changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    18 /**
    19  @file The TEFUnit test suite for SendSMS in the SAT.
    20 */
    22 #include <etel.h>
    23 #include <etelmm.h>
    25 #include <satcs.h>
    26 #include <ctsy/ltsy/sat_defs.h>
    28 #include <test/tmockltsydata.h>
    29 #include <test/mockltsyindicatorids.h>
    30 #include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsatinterface.h>
    31 //#include "csatnotificationstsy.h"
    32 #include "ccsatsendsmsfu.h"
    34 const TUint8 KTestPCmdNumber = 1;
    35 _LIT8(KDialingNumberString8,"112233445566778");
    36 _LIT16(KDialingNumberString16,"112233445566778");
    39 CTestSuite* CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName)
    40 	{
    41 	SUB_SUITE;
    43 	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendSMSFU, TestNotifySendSmPCmd0001L);
    44 	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendSMSFU, TestNotifySendSmPCmd0002L);
    45 	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendSMSFU, TestNotifySendSmPCmd0004L);
    47 	END_SUITE;
    48 	}
    50 //
    51 // Actual test cases
    52 //
    54 /**
    56 @SYMPREQ 1780
    57 @SYMComponent  telephony_csat
    58 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
    59 @SYMTestPriority High
    60 @SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
    61 @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
    62 @SYMTestType CT
    63 */
    64 void CCSatSendSMSFU::TestNotifySendSmPCmd0001L()
    65 	{
    67 	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
    68 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
    69 	OpenPhoneL();
    70 	OpenSatL();
    72  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 	// TEST C: Successful completion request of RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd 
    74  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 	// Run some of test sequences listed in 3GPP TS 31.124 clause "SEND SHORT MESSAGE"
    76 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence14);
    77 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence15);
    78 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence16);
    79 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence17);
    80 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence18);
    81 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence31A);
    82 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence31B);
    83 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence32A);
    84 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSequence32B);	
    86  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 	// TEST E: Unsolicited completion of RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
    88 	// from LTSY.
    89  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 	TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus;
    92 	iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus);
    94 	// Create unsolicted "SEND SHORT MESSAGE"
    95 	TTpdu tpdu;
    96 	MockCompleteSendSmPCmdL(tpdu,ETestUnsolictedCompletion);
    98 	// Prime Mock for forthcoming "TERMINAL RESPONSE" that is invoked internally by SAT TSY
    99 	MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(ETestUnsolictedCompletion);
   101 	User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus);
   102 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, mockLtsyStatus.Int());	
   103 	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
   105  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 	// TEST F: Coverage test(s) for RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   107  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestMissingAddressType);
   109 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestMissingDiallingNumber);
   110 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestSmsCommand);
   111 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestRelativeVPF);
   112 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestEnchancedVPF);	
   113 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestAbsoluteVPF);
   114 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestRelativeVPFPacked);
   115 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestEnchancedVPFPacked); 
   117 	DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestTooBigSmsCommand);	
   118 	DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bit);
   119 	DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bit);
   120 	DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bitPacked);	
   121 	DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bitPacked);
   122 	DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestMissingSmsTpdu);	
   124 	DoTestTerminalResponseL();
   126 	DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked);  
   128 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 	// TEST B: failure on completion of pending request from LTSY->CTSY
   130  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 	tpdu.Zero();
   133 	MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(tpdu,ETestSequence11,KErrUnknown);
   135 	TRequestStatus reqStatus;
   137 	RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm;
   138 	RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg(sendSm);
   139 	iSat.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus,sendSmPckg);
   140 	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
   141 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrUnknown, reqStatus.Int());	
   143 	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
   145 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
   147 	}
   150 /**
   152 @SYMPREQ 1780
   153 @SYMComponent  telephony_csat
   154 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for cancelling of RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   155 @SYMTestPriority High
   156 @SYMTestActions Invokes cancelling of RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   157 @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
   158 @SYMTestType CT
   159 */
   160 void CCSatSendSMSFU::TestNotifySendSmPCmd0002L()
   161 	{
   163 	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
   164 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
   165 	OpenPhoneL();
   166 	OpenSatL();
   168 	// tell Mock about forthcoming RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   169 	const TUint8 KPcmdCode = KSendShortMessage;
   170 	const TPckgC<TUint8> KPcmdCodePckg(KPcmdCode);
   172 	iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId,KPcmdCodePckg);
   174 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 	// Test cancelling of RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   176  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 	TRequestStatus reqStatus;
   180 	RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm;
   181 	RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg(sendSm);
   182 	iSat.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus,sendSmPckg);
   183 	iSat.CancelAsyncRequest(ESatNotifySendSmPCmd);
   184 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCancel, reqStatus.Int());
   186 	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
   188 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
   190 	}
   192 /**
   194 @SYMPREQ 1780
   195 @SYMComponent  telephony_csat
   196 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for multiple client requests to RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   197 @SYMTestPriority High
   198 @SYMTestActions Invokes multiple client requests to RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   199 @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
   200 @SYMTestType CT
   201 */
   202 void CCSatSendSMSFU::TestNotifySendSmPCmd0004L()
   203 	{
   204 	// Note: Most likely this test should be fixed.
   205 	// Currently *all simultenious* RSat::NotifyXXXXPCmd() requests complete
   206 	// with KErrNone when corresponding proactive command arrives succesfully.
   207 	// That's the problem because once a RSat client gets a proactive command
   208 	// it should reply with appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" after processing it.
   209 	// So if there are *two or more* independant clients listening for the same 
   210 	// proactive command then *two or more* "TERMINAL RESPONSE"s for that command
   211 	// are likely. Such behaviour seems to be erroneous because once a SIM application 
   212 	// has issued a proactive command it would expect a *single* "TERMINAL RESPONSE" 
   213 	// in reply but not two or more.
   215 	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
   216 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
   217 	OpenPhoneL();
   218 	OpenSatL();
   220 	// Open second client
   221 	RTelServer telServer2;
   222 	TInt ret = telServer2.Connect();
   223 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
   224 	CleanupClosePushL(telServer2);
   226 	RMobilePhone phone2;
   227 	ret = phone2.Open(telServer2,KMmTsyPhoneName);
   228 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
   229 	CleanupClosePushL(phone2);
   231 	RSat sat2;
   232 	ret = sat2.Open(phone2);
   233 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
   234 	CleanupClosePushL(sat2);
   236 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 	// Test A: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
   238  	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 	// Prime Mock with "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" proactive command
   241 	TTpdu tpdu;
   242 	MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(tpdu, ETestSequence11);
   244 	// Invoke 1-st client RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
   245 	TRequestStatus reqStatus1;
   247 	RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm1;
   248 	RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg1(sendSm1);
   249 	iSat.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus1,sendSmPckg1);
   251 	// Invoke 2-nd client RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
   252 	TRequestStatus reqStatus2;
   253 	RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm2;
   254 	RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg2(sendSm2);
   255 	sat2.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus2,sendSmPckg2);
   257 	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus1);
   258 	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus2);
   260 	// Check both results
   261 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus1.Int());
   262 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus2.Int()); // KErrNone or KErrServerBusy ? See the note at the top.     
   263 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KTestPCmdNumber, sendSm1.PCmdNumber());
   264 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KTestPCmdNumber, sendSm2.PCmdNumber());
   265 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm1.iAlphaId.iStatus, ExpectedAlphaIdStatus(ETestSequence11));
   266 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm2.iAlphaId.iStatus, ExpectedAlphaIdStatus(ETestSequence11));
   267 	ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm1.iAlphaId.iAlphaId == ExpectedAlphaId(ETestSequence11));
   268 	ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm2.iAlphaId.iAlphaId == ExpectedAlphaId(ETestSequence11));
   269 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm1.iAddress.iTypeOfNumber, ExpectedTypeOfNumber(ETestSequence11));
   270 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm2.iAddress.iTypeOfNumber, ExpectedTypeOfNumber(ETestSequence11));
   271 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm1.iAddress.iNumberPlan, ExpectedNumberPlan(ETestSequence11));
   272 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm2.iAddress.iNumberPlan, ExpectedNumberPlan(ETestSequence11));
   273 	ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm1.iAddress.iTelNumber == KDialingNumberString16);
   274 	ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm2.iAddress.iTelNumber == KDialingNumberString16);
   275 	ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm1.iSmsTpdu == tpdu);		
   276 	ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm2.iSmsTpdu == tpdu);		
   278 	// Prime MOCK with appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" 	
   279 	RSat::TSendSmRspV1 rsp;
   280 	RSat::TSendSmRspV1Pckg rspPckg(rsp);
   281 	FillResponse(rsp,ETestSequence11);
   282 	MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(ETestSequence11,rsp);
   284 	// Invoke 1-st RSat:TerminalRsp	
   285 	TRequestStatus rspStatus1;
   286 	iSat.TerminalRsp(rspStatus1,RSat::ESendSm,rspPckg);
   287 	User::WaitForRequest(rspStatus1);
   288 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, rspStatus1.Int());
   290 	// Prime MOCK once again with "TERMINAL RESPONSE"
   291 	MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(ETestSequence11,rsp);
   293 	// Invoke 2-nd RSat:TerminalRsp
   294 	TRequestStatus rspStatus2;
   295 	sat2.TerminalRsp(rspStatus2,RSat::ESendSm,rspPckg);
   296 	User::WaitForRequest(rspStatus2);
   297 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, rspStatus2.Int());
   299 	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
   301 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, this); // sat2, phone2, telServer2, this
   303 	}
   305 // *************************** 
   306 // * TLV tags used for testing
   307 // ***************************
   308 #if 1
   309 // TLV tags without CR bit
   310 const TUint8 KTestCommandDetailsTag  = KTlvCommandDetailsTag;
   311 const TUint8 KTestDeviceIdentityTag  = KTlvDeviceIdentityTag;
   312 const TUint8 KTestAlphaIdentifierTag = KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag;
   313 const TUint8 KTestAddressTag         = KTlvAddressTag;
   314 const TUint8 KTestSmsTpduTag         = KTlvSmsTpduTag;
   315 const TUint8 KTestResultTag          = KTlvResultTag;
   316 const TUint8 KTestIconIdentifierTag  = KTlvIconIdentifierTag;
   317 #else
   318 // TLV tags with CR (Comprehension Required) bit set. 
   319 // It is not quite clear how exacly it should be used in "TERMINAL RESPONSE"
   320 // but current SAT TSY implementation never sets it there for tags other 
   321 // than "command details" though terminal responses listed in TS 31.124 have it set
   322 // for all tags. Is that a defect ??
   323 const TUint8 KTestCommandDetailsTag  = (KTlvCommandDetailsTag  | KTagCrMask);
   324 const TUint8 KTestDeviceIdentityTag  = (KTlvDeviceIdentityTag  | KTagCrMask);
   325 const TUint8 KTestAlphaIdentifierTag = (KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag | KTagCrMask);
   326 const TUint8 KTestAddressTag         = (KTlvAddressTag | KTagCrMask);
   327 const TUint8 KTestSmsTpduTag         = (KTlvSmsTpduTag | KTagCrMask);
   328 const TUint8 KTestResultTag          = (KTlvResultTag  | KTagCrMask);
   329 const TUint8 KTestIconIdentifierTag  = (KTlvIconIdentifierTag | KTagCrMask);
   330 #endif
   332 // ******************************
   333 // * TLV values used for testing
   334 // ******************************
   336 // Type of address, see ETSI TS 102 223 (v8.1.0) clause 8.1
   337 // Possible TON (i.e. "Type Of Number") values:
   338 // 		0x00 (000) - Unknown
   339 // 		0x01 (001) - International Number
   340 // 		0x02 (010) - National Number
   341 // 		0x03 (011) - Network Specific Number
   342 //	the below values are defined in 3GPP TS 23.040 V8.2.0
   343 //		0x04 (100) Subscriber number
   344 //		0x05 (101) Alphanumeric, (coded according to 3GPP TS 23.038 [9] GSM 7-bit default alphabet)
   345 //		0x06 (110) Abbreviated number
   346 //		0x07 (111) Reserved for extension	
   348 // Possible NPI (i.e. "Numbering Plan Identification") values:
   349 // 		0x00 (0000) - Unknown
   350 // 		0x01 (0001) - ISDN/telephony numbering plan (ITU-T Recommendations E.164 and E.163)
   351 // 		0x03 (0011) - Data numbering plan (ITU-T Recommendation X.121)
   352 // 		0x04 (0100) - Telex numbering plan (ITU-T Recommendation F.69)
   353 // 		0x09 (1001) - Private numbering plan
   354 // 		0x0F (1111) - Reserved for extension
   355 //	the below values are defined in 3GPP TS 23.040 V8.2.0
   356 //		0x05 (0101) Service Centre Specific plan
   357 //		0x06 (0110) Service Centre Specific plan
   358 //		0x08 (1000) National numbering plan
   359 //		0x0A (1010) ERMES numbering plan (ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3)
   360 const TUint8 KTestTypeOfAddress = (0x80 | (0x01 << 4) | 0x01); // International number + ISDN/telephony numbering plan   
   362 // Icon identifier (a number of a record in EFimg)
   363 const TUint8 KTestIconIdentifier = 1; 
   365 // TP-Protocol-Identifier (TP-PID) values, see 3GPP TS 23.040 V8.2.0, clause
   366 //		0x40 (01000000) Short Message Type 0
   367 //		0x41 (01000001) Replace Short Message Type 1
   368 //		0x42 (01000010) Replace Short Message Type 2
   369 //		0x43 (01000011) Replace Short Message Type 3
   370 //		0x44 (01000100) Replace Short Message Type 4
   371 //		0x45 (01000101) Replace Short Message Type 5
   372 //		0x46 (01000110) Replace Short Message Type 6
   373 //		0x46 (01000111) Replace Short Message Type 7
   374 //		0x5E (01011110) Enhanced Message Service (Obsolete)
   375 //		0x5F (01011111) Return Call Message
   376 //		0x7C (01111100) ANSI-136 R-DATA
   377 //		0x7D (01111101) ME Data download
   378 //		0x7E (01111110) ME De-personalization Short Message
   379 //		0x7F (01111111) (U)SIM Data download
   380 const TUint8 KShortMessageType0 = 0x40; //Short message type 0
   383 //**********************
   384 // Strings used in tests
   385 //**********************
   387 _LIT8(KDestinationAddressString8,"012345678");
   388 _LIT8(KShortDestinationAddressString8,"01");
   389 _LIT8(KTestMessageString8,"Test Message");
   390 _LIT8(KSendSmString8,"Send SM");
   391 _LIT16(KSendSmString16,"Send SM");
   392 _LIT8(KShortMessageString8,"Short Message");
   393 _LIT16(KShortMessageString16,"Short Message");
   394 _LIT8(KNoIconString8,"NO ICON");
   395 _LIT16(KNoIconString16,"NO ICON");
   397 // GSM7 coded "Short Message"
   398 _LIT8(KShortMessageStringGSM7,"\x53\xF4\x5B\x4E\x07\x35\xCB\xF3\x79\xF8\x5C\x06");
   400 // GSM7 encoded "The address data object holds the RP_Destination_Address"
   401 _LIT8(KSequence14AlphaString8,
   402 "\x54\x68\x65\x20\x61\x64\x64\x72\x65\x73\x73\x20\x64\x61\x74\x61\
   403 \x20\x6F\x62\x6A\x65\x63\x74\x20\x68\x6F\x6C\x64\x73\x20\x74\x68\
   404 \x65\x20\x52\x50\x11\x44\x65\x73\x74\x69\x6E\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E\
   405 \x11\x41\x64\x64\x72\x65\x73\x73"); 
   407 _LIT(KSequence14AlphaString16,
   408 "The address data object holds the RP_Destination_Address");
   410 _LIT8(KSequence15AlphaString8,
   411 "The address data object holds the RP Destination Address");
   413 _LIT(KSequence15AlphaString16,
   414 "The address data object holds the RP Destination Address");
   416 _LIT8(KSequence16AlphaString8,
   417 "Two types are defined: - A short message to be sent to the network in an \
   418 SMS-SUBMIT message, or an SMS-COMMAND message, where the user data can \
   419 be passed transparently; - A short message to be sent to the network in an \
   420 SMS-SUBMIT ");
   422 _LIT(KSequence16AlphaString16,
   423 "Two types are defined: - A short message to be sent to the network in an \
   424 SMS-SUBMIT message, or an SMS-COMMAND message, where the user data can \
   425 be passed transparently; - A short message to be sent to the network in an \
   426 SMS-SUBMIT ");
   428 _LIT8(KLongUserDataString8,
   429 "Two types are defined: - A short message to be sent to the network in an \
   430 SMS-SUBMIT message, or an SMS-COMMAND message, where the user data can \
   431 be passed transp");
   433 // GSM7 encoded K160CharsString 
   434 //"Two types are defined: - A short message to be sent to the network in an " 
   435 //"SMS-SUBMIT message, or an SMS-COMMAND message, where the user data can "
   436 //"be passed transp"
   437 _LIT8(KLongUserDataStringGSM7,
   438 "\xD4\xFB\x1B\x44\xCF\xC3\xCB\x73\x50\x58\x5E\x06\
   439 \x91\xCB\xE6\xB4\xBB\x4C\xD6\x81\x5A\xA0\x20\x68\
   440 \x8E\x7E\xCB\xE9\xA0\x76\x79\x3E\x0F\x9F\xCB\x20\
   441 \xFA\x1B\x24\x2E\x83\xE6\x65\x37\x1D\x44\x7F\x83\
   442 \xE8\xE8\x32\xC8\x5D\xA6\xDF\xDF\xF2\x35\x28\xED\
   443 \x06\x85\xDD\xA0\x69\x73\xDA\x9A\x56\x85\xCD\x24\
   444 \x15\xD4\x2E\xCF\xE7\xE1\x73\x99\x05\x7A\xCB\x41\
   445 \x61\x37\x68\xDA\x9C\xB6\x86\xCF\x66\x33\xE8\x24\
   446 \x82\xDA\xE5\xF9\x3C\x7C\x2E\xB3\x40\x77\x74\x59\
   447 \x5E\x06\xD1\xD1\x65\x50\x7D\x5E\x96\x83\xC8\x61\
   448 \x7A\x18\x34\x0E\xBB\x41\xE2\x32\x08\x1E\x9E\xCF\
   449 \xCB\x64\x10\x5D\x1E\x76\xCF\xE1");
   451 _LIT8(KSingleSpaceUserData8," ");
   453 // *********************
   454 // Below TPDUs are taken from 3GPP TS 31.124 (see  SMS-PP (SEND SHORT MESSAGE) 
   455 // codings for each test sequence where command qualifier is set to "packing required")
   456 // The only difference is that MR values (the 2-nd byte) are "0" instead of "1" as 
   457 // in the original document.
   458 // *********************
   460 _LIT8(KSequence12ExpectedTpdu,
   461 "\x01\x00\x09\x91\x10\x32\x54\x76\xF8\x40\xF0\x07\xD3\xB2\x9B\x0C\x9A\x36\x01");
   463 _LIT8(KSequence14ExpectedTpdu,
   464 "\x01\x00\x09\x91\x10\x32\x54\x76\xF8\x40\xF0\
   465 \xA0\xD4\xFB\x1B\x44\xCF\xC3\xCB\x73\x50\x58\x5E\
   466 \x06\x91\xCB\xE6\xB4\xBB\x4C\xD6\x81\x5A\xA0\x20\
   467 \x68\x8E\x7E\xCB\xE9\xA0\x76\x79\x3E\x0F\x9F\xCB\
   468 \x20\xFA\x1B\x24\x2E\x83\xE6\x65\x37\x1D\x44\x7F\
   469 \x83\xE8\xE8\x32\xC8\x5D\xA6\xDF\xDF\xF2\x35\x28\
   470 \xED\x06\x85\xDD\xA0\x69\x73\xDA\x9A\x56\x85\xCD\
   471 \x24\x15\xD4\x2E\xCF\xE7\xE1\x73\x99\x05\x7A\xCB\
   472 \x41\x61\x37\x68\xDA\x9C\xB6\x86\xCF\x66\x33\xE8\
   473 \x24\x82\xDA\xE5\xF9\x3C\x7C\x2E\xB3\x40\x77\x74\
   474 \x59\x5E\x06\xD1\xD1\x65\x50\x7D\x5E\x96\x83\xC8\
   475 \x61\x7A\x18\x34\x0E\xBB\x41\xE2\x32\x08\x1E\x9E\
   476 \xCF\xCB\x64\x10\x5D\x1E\x76\xCF\xE1");
   478 // *************************
   479 // Fake TP-VP values used in
   480 // *************************
   481 _LIT8(KFakeRelativeValidityValue,"\x00");
   482 _LIT8(KFakeAbsoluteOrEnchancedValidityValue,"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00");
   484 // *********************
   485 // below 3 TPDUs are made of KSequence12ExpectedTpdu combined with 
   486 // KFakeRelativeValidityValue and KFakeAbsoluteOrEnchancedValidityValue appropriately
   487 // Once the above strings are changed the below should be changed too 
   488 // *********************
   489 _LIT8(KTestRelativeVPFPackedExpectedTpdu,
   490 "\x11\x00\x09\x91\x10\x32\x54\x76\xF8\x40\xF0\x00\x07\xD3\xB2\x9B\x0C\x9A\x36\x01");
   492 _LIT8(KTestEnchancedVPFPackedExpectedTpdu,
   493 "\x09\x00\x09\x91\x10\x32\x54\x76\xF8\x40\xF0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07\xD3\xB2\x9B\x0C\x9A\x36\x01");
   495 _LIT8(KTestAbsoluteVPFPackedExpectedTpdu,
   496 "\x19\x00\x09\x91\x10\x32\x54\x76\xF8\x40\xF0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07\xD3\xB2\x9B\x0C\x9A\x36\x01");
   498 /**
   499  * Executes "positive" RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() test identified by aTC 
   500  * @param aTC testcase identifier 
   501  */
   502 void CCSatSendSMSFU::DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(TSendSmTC aTC)
   503 	{
   504 	// Prime Mock with appopriate "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" proactive command
   505 	TTpdu tpdu;
   506 	MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(tpdu, aTC);
   508 	// Invoke RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
   509 	TRequestStatus reqStatus;
   511 	RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm;
   512 	RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg(sendSm);
   513 	iSat.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus,sendSmPckg);
   514 	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
   516 	// Check the result
   517 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus.Int());
   518 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KTestPCmdNumber, sendSm.PCmdNumber());
   519 	if(AlphaIdIsUsed(aTC))
   520 		{
   521 		ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm.iAlphaId.iStatus, ExpectedAlphaIdStatus(aTC));
   522 		ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm.iAlphaId.iAlphaId == ExpectedAlphaId(aTC));
   523 		}
   524 	else
   525 		{		
   526 		ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent, sendSm.iAlphaId.iStatus);
   527 		}
   528 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm.iAddress.iTypeOfNumber, ExpectedTypeOfNumber(aTC));
   529 	ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm.iAddress.iNumberPlan, ExpectedNumberPlan(aTC));
   530 	if(CompleteAddressIsUsed(aTC))
   531 		{
   532 		ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm.iAddress.iTelNumber == KDialingNumberString16);
   533 		}	
   534 	if(IsIconRelatedTC(aTC))
   535 		{
   536 		ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm.iIconId.iQualifier, ExpectedIconQualifier(aTC));
   537 		ASSERT_EQUALS(sendSm.iIconId.iIdentifier, KTestIconIdentifier);
   538 		}
   539 	if(PackingIsUsed(aTC))
   540 		{
   541 		ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm.iSmsTpdu == ExpectedTpdu(aTC));				
   542 		}
   543 	else
   544 		{
   545 		ASSERT_TRUE(sendSm.iSmsTpdu == tpdu);		
   546 		}
   548 	// Prime MOCK with appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" 	
   549 	RSat::TSendSmRspV1 rsp;
   550 	FillResponse(rsp,aTC);
   551 	MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(aTC,rsp);
   553 	// Invoke RSat::TerminalRsp
   554 	RSat::TSendSmRspV1Pckg rspPckg(rsp);
   555 	TerminalResponseL(RSat::ESendSm,rspPckg);
   556 	}
   558 /**
   559  * Executes "negative" RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() test identified by aTC 
   560  * @param aTC testcase identifier 
   561  */
   562 void CCSatSendSMSFU::DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(TSendSmTC aTC)
   563 	{
   564 	// Tell Mock to issue "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" with some corrupted data 
   565 	TTpdu tpdu;
   566 	MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(tpdu, aTC);
   568 	// Prime Mock with appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" because 
   569 	// in case of error SAT TSY inokes it internally
   570 	MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(aTC);
   572 	// Call RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd()
   573 	TRequestStatus reqStatus;
   575 	RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm;
   576 	RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg(sendSm);
   577 	iSat.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus,sendSmPckg);
   578 	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
   579 	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, reqStatus.Int());
   580 	}
   582 /**
   583  * Tests all possible "TERMINAL RESPONSE" cases. 
   584  * API should return KErrNone for all valid responses and KErrCorrupt 
   585  * for those that can not be used with "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" command  
   586  */
   587 void CCSatSendSMSFU::DoTestTerminalResponseL()
   588 	{
   589 	static const struct 
   590 		{
   591 		RSat::TPCmdResult			iGeneralResult;
   592 		RSat::TAdditionalInfoType	iInfoType;
   593 		TBool						iIntentionallyOmmitAdditionalInfo;
   594 		TUint8						iAdditionalInfo;
   595 		TInt						iExpectedResult;
   596 		} 
   597 	KResponsesToTest[] = 
   598 		{
   599 			{
   600 			// 0x01 - Command performed with partial comprehension;
   601 			RSat::KPartialComprehension,
   602 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   603 			ETrue,
   604 			0,
   605 			KErrCorrupt
   606 			},
   607 			{
   608 			// 0x02 - Command performed, with missing information;
   609 			RSat::KMissingInformation,
   610 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   611 			ETrue,
   612 			0,
   613 			KErrCorrupt
   614 			},
   615 			{
   616 			// 0x03 - REFRESH performed with additional EFs read;
   617 			RSat::KRefreshAdditionEFRead,
   618 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   619 			ETrue,
   620 			0,
   621 			KErrCorrupt
   622 			},
   623 			{ 
   624 			// 0x04 - Command performed successfully, but requested icon could not be displayed;
   625 			RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed,
   626 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   627 			ETrue,
   628 			0,
   629 			KErrNone
   630 			},
   631 			{
   632 			// 0x05 - Command performed, but modified by call control by NAA;
   633 			RSat::KModifiedByCallControl,
   634 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   635 			ETrue,
   636 			0,
   637 			KErrNone
   638 			},
   639 			{
   640 			// 0x06 - Command performed successfully, limited service;
   641 			RSat::KSuccessLimitedService,
   642 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   643 			ETrue,
   644 			0,
   645 			KErrCorrupt
   646 			},
   647 			{
   648 			// 0x07 - Command performed with modification;
   649 			RSat::KPerformedWithModifications,
   650 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   651 			ETrue,
   652 			0,
   653 			KErrCorrupt
   654 			},
   655 			{
   656 			// 0x08 - REFRESH performed but indicated NAA was not active;
   657 			RSat::KRefreshUSIMNotActive,
   658 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   659 			ETrue,
   660 			0,
   661 			KErrCorrupt
   662 			},
   663 			{
   664 			// 0x09 - Command performed successfully, tone not played;
   665 			RSat::KPlayTonePerformedSuccessfully,
   666 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   667 			ETrue,
   668 			0,
   669 			KErrCorrupt
   670 			},
   671 			{
   672 			// 0x10 - Proactive UICC session terminated by the user;
   673 			RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser,
   674 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   675 			ETrue,
   676 			0,
   677 			KErrCorrupt
   678 			},
   679 			{
   680 			// 0x11 - Backward move in the proactive UICC session requested by the user;
   681 			RSat::KBackwardModeRequestedByUser,
   682 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   683 			ETrue,
   684 			0,
   685 			KErrCorrupt			
   686 			},
   687 			{
   688 			// 0x12 - No response from user;
   689 			RSat::KNoResponseFromUser,
   690 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   691 			ETrue,
   692 			0,
   693 			KErrCorrupt			
   694 			},
   695 			{
   696 			// 0x13 - Help information required by the user;
   697 			RSat::KHelpRequestedByUser,
   698 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   699 			ETrue,
   700 			0,
   701 			KErrCorrupt			
   702 			},
   703 			{
   704 			// 0x14 - reserved for GSM/3G.
   705 			RSat::KUssdTransactionTerminatedByUser,
   706 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo, 
   707 			ETrue,
   708 			0,
   709 			KErrCorrupt
   710 			},
   711 			{
   712 			// 0x20 - terminal currently unable to process command;
   713 			RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd,
   714 			RSat::KMeProblem,
   715 			EFalse,
   716 			0,
   717 			KErrNone
   718 			},
   719 			{
   720 			// 0x20 without additional information (erroneous)
   721 			RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd,
   722 			RSat::KMeProblem, 
   723 			ETrue, // Intentional error !
   724 			0,
   725 			KErrCorrupt
   726 			},	
   727 			{
   728 			// 0x21 - Network currently unable to process command;
   729 			RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd,
   730 			RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo,
   731 			EFalse,
   732 			0,
   733 			KErrCorrupt
   734 			},
   735 			{
   736 			// 0x21 without additional information (erroneous)
   737 			RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd,
   738 			RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo,
   739 			ETrue, // Intentional error !
   740 			0,
   741 			KErrCorrupt
   742 			},
   743 			{
   744 			// 0x22 - User did not accept the proactive command;
   745 			RSat::KPCmdNotAcceptedByUser,
   746 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   747 			ETrue,
   748 			0,
   749 			KErrCorrupt
   750 			},
   751 			{
   752 			// 0x23 - User cleared down call before connection or network release;
   753 			RSat::KCallClearedBeforeConnectionOrReleased,
   754 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   755 			ETrue,
   756 			0,
   757 			KErrCorrupt
   758 			},
   759 			{
   760 			// 0x24 - Action in contradiction with the current timer state;
   761 			RSat::KContradictionWithTimerState,
   762 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   763 			ETrue,
   764 			0,
   765 			KErrCorrupt
   766 			},
   767 			{
   768 			// 0x25 - Interaction with call control by NAA, temporary problem;
   769 			RSat::KInteractionWithCCTemporaryError,
   770 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   771 			ETrue,
   772 			0,
   773 			KErrCorrupt
   774 			},
   775 			{
   776 			// 0x26 - Launch browser generic error code;
   777 			RSat::KLaunchBrowserError,
   778 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   779 			ETrue,
   780 			0,
   781 			KErrCorrupt
   782 			},
   783 			{
   784 			// 0x26 without additional information (erroneous)
   785 			RSat::KLaunchBrowserError,
   786 			RSat::KMeProblem, 
   787 			ETrue, // Intentional error !
   788 			0,
   789 			KErrCorrupt
   790 			},
   791 			{
   792 			// 0x27 - MMS temporary problem.
   793 			RSat::KMMSTemporaryProblem,
   794 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   795 			ETrue,
   796 			0,
   797 			KErrCorrupt
   798 			},
   799 			{
   800 			// 0x30 - Command beyond terminal's capabilities;
   801 			RSat::KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities,
   802 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   803 			ETrue,
   804 			0,
   805 			KErrNone
   806 			},
   807 			{
   808 			// 0x31 - Command type not understood by terminal;
   809 			RSat::KCmdTypeNotUnderstood,
   810 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   811 			ETrue,
   812 			0,
   813 			KErrCorrupt
   814 			},
   815 			{ 
   816 			// 0x32 - Command data not understood by terminal;
   817 			RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood,
   818 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   819 			ETrue,
   820 			0,
   821 			KErrCorrupt
   822 			},
   823 			{
   824 			// 0x33 - Command number not known by terminal;
   825 			RSat::KCmdNumberNotKnown,
   826 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   827 			ETrue,
   828 			0,
   829 			KErrCorrupt
   830 			},
   831 			{
   832 			// 0x34 - reserved for GSM/3G;
   833 			RSat::KSsReturnError,
   834 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   835 			ETrue,
   836 			0,
   837 			KErrCorrupt
   838 			},
   839 			{
   840 			// 0x35 - reserved for GSM/3G;
   841 			RSat::KSmsRpError,
   842 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   843 			ETrue,
   844 			0,
   845 			KErrNone
   846 			},
   847 			{ 
   848 			// 0x36 - Error, required values are missing;
   849 			RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing,
   850 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   851 			ETrue,
   852 			0,
   853 			KErrCorrupt
   854 			},
   855 			{
   856 			// 0x37 - reserved for GSM/3G;
   857 			RSat::KUssdReturnError,
   858 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   859 			ETrue,
   860 			0,
   861 			KErrCorrupt
   862 			},
   863 			{
   864 			// 0x38 - MultipleCard commands error;
   865 			RSat::KMultipleCardCmdsError,
   866 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   867 			ETrue,
   868 			0,
   869 			KErrCorrupt
   870 			},
   871 			{
   872 			// 0x38 without additional information (erroneous)
   873 			RSat::KMultipleCardCmdsError,
   874 			RSat::KMeProblem,
   875 			ETrue, // Intentional error
   876 			0,
   877 			KErrCorrupt
   878 			},
   879 			{
   880 			// 0x39 - Interaction with call control by NAA, permanent problem;
   881 			RSat::KInteractionWithCCPermanentError,
   882 			RSat::KControlInteraction,
   883 			EFalse,
   884 			0,
   885 			KErrNone
   886 			},
   887 			{
   888 			// 0x39 without additional information (erroneous)
   889 			RSat::KInteractionWithCCPermanentError,
   890 			RSat::KControlInteraction,
   891 			ETrue, // Intentional error
   892 			0,
   893 			KErrCorrupt
   894 			},
   895 			{
   896 			// 0x3A - Bearer Independent Protocol error;
   897 			RSat::KBearerIndepProtocolError,
   898 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo, 
   899 			ETrue,
   900 			0,
   901 			KErrCorrupt
   902 			},
   903 			{
   904 			// 0x3A without additional information (erroneous)
   905 			RSat::KBearerIndepProtocolError,
   906 			RSat::KMeProblem, 
   907 			ETrue, // Intentional error
   908 			0,
   909 			KErrCorrupt
   910 			},
   911 			{
   912 			// 0x3B - Access Technology unable to process command;
   913 			RSat::KAccessTechUnableProcessCmd,
   914 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   915 			ETrue,
   916 			0,
   917 			KErrCorrupt
   918 			},
   919 			{
   920 			// 0x3C - Frames error;
   921 			RSat::KFramesError,
   922 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   923 			ETrue,
   924 			0,
   925 			KErrCorrupt
   926 			},
   927 			{
   928 			// 0x3C without additional information (erroneous)
   929 			RSat::KFramesError,
   930 			RSat::KMeProblem,
   931 			ETrue, // Intentional error
   932 			0,
   933 			KErrCorrupt
   934 			},
   935 			{
   936 			// 0x3D - MMS Error.
   937 			RSat::KMMSError,
   938 			RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo,
   939 			ETrue,
   940 			0,
   941 			KErrCorrupt
   942 			},
   943 			{
   944 			// 0x3D without additional information (erroneous)
   945 			RSat::KMMSError,
   946 			RSat::KMeProblem,
   947 			ETrue, // Intensional error !
   948 			0,
   949 			KErrCorrupt
   950 			}
   951 		};	
   953 	const TInt KNumberOfResponsesToTest = sizeof(KResponsesToTest)/ sizeof(KResponsesToTest[0]); 
   955 	for(TInt i = 0; i <= KNumberOfResponsesToTest; i++)
   956 		{
   957 		// Prime Mock with some successfull "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" proactive command
   958 		TTpdu tpdu;
   959 		MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(tpdu, ETestSequence11);
   961 		// Invoke RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd() to get the result
   962 		TRequestStatus reqStatus;
   964 		RSat::TSendSmV1 sendSm;
   965 		RSat::TSendSmV1Pckg sendSmPckg(sendSm);
   966 		iSat.NotifySendSmPCmd(reqStatus,sendSmPckg);
   967 		User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
   968 		ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus.Int());
   970 		// now test a "TERMINAL RESPONSE" specific to this loop 
   971 		TInt expectedResult; 
   973 		RSat::TSendSmRspV1 rsp;
   974 		rsp.SetPCmdNumber(KTestPCmdNumber);
   976 		if(i < KNumberOfResponsesToTest)
   977 			{
   978 			// looping through KResponsesToTest table
   979 			rsp.iGeneralResult	= KResponsesToTest[i].iGeneralResult;
   980 			rsp.iInfoType 		= KResponsesToTest[i].iInfoType;
   981 			if(rsp.iInfoType != RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo && 
   982 			   !KResponsesToTest[i].iIntentionallyOmmitAdditionalInfo)
   983 				{
   984 				rsp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(KResponsesToTest[i].iAdditionalInfo);
   985 				}
   986 			expectedResult = KResponsesToTest[i].iExpectedResult;
   987 			// tell Mock to dispatch the forthcoming RSat::TerminalRsp() succesfully
   988 			MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(ETestSequence11,rsp);
   989 			}
   990 		else
   991 			{
   992 			// finished with KResponsesToTest table
   993 			// now tell Mock to return KErrUnknown when dispatching forthcoming RSat::TerminalRsp()
   994 			rsp.iGeneralResult	= RSat::KSuccess;
   995 			rsp.iInfoType 		= RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;	
   996 			expectedResult = KErrUnknown;
   997 			MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(ETestSequence11,rsp,expectedResult);			
   998 			}
  1000 		// and finally send "TERMINAL RESPONSE" and analyse the result 	
  1001 		RSat::TSendSmRspV1Pckg rspPckg(rsp);
  1002 		iSat.TerminalRsp(reqStatus, RSat::ESendSm, rspPckg);
  1003 		User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
  1004 		ASSERT_EQUALS(reqStatus.Int(),expectedResult);
  1006 		AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
  1007 		}
  1008 	}
  1010 /**
  1011  * Given a testcase primes MOCK with appropriate "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" data
  1012  * @param aTpdu created SMS TPDU 
  1013  * @param aTC testcase identifier 
  1014  * @param aResultCode result code to be returned by RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd  
  1015  */
  1016 void CCSatSendSMSFU::MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC, TInt aResultCode)
  1017 	{	
  1018 	// prime Mock with pending "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" request
  1019 	const TUint8 KPcmdCode = KSendShortMessage;
  1020 	const TPckgC<TUint8> KPcmdCodePckg(KPcmdCode);
  1022 	iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId,KPcmdCodePckg);
  1024 	// trigger "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" event
  1025 	MockCompleteSendSmPCmdL(aTpdu,aTC,aResultCode);
  1026 	}
  1028 /**
  1029  * Given a testcase primes MOCK with appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" data
  1030  * @param aTC testcase identifier 
  1031  */
  1032 void CCSatSendSMSFU::MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1033 	{
  1034 	RSat::TSendSmRspV1 rsp;
  1035 	FillResponse(rsp,aTC);
  1036 	MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(aTC,rsp);
  1037 	}
  1039 /**
  1040  * Given a testcase and filled RSat::TSendSmRspV1 strucuture primes MOCK with appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" data
  1041  * @param aTC testcase identifier 
  1042  * @param aRsp a result to be passed to RSat::TerminalRsp()
  1043  * @param aResultCode result code to be returned by RSat::TerminalRsp()
  1044  */
  1045 void CCSatSendSMSFU::MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(TSendSmTC aTC, const RSat::TSendSmRspV1& aRsp, TInt aResultCode)
  1046 	{
  1047 	RBuf8 data;
  1048 	data.CleanupClosePushL();
  1050 	TTlv tlv;		
  1051 	const TUint8 qualifier = CommandQualifier(aTC); 
  1052 	TDesC8* dataPtr = &const_cast<TDesC8&>(CreateSendSmTerminalResponseTlv(tlv,qualifier,aRsp));
  1053 	TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> termRespData(dataPtr);
  1054 	termRespData.SerialiseL(data);
  1055 	iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp::KLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRspApiId, data,aResultCode);
  1056 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
  1057 	}
  1059 /**
  1060  * Triggers "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" event
  1061  * @param aTpdu created SMS TPDU
  1062  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1063  * @param aResultCode result code to be returned by RSat::NotifySendSmPCmd
  1064  */
  1065 void CCSatSendSMSFU::MockCompleteSendSmPCmdL(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC, TInt aResultCode)
  1066 	{
  1067 	RBuf8 data;
  1068 	CleanupClosePushL(data);
  1070 	CreateSmsTpdu(aTpdu,aTC);
  1072 	TTlvBuf<KTlvMaxSize + 1> tlv;	
  1073 	TDesC8* dataPtr = &const_cast<TDesC8&>(CreateSendSmTlv(tlv,aTpdu,aTC));
  1074 	TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> tlvPack(dataPtr);
  1075 	tlvPack.SerialiseL(data);
  1076 	iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchSatPcmdIndId,aResultCode,data);
  1078 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	 // data	
  1079 	}
  1081 /**
  1082  * returns ETrue if command qualifier is set to "packing required" for a given testcase
  1083  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1084  * @return ETrue if "packing required" EFalse otherwise 
  1085  */
  1086 TBool CCSatSendSMSFU::PackingIsUsed(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1087 	{
  1088 	TBool result;
  1089 	switch(aTC)
  1090 		{
  1091 		case ETestSequence12:
  1092 		case ETestSequence14: 
  1093 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bitPacked:
  1094 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bitPacked:
  1095 		case ETestRelativeVPFPacked:
  1096 		case ETestEnchancedVPFPacked:
  1097 		case ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked:
  1098 			result = ETrue;
  1099 			break;
  1101 		default:
  1102 			result = EFalse;
  1103 		}
  1104 	return result;
  1105 	}
  1107 /**
  1108  * returns expected TPDU for a given testcase
  1109  * Should be called only if PackingIsUsed() returns ETrue
  1110  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1111  * @return a reference to a descriptor containing expected TPDU 
  1112  */
  1113 const TDesC8& CCSatSendSMSFU::ExpectedTpdu(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1114 	{
  1115 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(PackingIsUsed(aTC),User::Invariant());
  1116 	switch(aTC)
  1117 		{
  1118 		case ETestSequence12:
  1119 			return KSequence12ExpectedTpdu();
  1121 		case ETestRelativeVPFPacked:
  1122 			return KTestRelativeVPFPackedExpectedTpdu();
  1124 		case ETestEnchancedVPFPacked:
  1125 			return KTestEnchancedVPFPackedExpectedTpdu();
  1127 		case ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked:
  1128 			return KTestAbsoluteVPFPackedExpectedTpdu();
  1130 		default:
  1131 			// ETestSequence14:
  1132 			return KSequence14ExpectedTpdu();			
  1134 		}
  1135 	}
  1137 /**
  1138  * Given a testcase returns corresponding TP-VPF value
  1139  * that should be used in the testcase,  see clause of the 3GPP TS 23.040
  1140  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1141  * @return TP-VPF value 
  1142  */
  1143 TUint8 CCSatSendSMSFU::ValidityPeriodFormat(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1144 	{
  1145 	TUint8 vpf;
  1146 	switch(aTC)
  1147 		{
  1148 		case ETestRelativeVPF:
  1149 		case ETestRelativeVPFPacked:
  1150 			vpf = KSmsVPFRelative;
  1151 			break;
  1153 		case ETestEnchancedVPF:
  1154 		case ETestEnchancedVPFPacked:
  1155 			vpf = KSmsVPFEnhanced;
  1156 			break;
  1158 		case ETestAbsoluteVPF:
  1159 		case ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked:
  1160 			vpf = KSmsVPFAbsolute;
  1161 			break;
  1163 		default:
  1164 			vpf = 0;			
  1165 		}
  1166 	return vpf;
  1167 	}
  1169 /**
  1170  * Given a testcase returns corresponding destination address 
  1171  * that should be used in the testcase
  1172  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1173  * @return a reference to a descriptor containing destination address 
  1174  */
  1175 const TDesC8& CCSatSendSMSFU::DestinationAddress(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1176 	{
  1177 	if(aTC == ETestSequence16)
  1178 		{
  1179 		return KShortDestinationAddressString8();
  1180 		}
  1181 	else
  1182 		{
  1183 		return KDestinationAddressString8();
  1184 		}
  1185 	}
  1187 /**
  1188  * Given a testcase returns corresponding data coding scheme 
  1189  * that should be used in the testcase
  1190  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1191  * @return data coding scheme value 
  1192  */
  1193 TUint8 CCSatSendSMSFU::DataCodingScheme(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1194 	{
  1195 	// Possible TP-DSC (TP-Data-Coding-Scheme) values (see 3GPP TS 23.038 clause 4)
  1196 	// 	0xF0 - Message coding: GSM 7 bit default alphabet
  1197 	//         Message class : Class 0
  1199 	// 	0xF1 - Message coding: GSM 7 bit default alphabet
  1200 	//         Message class : Class 1 default meaning: ME-specific.
  1202 	// 	0xF2 - Message coding: GSM 7 bit default alphabet
  1203 	//         Message class : Class 2 (U)SIM-specific message.
  1205 	// 	0xF3 - Message coding: GSM 7 bit default alphabet
  1206 	//         Message class : Class 3 default meaning: TE specific
  1208 	// 	0xF4 - Message coding: 8-bit data
  1209 	//         Message class : Class 0
  1211 	// 	0xF5 - Message coding: 8-bit data
  1212 	//         Message class : Class 1 default meaning: ME-specific.
  1214 	// 	0xF6 - Message coding: 8-bit data
  1215 	//         Message class : Class 2 (U)SIM-specific message.
  1217 	// 	0xF7 - Message coding: 8-bit data
  1218 	//         Message class : Class 3 default meaning: TE specific
  1219 	switch(aTC)
  1220 		{
  1221 		case ETestSequence13:
  1222 		case ETestSequence15:
  1223 		case ETestSequence16:
  1224 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bit:
  1225 			return 0xF0; // GSM 7 bit default alphabet + Class 0
  1227 		default:
  1228 			return 0xF4; // 8-bit + Class 0
  1229 		}	
  1230 	}
  1232 /**
  1233  * Given a testcase returns corresponding TP-User-Data-Length value 
  1234  * that should be used in the testcase
  1235  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1236  * @return TP-UDL value 
  1237  */
  1238 TUint8 CCSatSendSMSFU::UserDataLength(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1239 	{
  1240 	switch(aTC)
  1241 		{
  1242 		case ETestSequence12:
  1243 		case ETestRelativeVPFPacked:
  1244 		case ETestEnchancedVPFPacked:
  1245 		case ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked:
  1246 			return KSendSmString8().Length();
  1248 		case ETestSequence13:
  1249 			return KShortMessageString8().Length();
  1251 		case ETestSequence14:
  1252 		case ETestSequence15:
  1253 			return KLongUserDataString8().Length(); 
  1255 		case ETestSequence16:
  1256 			return 	KSingleSpaceUserData8().Length();
  1258 		default:
  1259 			return KTestMessageString8().Length();
  1260 		}
  1261 	}
  1263 /**
  1264  * Given a testcase returns corresponding TP-User-Data value 
  1265  * that should be used in the testcase
  1266  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1267  * @return a reference to a descriptor containing TP-UD 
  1268  */
  1269 const TDesC8& CCSatSendSMSFU::UserData(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1270 	{
  1271 	switch(aTC)
  1272 		{
  1273 		case ETestSequence12:
  1274 		case ETestRelativeVPFPacked:
  1275 		case ETestEnchancedVPFPacked:
  1276 		case ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked:
  1277 			return KSendSmString8();
  1279 		case ETestSequence13:
  1280 			// return GSM 7 bit encoded string   
  1281 			return KShortMessageStringGSM7();
  1283 		case ETestSequence14:
  1284 			return KLongUserDataString8(); 
  1286 		case ETestSequence15:
  1287 			return KLongUserDataStringGSM7();
  1289 		case ETestSequence16:
  1290 			return 	KSingleSpaceUserData8();
  1292 		default:
  1293 			return KTestMessageString8();
  1294 		}
  1295 	}
  1297 /**
  1298  * Given a testcase returns corresponding command qualifier 
  1299  * that should be used in the testcase
  1300  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1301  * @return command qualifier value 
  1302  */
  1303 TUint8 CCSatSendSMSFU::CommandQualifier(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1304 	{
  1305 	// possible "command qualifier" values for "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" are
  1306 	//		0 = packing not required;
  1307 	//		1 = SMS packing by the ME required.
  1308 	return static_cast<TUint8>(PackingIsUsed(aTC));
  1309 	}
  1311 /**
  1312  * returns ETrue if alpha identifier is used in a given testcase
  1313  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1314  * @return ETrue if alpha identifier is used 
  1315  */
  1316 TBool CCSatSendSMSFU::AlphaIdIsUsed(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1317 	{
  1318 	TBool result = ETrue;
  1319 	if(aTC == ETestSequence18)
  1320 		{
  1321 		result = EFalse;
  1322 		}
  1323 	return result;
  1324 	}
  1326 /**
  1327  * Given a testcase returns corresponding alpha identifier 
  1328  * that should be used in the testcase
  1329  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1330  * @return a reference to a descriptor containing alpha identifier 
  1331  */
  1332 const TDesC8& CCSatSendSMSFU::AlphaId(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1333 	{
  1334 	switch(aTC)
  1335 		{
  1336 		case ETestSequence31A:
  1337 		case ETestSequence31B:
  1338 			return KNoIconString8();
  1340 		case ETestSequence13:
  1341 			return KShortMessageString8();
  1343 		case ETestSequence14:
  1344 			return KSequence14AlphaString8(); 
  1346 		case ETestSequence15:
  1347 			return KSequence15AlphaString8(); 
  1349 		case ETestSequence16:
  1350 			return KSequence16AlphaString8();
  1352 		case ETestSequence17:
  1353 			return KNullDesC8();
  1355 		default:
  1356 			return KSendSmString8();		
  1357 		}	
  1358 	}
  1360 /**
  1361  * Given a testcase returns an alpha identifier 
  1362  * that should be returned by RSat API
  1363  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1364  * @return a reference to a descriptor containing expected alpha identifier 
  1365  */
  1366 const TDesC& CCSatSendSMSFU::ExpectedAlphaId(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1367 	{
  1368 	switch(aTC)
  1369 		{
  1370 		case ETestSequence31A:
  1371 		case ETestSequence31B:
  1372 			return KNoIconString16();
  1374 		case ETestSequence13:
  1375 			return KShortMessageString16();
  1377 		case ETestSequence14:
  1378 			return KSequence14AlphaString16();
  1380 		case ETestSequence15:
  1381 			return KSequence15AlphaString16(); 
  1383 		case ETestSequence16:
  1384 			return KSequence16AlphaString16();
  1386 		case ETestSequence17:
  1387 			return KNullDesC();
  1389 		default:
  1390 			return KSendSmString16();		
  1391 		}	
  1392 	}
  1394 /**
  1395  * Given a testcase returns alpha identifier status 
  1396  * that should be returned by RSat API
  1397  * Should be called only if AlphaIdIsUsed() returns ETrue
  1398  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1399  * @return expected alpha identifier status 
  1400  */
  1401 RSat::TAlphaIdStatus CCSatSendSMSFU::ExpectedAlphaIdStatus(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1402 	{
  1403 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(AlphaIdIsUsed(aTC),User::Invariant());
  1404 	RSat::TAlphaIdStatus status = RSat::EAlphaIdProvided;
  1405 	if(aTC == ETestSequence17)
  1406 		{
  1407 		status = RSat::EAlphaIdNull;
  1408 		}
  1409 	return status;
  1410 	}
  1412 /**
  1413  * Returns ETrue if address TLV is completely initialized for a given testcase
  1414  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1415  * @return ETrue if TLV is completely initialized 
  1416  */
  1417 TBool CCSatSendSMSFU::CompleteAddressIsUsed(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1418 	{
  1419 	TBool result = ETrue;
  1420 	if(aTC == ETestSequence16 || aTC == ETestMissingAddressType || aTC == ETestMissingDiallingNumber)
  1421 		{
  1422 		result = EFalse;
  1423 		}
  1424 	return result;
  1425 	}
  1427 /**
  1428  * Given a testcase returns a numbering plan that should be returned by RSat API
  1429  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1430  * @return a numbering plan 
  1431  */
  1432 RSat::TNumberingPlan CCSatSendSMSFU::ExpectedNumberPlan(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1433 	{	
  1434 	if(CompleteAddressIsUsed(aTC))
  1435 		{
  1436 		// All "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" test sequences listed in 3GPP TS 31.124 
  1437 		// except 1.6 are using this NPI 
  1438 		return RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan;
  1439 		}
  1441 	if(aTC == ETestSequence16)
  1442 		{
  1443 		// Address TLV is omitted in this test
  1444 		return RSat::ENumberingPlanNotSet;
  1445 		}
  1447 	// aTC is either ETestMissingAddressType or ETestMissingDiallingNumber 
  1448 	return RSat::EUnknownNumberingPlan;
  1449 	}
  1451 /**
  1452  * Given a testcase returns a type of a dialling number that should be returned by RSat API
  1453  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1454  * @return expected TON value 
  1455  */
  1456 RSat::TTypeOfNumber CCSatSendSMSFU::ExpectedTypeOfNumber(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1457 	{
  1458 	if(CompleteAddressIsUsed(aTC))
  1459 		{
  1460 		// All "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" test sequences listed in 3GPP TS 31.124 
  1461 		// except 1.6 are using this TON 
  1462 		return RSat::EInternationalNumber;
  1463 		}
  1465 	if(aTC == ETestSequence16)
  1466 		{
  1467 		// Address TLV is omitted in this test
  1468 		return RSat::ETypeOfNumberNotSet;
  1469 		}
  1471 	// aTC is either ETestMissingAddressType or ETestMissingDiallingNumber 
  1472 	return RSat::EUnknownNumber;
  1473 	}
  1475 /**
  1476  * Returns ETrue if the given testcase is icon-related
  1477  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1478  * @return ETrue is the testcase is icon-related 
  1479  */
  1480 TBool CCSatSendSMSFU::IsIconRelatedTC(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1481 	{
  1482 	TBool result = EFalse;
  1483 	if(	aTC == ETestSequence31A || 
  1484 		aTC == ETestSequence31B || 
  1485 		aTC == ETestSequence32A || 
  1486 		aTC == ETestSequence32B )
  1487 		{
  1488 		result = ETrue;
  1489 		}
  1490 	return result;
  1491 	}
  1493 /**
  1494  * Given a testcase returns corresponding TLV tag for icon data 
  1495  * that should be used in the testcase
  1496  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1497  * @return TLV tag value 
  1498  */
  1499 TUint8 CCSatSendSMSFU::IconTlvTag(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1500 	{
  1501 	TUint8 tag;
  1502 	if(aTC == ETestSequence31A || aTC == ETestSequence31B)
  1503 		{
  1504 		tag = KTestIconIdentifierTag;
  1505 		}
  1506 	else
  1507 		{
  1508 		tag = KTlvIconIdentifierTag;
  1509 		}
  1510 	return tag;
  1511 	}
  1513 /**
  1514  * Given a testcase returns corresponding icon qualifier 
  1515  * that should be used in the testcase
  1516  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1517  * @return icon qualifier 
  1518  */
  1519 TUint8 CCSatSendSMSFU::IconQualifier(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1520 	{
  1521 	TUint quailfier;
  1522 	if(aTC == ETestSequence31A || aTC == ETestSequence31B)
  1523 		{
  1524 		quailfier = 0; // "self-explanatory"
  1525 		}
  1526 	else
  1527 		{
  1528 		quailfier = 1; // "not self-explanatory"
  1529 		}
  1530 	return quailfier;
  1531 	}
  1533 /**
  1534  * Given a testcase returns an icon qualifier that is expected to be
  1535  * returned by RSat API
  1536  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1537  * @return expected icon qualifier 
  1538  */
  1539 RSat::TIconQualifier CCSatSendSMSFU::ExpectedIconQualifier(TSendSmTC aTC)
  1540 	{
  1541 	RSat::TIconQualifier quailfier;
  1542 	if(aTC == ETestSequence31A || aTC == ETestSequence31B)
  1543 		{
  1544 		quailfier = RSat::ESelfExplanatory;
  1545 		}
  1546 	else
  1547 		{
  1548 		quailfier = RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory;
  1549 		}
  1550 	return quailfier;
  1551 	}
  1553 /**
  1554  * Given a testcase fills RSat::TSendSmRspV1 appropriately
  1555  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1556  * @param aRsp a response to fill
  1557  */
  1558 void CCSatSendSMSFU::FillResponse(RSat::TSendSmRspV1& aRsp,TSendSmTC aTC)
  1559 	{
  1560 	aRsp.SetPCmdNumber(KTestPCmdNumber);	
  1561 	aRsp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
  1563 	switch(aTC)
  1564 		{
  1565 		case ETestSequence31B:
  1566 		case ETestSequence32B:
  1567 			aRsp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed;
  1568 			break;
  1570 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bit:
  1571 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bit:
  1572 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bitPacked:
  1573 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bitPacked:
  1574 		case ETestTooBigSmsCommand:
  1575 			aRsp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood;
  1576 			break;
  1578 		case ETestMissingSmsTpdu:
  1579 			aRsp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing;
  1580 			break;
  1582 		case ETestUnsolictedCompletion:
  1583 			aRsp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd;
  1584 			aRsp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
  1585 			aRsp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(0);
  1586 			break;
  1588 		default:
  1589 			aRsp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;			
  1590 		}	
  1591 	}
  1593 /**
  1594  *  Given a testcase creates appropriate "SMS-SUBMIT" TPDU
  1595  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1596  * @param aTpdu a TPDU to create
  1597  */
  1598 void CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateSmsSubmitTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC)
  1599 	{
  1600 	// See 3GPP TS 23.040 v8.2.0 clause for details
  1602 	// TP-MTI (TP-Message-Type-Indicator, first 2 bits)
  1603 	// Possible values:
  1604 	// 		0x00 (00) SMS-DELIVER (in the direction SC(i.e."Service Center") to MS(i.e."Mobile Station"))
  1605 	// 		0x00 (00) SMS-DELIVER REPORT (in the direction MS to SC)
  1606 	// 		0x02 (10) SMS-STATUS-REPORT (in the direction SC to MS)
  1607 	// 		0x02 (10) SMS-COMMAND (in the direction MS to SC)
  1608 	// 		0x01 (01) SMS-SUBMIT (in the direction MS to SC)
  1609 	// 		0x01 (01) SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT (in the direction SC to MS)
  1610 	// 		0x03 (11) Reserved	
  1611 	TUint8 tpduProtocolByte = 0x01; // SMS-SUBMIT        
  1613 	// TP-VPF (TP-Validity-Period-Format, 4-th and 5-th bits) 
  1614 	// Parameter indicating whether or not the TP-VP field is present
  1615 	// Possible values:
  1616 	// 		0x00 (00) TP-VP field not present
  1617 	// 		0x02 (10) TP-VP field present - relative format
  1618 	// 		0x01 (01) TP-VP field present - enhanced format
  1619 	// 		0x03 (11) TP-VP field present - absolute format	
  1620 	const TUint8 KValidityPeriodFormat = ValidityPeriodFormat(aTC);
  1621 	tpduProtocolByte |= KValidityPeriodFormat; 
  1623 	aTpdu.Append(tpduProtocolByte);
  1625 	// TP-MR (TP-Message-Reference)
  1626 	aTpdu.Append(0x00);
  1628 	// TP-DA (TP-Destination-Address)
  1629 	const TDesC8& destinationAddress = DestinationAddress(aTC); 
  1630 	//Number of semi-octets
  1631 	aTpdu.Append(destinationAddress.Length()); 
  1632 	//Type of address
  1633 	aTpdu.Append(KTestTypeOfAddress);
  1634 	// Address value
  1635 	TBuf8<KMaxAddressLength >> 1> bcdAddress;
  1636 	TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD(destinationAddress,bcdAddress);
  1637 	aTpdu.Append(bcdAddress);
  1639 	// TP-PID (TP-Protocol-Identifier)
  1640 	aTpdu.Append(KShortMessageType0);  
  1642 	// TP-DCS (TP-Data-Coding Scheme)
  1643  	aTpdu.Append(DataCodingScheme(aTC));
  1645  	// TP-VP (TP-Validity-Period) 
  1646 	// Note: there is no need to set any meaningfull TP-VP values.
  1647 	// The only thing SAT TSY cares about is TP-VP's length
  1648 	if(KValidityPeriodFormat == KSmsVPFRelative)
  1649 		{
  1650 		// 1-byte TP-VP
  1651 		aTpdu.Append(KFakeRelativeValidityValue); 
  1652 		}
  1653 	else if(KValidityPeriodFormat == KSmsVPFAbsolute || 
  1654 			 KValidityPeriodFormat == KSmsVPFEnhanced)
  1655 		{
  1656 		// 7-bytes TP-VP
  1657 		aTpdu.Append(KFakeAbsoluteOrEnchancedValidityValue); 
  1658 		}
  1660 	// TP-UDL (TP-User-Data-Length)
  1661 	aTpdu.Append(UserDataLength(aTC));
  1663 	// TP-UD (TP-User-Data)
  1664 	aTpdu.Append(UserData(aTC));		
  1665 	}
  1667 /**
  1668  *  Creates simple "SMS-COMMAND" TPDU
  1669  * @param aTpdu a TPDU to create
  1670  */
  1671 void CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateSmsCommandTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu)
  1672 	{
  1673 	// See 3GPP TS 23.040 v8.2.0 clause for details
  1675 	// set TP-MTI to "SMS-COMMAND", set TP-UDHI and TP-SRR to zero 
  1676 	TUint8 tpduProtocolByte = 0x02;          
  1677 	aTpdu.Append(tpduProtocolByte);
  1679 	// TP-MR (TP-Message-Reference)
  1680 	aTpdu.Append(0x00);
  1682 	// TP-PID (TP-Protocol-Identifier)
  1683 	aTpdu.Append(KShortMessageType0);  
  1685 	// TP-CT (TP-Command-Type)
  1686 	aTpdu.Append(0x01); // Cancel Status Report Request relating to previously 	submitted short message  
  1688 	// TP-MN (TP-Message-Number)
  1689 	aTpdu.Append(0x00);
  1691 	// TP-DA (TP-Destination-Address)
  1692 	//Number of semi-octets
  1693 	aTpdu.Append(KDestinationAddressString8().Length()); 
  1694 	//Type of address
  1695 	aTpdu.Append(KTestTypeOfAddress);
  1696 	// Address value
  1697 	TBuf8<KMaxAddressLength >> 1> bcdAddress;
  1698 	TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD(KDestinationAddressString8,bcdAddress);
  1699 	aTpdu.Append(bcdAddress);
  1701 	// TP-CDL (TP-Command-Data-Length)
  1702 	aTpdu.Append(0x00);
  1703 	}
  1705 /**
  1706  * Given a testcase creates SMS TPDU with too big TP-UDL or TP-CDL value
  1707  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1708  * @param aTpdu a TPDU to create
  1709  */
  1710 void CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateCorruptedSmsTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC)
  1711 	{
  1712 	TUint8 smsType;
  1713 	if(aTC == ETestTooBigSmsCommand)
  1714 		{
  1715 		smsType = 0x02; //SMS-COMMAND
  1716 		}
  1717 	else
  1718 		{
  1719 		smsType = 0x01; //SMS-SUBMIT		
  1720 		}
  1721 	aTpdu.Append(smsType);
  1723 	// TP-MR (TP-Message-Reference)
  1724 	aTpdu.Append(0x00);
  1726 	if(aTC == ETestTooBigSmsCommand)
  1727 		{
  1728 		// TP-PID (TP-Protocol-Identifier)
  1729 		aTpdu.Append(KShortMessageType0);  
  1731 		// TP-CT (TP-Command-Type)
  1732 		aTpdu.Append(0x01); // Cancel Status Report Request relating to previously 	submitted short message  
  1734 		// TP-MN (TP-Message-Number)
  1735 		aTpdu.Append(0x00);		
  1736 		}
  1738 	// TP-DA (TP-Destination-Address)
  1739 	//Number of semi-octets
  1740 	aTpdu.Append(KDestinationAddressString8().Length()); 
  1741 	//Type of address
  1742 	aTpdu.Append(KTestTypeOfAddress);
  1743 	// Address value
  1744 	TBuf8<KMaxAddressLength >> 1> bcdAddress;
  1745 	TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD(KDestinationAddressString8,bcdAddress);
  1746 	aTpdu.Append(bcdAddress);
  1748 	if(aTC != ETestTooBigSmsCommand)
  1749 		{
  1750 		// TP-PID (TP-Protocol-Identifier)
  1751 		aTpdu.Append(KShortMessageType0);  
  1753 		// TP-DCS (TP-Data-Coding Scheme)
  1754 	 	aTpdu.Append(DataCodingScheme(aTC));
  1755 		}
  1757 	// TP-CDL (TP-Command-Data-Length) / TP-UDL (TP-User-Data-Length)
  1758 	aTpdu.Append(KSmsMaxSize + 1);  	
  1759 	}
  1761 /**
  1762  * Given a testcase creates appropriate SMS TPDU
  1763  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1764  * @param aTpdu a TPDU to create
  1765  */
  1766 void CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateSmsTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC)
  1767 	{
  1768 	switch(aTC)
  1769 		{
  1770 		case ETestSmsCommand:
  1771 			CreateSmsCommandTpdu(aTpdu);
  1772 			break;
  1774 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bit:
  1775 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bit:
  1776 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bitPacked:
  1777 		case ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bitPacked:
  1778 		case ETestTooBigSmsCommand:
  1779 			CreateCorruptedSmsTpdu(aTpdu,aTC);
  1780 			break;
  1782 		default:
  1783 			CreateSmsSubmitTpdu(aTpdu,aTC);		
  1784 		}
  1785 	}
  1787 /**
  1788  * Given a testcase and SMS TPDU creates appropriate "SEND SHORT MESSAGE" TLV data  
  1789  * @param aTlv a TLV to create
  1790  * @param aTpdu SMS TPDU
  1791  * @param aTC testcase identifier
  1792  */
  1793 const TDesC8& CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateSendSmTlv(TTlvBase& aTlv, const TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC)
  1794 	{
  1795 	aTlv.Begin(KBerTlvProactiveSimCommandTag); 
  1797 	// ----------------
  1798 	// command details
  1799 	// ----------------
  1800 	aTlv.AddTag(KTestCommandDetailsTag);
  1801 	aTlv.AddByte(KTestPCmdNumber);  
  1802 	aTlv.AddByte(KSendShortMessage);
  1803 	aTlv.AddByte(CommandQualifier(aTC));
  1805 	// ------------------
  1806 	// device identities
  1807 	// ------------------
  1808 	aTlv.AddTag(KTestDeviceIdentityTag);
  1809 	aTlv.AddByte(KSim);
  1810 	aTlv.AddByte(KNetwork);
  1812 	// ---------------------------
  1813 	// alpha identifier (optional)
  1814 	// ---------------------------	
  1815 	if(AlphaIdIsUsed(aTC))
  1816 		{
  1817 		aTlv.AddTag(KTestAlphaIdentifierTag);
  1818 		aTlv.AddData(AlphaId(aTC));
  1819 		}
  1821 	// ------------------
  1822 	// address (optional)
  1823 	// ------------------
  1824 	if(CompleteAddressIsUsed(aTC))
  1825 		{
  1826 		// add fully initalized address TLV
  1827 		aTlv.AddTag(KTestAddressTag);
  1828 		aTlv.AddByte(KTestTypeOfAddress); 
  1830 		// Dialing number string
  1831 		TBuf8<RSat::KMaxMobileTelNumberSize >> 1> dialingNumberString;
  1832 		TSatUtility::AsciiToBCD(KDialingNumberString8,dialingNumberString);
  1834 		aTlv.AddData(dialingNumberString);
  1835 		}
  1836 	else
  1837 		{
  1838 		if(aTC == ETestMissingAddressType || aTC == ETestMissingDiallingNumber)
  1839 			{
  1840 			// add partially initialized address TLV
  1841 			// first add the tag ...
  1842 			aTlv.AddTag(KTestAddressTag);
  1843 			if(aTC == ETestMissingDiallingNumber)
  1844 				{
  1845 				// ... now add NPI and TON but not the dialling number
  1846 				aTlv.AddByte(KTestTypeOfAddress); 
  1847 				}
  1848 			}
  1849 		}
  1851 	if(aTC != ETestMissingSmsTpdu)
  1852 		{
  1853 		// --------
  1854 		// SMS TPDU
  1855 		// --------	
  1856 		aTlv.AddTag(KTestSmsTpduTag);
  1857 		aTlv.AddData(aTpdu);
  1859 		// ---------------
  1860 		// Icon identifier 
  1861 		// ---------------
  1862 		if(IsIconRelatedTC(aTC)) 
  1863 			{		
  1864 			aTlv.AddTag(IconTlvTag(aTC));
  1865 			aTlv.AddByte(IconQualifier(aTC)); 			
  1866 			aTlv.AddByte(KTestIconIdentifier);
  1867 			}
  1868 		}
  1870 	const TDesC8& result = aTlv.End();
  1872 	return result;
  1873 	}
  1875 /**
  1876  * Given a testcase and filled RSat::TSendSmRspV1 structure creates appropriate "TERMINAL RESPONSE" TLV 
  1877  * @param aTlv a TLV to create
  1878  * @param aCommandQualifier a command qualifer to be placed to TLV 
  1879  * @param aRsp terminal response data
  1880  */
  1881 const TDesC8& CCSatSendSMSFU::CreateSendSmTerminalResponseTlv(TTlvBase& aTlv,
  1882 																	TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
  1883 																	const RSat::TSendSmRspV1& aRsp)
  1884 	{
  1885 	// ----------------
  1886 	// command details
  1887 	// ----------------
  1888 	aTlv.AddTag(KTestCommandDetailsTag);
  1889 	aTlv.AddByte(KTestPCmdNumber);  
  1890 	aTlv.AddByte(KSendShortMessage);
  1891 	aTlv.AddByte(aCommandQualifier);
  1893 	// ------------------
  1894 	// device identities
  1895 	// ------------------
  1896 	aTlv.AddTag(KTestDeviceIdentityTag);
  1897 	aTlv.AddByte(KMe);
  1898 	aTlv.AddByte(KSim);
  1900 	// ------------------
  1901 	// result
  1902 	// ------------------
  1903 	aTlv.AddTag(KTestResultTag);
  1904 	aTlv.AddByte(aRsp.iGeneralResult);
  1905 	if(aRsp.iInfoType != RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo )
  1906 		{
  1907 		TBuf8<RSat::KAdditionalInfoMaxSize> info;
  1908 		info.Copy(aRsp.iAdditionalInfo);
  1909 		aTlv.AddData(info);
  1910 		}
  1912 	const TDesC8& result = aTlv.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag();
  1914 	return result;	
  1915 	}