changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 19 630d2f34d719
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    18 //  INCLUDE FILES
    19 #include <ctsy/tflogger.h>
    20 #include "cmmfaxext.h"
    21 #include "cmmphonetsy.h"
    22 #include "cmmlinelist.h"
    23 #include "cmmfaxcalltsy.h"
    24 #include "cmmfaxlinetsy.h"
    25 #include <ctsy/pluginapi/cmmdatapackage.h>
    26 #include "cmmcallgsmwcdmaext.h"
    29 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    31 CMmFaxExt::CMmFaxExt(
    32     CMmCallTsy* aMmCall )   // call that owns this object
    33     : iMmCall( reinterpret_cast<CMmFaxCallTsy*>( aMmCall ) )
    34     {
    35 TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmFaxExt::CMmFaxExt: Call Id:%d", iMmCall->CallId() );
    36     iFax           = NULL;
    37     iFaxSession    = NULL;
    38     iFaxCompletion = NULL;
    39     }
    41 void CMmFaxExt::ConstructL()
    42     {
    43 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::ConstructL");
    45     // Create CMmFaxCompletion class for Fax Server.
    46     iFaxCompletion = new (ELeave) CMmFaxCompletion();
    47     iDataPortLoaned = EFalse;
    48     }
    50 CMmFaxExt* CMmFaxExt::NewL(
    51         CMmCallTsy* aMmCall )  // The call object which owns CMmFaxExt  
    52     {
    53 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::NewL");
    55     CMmFaxExt* self = new ( ELeave ) CMmFaxExt( aMmCall );
    56     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    57     self->ConstructL();
    58     CleanupStack::Pop();
    60     return self;
    61     }
    63 CMmFaxExt::~CMmFaxExt()
    64     {
    65     //This must execute here, if status is Idle (Fax Client API) on HangUp,
    66     //this will never be executed. so we do it here. It is ok to call
    67     //cleanup multiple times.
    68     CleanUpFaxServer();
    70     if ( iFax )
    71         {
    72 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::~CMmFaxExt: deleting iFax");
    73         delete iFax;
    74         iFax = NULL;
    75         }
    77     if (iFaxCompletion)
    78         {
    79 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::~CMmFaxExt: deleting iFaxCompletion");
    80         delete iFaxCompletion;
    81         iFaxCompletion = NULL;
    82         }
    84     // mark fax as unopened, so that it can be opened again.
    85 	if( iMmCall )
    86 		{
    87 		(reinterpret_cast<CMmFaxLineTsy*>( iMmCall->Line() ))->
    88 			iFaxOpened = EFalse;
    89 		}
    91     iMmCall = NULL;
    92     iFaxSession = NULL;
    93     }
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CMmFaxExt::CompleteOperation
    97 // Completes ongoing read/write operation on CMmFaxCompletion object.
    98 // Returns: None
    99 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 //
   101 void CMmFaxExt::CompleteOperation(
   102         TInt aError ) 
   103     {
   104 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::CompleteOperation");
   106     if ( iFaxCompletion )
   107         {
   108         iFaxCompletion->CompleteOperation( aError );
   109         }
   110     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // CMmFaxExt::ConfigureCompletion
   114 // Set fax request handle to CMmFaxCompletion class object.
   115 // Returns: None
   116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 //
   118 void CMmFaxExt::ConfigureCompletion(
   119         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,  
   120         CTelObject* aTelObject )            
   121     {
   122 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::Configure");
   124     iFaxCompletion->Configure( aTsyReqHandle, aTelObject );
   125     }
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // CMmFaxExt::CreateFaxObject
   129 // Creates CMmTsyFax object and returns it.
   130 // Returns: Pointer to created object
   131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 CTelObject* CMmFaxExt::OpenNewObjectByNameL(
   134         const TDesC& aName )  
   135     {
   136 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::OpenNewObjectByNameL");
   138     // check the name of opened object..
   139     _LIT(KFaxObjectName, "FAX");
   140     if ( aName != KFaxObjectName )
   141         {
   142         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   143         }
   145     //  We only want one fax object to be opened per phone.
   146     //  Previously only the connected call could open a fax object, so it was
   147     //  easy to check whether one had already been opened. Now a fax call can
   148     //  open a fax object at any time making it less clear how to check that
   149     //  no other call has opened one.
   150     RPhone::TLineInfo lineInfo = iMmCall->Line()->LineInfo();
   151     TBool& faxOpened = (reinterpret_cast<CMmFaxLineTsy*>(
   152         iMmCall->Owner() ))->iFaxOpened;
   153     if ( lineInfo.iStatus != GetCallStatus() )
   154         { 
   155 		// another fax call is in progress so this call cannot open a fax object
   156         User::Leave( KErrEtelNotCallOwner );
   157         }
   159     if ( faxOpened )
   160         {
   161         // Another call on this line has already opened fax.
   162         User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
   163         }
   166     // create new fax object..
   167     iFax = CMmTsyFax::NewL( this );
   169     // set faxopened flag of the line object
   170     faxOpened = ETrue;
   172     return iFax;
   173     }
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 // CMmFaxExt::FaxConnectHandler
   177 // Checks if some another uses fax line.
   178 // Returns: Error value
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 TInt CMmFaxExt::FaxConnectHandler()
   182     {
   183 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::FaxConnectHandler");
   185     TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
   187     if ( (reinterpret_cast<CMmFaxLineTsy*>( iMmCall->Line() ))->iFaxOpened 
   188           && NULL == iFax )
   189         {
   190         iMmCall->SetUnowned();
   191         errorCode = KErrEtelNotFaxOwner;
   192         }
   193     else
   194         {
   195         TRAP( errorCode, GetFaxBaseL() );
   196         if ( KErrNone != errorCode )
   197             {
   198             iMmCall->SetUnowned();
   199             }
   200         }
   201     return errorCode;
   202     }
   204 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 // CMmFaxExt::AnswerIncomingCall
   206 // Starts waiting for incoming fax call
   207 // Returns: Error value
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 TInt CMmFaxExt::AnswerIncomingCall(
   211         const TTsyReqHandle& aTsyReqHandle ) // function identification handle
   212     {
   213 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::AnswerIncomingCall");
   215     TInt ret( KErrGeneral );
   217     // check and set call ownership..
   218     MCallBaseTSY::TCallOwnership ownerShip = iMmCall->CheckOwnership( 
   219       aTsyReqHandle );
   220     if ( ownerShip == MCallBaseTSY::EOwnedUnowned 
   221          || ownerShip == MCallBaseTSY::EOwnedPriorityClient ) 
   222         {
   223         iMmCall->SetOwnership( aTsyReqHandle );
   225         // open faxserver library and faxserver session (iFaxSession)
   226         ret = FaxConnectHandler(); 
   227         if ( KErrNone == ret )
   228             {
   229             ret = OpenFaxServer(NULL, EWaitForRingAndReceive);
   230             if ( KErrNone == ret )
   231                 {
   232                 ConfigureCompletion(aTsyReqHandle, iMmCall);
   233                 iFaxSession->RxConnect();
   234                 }
   235             }
   237         }
   238     else // ownership test failed
   239         {
   240         ret = KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
   241         }
   243     // We don't complete erroneous request here since
   244     // CTsyCall::AnswerIncomingCall (calling function) does it for us..
   245     return ret;
   246     }
   248 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   249 // CMmFaxExt::Dial
   250 // Start fax call connection.
   251 // Returns: Error value
   252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 //
   254 TInt CMmFaxExt::Dial(
   255         const TTsyReqHandle& aTsyReqHandle, 
   256         TDesC* aTelNumber )      
   257     {
   258 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::Dial");
   260     TInt ret( KErrGeneral );
   262     // check and set call ownership..
   263     MCallBaseTSY::TCallOwnership ownerShip = iMmCall->CheckOwnership( 
   264       aTsyReqHandle );
   265     if( ownerShip == MCallBaseTSY::EOwnedUnowned
   266          || ownerShip == MCallBaseTSY::EOwnedPriorityClient ) 
   267         {
   268         iMmCall->SetOwnership( aTsyReqHandle );
   270         ret = FaxConnectHandler();
   271         if( KErrNone == ret )
   272             {
   273             TFaxMode faxMode;
   274             if( RCall::ETransmit == iFaxSettings.iMode )
   275                 {
   276                 faxMode = EDialAndTransmit;
   277                 }
   278             // we're receiving
   279             else    
   280                 {
   281                 if( RCall::EFaxPoll  == iFaxSettings.iFaxRetrieveType )
   282                     {
   283                     faxMode = EDialAndReceivePoll;
   284                     }
   285                 else 
   286                     {
   287                     faxMode = EDialAndReceiveFaxBack; 
   288                     }
   289                 }
   291             ret = OpenFaxServer( aTelNumber, faxMode );
   292             if( KErrNone == ret )
   293                 {
   294                 ConfigureCompletion( aTsyReqHandle, iMmCall );
   295                 if( EDialAndTransmit == faxMode )
   296                     {
   297 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::FaxDial:TxConnect");
   298                     iFaxSession->TxConnect();
   299                     }
   300                 else
   301                     {
   302 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::FaxDial:RxConnect");
   303                     iFaxSession->RxConnect();
   304                     }
   305                 }
   306             } // faxconnect
   307         }
   308     else 
   309         {
   310         // ownership test failed
   311         ret = KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
   312         }
   314     return ret;
   315     }
   317 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   318 // CMmFaxExt::HangUp
   319 // Hangup fax call.
   320 // Returns:None
   321 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 //
   323 void CMmFaxExt::HangUp()
   324     {
   325 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::HangUp");
   326     CleanUpFaxServer();
   327     }
   329 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 // CMmFaxExt::FaxSession
   331 // Returns Fax session pointer.
   332 // Returns:Pointer to Fax session 
   333 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 //
   335 CFaxSession* CMmFaxExt::GetFaxSession()
   336     {
   337     return iFaxSession;
   338     }
   340 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 // CMmFaxExt::GetFaxBaseL
   342 // Loads fax server.
   343 // Returns:None 
   344 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 //
   346 void CMmFaxExt::GetFaxBaseL()
   347     {
   348 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::GetFaxBaseL");
   350     TInt errorCode = iFaxServerLib.Load( KFaxServerName );
   352     if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
   353         {
   354 #if defined (_UNICODE)
   355             if( iFaxServerLib.Type()[1] != TUid::Uid( 
   356                   KUidUnicodeDynamicFaxServer ) )
   357                 {
   358                 errorCode = KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint;
   359                 }
   360 #else
   361             if( iFaxServerLib.Type()[1] != TUid::Uid( KUidDynamicFaxServer ) )
   362                 {
   363                 errorCode = KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint;
   364                 }
   365 #endif
   367         if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
   368             {   
   369             TFaxServerEntry libEntry = reinterpret_cast<TFaxServerEntry>(
   370                 iFaxServerLib.Lookup( 1 ) );
   371             if ( libEntry != NULL )
   372                 {
   373                 // call CFaxSession::NewL(). LibEntry may leave.
   374                 TRAP( errorCode, iFaxSession = (*libEntry)(); );  
   375                 if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
   376                     {
   377                     // fax server session has been created,
   378                     // Now set completion callback, it's methods called by
   379                     // fax server when something significant happens
   380                     iFaxSession->SetCallBack( iFaxCompletion );
   381                     }
   382                 else
   383                     {
   384                     // failed to create fax server session
   385                     iFaxServerLib.Close();
   386                     }
   387                 }
   388             else
   389                 {
   390                 // entry point was not found
   391                 errorCode = KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint;
   392                 iFaxServerLib.Close();
   393                 }
   394             }
   395         else
   396           {
   397             // Uid type test failed
   398             iFaxServerLib.Close();
   399           }
   400         }
   401     User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
   402     }
   404 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 // CMmFaxExt::OpenFaxServer
   406 // Open CFaxSession object with desired settings.
   407 // Returns: Error Code 
   408 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 //
   410 TInt CMmFaxExt::OpenFaxServer(
   411         const TDesC* aTelNumber,  // phone number
   412         const TFaxMode aFaxMode ) // fax mode
   413     {
   414 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::OpenFaxServer");
   416     TInt errorCode ( KErrNone );
   417     TFaxServerSessionSettings faxSettings;
   418     if ( aTelNumber )
   419         {
   420         faxSettings.iPhoneNumber.Copy( *aTelNumber );
   421         }
   422     else
   423         {
   424         faxSettings.iPhoneNumber.Zero();
   425         }
   427     // Dataport names
   428     _LIT( KDataPortPort, "DATAPORT::0" );
   429     _LIT( KDataPortName, "DATAPORT");
   431     faxSettings.iLogging          = ETrue;
   432     faxSettings.iMode             = aFaxMode;
   433     faxSettings.iFaxClass         = iFaxSettings.iFaxClass;
   434     faxSettings.iPortDriverName   = KDataPortName;
   435     faxSettings.iCommPortName     = KDataPortPort;
   436     faxSettings.iFaxId            = iFaxSettings.iFaxId;
   437     faxSettings.iMaxSpeed         = iFaxSettings.iMaxSpeed;
   438     faxSettings.iMinSpeed         = iFaxSettings.iMinSpeed;
   439     faxSettings.iPreferredECM     = iFaxSettings.iPreferredECM;
   440     faxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay = iFaxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay;
   441     faxSettings.iTxResolution     = iFaxSettings.iTxResolution;
   442     faxSettings.iTxCompression    = iFaxSettings.iTxCompression;
   443     faxSettings.iTxPages          = iFaxSettings.iTxPages;
   444     faxSettings.iRxResolution     = iFaxSettings.iRxResolution;
   445     faxSettings.iRxCompression    = iFaxSettings.iRxCompression;
   446     RFax::TProgress* faxProgress  = iMmCall->CreateFaxProgressChunk();
   448     if ( NULL == faxProgress )
   449         {
   450         errorCode = KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated;
   451         }
   452     else
   453         {
   454         // allocate dataport for fax...
   455         RCall::TCommPort commPort;
   456         commPort.iCsy.Copy( KDataPortName );
   457         commPort.iPort.Copy( KDataPortPort );
   459         //Create package
   460         CCallDataPackage package;
   461         //Set call id and call mode
   462         package.SetCallIdAndMode(
   463             iMmCall->CallId(), RMobilePhone::ECircuitDataService );
   464         //Pack commport
   465         package.PackData( &commPort );
   467         //Send request to the Domestic OS layer.
   468         TInt trapError( KErrNone );
   469         TRAP( trapError,
   470             errorCode = iMmCall->Phone()->MessageManager()->
   471                 HandleRequestL( EEtelCallLoanDataPort, &package );
   472             );
   474         if ( KErrNone != trapError )
   475             {
   476             //error handling, leaved.
   477             errorCode = trapError;
   478             }
   480         // if dataport is allocated, open fax server
   481         if (errorCode == KErrNone)
   482             {
   483             errorCode = iFaxSession->FxOpen( faxSettings, faxProgress );
   485             if (errorCode != KErrNone)
   486                 {
   487                 // error, free dataport
   488                 //Send request to the Domestic OS layer.
   489                 trapError = KErrNone;
   490                 TRAP( trapError,
   491                     errorCode = iMmCall->Phone()->MessageManager()->
   492                         HandleRequestL( EEtelCallRecoverDataPort, &package );
   493                     );
   495                 if ( KErrNone != trapError )
   496                     {
   497                     //error handling, leaved.
   498                     errorCode = trapError;
   499                     }
   500                 }
   501             else
   502                 {
   503                 iDataPortLoaned = ETrue;
   504                 }
   505             }
   506         }
   508     return errorCode;
   509     }
   511 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // CMmFaxExt::CleanUpFaxServer
   513 // Closes Fax Server, deletes fax progress chunk and closes Fax Server library
   514 // Returns: None 
   515 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 //
   517 void CMmFaxExt::CleanUpFaxServer()
   518     {
   519 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::CleanUpFaxServer");
   521     if ( iFaxSession )
   522         {
   523         iFaxSession->FxClose();
   524         iMmCall->DeleteFaxProgressChunk();
   525         iFaxServerLib.Close();
   527         if ( iDataPortLoaned )
   528             {
   529             // free dataport
   530             _LIT( KDataPortPort, "DATAPORT::0" );
   531             _LIT( KDataPortName, "DATAPORT");
   533             RCall::TCommPort commPort;
   534             commPort.iCsy.Copy( KDataPortName );
   535             commPort.iPort.Copy( KDataPortPort );
   537             //Create package
   538             CCallDataPackage package;
   539             //Set call id and call mode
   540             package.SetCallIdAndMode(
   541                 iMmCall->CallId(), RMobilePhone::ECircuitDataService );
   542             //Pack commport
   543             package.PackData( &commPort );
   545             //Send request to the Domestic OS layer.
   546             TRAPD( trapError,
   547                 iMmCall->Phone()->MessageManager()->
   548                     HandleRequestL( EEtelCallRecoverDataPort, &package );
   549                 );
   550             }
   552         iFaxSession = NULL;
   553         }
   554     }
   556 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   557 // CMmFaxExt::GetFaxSettings
   558 // Get fax settings from CMmFaxExt class object's member variable.
   559 // Returns: Error Value 
   560 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   561 //
   562  TInt CMmFaxExt::GetFaxSettings(
   563         RCall::TFaxSessionSettings* aSettings ) 
   564     {
   565 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::GetFaxSettings");
   566     *aSettings = iFaxSettings;
   567     return KErrNone;
   568     }
   570 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 // CMmFaxExt::SetFaxSettings
   572 // Set fax settings to CMmFaxExt class object's member variable.
   573 // Returns: Error Value 
   574 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   575 //
   576  TInt CMmFaxExt::SetFaxSettings(
   577         const RCall::TFaxSessionSettings* aSettings ) // in: fax settings.
   578     {
   579 TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::SetFaxSettings");
   580         iFaxSettings = *aSettings;
   581         return KErrNone;
   582     }
   584 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 // CMmFaxExt::GetCallStatus
   586 // Returns call status from CMmCallTsy object.
   587 // Returns: Call status 
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 RCall::TStatus CMmFaxExt::GetCallStatus() const
   591     {
   592     return iMmCall->Status();
   593     }
   595 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   596 // CMmFaxExt::GetCallStatus
   597 // Sets terminate flag true on CMmTsyFax object.
   598 // Returns:  None 
   599 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   600 //
   601 void CMmFaxExt::DialCancel()
   602     {
   603     TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmFaxExt::DialCancel");
   604     if ( iFax ) 
   605         {
   606         iFax->Terminate();
   607         }
   608     }
   610 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =======================
   612 //  End of File