1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 /** |
19 @file base class for SAT component tests |
20 */ |
21 |
22 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchphoneinterface.h> |
23 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsecurityinterface.h> |
24 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsiminterface.h> |
25 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchcallcontrolinterface.h> |
26 #include <pcktcs.h> |
27 #include <ctsy/mmtsy_names.h> |
28 #include <ctsy/serviceapi/mmtsy_ipcdefs.h> |
29 #include <test/tmockltsydata.h> |
30 #include <ctsy/serviceapi/gsmerror.h> |
31 #include <ctsy/serviceapi/cmmutility.h> |
32 #include <test/mockltsyindicatorids.h> |
33 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsatinterface.h> |
34 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchphonebookinterface.h> //for KLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreWriteEntryApiId |
35 #include <cstktsy/ttlv.h> |
36 #include <charconv.h> |
37 |
38 #include "ccsatcomponenttestbase.h" |
39 |
40 |
41 _LIT(KDoubleColon, "::"); |
42 _LIT(KMmTsyWithDispatcherModuleName, "phonetsywithdispatcher"); |
43 |
44 |
45 /** |
46 To push a CleanupItem ont the cleanupstack to close the phone |
47 */ |
48 void CCSatComponentTestBase::Cleanup(TAny* self) |
49 { |
50 static_cast<CCSatComponentTestBase*>(self)->DoCleanup(); |
51 } |
52 |
53 /** |
54 Close the Phone a the server connection |
55 */ |
56 void CCSatComponentTestBase::DoCleanup() |
57 { |
58 iSms.Close(); |
59 iSat.Close(); |
60 iPhone.Close(); |
61 iMockLTSY.Close(); |
62 |
63 TInt ret = iTelServer.UnloadPhoneModule(KMmTsyWithDispatcherModuleName); |
64 if (ret != KErrNone) |
65 { |
66 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to unload phone module")); |
67 } |
68 |
69 iTelServer.Close(); |
70 |
71 } |
72 |
73 /** |
74 Assert MockLtsy Terminated all handlings without errors |
75 */ |
76 void CCSatComponentTestBase::AssertMockLtsyStatusL() |
77 { |
78 TBool hasWaitingExpect; |
79 TBool hasPendingComplete; |
80 TBool hasError; |
81 iMockLTSY.GetStatus(hasWaitingExpect,hasPendingComplete,hasError); |
82 if (hasWaitingExpect || hasPendingComplete) |
83 { |
84 ERR_PRINTF1(_L("MockLTsy still have pending/waiting events!")); |
85 } |
86 if (hasWaitingExpect || hasPendingComplete || hasError) |
87 { |
88 TBuf<255> log; |
89 do { |
90 iMockLTSY.GetNextLogLine(log); |
91 INFO_PRINTF1(log); |
92 } |
93 while(log.Length() > 0); |
94 User::Leave(KErrTEFUnitFail); // Fail the test |
95 } |
96 } |
97 |
98 |
99 /** |
100 Open Server session |
101 */ |
102 void CCSatComponentTestBase::OpenEtelServerL(TExtendedErrorClient aSetExtendedErrorClient) |
103 { |
104 TInt ret = iTelServer.Connect(); |
105 |
106 if (ret != KErrNone) |
107 { |
108 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed connect phone")); |
109 User::Leave(ret); |
110 } |
111 |
112 ret = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule(KMmTsyWithDispatcherModuleName); |
113 |
114 if (ret != KErrNone) |
115 { |
116 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed load phone module")); |
117 iTelServer.Close(); |
118 User::Leave(ret); |
119 } |
120 |
121 if(aSetExtendedErrorClient == EUseExtendedError) |
122 { |
123 iTelServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity( RTelServer::EErrorExtended ); |
124 } |
125 } |
126 |
127 /** |
128 Standard function to open the phone up to the end of the boot sequence |
129 */ |
130 void CCSatComponentTestBase::OpenPhoneL() |
131 { |
132 RBuf8 data; |
133 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
134 |
135 TInt err = iPhone.Open(iTelServer,KMmTsyPhoneName); |
136 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, err); |
137 |
138 //open SMS messaging session |
139 err = iSms.Open(iPhone); |
140 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, err); |
141 |
142 TRequestStatus modemDetectedStatus; |
143 RPhone::TModemDetection modemDetection; |
144 iPhone.NotifyModemDetected(modemDetectedStatus,modemDetection); |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 err=iMockLTSY.Connect(); |
149 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, err); |
150 TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus; |
151 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
152 |
153 TRfStateInfo rfstatus = ERfsStateInfoNormal; |
154 TMockLtsyData1<TRfStateInfo> rfstatdata(rfstatus); |
155 rfstatdata.SerialiseL(data); |
156 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReady::KLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReadyApiId,KErrNone, data, 1); |
157 |
158 // EMobilePhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus |
159 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatusApiId); |
160 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus regStatus = RMobilePhone::ERegisteredOnHomeNetwork; |
161 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus> retNetRegStatusData(regStatus); |
162 data.Close(); |
163 retNetRegStatusData.SerialiseL(data); |
164 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatusApiId,KErrNone,data, 0); |
165 |
166 // EMmTsyBootNotifySimStatusReadyIPC |
167 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReady::KLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReadyApiId); |
168 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReady::KLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReadyApiId,KErrNone,0); |
169 |
170 // Prepare MockLtsy for the internal getters of the network information |
171 DriverPrepInternalGettersMockLtsyL(); |
172 |
173 // EMobilePhoneGetHomeNetwork |
174 data.Close(); |
175 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetHomeNetwork::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetHomeNetworkApiId); |
176 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 homeNetwork; |
177 homeNetwork.iMode = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma; |
178 homeNetwork.iStatus = RMobilePhone::ENetworkStatusCurrent; |
179 homeNetwork.iBandInfo = RMobilePhone::EBandUnknown; |
180 homeNetwork.iCountryCode = _L("234"); |
181 homeNetwork.iCdmaSID = _L(""); |
182 homeNetwork.iAnalogSID = _L(""); |
183 homeNetwork.iNetworkId = _L("23499"); |
184 homeNetwork.iDisplayTag = _L("symbian"); |
185 homeNetwork.iShortName = _L("symbian"); |
186 homeNetwork.iLongName = _L("symbian mobile"); |
187 homeNetwork.iAccess = RMobilePhone::ENetworkAccessUtran; |
188 homeNetwork.iEgprsAvailableIndicator = ETrue; |
189 homeNetwork.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator = ETrue; |
190 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5> homeNetworkData(homeNetwork); |
191 homeNetworkData.SerialiseL(data); |
192 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetHomeNetwork::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetHomeNetworkApiId,KErrNone,data,0); |
193 |
194 // EMmTsySecurityGetPin1DisableSupportedIPC |
195 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetPin1DisableSupported::KLtsyDispatchSecurityGetPin1DisableSupportedApiId); |
196 TBool pin1DisableSupport = ETrue; |
197 TMockLtsyData1<TBool> pin1DisableSupportData(pin1DisableSupport); |
198 data.Close(); |
199 pin1DisableSupportData.SerialiseL(data); |
200 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetPin1DisableSupported::KLtsyDispatchSecurityGetPin1DisableSupportedApiId,KErrNone,data,0); |
201 |
202 //EMmTsySimRefreshRegisterIPC |
203 TUint16 refreshFileList = KCacheAdn | KCacheFdn | KCacheServiceTable | KCacheALSline; |
204 TMockLtsyData1<TUint16> refreshFileListData(refreshFileList); |
205 data.Close(); |
206 refreshFileListData.SerialiseL(data); |
207 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneSimRefreshRegister::KLtsyDispatchPhoneSimRefreshRegisterApiId,data); |
208 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneSimRefreshRegister::KLtsyDispatchPhoneSimRefreshRegisterApiId,KErrNone); |
209 |
210 //EMobilePhoneGetServiceTable |
211 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTable serviceTable = RMobilePhone::ESIMServiceTable; |
212 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTable> serviceTableData(serviceTable); |
213 data.Close(); |
214 serviceTableData.SerialiseL(data); |
215 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable::KLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTableApiId, data); |
216 |
217 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1 simServiceTable; |
218 simServiceTable.iServices1To8 = 0xFF; |
219 simServiceTable.iServices9To16 = 0xFF; |
220 simServiceTable.iServices17To24= 0xFF; |
221 simServiceTable.iServices25To32= 0xFF; |
222 simServiceTable.iServices33To40= 0xFF; |
223 simServiceTable.iServices41To48= 0xFF; |
224 simServiceTable.iServices49To56= 0xFF; |
225 |
226 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1> serviceTableResultData(simServiceTable); |
227 data.Close(); |
228 serviceTableResultData.SerialiseL(data); |
229 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable::KLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTableApiId,KErrNone,data); |
230 |
231 // EMobilePhoneGetALSLine |
232 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine::KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLineApiId); |
233 |
234 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine alsLine = RMobilePhone::EAlternateLinePrimary; |
235 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine> alsLineData(alsLine); |
236 data.Close(); |
237 alsLineData.SerialiseL(data); |
238 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine::KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLineApiId,KErrNone,data,0); |
239 |
240 // ECustomGetIccCallForwardingStatusIPC |
241 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator::KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorApiId); |
242 |
243 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFUIndicatorV6 indicator; |
244 indicator.iMultipleSubscriberProfileID = RMobilePhone::KProfileIdentityTwo; |
245 indicator.iIndicator = RMobilePhone::KCFUIndicatorVoice; |
246 indicator.iCFNumber.iNumberPlan = RMobilePhone::ETelexNumberPlan; |
247 indicator.iCFNumber.iTypeOfNumber = RMobilePhone::ENationalNumber; |
248 _LIT(KTelNumber, "012345678"); |
249 indicator.iCFNumber.iTelNumber = KTelNumber; |
250 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFUIndicatorV6> indicatorData(indicator); |
251 data.Close(); |
252 indicatorData.SerialiseL(data); |
253 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator::KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorApiId,KErrNone,data,0); |
254 |
255 // EMobilePhoneGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators |
256 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators::KLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId); |
257 |
258 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 expectedMessageIndicators; |
259 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1> |
260 indicatorsData(expectedMessageIndicators); |
261 data.Close(); |
262 indicatorsData.SerialiseL(data); |
263 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators::KLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId, KErrNone, data); |
264 |
265 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport::KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupportApiId); |
266 |
267 RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport alsSupport = RMmCustomAPI::EAlsSupportOff; |
268 TMockLtsyData1<RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport> alsLtsyData1(alsSupport); |
269 data.Close(); |
270 alsLtsyData1.SerialiseL(data); |
271 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport::KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupportApiId, KErrNone, data); |
272 |
273 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfile::KLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfileApiId); |
274 |
275 // Prepare data for the mockLtsy's CompleteL |
276 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCspFileV1 cspComp; |
277 cspComp.iCallOfferingServices = 0x01; |
278 cspComp.iCallRestrictionServices = 0x02; |
279 cspComp.iOtherSuppServices = 0x03; |
280 cspComp.iCallCompletionServices = 0x04; |
281 cspComp.iTeleservices = 0x05; |
282 cspComp.iCphsTeleservices = 0x06; |
283 cspComp.iCphsFeatures = 0x07; |
284 cspComp.iNumberIdentServices = 0x08; |
285 cspComp.iPhase2PlusServices = 0x09; |
286 cspComp.iValueAddedServices = 0x0A; |
287 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCspFileV1> cspCompData(cspComp); |
288 data.Close(); |
289 cspCompData.SerialiseL(data); |
290 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfile::KLtsyDispatchSimGetCustomerServiceProfileApiId, KErrNone, data); |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
295 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
296 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data |
297 } |
298 |
299 /** |
300 Sends ExpectL and CompleteL commands to MockLtsy for getters of various network information. |
301 These getters are internal to the CtsyDispatcher. |
302 This method should be called immediately after the CompleteL for KLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReadyApiId, |
303 since these getters are triggered on the CtsyDispacther receiving a BootNotifyModemStatusReady indication. |
304 */ |
305 void CCSatComponentTestBase::DriverPrepInternalGettersMockLtsyL() |
306 { |
307 RBuf8 data; |
308 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
309 |
310 // |
311 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for CurrentNetworkInfo |
312 // |
313 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoApiId); |
314 |
315 // Prepare the KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoApiId data for CompleteL |
316 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 networkInfoComplete; |
317 |
318 // V5 |
319 networkInfoComplete.iEgprsAvailableIndicator = KEgprsAvailable; |
320 networkInfoComplete.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator = KHsdpaAvailable; |
321 // V2 |
322 networkInfoComplete.iAccess = KAccess; |
323 // V1 |
324 networkInfoComplete.iMode = KMode; |
325 networkInfoComplete.iStatus = KStatus; |
326 networkInfoComplete.iBandInfo = KBandInfo; |
327 networkInfoComplete.iCountryCode = KCountryCode; |
328 networkInfoComplete.iCdmaSID = KCdmaSID; |
329 networkInfoComplete.iAnalogSID = KAnalogSID; |
330 networkInfoComplete.iNetworkId = KNetworkId; |
331 networkInfoComplete.iDisplayTag = KDisplayTag; |
332 networkInfoComplete.iShortName = KShortName; |
333 networkInfoComplete.iLongName = KLongName; |
334 |
335 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 locationAreaComplete; |
336 locationAreaComplete.iAreaKnown = KAreaKnown; |
337 locationAreaComplete.iLocationAreaCode = KLocationAreaCode; |
338 locationAreaComplete.iCellId = KCellId; |
339 |
340 TMockLtsyData2<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5, |
341 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1> mockCNCData2(networkInfoComplete, locationAreaComplete); |
342 |
343 data.Close(); |
344 mockCNCData2.SerialiseL(data); |
345 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoApiId, KErrNone, data); |
346 |
347 // |
348 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for NetworkModeChange |
349 // |
350 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkMode::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkModeApiId); |
351 |
352 // Prepare the KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkModeApiId data for CompleteL |
353 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode networkModeComplete; |
354 networkModeComplete = KNetworkMode; |
355 |
356 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode> mockNMCData1(networkModeComplete); |
357 |
358 data.Close(); |
359 mockNMCData1.SerialiseL(data); |
360 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkMode::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkModeApiId, KErrNone, data); |
361 |
362 // |
363 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for NitzInfoChange |
364 // |
365 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfoApiId); |
366 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ nitzComplete(2008, EMay, 12, 11, 59, 0, 0); |
367 nitzComplete.iShortNetworkId = KShortName; |
368 nitzComplete.iLongNetworkId = KLongName; |
369 nitzComplete.iNitzFieldsUsed = KNitzFieldsUsed; |
370 nitzComplete.iTimeZone = KTimeZone; |
371 nitzComplete.iDST = KDst; |
372 |
373 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ> mockNitzData1(nitzComplete); |
374 data.Close(); |
375 mockNitzData1.SerialiseL(data); |
376 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfoApiId, KErrNone, data); |
377 |
378 // |
379 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for SignalStrengthChange |
380 // |
381 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrength::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrengthApiId); |
382 TInt32 signalStrengthComplete(KSignalStrength); |
383 TInt8 barComplete(KBar); |
384 TMockLtsyData2<TInt32, TInt8> mockSigSthData2(signalStrengthComplete, barComplete); |
385 data.Close(); |
386 mockSigSthData2.SerialiseL(data); |
387 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrength::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrengthApiId, KErrNone, data); |
388 |
389 // |
390 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for BatteryInfoChange |
391 // |
392 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfoApiId); |
393 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 battInfo; |
394 battInfo.iChargeLevel = KBatteryChargeLevel; |
395 battInfo.iStatus = KBatteryStatus; |
396 |
397 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1> mockBattInfoData1(battInfo); |
398 data.Close(); |
399 mockBattInfoData1.SerialiseL(data); |
400 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfoApiId, KErrNone, data); |
401 |
402 data.Close(); |
403 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data |
404 } |
405 |
406 /** |
407 * Waits until the MockLTSY queued events is empty |
408 */ |
409 |
410 void CCSatComponentTestBase::WaitForMockLTSYTerminated() |
411 { |
412 TRequestStatus reqStatus; |
413 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(reqStatus); |
414 User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus); |
415 ASSERT_TRUE(reqStatus.Int() == KErrNone); |
416 } |
417 |
418 |
419 /** |
420 Sends ExpectL and CompleteL commands to MockLtsy for getters of various network information. |
421 These getters are internal to the CtsyDispatcher. |
422 This method should be called immediately after the CompleteL for KLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReadyApiId, |
423 since these getters are triggered on the CtsyDispacther receiving a BootNotifyModemStatusReady indication. |
424 */ |
425 void CCSatComponentTestBase::PrepInternalGettersMockLtsy() |
426 { |
427 RBuf8 data; |
428 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
429 |
430 // |
431 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for CurrentNetworkInfo |
432 // |
433 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoApiId); |
434 |
435 // Prepare the KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoApiId data for CompleteL |
436 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 networkInfoComplete; |
437 |
438 // V5 |
439 networkInfoComplete.iEgprsAvailableIndicator = KEgprsAvailable; |
440 networkInfoComplete.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator = KHsdpaAvailable; |
441 // V2 |
442 networkInfoComplete.iAccess = KAccess; |
443 // V1 |
444 networkInfoComplete.iMode = KMode; |
445 networkInfoComplete.iStatus = KStatus; |
446 networkInfoComplete.iBandInfo = KBandInfo; |
447 networkInfoComplete.iCountryCode = KCountryCode; |
448 networkInfoComplete.iCdmaSID = KCdmaSID; |
449 networkInfoComplete.iAnalogSID = KAnalogSID; |
450 networkInfoComplete.iNetworkId = KNetworkId; |
451 networkInfoComplete.iDisplayTag = KDisplayTag; |
452 networkInfoComplete.iShortName = KShortName; |
453 networkInfoComplete.iLongName = KLongName; |
454 |
455 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 locationAreaComplete; |
456 locationAreaComplete.iAreaKnown = KAreaKnown; |
457 locationAreaComplete.iLocationAreaCode = KLocationAreaCode; |
458 locationAreaComplete.iCellId = KCellId; |
459 |
460 TMockLtsyData2<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5, |
461 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1> mockCNCData2(networkInfoComplete, locationAreaComplete); |
462 |
463 data.Close(); |
464 mockCNCData2.SerialiseL(data); |
465 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoApiId, KErrNone, data); |
466 |
467 // |
468 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for NetworkModeChange |
469 // |
470 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkMode::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkModeApiId); |
471 |
472 // Prepare the KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkModeApiId data for CompleteL |
473 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode networkModeComplete; |
474 networkModeComplete = KNetworkMode; |
475 |
476 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode> mockNMCData1(networkModeComplete); |
477 |
478 data.Close(); |
479 mockNMCData1.SerialiseL(data); |
480 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkMode::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkModeApiId, KErrNone, data); |
481 |
482 // |
483 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for NitzInfoChange |
484 // |
485 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfoApiId); |
486 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ nitzComplete(2008, EMay, 12, 11, 59, 0, 0); |
487 nitzComplete.iShortNetworkId = KShortName; |
488 nitzComplete.iLongNetworkId = KLongName; |
489 nitzComplete.iNitzFieldsUsed = KNitzFieldsUsed; |
490 nitzComplete.iTimeZone = KTimeZone; |
491 nitzComplete.iDST = KDst; |
492 |
493 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ> mockNitzData1(nitzComplete); |
494 data.Close(); |
495 mockNitzData1.SerialiseL(data); |
496 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNitzInfoApiId, KErrNone, data); |
497 |
498 // |
499 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for SignalStrengthChange |
500 // |
501 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrength::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrengthApiId); |
502 TInt32 signalStrengthComplete(KSignalStrength); |
503 TInt8 barComplete(KBar); |
504 TMockLtsyData2<TInt32, TInt8> mockSigSthData2(signalStrengthComplete, barComplete); |
505 data.Close(); |
506 mockSigSthData2.SerialiseL(data); |
507 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrength::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrengthApiId, KErrNone, data); |
508 |
509 // |
510 // Prepare MockLtsy for processing a getter for BatteryInfoChange |
511 // |
512 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfoApiId); |
513 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 battInfo; |
514 battInfo.iChargeLevel = KBatteryChargeLevel; |
515 battInfo.iStatus = KBatteryStatus; |
516 |
517 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1> mockBattInfoData1(battInfo); |
518 data.Close(); |
519 mockBattInfoData1.SerialiseL(data); |
520 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfo::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfoApiId, KErrNone, data); |
521 |
522 data.Close(); |
523 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data |
524 } |
525 |
526 /** |
527 Dial a call |
528 @param aCall the call to use to dial |
529 @param aService type of call (must match the line the call what created on) |
530 @param aCallId Call ID the TSY allocates for this call |
531 */ |
532 void CCSatComponentTestBase::DialL(RMobileCall& aCall, TInt aCallId, RMobilePhone::TMobileService aService) |
533 { |
534 RBuf8 data; |
535 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
536 |
537 // EEtelCallDial |
538 RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1 callParams; |
539 RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1Pckg callParamsPckg(callParams); |
540 callParams.iInterval = 0; |
541 callParams.iCug.iCugIndex = 0xFFFF; |
542 RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 callInfo; |
543 RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1Pckg callInfoPckg(callInfo); |
544 callInfo.iDialledParty.iTelNumber.Copy(_L("02071541111")); |
545 callInfo.iService = aService; |
546 callInfo.iValid = RMobileCall::KCallDialledParty | RMobileCall::KCallAlternating; |
547 TMockLtsyCallData2<RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1, RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1> |
548 dialData(0, aService, callParams, callInfo); |
549 dialData.SerialiseL(data); |
550 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EEtelCallDial,data); |
551 |
552 // EMobileCallGetMobileCallInfo |
553 callInfo.iService = aService; |
554 callInfo.iEmergency = EFalse; |
555 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iCallingName = _L(""); |
556 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteIdStatus = RMobileCall::ERemoteIdentityUnknown; |
557 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iTelNumber = _L(""); |
558 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iNumberPlan = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumberingPlan; |
559 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iTypeOfNumber = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber; |
560 callInfo.iForwarded = EFalse; |
561 callInfo.iValid = RMobileCall::KCallDialledParty | RMobileCall::KCallRemoteParty; |
562 |
563 TMockLtsyCallData1<RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1> callInfoData(aCallId, aService, callInfo); |
564 data.Close(); |
565 callInfoData.SerialiseL(data); |
566 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EMobileCallGetMobileCallInfo,KErrNone,data,0); |
567 |
568 // complete Dial |
569 TMockLtsyCallData0 dialCompleteData(aCallId,aService); |
570 data.Close(); |
571 dialCompleteData.SerialiseL(data); |
572 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EEtelCallDial,KErrNone,data,0); |
573 |
574 TRequestStatus requestStatus ; |
575 aCall.Dial(requestStatus,callInfo.iDialledParty.iTelNumber); |
576 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
577 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
578 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int()); |
579 |
580 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); |
581 } |
582 |
583 /** |
584 Open packet service session. |
585 @param aStartAttachStatus Starting attach status. |
586 @param aStartAttachMode Starting atach mode. The CTSY does not even cache this value so it does not really matter what it gets set to. |
587 */ |
588 void CCSatComponentTestBase::OpenPacketServiceL(RPacketService& aRPacketService, RPacketService::TStatus aStartAttachStatus, RPacketService::TAttachMode aStartAttachMode) |
589 { |
590 RBuf8 data; |
591 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
592 |
593 TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus; |
594 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
595 |
596 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketNotifyStatusChange); |
597 |
598 TBool resumed = EFalse; |
599 TMockLtsyData2<RPacketService::TStatus , TBool> comNotifyStatus(aStartAttachStatus, resumed); |
600 comNotifyStatus.SerialiseL(data); |
601 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketNotifyStatusChange,KErrNone, data); |
602 |
603 TBool expInitState = ETrue; |
604 TMockLtsyData1<TBool> expGetAttachMode(expInitState); |
605 data.Close(); |
606 expGetAttachMode.SerialiseL(data); |
607 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketGetAttachMode, data); |
608 |
609 TMockLtsyData1<RPacketService::TAttachMode> comGetAttachMode(aStartAttachMode); |
610 data.Close(); |
611 comGetAttachMode.SerialiseL(data); |
612 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketGetAttachMode,KErrNone, data); |
613 |
614 //this is actually a sync call to LTSY where return represents a context id offset rather than error code. |
615 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketInitProxiesIPC, 3); |
616 |
617 //this actually completes before all messages between CSAT<->LTSY have finished. |
618 TInt err = aRPacketService.Open(iPhone); |
619 |
620 // Wait for the end of initialisation |
621 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
622 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
623 |
624 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // data |
625 } |
626 |
627 |
628 /** |
629 Context initiation |
630 @param aPacketContext context object |
631 @param aContextName context name |
632 */ |
633 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::InitContextL(RPacketContext& aPacketContext, TInfoName& aContextName, TInfoName aHostCidName) |
634 { |
635 RBuf8 data; |
636 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
637 |
638 // data for initialisation of the context |
639 TRequestStatus initStatus; |
640 RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2 dataCh; |
641 TPckg<RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2> pckgInit(dataCh); |
642 TMockLtsyData2< TInfoName, TInfoName > ltsyInit(aContextName, aHostCidName); |
643 ltsyInit.SerialiseL(data); |
644 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketContextInitialiseContext, data); |
645 |
646 TMockLtsyData1< TInfoName > ltsyData(aContextName); |
647 data.Close(); |
648 ltsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
649 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketContextInitialiseContext, KErrNone, data); |
650 //initialisation of the context |
651 aPacketContext.InitialiseContext(initStatus, pckgInit); |
652 User::WaitForRequest(initStatus); |
653 |
654 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data |
655 return initStatus.Int(); |
656 } |
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 /** |
661 Context activation |
662 @param aContextName context name |
663 */ |
664 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::SetContextActiveL(TInfoName& aContextName) |
665 { |
666 RBuf8 data; |
667 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
668 |
669 //data for CompleteL |
670 TContextMisc completeMisc; |
671 completeMisc.iStatus = RPacketContext::EStatusActive; |
672 TMockLtsyData2 <TInfoName, TContextMisc> |
673 ltsyData1(aContextName, completeMisc); |
674 ltsyData1.SerialiseL(data); |
675 |
676 TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus; |
677 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
678 //send completion |
679 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange, KErrNone, data); |
680 // wait for completion |
681 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
682 |
683 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data |
684 |
685 return mockLtsyStatus.Int(); |
686 } |
687 |
688 |
689 /** |
690 Set context to new status |
691 @param aContextName context name |
692 @param aStatus status to set |
693 */ |
694 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::SetContextStatusL(TInfoName& aContextName, RPacketContext::TContextStatus aStatus) |
695 { |
696 RBuf8 data; |
697 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
698 |
699 //data for CompleteL |
700 TContextMisc completeMisc; |
701 completeMisc.iStatus = aStatus; |
702 TMockLtsyData2 <TInfoName, TContextMisc> |
703 ltsyData1(aContextName, completeMisc); |
704 ltsyData1.SerialiseL(data); |
705 |
706 TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus; |
707 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
708 //send completion |
709 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange, KErrNone, data); |
710 // wait for completion |
711 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
712 |
713 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data |
714 |
715 return mockLtsyStatus.Int(); |
716 } |
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 /** |
721 Create QoS and set profile params |
722 @param aPacketQoS packet qos object |
723 @param aPacketContext context object |
724 @param aRequested profile |
725 */ |
726 |
727 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::CreateQoSAndSetProfileParamLC(RPacketQoS& aPacketQoS, |
728 RPacketContext& aPacketContext, |
729 TInfoName& aContextName, |
730 TPacketDataConfigBase& aRequested, |
731 TInfoName aPrimaryContextName) |
732 { |
733 // ------ create New QoS ------------------------------------------------- |
734 TName qosName; |
735 aPacketQoS.OpenNewQoS(aPacketContext, qosName); |
736 CleanupClosePushL(aPacketQoS); |
737 |
738 RBuf8 expectDataSPP; |
739 CleanupClosePushL(expectDataSPP); |
740 |
741 TInt ret(KErrArgument); |
742 |
743 // Get Context current status |
744 // test 1: context not inited |
745 RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus; |
746 TBool statusChanged = EFalse; |
747 aPacketContext.GetStatus(contextStatus); |
748 |
749 //check Context current status |
750 if ( RPacketContext::EStatusActivating != contextStatus && |
751 RPacketContext::EStatusActive != contextStatus) |
752 { |
753 // and change it to RPacketContext::EStatusActive |
754 SetContextActiveL(aContextName); |
755 statusChanged = ETrue; |
756 } |
757 |
758 |
759 // ------ SetProfileParameters -------------------------------------------- |
760 TRequestStatus requestStatus; |
761 |
762 if (TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS == aRequested.ExtensionId()) |
763 { |
764 RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested* req; |
765 req = reinterpret_cast< RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested* > ( &aRequested ); |
766 TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested> pckg(*req); |
767 // prepare data for expectDataSPP ... |
768 // ... context status |
769 RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus; |
770 aPacketContext.GetStatus(contextStatus); |
771 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
772 // ... get contextConfig |
773 RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfig; |
774 TPckg< RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS > pckgContextConfig = |
775 ( TPckg< RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS > ) contextConfig; |
776 aPacketContext.GetConfig(requestStatus, pckgContextConfig); |
777 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
778 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
779 |
780 // data for SetProfileParameters's ExpectL |
781 TContextParams contextParams; |
782 contextParams.iContextName = aContextName; |
783 contextParams.iContextType = contextConfig.iNWIContext; |
784 contextParams.iPdpType = contextConfig.iPdpType; |
785 contextParams.iPrimaryContextName = aPrimaryContextName; |
786 contextParams.iContextStatus = contextStatus; |
787 TMockLtsyData2<TContextParams, RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested> |
788 expExpect(contextParams, *req); |
789 expExpect.SerialiseL(expectDataSPP); |
790 |
791 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketQoSSetProfileParams, expectDataSPP); |
792 aPacketQoS.SetProfileParameters(requestStatus, pckg); |
793 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
794 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
795 ret = KErrNone; |
796 } |
797 |
798 if (TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4 == aRequested.ExtensionId()) |
799 { |
800 RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested* req; |
801 req = reinterpret_cast< RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested* > ( &aRequested ); |
802 TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested> pckg(*req); |
803 |
804 // prepare data for expectDataSPP ... |
805 // ... context status |
806 RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus; |
807 aPacketContext.GetStatus(contextStatus); |
808 // ... get contextConfig |
809 RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 contextConfig; |
810 TPckg< RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 > pckgContextConfig = |
811 ( TPckg< RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 > ) contextConfig; |
812 aPacketContext.GetConfig(requestStatus, pckgContextConfig); |
813 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
814 |
815 // data for SetProfileParameters's ExpectL |
816 TInfoName primaryContextName; |
817 TContextParams contextParams; |
818 contextParams.iContextName = aContextName; |
819 contextParams.iContextType = contextConfig.iNWIContext; |
820 contextParams.iPdpType = contextConfig.iPdpType; |
821 contextParams.iPrimaryContextName = primaryContextName; |
822 contextParams.iContextStatus = contextStatus; |
823 TMockLtsyData2<TContextParams, RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested> |
824 expExpect(contextParams, *req); |
825 expectDataSPP.Close(); |
826 expExpect.SerialiseL(expectDataSPP); |
827 |
828 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketQoSSetProfileParams, expectDataSPP); |
829 aPacketQoS.SetProfileParameters(requestStatus, pckg); |
830 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
831 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
832 ret = KErrNone; |
833 } |
834 |
835 if (TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel5 == aRequested.ExtensionId()) |
836 { |
837 RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested* req; |
838 req = reinterpret_cast< RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested* > ( &aRequested ); |
839 TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested> pckg(*req); |
840 |
841 // prepare data for expectDataSPP ... |
842 // ... context status |
843 RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus; |
844 aPacketContext.GetStatus(contextStatus); |
845 // ... get contextConfig |
846 RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 contextConfig; |
847 TPckg< RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 > pckgContextConfig = |
848 ( TPckg< RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 > ) contextConfig; |
849 aPacketContext.GetConfig(requestStatus, pckgContextConfig); |
850 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
851 |
852 // data for SetProfileParameters's ExpectL |
853 TInfoName primaryContextName; |
854 TContextParams contextParams; |
855 contextParams.iContextName = aContextName; |
856 contextParams.iContextType = contextConfig.iNWIContext; |
857 contextParams.iPdpType = contextConfig.iPdpType; |
858 contextParams.iPrimaryContextName = primaryContextName; |
859 contextParams.iContextStatus = contextStatus; |
860 TMockLtsyData2<TContextParams, RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested> |
861 expExpect(contextParams, *req); |
862 expectDataSPP.Close(); |
863 expExpect.SerialiseL(expectDataSPP); |
864 |
865 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketQoSSetProfileParams, expectDataSPP); |
866 |
867 aPacketQoS.SetProfileParameters(requestStatus, pckg); |
868 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
869 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
870 ret = KErrNone; |
871 } |
872 |
873 |
874 // if context status was changed |
875 if (statusChanged) |
876 { |
877 // return to previous status |
878 SetContextStatusL(aContextName, contextStatus); |
879 } |
880 |
881 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);// expectDataSPP |
882 // aPacketQoS is still in CleanupStack !!! |
883 return ret; |
884 } |
885 |
886 |
887 /** |
888 Set status to RPacketService |
889 @param aStatus status to set |
890 @param aIsResumed -- is resumed |
891 */ |
892 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::SetPacketServiceStatusL(RPacketService::TStatus& aStatus, TBool aIsResumed) |
893 { |
894 |
895 RBuf8 data; |
896 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
897 |
898 // Data for CompleteL |
899 TMockLtsyData2 <RPacketService::TStatus, TBool > ltsyData(aStatus, aIsResumed); |
900 ltsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
901 |
902 TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus; |
903 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
904 |
905 // Issue the Complete... |
906 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketNotifyStatusChange, KErrNone, data); |
907 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
908 |
909 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data |
910 |
911 return mockLtsyStatus.Int(); |
912 } |
913 |
914 /** |
915 Add filter to RContext |
916 @param aContext RPacketContext use to add filter |
917 @param aPacketFilterInfo -- Reference to a TPacketFilterV2 class packaged inside a TPckg<> class. |
918 */ |
919 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::AddContextPacketFilterL(RPacketContext& aContext, |
920 TInfoName& aContextName, |
921 RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2& aFilter, |
922 TBool aIsFailInCSAT) |
923 { |
924 |
925 RBuf8 data; |
926 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
927 |
928 TRequestStatus requestStatus; |
929 |
930 RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2Pckg filterPckg (aFilter); |
931 |
932 // if request reaches LTSY |
933 if (!aIsFailInCSAT) |
934 { |
935 //data for ExpectL |
936 RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS configGPRS; |
937 CArrayFixFlat< RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2 >* filterArray = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat |
938 <RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2>( 1 ); |
939 CleanupStack::PushL(filterArray); |
940 |
941 filterArray->AppendL( aFilter ); |
942 |
943 TMockLtsyContextData2< TInfoName, CArrayFixFlat< RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2 >* > |
944 packetFilterData( configGPRS, 0, aContextName, filterArray ); |
945 packetFilterData.SerialiseL(data); |
946 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EPacketContextAddPacketFilter, data); |
947 |
948 //data for CompleteL |
949 TMockLtsyData1<TInfoName > contexName(aContextName); |
950 data.Close(); |
951 contexName.SerialiseL(data); |
952 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EPacketContextSetConfig, KErrNone, data); |
953 |
954 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // filterArray |
955 } |
956 |
957 aContext.AddPacketFilter(requestStatus, filterPckg); |
958 User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); |
959 |
960 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data |
961 |
962 return requestStatus.Int(); |
963 } |
964 |
965 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::OpenNewCall(RLine& aLine, RCall& aCall, const TDesC& aLineName) |
966 { |
967 TName name; |
968 name = KMmTsyPhoneName; |
969 name.Append(KDoubleColon); |
970 name.Append(aLineName); |
971 name.Append(KDoubleColon); |
972 |
973 return aCall.OpenNewCall(aLine, name); |
974 } |
975 |
976 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::OpenNewCall(RLine& aLine, RCall& aCall, const TDesC& aLineName, TName& aNewName) |
977 { |
978 aNewName = KMmTsyPhoneName; |
979 aNewName.Append(KDoubleColon); |
980 aNewName.Append(aLineName); |
981 aNewName.Append(KDoubleColon); |
982 |
983 return aCall.OpenNewCall(aLine, aNewName); |
984 } |
985 |
986 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::CreateIncomingCall(RLine& aLine, |
987 const TInt aCallId, |
988 const TDesC& aLineName, |
989 TName& aIncomingCallName, |
990 RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMobileService) |
991 { |
992 TInt errorCode = KErrNone; |
993 _LIT(KDoubleColon, "::"); |
994 |
995 TName name; |
996 name = KMmTsyPhoneName; |
997 name.Append(KDoubleColon); |
998 name.Append(aLineName); |
999 name.Append(KDoubleColon); |
1000 |
1001 RCall call; |
1002 RBuf8 completeData; |
1003 CleanupClosePushL(completeData); |
1004 |
1005 TRequestStatus requestNotify; |
1006 TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus; |
1007 |
1008 errorCode = call.OpenNewCall(aLine, name); |
1009 CleanupClosePushL(call); |
1010 |
1011 if (errorCode != KErrNone) |
1012 return errorCode; |
1013 |
1014 aLine.NotifyIncomingCall(requestNotify, aIncomingCallName); |
1015 |
1016 // Complete NotifyIncomingCall |
1017 RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 mobileCallInfo; |
1018 mobileCallInfo.iService = aMobileService; |
1019 TMockLtsyCallData1<RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1> mockCallData1(aCallId, aMobileService, mobileCallInfo); |
1020 mockCallData1.SerialiseL(completeData); |
1021 |
1022 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
1023 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyIncomingCallIndId, KErrNone, completeData); |
1024 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
1025 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1026 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, mockLtsyStatus.Int()); |
1027 |
1028 User::WaitForRequest(requestNotify); |
1029 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1030 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestNotify.Int()); |
1031 |
1032 // Complete NotifyCallStatusChange with ringing status |
1033 RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus callStatus = RMobileCall::EStatusRinging; |
1034 TMockLtsyCallData1<RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus> mockCallData2(aCallId, aMobileService, callStatus); |
1035 completeData.Close(); |
1036 mockCallData2.SerialiseL(completeData); |
1037 |
1038 iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus); |
1039 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeIndId , KErrNone, completeData); |
1040 User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus); |
1041 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1042 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, mockLtsyStatus.Int()); |
1043 |
1044 call.Close(); |
1045 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1046 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // data, completeData |
1047 |
1048 return errorCode; |
1049 } |
1050 |
1051 void CCSatComponentTestBase::CloseIncomingCall(RCall& aCall, const TInt aCallId, |
1052 RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMobileService) |
1053 { |
1054 RBuf8 expectData; |
1055 CleanupClosePushL(expectData); |
1056 |
1057 TInt hangUpCause = KErrGsmReleaseByUser; |
1058 TBool autoStChangeDisable = EFalse; |
1059 TMockLtsyCallData2<TInt, TBool> mockData2(aCallId, aMobileService, |
1060 hangUpCause, |
1061 autoStChangeDisable); |
1062 mockData2.SerialiseL(expectData); |
1063 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EEtelCallHangUp, expectData); |
1064 |
1065 aCall.Close(); |
1066 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1067 |
1068 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // expectData |
1069 } |
1070 |
1071 |
1072 void CCSatComponentTestBase::CloseLineL(RLine& aLine, TInt aCallId, RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMobileService) |
1073 { |
1074 RBuf8 expectData; |
1075 CleanupClosePushL(expectData); |
1076 |
1077 // Get Call Status |
1078 RCall::TStatus callStatus; |
1079 aLine.GetStatus(callStatus); |
1080 |
1081 // Hang up call if call is still connecting |
1082 // so in this case we have to prepare expectData |
1083 if ( !( RMobileCall::EStatusIdle == callStatus || |
1084 RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting == callStatus || |
1085 RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnectingWithInband == callStatus ) |
1086 && aCallId !=0 && aMobileService != RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified) |
1087 { |
1088 // prepare data for close line |
1089 TInt symbianHangUpCause( KErrGsmReleaseByUser ); |
1090 TBool autoStChangeDisable = EFalse; |
1091 TMockLtsyCallData2<TInt, TBool> expData(aCallId, aMobileService, symbianHangUpCause, autoStChangeDisable); |
1092 expData.SerialiseL(expectData); |
1093 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(EEtelCallHangUp, expectData); |
1094 } |
1095 |
1096 // close line |
1097 aLine.Close(); |
1098 |
1099 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // expectData |
1100 } |
1101 |
1102 // ExpectL and CopmleteL must precede this function. |
1103 void CCSatComponentTestBase::CallGetMobileCallInfoL(TInt aCallId, |
1104 RMobilePhone::TMobileService aService, |
1105 const TDesC &aTelNumber) |
1106 { |
1107 _LIT(KNullDesC , ""); |
1108 |
1109 RBuf8 data; |
1110 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
1111 |
1112 RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 callInfo; |
1113 callInfo.iDialledParty.iTelNumber.Copy(aTelNumber); |
1114 callInfo.iService = aService; |
1115 callInfo.iEmergency = EFalse; |
1116 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iCallingName = KNullDesC; |
1117 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteIdStatus = RMobileCall::ERemoteIdentityUnknown; |
1118 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iTelNumber = KNullDesC; |
1119 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iNumberPlan = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumberingPlan; |
1120 callInfo.iRemoteParty.iRemoteNumber.iTypeOfNumber = RMobilePhone::EUnknownNumber; |
1121 callInfo.iForwarded = EFalse; |
1122 callInfo.iValid = RMobileCall::KCallDialledParty | RMobileCall::KCallRemoteParty; |
1123 |
1124 TMockLtsyCallData1<RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1> callInfoData(aCallId, aService, callInfo); |
1125 callInfoData.SerialiseL(data); |
1126 |
1127 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(EMobileCallGetMobileCallInfo, KErrNone, data); |
1128 |
1129 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); |
1130 } |
1131 |
1132 CActiveScheduler* CCSatComponentTestBase::InstallSchedulerLC() |
1133 { |
1134 CActiveScheduler* scheduler=new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler; |
1135 CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler); |
1136 return scheduler; |
1137 } |
1138 |
1139 |
1140 |
1141 /** |
1142 * Utility function which handles all the Expects/Completes generated by Opening an RSat object. |
1143 */ |
1144 void CCSatComponentTestBase::OpenSatL(TUint8 aEnabled) |
1145 { |
1146 RBuf8 data; |
1147 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
1148 |
1149 TRequestStatus reqStatus; |
1150 |
1151 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated::KLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivatedApiId); |
1152 |
1153 TBool smsMoControlActivated = aEnabled & KSmsMoControlEnabled; |
1154 TMockLtsyData1<TBool> comLtsyData(smsMoControlActivated); |
1155 comLtsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
1156 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated::KLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivatedApiId, KErrNone, data, KDefaultDelay); |
1157 |
1158 TUint8 pcmdCode = KPollInterval; |
1159 TMockLtsyData1<TUint8> expLtsyData(pcmdCode); |
1160 data.Close(); |
1161 expLtsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
1162 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId, data ); |
1163 |
1164 pcmdCode = KPollingOff; |
1165 data.Close(); |
1166 expLtsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
1167 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId, data ); |
1168 |
1169 pcmdCode = KMoreTime; |
1170 data.Close(); |
1171 expLtsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
1172 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId, data ); |
1173 |
1174 pcmdCode = KTimerManagement; |
1175 data.Close(); |
1176 expLtsyData.SerialiseL(data); |
1177 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId, data ); |
1178 |
1179 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetPhoneId::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetPhoneIdApiId); |
1180 |
1181 _LIT(KSerialNumber, "12345678"); |
1182 |
1183 RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 phoneId; |
1184 phoneId.iSerialNumber = KSerialNumber; |
1185 |
1186 TMockLtsyData1<RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1> phoneIdData(phoneId); |
1187 data.Close(); |
1188 phoneIdData.SerialiseL(data); |
1189 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetPhoneId::KLtsyDispatchPhoneGetPhoneIdApiId, KErrNone, data,KDefaultDelay); |
1190 |
1191 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability::KLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityApiId); |
1192 |
1193 TBuf8<KMaxLengthDefaultBearerData> bearerCapabilities(_L8("TEST BEARER!")); |
1194 TDesC8* bearerCapabilitiesPtr = &bearerCapabilities; |
1195 TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> bearerCapabilitiesData(bearerCapabilitiesPtr); |
1196 data.Close(); |
1197 bearerCapabilitiesData.SerialiseL(data); |
1198 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability::KLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityApiId, KErrNone, data, KDefaultDelay); |
1199 |
1200 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported::KLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupportedApiId); |
1201 |
1202 TBool ussdSupported = aEnabled & KUssdEnabled; |
1203 TMockLtsyData1<TBool> ussdSupportedData(ussdSupported); |
1204 data.Close(); |
1205 ussdSupportedData.SerialiseL(data); |
1206 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported::KLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupportedApiId, KErrNone, data, KDefaultDelay); |
1207 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlSupportedChangeIndId, KErrNone, data, KDefaultDelay); //do a future indicator completion as well as this could happen at some point |
1208 |
1209 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatReady::KLtsyDispatchSatReadyApiId); |
1210 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSatReady::KLtsyDispatchSatReadyApiId,KErrNone, KDefaultDelay); |
1211 |
1212 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported::KLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedApiId); |
1213 |
1214 TBool smsPpDdlSupported = aEnabled & KSmsPpDownloadEnabled; |
1215 TMockLtsyData1<TBool> smsPpData(smsPpDdlSupported); |
1216 data.Close(); |
1217 smsPpData.SerialiseL(data); |
1218 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported::KLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedApiId, KErrNone, data, KDefaultDelay); |
1219 |
1220 User::LeaveIfError(iSat.Open(iPhone)); |
1221 |
1222 WaitForMockLTSYTerminated(); |
1223 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1224 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&data); |
1225 } |
1226 |
1227 |
1228 /** |
1229 Prepares MockLtsy with expected IPC data for proactive command notification |
1230 @param aPCmdNumber proactive command number |
1231 */ |
1232 void CCSatComponentTestBase::PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL( TUint8 aPCmdNumber ) |
1233 { |
1234 TPckg<TUint8> pcmdCodePckg(aPCmdNumber); |
1235 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId, pcmdCodePckg); |
1236 } |
1237 |
1238 |
1239 /** |
1240 Prepares MockLtsy with data for completion of proactive command notification |
1241 @param aCompleteTlv proactive command Tlv |
1242 @param aError proactive command notification result code |
1243 */ |
1244 void CCSatComponentTestBase::PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL( TPtrC8 aCompleteTlv, TInt aError, TInt aDelay ) |
1245 { |
1246 RBuf8 data; |
1247 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
1248 |
1249 TDesC8* tlvPtr = &aCompleteTlv; |
1250 |
1251 TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> dspTxtDscPack(tlvPtr); |
1252 dspTxtDscPack.SerialiseL(data); |
1253 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchSatPcmdIndId, aError, data, aDelay); |
1254 |
1255 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&data); |
1256 } |
1257 |
1258 |
1259 /** |
1260 Fills in a proactive command Tlv with command details and device identities |
1261 @param aTlv Tlv to fill in |
1262 @param aPCmdNumber proactive command number |
1263 @param aTypeOfCommand type of proactive command |
1264 @param aCommandQualifier proactive command qualifier |
1265 @param aDestDeviceId command destination device Id |
1266 */ |
1267 void ProactiveCmdTlvBegin( |
1268 TTlv& aTlv, |
1269 TUint8 aPCmdNumber, |
1270 TUint8 aTypeOfCommand, |
1271 TUint8 aCommandQualifier, |
1272 TUint8 aDestDeviceId) |
1273 { |
1274 aTlv.Begin(KBerTlvProactiveSimCommandTag); |
1275 aTlv.AddTag(KTlvCommandDetailsTag); |
1276 aTlv.AddByte(aPCmdNumber);//ETLV_CommandNumber |
1277 aTlv.AddByte(aTypeOfCommand); //ETLV_TypeOfCommand |
1278 aTlv.AddByte(aCommandQualifier); //ETLV_CommandQualifier |
1279 |
1280 if ( KDeviceIdNotSet != aDestDeviceId ) |
1281 { |
1282 aTlv.AddTag(KTlvDeviceIdentityTag); |
1283 aTlv.AddByte(KSim); //ETLV_SourceDeviceIdentity |
1284 aTlv.AddByte(aDestDeviceId); //ETLV_DestinationDeviceIdentity |
1285 } |
1286 } |
1287 |
1288 |
1289 /** |
1290 Generates a terminal response Tlv |
1291 @param aBuf A buffer to fill in Tlv |
1292 @param aPCmdNumber proactive command number |
1293 @param aTypeOfCommand type of proactive command |
1294 @param aCommandQualifier proactive command qualifier |
1295 @param aGeneralResult result code of proactive command processing |
1296 @param aGeneralResultAddInfo additional command result information |
1297 @param aAdditionalInfoTlv additional tlv data |
1298 */ |
1299 void CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTermRspTlv( |
1300 RBuf8& aBuf, |
1301 TUint8 aPCmdNumber, |
1302 TUint8 aTypeOfCommand, |
1303 TUint8 aCommandQualifier, |
1304 RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult, |
1305 const TDesC& aGeneralResultAddInfo, |
1306 const TDesC8& aAdditionalInfoTlv) |
1307 { |
1308 TTlv tlv; |
1309 tlv.AddTag(KTlvCommandDetailsTag); |
1310 tlv.AddByte(aPCmdNumber);//ETLV_CommandNumber |
1311 tlv.AddByte(aTypeOfCommand); //ETLV_TypeOfCommand |
1312 tlv.AddByte(aCommandQualifier); //ETLV_CommandQualifier |
1313 |
1314 tlv.AddTag(KTlvDeviceIdentityTag); |
1315 tlv.AddByte(KMe); |
1316 tlv.AddByte(KSim); |
1317 |
1318 tlv.AddTag(KTlvResultTag); |
1319 tlv.AddByte(aGeneralResult); |
1320 TUint genResAddInfoLength = aGeneralResultAddInfo.Length(); |
1321 for (TUint i = 0; i < genResAddInfoLength; i++) |
1322 { |
1323 tlv.AddByte( static_cast< TUint8 >(aGeneralResultAddInfo[i]) ); |
1324 } |
1325 |
1326 aBuf.Zero(); |
1327 aBuf.Append(tlv.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag()); |
1328 aBuf.Append(aAdditionalInfoTlv); |
1329 } |
1330 |
1331 |
1332 /** |
1333 Prepares MockLtsy with expected IPC data for terminal response |
1334 @param aPCmdNumber proactive command number |
1335 @param aTypeOfCommand type of proactive command |
1336 @param aCommandQualifier proactive command qualifier |
1337 @param aGeneralResult result code of proactive command processing |
1338 @param aGeneralResultAddInfo additional command result information |
1339 @param aAdditionalInfoTlv additional tlv data |
1340 @param aResultForExpect result value for ExpectL() |
1341 */ |
1342 void CCSatComponentTestBase::PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL( |
1343 TUint8 aPCmdNumber, |
1344 TUint8 aTypeOfCommand, |
1345 TUint8 aCommandQualifier, |
1346 const TDesC& aGeneralResultAddInfo, |
1347 RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult, |
1348 const TDesC8& aAdditionalInfoTlv, |
1349 const TInt aResultForExpect) |
1350 { |
1351 RBuf8 data; |
1352 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
1353 |
1354 RBuf8 terminalRsp; |
1355 CleanupClosePushL(terminalRsp); |
1356 terminalRsp.CreateL(KTlvMaxSize); |
1357 |
1358 GenerateTermRspTlv( |
1359 terminalRsp, |
1360 aPCmdNumber, |
1361 aTypeOfCommand, |
1362 aCommandQualifier, |
1363 aGeneralResult, |
1364 aGeneralResultAddInfo, |
1365 aAdditionalInfoTlv); |
1366 |
1367 TDesC8* terminalRspPtr = &terminalRsp; |
1368 |
1369 TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> termRespData(terminalRspPtr); |
1370 termRespData.SerialiseL(data); |
1371 |
1372 iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp::KLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRspApiId, data, aResultForExpect); |
1373 |
1374 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&terminalRsp); |
1375 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&data); |
1376 } |
1377 |
1378 |
1379 /** |
1380 Sends a terminal response. |
1381 @param aRSatTypeOfCommand proactive command number |
1382 @param aRspPckg packaged data for terminal response |
1383 @param aExpResult expected result of TerminalRsp() execution |
1384 */ |
1385 void CCSatComponentTestBase::TerminalResponseL( |
1386 RSat::TPCmd aRSatTypeOfCommand, |
1387 const TDesC8& aRspPckg, |
1388 const TInt aExpResult) |
1389 { |
1390 TRequestStatus reqStatus; |
1391 iSat.TerminalRsp(reqStatus, aRSatTypeOfCommand, aRspPckg); |
1392 User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus); |
1393 ASSERT_EQUALS(aExpResult, reqStatus.Int()); |
1394 } |
1395 |
1396 |
1397 /** |
1398 Handles sending a terminal response |
1399 @param aPCmdNumber proactive command number |
1400 @param aTypeOfCommand type of proactive command |
1401 @param aCommandQualifier proactive command qualifier |
1402 @param aRSatTypeOfCommand proactive command number |
1403 @param aRspPckg packaged data for terminal response |
1404 @param aGeneralResultAddInfo additional command result information |
1405 @param aGeneralResult result code of proactive command processing |
1406 @param aAdditionalInfoTlv additional tlv data |
1407 @param aExpResult expected result of TerminalRsp() execution |
1408 */ |
1409 void CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( |
1410 TUint8 aPCmdNumber, |
1411 TUint8 aTypeOfCommand, |
1412 TUint8 aCommandQualifier, |
1413 RSat::TPCmd aRSatTypeOfCommand, |
1414 const TDesC8& aRspPckg, |
1415 const TDesC& aGeneralResultAddInfo, |
1416 RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult, |
1417 const TDesC8& aAdditionalInfoTlv, |
1418 const TInt aExpResult) |
1419 { |
1420 PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL( |
1421 aPCmdNumber, |
1422 aTypeOfCommand, |
1423 aCommandQualifier, |
1424 aGeneralResultAddInfo, |
1425 aGeneralResult, |
1426 aAdditionalInfoTlv); |
1427 TerminalResponseL( aRSatTypeOfCommand, aRspPckg, aExpResult); |
1428 } |
1429 |
1430 |
1431 /** |
1432 End Proactive Sim Session |
1433 */ |
1434 void CCSatComponentTestBase::EndPSimSessionL() |
1435 { |
1436 //this is as a result of the NotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd call down to the LTSY, |
1437 //this tells the LTSY we are interested in a Sim Session End event |
1438 //CSAT -> LTSY |
1439 PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KEndOfTheProactiveSession); |
1440 |
1441 //the client side call to be notifed when the Proactive Sim Session has ended. |
1442 TRequestStatus reqStatus; |
1443 iSat.NotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd(reqStatus); |
1444 |
1445 TUint8 statusWord1 = 0x90; |
1446 TUint8 statusWord2 = 0x00; |
1447 TMockLtsyData2<TUint8,TUint8> notifyDataPack(statusWord1,statusWord2); |
1448 |
1449 RBuf8 data; |
1450 CleanupClosePushL(data); |
1451 notifyDataPack.SerialiseL(data); |
1452 |
1453 iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchSatNotifyProactiveSimSessionEndIndId, KErrNone, data); |
1454 |
1455 //wait for the client side to be notified |
1456 User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus); |
1457 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus.Int()); |
1458 AssertMockLtsyStatusL(); |
1459 |
1460 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&data); |
1461 } |
1462 |
1463 /** |
1464 Test if a proactive command was performed successfully |
1465 */ |
1466 TBool CCSatComponentTestBase::CommandPerformedSuccessfully |
1467 ( |
1468 TUint8 aGeneralResult |
1469 ) |
1470 { |
1471 TBool ret( EFalse ); |
1472 switch ( aGeneralResult ) |
1473 { |
1474 case RSat::KSuccess: |
1475 case RSat::KPartialComprehension: |
1476 case RSat::KMissingInformation: |
1477 case RSat::KRefreshAdditionEFRead: |
1478 case RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed: |
1479 case RSat::KModifiedByCallControl: |
1480 case RSat::KSuccessLimitedService: |
1481 case RSat::KPerformedWithModifications: |
1482 case RSat::KRefreshUSIMNotActive: |
1483 { |
1484 ret = ETrue; |
1485 break; |
1486 } |
1487 default: |
1488 { |
1489 ret = EFalse; |
1490 break; |
1491 } |
1492 } |
1493 return ret; |
1494 } |
1495 |
1496 |
1497 /** |
1498 Compares 16bit descriptor with 8bit descriptor |
1499 @param aStringToCompareWith string to compare with |
1500 @param aStringToCompare string to compare |
1501 @return |
1502 Positive, if this descriptor is greater than the specified descriptor. |
1503 Negative, if this descriptor is less than the specified descriptor. |
1504 Zero, if both descriptors have the same length and the their contents are the same. |
1505 */ |
1506 TInt Compare16bitDesWith8bitDesL(const TDesC8& aStringToCompareWith, const TDesC16& aStringToCompare) |
1507 { |
1508 RBuf8 buf; |
1509 |
1510 buf.CreateL(aStringToCompare.Length()); |
1511 buf.Copy(aStringToCompare); |
1512 |
1513 TInt res = aStringToCompareWith.Compare(buf); |
1514 |
1515 buf.Close(); |
1516 |
1517 return res; |
1518 } |
1519 |
1520 |
1521 /** |
1522 Converts Unicode to packed 7 bit |
1523 @param aInput Input string |
1524 @param aOutput Output string |
1525 @return KErrNone or the luck space of output descriptor |
1526 */ |
1527 TInt CCSatComponentTestBase::UnicodeToPacked7L(const TDesC16& aInput, TDes8& aOutput) |
1528 { |
1529 TInt length( aInput.Length() ); |
1530 RBuf8 string; |
1531 string.CleanupClosePushL(); |
1532 string.CreateL( length ); |
1533 |
1534 // convert unicode to 7 bit SMS default alphabet |
1535 CCnvCharacterSetConverter* converter = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewLC(); |
1536 |
1537 RFs fileServSes; |
1538 ASSERT_EQUALS(CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EAvailable, |
1539 converter->PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(KCharacterSetIdentifierSms7Bit, fileServSes)); |
1540 |
1541 ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, converter->ConvertFromUnicode(string, aInput)); |
1542 |
1543 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(converter); |
1544 |
1545 // pack 7 bit data |
1546 TUint8 shift( 0 ); |
1547 TInt packedDataSize( 0 ); |
1548 |
1549 for ( TInt i = 0; i < length; i++ ) |
1550 { |
1551 // Get first character |
1552 TUint8 char1 = static_cast<TUint8>( string[i] >> shift ); |
1553 TUint8 char2( 0 ); |
1554 |
1555 if ( length > ( i + 1 ) ) // if not last symbol |
1556 { |
1557 // Get next character |
1558 char2 = static_cast<TUint8>( string[i + 1] << ( 7 - shift ) ); |
1559 } |
1560 |
1561 // update packed character |
1562 string[ packedDataSize++ ] = static_cast<TUint8>( char1 | char2 ); |
1563 |
1564 // character is 7bit coded, so the shift can not be more then 6 |
1565 if ( 6 == shift ) |
1566 { |
1567 shift = 0; |
1568 // the next symbol is allready packed (8 bytes packed in 7 bytes) |
1569 // so let increase the counter |
1570 i++; |
1571 } |
1572 else |
1573 { |
1574 shift++; |
1575 } |
1576 } |
1577 |
1578 string.SetLength( packedDataSize ); |
1579 |
1580 if ( 0 == shift ) |
1581 { |
1582 // 7 last bytes packed in 7 bytes, so there are 7 spare zero bits at |
1583 // the end of the message. To avoid the situation where the receiving |
1584 // entity confuses 7 binary zero pad bits as the @ character, |
1585 // the carriage return (i.e. <CR>) character shall be used for padding |
1586 // in this situation, as defined in TS 23.038 [5]. <CR> = 0x0D |
1587 string[ packedDataSize - 1 ] = |
1588 static_cast<TUint8>( string[ packedDataSize - 1 ] | (0x0D)<<1 ); |
1589 } |
1590 |
1591 TInt copySize = Min( packedDataSize, aOutput.MaxLength() ); |
1592 |
1593 aOutput.Copy( string.Left( copySize ) ); |
1594 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&string); |
1595 |
1596 return (packedDataSize == copySize)?KErrNone:(packedDataSize - copySize); |
1597 } |
1598 |
1599 |