changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 * Name        : CSatTsy.h
    16 * Part of     : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
    17 * Main entry point for Etel requests
    18 * Version     : 1.0    
    19 *
    20 */
    24 #ifndef CSATTSY_H
    25 #define CSATTSY_H
    27 //  INCLUDES
    28 #include <e32base.h>				// Etel base
    29 #include <etelsat.h>				// Etel sat
    30 #include <ctsy/serviceapi/ctsysatmessagingbase.h>	// SatMessaging Base class 
    32 #include "CSatTimer.h"				// SatTimer class
    33 // CONSTANTS 
    34 // Max address length
    35 const TUint8 KAddrMaxLength = 255;
    36 const TUint8 KCountryCodeLength = 3;
    39 class CMmPhoneTsy;
    40 class CMmSmsTsy;
    41 class CSatMessageRouterBase;
    42 class CSatCCTsy;
    43 class CSatIconTsy;
    44 class CMmMessageRouterBase;
    45 class CMmMessageManagerBase;
    46 class CMmMessageManager;
    47 class CSatTsyReqHandleStore;
    48 class CSatNotificationsTsy;
    49 class CSatDataDownloadTsy;
    50 class CSatEventDownloadTsy;
    51 class CTsySatMessaging;
    53 class MMessageRouter;
    54 class MCtsySatService;
    55 class MmMessageManagerCallback;
    59 // SAT TSY class.
    60 //
    61 // This class is a main entry point for all the requests coming from Etel.
    62 // The requests are routed to specific Tsy if such exists, otherwise the 
    63 // request is handled here by calling the corresponding method directly.
    64 // e.g. SMS message sending and menu selection SAT features are handled here.
    65 // The functions that are not supported are completed at arrival.
    67 /*
    68 *  @lib Commonsimatktsy
    69 *  @since 3.1
    70 */
    71 NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( CSatTsy ) : public CTsySatMessagingBase
    72     {
    73     public: // Enumerations
    75         enum TSatRequestTypes
    76             {
    77             ESatReqHandleUnknown, // 0
    78             ESatNotifyDisplayTextPCmdReqType,
    79             ESatNotifyProactiveSimSessionEndReqType,
    80             ESatNotifyGetInkeyPCmdReqType,
    81 			ESatNotifyGetInputPCmdReqType,
    82 			ESatNotifyPlayTonePCmdReqType,
    83 			ESatNotifySetUpMenuPCmdReqType,
    84 			ESatNotifySelectItemPCmdReqType,
    85 			ESatNotifySendSmPCmdReqType,
    86 			ESatNotifySendSsPCmdReqType,
    87 			ESatNotifySetUpEventListPCmdReqType,
    88             ESatNotifySendDtmfPCmdReqType,
    89             ESatNotifyPollingOffPCmdReqType,
    90             ESatNotifyPollIntervalPCmdReqType,
    91 			ESatNotifySendUssdPCmdReqType,
    92 			ESatNotifySetUpIdleModeTextPCmdReqType,
    93 			ESatNotifyLaunchBrowserPCmdReqType,
    94 			ESatNotifyCallControlRequestPCmdReqType,
    95             ESatNotifySetUpCallPCmdReqType,
    96             ESatNotifyLanguageNotificationPCmdReqType,
    97             ESatNotifyLocalInfoPCmdReqType,
    98             ESatNotifyRefreshPCmdReqType,
    99             ESatNotifyRefreshRequiredPCmdReqType,
   100             ESatNotifyOpenChannelPCmdReqType,
   101             ESatNotifyGetChannelStatusPCmdReqType,
   102             ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType,
   103             ESatNotifyCloseChannelPCmdReqType,
   104             ESatNotifySendDataPCmdReqType,
   105             ESatNotifyReceiveDataPCmdReqType,
   106             ESatGetIconReqType,
   107 		    ESatGetImageInstanceReqType,
   108 		    ESatGetClutReqType,
   109 			ESatTerminalRspReqType,
   110 			ESatSendMessageNoLoggingReqType,
   111             // ATTENTION:: Declare constant for those requests that need
   112             // own request handle record in iSatTsyReqHandleStore above the
   113             // following!
   114             ESatMaxNumOfRequests
   115             };
   117     	/*
   118         * This structure contains data needed for LocationStatus
   119         * envelope. (used by EventDownload and MoSmContol)
   120         */
   121         struct TLocationStatusEnvelope 
   122             {
   123             TUint8 iLocationStatus;  // Location satus
   124             TBuf8<KCountryCodeLength> iCountryCode;     // Country code
   125             TUint16 iLocationAreaCode;// Location area code
   126             TUint16 iCellId;          // Cell id
   127             };
   129     public:  // Constructors and destructor
   131         /**
   132         * Two-phased constructor.
   133         * @param aMmPhoneTsy: Pointer to TSY phone object 
   134         * @param aMmMessageRouter: Pointer to Message router base in Common TSY
   135         * @param aName: Sat application fixed name
   136         * @param aTsySatMessaging: SAT messaging pointer
   137         * @return CSatTsy        
   138         */
   139         static CSatTsy* NewL( MMessageRouter& aMmMessageRouter, MCtsySatService& aSatService);
   141         /**
   142         * Destructor.
   143         */
   144         ~CSatTsy();
   146     private:
   148         /**
   149         * C++ default constructor.
   150         * @param aMmPhone: Pointer to TSY phone object 
   151         * @param aName: Sat application fixed name
   152         * @param aTsySatMessaging: Sat messaging pointer
   153         */
   154         CSatTsy( MMessageRouter& aMmMessageRouter, MCtsySatService& SatService);
   156     	/**
   157         * By default EPOC constructor is private.
   158         * @param aMmPhoneTsy: Pointer to TSY phone object 
   159         */
   160         void ConstructL();
   162     public: // Functions from base classes
   164         /**
   165         * Command handler for Etel messages.
   166         * @param aTsyReqHandle: Tsy request handle
   167         * @param aIpc: command identifier
   168         * @param aPackage: Data pointer
   169         * @return status
   170         */
   171         TInt ExtFunc( const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
   172 			const TInt aIpc, const TDataPackage& aPackage );
   174         /**
   175         * Saves the request type to request handle table
   176         * @param aTsyReqHandle: Tsy request handle
   177         * @param aSatRequestType: Request type to be saved
   178         */
   179         void SaveReqHandle( const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
   180 			const TSatRequestTypes aSatRequestType );
   182         /**
   183         * ReqMode method for checking what modes this component supports
   184         * @param aIpc: Command identifier
   185         * @return reqmode
   186         */
   187         CTelObject::TReqMode ReqModeL( const TInt aIPC );
   189         /**
   190         * Cancels the ongoing service
   191         * @param aIpc: Command identifier
   192         * @param aTsyReqHandle: Tsy request handle
   193         * @return status
   194         */
   195         TInt CancelService( const TInt aIpc, 
   196 			const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle );
   198         /**
   199         * Register given command, checks if the command is supported
   200         * @param aIpc: Command identifier
   201         * @return status
   202         */
   203         TInt RegisterNotification( const TInt aIpc );
   205         /**
   206         * Deregisters given command, checks if the command is supported
   207         * @param aIpc: Command identifier
   208         * @return status
   209         */
   210         TInt DeregisterNotification( const TInt aIpc );
   212         /**
   213         * Returns number of slots to be used for given IPC
   214         * @param aIpc: Command identifier
   215         * @return status
   216         */
   217         TInt NumberOfSlotsL( const TInt aIpc );
   219     public: // New functions
   221         /**
   222         * Completes requests to ETel
   223         * @param aReqHandle: Registered req handle
   224         * @param aRet: return value
   225         */
   226         void ReqCompleted( TTsyReqHandle aReqHandle,
   227         	TInt aRet );
   228         /**
   229         * Cache call connected envelope
   230         * @param aEnvelope Call connected envelope
   231         */
   232         void StoreCallConnectedEvent( const TDesC8& aEnvelope );
   234         /**
   235         * Set Status of SetUpCall command to CSatEventDownloadTsy class.
   236         * @param aStatus status of Set up Call proactive command
   237         */        
   238         void SetSetUpCallStatus( const TBool aStatus );
   240         /**
   241         * Set up events to report for USIM.
   242         * @param  aEvents: bit mask
   243         */
   244         void SetUpEventList( TUint32 aEvents );
   246         /**
   247         * Returns pointer to the message manager
   248         * @return CMmMessageManager*: pointer to the requested object
   249         */
   250         CMmMessageManagerBase* MessageManager();
   252         /**
   253         * Returns pointer to the Call Control TSY 
   254         * @return CSatCCTsy*: pointer to the requested object
   255         */
   256         CSatCCTsy* SatCCTsy();
   258 		/**
   259         * Get pointer to SAT request handle
   260         * @return CSatTsyReqHandleStore*:
   261         */
   262 		CSatTsyReqHandleStore* GetSatReqHandleStore();
   264         /**
   265         * Get pointer to request handle type
   266         * @return pointer to request handle type
   267         */
   268         TSatRequestTypes* GetReqHandleType();
   270         /**
   271         * Reports to CSatCCTsy whether call or SS has been activated by PCmd
   272         * @param aAddress: Destination address of proactive command or NULL
   273         */
   274         void StoreProactiveAddress( const TDesC8* aAddress );  
   276         /**
   277         * Set Internal TON and NPI
   278         * @param aTonNpi: TON and NPI
   279         */
   280         void SetTonNpi( const TUint8 aTonNpi );
   282         MmMessageManagerCallback* GetMessageManagerCallback();
   284   public: //from    MStkTsySatService   
   285        /**
   286          * From MStkTsySatService 
   287          * Dummy implementation for CompleteSendSmsMessage function
   288          *          
   289          * @param aError Error value
   290          * @return Return always KErrNone
   291          */ 
   292         virtual TInt CompleteSendSmsMessage( TInt aError );
   294         /**
   295          * From MStkTsySatService 
   296          * Dummy implementation for IsMoSmControlBySimActivated function
   297          *          
   298          * @return Return always EFalse
   299          */     
   300         virtual TBool IsMoSmControlBySimActivated();
   303   public: //from    MStkTsyCallOrigin
   304        /**
   305          * From MStkTsyCallOrigin 
   306          * Dummy implementation for IsSimOriginatedCall function
   307          *          
   308          * @param aAddress The number whose origin is required.
   309          * @return ETrue if call originates from a Proactive Command
   310          */ 
   311 	  	virtual TBool IsSimOriginatedCall( const TDesC8& aAddress );
   313     private:
   315     	/**
   316         * Handles extended client requests. Uses TRAP to ensure functioning on
   317         * memory allocation failure
   318         * @param aTsyReqHandle: TSY request handle
   319         * @param aIpc: Request IPC number
   320         * @param aPackage: Packaged request parameters
   321         * @return result of the request
   322         */
   323         TInt DoExtFuncL( const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
   324             const TInt aIpc, const TDataPackage& aPackage );
   326 		/**
   327         * Menu selection command handler from client application.
   328         * @param aTsyReqHandle: TSY request handle
   329 		* @param aSelection: Packed menu item nr and help item indicator
   330         * @return status
   331         */
   332         TInt MenuSelectionL( TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
   333 			RSat::TMenuSelectionV1Pckg* aSelection );
   335         /**
   336         * Send SMS No Logging command handler from client application.
   337         * @param aMsg pointer to msg
   338         * @param aTsyReqHandle TsyReqHandle
   339         * @return status
   340         */
   341         TInt SendMessageNoLogging( TDes8* aMsg, TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle );     
   343     private:  // Data
   345         // A table for SAT request handles
   346         TTsyReqHandle iSatReqHandles[ESatMaxNumOfRequests];
   347         // Request handle type
   348         TSatRequestTypes iReqHandleType;
   349         // Request handle array type
   350         TSatRequestTypes iReqHandleArrayType;
   351         // Message manager
   352         CMmMessageManagerBase* iMessageManager;
   353         // SMS messaging class pointer for sending SMS messages
   354         CMmSmsTsy* iMmSmsTsy;
   355          // Store for request handles
   356         CSatTsyReqHandleStore* iSatReqHandleStore;
   358 		// Pointer to the CCTsy class
   359         CSatCCTsy* iSatCCTsy;
   360 		// Pointer to the IconTsy class
   361 		CSatIconTsy* iSatIconTsy; 
   362 		// Pointer to the NotificationsTsy class
   363 		CSatNotificationsTsy* iSatNotificationsTsy;
   364 		// Pointer to the DataDownloadTsy class
   365         CSatDataDownloadTsy* iSatDataDownloadTsy;
   366 		// Pointer to the EventDownloadTsy class
   367 		CSatEventDownloadTsy* iSatEventDownloadTsy;
   369 		MMessageRouter& iMessageRouter;
   370 		MCtsySatService& iSatService;
   372     };
   374 #endif  // CSATTSY_H
   376 // End of File