changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 19 630d2f34d719
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
    17 #include "CALL.H"		// Header file for this source file
    18 #include "NOTIFY.H"
    19 #include "FAX.H"
    20 #include "ATDIAL.H"
    21 #include "ATANSWER.H"
    22 #include "ATCONNCT.H"
    23 #include "ATHANGUP.H"
    24 #include "ATO.H"
    25 #include "ATNOCARR.H"
    26 #include "LINE.H"
    27 #include "ATINIT.H"
    28 #include "mSLOGGER.H"	// for LOGTEXT untilities
    29 #include "ATIO.H"		// For CATIO class
    30 #include "PHONE.H"
    31 #include <et_clsvr.h>
    32 #include "ATBASE.H"
    33 #include "Matstd.h"		// For AT command string constants 
    34 #include "set_cbst.h"		// for CATSetCBST class
    35 #include "et_struct.h"
    37 _LIT(KFaxServerName,"FaxSvr.dll");
    40 //
    41 // CAcquireEntry class
    42 //
    43 CAcquireEntry* CAcquireEntry::NewL(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
    44 //
    45 // Create new request entry
    46 //
    47 	{
    48 	return new(ELeave) CAcquireEntry(aTsyReqHandle);
    49 	}
    51 CAcquireEntry::CAcquireEntry(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
    52 //
    53 // Constructor
    54 //
    55 	{
    56 	iTsyReqHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
    57 	}
    59 CAcquireEntry::~CAcquireEntry()
    60 //
    61 // Destructor
    62 //
    63 	{}
    65 void CAcquireEntry::Deque()
    66 //
    67 // Deque List
    68 //
    69 	{
    70 	iLink.Deque();
    71 	iLink.iPrev=iLink.iNext=NULL;
    72 	}
    74 CAcquireOwnerList::CAcquireOwnerList()
    75 	{}
    77 CAcquireOwnerList::~CAcquireOwnerList()
    78 	{}
    80 CAcquireOwnerList* CAcquireOwnerList::NewL()
    81 //
    82 //	Static function to create new acquire owner list
    83 //
    84 	{
    85 	CAcquireOwnerList* self=new(ELeave) CAcquireOwnerList();
    86 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    87 	self->ConstructL();
    88 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    89 	return self;
    90 	}
    92 void CAcquireOwnerList::ConstructL()
    93 	{
    94 	iAcquireList.SetOffset(_FOFF(CAcquireEntry,iLink));
    95 	}
    97 CAcquireEntry* CAcquireOwnerList::FindByTsyReqHandle(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
    98 //
    99 //	Searches for client interested in taking ownership of call, by its TsyReqHandle
   100 //
   101 	{
   102 	CAcquireEntry* entry;
   103 	TDblQueIter<CAcquireEntry> iter(iAcquireList);
   104 	while(entry = iter++, entry!=NULL)
   105 		{
   106 		if(entry->iTsyReqHandle==aTsyReqHandle)
   107 			return entry;
   108 		}
   109 	return NULL;
   110 	}
   112 void CAcquireOwnerList::Remove(CAcquireEntry* aEntry)
   113 	{
   114 	aEntry->Deque();
   115 	delete aEntry;
   116 	}
   118 //
   119 //	CHeartbeatRunner - periodic class to count seconds from beginning of call
   120 //
   121 CHeartbeatRunner* CHeartbeatRunner::NewL(CCallHayes* aCallHayes,CNotifications* aNotificationStore)
   122 	{
   123 	CHeartbeatRunner* self=new (ELeave) CHeartbeatRunner(aCallHayes,aNotificationStore);
   124 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   125     self->ConstructL();
   126 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   127     return self;
   128 	}
   130 CHeartbeatRunner::CHeartbeatRunner(CCallHayes* aCallHayes,CNotifications* aNotificationStore)
   131 	:iCallHayes(aCallHayes), iNotificationStore(aNotificationStore)
   132 	{}
   134 void CHeartbeatRunner::ConstructL()
   135 	{
   136 	iHeartbeat=CHeartbeat::NewL(0); // neutral priority
   137 	}
   139 CHeartbeatRunner::~CHeartbeatRunner()
   140 	{
   141 	if (iHeartbeat != NULL)
   142 		iHeartbeat->Cancel();
   143     delete iHeartbeat;
   144 	}
   146 void CHeartbeatRunner::Start()
   147 	{
   148 	iStartTime.UniversalTime();
   149 	iHeartbeat->Start(ETwelveOClock,this);
   150 	}
   152 void CHeartbeatRunner::Stop()
   153 	{
   154 	iHeartbeat->Cancel();
   155 	iTicks=0;
   156 	}
   158 TTimeIntervalSeconds CHeartbeatRunner::CallDuration() const
   159 	{
   160 	TTimeIntervalSeconds duration(iTicks);
   161 	return duration;
   162 	}
   164 // private functions
   166 void CHeartbeatRunner::Beat()
   167 	{
   168 	iTicks++;
   169 	iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(iCallHayes,ETimePeriodElapsed);
   170 	}
   172 void CHeartbeatRunner::Synchronize()
   173 	{
   174 	TInt ticksMissed = 0;
   175 	TTime desiredTime = iStartTime + TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(iTicks * KCallTimerInterval);
   176 	TTime currentTime; // set current time to now
   177 	currentTime.UniversalTime();
   178 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds missedTime = currentTime.MicroSecondsFrom(desiredTime);
   179 	// Calculate the ticks missed (quickly!)
   180 	TInt64 missedTimeInt = missedTime.Int64(); // convert the missed time interval to an Int64
   181 	ticksMissed = I64INT(missedTimeInt / KCallTimerInterval);
   182 	// The following loop increments the ticks missed by the same amount, but takes much longer
   183 	// while (desiredTime < currentTime)
   184 	//	{
   185 	//	desiredTime = desiredTime - TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(iTickInterval);
   186 	//	ticksMissed++;
   187 	//	}
   188 	iTicks = iTicks + ticksMissed;
   189 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("Heartbeat function synchronising - from %d to %d"),iTicks-ticksMissed,iTicks);
   190 	if (ticksMissed!=0)
   191 		iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(iCallHayes,ETimePeriodElapsed);
   192 	}
   194 //
   195 // CCallHayes - General Call Functionality
   196 //
   197 void CCallHayes::CloseCall(TAny* aObj)
   198 //
   199 // Utility func for cleanup stack
   200 //
   201 	{
   202 	((CObject*)aObj)->Close();
   203 	}
   205 CCallHayes::CCallHayes(CATIO* aIo,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals) 
   206 			: iPhoneGlobals(aPhoneGlobals),iIo(aIo),iInit(aInit)
   207 	{}
   209 void CCallHayes::ConstructL(const TName& aName)
   210 //
   211 //	Initialise Call Information
   212 //
   213 	{
   214 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Entered CCallHayes::ConstructL()"));
   215 	iCallInfo.iCallName = aName;
   216 	iCallInfo.iBearerService.iBearerCaps = RCall::KBearerCapsCompressionUnknown | RCall::KBearerCapsProtocolUnknown;
   217 	iCallInfo.iBearerService.iBearerSpeed = RCall::EBearerDataUnknown;
   218 	iCallInfo.iHookStatus = RCall::EHookStatusOn;
   219 	iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = ENoPanicOccurred;
   220 	//	Read default call preferences from database
   221 	GetDefaultCallParams();
   222 	iCallInfo.iLoanedToClient = EFalse;
   223 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLineStatus == RCall::EStatusRinging)
   224 		{
   225 		iCallInfo.iMobileStatus = RMobileCall::EStatusRinging;
   226 		}
   227 	else
   228 		{
   229 		iCallInfo.iMobileStatus = RMobileCall::EStatusIdle;
   230 		}
   232 	iQuickInit=CATQuickInit::NewL(iIo,this,iPhoneGlobals);
   233 	iWaitForNoCarrier=CATWaitForNoCarrier::NewL(iIo,this,iPhoneGlobals);
   234 	iList=CAcquireOwnerList::NewL();
   235 	iCallTimer = CHeartbeatRunner::NewL(this,iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore);
   236 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("iCallTimer = %x"),iCallTimer);
   237 	}
   239 CCallHayes::~CCallHayes()
   240 	{
   241 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Entered CCallHayes destructor"));
   242 	if (Owner())
   243 		REINTERPRET_CAST(CLineHayes*,Owner())->RemoveCall(this);
   244 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveClientFromLastEvents(this);
   245 	delete iWaitForNoCarrier;
   246 	delete iList;
   247 	delete iQuickInit;
   248 	delete iCallTimer;
   249 	}
   251 CTelObject::TReqMode CCallHayes::ReqModeL(const TInt aIpc)
   252 	{
   253 	TReqMode reqMode = CCallBase::ReqModeL(aIpc);
   254 	if ((reqMode & KReqModeFlowControlObeyed || aIpc==EEtelCallAnswer) && iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataPortLoaned)
   255 		{
   256 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("ReqModeL Leaving with KErrInUse as data port is loaned (aIpc=%d)"),aIpc);
   257 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   258 		}
   259 	return reqMode;
   260 	}
   262 TInt CCallHayes::RegisterNotification(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
   263 	{
   264 	return KErrNone;
   265 	}
   266 TInt CCallHayes::DeregisterNotification(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
   267 	{
   268 	return KErrNone;
   269 	}
   272 void CCallHayes::Init()
   273 //
   274 //	Only CPhoneHayes::Init() is implemented as that is called first
   275 //
   276 	{}
   279 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyCapsChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TCaps* aCaps)
   280 	{
   281 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tCaps Change Notification lodged"));
   282 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RegisterNotification(ECallCaps,aTsyReqHandle,this,aCaps);
   283 	return KErrNone;
   284 	}
   286 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyCapsChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   287 	{
   288 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tCaps Change Notification cancelled"));
   289 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveNotification(aTsyReqHandle);
   290 	return KErrNone;
   291 	}
   293 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyHookChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::THookStatus* aHookStatus)
   294 	{
   295 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tHook Change Notification lodged"));
   296 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RegisterNotification(ECallHookChange,aTsyReqHandle,this,aHookStatus);
   297 	return KErrNone;
   298 	}
   300 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyHookChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   301 	{
   302 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tHook Change Notification cancelled"));
   303 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveNotification(aTsyReqHandle);
   304 	return KErrNone;
   305 	}
   307 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyStatusChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::TStatus* aStatus)
   308 	{
   309 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tStatus Change Notification lodged"));
   310 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RegisterNotification(ECallStatusChange,aTsyReqHandle,this,aStatus);
   311 	return KErrNone;
   312 	}
   314 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyStatusChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   315 	{
   316 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tStatus Change Notification cancelled"));
   317 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveNotification(aTsyReqHandle);
   318 	return KErrNone;
   319 	}
   321 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyDurationChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TTimeIntervalSeconds* aTime)
   322 	{
   323 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tDuration Change Notification lodged"));
   324 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RegisterNotification(ECallDurationChange,aTsyReqHandle,this,aTime);
   325 	return KErrNone;
   326 	}
   328 TInt CCallHayes::NotifyDurationChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   329 	{
   330 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tDuration Change Notification cancelled"));
   331 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveNotification(aTsyReqHandle);
   332 	return KErrNone;
   333 	}
   335 TInt CCallHayes::GetInfo(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TCallInfo* aCallInfo)
   336 	{
   337 	aCallInfo->iCallName = iCallInfo.iCallName;
   338 	aCallInfo->iStatus = GetCoreCallStatus();
   339 	aCallInfo->iHookStatus = iCallInfo.iHookStatus;
   340 	aCallInfo->iLineName = Owner()->Name();
   341 	GetCallDuration(aCallInfo->iDuration);
   342 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   343 	return KErrNone;
   344 	}
   346 TInt CCallHayes::GetStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TStatus* aCallStatus)
   347     {
   348 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tGetStatus() called"));
   349 	*aCallStatus = GetCoreCallStatus();
   350 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   351     return KErrNone;
   352     }
   354 TInt CCallHayes::TransferOwnership(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   355 //
   356 // Transfer call ownership
   357 //
   358 	{
   359 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tTransferOwnership called"));
   360 	if (CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle)!=CCallBase::EOwnedTrue)
   361 		{
   362 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
   363 		return KErrNone;
   364 		}
   366 	if(iList->iAcquireList.IsEmpty()) // no one interested in this call !
   367 		{
   368 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall);
   369 		return KErrNone;
   370 		}
   372 	CAcquireEntry* entry=iList->iAcquireList.First();
   373 	if (entry) // someone interested in this call
   374 		{
   375 		LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tTransferOwnership successful"));
   376 		(void)SetOwnership(entry->iTsyReqHandle);
   377 		ReqCompleted(entry->iTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   378 		iList->Remove(entry);
   379 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   380 		}
   381 	return KErrNone;
   382 	}
   384 TInt CCallHayes::AcquireOwnership(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   385 //
   386 //	Acquire call Ownership (server has already checked client does not own it)
   387 //	If call is unowned and idle, this request is completed with CallNotActive.
   388 //  A call must never be owned and idle concurrently.
   389 //
   390 	{
   391 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tAcquireOwnership called"));
   392 	if (CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle)==CCallBase::EOwnedUnowned)
   393 		{
   394 		LOGTEXT(_L8("Call:\tAcquireOwnership unsuccessful as call is not owned already"));
   395 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelCallNotActive);
   396 		}
   397 	else 
   398 		{
   399 		if(iList->iAcquireList.IsEmpty())
   400 			// List is empty. Client is the first one to request ownership of the call.
   401 			{
   402 			CAcquireEntry* entry=NULL;
   403 			TRAPD(err,entry=CAcquireEntry::NewL(aTsyReqHandle));
   404 			if(err==KErrNone)
   405 				iList->iAcquireList.AddLast(*entry);
   406 			else
   407 				return err;
   408 			}
   409 		else
   410 			// List is not empty. Another client has already requested to acquire ownership of the call.
   411 			// Only one client can be waiting to acquire ownership at any one time.
   412 			return KErrInUse;
   413 		}
   414 	return KErrNone;
   415 	}
   417 TInt CCallHayes::AcquireOwnershipCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   418 //
   419 //	Cancel Acquire call Ownership
   420 //
   421 	{
   422 	CAcquireEntry* entry=iList->FindByTsyReqHandle(aTsyReqHandle);
   423 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(entry!=NULL,Panic(EAcquirerNotFound));
   424 	if (entry != NULL)
   425 		{
   426 		iList->Remove(entry);
   427 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel);
   428 		}
   429 	else
   430 		{
   431 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle, KErrNotFound);
   432 		}					
   433 	return KErrNone;		
   434 	}
   436 TInt CCallHayes::GetBearerServiceInfo(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::TBearerService* aBearerService)
   437 	{
   438 	*aBearerService = iCallInfo.iBearerService;
   439 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   440 	return KErrNone;
   441 	}
   443 TInt CCallHayes::GetCallParams(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aParams)
   444 //
   445 // Call parameters are only set when connecting a call, so there have no meaning when a 
   446 // call is not in progress.
   447 //
   448 	{
   449 	if (RMobileCall::EStatusIdle != iCallInfo.iMobileStatus  &&
   450 		RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown != iCallInfo.iMobileStatus )
   451 		{
   452 		TPckg<RCall::TCallParams>* paramsPckg = (TPckg<RCall::TCallParams>*)aParams;
   453 		RCall::TCallParams& callparams = (*paramsPckg)();
   455 		//
   456 		// Configure basic TCallParams parameters
   457 		callparams.iSpeakerControl = iCallInfo.iSpeakerControl;
   458 		callparams.iSpeakerVolume = iCallInfo.iSpeakerVolume;
   459 		callparams.iInterval = iCallInfo.iInterval;
   460 		callparams.iWaitForDialTone = iCallInfo.iWaitForDialTone;
   462 		//
   463 		// Configure additional params as required
   464 		if(callparams.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileCallParamsV1)
   465 			{
   466 			//
   467 			// Configure RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1 parameters
   468 			RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1Pckg* pckg = (RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1Pckg*)aParams;
   469 			RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1& params = (*pckg)();
   470 			params.iIdRestrict=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iIdRestrict;
   471 			params.iCug=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iCug;
   472 			params.iAutoRedial=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iAutoRedial;
   473 			}
   474 		else if(callparams.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileDataCallParamsV1)
   475 			{
   476 			//
   477 			// Configure RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 parameters
   478 			RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg* pckg = (RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg*)aParams;
   479 			RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1& params = (*pckg)();
   480 			params.iService=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iService;
   481 			params.iSpeed=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iSpeed;
   482 			params.iProtocol=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol;
   483 			params.iQoS=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iQoS;
   484 			params.iRLPVersion=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iRLPVersion;
   485 			params.iModemToMSWindowSize=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iModemToMSWindowSize;
   486 			params.iMSToModemWindowSize=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iMSToModemWindowSize;
   487 			params.iAckTimer=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iAckTimer;
   488 			params.iRetransmissionAttempts=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iRetransmissionAttempts;
   489 			params.iResequencingPeriod=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iResequencingPeriod;
   490 			params.iV42bisReq=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iV42bisReq;
   491 			params.iV42bisCodewordsNum=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iV42bisCodewordsNum;
   492 			params.iV42bisMaxStringLength=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iV42bisMaxStringLength;
   493 			}
   494 		else if(callparams.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV1)
   495 			{
   496 			//
   497 			// Configure RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1 parameters
   498 			RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1Pckg* pckg = (RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1Pckg*)aParams;
   499 			RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1& params = (*pckg)();
   500 			params.iWantedAiur=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iWantedAiur;
   501 			params.iWantedRxTimeSlots=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iWantedRxTimeSlots;
   502 			params.iMaxTimeSlots=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iMaxTimeSlots;
   503 			params.iCodings=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iCodings;
   504 			params.iAsymmetry=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iAsymmetry;
   505 			params.iUserInitUpgrade=iCallInfo.iCallParams.iUserInitUpgrade;
   506 			}
   508 		//
   509 		// Complete the clients request
   510 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   511 		}
   512 	else 
   513 		{
   514 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrUnknown);
   515 		}
   516 	return KErrNone;
   517 	}
   519 TInt CCallHayes::GetCallDuration(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TTimeIntervalSeconds* aTime)
   520 	{
   521 	if ( RMobileCall::EStatusConnected != iCallInfo.iMobileStatus && 
   522 		 RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting != iCallInfo.iMobileStatus)
   523 		{
   524 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelCallNotActive);
   525 		return KErrNone;
   526 		}
   527 	*aTime = iCallTimer->CallDuration();
   528 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   529 	return KErrNone;
   530 	}
   532 void CCallHayes::GetCallDuration(TTimeIntervalSeconds& aTime) const
   533 	{
   534 	aTime = iCallTimer->CallDuration();
   535 	}
   537 void CCallHayes::GetDefaultCallParams()
   538 	{
   539 	iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->GetIntervalPref(iCallInfo.iInterval);
   540 	iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->GetSpeakerSettingPref(iCallInfo.iSpeakerControl);
   541 	iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->GetSpeakerVolumePref(iCallInfo.iSpeakerVolume);
   542 	iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->GetWaitForDialTonePref(iCallInfo.iWaitForDialTone);
   543 	}
   545 void CCallHayes::SetCallParams(const TDesC8* aParams)
   546 	{
   547 	if ((*aParams).Length()==0)
   548 		// Always returns KErrNone
   549 		GetDefaultCallParams();
   550 	else
   551 		{
   552 		TPckg<RCall::TCallParams>* paramsPckg = (TPckg<RCall::TCallParams>*)aParams;
   553 		RCall::TCallParams& callparams = (*paramsPckg)();
   554 		iCallInfo.iSpeakerControl = callparams.iSpeakerControl;
   555 		iCallInfo.iSpeakerVolume = callparams.iSpeakerVolume;
   556 		iCallInfo.iInterval = callparams.iInterval;
   557 		iCallInfo.iWaitForDialTone = callparams.iWaitForDialTone; 
   558 		}
   559 	}
   561 TInt CCallHayes::ValidateRequest(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TStatus aLineStatus)
   562 //
   563 //  Validating a request
   564 //
   565 	{
   566 	CCallBase::TCallOwnership owned = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
   567 	if (owned==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)	// call owned by another client
   568 		{
   569 		return KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
   570 		}
   571 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLineStatus != aLineStatus) 
   572 		{
   573 		if (aLineStatus==RCall::EStatusIdle)
   574 		// implies that this call is already active (assuming an owned call is 
   575 		// an active call) or ringing or unknown
   576 			{
   577 			return KErrInUse;
   578 			}
   579 		else if (aLineStatus==RCall::EStatusRinging)
   580 			{
   581 			return KErrNotReady;
   582 			}
   583 		}
   584 	return KErrNone;
   585 	}
   588 RCall::TStatus CCallHayes::GetCoreCallStatus()
   589 	{
   590 	RCall::TStatus coreStatus;
   591 	if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus <= RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting)
   592 		//coreStatus = static_cast<RCall::TStatus>(iCallInfo.iMobileStatus);
   593 		coreStatus = (RCall::TStatus)iCallInfo.iMobileStatus;
   594 	else
   595 		switch (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus)
   596 		{
   597 		case RMobileCall::EStatusReconnectPending:
   598 		case RMobileCall::EStatusHold:
   599 			coreStatus = RCall::EStatusConnected;
   600 			break;
   601 		case RMobileCall::EStatusWaitingAlternatingCallSwitch:
   602 			coreStatus = RCall::EStatusIdle;
   603 			break;
   604 		default:
   605 			coreStatus = RCall::EStatusUnknown;
   606 			break;
   607 		}
   608 	return coreStatus;
   609 	}
   611 TInt CCallHayes::ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aCallStatus)
   612 	{
   613 	if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus != aCallStatus)
   614 		{
   615 		iCallInfo.iMobileStatus = aCallStatus;
   617 		if (aCallStatus == RMobileCall::EStatusIdle)
   618 			{
   619 			iCallInfo.iHookStatus = RCall::EHookStatusOn;
   620 			iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EBecomeIdle);
   621 			}
   622 		else if (aCallStatus != RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown && aCallStatus != RMobileCall::EStatusRinging)
   623 			{
   624 			iCallInfo.iHookStatus = RCall::EHookStatusOff;
   625 			}
   626 		if (aCallStatus == RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
   627 			{
   628 			iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EConnected);
   629 			iIo->Cancel();
   630 			TCommConfig aConfigPckg;
   631 			TInt ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->PortConfig(aConfigPckg,EConfigTypeConnect);
   632 			if (ret==KErrNone)
   633 				ret = iIo->ConfigurePort(aConfigPckg);
   634 //			if (!(iIo->ReadPending()))
   635 //				iIo->Read();
   636 			iCallInfo.iTimeCallBegan.UniversalTime();
   637 			return ret;
   638 			}
   639 		}
   640 	return KErrNone;
   641 	}
   643 void CCallHayes::ChangeLineStatus(RCall::TStatus aLineStatus)
   644 	{
   645 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLineStatus = aLineStatus;
   646 	}
   648 void CCallHayes::SetToIdle()
   649 	{
   650 	iWaitForNoCarrier->StopWait();
   651 	// Always returns KErrNone
   652 	(void)SetUnowned();
   653 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iMode = RPhone::EModeIdle;
   654 	ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusIdle);	// line status should be changed first because 
   655 											// ChangeCallStatus is the function which sends
   656 											// the new event to the Notification Handler,
   657 											// and this will complete both line and call status
   658 											// notifications, taking the new statuses from the
   659 											// CLineHayes and CCallHayes objects.
   660 	// EStatusIdle always results in KErrNone return value
   661 	(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusIdle);
   662 	StopCallTicker();
   663 	}
   665 void CCallHayes::SetToIdleAndCompleteReq(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TInt aStatus)
   666 	{
   667 	SetToIdle();
   668 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle, aStatus);
   669 	}
   671 void CCallHayes::GetCallInfo(TCallInfoIndex* aCallInfoIndex)
   672 //
   673 //	Copied field by field since TCallInfoTSY is different to TCallInfoIndex
   674 //
   675 	{
   676 	aCallInfoIndex->iInfo.iCallName = iCallInfo.iCallName;
   677 	aCallInfoIndex->iInfo.iStatus = GetCoreCallStatus();
   678 	aCallInfoIndex->iInfo.iCallCapsFlags = 0;
   679 	}
   681 TBool CCallHayes::CheckName(const TDesC& aName) const
   682 //
   683 //	Return TRUE if name is the same as the name of this call
   684 	{
   685 	if (iCallInfo.iCallName.CompareF(aName))	
   686 		return EFalse;		
   687 	else 
   688 		return ETrue;
   689 	}
   691 TCallInfoTSY* CCallHayes::CallInfo()
   692 	{
   693 	return &iCallInfo;
   694 	}
   696 void CCallHayes::StartCallTicker() const
   697 	{
   698 	iCallTimer->Start();
   699 	}
   701 void CCallHayes::StopCallTicker() const
   702 	{
   703 	iCallTimer->Stop();
   704 	}
   706 void CCallHayes::ResetIsForIncomingCall()
   707 	{
   708 	iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;
   709 	}
   711 TBool CCallHayes::IsForIncomingCall() const
   712 	{
   713 	return iIsForIncomingCall;
   714 	}
   716 void CCallHayes::SetOwnedByTSY() 
   717 	{
   718 	iIsOwnedByTSY=ETrue;
   719 	}
   721 void CCallHayes::SetUnownedByTSY()
   722 	{
   723 	iIsOwnedByTSY=EFalse;
   724 	}
   726 TBool CCallHayes::IsOwnedByTSY() const
   727 	{
   728 	return iIsOwnedByTSY;
   729 	}
   732 //
   733 //	Functions which are supported in one line but not the other
   734 //
   735 TInt CCallHayes::LoanDataPort(const TTsyReqHandle,RCall::TCommPort*)
   736 	{
   737 	return KErrNotSupported;
   738 	}
   740 TInt CCallHayes::LoanDataPortCancel(const TTsyReqHandle)
   741 	{
   742 	return KErrNotSupported;
   743 	}
   745 TInt CCallHayes::RecoverDataPort(const TTsyReqHandle)
   746 	{
   747 	return KErrNotSupported;
   748 	}
   750 TInt CCallHayes::RecoverDataPortAndRelinquishOwnership()
   751 	{
   752 	return KErrNotSupported;
   753 	}
   755 TInt CCallHayes::GetFaxSettings(const TTsyReqHandle,RCall::TFaxSessionSettings*)
   756 	{	
   757 	return KErrNotSupported;
   758 	}
   760 TInt CCallHayes::SetFaxSettings(const TTsyReqHandle,const RCall::TFaxSessionSettings*)
   761 	{	
   762 	return KErrNotSupported;
   763 	}
   765 CTelObject* CCallHayes::OpenNewObjectByNameL(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
   766 	{
   767 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   768 	return NULL;
   769 	}
   771 CTelObject* CCallHayes::OpenNewObjectL(TDes& /*aNewName*/)
   772 	{
   773 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   774 	return NULL;
   775 	}
   777 TInt CCallHayes::CheckAndSetRegistrationParams(const TInt /*aIpc*/,const TDes8* /*aDes1*/,const TDes8* /*aDes2*/)
   778 	{
   779 	return KErrNone;
   780 	}
   782 TInt CCallHayes::ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle,const TInt, const TDataPackage&)
   783 //
   784 // Unsupported in this TSY
   785 //
   786 	{
   787 	return KErrNotSupported;
   788 	}
   790 /*
   791  *  CCallMobile class that implements Multimode ETel Mobile Call requests
   792  */
   794 CCallMobile::CCallMobile(CATIO* aIo,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals) 
   795 			: CCallHayes(aIo, aInit, aPhoneGlobals)
   796 	{
   797 	}
   799 CCallMobile::~CCallMobile()
   800 	{
   801 	}
   803 CTelObject::TReqMode CCallMobile::ReqModeL(const TInt aIpc)
   804 	{
   805 	// ReqModeL is called from the server's CTelObject::ReqAnalyserL
   806 	// in order to check the type of request it has
   808 	CTelObject::TReqMode ret=0;
   809 	switch (aIpc)
   810 		{
   811 //
   812 // No Flow Control NOR Multiple Completion
   813 //
   814 	case EMobileCallGetMobileCallCaps:
   815 	case EMobileCallGetMobileCallStatus:
   816 		break;
   818 	case EMobileCallGetMobileDataCallCaps: 
   819 		break;
   820 //
   821 // Multiple Completion Services with Immediate Server Repost
   822 // (Usually Notifications)
   823 //
   824 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChange:
   825 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChange:
   827 		ret=KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | KReqModeRePostImmediately;
   828 		break;
   829 //
   830 // 
   831 //
   832 	default:
   833 		ret=CCallHayes::ReqModeL(aIpc);
   834 		break;
   835 		}
   837 	return ret;
   838 	}
   841 TInt CCallMobile::NumberOfSlotsL(const TInt aIpc)
   842 	{
   843 	// NumberOfSlotsL is called by the server when it is registering a new notification
   844 	// It enables the TSY to tell the server how many buffer slots to allocate for
   845 	// "repost immediately" notifications that may trigger before clients collect them
   847 	TInt numberOfSlots=1;
   848 	switch (aIpc)
   849 		{
   850 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChange:
   851 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChange:
   852 		LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile: Registered with 5 slots"));
   853 		numberOfSlots=5;
   854 		break;
   855 	default:
   856 		numberOfSlots = CCallBase::NumberOfSlotsL(aIpc);
   857 		break;
   858 		}
   859 	return numberOfSlots;
   860 	}
   863 TInt CCallMobile::ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TInt aIpc,
   864 					 	  const TDataPackage& aPackage)
   865 	{
   866 	// ExtFunc is called by the server when it has a "extended", i.e. non-core ETel request 
   867 	// for the TSY to process
   868 	// A request handle, request type and request data are passed to the TSY
   870 	TAny* dataPtr=aPackage.Ptr1();
   872 	// The request data has to extracted from TDataPackage and the TAny* pointers have to
   873 	// be "cast" to the expected request data type
   875 	switch (aIpc)
   876 		{
   877 //
   878 // No Flow Control NOR Multiple Completion
   879 //
   880 	case EMobileCallGetMobileCallCaps:
   881 		return GetMobileCallCaps(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
   883 	case EMobileCallGetMobileCallStatus:
   884 		return GetMobileCallStatus(aTsyReqHandle,
   885 			REINTERPRET_CAST(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus*,dataPtr));
   886 //
   887 // Multiple Completion Services with Immediate Server Repost
   888 // (Usually Notifications)
   889 //
   890 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChange:
   891 		return NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(aTsyReqHandle,
   892 			REINTERPRET_CAST(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus*, dataPtr));
   894 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChange:
   895 		return NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
   897 //
   898 // Cancels
   899 //
   900 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChangeCancel:
   901 		return NotifyMobileCallStatusChangeCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
   903 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChangeCancel:
   904 		return NotifyMobileCallCapsChangeCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
   906 	default:
   907 		return KErrNotSupported;
   908 		}
   909 	}
   911 TInt CCallMobile::CancelService(const TInt aIpc, const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   912 	{
   913 	// CancelService is called by the server when it is "cleaning-up" any still outstanding
   914 	// asynchronous requests before closing a client's sub-session.
   915 	// This will happen if a client closes its R-class handle without cancelling outstanding
   916 	// asynchronous requests.
   918 	switch (aIpc)
   919 		{
   920 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallStatusChange:
   921 		return NotifyMobileCallStatusChangeCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
   922 	case EMobileCallNotifyMobileCallCapsChange:
   923 		return NotifyMobileCallCapsChangeCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
   924 	default:
   925 		return CCallBase::CancelService(aIpc,aTsyReqHandle);
   926 		}
   927 	}
   929 TInt CCallMobile::GetMobileCallCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aCaps)
   930 	{
   931 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile:	:GetMobileCallCaps called"));
   933 	RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg *capsPckg = REINTERPRET_CAST(RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1Pckg *,aCaps);
   934 	RMobileCall::TMobileCallCapsV1& caps = (*capsPckg)();
   935 	// Always returns KErrNone
   936 	(void)CollateCurrentMobileCaps(aTsyReqHandle, &caps.iCallControlCaps);
   937 	caps.iCallEventCaps=0;  // no call events are supported
   939 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   940 	return KErrNone;
   941 	}
   943 TInt CCallMobile::GetCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::TCaps* aCallCaps)
   944 	{
   945 	(void)CollateCurrentCoreCaps(aTsyReqHandle, reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(&aCallCaps->iFlags));
   946 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   947 	return KErrNone;
   948 	}
   950 TBool CCallMobile::CollateCurrentMobileCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TUint32* aCallCaps)
   951 	{
   952 	CollateCoreCaps(aTsyReqHandle, aCallCaps);
   953 	if (iMobileCaps.iCallControlCaps != *aCallCaps)
   954 		{
   955 		iMobileCaps.iCallControlCaps = *aCallCaps;
   956 		return ETrue;
   957 		}
   958 	return EFalse;
   959 	}
   961 TBool CCallMobile::CollateCurrentCoreCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TUint32* aCallCaps)
   962 	{
   963 	CollateCoreCaps(aTsyReqHandle, aCallCaps);
   964 	if (iCaps.iFlags != *aCallCaps)
   965 		{
   966 		iCaps.iFlags = *aCallCaps;
   967 		return ETrue;
   968 		}
   969 	return EFalse;
   970 	}
   972 TInt CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallCapsChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aCaps)
   973 	{
   974 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallCapsChange lodged"));
   975 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RegisterNotification(ECallMobileCaps,aTsyReqHandle,this,aCaps);
   976 	return KErrNone;
   977 	}
   979 TInt CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallCapsChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
   980 	{
   981 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallCapsChangeCancel called"));
   982 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveNotification(aTsyReqHandle);
   983 	return KErrNone;
   984 	}
   986 TInt CCallMobile::GetMobileCallStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus* aStatus)
   987 	{
   988 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile::GetMobileCallStatus called"));
   989 	*aStatus=iCallInfo.iMobileStatus;
   990 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
   991 	return KErrNone;
   992 	}
   994 TInt CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallStatusChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus* aStatus)
   995 	{
   996 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallStatusChange lodged"));
   997 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RegisterNotification(EMobileCallStatusChange,aTsyReqHandle,this,aStatus);
   998 	return KErrNone;
   999 	}
  1001 TInt CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallStatusChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1002 	{
  1003 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobile::NotifyMobileCallStatusChangeCancel called"));
  1004 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->RemoveNotification(aTsyReqHandle);
  1005 	return KErrNone;
  1006 	}
  1008 //
  1009 // CCallMobileVoice - Voice Specific Call Functionality
  1010 //
  1012 CCallMobileVoice* CCallMobileVoice::NewL(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals,const TName& aName)
  1013 	{
  1014 	CCallMobileVoice* voiceCall=new(ELeave) CCallMobileVoice(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals);
  1015 	TCleanupItem newCallVoiceHayesClose(CloseCall,voiceCall);
  1016 	CleanupStack::PushL(newCallVoiceHayesClose);
  1017 	voiceCall->ConstructL(aName);
  1018 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1019 	return voiceCall;
  1020 	}
  1022 CCallMobileVoice::CCallMobileVoice(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
  1023 	: CCallMobile(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals)
  1024 	{}
  1026 void CCallMobileVoice::ConstructL(const TName& aName)
  1027 	{
  1028 	CCallHayes::ConstructL(aName);
  1029 	iCallInfo.iLineOwnerName = KVoiceLineName;
  1030 	iDialVoice=CATDialVoice::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1031 	iAnswerVoice=CATAnswerVoice::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1032 	iHangUpVoice=CATHangUpVoice::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1033 	}
  1035 CCallMobileVoice::~CCallMobileVoice()
  1036 //
  1037 //	Removes itself from array of calls in CLineMobileVoice
  1038 //
  1039 	{
  1040 	delete iDialVoice;
  1041 	delete iAnswerVoice;
  1042 	delete iHangUpVoice;
  1043 	}
  1045 void CCallMobileVoice::CollateCoreCaps(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/, TUint32* aCallCaps)
  1046 	{
  1047 	*aCallCaps = RCall::KCapsVoice;
  1049 	// Voice calls can be manipulated by any client, not just owner so set as many caps as possible
  1050 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iModemDetected==RPhone::EDetectedPresent)
  1051 		{
  1052 		*aCallCaps |= (RCall::KCapsDial | RCall::KCapsConnect);
  1054 		TInt ret=KErrNone;
  1055 		if (!iIsForIncomingCall)	
  1056 		{
  1057 			if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner())->CheckForOutstandingAnswer())
  1058 				ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1059 		}
  1060 		else
  1061 			ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1063 		if (ret==KErrNone && (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle || iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging))
  1064 			*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsAnswer;
  1066 		if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
  1067 			*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsHangUp;
  1068 		}
  1069 	}
  1071 TInt CCallMobileVoice::Dial(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams,TDesC* aTelNumber)
  1072 //
  1073 //	Dial a voice call
  1074 //
  1075 	{
  1076 	SetCallParams(aCallParams);
  1077 	LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Dial command for Voice call"));
  1078 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLineStatus == RCall::EStatusIdle)	
  1079 		{
  1080 		(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1081 		iDialVoice->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,aTelNumber,&iCallInfo);
  1082 		return KErrNone;
  1083 		}
  1084 	else 
  1085 		{
  1086 		return KErrInUse;
  1087 		}
  1088 	}
  1090 TInt CCallMobileVoice::DialCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1091 /**
  1092  *	Cancel the dial request if possible
  1093  */
  1094 	{
  1095 	LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Dial command for Voice call"));
  1096 	iDialVoice->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  1097 	return KErrNone;
  1098 	}
  1100 TInt CCallMobileVoice::AnswerIncomingCall(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams)
  1101 /**
  1102  *	If there is no waiting call, will wait for one and then answer it. If there is, it will
  1103  *	answer immediately.
  1104  */
  1105  	{
  1106 	CCallBase::TCallOwnership owned = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1107 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
  1108 	if (owned==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)	// call owned by another client
  1109 		{
  1110 		ret=KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
  1111 		}
  1112 	else 
  1113 		{
  1114 		if (!iIsForIncomingCall)	
  1115 			{
  1116 			if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner())->CheckForOutstandingAnswer())
  1117 				ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1118 			}
  1119 		else
  1120 			ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1121 		}
  1122 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  1123 		{
  1124 		CLineHayes* line = STATIC_CAST(CLineHayes*,Owner());
  1125 		STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,line->Owner())->CancelOtherRingingCall(line);
  1126 		line->FreePreAllocCallIfNecessary();
  1127 		SetCallParams(aCallParams);
  1128 		if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging)
  1129 			{
  1130 			(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1131 			LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Answer command"));
  1132 			iAnswerVoice->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1133 			}
  1134 		else	// This call is now a client-designated Incoming Call object.
  1135 			{
  1136 			iIsForIncomingCall=ETrue;
  1137 			iAnswerTsyReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
  1138 			}
  1139 		return KErrNone;
  1140 		}
  1141 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  1142 	return KErrNone;
  1143 	}
  1146 TInt CCallMobileVoice::AnswerIncomingCallCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1147 	{
  1148 	LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Answer command"));
  1149 	if (iIsForIncomingCall)
  1150 		{
  1151 		iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;
  1152 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
  1153 		}
  1154 	else
  1155 		iAnswerVoice->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  1156 	return KErrNone;
  1157 	}
  1159 void CCallMobileVoice::AnswerImmediately()
  1160 	{
  1161 	(void)SetOwnership(iAnswerTsyReqHandle);
  1162 	// EStatusRinging always results in KErrNone return value
  1163 	(void) ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusRinging);
  1164 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,ERingOccurred);
  1165 	iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;
  1166 	// this must be after the check notification as CNotifications
  1167 	// asks line for info about the call which Is For Incoming Call
  1168 	LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Answer command"));
  1169 	iAnswerVoice->ExecuteCommand(iAnswerTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1170 	}		
  1172 TInt CCallMobileVoice::Connect(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* /*aCallParams*/)
  1173 	{
  1174 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  1175 	return KErrNone;
  1176 	}
  1178 TInt CCallMobileVoice::ConnectCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1179 	{
  1180 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  1181 	return KErrNone;
  1182 	}
  1184 TInt CCallMobileVoice::HangUp(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1185 	{
  1186 	if (CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle)==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)
  1187 		{
  1188 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
  1189 		return KErrNone;
  1190 		}	
  1191 	if ((iCallInfo.iMobileStatus!=RMobileCall::EStatusIdle) &&
  1192 		(iCallInfo.iMobileStatus!=RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting))
  1193 		{
  1194 		LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Hang Up command"));
  1195 		iHangUpVoice->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1196 		return KErrNone;
  1197 		}
  1198 	else
  1199 		{
  1200 		// Call not in a state to be terminated - but return KErrNone
  1201 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  1202 		return KErrNone;
  1203 		}
  1204 	}
  1206 TInt CCallMobileVoice::HangUpCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1207 //
  1208 //	Cancel the hang up command. 
  1209 //
  1210 	{
  1211 	LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Hang Up command"));
  1212 	iHangUpVoice->Stop(aTsyReqHandle);	
  1213 	return KErrNone;
  1214 	}
  1216 TInt CCallMobileVoice::RelinquishOwnership()
  1217 	{
  1218 //
  1219 //	Called by server to tell TSY to either pass ownership on to another interested client
  1220 //	or hang up immediately. If call is currently connecting, RelinquishOwnershipComplete 
  1221 //	will be called once cancelling has finished.
  1222 //
  1223 	LOGTEXT(_L8("VoiceCall:\tRelinquish Ownership"));
  1224 	if(iList->iAcquireList.IsEmpty()) 
  1225 		{
  1226 		if (iDialVoice->IsPreConnectInProgress())
  1227 			{
  1228 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1229 			return KErrNone;
  1230 			}
  1231 		switch(iCallInfo.iMobileStatus)
  1232 			{
  1233 		case RMobileCall::EStatusConnected:
  1234 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1235 			iHangUpVoice->ExecuteCommand(0, NULL, &iCallInfo);
  1236 			break;
  1237 		case RMobileCall::EStatusDialling:
  1238 		case RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting:
  1239 		case RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering:
  1240 		case RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting:
  1241 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1242 			break;
  1243 		default:
  1244 			if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus==EPhoneInitialising)
  1245 				iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1246 			else
  1247 				RelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNone);
  1248 			break;
  1249 			}
  1250 		return KErrNone;
  1251 		}
  1252 	CAcquireEntry* entry=iList->iAcquireList.First();
  1253 	if (entry) 
  1254 		{
  1255 		(void)SetOwnership(entry->iTsyReqHandle);
  1256 		ReqCompleted(entry->iTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  1257 		iList->Remove(entry);
  1258 		}
  1259 	RelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNone);
  1260 	return KErrNone;
  1261 	}
  1263 TInt CCallMobileVoice::RecoverDataPortAndRelinquishOwnership()
  1264 	{
  1265 	RecoverDataPortAndRelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNotSupported);
  1266 	return KErrNone;
  1267 	}
  1269 TInt CCallMobileVoice::LoanDataPort(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TCommPort* /* aCommPort*/)
  1270 	{
  1271 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  1272 	return KErrNone;
  1273 	}
  1275 TInt CCallMobileVoice::LoanDataPortCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1276 	{
  1277 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  1278 	return KErrNone;
  1279 	}
  1281 TInt CCallMobileVoice::RecoverDataPort(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1282 	{
  1283 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  1284 	return KErrNone;
  1285 	}
  1288 //
  1289 //
  1290 // CCallMobileData - Data Specific Call Functionality
  1291 //
  1292 //
  1294 CCallMobileData* CCallMobileData::NewL(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals,const TName& aName)
  1295 	{
  1296 	CCallMobileData* dataCall=new(ELeave) CCallMobileData(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals);
  1297 	TCleanupItem newCallDataHayesClose(CloseCall,dataCall);
  1298 	CleanupStack::PushL(newCallDataHayesClose);
  1299 	dataCall->ConstructL(aName);
  1300 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  1301 	return dataCall;
  1302 	}
  1304 CCallMobileData::CCallMobileData(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
  1305 	: CCallMobile(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals)
  1306 	{}
  1308 void CCallMobileData::ConstructL(const TName& aName)
  1309 	{
  1310 	CCallHayes::ConstructL(aName);
  1311 	iCallInfo.iLineOwnerName = KDataLineName;
  1312 	iDialData=CATDialData::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1313 	iAnswerData=CATAnswerData::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1314 	iSetCBST=CATSetCBST::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1315 	iConnectData=CATConnectData::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1316 	iHangUpData=CATHangUpData::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1317 	iATSetToOnlineDataMode=CATSetToOnlineDataMode::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  1318 	}
  1320 CCallMobileData::~CCallMobileData()
  1321 //
  1322 //	Removes itself from array of calls in CLineMobileData
  1323 //
  1324 	{
  1325 	delete iDialData;
  1326 	delete iSetCBST;
  1327 	delete iAnswerData;
  1328 	delete iConnectData;
  1329 	delete iHangUpData;
  1330 	delete iATSetToOnlineDataMode;
  1331 	}
  1333 TInt CCallMobileData::ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TInt aIpc,
  1334 					 		  const TDataPackage& aPackage)
  1335 /**
  1336  * Process the IPC locally, otherwise delegate to our base class.
  1337  */	
  1338 	{
  1339 	switch (aIpc)
  1340 		{
  1341 	case EMobileCallGetMobileDataCallCaps: 
  1342 		return GetMobileDataCallCaps(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
  1343 	default:
  1344 		// Delegate the processing of the IPC to our base class
  1345 		return CCallMobile::ExtFunc(aTsyReqHandle,aIpc,aPackage);		
  1346 		}
  1347 	}
  1350 TInt CCallMobileData::GetMobileDataCallCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aCaps)
  1351 	{
  1352 	LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobileData::GetMobileDataCallCaps called"));
  1354 	//
  1355 	// This is a synchronous client request so this method must complete quickly.
  1356 	// The call caps returned are those which were discovered during the 
  1357 	// intialisation of the TSY (see ATINIT.CPP).
  1358 	TPckg<RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1>* pckg = (TPckg<RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1>*)aCaps;
  1359 	RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1& caps = (*pckg)();
  1360 	caps=iPhoneGlobals->iCallDataCaps;
  1361 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  1362 	return KErrNone;
  1363 	}
  1365 void CCallMobileData::CollateCoreCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TUint32* aCallCaps)
  1366 	{
  1367 	*aCallCaps = RCall::KCapsData;
  1368 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iModemDetected==RPhone::EDetectedPresent)
  1369 		{
  1370 		CCallBase::TCallOwnership owner = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1371 		if (ValidateRequest(aTsyReqHandle,RCall::EStatusIdle)==KErrNone)
  1372 			*aCallCaps |= (RCall::KCapsDial | RCall::KCapsConnect);
  1373 		TInt ret=KErrNone;
  1374 		if (owner==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)	// call owned by another client
  1375 			ret=KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
  1376 		else 
  1377 			{
  1378 			if (!iIsForIncomingCall)	
  1379 				{
  1380 				if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner())->CheckForOutstandingAnswer())
  1381 					ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1382 				}
  1383 			else
  1384 				ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1385 			}
  1386 		if (ret==KErrNone && (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle || iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging))
  1387 			*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsAnswer;
  1388 		if ((owner==CCallBase::EOwnedTrue || owner==CCallBase::EOwnedPriorityClient)
  1389 			&& iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
  1390 			{
  1391 			*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsHangUp;
  1392 			if (iCallInfo.iLoanedToClient==EFalse)
  1393 				*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsLoanDataPort;
  1394 			else
  1395 				*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsRecoverDataPort;
  1396 			}
  1397 		}
  1398 	}
  1400 TInt CCallMobileData::AssembleCBSTSetString(TBuf8<KGenericBufferSize>& aTxBuffer)
  1401 /**
  1402  * This funciton assembles a +CBST= string ready to be sent to the modem using 
  1403  * the values from CCallHayes::iCallInfo.
  1404  * This utility funciton is used by objects created and owned by this class.
  1405  * This has been done to reduce code size.
  1406  * @return KErrNone if and only if CBST string assembled
  1407  */
  1408 	{
  1409 	TInt ret(KErrNone);		// Return value of this function
  1411 	TInt speed(0); // these are the names that etsi use
  1412 	TInt name(0);  // these are the names that etsi use
  1413 	TInt ce(0); // these are the names that etsi use
  1414 	TBool speedSet(ETrue);
  1415 	TBool nameSet(ETrue);
  1416 	TBool ceSet(ETrue);
  1418 	switch (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iService)
  1419 		{
  1420 		case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync:
  1421 			name = 0;
  1422 			break;
  1423 		case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi:
  1424 			name = 4;
  1425 			break;
  1426 		case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSync:
  1427 			name = 1;
  1428 			break;
  1429 		case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi:
  1430 			name = 5;
  1431 			break;
  1432 		case RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI:
  1433 			name = 2;
  1434 			break;
  1435 		case RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI:
  1436 			name = 6;
  1437 			break;
  1438 		case RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI:
  1439 			name = 3;
  1440 			break;
  1441 		case RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI:
  1442 			name = 7;
  1443 			break;
  1444 		case RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified:  // taking the default value of 0
  1445 		default:
  1446 			nameSet=EFalse;
  1447 			break;
  1448 		}
  1450 	switch(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iQoS)
  1451 		{
  1452 		case RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent:
  1453 			ce = 0;
  1454 			break;
  1455 		case RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred:
  1456 			ce = 2;
  1457 			break;
  1458 		case RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent:
  1459 			ce = 1;
  1460 			break;
  1461 		case RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred:
  1462 			ce = 3;
  1463 			break;
  1464 		case RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified:
  1465 		default:
  1466 			ceSet=EFalse;
  1467 			break;
  1468 		}
  1470 	switch(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iSpeed)
  1471 		{
  1472 		case RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding:
  1473 			speed = 0;
  1474 			break;
  1476 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed2400:
  1477 			{
  1478 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis)
  1479 				speed = 4;
  1480 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1481 				speed = 36;
  1482 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1483 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1484 				speed = 68;
  1485 			else
  1486 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1487 			break;
  1488 			}
  1489 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed4800:
  1490 			{
  1491 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV32)
  1492 				speed = 6;
  1493 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1494 				speed = 38;
  1495 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1496 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1497 				speed = 70;
  1498 			else
  1499 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1500 			break;
  1501 			}
  1502 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed9600:
  1503 			{
  1504 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV32)
  1505 				speed = 7;
  1506 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV34)
  1507 				speed = 12;
  1508 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1509 				speed = 39;
  1510 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1511 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1512 				speed = 71;
  1513 			else
  1514 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1515 			break;
  1516 			}
  1517 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed14400:
  1518 			{
  1519 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV34)
  1520 				speed = 14;
  1521 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1522 				speed = 43;
  1523 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1524 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1525 				speed = 75;
  1526 			else
  1527 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1528 			break;
  1529 			}
  1530 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed19200:
  1531 			{
  1532 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV34)
  1533 				speed = 15;
  1534 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1535 				speed = 47;
  1536 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1537 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1538 				speed = 79;
  1539 			else
  1540 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1541 			break;
  1542 			}
  1543 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed28800:
  1544 			{
  1545 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV34)
  1546 				speed = 16;
  1547 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1548 				speed = 48;
  1549 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol ==RMobileCall:: EProtocolV110) || 
  1550 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1551 				speed = 80;
  1552 			else
  1553 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1554 			break;
  1555 			}
  1556 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed38400:
  1557 			{
  1558 			if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1559 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1560 				speed = 81;
  1561 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1562 				speed = 49;
  1563 			else
  1564 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1565 			break;
  1566 			}
  1567 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed48000:
  1568 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1569 				speed = 50;
  1570 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1571 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1572 				speed = 82;
  1573 			else
  1574 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1575 			break;
  1576 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed56000:
  1577 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV120)
  1578 				speed = 51;
  1579 			else if ((iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) || 
  1580 				(iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing))
  1581 				speed = 83;
  1582 			else if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent)
  1583 				speed = 115;
  1584 			else
  1585 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1586 			break;
  1587 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed64000:
  1588 			if (iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol == RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent)
  1589 				speed = 116;
  1590 			else
  1591 				speedSet=EFalse;
  1592 			break;
  1594 		case RMobileCall::ESpeed33600:  // this baud rate is not currently used in the etsi table
  1595 		case RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified:
  1596 		default:
  1597 			speedSet=EFalse;
  1598 			break;
  1599 		}
  1601 	//
  1602 	// Try to assemble as much of the +CBST= command as we can.
  1603 	// If we do not have a <speed> value we can not send the command.
  1604 	// If we do not have a <ce> value then we can send a command giving only <speed> and <name>.
  1605 	// etc...
  1606 	if(speedSet)
  1607 		{
  1608 		aTxBuffer.Zero();		// Clear tx buffer
  1610 		// Append +CBST= and the <speed> parameter
  1611 		aTxBuffer.Append(KDataCallBearerServiceType);
  1612 		aTxBuffer.AppendNum(speed);
  1614 		if(nameSet)
  1615 			{
  1616 			// Append the <name> parameter
  1617 			aTxBuffer.Append(TChar(',')); 
  1618 			aTxBuffer.AppendNum(name);
  1620 			if(ceSet)
  1621 				{
  1622 				// Append the <ce> parameter
  1623 				aTxBuffer.Append(TChar(',')); 
  1624 				aTxBuffer.AppendNum(ce); 
  1625 				}
  1626 			}
  1628 		// Append final \r char to AT command
  1629 		aTxBuffer.Append(TChar('\r'));
  1630 		}
  1631 	else
  1632 		{
  1633 		// We have not have enough info to create a +CBST= string 
  1634 		ret=KErrArgument;
  1635 		}
  1637 	return ret;
  1638 	}
  1642 TInt CCallMobileData::Dial(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams,TDesC* aTelNumber)
  1643 //
  1644 //	Dial a data call
  1645 //
  1646 	{
  1647 	TInt ret(KErrNone);
  1649 	SetDataCallParams(aCallParams);	
  1651 	ret=ValidateRequest(aTsyReqHandle,RCall::EStatusIdle);
  1652 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  1653 		{
  1654 		(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1655 		LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Dial command for Data call"));
  1656 		iDialData->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,aTelNumber,&iCallInfo);
  1657 		}
  1658 	else
  1659 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);		// An error occurred
  1661 	return KErrNone;	// Real return code is returned to client thru request completion
  1662 	}
  1665 TInt CCallMobileData::DialCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1666 //
  1667 //	Cancel the dial request if possible
  1668 //
  1669 	{
  1670 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Dial command for Data call"));
  1671 	iDialData->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  1672 	return KErrNone;
  1673 	}
  1676 void CCallMobileData::SetDataCallParams(const TDesC8* aCallParams)
  1677 /**
  1678  * Utility function which unpacks the call parameters supplied by the client
  1679  * and saves their values in iPhoneGlobals.
  1680  * If the client did not supply parameters then default ones are used.
  1681  */
  1682 	{
  1683 	if(aCallParams->Length()==0)
  1684 		{
  1685 		//
  1686 		// Client did not supply parameters, so we use default ones
  1687 		LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobileData::SetDataCallParams  Using default parameters"));
  1688 		CCallHayes::SetCallParams(aCallParams); 
  1690 		//
  1691 		// Ensure the speed parameter is undefined so that we prevent the
  1692 		// +CBST=... command being sent to the phone when dialling a CSD data call.
  1693 		iCallInfo.iCallParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified;
  1694 		}
  1695 	else
  1696 		{
  1697 		//
  1698 		// Use call parameters that client supplied us
  1699 		LOGTEXT(_L8("CCallMobileData::SetDataCallParams  Using clients parameters"));
  1700 		RCall::TCallParamsPckg* paramsPckgV1 = (RCall::TCallParamsPckg*)aCallParams;
  1701 		RCall::TCallParams& paramsV1 = (*paramsPckgV1)();
  1703 		CCallHayes::SetCallParams(aCallParams); 
  1704 		if (paramsV1.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileCallParamsV1)
  1705 			{
  1706 			RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1Pckg* mmParamsPckgV1 = (RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1Pckg*)aCallParams;
  1707 			RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1& mmParamsV1 = (*mmParamsPckgV1)();
  1708 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iIdRestrict = mmParamsV1.iIdRestrict;
  1709 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iCug = mmParamsV1.iCug;
  1710 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iAutoRedial = mmParamsV1.iAutoRedial;
  1711 			}
  1713 		if((paramsV1.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileDataCallParamsV1) ||
  1714 		   (paramsV1.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV1))
  1715 			{
  1716 			RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg* dataParamsPckgV1 = (RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg*)aCallParams;
  1717 			RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1& dataParamsV1 = (*dataParamsPckgV1)();	
  1718 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iService=dataParamsV1.iService;
  1719 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iSpeed=dataParamsV1.iSpeed;
  1720 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iProtocol=dataParamsV1.iProtocol;
  1721 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iQoS=dataParamsV1.iQoS;
  1722 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iRLPVersion=dataParamsV1.iRLPVersion;
  1723 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iModemToMSWindowSize=dataParamsV1.iModemToMSWindowSize;
  1724 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iMSToModemWindowSize=dataParamsV1.iMSToModemWindowSize;
  1725 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iAckTimer=dataParamsV1.iAckTimer;
  1726 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iRetransmissionAttempts=dataParamsV1.iRetransmissionAttempts;
  1727 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iResequencingPeriod=dataParamsV1.iResequencingPeriod;
  1728 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iV42bisReq=dataParamsV1.iV42bisReq;
  1729 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iV42bisCodewordsNum=dataParamsV1.iV42bisCodewordsNum;
  1730 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iV42bisMaxStringLength=dataParamsV1.iV42bisMaxStringLength;
  1731 			}
  1733 		if (paramsV1.ExtensionId()==RMobileCall::KETelMobileHscsdCallParamsV1)
  1734 			{
  1735 			RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1Pckg* hscsdParamsPckgV1 = (RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1Pckg*)aCallParams;
  1736 			RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1& hscsdParamsV1 = (*hscsdParamsPckgV1)();
  1737 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iWantedAiur = hscsdParamsV1.iWantedAiur;
  1738 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iWantedRxTimeSlots = hscsdParamsV1.iWantedRxTimeSlots;
  1739 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iMaxTimeSlots = hscsdParamsV1.iMaxTimeSlots;
  1740 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iCodings = hscsdParamsV1.iCodings;
  1741 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iAsymmetry = hscsdParamsV1.iAsymmetry;
  1742 			iCallInfo.iCallParams.iUserInitUpgrade = hscsdParamsV1.iUserInitUpgrade;
  1743 			}
  1744 		}
  1745 	}
  1747 TInt CCallMobileData::AnswerIncomingCall(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams)
  1748 /**
  1749  * If there is no waiting call, will wait for one and then answer it.
  1750  * If there is a waiting call, will answer immediatly.
  1751  * Regardless of if there is a waiting call or not, the +CBST= command is sent immediatly.
  1752  */
  1753 	{
  1754 	const CCallBase::TCallOwnership owned = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1755 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
  1756 	if (owned==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)	// call owned by another client
  1757 		{
  1758 		ret=KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
  1759 		}
  1760 	else 
  1761 		{
  1762 		if (!iIsForIncomingCall)	
  1763 			{
  1764 			if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner())->CheckForOutstandingAnswer())
  1765 				ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1766 			}
  1767 		else
  1768 			ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  1769 		}
  1771 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  1772 		{
  1773 		CLineHayes* line = STATIC_CAST(CLineHayes*,Owner());
  1774 		STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,line->Owner())->CancelOtherRingingCall(line);
  1775 		line->FreePreAllocCallIfNecessary();
  1776 		SetDataCallParams(aCallParams);	
  1777 		if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging)
  1778 			{
  1779 			(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1780 			LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Answer command"));
  1782 			// Start the 'send CBST to phone' AT machine and pass the 
  1783 			// CATAnswerData object, so that the call is answered after 
  1784 			// the CBST is sent.
  1785 			iSetCBST->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,iAnswerData,&iCallInfo);
  1786 			}
  1787 		else	// This call is now a client-designated Incoming Call object.
  1788 			{
  1789 			iIsForIncomingCall=ETrue;
  1790 			iAnswerTsyReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
  1792 			// Start the 'send CBST to phone' AT machine. This state machine 
  1793 			// will not complete any client request.
  1794 			iSetCBST->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1795 			}
  1796 		return KErrNone;
  1797 		}
  1799 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  1800 	return KErrNone;
  1801 	}
  1804 TInt CCallMobileData::AnswerIncomingCallCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1805 	{
  1806 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Answer command"));
  1807 	if (iIsForIncomingCall)
  1808 		{
  1809 		iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;
  1810 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
  1811 		}
  1812 	else
  1813 		iAnswerData->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  1814 	return KErrNone;
  1815 	}
  1817 void CCallMobileData::AnswerImmediately()
  1818 	{
  1819 	(void)SetOwnership(iAnswerTsyReqHandle);
  1820 	// EStatusRinging always results in KErrNone return
  1821 	(void) ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusRinging);	// new 14/1/99
  1822 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,ERingOccurred);
  1823 	iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;	// this must be after the check notification as CNotifications
  1824 								// asks line for info about the call which Is For Incoming Call
  1825 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Answer command"));
  1826 	iAnswerData->ExecuteCommand(iAnswerTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1827 	}		
  1829 TInt CCallMobileData::Connect(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams)
  1830 //
  1831 //	Connect to an already dialled call
  1832 //
  1833 	{
  1834 	TInt ret = ValidateRequest(aTsyReqHandle,RCall::EStatusIdle);
  1835 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  1836 		{
  1837 		(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  1838 		SetCallParams(aCallParams);
  1839 		LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Immediate Connect command"));
  1840 		iConnectData->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1841 		}
  1842 	else
  1843 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  1844 	return KErrNone;
  1845 	}
  1847 TInt CCallMobileData::ConnectCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1848 //
  1849 //	Cancel immediate connect command
  1850 //
  1851 	{
  1852 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Connect command"));
  1853 	iConnectData->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  1854 	return KErrNone;
  1855 	}
  1857 TInt CCallMobileData::HangUp(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1858 //
  1859 //	Terminate a data call. If someone else owns call complete with error, but if no-one owns
  1860 //	it send an ATH anyway, as the connection may have failed and the user wants to ensure
  1861 //	call has hung up. Call Start() instead of ExecuteCommand() because there is no need to
  1862 //	initialise before doing this or to send the escape sequence - the hang up sequence drops
  1863 //	DTR anyway.
  1864 //
  1865 	{
  1866 	if (CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle)==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)
  1867 		{
  1868 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
  1869 		return KErrNone;
  1870 		}	
  1871 	if ((iCallInfo.iMobileStatus!=RMobileCall::EStatusIdle) &&
  1872 		(iCallInfo.iMobileStatus!=RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting))
  1873 		{
  1874 		LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Hang Up command"));
  1875 		iHangUpData->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1876 		return KErrNone;
  1877 		}
  1878 	else
  1879 		{
  1880 		// Call not in a state to be terminated - but return KErrNone
  1881 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  1882 		return KErrNone;
  1883 		}
  1884 	}
  1886 TInt CCallMobileData::HangUpCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  1887 //
  1888 //	Cancel the hang up command. 
  1889 //
  1890 	{
  1891 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tSubmitting Cancel Hang Up command"));
  1892 	iHangUpData->Stop(aTsyReqHandle);	
  1893 	return KErrNone;
  1894 	}
  1896 TInt CCallMobileData::RelinquishOwnership()
  1897 //
  1898 //	Called by server to tell TSY to either pass ownership on to another interested client
  1899 //	or hang up immediately. If call is currently connecting, RelinquishOwnershipComplete 
  1900 //	will be called once cancelling has finished.
  1901 //
  1902 	{
  1903 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataCall:\tRelinquish Ownership"));
  1904 	if(iList->iAcquireList.IsEmpty()) 
  1905 		{
  1906 		if (iDialData->IsPreConnectInProgress() ||
  1907 			iConnectData->IsPreConnectInProgress() ||
  1908 			iAnswerData->IsPreConnectInProgress())
  1909 			{
  1910 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1911 			return KErrNone;
  1912 			}
  1913 		switch(iCallInfo.iMobileStatus)
  1914 			{
  1915 		case RMobileCall::EStatusConnected:
  1916 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1917 			//iHangUpData->ExecuteCommand(0,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1918 			iQuickInit->CancelAndHangUp(&iCallInfo,iHangUpData);
  1919 			break;
  1920 		case RMobileCall::EStatusDialling:
  1921 		case RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting:
  1922 		case RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering:
  1923 		case RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting:
  1924 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1925 			break;
  1926 		default:
  1927 			if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus==EPhoneInitialising)
  1928 				iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  1929 			else
  1930 				RelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNone);
  1931 			break;
  1932 			}
  1933 		return KErrNone;
  1934 		}
  1935 	CAcquireEntry* entry=iList->iAcquireList.First();
  1936 	if (entry) 
  1937 		{
  1938 		(void)SetOwnership(entry->iTsyReqHandle);
  1939 		ReqCompleted(entry->iTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  1940 		iList->Remove(entry);
  1941 		}
  1942 	RelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNone);
  1943 	return KErrNone;
  1944 	}
  1946 TInt CCallMobileData::RecoverDataPortAndRelinquishOwnership()
  1947 //
  1948 //	Called by server to tell TSY to either pass ownership on to another interested client
  1949 //	after regaining control of the port and performing a swift initialisation,
  1950 //	or hang up immediately
  1951 //
  1952 	{
  1953 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataPort Recover and Relinquish Ownership"));
  1954 	iCallInfo.iLoanedToClient=EFalse;
  1955 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataPortLoaned = EFalse;
  1956 	if(iList->iAcquireList.IsEmpty())
  1957 		{
  1958 		(void)SetUnowned();
  1959 		iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredDuringDataPortLoan;
  1960 		iIo->Read();
  1961 		iHangUpData->ExecuteCommand(0,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  1962 		return KErrNone;
  1963 		}
  1964 	CAcquireEntry* entry=iList->iAcquireList.First();
  1965 	if (entry) 
  1966 		{
  1967 		(void)SetOwnership(entry->iTsyReqHandle);
  1968 		ReqCompleted(entry->iTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  1969 		iList->Remove(entry);
  1970 		iQuickInit->StartQuickInit();
  1971 		}
  1972 	RecoverDataPortAndRelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNone);
  1973 	return KErrNone;
  1974 	}
  1976 TInt CCallMobileData::LoanDataPort(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TCommPort* aCommPort)
  1977 //
  1978 //	Get the port info
  1979 //
  1980 	{
  1981 	LOGTEXT(_L8(" DataPort Loan"));
  1982 	if (CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle)!=CCallBase::EOwnedTrue)
  1983 		{
  1984 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
  1985 		return KErrNone;
  1986 		}	
  1987 	if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus != RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
  1988 		{
  1989 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelCallNotActive);
  1990 		return KErrNone;	
  1991 		}
  1992 	TInt ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->ConfigModemString(TPtrC(KCDTypeNameCsyName),aCommPort->iCsy);
  1993 	if (!ret)
  1994 		{
  1995 		ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->ConfigModemString(TPtrC(KCDTypeNamePortName),aCommPort->iPort);
  1996 		}
  1997 	if (ret)
  1998 		{
  1999 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  2000 		return KErrNone;
  2001 		}
  2002 	iCallInfo.iLoanedToClient = ETrue;
  2003 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataPortLoaned = ETrue;
  2004 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EDataPortLoaned);
  2005 	iWaitForNoCarrier->StopWait();
  2006 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iMode==RPhone::EModeOnlineCommand)
  2007 		iATSetToOnlineDataMode->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  2008 	else
  2009 		{
  2010 		iIo->Cancel();
  2011 		TCommConfig aConfigPckg;
  2012 		TInt ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->PortConfig(aConfigPckg,EConfigTypeFull);
  2013 		if (ret==KErrNone)
  2014 			ret = iIo->ConfigurePort(aConfigPckg);
  2015 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  2016 		}
  2017 	return KErrNone;
  2018 	}
  2020 TInt CCallMobileData::LoanDataPortCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2021 	{
  2022 	iATSetToOnlineDataMode->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  2023 	return KErrNone;
  2024 	}
  2026 TInt CCallMobileData::RecoverDataPort(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2027 //
  2028 //	Take back control of data port
  2029 //	Check that call had been loaned to client
  2030 //
  2031 	{
  2032 	if (iCallInfo.iLoanedToClient==EFalse)
  2033 		{
  2034 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelPortNotLoanedToClient);	
  2035 		return KErrNone;
  2036 		}	
  2037 	TCallOwnership owner = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  2038 	if (owner!=CCallBase::EOwnedTrue && owner!=CCallBase::EOwnedPriorityClient)
  2039 		{
  2040 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
  2041 		return KErrNone;
  2042 		}	
  2043 	LOGTEXT(_L8("DataPort Recover"));
  2044 	iCallInfo.iLoanedToClient=EFalse;
  2045 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataPortLoaned = EFalse;
  2046 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Comm signals : %x"),iIo->Signals());
  2047  	iIo->ResetReadAndWriteBuffers();	// in case client has left RxBuffer non-empty
  2048 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Comm signals after ResetBuffers : %x"),iIo->Signals());
  2049 	FlowControlSuspend();			// Defect fix for MPO-4ZECUN
  2050 	iQuickInit->StartQuickInit();
  2051 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  2052 	return KErrNone;
  2053 	}
  2055 // local function needed below
  2057 LOCAL_C void SetFaxSessionSettings(RCall::TFaxSessionSettings& aTrg, const RCall::TFaxSessionSettings& aSrc)
  2058 	{
  2059 	aTrg.iMode=aSrc.iMode;
  2060 	aTrg.iFaxRetrieveType=aSrc.iFaxRetrieveType;
  2061 	aTrg.iFaxClass=aSrc.iFaxClass;
  2062 	aTrg.iFaxId=aSrc.iFaxId;
  2063 	aTrg.iMaxSpeed=aSrc.iMaxSpeed;
  2064 	aTrg.iMinSpeed=aSrc.iMinSpeed;
  2065 	aTrg.iPreferredECM=aSrc.iPreferredECM;
  2066 	aTrg.iFaxOnDemandDelay=aSrc.iFaxOnDemandDelay;
  2067 	aTrg.iTxResolution=aSrc.iTxResolution;
  2068 	aTrg.iTxCompression=aSrc.iTxCompression;
  2069 	aTrg.iTxPages=aSrc.iTxPages;
  2070 	aTrg.iRxResolution=aSrc.iRxResolution;
  2071 	aTrg.iRxResolution=aSrc.iRxResolution;
  2072 	}
  2074 //
  2075 //	CCallMobileFax - fax call functionality
  2076 //	At construction, phone init sequence may not have yet determined phone's capabilities so
  2077 //	create object anyway and check in the function calls whether fax is supported by phone
  2078 //
  2080 CCallMobileFax* CCallMobileFax::NewL(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals,const TName& aName)
  2081 	{
  2082 	CCallMobileFax* faxCall=new(ELeave) CCallMobileFax(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals);
  2083 	TCleanupItem newCallFaxHayesClose(CloseCall,faxCall);
  2084 	CleanupStack::PushL(newCallFaxHayesClose);
  2085 	faxCall->ConstructL(aName);
  2086 	CleanupStack::Pop();
  2087 	return faxCall;
  2088 	}
  2090 CCallMobileFax::CCallMobileFax(CATIO* aATIO,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
  2091 	: CCallMobile(aATIO,aInit,aPhoneGlobals),iFaxSession(NULL),iFax(NULL)
  2092 	{}
  2094 void CCallMobileFax::ConstructL(const TName& aName)
  2095 	{
  2096 	CCallHayes::ConstructL(aName);
  2097 	iCallInfo.iLineOwnerName = KFaxLineName;
  2098 	iDialFax=CATDialFax::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  2099 	iConnectFax=CATConnectFax::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  2100 	iAnswerFax=CATAnswerFax::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  2101 	iHangUpFax=CATHangUpFax::NewL(iIo,this,iInit,iPhoneGlobals);
  2102 	iFaxSettings.iMode = RCall::ETransmit;
  2103 	iFaxSettings.iFaxRetrieveType = RCall::EFaxOnDemand;
  2104 	iFaxSettings.iFaxClass = EClassAuto;
  2105 	iFaxSettings.iMaxSpeed = 9600;
  2106 	iFaxSettings.iMinSpeed = 2400;
  2107 	iFaxSettings.iPreferredECM = EFalse;
  2108 	iFaxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay = 20;
  2109 	iFaxSettings.iTxResolution = EFaxNormal;
  2110 	iFaxSettings.iTxCompression = EModifiedHuffman;
  2111 	iFaxSettings.iTxPages = 0;
  2112 	iFaxSettings.iRxResolution = EFaxNormal;
  2113 	iFaxSettings.iRxCompression = EModifiedHuffman;
  2114 	iFaxCompletion = new (ELeave) CFaxCompletion();
  2115 	iFaxProgress=CreateFaxProgressChunk();
  2116 	if(iFaxProgress==NULL)
  2117 		User::Leave(KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated);
  2118 	}
  2120 CCallMobileFax::~CCallMobileFax()
  2121 //
  2122 //	Removes itself from array of calls in CLineMobileData
  2123 //
  2124 	{
  2125 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iFaxSession==NULL,Panic(EFaxServerNotNull));
  2126 	DeleteFaxProgressChunk();		// This deallocates the memory pointed to by iFaxProgress
  2127 	delete iDialFax;
  2128 	delete iConnectFax;
  2129 	delete iAnswerFax;
  2130 	delete iHangUpFax;	
  2131 	delete iFaxCompletion;
  2132 	delete iFileHandles;
  2133 	}
  2135 void CCallMobileFax::CollateCoreCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TUint32* aCallCaps)
  2136 	{
  2137 	*aCallCaps = RCall::KCapsFax;
  2138 	if (ValidateFaxClass(iFaxSettings.iFaxClass)==KErrNone
  2139 		 && (!(REINTERPRET_CAST(CLineMobileFax*,Owner())->iFaxOpened==TRUE && iFax==NULL))
  2140 		 && iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iModemDetected==RPhone::EDetectedPresent)
  2141 		 //	check that fax class is OK and that no other fax call has opened a fax object
  2142 		{
  2143 		TCallOwnership owner = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  2144 		if (ValidateRequest(aTsyReqHandle,RCall::EStatusIdle)==KErrNone)
  2145 			*aCallCaps |= (RCall::KCapsDial | RCall::KCapsConnect);
  2146 		TInt ret=KErrNone;
  2147 		if (owner==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)	// call owned by another client
  2148 			ret=KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
  2149 		else 
  2150 			{
  2151 			if (!iIsForIncomingCall)	
  2152 				{
  2153 				if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner())->CheckForOutstandingAnswer())
  2154 					ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  2155 				}
  2156 			else
  2157 				ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  2158 			}
  2159 		if (ret==KErrNone && (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle || iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging))
  2160 			*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsAnswer;
  2161 		if (owner==CCallBase::EOwnedTrue && iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
  2162 			{
  2163 			*aCallCaps |= RCall::KCapsHangUp;
  2164 			}
  2165 		}
  2166 	}
  2168 TInt CCallMobileFax::OpenFax(TDesC* aTelNumber,TFaxMode aFaxMode)
  2169 //
  2170 //	Open CETelFaxHayes object with desired settings
  2171 //
  2172 	{
  2173 	TFaxServerSessionSettings faxSettings;
  2174 	faxSettings.iPhoneNumber.Copy(*aTelNumber);
  2175 	faxSettings.iLogging = ETrue;
  2176 	TInt ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->ConfigModemString(TPtrC(KCDTypeNameFaxInitString),faxSettings.iFaxInitString);
  2177 	if (!ret)
  2178 		{
  2179 		ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->ConfigModemString(TPtrC(KCDTypeNameCsyName),faxSettings.iPortDriverName);
  2180 		}
  2181 	if (!ret)
  2182 		{
  2183 		ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->ConfigModemString(TPtrC(KCDTypeNamePortName),faxSettings.iCommPortName);
  2184 		}
  2185 	if (ret)
  2186 		return ret;
  2187 	if(faxSettings.iFaxInitString.Length()==0)
  2188 		faxSettings.iFaxInitString=KAT2Command;			
  2189 	faxSettings.iMode = aFaxMode;
  2190 	faxSettings.iFaxClass = iFaxSettings.iFaxClass;
  2191 	faxSettings.iFaxId = iFaxSettings.iFaxId;
  2192 	faxSettings.iMaxSpeed = iFaxSettings.iMaxSpeed;
  2193 	faxSettings.iMinSpeed = iFaxSettings.iMinSpeed;
  2194 	faxSettings.iPreferredECM = iFaxSettings.iPreferredECM;
  2195 	faxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay = iFaxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay;
  2196 	faxSettings.iTxResolution = iFaxSettings.iTxResolution;
  2197 	faxSettings.iTxCompression = iFaxSettings.iTxCompression;
  2198 	faxSettings.iTxPages = iFaxSettings.iTxPages;
  2199 	faxSettings.iRxResolution = iFaxSettings.iRxResolution;
  2200 	faxSettings.iRxCompression = iFaxSettings.iRxCompression;
  2201 	return iFaxSession->FxOpen(faxSettings,iFaxProgress);
  2202 	}
  2204 TInt CCallMobileFax::ValidateFaxClass(TFaxClass& aFaxClass)
  2205 	{
  2206 	if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & KFaxCaps) == 0)
  2207 		{
  2208 		return KErrNotSupported;
  2209 		}
  2210 	switch (aFaxClass)
  2211 		{
  2212 	case EClassAuto:		// TSY decides what class "AUTO" refers to!
  2213 		{
  2214 		if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwoPointZero))
  2215 			aFaxClass =  EClass2point0;
  2216 		else if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwo)) 
  2217 			aFaxClass = EClass2;
  2218 		else if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassOne))
  2219 			aFaxClass = EClass1;
  2220 		break;
  2221 		}
  2222 	case EClass1:
  2223 		if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassOne)==0)
  2224 			return KErrEtelWrongModemType;
  2225 		break;
  2226 	case EClass1point0:
  2227 		if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassOnePointZero)==0)
  2228 			return KErrEtelWrongModemType;
  2229 		break;
  2230 	case EClass2:
  2231 		if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwo)==0)
  2232 			return KErrEtelWrongModemType;
  2233 		break;
  2234 	case EClass2point0:
  2235 		if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwoPointZero)==0)
  2236 			return KErrEtelWrongModemType;
  2237 		break;
  2238 	case EClass2point1:
  2239 		if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwoPointOne)==0)
  2240 			return KErrEtelWrongModemType;
  2241 		break;
  2242 	default:
  2243 		return KErrEtelWrongModemType;
  2244 		}
  2245 	return KErrNone;
  2246 	}
  2248 typedef CFaxSession* (*TFaxServerEntry)();
  2249 void CCallMobileFax::GetFaxBaseL()
  2250 	{
  2251 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iFaxCompletion,Panic(EFaxCompletionPtrNull));
  2252 	RFs fs;
  2253 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
  2255 	TInt r=iFaxServerLib.Load(KFaxServerName);
  2256 	if (r==KErrNone)
  2257 		{
  2258 		// Check the Uid2
  2259 #if defined (_UNICODE)
  2260 		if(iFaxServerLib.Type()[1]!=TUid::Uid(KUidUnicodeDynamicFaxServer))
  2261 			r = KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint;
  2262 #else
  2263 		if(iFaxServerLib.Type()[1]!=TUid::Uid(KUidDynamicFaxServer))
  2264 			r = KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint;
  2265 #endif
  2266 		if (r==KErrNone)
  2267 			{	
  2268 			TFaxServerEntry libEntry=(TFaxServerEntry)iFaxServerLib.Lookup(1);
  2269 			if (libEntry!=NULL)
  2270 				{
  2271 				TRAP(r,iFaxSession=(*libEntry)());	// libEntry may leave.
  2272 				if (r==KErrNone)
  2273 					{
  2274 					LOGTEXT(_L8("Loaded Fax Server"));
  2275 					iFaxSession->SetCallBack(iFaxCompletion);
  2276 					}
  2277 				else
  2278 					iFaxServerLib.Close();
  2279 				}
  2280 			else
  2281 				{
  2282 				r = KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint;
  2283 				iFaxServerLib.Close();
  2284 				}
  2285 			}
  2286 		else
  2287 			iFaxServerLib.Close();
  2288 		}
  2289 	fs.Close();
  2290 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(r);
  2291 	}
  2293 TInt CCallMobileFax::FaxConnectHandler(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2294 	{
  2295 	TInt ret = ValidateFaxClass(iFaxSettings.iFaxClass);
  2296 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
  2297 		{
  2298 		(void)SetUnowned();
  2299 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  2300 		return ret;
  2301 		}
  2302 	if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CLineMobileFax*,Owner())->iFaxOpened==TRUE && iFax==NULL)
  2303 		{
  2304 		(void)SetUnowned();
  2305 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotFaxOwner);
  2306 		return ret;
  2307 		}
  2309 	TRAPD(res,GetFaxBaseL());
  2310 	if (res!=KErrNone)
  2311 		{
  2312 		(void)SetUnowned();
  2313 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,res);
  2314 		}
  2315 	iPhoneGlobals->iEventSignalActive = EFalse; 
  2316 	return res;
  2317 	}
  2319 void CCallMobileFax::FaxDial(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TDesC* aTelNumber)
  2320 //
  2321 //	Called once any initialising has been done. Checks here that modem supports fax,
  2322 //	and that no other CCallHayes has opened a fax object
  2323 //
  2324 	{
  2325 	if (FaxConnectHandler(aTsyReqHandle)!=KErrNone)	// ReqCompleted is called inside FaxConnectHandler
  2326 													// if there is an error
  2327 		return;
  2328 	TFaxMode faxMode;
  2329 	if (iFaxSettings.iMode==RCall::ETransmit)
  2330 		{
  2331 		faxMode = EDialAndTransmit;
  2332 		}
  2333 	else	// we're receiving
  2334 		{
  2335 		if (iFaxSettings.iFaxRetrieveType==RCall::EFaxPoll)
  2336 			faxMode = EDialAndReceivePoll;
  2337 		else 
  2338 			faxMode = EDialAndReceiveFaxBack;
  2339 		}
  2340 	TInt res = OpenFax(aTelNumber,faxMode);
  2341 	if (res!=KErrNone)	// make sure cleaned up.
  2342 		{
  2343 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,res);
  2344 		return;
  2345 		}
  2346 	ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusDialling);
  2347 	// EStatusDialling always results in KErrNone return
  2348 	(void) ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusDialling);
  2349 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EBegunConnecting);
  2350 	iFaxCompletion->Configure(aTsyReqHandle,this);
  2351 	iIo->Cancel();
  2352 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iPortAccess = EPortAccessDenied; // so CATIO won't queue a read
  2354 	if (faxMode == EDialAndTransmit)
  2355 		{
  2356 		LOGTEXT(_L8("About to call CETelFaxBase::TxConnect"));
  2357 		//this transfers ownership of the file handles object to the fax session object.
  2358 		iFaxSession->SetFaxHeaderFile(iFileHandles);
  2359 		//we now aren't resonsible for its deletion.
  2360 		iFileHandles = NULL;
  2361 		iFaxSession->TxConnect();
  2362 		}
  2363 	else
  2364 		{
  2365 		LOGTEXT(_L8("About to call CETelFaxBase::RxConnect"));
  2366 		iFaxSession->RxConnect();
  2367 		}
  2368 	}
  2370 TInt CCallMobileFax::Dial(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams,TDesC* aTelNumber)
  2371 //
  2372 //	Dial a fax call
  2373 //	Check that call is not owned by another client, and line is idle  
  2374 //
  2375 	{
  2376 	TInt ret = ValidateRequest(aTsyReqHandle,RCall::EStatusIdle);
  2377 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  2378 		{
  2379 		(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  2380 		SetCallParams(aCallParams);
  2381 		LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tSubmitting Dial Command"));
  2382 		iDialFax->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,aTelNumber,&iCallInfo);
  2383 		}
  2384 	else
  2385 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  2386 	return KErrNone;
  2387 	}
  2389 void CCallMobileFax::FaxCancelCommand(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2390 //
  2391 //	Cancels the fax session (for ConnectCancel and AnswerCancel as well)
  2392 //
  2393 	{
  2394 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tCancel Fax call and Unload module"));
  2395 	if(!iFaxSession)							// if iFaxSession is NULL
  2396 		{										// then CleanUpFaxServer has already been called
  2397 		LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tModule already unloaded, completing..."));
  2398 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);	// so return without further processing
  2399 		return;
  2400 		}
  2402 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tClosing down fax server module"));
  2403 	iFaxSession->Cancel();
  2404 	CleanUpFaxServer();
  2405 	iIo->Read();
  2406 	SetToIdle();
  2407 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
  2408 	}
  2410 TInt CCallMobileFax::DialCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2411 	{
  2412 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("FaxCall:\tDialCancel(%d) called"),aTsyReqHandle);
  2413 	iDialFax->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  2414 	return KErrNone;
  2415 	}
  2417 void CCallMobileFax::FaxConnect(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2418 //
  2419 //	Called once any initialising has been done. Checks here that modem supports fax.
  2420 //
  2421 	{
  2422 	if (FaxConnectHandler(aTsyReqHandle)!=KErrNone)
  2423 		return;
  2424 	TFaxMode faxMode;
  2425 	if (iFaxSettings.iMode==RCall::ETransmit)
  2426 		faxMode = EImmediateTransmit;
  2427 	else
  2428 		faxMode = EImmediateReceive;
  2429 	TBuf<1> null;
  2430 	null.Zero();
  2431 	TInt res = OpenFax(&null,faxMode);
  2432 	if (res!=KErrNone)
  2433 		{
  2434 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,res);
  2435 		return;
  2436 		}
  2437 	ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusConnecting);
  2438 	// EStatusConnecting always returns KErrNone
  2439 	(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting);
  2440 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EBegunConnecting);
  2441 	iFaxCompletion->Configure(aTsyReqHandle,this);
  2442 	iIo->Cancel();
  2443 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iPortAccess = EPortAccessDenied; // so CATIO won't queue a read
  2444 	if (faxMode == EImmediateTransmit)
  2445 		iFaxSession->TxConnect();
  2446 	else
  2447 		iFaxSession->RxConnect();
  2448 	}
  2450 TInt CCallMobileFax::Connect(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams)
  2451 //
  2452 //	Immediate connect to a fax call
  2453 //	Check that call is not owned by another client, and line is idle  
  2454 //
  2455 	{
  2456 	TInt ret = ValidateRequest(aTsyReqHandle,RCall::EStatusIdle);
  2457 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  2458 		{
  2459 		(void)SetOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  2460 		SetCallParams(aCallParams);
  2461 		LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tSubmitting Connect Command"));
  2462 		iConnectFax->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  2463 		}
  2464 	else
  2465 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  2466 	return KErrNone;
  2467 	}
  2469 TInt CCallMobileFax::ConnectCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2470 	{
  2471 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("FaxCall:\tConnectCancel(%d) called"),aTsyReqHandle);
  2472 	iConnectFax->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  2473 	return KErrNone;
  2474 	}
  2476 void CCallMobileFax::FaxAnswer(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2477 	{
  2478 	if (FaxConnectHandler(aTsyReqHandle)!=KErrNone)
  2479 		return;
  2480 	TFaxMode faxMode;
  2481 	if (iFaxSettings.iMode==RCall::ETransmit)
  2482 		faxMode = EWaitForRingAndTransmit;
  2483 	else
  2484 		faxMode = EWaitForRingAndReceive;
  2485 	TBuf<1> null;
  2486 	null.Zero();
  2487 	TInt res = OpenFax(&null,faxMode);
  2488 	if (res!=KErrNone)
  2489 		{
  2490 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,res);
  2491 		return;
  2492 		}
  2493 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tAnswering Fax call"));
  2494 	ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusAnswering);
  2495 	// EStatusAnswering always results in KerrNone return
  2496 	(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering);
  2497 	CPhoneHayes* phone=STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner());
  2498 	phone->StopRingCounter();		// RING should no longer come in
  2499 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EBegunConnecting);
  2500 	iFaxCompletion->Configure(aTsyReqHandle,this);
  2501 	iIo->Cancel();
  2502 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iPortAccess = EPortAccessDenied; // so CATIO won't queue a read
  2503 	if (faxMode == EWaitForRingAndTransmit)
  2504 		iFaxSession->TxConnect();
  2505 	else
  2506 		iFaxSession->RxConnect();
  2507 	}
  2509 TInt CCallMobileFax::AnswerIncomingCall(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aCallParams)
  2510 //
  2511 //	Answer a fax call
  2512 //
  2513 	{
  2514 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
  2515 	CCallBase::TCallOwnership owned = CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle);
  2516 	if (owned==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)	// call owned by another client
  2517 		{
  2518 		ret=KErrEtelNotCallOwner;
  2519 		}
  2520 	else if (REINTERPRET_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,Owner()->Owner())->CheckForOutstandingAnswer())
  2521 		ret=KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
  2523 	if (ret==KErrNone)
  2524 		{
  2525 		CLineHayes* line = STATIC_CAST(CLineHayes*,Owner());
  2526 		CPhoneHayes* phone=STATIC_CAST(CPhoneHayes*,line->Owner());
  2527 		phone->CancelOtherRingingCall(line);
  2528 		line->FreePreAllocCallIfNecessary();
  2529 		SetCallParams(aCallParams);
  2530 		if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging)
  2531 			{
  2532 			LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tSubmitting Answer Command"));
  2533 			iAnswerFax->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  2534 			}
  2535 		else	// This call is now a client-designated Incoming Call object.
  2536 			{
  2537 			iIsForIncomingCall=ETrue;
  2538 			iAnswerTsyReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
  2539 			}
  2540 		return KErrNone;
  2541 		}
  2542 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,ret);
  2543 	return KErrNone;
  2544 	}
  2546 TInt CCallMobileFax::AnswerIncomingCallCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2547 //
  2548 //	Cancel the answer command if possible
  2549 //
  2550 	{
  2551 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("FaxCall:\tAnswerCancel(%d) called"),aTsyReqHandle);
  2552 	if (iIsForIncomingCall)
  2553 		{
  2554 		iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;
  2555 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
  2556 		}
  2557 	else
  2558 		iAnswerFax->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  2559 	return KErrNone;
  2560 	}
  2562 void CCallMobileFax::AnswerImmediately()
  2563 	{
  2564 	(void)SetOwnership(iAnswerTsyReqHandle);
  2565 	// EStatusRinging always results in KErrNone return
  2566 	(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusRinging);// new 14/1/99
  2567 	iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,ERingOccurred);
  2568 	iIsForIncomingCall=EFalse;
  2569 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tSubmitting Answer command"));
  2570 	iAnswerFax->ExecuteCommand(iAnswerTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  2571 	}		
  2573 void CCallMobileFax::FaxHangUp(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2574 //
  2575 //	Fax server reconfigures port so no need to here.
  2576 //
  2577 	{
  2578 	if (iFaxSession)
  2579 		{
  2580 		// EStatusDisconnecting always results in KErrNone return
  2581 		(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting);
  2582 		ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusHangingUp);
  2583 		iPhoneGlobals->iNotificationStore->CheckNotification(this,EBegunHangingUp);
  2584 		CleanUpFaxServer();
  2585 		iIo->Read();
  2586 		SetToIdle();
  2587 		}
  2588 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  2589 	}
  2591 TInt CCallMobileFax::HangUp(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2592 //
  2593 //	Terminate a fax call. Checks fax capability, call ownership and line status.
  2594 //
  2595 	{
  2596 	if ((iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags & KFaxCaps) == 0)
  2597 		{
  2598 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  2599 		return KErrNone;
  2600 		}
  2601 	if (CheckOwnership(aTsyReqHandle)==CCallBase::EOwnedFalse)
  2602 		{
  2603 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
  2604 		return KErrNone;
  2605 		}	
  2606 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLineStatus != RCall::EStatusConnected)
  2607 		{
  2608 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  2609 		return KErrNone;
  2610 		}
  2611 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tHanging up"));
  2612 	iHangUpFax->ExecuteCommand(aTsyReqHandle,NULL,&iCallInfo);
  2613 	return KErrNone;
  2614 	}
  2616 TInt CCallMobileFax::HangUpCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
  2617 	{
  2618 	iHangUpFax->CancelCommand(aTsyReqHandle);
  2619 	return KErrNone;
  2620 	}
  2622 TInt CCallMobileFax::RelinquishOwnership()
  2623 //
  2624 //	Called by server to tell TSY to either pass ownership on to another interested client
  2625 //	or hang up immediately
  2626 //
  2627 	{
  2628 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tRelinquish Ownership"));
  2629 	if(iList->iAcquireList.IsEmpty()) 
  2630 		{
  2631 		if (iDialFax->IsPreConnectInProgress()	  ||
  2632 			iConnectFax->IsPreConnectInProgress() ||
  2633 			iAnswerFax->IsPreConnectInProgress())	// fax server has not yet been started
  2634 			{
  2635 			iCallInfo.iClientPanicOccurred = EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan;
  2636 			return KErrNone;
  2637 			}
  2638 		(void)SetUnowned();
  2639 		TInt ret = KErrNone;
  2640 		if (iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusDialling		||
  2641 			 iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting	||
  2642 			 iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering		||
  2643 			 iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected		||
  2644 			 iCallInfo.iMobileStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting
  2645 			 )
  2646 			{
  2647 			LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tHanging up"));
  2648 			ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusHangingUp);
  2649 			// EStatusDisconnecting always results in KErrNone return
  2650 			(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting);
  2651 			CleanUpFaxServer();
  2652 			ChangeLineStatus(RCall::EStatusIdle);
  2653 			// EStatusIdle always results in KErrNone return
  2654 			(void)ChangeCallStatus(RMobileCall::EStatusIdle);
  2655 			iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iMode = RPhone::EModeIdle;
  2656 			iIo->Cancel();
  2657 			TCommConfig aConfigPckg;
  2658 			TInt ret = iPhoneGlobals->iConfiguration->PortConfig(aConfigPckg,EConfigTypeInit);
  2659 			if (ret==KErrNone)
  2660 				ret = iIo->ConfigurePort(aConfigPckg);
  2661 			if (ret)
  2662 				iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus = EPhoneNotInitialised;
  2663 			else
  2664 				iIo->Read();			// should a read be queued in this case?
  2665 			}
  2666 		RelinquishOwnershipCompleted(ret);
  2667 		return KErrNone;
  2668 		}
  2669 	CAcquireEntry* entry=iList->iAcquireList.First();
  2670 	if (entry) 
  2671 		{
  2672 		(void)SetOwnership(entry->iTsyReqHandle);
  2673 		ReqCompleted(entry->iTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  2674 		iList->Remove(entry);
  2675 		}
  2676 	RelinquishOwnershipCompleted(KErrNone);
  2677 	return KErrNone;
  2678 	}
  2680 TInt CCallMobileFax::GetFaxSettings(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::TFaxSessionSettings* aSettings)
  2681 //
  2682 //	Which are stored privately in CCallMobileFax
  2683 //
  2684 	{	
  2685 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tGetting fax settings"));
  2686 	SetFaxSessionSettings(*aSettings,iFaxSettings);
  2687 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  2688 	return KErrNone;
  2689 	}
  2691 TInt CCallMobileFax::SetFaxSettings(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const RCall::TFaxSessionSettings* aSettings)
  2692 	{	
  2693 	LOGTEXT(_L8("FaxCall:\tSetting fax settings"));
  2694 	TUint phoneCaps = iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iDataAndFaxFlags;
  2695 	if (aSettings->iFaxClass==EClass1 && (phoneCaps&RPhone::KCapsFaxClassOne) ||
  2696 		aSettings->iFaxClass==EClass2 && (phoneCaps&RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwo) ||
  2697 		aSettings->iFaxClass==EClass2point0 && (phoneCaps&RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwoPointZero) ||
  2698 		aSettings->iFaxClass==EClass1point0 && (phoneCaps&RPhone::KCapsFaxClassOnePointZero) ||
  2699 		aSettings->iFaxClass==EClass2point1 && (phoneCaps&RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwoPointOne)  ||
  2700 		aSettings->iFaxClass==EClassAuto)
  2701 		{
  2702 		SetFaxSessionSettings(iFaxSettings,*aSettings);
  2703 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
  2704 		}
  2705 	else if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iInitStatus!=EPhoneInitialised)
  2706 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability);
  2707 	else
  2708 		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
  2709 	return KErrNone;
  2710 	}
  2712 TInt CCallMobileFax::SetFaxSharedHeaderFile(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, CFaxSharedFileHandles* aFaxSharedFileHandles)
  2713 	{
  2714 	//if we already own an object delete and re-point to new one.
  2715 	if(iFileHandles)
  2716 		{
  2717 		delete iFileHandles;
  2718 		iFileHandles = NULL;
  2719 		}
  2720 	iFileHandles = aFaxSharedFileHandles;	
  2722 	ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);	
  2723 	return KErrNone;
  2724 	}
  2726 CTelObject* CCallMobileFax::OpenNewObjectByNameL(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
  2727 //
  2728 //	Only want one CFaxHayes object to be opened per phone.
  2729 //	Previously only the connected call could open a CFaxHayes object, so it was easy to check
  2730 //	whether one had already been opened. Now a fax call can open a fax object at any time
  2731 //	making it less clear how to check that no other call has opened one.
  2732 //
  2733 	{
  2734 	if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLineStatus != GetCoreCallStatus())
  2735 		{	// ie another fax call is in progress so this call cannot open a fax object
  2736 		User::Leave(KErrEtelNotCallOwner);
  2737 		}
  2738 	TBool& faxOpened = REINTERPRET_CAST(CLineMobileFax*,Owner())->iFaxOpened;
  2739 	if (faxOpened==TRUE)
  2740 		{
  2741 		User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
  2742 		}
  2743 	faxOpened=ETrue;
  2744 	iFax = CFaxHayes::NewL(this,iPhoneGlobals);
  2745 	return iFax;
  2746 	}
  2748 void CCallMobileFax::RemoveFax(CFaxHayes* aFaxHayes)
  2749 	{
  2750 	if (iFax == aFaxHayes)
  2751 		iFax=NULL;
  2752 	REINTERPRET_CAST(CLineMobileFax*,Owner())->iFaxOpened=EFalse;
  2753 	}
  2755 void CCallMobileFax::CleanUpFaxServer()
  2756 	{
  2757 	LOGTEXT(_L8("Closing down Fax Server"));
  2758 	(void)iFaxSession->FxClose();
  2759 	iFaxServerLib.Close();
  2760 	iFaxSession = NULL;
  2761 	iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iPortAccess = EPortAccessAllowed; 
  2762 	iPhoneGlobals->iEventSignalActive = EFalse;				
  2763 	}