changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <etelmm.h> // for RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress
    17 #include "smsutil.h"
    18 #include "ATSTD.H"		// for panic function and enums
    20 //
    21 // Currently this file can not include the matstd file due to a dependency that
    22 // the test code t_sms has on this. So the constants needed are duplicated below.
    23 _LIT8(KMEStorage,"ME");
    24 _LIT8(KMTStorage,"MT");
    25 _LIT8(KSMStorage,"SM");
    28 RMobilePhone::TMobileTON CATSmsUtils::ConvertTypeOfNumber(TInt aValue) 
    29 /**
    30  * @param aValue should be an ETSI Type-Of-Number field
    31  * @return The equivalent RMobilePhone::TMobileTON value for aValue
    32  */
    33 	{
    34 	switch(aValue)
    35 		{
    36 		// The below 'magic numbers' come from the ETSI 03.40
    37 		// specification for Address Fields (section
    38 	case 0:		
    39 		return RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber;
    40 	case 1:		
    41 		return RMobilePhone::EInternationalNumber;
    42 	case 2:
    43 		return RMobilePhone::ENationalNumber;
    44 	case 3:
    45 		return RMobilePhone::ENetworkSpecificNumber;
    46 	case 4:
    47 		return RMobilePhone::ESubscriberNumber;
    48 	default:
    49 		return RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber;
    50 		}
    52 	}
    54 TInt CATSmsUtils::ConvertTypeOfNumber(RMobilePhone::TMobileTON aEnum) 
    55 /**
    56  * @param aEnum must be a n RMobile::TMobileTON value 
    57  * @return The equivalent ETSI Type-Of-Number value for aEnum
    58  */
    59 	{
    60 	switch(aEnum)
    61 		{
    62 		// The below 'magic numbers' come from the ETSI 03.40
    63 		// specification for Address Fields (section
    64 	case RMobilePhone::EInternationalNumber:
    65 		return 1;
    66 	case RMobilePhone::ENationalNumber:
    67 		return 2;
    68 	case RMobilePhone::ENetworkSpecificNumber:
    69 		return 3;
    70 	case RMobilePhone::ESubscriberNumber:
    71 		return 4;
    72 	case RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber:
    73 	case RMobilePhone::EAbbreviatedNumber:
    74 	default:
    75 		return 0;
    76 		}
    77 	}
    79 RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI CATSmsUtils::ConvertNumberingPlan(TInt aValue)
    80 /**
    81  * @param aValue should be an ETSI Numbering-Plan-Identification field
    82  * @return The equivalent RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI value for aValue
    83  */
    84 	{
    85 	switch(aValue)
    86 		{
    87 		// The below 'magic numbers' come from the ETSI 03.40
    88 		// specification for Address Fields (section
    89 	case 1:
    90 		return RMobilePhone::EIsdnNumberPlan;
    91 	case 3:
    92 		return RMobilePhone::EDataNumberPlan;
    93 	case 4:
    94 		return RMobilePhone::ETelexNumberPlan;
    95 	case 8:
    96 		return RMobilePhone::ENationalNumberPlan;
    97 	case 9:
    98 		return RMobilePhone::EPrivateNumberPlan;
    99 	default:
   100 		return RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumberingPlan;
   101 		}
   102 	}
   105 TInt CATSmsUtils::ConvertNumberingPlan(RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI aEnum)  
   106 /**
   107  * @param aEnum must be a n RMobile::TMobileNPI value 
   108  * @return The equivalent ETSI Numbering-Plan-Identification value for aEnum
   109  */
   110 	{
   111 	switch(aEnum)
   112 		{
   113 		// The below 'magic numbers' come from the ETSI 03.40
   114 		// specification for Address Fields (section
   115 	case RMobilePhone::EIsdnNumberPlan:
   116 		return 1;
   117 	case RMobilePhone::EDataNumberPlan:
   118 		return 3;
   119 	case RMobilePhone::ETelexNumberPlan:
   120 		return 4;
   121 	case RMobilePhone::ENationalNumberPlan:
   122 		return 8;
   123 	case RMobilePhone::EPrivateNumberPlan:
   124 		return 9;
   125 	case RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumberingPlan:
   126 	default:
   127 		return 0;
   128 		}
   129 	}
   133 TInt CATSmsUtils::AppendAddressToAscii(TDes8& aAscii,const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aAddress,TBool aUse0340Format)
   134 /**
   135  * Default operation is to code Address-Length according to=
   136  * 04.11 spec (ie. Address-Length=number of digits in Address-Value).
   137  *
   138  * If aUse0340Format argument is ETrue then Address Length will be coded using 
   139  * 03.40 format (ie. Address-Length=number of octets used for Address-Type
   140  * and Address-Value). 03.40 is typically only used when prefixing an SCA to a PDU.
   141  *
   142  * @return Standard KErr... values
   143  */
   144 	{
   145 	// Duplicate tel number, removing all the weird chars
   146 	TBuf<RMobilePhone::KMaxMobileTelNumberSize> telNumber;
   147 	const TInt count(aAddress.iTelNumber.Length());
   148 	TInt i;
   149 	for(i=0;i<count;++i)
   150 		{
   151 		if(IsAddressChar(TChar(aAddress.iTelNumber[i])))
   152 			telNumber.Append(aAddress.iTelNumber[i]);
   153 		}
   155 	const TInt telNumberLength(telNumber.Length());
   157 	// Validate the size of the supplied SCA
   159 	// Calculate the number of ascii chars we'll need
   160 	// We need 4 chars to code the Address-Length and Address-Type fields.
   161 	// We need to add on an extra 'padding' char if the total number of chars is odd.
   162 	const TInt neededAsciiChars=(4+telNumberLength)+(telNumberLength%2);
   163 	if((aAscii.MaxLength()-aAscii.Length())<neededAsciiChars)	
   164 		return KErrOverflow;
   166 	// Code Address-Length
   167 	if(aUse0340Format)
   168 		AppendOctet(1+(telNumberLength/2)+(telNumberLength%2),aAscii);
   169 	else
   170 		AppendOctet(telNumberLength,aAscii);
   172 	// Code Type-Of-Address
   173 	TInt typeOfNumber=ConvertTypeOfNumber(aAddress.iTypeOfNumber);
   174 	TInt numberingPlan=ConvertNumberingPlan(aAddress.iNumberPlan);
   175 	AppendOctet(0x80+(typeOfNumber<<4)+(numberingPlan),aAscii);
   177 	// Code Address-Value
   178 	TInt highSemiOctet;
   179 	TInt lowSemiOctet;
   180 	const TInt octets(telNumberLength/2);	// This division will be rounded down
   181 	for(i=0;i<octets;++i)
   182 		{
   183 		// See ETSI 03.40 section
   184 		// Address digits are coded into octets as pairs.
   185 		lowSemiOctet=ConvertAddressChar(TChar(telNumber[i*2]));
   186 		highSemiOctet=ConvertAddressChar(TChar(telNumber[(i*2)+1]));
   187 		AppendOctet((highSemiOctet<<4)+lowSemiOctet,aAscii);
   188 		}
   190 	// If number of semi octects is odd then process the final octet
   191 	if(telNumberLength%2==1)		
   192 		{
   193 		lowSemiOctet=ConvertAddressChar(TChar(telNumber[telNumberLength-1]));
   194 		AppendOctet(0xf0+lowSemiOctet,aAscii);
   195 		}
   197 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAscii.Length()%2==0,Panic(EATSmsUtilsOddNumberOfSemiOctets));
   198 	return KErrNone;
   199 	}
   202 void CATSmsUtils::AppendOctet(TInt aOctet,TDes8& aAscii)
   203 /**
   204  * Converts a TInt octet value into ASCII representation and then appends that
   205  * ASCII representation to the end of the given ASCII string.
   206  *
   207  * @param aOctet the octet value to append
   208  * @param aAscii the ASCII string to which aOctet value should be appended
   209  */
   210 	{
   211 	// Ensure client has only passed us a octet (ie. low 8 bits only)
   212 	aOctet=aOctet&0xff;
   214 	// Append octet 
   215 	// (prefix '0' if the octets value only uses one digit as final octet coding must use two digits)
   216 	if(aOctet<=0x0f)
   217 		aAscii.Append(TChar('0'));
   218 	aAscii.AppendNum(aOctet,EHex);
   219 	}
   222 TInt CATSmsUtils::ConvertAddressChar(TChar aChar)
   223 /**
   224  * Returns the equivalent numeric value for a given ASCII address character.
   225  *
   226  * @param aChar the address character to be converted
   227  * @return The numeric value equivalent of the given address character.
   228  */
   229  	{
   230 	aChar.LowerCase();
   231 	if(aChar-TChar('0')<=9)
   232 		return aChar-TChar('0');		// Assumes digit characters are one after each other
   233 	else if(aChar==TChar('*'))
   234 		return 10;
   235 	else if(aChar==TChar('#'))
   236 		return 11;
   237 	else if(aChar==TChar('a'))
   238 		return 12;
   239 	else if(aChar==TChar('b'))
   240 		return 13;
   241 	else if(aChar==TChar('c'))
   242 		return 14;
   243 	return 15;
   244 	}
   246 TChar CATSmsUtils::ConvertAddressChar(TInt aBinary)
   247 /**
   248  * Returns the equivalent ASCII address character for a given address value.
   249  *
   250  * @param aBinary the numerix value of the address character to be returned
   251  * @return The ASCII charcater which represents the given address numeric value.
   252  */
   253 	{
   254 	if(aBinary>=0 && aBinary<=9)
   255 		return TChar(aBinary)+TChar('0');  	// Assumes digit characters are one after each other
   256 	else if(aBinary==10)
   257 		return TChar('*');
   258 	else if(aBinary==11)
   259 		return TChar('#');
   260 	else if(aBinary==12)
   261 		return TChar('a');
   262 	else if(aBinary==13)
   263 		return TChar('b');
   264 	else if(aBinary==14)
   265 		return TChar('c');
   266 	return TChar(0);		// This is the cloest I can find to a NULL char 
   267 	}
   271 TBool CATSmsUtils::IsAddressChar(TChar aChar)
   272 /**
   273  * Returns ETrue if, and only if, the given ASCII charcater is valid as an ASCII address character.
   274  */
   275  	{
   276 	if(aChar.IsDigit())
   277 		return ETrue;
   278 	if(aChar==TChar('*') ||
   279 	   aChar==TChar('#') ||
   280 	   aChar==TChar('a') ||
   281 	   aChar==TChar('b') ||
   282 	   aChar==TChar('c'))
   283 		return ETrue;
   284 	return EFalse;
   285 	}
   288 void CATSmsUtils::AppendDataToAscii(TDes8& aAscii,const TDesC8& aData)
   289 /**
   290  * Appends the binary data (aData) onto the end of an ASCII string (aAscii) in ASCII format.
   291  */
   292  	{
   293 	const TInt count(aData.Length());
   294 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aAscii.MaxLength()-aAscii.MaxLength())<=(count*2),Panic(EATSmsUtilsDescriptorOverflow));
   296 	for(TInt i=0;i<count;++i)
   297 		AppendOctet(aData[i],aAscii);
   299 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAscii.Length()%2==0,Panic(EATSmsUtilsOddNumberOfSemiOctets));
   300 	}
   304 TInt CATSmsUtils::ConvertAsciiToBinary(const TDesC8& aAscii,TDes8& aData)
   305 /**
   306  * Converts aAscii ASCII chars to Semi Octets in aData.
   307  * One ASCII char (8bits in aAscii) is translated to one Semi-Octet (4bits in aData).
   308  * @return Standard KErr... values 
   309  */
   310 	{
   311 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAscii.Length()%2==0,Panic(EATSmsUtilsOddNumberOfSemiOctets));
   312 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aData.MaxLength()>=(aAscii.Length()/2),Panic(EATSmsUtilsDescriptorOverflow));
   314 	aData.Zero();
   315 	TLex8 lex;
   316 	TUint8 val;
   317 	TInt ret;
   318 	const TInt count(aAscii.Length());
   319 	for(TInt i=0;i<count;i=i+2)
   320 		{
   321 		lex=aAscii.Mid(i,2);
   322 		ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   323 		if(ret!=KErrNone)
   324 			return ret;
   326 		aData.Append(val);
   327 		}
   329 	return KErrNone;
   330 	}
   333 TInt CATSmsUtils::ReadAddressFromAscii(const TDesC8& aAscii,RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aAddress,TBool aPduUses0340Format)
   334 /**
   335  * Default operation assumes has prefixed SCA which uses 04.11 format
   336  * (ie. Address-Length=number of digits in Address-Value).
   337  *
   338  * If aUse0340Format argument is ETrue then Address Length will be coded using 
   339  * 03.40 format (ie. Address-Length=number of octets used for Address-Type
   340  * and Address-Value). 03.40 is typically only used when prefixing an SCA to a PDU.
   341  *
   342  * @return Standard KErr... values
   343  */
   344 	{
   345 	TLex8 lex;
   346 	TInt ret;
   347 	TUint8 val;
   349 	// Address-length
   350 	lex=aAscii.Mid(0,2);
   351 	ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   352 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   353 		return ret;
   355 	TInt addrLen;	// Will hold number of octets used to code Address-Value
   356 	if(aPduUses0340Format)
   357 		addrLen=val-1;
   358 	else
   359 		addrLen=(val/2)+(val%2);
   361 	// Type-Of-Number
   362 	lex=aAscii.Mid(2,1);
   363 	ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   364 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   365 		return ret;
   366 	aAddress.iTypeOfNumber=ConvertTypeOfNumber(val&0x07);	// Highest bit is not part of Type-Of-Number
   368 	// Number-Plan
   369 	lex=aAscii.Mid(3,1);
   370 	ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   371 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   372 		return ret;
   373 	aAddress.iNumberPlan=ConvertNumberingPlan(val);
   375 	// Address (loop for each octet ie. two hex chars from aAscii)
   376 	aAddress.iTelNumber.Zero();
   377 	for(TInt i=0;i<addrLen;++i)		
   378 		{
   379 		// Process semi-octet
   380 		lex=aAscii.Mid((i*2)+5,1);
   381 		ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   382 		if(ret!=KErrNone)
   383 			return ret;
   384 		if(val<=14)
   385 			aAddress.iTelNumber.Append(ConvertAddressChar(val));
   387 		// Process semi-octet
   388 		lex=aAscii.Mid((i*2)+4,1);
   389 		ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   390 		if(ret!=KErrNone)
   391 			return ret;
   392 		if(val<=14)
   393 			aAddress.iTelNumber.Append(ConvertAddressChar(val));
   394 		}
   396 	return KErrNone;
   397 	}
   400 TInt CATSmsUtils::ReadAndRemoveAddressFromAscii(TDes8& aAscii,RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aAddress,TBool aPduUses0340Format)
   401 /**
   402  * Reads an address from the front of the ASCII string (aAscii) and fills up Address structure (aAddress).
   403  * The address read from the ASCII string is removed from the ASCII string.
   404  */
   405 	{
   406 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAscii.Length()%2==0,Panic(EATSmsUtilsOddNumberOfSemiOctets));
   407 	TInt ret(KErrNone);
   409 	ret=ReadAddressFromAscii(aAscii,aAddress,aPduUses0340Format);
   410 	if(ret==KErrNone)
   411 		{
   412 		// Delete address from aAscii (using Address-length at start of string)
   413 		TLex8 lex(aAscii.Mid(0,2));
   414 		TUint val;
   415 		ret=lex.Val(val,EHex);
   416 		if(ret==KErrNone)
   417 			{
   418 			if(aPduUses0340Format)
   419 				{
   420 				// +1 to include Address-Length octect
   421 				val=val+1;		
   423 				// double value to change from 'octets used' to 'ASCII chars used'
   424 				val=val*2;
   425 				}
   426 			else	
   427 				{
   428 				// Allow for the case where the last digit is actually a dummy digit
   429 				if(val%2!=0)
   430 					++val;
   431 				// +4 to include the Address-Length and Address-Type octets
   432 				val=val+4; 
   433 				}
   435 			aAscii.Delete(0,val);		
   436 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAscii.Length()%2==0,Panic(EATSmsUtilsOddNumberOfSemiOctets));
   437 			}
   438 		}
   440 	return ret;
   441 	}
   444 TInt CATSmsUtils::CopyAddressStringToAddressStruct(const TDesC8& aAddressValueString,const TDesC8& aAddressTypeString,RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aAddress)
   445 /**
   446  * Analyse rx results for a CSCA response and attempt to parse into provided tel
   447  * number object
   448  * An example CSCA response would be '+CSCA: "00447785016005",129'.
   449  */
   450 	{
   451 	// Process Address-Type
   452 	TLex8 lex(aAddressTypeString);
   453 	TUint8 val;
   454 	TInt ret=lex.Val(val,EDecimal);
   455 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   456 		return ret;
   458 	aAddress.iTypeOfNumber=ConvertTypeOfNumber((TInt)((val&0x70)>>4));
   459 	aAddress.iNumberPlan=ConvertNumberingPlan((TInt)(val&0x0f));
   461 	// Process Address-Value, filtering out non telephone chars
   462 	aAddress.iTelNumber.Zero();
   463 	const TInt len=aAddressValueString.Length();
   464 	TChar c;
   465 	for(TInt i=0;i<len;++i)
   466 		{
   467 		c=aAddressValueString[i];
   468 		if(IsAddressChar(c))
   469 			aAddress.iTelNumber.Append(c);
   470 		}
   472 	return KErrNone;
   473 	}
   476 void CATSmsUtils::GetTypeOfAddressInDecimal(const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aAddress, TUint& aVal)
   477 /**
   478  * Reads the type-of-number and numbering-plan contents of the address structure (aAddress) and
   479  * saves the equivalent decimal value in aVal.
   480  *
   481  * For example...
   482  *  if type-of-number is 'international' and numbering-plan is 'telephone' then aVal will be 145.
   483  *  if type-of-number is 'unknown' and numbering-plan is 'telephone' then aVal will be 129.
   484  */
   485  	{
   486 	const TInt typeOfNumber=ConvertTypeOfNumber(aAddress.iTypeOfNumber);
   487 	const TInt numberingPlan=ConvertNumberingPlan(aAddress.iNumberPlan);
   488 	aVal=0x80+(typeOfNumber<<4)+numberingPlan;
   489 	}
   492 void CATSmsUtils::SetTypeOfAddressFromDecimal(RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aAddress,const TUint& aVal)
   493 /**
   494  * Uses the aVal decimal value and set the type-of-number and numbering-plan fields
   495  * of aAddress accordingly.
   496  * This is the opposite functionality to ::GetTypeOfAddressInDecimal
   497  */
   498 	{
   499 	aAddress.iTypeOfNumber=ConvertTypeOfNumber((aVal&0x70)>>4);
   500 	aAddress.iNumberPlan=ConvertNumberingPlan(aVal&0x0f);
   501 	}
   505 void CATSmsUtils::ConvertStoreNameToPhoneVersion(const TDesC& aEtelMMVersion,TDes8& aPhoneVersion)
   506 /**
   507  * Convert from Etel MultiMode API SMS store names to ETSI GSM store names
   508  */
   509  	{
   510 	if(aEtelMMVersion.Compare(KETelMeSmsStore)==0)
   511 		{
   512 		aPhoneVersion.Copy(KMEStorage);
   513 		return;
   514 		}
   515 	if(aEtelMMVersion.Compare(KETelIccSmsStore)==0)
   516 		{
   517 		aPhoneVersion.Copy(KSMStorage);
   518 		return;
   519 		}
   520 	if(aEtelMMVersion.Compare(KETelCombinedSmsStore)==0)
   521 		{
   522 		aPhoneVersion.Copy(KMTStorage);
   523 		return;
   524 		}
   526 	// Panic if we are in debug build
   527 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(EATSmsUtilsUnknownStoreName));
   529 	// Return the combined store if we are in release build
   530 	aPhoneVersion.Copy(KMTStorage);
   531 	}
   534 void CATSmsUtils::ConvertStoreNameToEtelMMVersion(TDes& aEtelMMVersion,const TDesC8& aPhoneVersion)
   535 /**
   536  * Convert from ETSI GSM store names to Etel MultiMode API SMS store names
   537  */
   538 	{
   539 	if(aPhoneVersion.Compare(KMEStorage)==0)
   540 		{
   541 		aEtelMMVersion.Copy(KETelMeSmsStore);
   542 		return;
   543 		}
   544 	if(aPhoneVersion.Compare(KSMStorage)==0)
   545 		{
   546 		aEtelMMVersion.Copy(KETelIccSmsStore);
   547 		return;
   548 		}
   549 	if(aPhoneVersion.Compare(KMTStorage)==0)
   550 		{
   551 		aEtelMMVersion.Copy(KETelCombinedSmsStore);
   552 		return;
   553 		}
   555 	// Panic if we are in debug build
   556 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(EATSmsUtilsUnknownStoreName));
   558 	// Return the combined store if we are in release build
   559 	aEtelMMVersion.Copy(KETelCombinedSmsStore);
   560 	}