changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent
    19  @deprecated 9.1
    20 */
    22 #include "DIALUTIL.H"
    24 /**
    25 @deprecated 9.1
    26 */
    27 TInt TDialNumber::String (const TDes& aPhoneNumber, TInt aPos) const
    28 	{
    29 	while (aPhoneNumber[aPos] == KCharSpace  &&  aPos < aPhoneNumber.Length()-1) // already on a space then move to a non-space
    30 		{
    31 		aPos++;
    32 		}
    34 	if (aPos > aPhoneNumber.Length())
    35 		{
    36 		return (KErrNotFound);
    37 		}
    39 	while (aPhoneNumber[aPos] != KCharSpace  &&  aPos < aPhoneNumber.Length()-1)
    40 		{
    41 		aPos++;
    42 		}
    44 	if (aPos >= aPhoneNumber.Length()-1)
    45 		{
    46 		return (KErrNotFound);
    47 		}
    49 	return (aPos);
    50 	}
    52 /**
    53 @deprecated 9.1
    54 */
    55 void TDialNumber::SpaceParser(const TDes& aPhoneNumber)
    56 	{
    57 	TInt i = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharPlus) ;
    58 	TInt j = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharSpace) ;
    59 	if (j!=-1) // there space(s)
    60 		j = String ( aPhoneNumber , 0) ;
    61 	else
    62 		j = -1 ;
    64 	if ( i==-1 || j==-1 ) 
    65 	{
    66 		iNatCode = _L("") ;
    67 		iAreaCode = _L("");
    68 		iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
    69 		return ;
    70 	}
    71 	else if (j>i)
    72 		{
    73 		if ( j-2*i-2 >= KMaxNatCode )
    74 			{
    75 			iNatCode = _L("") ;
    76 			iAreaCode = _L("");
    77 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
    78 			return ;
    79 			}
    80 		else
    81 			iNatCode = aPhoneNumber.Mid(i+1,j-i-1);
    82 		}
    83 	i=j;
    84 	j = String ( aPhoneNumber , i) ;
    86 	if ( i==-1 || j==-1 )
    87 		iAreaCode = _L("");
    88 	else if (j>i)
    89 		{
    90 		if ( j-2*i-2 >= KMaxAreaCode )
    91 			{
    92 			iNatCode = _L("") ;
    93 			iAreaCode = _L("");
    94 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
    95 			return ;
    96 			}
    97 		else
    98 			{
    99 			iAreaCode = aPhoneNumber.Mid(i+1,j-i-1);
   100 			DialUtil::RemoveSpace (iAreaCode) ;
   101 			}
   102 		}
   104 	if (!iNatCode.Length() &&
   105 		!iAreaCode.Length() )
   106 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber ;
   107 	else if ( !iAreaCode.Length() ) // no area code supplied take the remain from NatCode onward as telephone number
   108 		iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Mid(i+1,aPhoneNumber.Length()-i-1);
   109 	else
   110 		{
   111 		iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Mid(j+1,aPhoneNumber.Length()-j-1);
   112 		}
   113 	DialUtil::RemoveSpace (iPhoneNumber) ;
   114 	}
   116 /**
   117 @deprecated 9.1
   118 */
   119 void TDialNumber::BracketParser(const TDes& aPhoneNumber)
   120 	{
   121 	TInt i = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharPlus) ;
   122 	TInt j = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharSpace) ; 
   123 	if ( j == KErrNotFound ) // no space found in the string
   124 		j = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharOpenBracket) ; // It must has a (
   125 	else
   126 		j = Min (aPhoneNumber.Locate(TChar(KCharSpace)),aPhoneNumber.Locate(TChar(KCharOpenBracket)) ) ;
   128 	if ( i==-1 || j==-1 || j<=i )
   129 		{
   130 		iNatCode = _L("") ;
   131 		iAreaCode = _L("");
   132 		iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
   133 		return ;
   134 		}
   135 	else
   136 		{
   137 		if ( j-2*i-2 >= KMaxNatCode )
   138 			{
   139 			iNatCode = _L("") ;
   140 			iAreaCode = _L("");
   141 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
   142 			return ;
   143 			}
   144 		else
   145 			iNatCode = aPhoneNumber.Mid(i+1,j-i-1);
   146 		}
   148 	i = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharOpenBracket) ;
   149 	j = aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharCloseBracket) ;
   151 	if ( i==-1 || j==-1 || j<=i )
   152 		{
   153 		iNatCode = _L("") ;
   154 		iAreaCode = _L("");
   155 		iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
   156 		return ;
   157 		}
   158 	else
   159 		{
   160 		if ( j-2*i-2 >= KMaxAreaCode )
   161 			{
   162 			iNatCode = _L("") ;
   163 			iAreaCode = _L("");
   164 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Right(aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 ); // from KCharPlus onward
   165 			return ;
   166 			}
   167 		else
   168 			iAreaCode = aPhoneNumber.Mid(i+1,j-i-1);
   169 		}
   170 	if (!iNatCode.Length() &&
   171 		!iAreaCode.Length() )
   172 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber ;
   173 	else
   174 			iPhoneNumber = aPhoneNumber.Mid(j+1,aPhoneNumber.Length()-j-1);
   176 	}
   178 /**
   179 @deprecated 9.1
   180 */
   181 TDialNumber::TDialNumber (const TDes& aPhoneNumber,
   182 						  const TDialLocation& aDialLocation , 
   183 						  const TChargeCard & aChargeCard )
   184 	{
   186 	if (aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharPlus) == KErrNotFound)
   187 		{
   188 		}
   189 	else
   190 		{
   191 		TInt iOpen =aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharOpenBracket);
   192 		TInt iClose=aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharCloseBracket);
   195 		if ( iOpen==KErrNotFound ||
   196 			 iClose==KErrNotFound    )
   197 			{
   198 			SpaceParser (aPhoneNumber) ;
   199 			}
   200 		else // found both brackets 
   201 			{
   202 			if (iOpen>iClose || iClose-iOpen==1 ) // close bracket before open bracket or nothing in the brackets
   203 				SpaceParser (aPhoneNumber) ;
   204 			else
   205 				{
   206 				iClose=aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharSpace);
   208 				if ( iClose==KErrNotFound) // no spaces found in string
   209 					BracketParser(aPhoneNumber);
   210 				else 
   211 					{
   212 					if ( iClose>iOpen) // first space found after open bracket so bracket parser
   213 						BracketParser (aPhoneNumber) ;
   214 					else // spaces found before the (
   215 						{
   216 						while (	iClose < aPhoneNumber.Length()-1 &&
   217 								aPhoneNumber[iClose]==KCharSpace)
   218 							iClose++; // move on until a non-space char found
   220 						if (aPhoneNumber[iClose]==KCharOpenBracket) // is a bracket ?
   221 							BracketParser(aPhoneNumber); // the bracket parser
   222 						else
   223 							SpaceParser (aPhoneNumber) ;
   224 						}
   225 					}
   227 				}
   228 			}
   229 		}
   230 	iIntlPrefCode = aDialLocation.IntlPrefCode () ;
   231 	iNatPrefCode = aDialLocation.NatPrefCode () ;
   233 	if (!iNatCode.Length()) // if national code is not supplied
   234 	{
   235 		iNatCode = aDialLocation.NatCode () ; // set it to the current location
   236 		if (!iAreaCode.Length())
   237 			iAreaCode = aDialLocation.AreaCode () ;
   238 	}
   239 //	else // supplied in the string
   240 //		; // leave the area code alone and assume user has to supplied this
   242 	CallType(aDialLocation) ;
   243 	if (aChargeCard.ValidateChargeCardInfo())
   244 		RuleToUse(aChargeCard) ;
   246 	}
   248 /**
   249 @deprecated 9.1
   250 */
   251 TPtrC TDialNumber::IntlPrefCode () const 
   252 	{
   253 	return TPtrC(iIntlPrefCode);
   254 	}
   256 /**
   257 @deprecated 9.1
   258 */
   259 TPtrC TDialNumber::NatPrefCode ()const 
   260 	{
   261 	return TPtrC(iNatPrefCode);
   262 	}
   264 /**
   265 @deprecated 9.1
   266 */
   267 TPtrC TDialNumber::NatCode()const 
   268 	{
   269 	return TPtrC(iNatCode);
   270 	}
   272 /**
   273 @deprecated 9.1
   274 */
   275 TPtrC TDialNumber::AreaCode()const 
   276 	{
   277 	return TPtrC(iAreaCode);
   278 	}
   280 /**
   281 @deprecated 9.1
   282 */
   283 TPtrC TDialNumber::PhoneNumber()const 
   284 	{
   285 	return TPtrC(iPhoneNumber);
   286 	}
   288 /**
   289 @deprecated 9.1
   290 */
   291 TPtrC TDialNumber::RuleToUse()const 
   292 	{
   293 	return TPtrC(iRuleToUse);
   294 	}
   296 /**
   297 @deprecated 9.1
   298 */
   299 TCallType TDialNumber::CallType()const 
   300 	{
   301 	return iCallType;
   302 	}
   304 /**
   305 @deprecated 9.1
   306 */
   307 void TDialNumber::RuleToUse ( const TChargeCard & aChargeCard)
   308 	{
   309 	switch (iCallType)
   310 		{
   311 	case ELocalCall:
   312 		iRuleToUse = aChargeCard.LocalRule() ;
   313 		break;
   314 	case ELongDistanceCall:
   315 		iRuleToUse = aChargeCard.NatRule();
   316 		break;
   317 	case EInternationalCall:
   318 		iRuleToUse = aChargeCard.IntlRule() ;
   319 		break;
   320 		}
   321 	}
   323 /**
   324 @deprecated 9.1
   325 */
   326 void TDialNumber::CallType ( const TDialLocation & aDialLocation )
   327 	{
   328 	iCallType = ELocalCall ;
   329 	if ( aDialLocation.AreaCode() != iAreaCode)
   330 		{
   331 		iCallType = ELongDistanceCall ;
   332 		}
   333 	if ( aDialLocation.NatCode() != iNatCode)
   334 		{
   335 		iCallType = EInternationalCall ;
   336 		}
   338 	}
   340 /**
   341 @deprecated 9.1
   342 */
   343 TBool TDialNumber::IsNatCode() const { return iNatCode.Length(); }
   344 /**
   345 @deprecated 9.1
   346 */
   347 TBool TDialNumber::IsAreaCode() const { return iAreaCode.Length();}
   348 /**
   349 @deprecated 9.1
   350 */
   351 TBool TDialNumber::IsRuleToUse() const{ return iRuleToUse.Length();}
   354 //
   355 // DialUtil
   356 //
   358 /**
   359 @deprecated 9.1
   360 */
   361 TBool DialUtil::AppendDialString(TDes& aDialStr, TPtrC aAppendStr )
   362 	{
   363 	if ( (aDialStr.Length()+aAppendStr.Length()) < aDialStr.MaxLength() )
   364 		{
   365 		aDialStr.Append (aAppendStr);
   366 		return ETrue ;
   367 		}
   368 	else
   369 		return EFalse ;
   370 	}
   372 /**
   373 @deprecated 9.1
   374 */
   375 TBool DialUtil::AppendDialString(TDes& aDialStr, TChar aChar )
   376 	{
   377 	if ( (aDialStr.Length()+1) < aDialStr.MaxLength() )
   378 		{
   379 		aDialStr.Append (aChar);
   380 		return ETrue ;
   381 		}
   382 	else
   383 		return EFalse ;
   384 	}
   387 /**
   388 @deprecated 9.1
   389 */
   390 void DialUtil::RemoveSpace (TDes& aDialString)
   391 	{
   392 	TInt pos = aDialString.Locate(KCharSpace);
   394 	while ( pos != -1 )
   395 		{
   396 		aDialString.Replace (pos,1,_L("")) ;
   397 		pos = aDialString.Locate(KCharSpace);
   398 		}
   399 	}
   401 #if 0
   402 TBool DialUtil::PhoneFormatOK( TDes& aPhoneNumber)
   403 	{
   404  	return !(
   405 			(aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharOpenBracket)!=KErrNotFound && aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharCloseBracket)==KErrNotFound) 
   406  	||		(aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharOpenBracket)==KErrNotFound && aPhoneNumber.Locate(KCharCloseBracket)!=KErrNotFound)
   407 		) ;
   408 	}
   409 #endif
   411 /**
   412 @deprecated 9.1
   413 */
   414 void DialUtil::RemoveUndiallableChars (TDes& aDialString)
   415 	{
   416 	TInt pos = 0;
   417 	while ( pos < aDialString.Length() )
   418 		{
   419 		if (	aDialString[pos] == KCharStar  ||
   420 				aDialString[pos] == KCharHash  ||
   421 				aDialString[pos] == KCharComma ||
   422 			(	aDialString[pos] >= '0' && aDialString[pos] <='9') )
   424 			;
   425 		else
   426 			{
   427 			aDialString.Replace (pos,1,_L("")) ;
   428 			pos--;
   429 			}
   430 		pos++ ;
   431 		}
   433 	}