changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This file contains all the interfaces classes that can be implemented by
    15 // the Licensee LTSY relating to Sim related features.
    16 //
    21 /**
    22  @file
    23  @internalAll 
    24 */
    30 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchinterface.h>
    31 #include <etelmm.h>
    32 #include <ctsy/rmmcustomapi.h>
    35 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnControlListServiceStatus : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
    36 	{
    37 public:
    39 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetApnControlListServiceStatusApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 1;
    41 	/**
    42 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneGetAPNControlListServiceStatus
    43 	 * request from the CTSY.
    44 	 *
    45 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
    46 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetApnControlListServiceStatusComp()
    47 	 *
    48 	 * Implementation of this interface should get the current Apn Control List Service status from the LTSY.
    49 	 *
    50 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
    51 	 * failure.
    52 	 */
    53 	virtual TInt HandleGetApnControlListServiceStatusReqL() = 0;
    55 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnControlListServiceStatus
    59 class MLtsyDispatchSimDeleteApnName : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
    60 	{
    61 public:
    63 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimDeleteApnNameApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 2;
    65 	/**
    66 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneDeleteAPNName
    67 	 * request from the CTSY.
    68 	 *
    69 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
    70 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimDeleteApnNameComp()
    71 	 *
    72 	 * Implementation of this interface should delete the given entry from the APN control list.
    73 	 *
    74 	 * @param aIndex The index of the entry to delete.
    75 	 *
    76 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
    77 	 * failure.
    78 	 */
    79 	virtual TInt HandleDeleteApnNameReqL(TUint32 aIndex) = 0;
    81 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimDeleteApnName
    85 class MLtsyDispatchSimEnumerateApnEntries : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
    86 	{
    87 public:
    89 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimEnumerateApnEntriesApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 3;
    91 	/**
    92 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneEnumerateAPNEntries
    93 	 * request from the CTSY.
    94 	 *
    95 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
    96 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimEnumerateApnEntriesComp()
    97 	 *
    98 	 * Implementation of this interface should enumerate the available APN names in the Access Control list.
    99 	 *
   100 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   101 	 * failure.
   102 	 */
   103 	virtual TInt HandleEnumerateApnEntriesReqL() = 0;
   105 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimEnumerateApnEntries
   109 class MLtsyDispatchSimChangeSecurityCode : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   110 	{
   111 public:
   113 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimChangeSecurityCodeApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 4;
   115 	/**
   116 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneChangeSecurityCode
   117 	 * request from the CTSY.
   118 	 *
   119 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   120 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimChangeSecurityCodeComp()
   121 	 *
   122 	 * Implementation of this interface should allow a client to change a security code.
   123 	 *
   124 	 * @param aSecCode The security code to be changed.
   125 	 * @param aPasswds The old and the new values of the security code.
   126 	 *
   127 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   128 	 * failure.
   129 	 */
   130 	virtual TInt HandleChangeSecurityCodeReqL(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode aSecCode,
   131 			   								  const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePasswordChangeV1& aPasswds) = 0;
   133 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimChangeSecurityCode
   137 class MLtsyDispatchSimSetFdnSetting : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   138 	{
   139 public:
   141 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSetFdnSettingApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 5;
   143 	/**
   144 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneSetFdnSetting
   145 	 * request from the CTSY.
   146 	 *
   147 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   148 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSetFdnSettingComp()
   149 	 *
   150 	 * Implementation of this interface should activate or deactivate the Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) service
   151 	 * PIN2 must have been verified prior to changing the Fixed Dialling Numbers setting.
   152 	 *
   153 	 * @param aFdnSetting The FDN setting value.
   154 	 *
   155 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   156 	 * failure.
   157 	 */
   158 	virtual TInt HandleSetFdnSettingReqL(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneFdnSetting aFdnSetting) = 0;
   160 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSetFdnSetting
   164 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfile : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   165 	{
   166 public:
   168 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfileApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 6;
   170 	/**
   171 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneGetCustomerServiceProfile
   172 	 * request from the CTSY.
   173 	 *
   174 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   175 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetCustomerServiceProfileComp()
   176 	 *
   177 	 * Implementation of this interface should retrieve the whole Customer Service Profile file from LTSY.
   178 	 *
   179 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   180 	 * failure.
   181 	 */
   182 	virtual TInt HandleGetCustomerServiceProfileReqL() = 0;
   184 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfile
   188 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSubscriberId : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   189 	{
   190 public:
   192 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetSubscriberIdApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 7;
   194 	/**
   195 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneGetSubscriberId
   196 	 * request from the CTSY.
   197 	 *
   198 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   199 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetSubscriberIdComp()
   200 	 *
   201 	 * Implementation of this interface should get the subscriber's identity as described by its IMSI from the LTSY.
   202 	 *
   203 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   204 	 * failure.
   205 	 */
   206 	virtual TInt HandleGetSubscriberIdReqL() = 0;
   208 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSubscriberId
   212 class MLtsyDispatchSimAppendApnName : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   213 	{
   214 public:
   216 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimAppendApnNameApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 8;
   218 	/**
   219 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneAppendAPNName
   220 	 * request from the CTSY.
   221 	 *
   222 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   223 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimAppendApnNameComp()
   224 	 *
   225 	 * Implementation of this interface should append the given entry to the end of the APN control list.
   226 	 *
   227 	 * @param aEntry The entry to append to the APN list.
   228 	 *
   229 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   230 	 * failure.
   231 	 */
   232 	virtual TInt HandleAppendApnNameReqL(const RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3& aEntry) = 0;
   234 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimAppendApnName
   238 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   239 	{
   240 public:
   242 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationTypeApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 9;
   244 	/**
   245 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMmTsySimGetICCType
   246 	 * request from the CTSY.
   247 	 *
   248 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   249 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetActiveIccApplicationTypeComp()
   250 	 *
   251 	 * This handler is called by the CTSY to retrieve the current active ICC application type.
   252 	 * Types are defined in MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType::TIccType.
   253 	 *
   254 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   255 	 * failure.
   256 	 */
   258 	enum TIccType
   259 	    {
   260 	    EIccTypeSim2GGsm,
   261 	    EIccTypeSim3G,
   262 	    EIccTypeSimUnknown
   263 	    };
   265 	virtual TInt HandleGetActiveIccApplicationTypeReqL() = 0;
   267 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType
   271 class MLtsyDispatchSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicators : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   272 	{
   273 public:
   275 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 10;
   277 	/**
   278 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneSetIccMessageWaitingIndicators
   279 	 * request from the CTSY.
   280 	 *
   281 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   282 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp()
   283 	 *
   284 	 * Implementation of this interface should set the message waiting indicators on the current ICC.
   285 	 *
   286 	 * @param aIndicators The message waiting indicators to set.
   287 	 *
   288 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   289 	 * failure.
   290 	 */
   291 	virtual TInt HandleSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsReqL(const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1& aIndicators) = 0;
   293 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicators
   297 class MLtsyDispatchSimSetApnControlListServiceStatus : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   298 	{
   299 public:
   301 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSetApnControlListServiceStatusApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 11;
   303 	/**
   304 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneSetAPNControlListServiceStatus
   305 	 * request from the CTSY.
   306 	 *
   307 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   308 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSetApnControlListServiceStatusComp()
   309 	 *
   310 	 * Implementation of this interface should set the status of the APN Control List Service.
   311 	 *
   312 	 * @param aStatus The service status to set.
   313 	 *
   314 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   315 	 * failure.
   316 	 */
   317 	virtual TInt HandleSetApnControlListServiceStatusReqL(RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus aStatus) = 0;
   319 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSetApnControlListServiceStatus
   323 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnName : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   324 	{
   325 public:
   327 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetApnNameApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 12;
   329 	/**
   330 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneGetAPNname
   331 	 * request from the CTSY.
   332 	 *
   333 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   334 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetApnNameComp()
   335 	 *
   336 	 * Implementation of this interface should get the APN entry from the APN list at the index specified.
   337 	 *
   338 	 * @param aIndex The index of the APN entry to get from LTSY.
   339 	 *
   340 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   341 	 * failure.
   342 	 */
   343 	virtual TInt HandleGetApnNameReqL(TUint32 aIndex) = 0;
   345 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnName
   349 class MLtsyDispatchSimSimRefreshDone : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   350 	{
   351 public:
   353 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSimRefreshDoneApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 13;
   355 	/**
   356 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMmTsySimRefreshDoneIPC
   357 	 * request from the CTSY.
   358 	 *
   359 	 * It is a request call that has no complete.
   360 	 *
   361 	 *
   362 	 * Implementation of this interface indicates to the LTSY the SIM refresh has finished.
   363 	 *
   364 	 *
   365 	 * @param aError An error code relating to the result of the refresh.
   366 	 *
   367 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   368 	 * failure.
   369 	 */
   370 	virtual TInt HandleSimRefreshDoneReqL(TInt aError) = 0;
   372 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSimRefreshDone
   374 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   375 	{
   376 public:
   378 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTableApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 14;
   380 	/**
   381 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneGetServiceTable
   382 	 * request from the CTSY.
   383 	 *
   384 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetServiceTableComp()
   385 	 *
   386 	 * Implementation of this interface should read the EFust or EFsst service tables as specified by aServiceTable.
   387 	 *
   388 	 * @param aServiceTable Specifies the service table to retrieve.
   389 	 *
   390 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   391 	 * failure.
   392 	 */
   393 	virtual TInt HandleGetServiceTableReqL(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTable aServiceTable) = 0;
   395 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable
   397 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   398 	{
   399 public:
   401 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 15;
   403 	/**
   404 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the EMobilePhoneGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators
   405 	 * request from the CTSY.
   406 	 *
   407 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp()
   408 	 *
   409 	 * Implementation of this interface should get the ICC message waiting indicators from the (U)SIM field EFmwis.
   410 	 *
   411 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   412 	 * failure.
   413 	 */
   414 	virtual TInt HandleGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsReqL() = 0;
   416 	}; // class MLtsyDispatcSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators
   418 class MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockActivate : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   419 	{
   420 public:
   422 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSimLockActivateApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 16;
   424 	/**
   425 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomSimLockActivateIPC
   426 	 * request from the CTSY.
   427 	 * 
   428 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   429 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSimLockActivateComp()
   430 	 * 
   431 	 * Implementation of this interface should send a SIM Lock Activation request.
   432 	 *
   433 	 * @param aPassword The password used for the SIM Lock activation.
   434 	 * @param aLockNumber The lock number that defines SIM Lock types.
   435 	 *
   436 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   437 	 * failure.
   438 	 */
   439 	virtual TInt HandleSimLockActivateReqL(const TDesC& aPassword, RMmCustomAPI::TLockNumber aLockNumber) = 0;
   441 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockActivate
   444 class MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockDeActivate : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   445 	{
   446 public:
   448 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSimLockDeActivateApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 17;
   450 	/**
   451 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomSimLockDeActivateIPC
   452 	 * request from the CTSY.
   453 	 * 
   454 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   455 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSimLockDeActivateComp()
   456 	 * 
   457 	 * Implementation of this interface should send a SIM Lock Deactivation request. 
   458 	 * 
   459 	 * @param aPassword The password used for the SIM Lock deactivation.
   460 	 * @param aLockNumber The lock number that defines SIM Lock types.
   461 	 *
   462 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   463 	 * failure.
   464 	 */
   465 	virtual TInt HandleSimLockDeActivateReqL(const TDesC& aPassword, RMmCustomAPI::TLockNumber aLockNumber) = 0;
   467 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockDeActivate
   470 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetAnswerToReset : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   471 	{
   472 public:
   474 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetAnswerToResetApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 18;
   476 	/**
   477 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomGetATRIPC
   478 	 * request from the CTSY.
   479 	 * 
   480 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   481 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetAnswerToResetComp()
   482 	 * 
   483 	 * Implementation of this interface should retrieve the answer to reset. 
   484 	 *
   485 	 * @param aAnswerToReset The answer to reset information which contains details of the request.
   486 	 *
   487 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   488 	 * failure.
   489 	 */
   490 	virtual TInt HandleGetAnswerToResetReqL(const TDesC8& aAnswerToReset) = 0;
   492 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetAnswerToReset
   495 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimCardReaderStatus : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   496 	{
   497 public:
   499 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetSimCardReaderStatusApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 19;
   501 	/**
   502 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomGetSimCardReaderStatusIPC
   503 	 * request from the CTSY.
   504 	 * 
   505 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   506 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetSimCardReaderStatusComp()
   507 	 * 
   508 	 * Implementation of this interface should retrieve the card reader status.
   509 	 *
   510 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   511 	 * failure.
   512 	 */
   513 	virtual TInt HandleGetSimCardReaderStatusReqL() = 0;
   515 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimCardReaderStatus
   518 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapSimData : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   519 	{
   520 public:
   522 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapSimDataApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 20;
   524 	/**
   525 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomGetSimAuthenticationDataIPC for 
   526  	 * Extensible Authentication Protocol Subscriber Identity Module authentication method
   527 	 * request from the CTSY.
   528 	 * 
   529 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   530 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationEapSimDataComp()
   531 	 * 
   532 	 * Implementation of this interface should retrieve Sim Authentication Data for EapSim authentication method.
   533 	 *
   534 	 * @param aRandomParameters The random parameters from the client.
   535 	 * @param aRFStateInfo The RF state info.
   536 	 * 
   537 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   538 	 * failure.
   539 	 */
   540 	virtual TInt HandleGetSimAuthenticationEapSimDataReqL(const TDesC8& aRandomParameters, TInt aRFStateInfo) = 0;
   542 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapSimData
   544 class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaData : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   545 	{
   546 public:
   548 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaDataApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 21;
   550 	/**
   551 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomGetSimAuthenticationDataIPC for 
   552 	 * Extensible Authentication Protocol UMTS Authentication and Key Agreement authentication method
   553 	 * request from the CTSY.
   554 	 * 
   555 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   556 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaDataComp()
   557 	 * 
   558 	 * Implementation of this interface should retrieve Sim Authentication Data for EapAka authentication method.
   559 	 *
   560 	 * @param aRandomParameters The random parameters from the client.
   561 	 * @param aAUTN The AUTN parameter. AUTN is an authentication value generated by
   562 	 *        the Authentication Centre, which, together with the random parameters, authenticates the server to the peer, 128 bits.
   563 	 * @param aRFStateInfo The RF state info.
   564 	 *
   565 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   566 	 * failure.
   567 	 */
   568 	virtual TInt HandleGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaDataReqL(const TDesC8& aRandomParameters, const TDesC8& aAUTN, TInt aRFStateInfo) = 0;
   570 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaData
   572 class MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOff : public MLtsyDispatchInterface
   573 	{
   574 public:
   576 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOffApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 22;
   578 	/**
   579 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomPowerSimOffIPC
   580 	 * request from the CTSY.
   581 	 * 
   582 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   583 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimPowerSimOffComp()
   584 	 * 
   585 	 * Implementation of this interface should send a Power SIM Off request to the APDU server.
   586 	 *
   587 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   588 	 * failure.
   589 	 * 
   590 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::PowerSimOff()
   591 	 */
   592 	virtual TInt HandlePowerSimOffReqL() = 0;
   594 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOff
   597 class MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOn : virtual MLtsyDispatchInterface
   598 	{
   599 public:
   601 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOnApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 23;
   603 	/**
   604 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomPowerSimOnIPC
   605 	 * request from the CTSY.
   606 	 * 
   607 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   608 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimPowerSimOnComp()
   609 	 * 
   610 	 * Implementation of this interface should send a Power SIM On request to the APDU server.
   611 	 *
   612 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   613 	 * failure.
   614 	 * 
   615 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::PowerSimOn()
   616 	 */
   617 	virtual TInt HandlePowerSimOnReqL() = 0;
   619 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOn
   622 class MLtsyDispatchSimReadSimFile : virtual MLtsyDispatchInterface
   623 	{
   624 public:
   626 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimReadSimFileApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 24;
   628 	/**
   629 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomReadSimFileIPC
   630 	 * request from the CTSY.
   631 	 * 
   632 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   633 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimReadSimFileComp()
   634 	 * 
   635 	 * Implementation of this interface should request to read full or partial contents of a 
   636 	 * given SIM file. The path, size and offset for the requested SIM file are provided.
   637 	 * 
   638 	 *
   639 	 * @param aPath The absolute file path of the SIM file in the file system of the SIM.
   640 	 * see ETSI TS 131 102 Under "Files of USIM"
   641 	 * @param aOffset The value of the Offset, the offset is related with the type of SIM file being read.
   642 	 * @param aSize The amount of bytes to be read from the SIM file.
   643 	 *
   644 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   645 	 * failure.
   646 	 * 
   647 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::ReadSimFile()
   648 	 */
   649 	virtual TInt HandleReadSimFileReqL(const TDesC8& aPath, TUint16 aOffset, TUint16 aSize) = 0;
   651 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimReadSimFile
   654 class MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequest : virtual MLtsyDispatchInterface
   655 	{
   656 public:
   658 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequestApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 25;
   660 	/**
   661 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomSendAPDUReqIPC
   662 	 * request from the CTSY.
   663 	 * 
   664 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   665 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSendApduRequestComp()
   666 	 * 
   667 	 * Implementation of this interface should pass the send APDU request to the baseband.
   668 	 * 
   669 	 * The service type, card reader number and application type is the address information 
   670 	 * and the data is an envelope. The client side and baseband are responsible for the 
   671 	 * consistency of the data buffer's content (i.e. they have to have an agreement on the contents).
   672 	 * 
   673 	 *
   674 	 * @param aServiceType The value for the service type of the request.
   675 	 * @param aCardReaderNumber The value for the card reader number of the request.
   676 	 * @param aApplicationType The value for the application type of the request.
   677 	 * @param aCommandData The transparent data to be conveyed to the Baseband.
   678 	 *
   679 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   680 	 * failure.
   681 	 * 
   682 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::SendAPDUReq()
   683 	 */
   684 	virtual TInt HandleSimSendApduRequestReqL(TUint8 aServiceType, TUint8 aCardReaderNumber, TUint8 aApplicationType, const TDesC8& aCommandData) = 0;
   686 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequest
   688 class MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequestV2 : virtual MLtsyDispatchInterface
   689 	{
   690 public:
   692 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequestV2ApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 26;
   694 	/**
   695 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomSendAPDUReqV2IPC
   696 	 * request from the CTSY.
   697 	 * 
   698 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   699 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSendApduRequestV2Comp()
   700 	 * 
   701 	 * Implementation of this interface should pass the send APDU request to the baseband.
   702 	 * 
   703 	 * The client side and baseband are responsible for the consistency of the data buffer's content 
   704 	 * (i.e. they have to have an agreement on the contents).
   705 	 * 
   706 	 *
   707 	 * @param aCardReaderId The value for the card reader Id of the request.
   708 	 * @param aCommandData The transparent data to be conveyed to the Baseband.
   709 	 *
   710 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   711 	 * failure.
   712 	 * 
   713 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::SendAPDUReq()
   714 	 */
   715 	virtual TInt HandleSimSendApduRequestV2ReqL(TUint8 aCardReaderId, const TDesC8& aCommandData) = 0;
   717 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequest
   719 class MLtsyDispatchSimSimWarmReset : virtual MLtsyDispatchInterface
   720 	{
   721 public:
   723 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSimWarmResetApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 27;
   725 	/**
   726 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomSimWarmResetIPC
   727 	 * request from the CTSY.
   728 	 * 
   729 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   730 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSimWarmResetComp()
   731 	 * 
   732 	 * Implementation of this interface should handle the reqest for a SIM warm reset.
   733 	 * 
   734 	 * See ETSI TS 102 221 under "Reset procedures"
   735 	 *
   736 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   737 	 * failure.
   738 	 * 
   739 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::SimWarmReset()
   740 	 */
   741 	virtual TInt HandleSimWarmResetReqL() = 0;
   743 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSimWarmReset
   746 class MLtsyDispatchSimSetSimMessageStatusRead : virtual MLtsyDispatchInterface
   747 	{
   748 public:
   750 	static const TInt KLtsyDispatchSimSetSimMessageStatusReadApiId = KDispatchSimFuncUnitId + 28;
   752 	/**
   753 	 * The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomSetSimMessageStatusReadIPC
   754 	 * request from the CTSY.
   755 	 * 
   756 	 * It is a request call that is completed by invoking
   757 	 * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSimSetSimMessageStatusReadComp()
   758 	 * 
   759 	 * No error code is returned to the ETel client - if no SMS message with matching timestamp is identified
   760 	 * on the SIM then this error will be silently ignored.
   761 	 *
   762 	 * @param aTimestamp timestamp that uniquely identifies a particular message in the message store.
   763 	 * @param aTimezoneDiff the difference, expressed in quarters of an hour, between the service centre local time and GMT
   764 	 *
   765 	 * @return KErrNone on success, otherwise another error code indicating the
   766 	 * failure.
   767 	 * 
   768 	 * @see RMmCustomAPI::SetSimMessageStatusRead()
   769 	 */
   770 	virtual TInt HandleSetSimMessageStatusReadReqL(const TTime& aTimestamp, TInt aTimezoneDiff) = 0;
   772 	}; // class MLtsyDispatchSimSetSimMessageStatusRead