changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Wait for Incoming Call
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "NOTIFY.H"
    19 #include "mSLOGGER.H"
    20 #include "LINE.H"
    21 #include "CALL.H"
    22 #include "ATCALL.H"
    23 #include "ATIO.H"
    24 #include "PHONE.H"
    26 _LIT8(KIncomingExtCallIndication,"+CRING:*");
    27 _LIT8(KIncomingCallIndication,"RING");
    28 _LIT8(KNetworkRegistration,"+CREG:*");
    30 //
    31 // CTimer-derived class to switch line status to idle a fixed period after the last 
    32 // RING arrives. Use this rather than CATIO::SetTimeOut() because that has only one 
    33 // timer which could be cancelled by another concurrently running AT command
    34 //
    35 CSetLineToIdle* CSetLineToIdle::NewL(CATWaitForCall* aWait)
    36 //
    37 //	Create the SetLineToIdle async one shot
    38 //
    39 	{
    40 	CSetLineToIdle* setLineToIdle=new(ELeave) CSetLineToIdle(aWait);
    41 	CleanupStack::PushL(setLineToIdle);
    42 	setLineToIdle->ConstructL();
    43 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    44 	return setLineToIdle;
    45 	}
    47 CSetLineToIdle::CSetLineToIdle(CATWaitForCall* aWait)
    48 //
    49 // C'tor
    50 //
    51 	:CTimer(CActive::EPriorityLow), iWait(aWait)
    52 	{
    53 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    54 	}
    57 CSetLineToIdle::~CSetLineToIdle()
    58 	{
    59 	Cancel();
    60 	}
    62 void CSetLineToIdle::RunL()
    63 	{
    64 	iWait->EndRing();
    65 	}
    67 void CSetLineToIdle::Start()
    68 	{
    69 	if (IsActive())
    70 		Cancel();
    71 	After(KTimeBetweenRings);	
    72 	}
    74 void CSetLineToIdle::Stop()
    75 	{
    76 	Cancel();
    77 	}
    79 //
    80 //  CATWaitForCall. Expects a RING constantly, and upon receiving one checks if either line 
    81 //	wants to be notified. Sets all lines and calls ringing anyway, and a timer to switch
    82 //	them back to idle after a specified time has elapsed since the last RING.
    83 //
    85 CATWaitForCall* CATWaitForCall::NewL(CATIO* aIo,CTelObject* aTelObject,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
    86 	{
    87 	CATWaitForCall* waitForCall=new(ELeave) CATWaitForCall(aIo,aTelObject,aPhoneGlobals);
    88 	CleanupStack::PushL(waitForCall);
    89 	waitForCall->ConstructL();
    90 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    91 	return waitForCall;
    92 	}
    94 CATWaitForCall::CATWaitForCall(CATIO* aIo,CTelObject* aTelObject,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals) 
    95 								: CATBase(aIo,aTelObject,aPhoneGlobals)
    96 	{}
    98 void CATWaitForCall::ConstructL()
    99 	{
   100 	iSetLineToIdle = CSetLineToIdle::NewL(this);
   101 	iRingExpectString=NULL;
   102 	iCRingExpectString=NULL;
   103 	iRegExpectString=NULL;
   104 	iTailExpectString=NULL;
   105 	}
   107 CATWaitForCall::~CATWaitForCall()
   108 	{
   109 	iIo->RemoveExpectStrings(this);
   110 	iRingExpectString=NULL;
   111 	iCRingExpectString=NULL;
   112 	iRegExpectString=NULL;
   113 	iTailExpectString=NULL;
   114 	iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);	
   115 	delete iSetLineToIdle;
   116 	}
   118 void CATWaitForCall::StartWait()
   119 	{
   120 	if (iRingExpectString==NULL)
   121 		{
   122 		LOGTEXT(_L8("WaitForCall:\tStarting wait for incoming call"));
   123 		iCRingExpectString=iIo->AddExpectString(this,KIncomingExtCallIndication);
   124 		iRingExpectString=iIo->AddExpectString(this,KIncomingCallIndication);
   125 		iRegExpectString=iIo->AddExpectString(this,KNetworkRegistration);
   126 		iState=EATWaitForUnsolicited;
   127 		}
   128 	}
   130 void CATWaitForCall::EndRing()
   131 //
   132 //	Only called from the RunL of CSetLineToIdle, which occurs a fixed period after the
   133 //	last RING. StopBothLinesRinging() sets the calls on both lines to idle
   134 //
   135 	{
   136 	LOGTEXT(_L8("WaitForCall:\tRinging has stopped"));
   137 	ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusIdle);
   138 	STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,iTelObject)->StopRinging(); 
   139 	iRingCounter = 0;
   140 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(iTelObject,ERingStopped);
   141 	}
   143 void CATWaitForCall::ResetRingCounter()
   144 	{
   145 	iRingCounter = 0;
   146 	iSetLineToIdle->Stop();
   147 	}
   149 void CATWaitForCall::CompleteWithIOError(TEventSource /*aSource*/,TInt /*aStatus*/)
   150 //
   151 //	CATIO removes expect strings in event of IO error
   152 //
   153 	{
   154 	iRingExpectString=NULL;
   155 	iCRingExpectString=NULL;
   156 	iRegExpectString=NULL;
   157 	iTailExpectString=NULL;
   158 	}
   160 void CATWaitForCall::EventSignal(TEventSource aSource)
   161 //
   162 //	Completes Incoming Call Notification for every ring.
   163 //	This is different from the previous TSY, but is needed for the Nokia 7110 which does
   164 //  not supply multiple RING notifications.
   165 //
   166 	{
   167 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSource!=EWriteCompletion,Panic(EATCommand_IllegalCompletionWriteNotExpected));
   168 	if (aSource!=EReadCompletion)
   169 		return;
   170 	switch (iState)
   171 		{
   172 	case EATWaitForUnsolicited:
   173 		if (iIo->FoundChatString()==iCRingExpectString)
   174 			{
   175 			LOGTEXT(_L8("CATWaitForCall::EventSignal +CRING detected"));
   176 			LOGTEXT(_L8("CATWaitForCall::EventSignal Will only process +CRING if phone is initialised..."));
   177 			if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus==EPhoneInitialised)
   178 				{
   179 				LOGTEXT(_L8("CATWaitForCall::EventSignal Processing +CRING"));
   180 				TInt index=KErrNotFound;
   181 				TRAPD(ret,index=ParseIncomingCallIndicationL());
   182 				if (ret==KErrNone)
   183 					{
   184 					iRingCounter+=1;
   185 					if (iRingCounter==1)
   186 						{
   187 						LOGTEXT(_L8("CATWaitForCall::EventSignal This is 1st +CRING"));
   188 						// Only do this once
   189 						ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusRinging);
   190 						STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,iTelObject)->SetCallRinging(index); 
   191 						}
   192 					iSetLineToIdle->Start();
   193 					}
   194 				}
   195 			}
   196 		else if (iIo->FoundChatString()==iRingExpectString)
   197 			{
   198 			LOGTEXT(_L8("WaitForCall:\tRING detected"));
   199 			if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus==EPhoneInitialised)
   200 				{
   201 				iRingCounter+=1;
   202 				if (iRingCounter==1)
   203 					{
   204 					// Only do this once
   205 					ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusRinging);
   206 					STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,iTelObject)->SetAmbiguousDataFaxCallRinging(); 
   207 					}
   208 				iSetLineToIdle->Start();
   209 				}
   210 			}
   211 		else if (iIo->FoundChatString()==iRegExpectString)
   212 			{
   213 			LOGTEXT(_L8("WaitForCall:\t+CREG detected"));
   214 			TRAPD(ret,ParseNetworkRegistrationL());
   215 			if (ret!=KErrNone)
   216 				{
   217 				LOGTEXT(_L8("WaitForCall:\tBad +CREG response?"));
   218 				}
   219 			}
   220 		else
   221 			{
   222 			LOGTEXT(_L8("WaitForCall:\tUnexpected string"));
   223 			iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle,KErrGeneral);
   224 			iReqHandle = NULL;
   225 			break;
   226 			}
   227 		break;
   229 	default:
   230 		break;
   231 		}
   232 	}
   234 // Compare with +CMTI handling in GSMSNOTI.CPP
   235 // which has a similar problem
   236 /**
   237 *	Parse incoming call indication string and return a value corresponding to the call type.
   238 *
   239 * @note		modified by Dmitry Lyokhin 24.04.02
   240 * 
   241 * @return	KFaxLineIndex	for fax call
   242 *       	KVoiceLineIndex	for voice call
   243 *       	KDataLineIndex	for data call or if call modifier is not recognized
   244 *
   245 * @note		This function can leave with code KErrUnknown 
   246 *			if 'RING' token not found 
   247 */
   248 TInt CATWaitForCall::ParseIncomingCallIndicationL()
   249 	{
   250 	//-- possible incoming call indication strings that can be parsed correctly
   251 	//-- string					corresponds to
   253 	//	+CRING: VOICE		   -> voice call
   254 	//	+CRING: FAX			   -> fax call
   255 	//	+CRING: DATA		   -> data call
   256 	//	+CRING: VOICE/xxx	   -> voice call
   257 	//	 RING				   -> data call	
   259 	//-- alternating mode calls
   260 	//	+CRING: ALT FAX/VOICE  -> fax call
   261 	//	+CRING: ALT DATA/VOICE -> data call
   262 	//	+CRING: ALT VOICE/FAX  -> fax call
   263 	//	+CRING: ALT VOICE/DATA -> data call
   266 	iBuffer.Set(iIo->CurrentLine());
   268 	TInt	index = KErrNotFound;
   269 	TLex8	Lex1(iBuffer);
   271 	Lex1.SkipSpace();
   273 	//-- the first token must be '+CRING' or 'RING'
   274 	if( Lex1.NextToken().Find(_L8("RING")) < 0 )
   275 	{	//-- the token not found, leave
   276 		LOGTEXT(_L8("CATWaitForCall::ParseIncomingCallIndicationL *RING not found"));		
   277 		User::Leave(KErrUnknown); 
   278     }
   280 	Lex1.SkipSpaceAndMark();
   281 	Lex1.SkipCharacters();
   283 	//-- try to find 'ALT' token that indicates the alternatng mode call
   284 	if( Lex1.MarkedToken().Find(_L8("ALT")) >=0 ) 
   285 	{//-- Alternating mode call, skip the token "ALT"
   286 	}
   287 	else  Lex1.UnGetToMark();
   289 	Lex1.SkipSpace();
   291 	TPtrC8 CallStr=Lex1.RemainderFromMark();
   293 	_LIT8(KDataToken,	"DATA");
   294 	_LIT8(KFaxToken,	"FAX");
   295 	_LIT8(KVoiceToken,	"VOICE");
   297 	   if(CallStr.Find(KDataToken) >= 0)		index=KDataLineIndex;	//-- Data call detected
   298 	   else
   299 		 if(CallStr.Find(KFaxToken) >= 0)		index=KFaxLineIndex;	//-- Fax call detected
   300 		 else
   301 		   if(CallStr.Find(KVoiceToken) >= 0)	index=KVoiceLineIndex;	//-- Voice call detected
   302 			else 
   303 			{//-- unmatched call type, assume data call by default
   304 				LOGTEXT(_L8("CATWaitForCall::ParseIncomingCallIndicationL +CRING has unmatched type!, assuming data"));
   305 				index=KDataLineIndex;	
   306 				//User::Leave(KErrUnknown); 		
   307 			}
   309 	iIo->ClearCurrentLine();
   310 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("+CRING for line %d"),index);
   312 	return index;
   313 	}
   316 void CATWaitForCall::ParseNetworkRegistrationL()
   317 	{
   318 	// +CREG:    <n>, <stat> [, <lac>, <ci>  ] 		-- solicited
   319 	// +CREG:         <stat> [, <lac>, <ci>  ]		-- unsolicited
   320 	//        number, number [, "hex", "hex" ]
   322 	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1& locationInfo = iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLocationArea;
   323 	locationInfo.iAreaKnown= EFalse;
   324 	locationInfo.iLocationAreaCode=0;
   325 	locationInfo.iCellId=0;
   327 	ParseLineLC();
   328 	CATParamListEntry* entry;
   329 	TDblQueIter<CATParamListEntry> iter(iRxResults);
   331 	entry=iter++;
   332 	if (entry==NULL)
   333 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   334 	// should be +CREG:
   336 	entry=iter++;
   337 	if (entry==NULL)
   338 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   339 	TLex8 lex(entry->iResultPtr);
   340 	TInt number;
   341 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(number));
   343 	entry=iter++;
   344 	if (entry!=NULL)
   345 		{ // is this <status> in a solicited +CREG?
   346 		lex.Assign(entry->iResultPtr);
   347 		if (lex.Val(number)==KErrNone)
   348 			entry=iter++; // yes - <n> has been replaced by <status>
   349 		}
   351 	// optional <lac> and <ci>
   352 	if (entry != NULL)
   353 		{
   354 		lex.Assign(entry->iResultPtr);
   355 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(locationInfo.iLocationAreaCode,EHex));
   356 		locationInfo.iAreaKnown = ETrue;
   357 		entry=iter++;
   358 		}
   359 	if (entry!=NULL)
   360 		{
   361 		lex.Assign(entry->iResultPtr);
   362 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(locationInfo.iCellId,EHex));
   363 		locationInfo.iAreaKnown = ETrue;
   364 		}
   368 	if (number<0 || number > RMobilePhone::ERegisteredRoaming)
   369 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   371 	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus regstatus;
   372 	regstatus = MappingRegistrationStatusFromETSIToMM(&number); //Mapp the ETSI value number to MM enum for network registration status.
   374 	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus newstatus = regstatus;// change number to be of type MobilePhone...
   375 	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus oldstatus = iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iRegistrationStatus;
   377 	if (oldstatus != newstatus)
   378 		{
   379 		LOGTEXT3(_L8("MmTsy:CATWaitForCall:\tRegistrationStatus changed %d->%d"), oldstatus, newstatus);
   380 		iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iRegistrationStatus = newstatus;
   382 		iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(iTelObject,ERegistrationStatusChanged);
   384 		if (   (newstatus == RMobilePhone::ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork || newstatus == RMobilePhone::ERegisteredRoaming)
   385 			|| (oldstatus == RMobilePhone::ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork || oldstatus == RMobilePhone::ERegisteredRoaming)
   386 			)
   387 			{
   388 			// interesting transition - need new operator details
   389 			LOGTEXT(_L8("MmTsy:CATWaitForCall:\tCurrent Network has changed"));
   390 			iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iNetworkChanged=ETrue;
   391 			if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus == EPhoneInitialised &&
   392 				!iPhoneGlobals->iEventSignalActive)
   393 				{
   394 				// no current activity - fire up +COPS stuff immediately
   395 				LOGTEXT(_L8("MmTsy:CATWaitForCall:\tNo activity - Checking current network immediately"));
   396 				iPhoneGlobals->CheckForChangeOfNetwork();
   397 				}
   398 			}
   399 		}
   401 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   402 	}
   404 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus CATWaitForCall::MappingRegistrationStatusFromETSIToMM(TInt *aNumber) 
   405 	// This function is mapping the ETSI standard format for the registartion status of the phone to multimode representation.
   406 	// TINT *number is the ETSI value for the registration value to be converted.
   408 	{ 
   409 	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus regstatus = RMobilePhone::ERegistrationUnknown;
   410 	switch (*aNumber)
   411 		{
   412 		case 0:
   413 			regstatus = RMobilePhone::ENotRegisteredNoService;
   414 			break;
   415 		case 1:
   416 			regstatus = RMobilePhone::ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork;
   417 			break;
   418 		case 2:
   419 			regstatus = RMobilePhone::ENotRegisteredSearching;
   420 			break;
   421 		case 3:
   422 			regstatus = RMobilePhone::ERegistrationDenied;
   423 			break;
   424 		case 4:
   425 			regstatus = RMobilePhone::ERegistrationUnknown;
   426 			break;
   427 		case 5:
   428 			regstatus = RMobilePhone::ERegisteredRoaming;
   429 			break;
   430 		default:
   431 			break;
   432 		}
   433 	return regstatus;
   434 	}