changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 19 630d2f34d719
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Name        : CSatNotifyCallControlRequest.cpp
    15 // Part of     : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
    16 // Get inkey notification functionality of Sat Tsy
    17 // Version     : 1.0
    18 //
    22 //INCLUDES
    23 #include <satcs.h>							// Etel SAT IPC definitions
    24 #include "CSatTsy.h"						// Tsy class header
    25 #include "CSatNotifyCallControlRequest.h"   // Tsy class header
    26 #include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h"			// Class header
    27 #include "CBerTlv.h"						// Ber Tlv data handling
    28 #include "CSatDataPackage.h"				// Parameter packing 
    29 #include "TfLogger.h"						// For TFLOGSTRING
    30 #include "TSatUtility.h"					// Utilities
    31 #include "CSatTsyReqHandleStore.h"			// Request handle class
    32 #include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h"			// Message manager class for forwarding req.
    34 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::NewL
    36 // Two-phased constructor.
    37 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 //  
    39 CSatNotifyCallControlRequest* CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::NewL
    40         ( 
    41         CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
    42         )
    43     {
    44     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::NewL");
    45    	CSatNotifyCallControlRequest* const satNotifyCallControlRequest = 
    46         new ( ELeave ) CSatNotifyCallControlRequest( aNotificationsTsy );
    47     CleanupStack::PushL( satNotifyCallControlRequest );
    48     satNotifyCallControlRequest->ConstructL();
    49     CleanupStack::Pop( satNotifyCallControlRequest );
    50     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::NewL, end of method");
    51     return satNotifyCallControlRequest;
    52     }
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::~CSatNotifyCallControlRequest
    56 // Destructor
    57 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 //  
    59 CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::~CSatNotifyCallControlRequest
    60         ( 
    61 		// None
    62         )
    63     {
    64     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::\
    65         ~CSatNotifyCallControlRequest");
    66     }
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CSatNotifyCallControlRequest
    70 // Default C++ constructor
    71 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //  
    73 CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CSatNotifyCallControlRequest
    74         ( 
    75         CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
    76         ) : iNotificationsTsy ( aNotificationsTsy )
    77     {
    78     // None
    79     }
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::ConstructL
    83 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor
    84 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 //  
    86 void CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::ConstructL
    87         (
    88         // None
    89         )
    90     {
    91     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::ConstructL");
    92     }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::Notify
    96 // This request allows a client to be notified of a Call Control Request proactive 
    97 // command
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 TInt CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::Notify
   101         (
   102         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
   103         const TDataPackage& aPackage 
   104         )
   105     {
   106     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::Notify");
   108     // Save data pointer to client side for completion
   109     iCallControlV2Pckg = reinterpret_cast<RSat::TCallControlV2Pckg*>( 
   110         aPackage.Des1n() ); 
   111     // Save the request handle
   112     iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->SaveReqHandle( aTsyReqHandle, 
   113 		CSatTsy::ESatNotifyCallControlRequestPCmdReqType );
   115     return KErrNone;
   116     }
   118 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CancelNotification
   120 // This method cancels an outstanding asynchronous 
   121 // NotifyDisplayText request.
   122 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 //
   124 TInt CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CancelNotification
   125         (
   126         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle // Tsy request handle
   127         )
   128     {
   129     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CancelNotification");   
   130     // Reset the request handle
   131     iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
   132         ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyCallControlRequestPCmdReqType );
   133     iCallControlV2Pckg = NULL;
   134     // Complete the request with KErrCancel
   135     iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
   136     return KErrNone;    
   137     }
   139 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL
   141 // This method unpacks the parameters and requests for completion
   142 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 //
   144 TInt CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL 
   145         (
   146         CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,   
   147         TInt aErrorCode 
   148         )
   149     {
   150     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL");   
   151     RSat::TAlphaIdBuf alphaId;
   152     RSat::TControlResult result;
   153 	// Unpack data
   154 	aDataPackage->UnPackData( alphaId, result ); 
   155 	CompleteAlphaId( alphaId, result, aErrorCode );
   156 	return KErrNone;
   157     }
   159 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 // CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteAlphaId
   161 // This method completes an outstanding asynchronous 
   162 // NotifyCallControlRequest request. 
   163 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   164 //
   165 void CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteAlphaId
   166         (
   167         RSat::TAlphaIdBuf& aAlphaId, 
   168         RSat::TControlResult aResult,
   169         TInt aErrorCode                
   170         )
   171     {
   172     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteAlphaId");	
   174 	// Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
   175     TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
   176 		ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyCallControlRequestPCmdReqType );
   178     // Check that someone has requested this notification
   179     if ( CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
   180         {
   181         if ( KErrNone == aErrorCode )
   182             {
   183             // Temporary storage for Alpha Id 
   184             RSat::TAlphaId alphaIdTemp;
   185             // Alpha ID validity
   186             RSat::TAlphaIdValidity validity( RSat::EValidAlpaId );
   187             alphaIdTemp.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdProvided;
   188             alphaIdTemp.iAlphaId.Copy( aAlphaId );
   189             // Fill the call control structure
   190             RSat::TCallControlV2& callControlV2 = ( *iCallControlV2Pckg )();
   191             // Set default control result
   192             callControlV2.SetCcGeneralResult( aResult );          
   193             callControlV2.SetAlphaId( validity, alphaIdTemp );  
   194             }
   195         TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteAlphaId\
   196             completing" );
   197         // Complete notification
   198         iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aErrorCode );
   199         }
   200     else
   201         {
   202         TFLOGSTRING( "CSAT: CSatNotifyCallControlRequest::CompleteAlphaId\
   203             Request not ongoing" );
   204         }
   205     }
   207 // End of file