changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 19 630d2f34d719
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Name        : CSatNotifyGetInkey.cpp
    15 // Part of     : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
    16 // Get inkey notification functionality of Sat Tsy
    17 // Version     : 1.0
    18 //
    22 //INCLUDES
    23 #include <satcs.h>                  // Etel SAT IPC definitions
    24 #include "CSatTsy.h"                // Tsy class header
    25 #include "CSatNotifyGetInkey.h"     // Tsy class header
    26 #include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h"   // Class header
    27 #include "CBerTlv.h"                // Ber Tlv data handling
    28 #include "TTlv.h"					// TTlv class
    29 #include "CSatDataPackage.h"        // Parameter packing 
    30 #include "TfLogger.h"               // For TFLOGSTRING
    31 #include "TSatUtility.h"            // Utilities
    32 #include "CSatTsyReqHandleStore.h"  // Request handle class
    33 #include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h"  // Message manager class for forwarding req.
    35 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::NewL
    37 // Two-phased constructor.
    38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 //  
    40 CSatNotifyGetInkey* CSatNotifyGetInkey::NewL
    41         ( 
    42         CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
    43         )
    44     {
    45     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::NewL");
    46    	CSatNotifyGetInkey* const satNotifyGetInkey = 
    47         new ( ELeave ) CSatNotifyGetInkey( aNotificationsTsy );
    48     CleanupStack::PushL( satNotifyGetInkey );
    49     satNotifyGetInkey->ConstructL();
    50     CleanupStack::Pop( satNotifyGetInkey );
    51     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::NewL, end of method");
    52     return satNotifyGetInkey;
    53     }
    55 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::~CSatNotifyGetInkey
    57 // Destructor
    58 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 //  
    60 CSatNotifyGetInkey::~CSatNotifyGetInkey
    61         ( 
    62 		// None
    63         )
    64     {
    65     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::~CSatNotifyGetInkey");
    66     }
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::CSatNotifyGetInkey
    70 // Default C++ constructor
    71 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //  
    73 CSatNotifyGetInkey::CSatNotifyGetInkey
    74         ( 
    75         CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
    76         ) : iNotificationsTsy ( aNotificationsTsy )
    77     {
    78     // None
    79     }
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::ConstructL
    83 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor
    84 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 //  
    86 void CSatNotifyGetInkey::ConstructL
    87         (
    88         // None
    89         )
    90     {
    91     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::ConstructL");
    92     }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::Notify
    96 // Save the request handle type for notification requested by ETel server
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 // 
    99 TInt CSatNotifyGetInkey::Notify
   100         ( 
   101         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
   102         const TDataPackage& aPackage   
   103         )
   104     {
   105     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::Notify");
   106     // Save data pointer to client side for completion
   107     iGetInkeyV2Pckg = reinterpret_cast<RSat::TGetInkeyV2Pckg*>( 
   108         aPackage.Des1n() );    
   109     // Save the request handle
   110     iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->SaveReqHandle( aTsyReqHandle, 
   111 		CSatTsy::ESatNotifyGetInkeyPCmdReqType );
   112     // Check if requested notification is already pending
   113     iNotificationsTsy->NotifySatReadyForNotification( KGetInkey );   
   114     return KErrNone;
   115     }
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::CancelNotification
   121 // This method cancels an outstanding asynchronous 
   122 // NotifySimSessionEnd request.
   123 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 //
   125 TInt CSatNotifyGetInkey::CancelNotification
   126         (
   127         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle
   128         )
   129     {
   130     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::CancelNotification");
   131     // Reset the request handle
   132     TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
   133         ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyGetInkeyPCmdReqType );
   134     // Reset the data pointer
   135     iGetInkeyV2Pckg = NULL;
   136     // Complete the request with KErrCancel
   137     iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
   138     return KErrNone;    
   139     }
   141 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::CompleteNotifyL
   143 // Complete Sim Session End notification to the client
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // 
   146 TInt CSatNotifyGetInkey::CompleteNotifyL
   147         ( 
   148         CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage, 
   149         TInt aErrorCode  
   150         ) 
   151     {
   152     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::CompleteNotifyL");
   153     TInt ret( KErrNone );
   154     TInt returnValue( KErrNone );
   156     // Unpack parameters
   157     TPtrC8* data;
   158     aDataPackage->UnPackData( &data );
   159 	TBuf<1> additionalInfo;
   161     // Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
   162     TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = 
   163         iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
   164         CSatTsy::ESatNotifyGetInkeyPCmdReqType );
   166     // Get ber tlv 
   167     CBerTlv berTlv;
   168     berTlv.SetData( *data );
   169     // Get command details tlv
   170     CTlv commandDetails;
   171     berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &commandDetails, KTlvCommandDetailsTag );
   172     iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.iCommandDetails.Copy( 
   173         commandDetails.Data() );
   174     // Get command qualifier
   175     TUint8 cmdQualifier( commandDetails.GetShortInfo( 
   176         ETLV_CommandQualifier ) );
   178     TUint8 pCmdNumber( commandDetails.GetShortInfo( ETLV_CommandNumber ) );
   180     // In case the request was ongoing, continue..
   181     if ( CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
   182         {
   183         // Complete right away if error has occured, otherwise continue..
   184         if ( KErrNone == aErrorCode  )
   185             {
   186             // Fill the get inkey structure
   187             RSat::TGetInkeyV2& getInkeyV2 = ( *iGetInkeyV2Pckg )();
   189             getInkeyV2.SetPCmdNumber( pCmdNumber );
   191             if ( KYesNoMask & cmdQualifier )
   192                 {
   193                 // The character set bits are disabled and yes/no response
   194                 // is requested
   195                 getInkeyV2.iRspFormat = RSat::EYesNo;
   196                 iRequestedRspFormat = K8BitDCS;
   197                 }
   198             else
   199                 {
   200                 // The character set bits are enabled
   201                 if ( KAlphabetMask & cmdQualifier )
   202                     {
   203                     // Character set selected
   204                     if ( KUCS2AlphabetMask & cmdQualifier )
   205                         {
   206                         // UCS2 alphabet selected
   207                         getInkeyV2.iRspFormat = RSat::ECharUcs2Alphabet;
   208                         iRequestedRspFormat = KUCS2DCS;
   209                         }
   210                     else
   211                         {
   212                         // SMS default alphabet selected
   213                         getInkeyV2.iRspFormat = RSat::ECharSmsDefaultAlphabet;
   214                         iRequestedRspFormat = K8BitDCS;
   215                         }
   216                     }
   217                 else
   218                     {
   219                     // Digits only selected
   220                     getInkeyV2.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnly;
   221                     iRequestedRspFormat = K8BitDCS;
   222                     }   
   223                 }
   225             // Help information.
   226             if ( KHelpAvailabilityMask & cmdQualifier )
   227                 {
   228                 // Help information available
   229                 getInkeyV2.iHelp = RSat::EHelpAvailable;
   230                 }
   231             else
   232                 {
   233                 TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::CompleteNotifyL,\
   234                     No Help available");
   235                 // No help
   236                 getInkeyV2.iHelp = RSat::ENoHelpAvailable;
   237                 }
   239             // Response Mode
   240             getInkeyV2.iMode = RSat::EGetInkeyRspModeNotSet;
   241             if ( KImmediateDigitResponse & cmdQualifier )
   242                 {
   243                 // An immediate digit response (0-9, * and #) is requested.
   244                 getInkeyV2.iMode = RSat::EImmediateDigitRsp;
   245                 }
   246             else
   247                 {
   248                 getInkeyV2.iMode = RSat::EUserRspDisplayed;
   249                 }
   251             // Get Inkey text
   252             CTlv textString;
   253             returnValue = berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &textString, KTlvTextStringTag );
   255             if ( KErrNone == returnValue )
   256                 {
   257                 // Convert and set text
   258                 TSatUtility::SetText( textString, getInkeyV2.iText );
   259                 }
   260             else
   261                 {
   262                 TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::CompleteNotifyL,\
   263                     Required values missing");
   264                 additionalInfo.Zero();
   265                 additionalInfo.Append( KNoCause );
   266                 CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, 
   267                     RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing, additionalInfo );
   269                 ret = KErrCorrupt;
   270                 }
   272             // IconId Optional
   273             TSatUtility::FillIconStructure( berTlv, getInkeyV2.iIconId );
   274             // Duration 
   275             TSatUtility::FillDurationStructure( berTlv, getInkeyV2.iDuration );
   276             }
   277         else
   278         	{
   279         	ret = aErrorCode;
   280         	}
   282         iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, ret );
   283         }
   284     else
   285         {
   286         TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::CompleteNotifyL,\
   287             Request not ongoing");
   288 		additionalInfo.Zero();
   289         additionalInfo.Append( KNoCause );
   290         CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd, 
   291             additionalInfo ); 
   292         }
   294     return ret;
   295     }
   297 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL
   299 // Called by ETel server, passes terminal response to SIM card
   300 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   301 //
   302 TInt CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL
   303         ( 
   304         TDes8* aRsp
   305         )
   306     {   
   307 	TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL");
   309 	TInt ret( KErrNone );
   311     RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2Pckg* aRspPckg = 
   312             reinterpret_cast<RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2Pckg*>( aRsp );
   313     RSat::TGetInkeyRspV2& rspV2 = ( *aRspPckg ) ();
   315     TUint8 pCmdNumber( rspV2.PCmdNumber() );
   317     // Checking that infotype is valid
   318     if ( ( RSat::KMeProblem != rspV2.iInfoType ) && 
   319          ( RSat::KTextString != rspV2.iInfoType ) && 
   320          ( RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo != rspV2.iInfoType ) )
   321         {
   322         TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL,\
   323             Invalid Infotype");
   324         ret = KErrCorrupt;
   325         }
   327     // Checking that the response type is valid
   328     if ( ( RSat::EDigitOnly != rspV2.iRspFormat )&& 
   329          ( RSat::ECharSmsDefaultAlphabet != rspV2.iRspFormat ) && 
   330          ( RSat::ECharUcs2Alphabet  != rspV2.iRspFormat ) && 
   331          ( RSat::EYesNo != rspV2.iRspFormat ) )
   332         {
   333         TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL,\
   334             Invalid Response Format");
   335         ret = KErrCorrupt;
   336         }
   338     // Check that general result value is valid
   339     if ( ( RSat::KSuccess != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   340          ( RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser  != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   341          ( RSat::KBackwardModeRequestedByUser != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   342          ( RSat::KNoResponseFromUser != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   343          ( RSat::KHelpRequestedByUser != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   344          ( RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   345          ( RSat::KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) && 
   346          ( RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing != rspV2.iGeneralResult ) &&
   347          ( RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed != rspV2.iGeneralResult ))
   348         {
   349         TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL,\
   350             Invalid General Result");
   351         // Invalid general result
   352         ret = KErrCorrupt;
   353         }
   355     // If there is Me (Mobile Entity) error, additional info is needed
   356     if ( ( RSat::KMeProblem == rspV2.iInfoType ) &&  
   357          ( NULL == rspV2.iAdditionalInfo.Length() ) )
   358         {
   359         TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL,\
   360             Invalid Additional Info, ME Problem");
   361         // Invalid additional info field
   362         ret = KErrCorrupt;
   363         }
   365     if ( ( RSat::KTextString == rspV2.iInfoType ) && 
   366          ( NULL == rspV2.iAdditionalInfo.Length() ) )
   367         {
   368         TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::TerminalResponseL,\
   369             Invalid Additional Info");
   370         ret = KErrCorrupt;
   371         }
   373 	else
   374 		{
   375 		// Do nothing
   376 		}
   378     CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, ( TUint8 ) rspV2.iGeneralResult ,       
   379         rspV2.iAdditionalInfo, iRequestedRspFormat );                 
   381     return ret;
   382     }
   384 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 // CSatNotifyGetInkey::CreateTerminalRespL
   386 // Constructs GetInkey specific part of terminal response and calls 
   387 // DOS to send the actual message. 
   388 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   389 //
   390 TInt CSatNotifyGetInkey::CreateTerminalRespL
   391         ( 
   392         TUint8  aPCmdNumber,         
   393         TUint8  aGeneralResult,      
   394         TDesC16& aAdditionalInfo,  
   395         TUint8  aDcs          
   396 		)
   397     {
   398 	TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyGetInkey::CreateTerminalRespL");
   400 	TTlv tlvSpecificData;
   401     tlvSpecificData.AddTag( KTlvResultTag );  
   402 	// General result
   403     tlvSpecificData.AddByte( aGeneralResult );
   405     if ( !( iNotificationsTsy->CommandPerformedSuccessfully( 
   406         aGeneralResult ) ) )
   407         {
   408         switch ( aGeneralResult )
   409             {
   410             // Cases in which additional info is not required
   411             case RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser:
   412             case RSat::KBackwardModeRequestedByUser:
   413             case RSat::KNoResponseFromUser:
   414             case RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing:
   415             case RSat::KHelpRequestedByUser:
   416                 {
   417                 break;
   418                 }
   419             default:
   420                 {
   421                 if ( NULL != aAdditionalInfo.Length() )
   422                     {
   423                     tlvSpecificData.AddByte( ( TUint8 ) aAdditionalInfo[0] );
   424 					}
   425                 break;
   426                 }
   427             }
   428         }
   429     else
   430         {
   431         tlvSpecificData.AddTag( KTlvTextStringTag );
   432         tlvSpecificData.AddByte( aDcs );
   433         TBuf8<2> character;
   435         if ( aDcs & KUCS2DCS )
   436             {
   437             TSatUtility::Copy16to8LE( aAdditionalInfo, character);
   438             tlvSpecificData.AddData( character );
   439             TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT:CSatNotifyGetInkey::CreateTerminalRespL, %s \
   440             	character", &character );
   441             }
   442         else
   443             {
   444             if ( NULL != aAdditionalInfo.Length())
   445                 {
   446                 TBuf<1> addInfo;
   447                 addInfo.Append( aAdditionalInfo );
   448                 TSatUtility::ConvertUnicode16To7Bit( addInfo, character );
   449                 }
   450             else
   451                 {
   452                 character.Append( 0x00 );
   453                 }
   454             tlvSpecificData.AddData( character );
   455             }
   456         }
   458     // Prepare data
   459     iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.iPCmdNumber = aPCmdNumber;
   460     TPtrC8 data = tlvSpecificData.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag();
   462     // Pack data
   463     CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
   464 	dataPackage.PackData( &iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData, &data );
   466     // Forward request to the DOS
   467      return iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL( 
   468 		ESatTerminalRsp, &dataPackage );
   469     }
   471 // End of file