changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 19 630d2f34d719
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Name        : CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest.cpp
    15 // Part of     : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
    16 // Display text notification functionality of Sat Tsy
    17 // Version     : 1.0
    18 //
    22 //INCLUDES
    23 #include <satcs.h>                  // Etel SAT IPC definitions
    24 #include "CSatTsy.h"                // Tsy class header
    25 #include "CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest.h"  // Class header
    26 #include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h"   // Tsy class header
    27 #include "CBerTlv.h"                // Ber Tlv data handling
    28 #include "BerTlv_defs.h"            // Ber Tlv specific definitions
    29 #include "TTlv.h"					// TTlv class
    30 #include "CSatDataPackage.h"        // Parameter packing 
    31 #include "TfLogger.h"               // For TFLOGSTRING
    32 #include "TSatUtility.h"            // Utilities
    33 #include "CSatTsyReqHandleStore.h"  // Request handle class
    34 #include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h" 	// Message manager class for forwarding req.
    35 #include "MSatTsy_IPCDefs.h"        // Sat Tsy internal request types
    37 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL
    39 // Two-phased constructor.
    40 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 //  
    42 CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest* CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL
    43         ( 
    44         CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
    45         )
    46     {
    47     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL");
    48    	CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest* const satNotifyMoSmControlRequest = 
    49         new ( ELeave ) CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest( aNotificationsTsy );
    50     CleanupStack::PushL( satNotifyMoSmControlRequest );
    51     satNotifyMoSmControlRequest->ConstructL();
    52     CleanupStack::Pop( satNotifyMoSmControlRequest );
    53     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::NewL, end of method");
    54     return satNotifyMoSmControlRequest;
    55     }
    57 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::~CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
    59 // Destructor
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //  
    62 CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::~CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
    63         ( 
    64 		// None
    65         )
    66     {
    67     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::\
    68     	~CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest");
    69     }
    71 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
    73 // Default C++ constructor
    74 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 //  
    76 CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest
    77         ( 
    78         CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
    79         ) : iNotificationsTsy ( aNotificationsTsy )
    80     {
    81     // None
    82     }
    84 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL
    86 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor
    87 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 //  
    89 void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL
    90         (
    91         // None
    92         )
    93     {
    94     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL");
    95     // Checks if MO-SMS control should be activated
    96     iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL( 
    97     		ESatTsyMoSmsControlActivation );	
    98     // Initialize MO-SMS Control to deactivated
    99     iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated = EFalse; 
   100     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ConstructL, \
   101     	end of method"); 	
   102     }
   104 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Notify
   106 // This request allows a client to be notified of a MO-SMS Control proactive 
   107 // command
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 //
   110 TInt CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Notify
   111         (
   112         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
   113         const TDataPackage& aPackage 
   114         )
   115     {
   116     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Notify");
   118     // Save data pointer to client side for completion      
   119     iMoSmControlV1Pckg = reinterpret_cast<RSat::TMoSmControlV1Pckg*>(
   120     	aPackage.Des1n() );
   122     // Save the request handle
   123     iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->SaveReqHandle( aTsyReqHandle, 
   124 		CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );  
   126     return KErrNone;
   127     }
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CancelNotification
   131 // This method cancels an outstanding asynchronous 
   132 // MoSmControl request.
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 //
   135 TInt CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CancelNotification
   136         (
   137         const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle
   138         )
   139     {
   140     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CancelNotification");
   142     // Reset the request handle
   143     TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->
   144         ResetTsyReqHandle( CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
   145 	// Reset the data pointer
   146 	iMoSmControlV1Pckg = NULL;
   147 	// Complete the request with KErrCancel
   148 	iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
   150     return KErrNone;    
   151     }
   153 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL
   155 // This method completes an outstanding asynchronous NotifyMoSmControlRequest
   156 // request. 
   157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 TInt CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL
   160         (
   161         CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,   
   162         TInt aErrorCode                
   163         )
   164     {
   165     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL" );
   167     CSatNotificationsTsy::TMoSmCtrlData moSmCtrlData;
   169     // Initialize parameters
   170     moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultAllowed;
   171     moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId = NULL;
   173     // The request is completed to the client only if Alpha ID is present,
   174     // otherwise just handle the message just internally
   175     if ( KErrNone == aErrorCode )
   176     	{ 	
   177     	TBuf8<KAddrMaxLength> addr1;
   178         TBuf8<KAddrMaxLength> addr2;
   179         RSat::TAlphaId alphaId;
   180         alphaId.iAlphaId.Zero();
   181         alphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent;
   182         TBool simRespDataConsistent( ETrue );        
   183     	TBool isDataOk( ETrue );
   185     	// Unpack parameters
   186 		TDesC8* atkData = NULL;
   187 		aDataPackage->UnPackData( &atkData );
   189     	TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL\
   190     	    Data length: %d", ( *atkData ).Length() );
   192 	    if ( KTlvMaxSize < ( *atkData ).Length() )
   193 	    	{
   194             TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL, \
   195                 Data length exceeded" );                
   196             // Data not consistent, reject the call
   197             moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed;
   198 	        isDataOk = EFalse;
   199             }
   200         else if ( ( *atkData ).Length() )
   201             {
   202             // Note: The alpha id can be provided by the NAA even if the addresses
   203             // have not been modified.                
   204             ParseNotification( *atkData, addr1, addr2, alphaId  ); 
   206             if ( KMoSmCtrlResultAllowedWithModifications == ( *atkData )[0] )
   207                 {
   208                 TFLOGSTRING3("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL\
   209     	            Addr1: %s, Addr2: %s", &addr1, &addr2 );
   210                 simRespDataConsistent = VerifyNotificationData( addr1, addr2 );      
   211                 }
   213             if ( simRespDataConsistent )
   214                 {
   215             	// atkData[0] --> result
   216             	moSmCtrlData.iResult = ( *atkData )[0];            
   217                 }
   218             else
   219                 {
   220                 TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CompleteNotifyL, \
   221                 	NAA response data not consistent" );                
   222                 // Data not consistent, reject the sms
   223                 moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed;
   224 	        	isDataOk = EFalse;
   225                 }
   226             }
   228         // Prepare rest of the data for response        
   229         moSmCtrlData.iAddressData.iRPDestinationAddr.Set( addr1 );
   230         moSmCtrlData.iAddressData.iTPDestinationAddr.Set( addr2 );
   231         moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId = &alphaId;
   233         // Pack data and send response to NAA
   234     	CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
   235     	dataPackage.PackData( &moSmCtrlData );
   236         iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL( 
   237         	ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequest, &dataPackage );
   239 	    // Then start checking whether the client nees to be notified as well..
   240 	    // Check if the MO-SMS is activated and the data is verified ok
   241 	    if ( iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated && isDataOk )
   242 	        {          
   243 		    // Get req handle. Can not be deleted yet, since completion
   244 		    // depends on the presence of Alpha ID
   245 		    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = 
   246 		        iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->TsyReqHandle( 
   247 		            CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
   249 		    // In case the request was ongoing, continue.. But note that
   250 		    // the client is notified only if AlphaID is present, in order 
   251 		    // to inform that the ETel API MO-SMS Control structure 
   252 		    // TMoSmControlV1 has been modified.
   253 	        if ( CSatTsy::ESatReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle &&
   254 	             ( moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId->iAlphaId.Length() || 
   255 	             RSat::EAlphaIdNull == moSmCtrlData.iAlphaId->iStatus ) )
   256 	            {
   257 	            // Now its safe to reset the request handle
   258 		        iNotificationsTsy->iSatReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
   259 		            CSatTsy::ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequestPCmdReqType );
   260 	            // Fill the call control structure
   261 		        RSat::TMoSmControlV1& moSmControlV1 = 
   262 		        	( *iMoSmControlV1Pckg )();
   264 	            // Control result must be mapped to ETel API values.
   265 	            switch ( ( *atkData )[0] )
   266 	                {
   267 	                case KMoSmCtrlResultAllowed:
   268 	                    {
   269 	                    moSmControlV1.iResult = 
   270 	                    	RSat::EAllowedNoModification;
   271 	                    break;
   272 	                    }
   273 	                case KMoSmCtrlResultAllowedWithModifications:
   274 	                    {
   275 	                    moSmControlV1.iResult = 
   276 	                    	RSat::EAllowedWithModifications;
   277 	                    break;
   278 	                    }
   279 	                case KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed:
   280 	                    {
   281 	                    moSmControlV1.iResult = RSat::ENotAllowed;
   282 	                    break;
   283 	                    }
   284 	                default:
   285 	                    {
   286 	                    moSmControlV1.iResult = RSat::EControlResultNotSet;
   287 	                    break;
   288 	                    }
   289 	                }
   291 		        // Set alpha id and status
   292 		        moSmControlV1.iAlphaId.iAlphaId.Append( alphaId.iAlphaId );
   293 		        moSmControlV1.iAlphaId.iStatus = alphaId.iStatus;
   295 		        // Complete notification to the client
   296 	    		iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->ReqCompleted( reqHandle, 
   297 	    		    KErrNone );
   298 	            } // If Alpha ID or request handle
   300 	        } // If MO SM Ctrl Activated and data ok
   301 	    else
   302 	        {
   303 	        TFLOGSTRING3("LSAT: CSatMoSmsCtrlMessHandler::CompleteNotifyL, \
   304     	        iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated: %d, isDataOk: %d ", 
   305     	        iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated, isDataOk);
   306 	        }
   307     	} // if KErrNone
   308     else
   309         {
   310         TFLOGSTRING("LSAT: CSatMoSmsCtrlMessHandler::CompleteNotifyL, \
   311         	Error in notification ");
   312         moSmCtrlData.iResult = KMoSmCtrlResultNotAllowed;
   313         // Pack data and send response right away to NAA
   314     	CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
   315     	dataPackage.PackData( &moSmCtrlData );
   316         iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL( 
   317         	ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequest, &dataPackage );
   318         }
   320     return KErrNone;
   321     }
   323 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL
   325 // Send an envelope to SIM server in order to check wheter the SMS can be sent 
   326 // or not. The response will be used to send a response to SMS server
   327 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   328 //
   329 void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL
   330 	    (
   331 	    CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
   332 	    TInt /*aResult*/
   333 	    )   
   334     {   
   335     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::\
   336         CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL"); 
   337     // Check first if the MO-SMS is activated
   338     if ( iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated )
   339         {  
   340     	TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::\
   341     		CreateMoSmsCtrlEnvelopeL, MO SM Ctrl Activated");
   343 	    CSatNotificationsTsy::TAddressData* addressData;
   345 	    // Unpack data
   346 	    aDataPackage->UnPackData( &addressData );
   348 	    TTlv envelope;
   350 	    envelope.Begin( KBerTlvMoShortMessageControlTag );
   351 	    //device identities
   352 	    envelope.AddTag( KTlvDeviceIdentityTag );
   353 	    envelope.AddByte( KMe );
   354 	    envelope.AddByte( KSim );
   355 	    // Address Data object 1
   356 	    // Ton and Npi is in the first byte of address data
   357 	    envelope.AddTag( KTlvAddressTag );
   358 	    envelope.AddData( addressData->iRPDestinationAddr );
   359 	    // Address Data object 2
   360 	    // Ton and Npi is in the first byte of address data
   361 	    envelope.AddTag( KTlvAddressTag );
   362 	    envelope.AddData( addressData->iTPDestinationAddr );
   364 	    // !!! This part assumes that location info has been received
   365 	    // Mobile Country & Network Codes (MCC & MNC)
   366 	    iNotificationsTsy->AddLocationInformationToTlv( envelope );
   368 	   	// Prepare data
   369 	    TPtrC8 data = envelope.End();
   370 	    // Pack data
   371 	    CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
   372 	    dataPackage.PackData( &data );
   374 	    // Forward request to the DOS. Send envelope only if its length is less 
   375 	    // than the maximum allowed envelope length.
   376 	    iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL( 
   377 	        ESatTsySendEnvelope, &dataPackage );
   378         }
   379     }
   381 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::Activate
   383 // Set iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated to ETrue if MO-SMS Control has to be activated
   384 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 //
   386 void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::SetActivationStatus
   387 		(
   388 		CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage
   389 		)
   390     {
   391     // Unpack data
   392     aDataPackage->UnPackData( iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated );
   393     TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::SetActivationStatus, %d",
   394     	iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated );
   395     }
   397 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ActivationStatus
   399 // Returns ETrue if MO-SMS Control is activated
   400 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 //
   402 TBool CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ActivationStatus
   403 		(
   404 		void
   405 		)
   406     {
   407     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ActivationStatus");
   408     return iIsMoSmsCtrlActivated;
   409     }
   411 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   412 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CleanAddressData
   413 // This method cleans the input address data, so that all the bytes found
   414 // after a 0xXF or a 0xFX are removed.
   415 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 //
   417 void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CleanAddressData
   418 		( 
   419 		TDes8& aAddr 
   420 		)
   421     {
   422     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::CleanAddressData");
   423     // Starts from index 1, since index 0 is for TON/NPI    
   424     for ( TInt i=1; i < aAddr.Length(); i++ )
   425         {
   426         if ( 0xF0 == ( aAddr[i] & 0xF0 ) )
   427             {
   428             if ( ( i + 1 ) < aAddr.Length() )
   429                 {
   430                 aAddr.Delete( i + 1, aAddr.Length() - i - 1 );
   431                 }
   432             break;
   433             }
   434         else if ( 0x0F == ( aAddr[i] & 0x0F ) )
   435             {
   436             aAddr.Delete( i, aAddr.Length() - i );
   437             break;
   438             }        
   439         }
   440     }
   442 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   443 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification
   444 // Extracts data from proactive command data
   445 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 //
   447 void CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification
   448 		(
   449 	    const TDesC8& aAtkData,
   450 	    TDes8& aAddr1,
   451 	    TDes8& aAddr2,
   452 	    RSat::TAlphaId& aAlphaId
   453 	    )
   454     {
   455     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification");
   457     // Input data:
   458     // aAtkData[0] : result
   459     // aAtkData[1][2] : length of BER-TLV, set n=1 if aAtkData[1]=0x81
   460     // aAtkData[2+n] : tag of first TLV
   461     // aAtkData[3+n][4+n] : length of first TLV, set nn=1 if aAtkData[3+n]=0x81
   462     // etc..
   464     // Comments drawn from SAT TS lab test cases:
   465     // - The NAA may insert a wild '0xD' character in addresses and therefore 
   466     // the phone sw should prevent the sending of the SMS. At the time this 
   467     // comment is being written, it is not clear which part prevents it, if 
   468     // prevents ? And this is not yet handled in SIM ATK TSY.
   469     // - The NAA may insert a 0xF in addresses, and the phone sw should discard
   470     // all characters placed after the 0xF. At the time when this
   471     // comment is being written, it is not clear which part should do that,
   472     // and this is not yet handled in SIM ATK TSY.
   474     // Check if the BER-TLV length is coded with 2 bytes.
   475     TInt indexInBerTlv( 1 );
   476     TUint8 tag( aAtkData[indexInBerTlv] );
   477     TUint8 lengthBerTlv( 0 );
   478     TInt n( ( KTwoByteLengthCoding == tag ) ? 1:0 );    
   479     lengthBerTlv = aAtkData[1 + n];
   480     indexInBerTlv = 2 + n;
   482     // Initialize Alpha ID
   483     aAlphaId.iAlphaId.Zero();
   485     // Extract TLVs and fill in output variables
   486     TBool address1_got( EFalse );
   487     while( lengthBerTlv )
   488         {
   489         // Get tag value without 'comprehension required' bit
   490         tag = aAtkData[indexInBerTlv] & 0x7F;
   491         // Length of TLV with 2 bytes ?
   492         TInt nn( ( KTwoByteLengthCoding == aAtkData[indexInBerTlv +1 ] )?1:0 );
   493         // Length of TLV
   494         TInt lengthTlv( aAtkData[indexInBerTlv + nn + 1] );
   496         // Check which TLV is received
   497         if ( ( KTlvAddressTag == tag ) && ( !address1_got ) )
   498             {
   499             TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification\
   500                 Address 1");
   501             // RP address first
   502             address1_got = ETrue;
   503             // Copy data to output variable
   504             aAddr1.Copy( aAtkData.Mid( indexInBerTlv + nn + 2, lengthTlv ) );
   505             if ( KReservedTonNpi1 != aAddr1[0] && 
   506             	 KReservedTonNpi2 != aAddr1[0] && ( 1 < lengthTlv ) )
   507                 {
   508                 CleanAddressData( aAddr1 );
   509                 }            
   510             }
   511         else if ( KTlvAddressTag == tag )
   512             {
   513             TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification\
   514                 Address 2");
   515             // TP address. Copy data to output variable
   516             aAddr2.Copy( aAtkData.Mid( indexInBerTlv + nn + 2, lengthTlv ) );         
   517             if ( KReservedTonNpi1 != aAddr2[0] && 
   518             	 KReservedTonNpi2 != aAddr2[0] && ( 1 < lengthTlv ) )
   519                 {
   520                 CleanAddressData( aAddr2 );
   521                 }    
   522             }
   523         else if ( KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag == tag )
   524             {
   525             TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::ParseNotification\
   526                 Alpha ID");
   527             // Alpha id must be converted to TBuf16/unicode
   528             if ( lengthTlv )
   529                 {
   530                 // Set Alpha id status
   531 			        aAlphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdProvided;
   532                 TSatUtility::SetAlphaId( aAtkData.Mid( indexInBerTlv + nn + 2, 
   533                     lengthTlv ), aAlphaId.iAlphaId );                                
   534                 }
   535             else
   536                 {
   537                 TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest:: \
   538                 	ParseNotification. Alpha ID is NULL");
   539                 aAlphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdNull;
   540                 }  
   541             }
   543         // Update length for the while loop    
   544         lengthBerTlv -= ( lengthTlv + 2 + nn );
   545         // Updata index for the while loop
   546         indexInBerTlv += ( lengthTlv + 2 + nn );
   547         }    
   548     }
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 // CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::VerifyNotificationData
   552 // This method checks the consistency of the data sent by the NAA to the ME, 
   553 // when the call is allowed and modified.
   554 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 //
   556 TBool CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::VerifyNotificationData
   557 		( 
   558 		TDes8& aRPAddr, 
   559 		TDes8& aTPAddr 
   560 		)
   561     {
   562     TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyMoSmControlRequest::VerifyNotificationData");
   563     TBool ret( ETrue );    
   564     if ( ( 0 == aRPAddr.Length() && 0 == aTPAddr.Length() ) || 
   565          ( KMoSmCtrlMaxLengthAddr1Addr2 <= ( 
   566          	aRPAddr.Length() + aTPAddr.Length() ) ) ) 
   567         {
   568         ret = EFalse;
   569         }
   570     else
   571         {
   572         // Detect the presence of 'wild' values in the digits of the addresses       
   573         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aRPAddr.Length(); i++)
   574             {
   575             if ( ( 0x0A < ( 0x0F & aRPAddr[i] ) && 
   576                    0x0F > ( 0x0F & aRPAddr[i] ) ) ||
   577                  ( 0xA0 < ( 0xF0 & aRPAddr[i] ) && 
   578                    0xF0 > ( 0xF0 & aRPAddr[i] ) ) )
   579                 {
   580                 ret = EFalse;
   581                 break;
   582                 }            
   583             }
   584         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aTPAddr.Length(); i++)
   585             {
   586             if ( ( 0x09 < ( 0x0F & aTPAddr[i] ) && 
   587                    0x0F > ( 0x0F & aTPAddr[i] ) ) ||
   588                  ( 0x90 < ( 0xF0 & aTPAddr[i] ) && 
   589                    0xF0 > ( 0xF0 & aTPAddr[i] ) ) )
   590                 {
   591                 ret = EFalse;
   592                 break;
   593                 }            
   594             }        
   595         }    
   596     return ret;
   597     }
   599 // End of File