21  @file
    22 */
    24 // From core API
    25 #include <etelext.h>
    27 // Multimode header files
    28 #include <etelmm.h>
    29 #include "mm_hold.h"
    30 #include "mmretrieve.h"
    32 //
    33 //
    34 //  RMobileLocationServices
    35 //
    36 //
    38 /**
    39 Default empty constructor, and is present only to support virtual
    40 function table export.
    41 @publishedPartner
    42 */
    43 EXPORT_C RMobileLocationServices::RMobileLocationServices(): iMmPtrHolder(NULL)
    44 	{
    46 	}
    48 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileLocationServices::Open(RMobilePhone& aPhone)
    49 /**
    50 This function opens a RMobileLocationServices sub-session from a 
    51 RMobilePhone sub-session.The name of the sub-session opened in the 
    52 TSY will equal the string defined by the KETelLocationServices LIT definition.
    54 The API can be called only by the Location Services Network Gateway Process.
    56 In case of hardware the API can be called by providing the SID of the 
    57 Location Services Network Gateway Process in ETel.iby file 
    58 found at \epoc32\rom\include
    60 A patchable constant KLocationServicesNetworkGatewaySid is used for 
    61 defining the SID value.
    62 In ETel.iby file find the following line
    63 patchdata etel.dll@KLocationServicesNetworkGatewaySid <SID>
    64 For example:
    65 patchdata etel.dll@KLocationServicesNetworkGatewaySid 0x12345678
    67 In case of emulator the API can be called by providing the SID of the 
    68 default phone application in epoc.ini file found at \epoc32\data
    69 In epoc.ini file find the following line
    70 etel_KLocationServicesNetworkGatewaySid <SID>
    71 For example:
    72 etel_KLocationServicesNetworkGatewaySid 0x12345678
    74 @param aPhone The RMobilePhone sub-session relative to which this
    75               sub-session will open.
    76 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error 
    77 codes.
    78 @capability SID
    79 @publishedPartner
    80 */
    81 	{
    82 	RSessionBase* session=&aPhone.SessionHandle();
    83 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(session!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
    84 	TInt subSessionHandle=aPhone.SubSessionHandle();
    85 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(subSessionHandle!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
    87 	TRAPD(ret,ConstructL());
    88 	if (ret)
    89 		{
    90 		return ret;
    91 		}
    92 	TPtrC name(KETelLocationServices);
    94 	SetSessionHandle(*session);
    95 	TIpcArgs args(&name,TIpcArgs::ENothing,subSessionHandle);
    97 	ret = CreateSubSession(*session,EEtelOpenFromSubSessionLcs,args);
    98 	if (ret)
    99 		{
   100 		Destruct();	
   101 		}
   102 	return ret;
   103 	}
   105 /**
   106 This function member closes a RMobileLocationServices sub-session. 
   107 @capability None
   108 @publishedPartner
   109 */
   110 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::Close()
   111 	{
   112 	CloseSubSession(EEtelClose);
   113 	Destruct();
   114 	}
   116 /**
   117 Default constructor, initialising version number of this data
   118 structure.
   120 @see TMultimodeEtelV7Api
   122 @publishedPartner
   123 */
   124 EXPORT_C RMobileLocationServices::TNotifyMtlrV7::TNotifyMtlrV7()
   125 	{
   126 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
   127 	}
   129 /**
   130 Default constructor, initialising version number of this data
   131 structure.
   133 @see TMultimodeEtelV7Api
   135 @publishedPartner
   136 */
   137 EXPORT_C RMobileLocationServices::TStartMolrV7::TStartMolrV7()
   138 	{
   139 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
   140 	}
   142 /**
   143 Default constructor, initialising version number of this data
   144 structure.
   146 @see TMultimodeEtelV7Api
   148 @publishedPartner
   149 */
   150 EXPORT_C RMobileLocationServices::TMolrReturnResultV7::TMolrReturnResultV7()
   151 	{
   152 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
   153 	}
   155 /**
   156 Default constructor, initialising version number of this data
   157 structure.
   159 @see TMultimodeEtelV7Api
   161 @publishedPartner
   162 */
   163 EXPORT_C RMobileLocationServices::TMeasurementControlV7::TMeasurementControlV7()
   164 	{
   165 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
   166 	}
   168 /**
   169 Default constructor, initialising version number of this data
   170 structure.
   172 @see TMultimodeEtelV7Api
   174 @publishedPartner
   175 */
   176 EXPORT_C RMobileLocationServices::TMeasurementReportV7::TMeasurementReportV7()
   177 	{
   178 	iExtensionId = KEtelExtMultimodeV7;
   179 	}
   181 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMtlr(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,TDes8& aNotifyMtlr) 
   182 /** 
   183 This member function notifies the client about the incoming MTLR requests 
   184 and provides the Client with a class reference,Which contains the details 
   185 of the request made by the External client via Network.
   186 USE CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileLocationServicesNotifyMtlr) to cancel the 
   187 previously placed NotifyMtlr() request.
   189 As this API can be used for emergency requests as well as the non-emergency 
   190 ones, this method is always treated as an emergency request by ETel/TSY. 
   191 Clients that need to handle the emergency LCS requests should pre-allocate 
   192 enough memory during system initialisation to reserve it for handling of 
   193 the emergency LCS MT-LR. The emergency client also needs to establish itself 
   194 as an "Emergency Client" to the Etel server at startup, to ensure that enough 
   195 memory is pre-allocated by ETel/TSY and that the handling of this notification 
   196 will never fail due to lack of memory. The client may establish itself as an 
   197 Emergency Client by calling the RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, 
   198 specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest as the request type. 
   200 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful.
   201 @param aNotifyMtlr On completion,the mobile terminated location request 
   202 in TNotifyMtlrV7Pckg.
   203 @see TNotifyMtlrV7
   204 @capability None
   205 @publishedPartner
   206 */
   207 	{
   208 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   209 	Get(EMobileLocationServicesNotifyMtlr, aReqStatus, aNotifyMtlr, type);
   210 	}
   212 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::SendMtlrResponse(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TMtlrResponse aMtlrResponse)  
   213 /** 
   214 This member function sends the response given by the client to the MTLR request 
   215 made by the network
   217 Clients that need to handle the emergency LCS requests should pre-allocate enough 
   218 memory during system initialisation to reserve it for responding to the 
   219 emergency LCS MT-LR. The emergency client also needs to establish itself 
   220 as an "Emergency Client" to the Etel server at startup, to ensure that enough 
   221 memory is preallocated by ETel/TSY and that the handling of this request will never 
   222 fail due to lack of memory. The client may establish itself as an Emergency Client 
   223 by calling the RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest 
   224 as the request type. 
   226 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful.
   227 @param aMtlrResponse It holds the response of the UE after a privacy check has being made 
   228 					 on the request made by the External Client.
   229 @see RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMtlr()
   230 @capability None
   231 @publishedPartner
   232 */
   233 	{
   234 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   235 	TPtrC8& ptr = iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::ESlot1LcsSendMtlrResponse,aMtlrResponse);
   236 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   237 	Set(EMobileLocationServicesSendMtlrResponse,aReqStatus, ptr, type);
   238 	}
   240 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::SendMtlrResponse(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TMtlrError aMtlrError) 
   241 /**
   242 This function sends a response to the MTLR request made by the Network in 
   243 erroneous conditions.
   245 Clients that need to handle the emergency LCS requests should pre-allocate enough 
   246 memory during system initialisation to reserve it for responding to the emergency 
   247 LCS MT-LR. The emergency client also needs to establish itself as an 
   248 "Emergency Client" to the Etel server at startup, to ensure that enough memory is 
   249 preallocated by ETel/TSY and that the handling of this request will never fail due 
   250 to lack of memory. The client may establish itself as an Emergency Client by calling 
   251 the RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest as the request type. 
   253 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful.
   254 @param aMtlrError   It contains the error report generated by the UE,which is sent 
   255 back to the Network
   256 @see RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMtlr
   257 @capability None
   258 @publishedPartner
   259 */
   260 	{
   261 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   262 	TPtrC8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::ESlot1LcsSendMtlrError, aMtlrError);
   263 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   264 	Set(EMobileLocationServicesSendMtlrError,aReqStatus, ptr1, type);
   265 	}
   267 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::SendMtlrResponse(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TMtlrReject aMtlrReject)
   268 /**
   269 This function sends a response to the MTLR request made by the Network,When 
   270 UE wants to reject the MTLR request made by an External Client.
   272 Clients that need to handle the emergency LCS requests should pre-allocate enough 
   273 memory during system initialisation to reserve it for responding to the emergency 
   274 LCS MT-LR. The emergency client also needs to establish itself as an 
   275 "Emergency Client" to the Etel server at startup, to ensure that enough memory 
   276 is preallocated by ETel/TSY and that the handling of this request will never fail due to 
   277 lack of memory. The client may establish itself as an Emergency Client by calling 
   278 the RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest as the request type. 
   280 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful.
   281 @param aMtlrReject It contains the details of the Rejection made by the UE.
   282 @capability None
   283 @publishedPartner
   284 */
   285 	{
   286 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   287 	TPtrC8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::ESlot1LcsMtlrReject, aMtlrReject);
   288 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   289 	Set(EMobileLocationServicesRejectMtlr,aReqStatus, ptr1, type);
   290 	}
   293 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::SendMolr(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TDesC8& aStartMolr,TDes8& aMolrReturnResult) 
   294 /** 
   295 This member function is used to trigger a Molr request. It carries all the details 
   296 of the Molr request the UE wants to send to the network.This request is completed 
   297 after the completion of SendMeasurementReport API when the Network sends back an Error 
   298 report sent by the remote External client which received the UE location via network
   299 or a Location estimate response to the Self-Location Molr request i.e being made by 
   300 the UE to the Network.
   302 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful.
   303 @param aStartMolr   A TStartMolrV7Pckg holding the details of the 
   304 MOLR(Mobile Originating Location Request) made by the UE.
   305 @see TStartMolrV7
   306 @param aMolrReturnResult On completion,result containing the velocity and location 
   307 estimate or errors in TMolrReturnResultV7Pckg.
   308 @see TMolrReturnResultV7
   309 @capability None						 			    
   310 @publishedPartner
   311 */
   312 	{
   313 	SetAndGet(EMobileLocationServicesSendMolr,aReqStatus, aStartMolr,aMolrReturnResult);
   314 	}
   316 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMeasurementControl(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,TDes8& aMeasurementControl)
   317 /**
   318 This function waits for the notification of incoming A-GPS assistance 
   319 data from the network in continuance of the MTLR or MOLR.
   321 As this API can be used for emergency requests as well as the non-emergency ones, 
   322 this method is always treated as an emergency request by ETel/TSY. Clients that need to 
   323 handle the emergency LCS requests should preallocate enough memory during 
   324 system initialisation to reserve it for handling of the emergency LCS Measrement Control. 
   325 The emergency client also needs to establish itself as an "Emergency Client" to the Etel 
   326 server at startup, to ensure that enough memory is pre-allocated by ETel/TSY and that the
   327 handling of this notification will never fail due to lack of memory. The client may 
   328 establish itself as an Emergency Client by calling the RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, 
   329 specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest as the request type. 
   331 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code if not.
   332 @param aMeasurementControl	On completion, A TMeasurementControlV7Pckg holding 
   333 the A-GPS assistance data.
   334 @see TMeasurementControlV7
   335 @see RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMltr()
   336 @see RMobileLocationServices::SendMolr()
   338 @capability None
   339 @publishedPartner
   340 */
   341 	{
   342 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   343 	Get(EMobileLocationServicesNotifyMeasurementControl,aReqStatus,aMeasurementControl,type);
   344 	}
   346 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::SendMeasurementReport(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TDesC8& aMeasurementReport)
   347 /**
   348 This function sends the location information, computed by the UE, 
   349 to the network. Location information is computed using the A-GPS assistance
   350 data received from the network through the NotifyMeasurementControl API.
   352 Clients that need to handle the emergency LCS requests should preallocate enough memory 
   353 during system initialisation to reserve it for handling of the emergency LCS MT-LR 
   354 procedure. The emergency client also needs to establish itself as an "Emergency Client" to the 
   355 Etel server at startup, to ensure that enough memory is preallocated by ETel/TSY 
   356 and that the handling of this request will never fail due to lack of memory. 
   357 The client may establish itself as an Emergency Client by calling the 
   358 RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest as the request type. 
   360 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code if not.
   361 @param aMeasurementReport	A TMeasurementReportV7Pckg holding the location information 
   362 report of the UE to be sent to the network.
   363 @see TMeasurementReportV7
   364 @see RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMeasurementControl()
   366 @capability None
   367 @publishedPartner
   368 */
   369 	{
   370 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   371 	Set(EMobileLocationServicesSendMeasurementReport,aReqStatus,aMeasurementReport,type);
   372 	}
   374 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::SendMeasurementReport(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus,const TMeasurementControlFailure aMeasurementControlFailure)
   375 /**
   376 This function sends the measurement control failure cause, encountered while processing
   377 the A-GPS assistance data to compute location information, to the network. 
   379 Clients that need to handle the emergency LCS requests should preallocate enough memory 
   380 during system initialisation to reserve it for handling of the emergency LCS MT-LR procedure. 
   381 The emergency client also needs to establish itself as an "Emergency Client" to the 
   382 Etel server at startup, to ensure that enough memory is preallocated by ETel/TSY and 
   383 that the handling of this request will never fail due to lack of memory. The client 
   384 may establish itself as an Emergency Client by calling the 
   385 RPhone::SetEmergencyClient() API, specifying EEmergencyLCSRequest as the request type. 
   387 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code if not.
   388 @param aMeasurementControlFailure	Holds the measurement control failure cause to be sent
   389 									to the network.
   390 @see RMobileLocationServices::NotifyMeasurementControl()
   392 @capability None
   393 @publishedPartner
   394 */
   395 	{
   396 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   397 	TPtrC8& ptr = iMmPtrHolder->SetC(CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::ESlot1LcsSendMeasurementControlFailure, aMeasurementControlFailure);
   398 	TReqPriorityType type=EIsaEmergencyRequest;
   399 	Set(EMobileLocationServicesSendMeasurementControlFailure,aReqStatus,ptr,type);
   400 	}
   402 /**
   403 Delayed construction of heap stored data members.
   405 @leave KErrNoMemory Heap memory allocation failure for
   406  CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder object.
   407 */
   408 void RMobileLocationServices::ConstructL()
   409 	{
   410 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder==NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicHandleNotClosed));
   411 	iMmPtrHolder = CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::NewL(CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::EMaxNumberLocationServicesPtrSlots,
   412 	CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::EMaxNumberLocationServicesPtrCSlots);
   413 	}
   416 /**
   417 Called internally when RMobileLocationServices instance is no longer
   418 required, to ensure clean up of data members from memory.
   419 */
   420 void RMobileLocationServices::Destruct()
   421 	{
   422 	delete iMmPtrHolder;
   423 	iMmPtrHolder = NULL;
   424 	ResetSessionHandle();
   425 	}
   428 EXPORT_C TInt RMobileLocationServices::SetLcsDomain(const TDomain aDomain) 
   429 /*
   430 This function set the domain into either circuit switched or packet switched.
   431 This is the domain that applies to MO-LR,if the domain is not specified the default domain
   432 will be Packed switched
   434 @param TDomain	Holds the domain information of the phone to be sent
   435 				to the network.
   437 @capability NetworkServices
   438 @capability Location
   439 @publishedPartner
   440 */
   441 	{
   442 	TPckg<TDomain> ptr(aDomain);
   443 	return Set(EMobileLocationServicesSetLcsDomain,ptr);
   444 	}
   446 /*
   447 This function requests a notification when a signal is received from the network 
   448 to reset the UE Positioning Information held by the handset.
   449 @see 3GPP TS 34.109 V7.2.0 Section 6.10
   450 @see TUePosTechnology
   452 @param aReqStatus 	On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code if not.
   453 @param aUePosTechnology	The positioning data to reset (e.g., A-GPS). See 3GPP TS 34.109 V7.2.0 Section 6.10 
   454 @capability None
   455 @publishedPartner
   456 @released
   457 */
   458 EXPORT_C void RMobileLocationServices::NotifyResetUePositioningInformation(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TUePosTechnology& aUePosTechnology) const
   459 	{
   460 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
   461 	TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileLocationServicesPtrHolder::ESlot1LcsNotifyUeResetPositioningInformation, aUePosTechnology);
   463 	Get(EMobileLocationServicesNotifyResetUePositioningInformation, aReqStatus, ptr1);
   464 	}