changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of CATSmsMessagingSend.
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20 */
    23 #include <etelmm.h>
    25 #include "NOTIFY.H"
    26 #include "mSMSMESS.H"
    27 #include "mSMSSEND.H"
    28 #include "mSLOGGER.H"
    29 #include "ATIO.H"
    30 #include "smsutil.h"	// for CATSmsUtils
    32 //
    33 // Constants
    34 //
    35 const TInt KPduMode=0;
    37 //
    38 // Macros
    39 //
    41 #ifdef __LOGDEB__
    42 _LIT8(KLogEntry,"CATSmsMessagingSend::%S\t%S");
    43 #define LOCAL_LOGTEXT(function,text) {_LIT8(F,function);_LIT8(T,text);LOGTEXT3(KLogEntry,&F,&T);}
    44 #else
    45 #define LOCAL_LOGTEXT(function,text)
    46 #endif
    48 /**
    50  * Used to implement cancellation at safe points inside CATSmsMessagingSend::EventSignal
    51  */
    53 {\
    54 if(iStop)\
    55 	{\
    56 	Complete(KErrCancel);\
    58 	return;\
    59 	}\
    60 }
    63 //
    64 // Class Implementation
    65 //
    66 CATSmsMessagingSend* CATSmsMessagingSend::NewL(	CATIO* aIo,
    67 												CTelObject* aTelObject,
    68 												CATInit* aInit,
    69 												CPhoneGlobals* aGsmStatus)
    70 /**
    71  * Creates a new instance of CATSmsMessagingSend
    72  */
    73 	{
    74 	CATSmsMessagingSend* self=new(ELeave) CATSmsMessagingSend(aIo,aTelObject,aInit,aGsmStatus);
    75 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    76 	self->ConstructL();
    77 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    78 	return self;
    79 	}
    81 CATSmsMessagingSend::CATSmsMessagingSend(	CATIO* aIo,
    82 											CTelObject* aTelObject,
    83 											CATInit* aInit,
    84 											CPhoneGlobals* aGsmStatus)
    85 	:CATSmsCommands(aIo,aTelObject,aInit,aGsmStatus)
    86 /**
    87  * C++ constructor
    88  */
    89 {}
    91 void CATSmsMessagingSend::ConstructL()
    92 /**
    93  * 2nd phase contructor
    94  */
    95 	{
    96 	CATCommands::ConstructL();
    97 	iMsgDataAscii.Zero();			// Just in case
    98 	}
   100 CATSmsMessagingSend::~CATSmsMessagingSend()
   101 /**
   102  * C++ destructor
   103  */
   104 	{
   105 	delete iMsgData;
   106 	}
   108 void CATSmsMessagingSend::Start(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TAny* aParams)
   109 /**
   110  * Starts the procedure of sending an SMS
   111  * @param aTsyReqHandle Handle to client, to be completed when operation done
   112  * @param aParams Pointer to the SMS PDU (with or without SC prefixed) to be sent 
   113  */
   114 	{
   115 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("Start","Have been requested to send a message");
   117 	// Intialize data 
   118 	iHaveRetriedWithOtherPduStd=EFalse;
   119 	iStop=EFalse;
   121 	// ::SetMsgAttributes must be called before ::Start is called
   122 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsgAttributes,Panic(EATSmsMessagingSendNullMsgAttributes));		
   124 	// Save access to the data we be given thru our parameters
   125 	iReqHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
   126 	delete iMsgData;		// Ensure we don't orphan some memory
   127 	iMsgData=((TDesC8*)aParams)->Alloc();
   128 	if(!iMsgData)
   129 		Complete(KErrNoMemory);
   131 	// Kick off first AT stuff
   132 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("Start","Setting phone to PDU mode (as opposed to text mode)");
   133 	iTxBuffer.Format(KSmsFormatCommand,KPduMode);
   134 	WriteTxBufferToPhone(ESetPhoneToPDUMode);
   135 	}
   138 void CATSmsMessagingSend::StartFindSCA()
   139 /**
   140  * Attempt to find an SCA to use when sending message.
   141  * The following SCA sources are checked in this order...
   142  *    Supplied by client in iMsgAttributes.iSc
   143  *    Use default SCA in the phone's memory
   144  *	  Use default SCA in the phone's memory after doing 'AT+CRES=1'
   145  */
   146 	{
   147 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("StartFindSCA","");
   149 	// Did client supply SCA in iMsgAttributes.iSc
   150 	if(iMsgAttributes->iFlags&RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmServiceCentre && iMsgAttributes->iGsmServiceCentre.iTelNumber.Length()!=0)
   151 		{
   152 		iMsgSCA=iMsgAttributes->iGsmServiceCentre;
   153 		DoneFindSCA();
   154 		}
   156 	// Does the phone have a default SCA in memory
   157 	else
   158 		{
   159 		TInt ret=CATSmsCommands::RequestATCommand(CATSmsCommands::EGetSCAFromPhone);
   160 		if(ret!=KErrNone)
   161 			Complete(ret);
   162 		}
   164 	}
   167 void CATSmsMessagingSend::DoneFindSCA()
   168 	{
   169 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("DoneFindSCA","");
   170 	// At this point in the execution we can guarantee that...
   171 	//	iMsgData holds the PDU to be sent in binary format without a prepended SCA
   172 	//	iMsgSCA holds the SCA to be used to send the PDU
   174 	// Check we can handle the Type-Of-Address of the SCA
   175 	if(!(iMsgSCA.iNumberPlan==RMobilePhone::EIsdnNumberPlan &&
   176 	   (iMsgSCA.iTypeOfNumber==RMobilePhone::EInternationalNumber ||
   177 		iMsgSCA.iTypeOfNumber==RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber)))
   178 		{
   179 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("DoneFindSCA","SCA type unsupported");
   180 		Complete(KErrCorrupt);
   181 		return;
   182 		}
   184 	// Check which ETSI standard we think phone conforms to
   185 	if(PhoneUsesNewPDUStandard())
   186 		SendMessageToNewPhone();
   187 	else
   188 		SendMessageToOldPhone();
   189 	}
   192 void CATSmsMessagingSend::SendMessageToOldPhone()
   193 /**
   194  * Send message to phone which uses new ETSI standard (no SCA prefixed to PDU expected,
   195  * use phone's default SCA setting instead).
   196  */
   197  	{
   198 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("SendMessageToOldPhone","");
   199 	// Set the SCA to use as the default in the phone's memory
   200 	iRequestSCA=iMsgSCA;
   201 	TInt ret=CATSmsCommands::RequestATCommand(CATSmsCommands::ESetSCAInPhone);
   202 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   203 		Complete(ret);
   204 	}
   207 void CATSmsMessagingSend::SendMessageToOldPhone_Stage2()
   208 	{
   209 	// Convert PDU from binary to ASCII
   210 	iMsgDataAscii.Zero();
   211 	CATSmsUtils::AppendDataToAscii(iMsgDataAscii,*iMsgData);
   212 	if(iMsgDataAscii.Length()==0)
   213 		{
   214 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("SendMessageToOldPhone_Stage2","Failed to convert binary PDU to ASCII");
   215 		Complete(KErrCorrupt);
   216 		return;
   217 		}
   219 	// Send PDU length to the phone
   220 	const TInt pduLengthSemiOctets(iMsgDataAscii.Length());
   221 	const TInt pduLengthOctets(pduLengthSemiOctets/2+pduLengthSemiOctets%2);
   222 	iTxBuffer.Format(KSmsSendPduLengthCommand,pduLengthOctets);
   223 	WriteTxBufferToPhone(ESendPDULengthToPhone);
   224 	}
   226 void CATSmsMessagingSend::SendPDUToPhone()
   227 	{
   228 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("SendPDUToPhone","");
   229 	// Send PDU to phone 
   230 	iTxBuffer.Format(iMsgDataAscii);
   231 	iTxBuffer.Append(KCtrlZChar);
   232 	WriteTxBufferToPhone(ESendPDUToPhone);
   233 	}
   235 void CATSmsMessagingSend::SendPDUToPhone_Stage2()
   236 	{
   237 	// Get the message reference number & submit report and then we've finished 
   238 	Complete(ParseCMGSResponse());
   239 	}
   241 void CATSmsMessagingSend::SendMessageToNewPhone()
   242 /**
   243  * Send message to phone which uses new ETSI standard (SCA prefixed to PDU expected).
   244  */
   245 	{
   246 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("SendMessageToNewPhone","");
   248 	// Convert SCA to ASCII (ensure that 03.40 format is used to create SCA)
   249 	iMsgDataAscii.Zero();
   250 	if(CATSmsUtils::AppendAddressToAscii(iMsgDataAscii,iMsgSCA,ETrue)!=KErrNone || iMsgDataAscii.Length()==0)
   251 		{
   252 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("SendMessageToNewPhone","Failed to prepend SCA to PDU");
   253 		Complete(KErrCorrupt);
   254 		return;
   255 		}
   257 	// Convert PDU to ASCII
   258 	const TInt msgDataAsciiLen(iMsgDataAscii.Length());
   259 	CATSmsUtils::AppendDataToAscii(iMsgDataAscii,*iMsgData);
   260 	if(iMsgDataAscii.Length()==msgDataAsciiLen)
   261 		{
   262 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("SendMessageToNewPhone","Failed to convert binary PDU to ASCII");
   263 		Complete(KErrCorrupt);
   264 		return;
   265 		}
   267 	// Send PDU length to the phone
   268 	const TInt pduLengthSemiOctets(iMsgDataAscii.Length()-msgDataAsciiLen);	// Must not include the prefixed SCA in calculation
   269 	const TInt pduLengthOctets(pduLengthSemiOctets/2+pduLengthSemiOctets%2);
   270 	iTxBuffer.Format(KSmsSendPduLengthCommand,pduLengthOctets);
   271 	WriteTxBufferToPhone(ESendPDULengthToPhone);
   272 	}
   275 void CATSmsMessagingSend::EventSignal(TEventSource aSource)
   276 /**
   277  * Handle the events from the comm port
   278  *
   279  * This code is first called after the phone has been set to PDU mode.
   280  * First we find the SCA that we are going to use. 
   281  * Secondly we send the message to the phone depending on whether the phone seems to be using 
   282  * the new ETSI format (SCA prefixed to PDU expected) or the old ETSI format (no SCA prefixed
   283  * to PDU expected).
   284  *
   285  * @param aSource denotes if event is due to read, write or timeout
   286  */
   287 	{
   288 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","");
   289 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("iState=%D iSource=%D"),iState,aSource);
   290 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("iStop=%D"),iStop);
   292 	// Check to see if this class or our base class need to process the event
   293 	if(CATSmsCommands::RequestATActive())
   294 		{
   295 		//
   296 		// Allow base class to handle event, and find out if a request completed
   297 		//
   298 		CATSmsCommands::EventSignal(aSource);
   299 		const CATSmsCommands::TRequest reqCompleted(CATSmsCommands::RequestATCompleted());
   301 		if(reqCompleted!=ENone)
   304 		// Otheriwse, Check if a request completed as a result of the event processing
   305 		switch(reqCompleted)
   306 			{
   307 		case CATSmsCommands::EGetSCAFromPhone:
   308 			LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","EGetSCAFromPhone completed");
   309 			if(iRequestError==KErrNone)
   310 				{
   311 				iMsgSCA=iRequestSCA;
   312 				DoneFindSCA();
   313 				}
   314 			else
   315 				{
   316 				LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Failed to find an SCA to use");
   317 				Complete(iRequestError,aSource);
   318 				}
   319 			break;
   321 		case CATSmsCommands::ESetSCAInPhone:
   322 			LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","ESetSCAInPhone completed");
   323 			if(iRequestError==KErrNone)
   324 				SendMessageToOldPhone_Stage2();
   325 			else
   326 				{
   327 				LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Failed to set SCA in phone");
   328 				Complete(iRequestError,aSource);
   329 				}
   330 			break;
   332 		case CATSmsCommands::ENone:	// Must not be caught by default case 
   333 			break;
   334 		default:
   335 			LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","CATSmsCommands unknown request completed");
   336 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(EATSmsMessagingUnknownRequestCompleted));
   337 			}
   338 		}
   339 	else
   340 		{
   341 		//
   342 		// This class will handle event
   343 		//
   344 		if (aSource==ETimeOutCompletion)
   345 			{
   346 			LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Timeout error");
   347 			iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);
   348 			Complete(KErrTimedOut, aSource);
   349 			}
   351 		TInt ret(KErrNone);
   352 		switch(iState)
   353 			{
   354 		case ESetPhoneToPDUMode:
   355 			if(aSource==EWriteCompletion)
   356 				HandleWriteCompletion(aSource);		
   357 			else
   358 				{
   359 				ret=HandleResponseCompletion(aSource,EFalse);
   360 				if (ret!=KErrNone)
   361 					{
   362 					Complete(ret,aSource);
   363 					return;
   364 					}		
   365 				StartFindSCA();
   366 				}
   367 			break;
   369 		case ESendPDULengthToPhone:
   370 			if(aSource==EWriteCompletion)
   371 				{
   372 				HandleWriteCompletion(aSource);
   373 				iExpectString=iIo->AddExpectString(this,KSmsEnterPduModeResponse,ETrue);
   374 				}
   375 			else
   376 				{
   377 				ret=HandleResponseCompletion(aSource,EFalse);
   378 				if (ret!=KErrNone)
   379 					{
   380 					Complete(ret,aSource);
   381 					return;
   382 					}		
   383 				ret=ConvertCMSErrorToKErr(CMSErrorValue());
   384 				iIo->RemoveExpectString(iExpectString);
   385 				iExpectString=NULL;
   386 				if (ret!=KErrNone)
   387 					{
   388 					Complete(ret,aSource);
   389 					return;
   390 					}		
   392 				// If we get a Cancel request just before we send the PDU, we instead send an escape 
   393 				// character to trigger a PDU send failure and then continue as normal.
   394 				if (iStop)
   395 					{
   396 					LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Cancel requested. Sending Escape Character instead of PDU");
   398 					// In case of Ericsson phone, after sending the escape char we are not receiving expected
   399 					// response (OK/ERROR), it is just echoing those char. But if the escape char is prefixed
   400 					// by "at", then it responds with expected response.
   402 					// But in case of other phones, we believe the escape char alone works.  We have confirmed
   403 					// this with Nokia phones.
   405 					_LIT16(KEricsson,"*ERICSSON*");
   406 					if(iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneId.iManufacturer.MatchF(KEricsson)==0)
   407 						{
   408 						_LIT8(KEscapeSequenceString,"at%S\r");
   409 						iTxBuffer.Format(KEscapeSequenceString,&KEscapeChar);
   410 						}
   411 					else
   412 						{
   413 						iTxBuffer.Format(KEscapeChar);
   414 						}
   415 					WriteTxBufferToPhone(ESendEscapeCharToPhone);
   416 					}
   417 				else
   418 					SendPDUToPhone();
   419 				}
   420 			break;
   422 		case ESendPDUToPhone:
   423 			if(aSource==EWriteCompletion)
   424 				{
   425 				HandleWriteCompletion(aSource);
   426 				}
   427 			else
   428 				{
   429 				const TInt err=ConvertCMSErrorToKErr(CMSErrorValue());
   430 				ret=HandleResponseCompletion(aSource,EFalse);
   431 				if (ret!=KErrNone)
   432 					{
   433 					Complete(ret,aSource);
   434 					return;
   435 					}		
   437 				// Check if an error occurred
   438 				if(err!=KErrNone)
   439 					{
   440 					// If we have not already, then retry using the other Pdu standard
   441 					if(!iHaveRetriedWithOtherPduStd)
   442 						{
   444 						// Retry with new standard
   445 						LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Failed to send message, will retry using other phone standard");
   446 						iHaveRetriedWithOtherPduStd=ETrue;
   447 						TogglePhonePDUStandard();
   448 						DoneFindSCA();
   449 						}
   450 					else
   451 						{
   452 						// We have tried both PDU standards and have failed :-(
   453 						LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Failed to send message :-(");
   454 						Complete(err,aSource);
   455 						}
   456 					}
   457 				else
   458 					{
   459 					// Success, we have sent the message ;-)
   460 					if (iStop)	{LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Message send successful, Cancel request to late, PDU already sent");}
   461 					else		{LOCAL_LOGTEXT("EventSignal","Message send successful ;-)");}
   462 					SendPDUToPhone_Stage2();
   463 					}
   464 				}
   465 			break;
   467 		case ESendEscapeCharToPhone:
   468 			if(aSource==EWriteCompletion)
   469 				{
   470 				HandleWriteCompletion(aSource);
   471 				}
   472 			else
   473 				{
   474 				ret=HandleResponseCompletion(aSource,EFalse);
   475 				if (ret!=KErrNone)
   476 					{
   477 					Complete(ret,aSource);
   478 					return;
   479 					}
   480 				Complete(KErrCancel,aSource);
   481 				}
   482 			break;
   484 		case ENotInProgress: // Required to stop 'unhandled enum' warning with ARM4
   485 			break;
   486 			}
   487 		}
   488 	}
   491 void CATSmsMessagingSend::Complete(TInt aError,TEventSource aSource)
   492 	{
   493 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("Complete","");
   494 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("aError=%D aSource=%D"),aError,aSource);
   496 	iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);
   497 	iIo->RemoveExpectStrings(this);
   498 	iOKExpectString = NULL;
   499 	iErrorExpectString = NULL;
   500 	CATCommands::Complete(aError,aSource);
   501 	iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle, aError);
   502 	if (aSource==EWriteCompletion)
   503 		iIo->Read();
   504 	iState = ENotInProgress; 
   505 	}
   507 void CATSmsMessagingSend::SetMsgAttributes(RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsSendAttributesV1* aMsgAttributes)
   508 	{
   509 	iMsgAttributes=aMsgAttributes;
   510 	}
   512 void CATSmsMessagingSend::Stop(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   513 //
   514 //	Attempts to halt the process
   515 //
   516 	{
   517 	LOCAL_LOGTEXT("Stop","Client has requested cancel");
   518 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aTsyReqHandle == iReqHandle, Panic(EIllegalTsyReqHandle));
   520 	// Ensure our base class notes that a cancel has been requested
   521 	CATSmsCommands::RequestATCommandCancel();
   523 	// Set our flag to denote we should cancel as soon as possible
   524 	iStop=ETrue;
   525 	}
   527 void CATSmsMessagingSend::CompleteWithIOError(TEventSource /*aSource*/,TInt aStatus)
   528 	{
   529 	if (iState!=ENotInProgress)
   530 		{
   531 		iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);
   532 		iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle, aStatus);
   533 		iState = ENotInProgress;
   534 		}
   535 	}
   537 //
   538 // Utility functions 
   539 //
   540 TBool CATSmsMessagingSend::PhoneUsesNewPDUStandard()
   541 /**
   542  * This code assumes that EPhoneTestOldStandard and EPhoneTestUndefined are 
   543  * the same.
   544  */
   545  	{
   546 	return (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneTestState==CPhoneGlobals::EPhoneTestNewStandard);
   547 	}
   549 void CATSmsMessagingSend::TogglePhonePDUStandard()
   550 /**
   551  * This code assumes that EPhoneTestOldStandard and EPhoneTestUndefined are 
   552  * the same.
   553  */
   554 	{
   555 	if(iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneTestState==CPhoneGlobals::EPhoneTestNewStandard)
   556 		iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneTestState=CPhoneGlobals::EPhoneTestOldStandard;		
   557 	else
   558 		iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneTestState=CPhoneGlobals::EPhoneTestNewStandard;		
   559 	}
   561 void CATSmsMessagingSend::WriteTxBufferToPhone(TState aNewState)
   562 /**
   563  * Sends the contents of iTxBuffer to the phone
   564  */
   565  	{
   566 	iIo->Write(this,iTxBuffer);
   567 	iIo->SetTimeOut(this,KATWriteTimeout);
   568 	iState=aNewState;
   569 	}
   572 TInt CATSmsMessagingSend::ParseCMGSResponse()		
   573 /**
   574  * Parse CMGS response string for Message Reference Number &
   575  * SUBMIT-REPORT PDU (optional) and store their values in the clients data space.
   576  *
   577  * @return Standard KErr... values
   578  */
   579 	{
   580 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsgAttributes,Panic(EATSmsMessagingSendNullMsgAttributes));		
   582 	iBuffer.Set(iIo->Buffer());
   583 	TInt pos=iBuffer.FindF(KCMGSResponseString);
   584 	if (pos==KErrNotFound)
   585 		{
   586 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("ParseCMGSResponse","Cannot find '+CMGS:' string");
   587 		return KErrNotFound;
   588 		}
   590 	// Locate the message reference number
   591 	// (ie. read in all digits form the first found to the end of the string)
   592 	const TInt bufLength=iBuffer.Length();
   593 	pos+=KCMGSResponseStringLength;
   594 	while(pos<bufLength && !(TChar(iBuffer[pos]).IsDigit()))
   595 		++pos;
   596 	if(pos>=bufLength)
   597 		{
   598 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("ParseCMGSResponse","Cannot find any digits after '+CMGS:'");
   599 		return KErrNotFound;
   600 		}
   602 	// Read message number and store in clients data structure
   603 	TPtrC8 ptr=iBuffer.Mid(pos);	
   604 	TLex8 lex(ptr);
   605 	TUint16 val;
   606 	TInt ret=lex.Val(val,EDecimal);
   607 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   608 		{
   609 		LOCAL_LOGTEXT("ParseCMGSResponse","Unable to read Message Reference Number");
   610 		return ret;
   611 		}
   612 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("CATSmsMessagingSend    Message reference number %d"),val);
   613 	iMsgAttributes->iMsgRef=val;
   614 	iMsgAttributes->iFlags|=RMobileSmsMessaging::KMessageReference;
   616 	// Locate SUBMIT-REPORT (it does not have to exist)
   617 	pos=iBuffer.FindF(KCommaChar);
   618 	if(pos!=KErrNotFound)
   619 		{
   620 		while(pos<bufLength && !(TChar(iBuffer[pos]).IsHexDigit()))
   621 			++pos;
   623 		if(pos<bufLength)
   624 			{
   625 			// We have found a SUBMIT-REPORT PDU, so save it to clients data space
   626 			LOCAL_LOGTEXT("ParseCMGSResponse","Found SUBMIT-REPORT PDU");
   628 			iMsgAttributes->iSubmitReport.Zero();
   629 			while(pos<bufLength && TChar(iBuffer[pos]).IsHexDigit())
   630 				{
   631 				iMsgAttributes->iSubmitReport.Append(TChar(iBuffer[pos]));
   632 				++pos;
   633 				}
   634 			iMsgAttributes->iFlags|=RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmSubmitReport;
   635 			}
   636 		}
   638 	return KErrNone;
   639 	}