changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file PSDAgt.cpp
    18 */
    20 #include <cdbcols.h>
    22 #include "psdagt.h"
    23 #include "psdstates.h"
    24 #include "psdlogger.h"
    26 CPsdOutSM* CPsdOutSM::NewL(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
    27 /**
    28 Function creates an outbound connection state machine
    30 @param MAgentObserver& aObserver an observer which will be called back to notify changes in the connection
    31 @param CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc a pointer to a dialog processor object for use by the state machine
    32 @param CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess a reference to the comm Db access object to allow the state machine to obtain details from CommDb
    33 @return CPsdOutSM* the newly created object (ownership of the object is passed to the function caller)
    34 */
    35 	{
    36 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDlgPrc,User::Invariant());
    37 	CPsdOutSM* sm = new (ELeave) CPsdOutSM(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess);
    38 	CleanupStack::PushL(sm);
    39 	sm->ConstructL();
    40 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    41 	return sm;
    42 	}
    44 CPsdOutSM::CPsdOutSM(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
    45 	: CPsdAgentSMBase(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess)
    46 /**
    47 Constructor
    49 @param MAgentObserver& aObserver an observer which will be called back to notify changes in the connection
    50 @param CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc a pointer to a dialog processor object for use by the state machine
    51 @param CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess a reference to the comm Db access object to allow the state machine to obtain details from CommDb
    52 */
    53 	{}
    55 CPsdOutSM::~CPsdOutSM()
    56 /**
    57 Destructor
    58 */
    59 	{}
    61 void CPsdOutSM::ConstructL()
    62 /**
    63 2nd phase construction of the outgoing state machine
    64 creates the initial state of the state machine
    65 */
    66 	{
    67 	CPsdAgentSMBase::ConstructL();
    68 	iState = new (ELeave) CPsdOutInit(this,this,this);
    69 	}
    71 TCommDbConnectionDirection CPsdOutSM::Direction()
    72 /**
    73 Function indicates the direction of the connection which is in progress
    75 @return TCommDbConnectionDirection the connection direction
    76 */
    77 	{ return ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing;}
    81 CPsdInSM* CPsdInSM::NewL(MAgentObserver& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
    82 /**
    83 Function creates an inbound connection state machine
    85 @param MAgentObserver& aObserver an observer which will be called back to notify changes in the connection
    86 @param CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc a pointer to a dialog processor object for use by the state machine
    87 @param CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess a reference to the comm Db access object to allow the state machine to obtain details from CommDb
    88 @return CPsdInSM* the newly created object (ownership of the object is passed to the function caller)
    89 */
    90 	{
    91 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDlgPrc,User::Invariant());
    92 	CPsdInSM* sm = new (ELeave) CPsdInSM(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess);
    93 	CleanupStack::PushL(sm);
    94 	sm->ConstructL();
    95 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    96 	return sm;
    97 	}
    99 CPsdInSM::CPsdInSM(MAgentObserver& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
   100 	: CPsdAgentSMBase(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess)
   101 /**
   102 Constructor
   104 @param MAgentObserver& aObserver an observer which will be called back to notify changes in the connection
   105 @param CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc a pointer to a dialog processor object for use by the state machine
   106 @param CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess a reference to the comm Db access object to allow the state machine to obtain details from CommDb
   107 */
   108 	{}
   110 CPsdInSM::~CPsdInSM()
   111 /**
   112 Destructor
   113 */
   114 	{}
   116 void CPsdInSM::ConstructL()
   117 /**
   118 2nd phase construction of the incoming state machine
   119 creates the initial state of the state machine
   120 */
   121 	{
   122 	CPsdAgentSMBase::ConstructL();
   123 	iState = new (ELeave) CPsdInInit(this,this,this);
   124 	}
   126 TCommDbConnectionDirection CPsdInSM::Direction()
   127 /**
   128 Function indicates the direction of the connection which is in progress
   130 @return TCommDbConnectionDirection the connection direction
   131 */
   132 	{ return ECommDbConnectionDirectionIncoming;}
   133 #endif // #ifndef INCOMING_NOT_SUPORTED
   135 CPsdAgentSMBase::CPsdAgentSMBase(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess)
   136 	: CAgentSMBase(aObserver,aDlgPrc,aDbAccess),
   137 		iIsQoSSupported(ETrue)//let's be optimists 
   138 /**
   139 Constructor
   140 */
   141 	{}
   143 void CPsdAgentSMBase::ConstructL()
   144 /**
   145 2nd phase construction of the state machine base class
   146 to be called in the ConstuctL of derived classes.
   147 The function creates the logging objects and the objects
   148 that contain the parameters for the Context and the QoS
   149 */
   150 	{
   151 	iEventLogger=CEventLogger::NewL();
   152 	iDataLogger=CDataLogger::NewL(this,this);
   153 	InquireModeL();
   154 	iConfig=CPsdContextConfig::NewL(*iDb,iNetworkMode);
   155 	iQoSConfig=CPsdContextQoSConfig::NewL(*iDb,iNetworkMode);
   156 	}
   158 CPsdAgentSMBase::~CPsdAgentSMBase()
   159 /**
   160 Destructor
   161 */
   162 	{
   163 	iPacketNetwork.Close();
   164 	iContext.Close();
   165 	iQoS.Close();
   166 	iPhone.Close();
   167 	iTelServer.Close();
   168 	delete iQoSConfig;
   169 	delete iConfig;
   170 	delete iDataLogger;
   171 	delete iEventLogger;
   172 	iEventLogger=0;
   173 	}
   176 TInt CPsdAgentSMBase::GetExcessData(TDes8& /*aBuffer*/)
   177 /**
   178 This is only valid for CSD
   179 To retrieve data for the SM, and accessor functions for the state objects to use.
   181 @param contains data retrieved from the agent for SM.
   182 @return KErrNotSupported if data is not retrieved.
   183 */
   184 	{
   185 	return KErrNotSupported;
   186 	}
   188 TInt CPsdAgentSMBase::Notification(TNifToAgentEventType /*aEvent*/, TAny* /*aInfo*/)
   189 /**
   190 No NIF to AGENT notifications supported by PSDAGX
   191 Act on / reply to NifMan's notification requests
   193 @param Type of event from Nifman to Agent.
   194 @param Information about the Agent
   195 @return KErrNotSupported if Event type does not exist.
   196 */
   197 	{
   198 	return KErrNotSupported;
   199 	}
   201 void CPsdAgentSMBase::GetLastError(TInt& aError)
   202 /**
   203 If the context is still open, request last error, otherwise the last error will
   204 have been obtained on closure.
   206 @param error code if the context is not open.
   207 */
   208 	{
   209 	if (iContext.SubSessionHandle())
   210 		iContext.GetLastErrorCause(aError);
   211 	else
   212 		aError=iErrorCause;
   213 	}
   215 TBool CPsdAgentSMBase::IsIncomingAllowedL() const
   216 /**
   217 Function to allow clients to inquire if incomming connections are allowed
   219 @return ETrue if incomming connections allowed else EFalse
   220 */
   221 	{
   222 	// Hurricane does not support Incoming connections so hard code this response to False
   224 	return EFalse;
   225 #else
   226 	// Note - the code below should be used when incoming connections are supported
   227 	TUint32 allowed;
   228 	iDb->GetGlobalL(TPtrC(ACCEPT_INCOMING_GPRS),allowed);
   229 	return (TBool)allowed;
   230 #endif
   231 	}
   233 void CPsdAgentSMBase::GetRemotePartyL(TDes& aRemoteParty) const
   234 /**
   235 Function to allow clients to inquire the name of the remote party in the connection
   237 @param TDes& aRemoteParty reference to a descriptor into which the remote party name will be written.
   238 */
   239 	{
   240 	iDb->GetDesL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(COMMDB_NAME),aRemoteParty);
   241 	}
   243 void CPsdAgentSMBase::InquireModeL()
   244 /**
   245 Internal function to figure out the current mode and set the iNetworkMode
   246 member appropriately
   247 */ 
   248 	{
   249 	TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength> serviceType;
   250 	iDb->GetServiceTypeL(serviceType);
   251 	if(serviceType == TPtrC(OUTGOING_GPRS))
   252 		{
   253 		iNetworkMode = EModeWCDMA;
   254 		}
   256 	else if(serviceType == TPtrC(INCOMING_GPRS))
   257 		{
   258 		iNetworkMode = EModeWCDMA;
   259 		}
   260 #endif // #ifndef INCOMING_NOT_SUPORTED	
   261 	else
   262 		{
   263 		// The service type is not supported by this AGX so leave
   264 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   265 		}
   266 	}
   268 MAgentStateMachineEnv& CPsdAgentSMBase::BaseEnv() 
   269 	{ return *this;}
   271 RTelServer& CPsdAgentSMBase::TelServer() 
   272 	{ return iTelServer;}
   274 RPhone& CPsdAgentSMBase::Phone() 
   275 	{ return iPhone;}
   277 RPacketService& CPsdAgentSMBase::PacketNetwork() 
   278 	{ return iPacketNetwork;}
   280 RPacketContext& CPsdAgentSMBase::Context() 
   281 	{ return iContext;}
   283 TBool CPsdAgentSMBase::IsQoSSupported()const
   284 	{return iIsQoSSupported;}
   286 void CPsdAgentSMBase::SetQoSSupported(TBool isSupported)
   287 	{iIsQoSSupported=isSupported;}
   289 RPacketQoS& CPsdAgentSMBase::QoS()
   290 	{ return iQoS;}
   292 const CPsdContextConfig& CPsdAgentSMBase::Config() const 
   293 	{ return *iConfig;}
   295 const CPsdContextQoSConfig& CPsdAgentSMBase::QoSConfig() const
   296 	{return *iQoSConfig;}
   298 TInt& CPsdAgentSMBase::ErrorCause()
   299 	{ return iErrorCause;}
   301 CEventLogger* CPsdAgentSMBase::Logger() 
   302 	{ return iEventLogger;}
   304 CDataLogger* CPsdAgentSMBase::DataLogger() 
   305 	{ return iDataLogger;}
   307 TBool& CPsdAgentSMBase::AmLogging()  
   308 /**
   309 @deprecated since logging requests are stored in a queue now
   310 */
   311 	{ return iAmLogging;}
   313 TBool CPsdAgentSMBase::TsyLoaded() const
   314 	{ return iTsyLoaded;}
   316 void CPsdAgentSMBase::SetTsyLoaded(TBool aStatus)
   317 	{ iTsyLoaded=aStatus;}
   319 MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode CPsdAgentSMBase::Mode() const
   320 	{return iNetworkMode;}
   322 CPsdContextConfig* CPsdContextConfig::NewL(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode)
   323 /**
   324 Function creates a CPsdContextConfig object
   326 @param CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess a reference to the comm Db access object to allow the class to obtain details from CommDb
   327 @param TNetworkMode aMode the mode of the context config parameters to be created.
   328 @return CPsdContextConfig* the newly created object (ownership of the object is passed to the function caller)
   329 */
   330 	{
   331 	CPsdContextConfig* self = new(ELeave)CPsdContextConfig(aDbAccess,aMode);
   332 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   333 	self->ConstructL();
   334 	CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
   335 	return self;
   336 	}
   338 CPsdContextConfig::CPsdContextConfig(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode)
   339 : iDbAccess(aDbAccess), iMode(aMode)
   340 	{	
   341 	}
   343 void CPsdContextConfig::ConstructL()
   344 /**
   345 2nd phase construction of CPsdContextConfig calls the appropriate internal construction
   346 function for the current mode
   347 */
   348 	{
   349 	if(iMode == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   350 		{
   351 		GprsConfigConstructL();
   352 		}
   353 	}
   355 CPsdContextConfig::~CPsdContextConfig()
   356 /**
   357 Destructor
   358 */
   359 	{
   360 	delete iConfig;
   361 	delete iPackedConfig;
   362 	}
   364 const TPacketDataConfigBase& CPsdContextConfig::Config() const
   365 /**
   366 Function that returns the current context config parameters as a TPacketDataConfigBase
   368 @return TPacketDataConfigBase& reference to the config parameters. (reurned as the mode agnostic base class)
   369 */
   370 	{
   371 	return *iConfig;
   372 	}
   374 TDesC8& CPsdContextConfig::PackedConfig() const
   375 /**
   376 Function that returns the current context config parameters packed in a descriptor
   378 @return TDesC8& reference to the config parameters packed in a descriptor.
   379 */
   380 	{
   381 	return *iPackedConfig;
   382 	}
   384 TBool CPsdContextConfig::IsConfigSupportedL(const RPacketService& aPacketData, TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection) const
   385 /**
   386 Inquiry function to enquire if the TSY is able to support the current context parameters
   388 @param RPacketService& aPacketData handle to a previously initialised RPacketService object
   389 @param TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection the direction of the current connection
   390 @return TBool returns ETrue if config supported, EFalse otherwise.
   391 */
   392 	{
   393 	if(!iStaticCaps)
   394 		{
   395 		// Only get the caps if they havn't been retrieved before
   396 		User::LeaveIfError(aPacketData.GetStaticCaps(iStaticCaps,iProtocolType));
   397 		}
   398 	TBool result=ETrue;
   399 	if(iMode == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   400 		{
   401 		RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& config = *(STATIC_CAST(RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS*, iConfig));
   403 		if ( (config.iAnonymousAccessReqd==RPacketContext::ERequired)
   404 			&&(aDirection == ECommDbConnectionDirectionIncoming) )
   405 			{
   406 			result=EFalse;
   407 			}
   408 		else if (!(iStaticCaps & RPacketService::KCapsAASupported)
   409 			&& (config.iAnonymousAccessReqd==RPacketContext::ERequired))
   410 			{
   411 			result=EFalse;
   412 			}
   413 		else if (!(iStaticCaps & RPacketService::KCapsPdpDataCompSupported)
   414 			&& (config.iPdpCompression & RPacketContext::KPdpDataCompression))
   415 			{
   416 			result=EFalse;
   417 			}
   418 		else if (!(iStaticCaps & RPacketService::KCapsPdpHeaderCompSupported)
   419 			&& (config.iPdpCompression & RPacketContext::KPdpHeaderCompression))
   420 			{
   421 			result=EFalse;
   422 			}
   423 		}
   424 	return result;
   425 	}
   428 TBool CPsdContextConfig::TsySupportsDataTransferInfoL(const RPacketService& aPacketData) const
   429 /**
   430 Inquiry function to enquire if the TSY is able to support data transfer inquiries
   432 @param RPacketService& aPacketData handle to a previously initialised RPacketService object
   433 @return TBool returns ETrue if data transfer inquiry supported, EFalse otherwise.
   434 */
   435 	{
   436 	if(!iStaticCaps)
   437 		{
   438 		// Only get the caps if they havn't been retrieved before
   439 		User::LeaveIfError(aPacketData.GetStaticCaps(iStaticCaps,iProtocolType));
   440 		}
   441 	return(iStaticCaps & RPacketService::KCapsGetDataTransferredSupported);
   442 	}
   444 void CPsdContextConfig::GprsConfigConstructL()
   446 /**
   447 Internal function that constructs the object if the mode is GPRS
   448 interogates CommDb and reads the appropriate parameters from there
   450 Relies on SetCurrentSettingsL() having already been called by the controller
   451 Also expects the service setting to be opened on the correct GPRS Table (outgoing/incoming)
   452 */
   453 	{
   454 	iConfig=new(ELeave)RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS();
   456 	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& config = *(STATIC_CAST(RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS*, iConfig));
   457 	TUint32 pdptype;
   458 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_PDP_TYPE),pdptype);
   459 	config.iPdpType = (RPacketContext::TProtocolType)pdptype;
   461 	// Save the protocol type seperately for easy access when retreiving static caps
   462 	iProtocolType = config.iPdpType;
   464 	iDbAccess.GetDesL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_APN),config.iAccessPointName);
   465 	iDbAccess.GetDesL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_PDP_ADDRESS),config.iPdpAddress);
   467 	GetGprsCompressionL(config.iPdpCompression);
   468 	GetGprsAAL(config.iAnonymousAccessReqd);
   470 	iPackedConfig = new(ELeave)TPckg<RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS>(config);
   471 	}
   473 void CPsdContextConfig::GetGprsCompressionL(TUint& aCompression) const
   474 	{
   475 	aCompression = 0;
   476 	TBool isCompression;
   477 	iDbAccess.GetBoolL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_DATA_COMPRESSION),isCompression);
   478 	if (isCompression)
   479 		{
   480 		aCompression |= RPacketContext::KPdpDataCompression;
   481 		}
   483 	iDbAccess.GetBoolL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_HEADER_COMPRESSION),isCompression);
   484 	if (isCompression)
   485 		{
   486 		aCompression |= RPacketContext::KPdpHeaderCompression;
   487 		}
   488 	}
   490 void CPsdContextConfig::GetGprsAAL(RPacketContext::TAnonymousAccess& aAnonymous) const
   491 	{	
   492 	TBool isAnonymous;
   493 	iDbAccess.GetBoolL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS),isAnonymous);
   494 	if (isAnonymous)
   495 		aAnonymous=RPacketContext::ERequired;
   496 	else
   497 		aAnonymous=RPacketContext::ENotRequired;
   498 	}
   500 void CPsdContextConfig::GetGprsEdgeL(TBool& aUseEdge) const
   501 	{	
   502 	TBool isUseEdge;
   503 	iDbAccess.GetBoolL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_USE_EDGE),isUseEdge);
   504 	aUseEdge=isUseEdge;
   505 	}
   507 TBool CPsdContextConfig::QueryIfConfigAcceptable(TDesC8& aNewConfig) const
   508 /**
   509 Function to check if the config passed in the parameter meets the minimum requiremnts
   510 set in CommDb
   512 @param TDesC8& aNewConfig the config to be checked packed in a descriptor
   513 @return TBool ETrue if the config passed in is above or equal to the minimum values, EFalse otherwise.
   514 */
   515 	{
   516 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   517 	if(iMode == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   518 		{
   519 		TPckg<RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS> configPckg = *((TPckg<RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS>*)&aNewConfig);
   520 		RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& newConfig = configPckg();
   521 		ret = QueryIfGprsConfigAcceptable(newConfig);
   522 		}
   523 	return ret;
   524 	}
   526 TBool CPsdContextConfig::QueryIfGprsConfigAcceptable(const RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& /*aNewConfig*/) const
   527 /**
   528 Internal function to check if the config passed in the parameter meets the minimum required for GPRS
   530 @param RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& aNewConfig the config to be checked against the minimum values
   531 @return TBool ETrue if the config passed in is above or equal to the minimum values, EFalse otherwise.
   532 */
   533 	{
   534 	// Apparently the GPRS network has to give you what you asked for otherwise
   535 	// it will not complete the connection, so just return ETrue
   536 	return ETrue;
   537 	}
   539 TBool CPsdContextConfig::QueryIfIncommingConnectionAcceptable(const RPacketContext::TProtocolType& aProtocolType, const RPacketContext::TProtocolAddress& aProtocolAddress) const
   540 /**
   541 Inquiry function to enquire if incoming connection is valid
   543 @param RPacketContext::TProtocolType& aProtocolType the protocol type of the incomming connection
   544 @param RPacketContext::TProtocolAddress& aProtocolAddress the address of the incomming connection
   545 @return TBool returns ETrue if connection OK, EFalse otherwise.
   546 */
   547 	{
   548 	if(iMode == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   549 		{
   550 		RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& config = *(STATIC_CAST(RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS*, iConfig));
   551 		// For GPRS incoming connection the connection must be IP based and the IP address must be static.
   552 		// The IP address should be the one stored in CommDb
   553 		if( ((aProtocolType==RPacketContext::EPdpTypeIPv4)||(aProtocolType==RPacketContext::EPdpTypeIPv6)) 
   554 			&& config.iPdpAddress==aProtocolAddress)
   555 			{
   556 			return ETrue;
   557 			}
   558 		else
   559 			{
   560 			return EFalse;
   561 			}
   562 		}
   563 	return EFalse;
   564 	}
   566 //======================================================
   567 //
   568 // CPsdContextQoSConfig
   569 //
   570 //======================================================
   572 CPsdContextQoSConfig* CPsdContextQoSConfig::NewL(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode)
   573 /**
   574 Function creates a CPsdContextQoSConfig object
   576 @param CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess a reference to the comm Db access object to allow the class to obtain details from CommDb
   577 @param TNetworkMode aMode the mode of the context config parameters to be created.
   578 @return CPsdContextQoSConfig* the newly created object (ownership of the object is passed to the function caller)
   579 */
   580 	{
   581 	CPsdContextQoSConfig* self = new(ELeave)CPsdContextQoSConfig(aDbAccess,aMode);
   582 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   583 	self->ConstructL();
   584 	CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
   585 	return self;
   586 	}
   588 CPsdContextQoSConfig::CPsdContextQoSConfig(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode)
   589 : iDbAccess(aDbAccess), iMode(aMode)
   590 	{
   591 	}
   593 void CPsdContextQoSConfig::ConstructL()
   594 /**
   595 2nd phase construction of CPsdContextQoSConfig calls the appropriate internal construction
   596 function for the current mode
   597 */
   598 	{
   599 	if(iMode == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   600 		{
   601 		GprsQoSConfigConstructL();
   602 		}
   603 	}
   605 CPsdContextQoSConfig::~CPsdContextQoSConfig()
   606 /**
   607 Destructor
   608 */
   609 	{
   610 	delete iPackedQoSConfig;
   611 	delete iQoSConfig;
   612 	}
   614 const TPacketDataConfigBase& CPsdContextQoSConfig::QoSConfig() const
   615 /**
   616 Function that returns the current QoS config parameters as a TPacketDataConfigBase
   618 @return TPacketDataConfigBase& reference to the QoS config parameters. (reurned as the mode agnostic base class)
   619 */
   620 	{
   621 	return *iQoSConfig;
   622 	}
   624 TDes8& CPsdContextQoSConfig::PackedQoSConfig() const
   625 /**
   626 Function that returns the current QoS config parameters packed in a descriptor
   628 @return TDesC8& reference to the QoS config parameters packed in a descriptor.
   629 */
   630 	{
   631 	return *iPackedQoSConfig;
   632 	}
   634 void CPsdContextQoSConfig::GprsQoSConfigConstructL()
   635 /**
   636 Internal function that constructs the object if the mode is GPRS
   637 interogates CommDb and reads the appropriate parameters from there
   638 */
   639 	{
   640 	iQoSConfig=new(ELeave)RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested();
   641 	RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested& qoSConfig = *(STATIC_CAST(RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested*, iQoSConfig));
   644 	TUint32 data;
   645 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_REQ_PRECEDENCE),data);
   646 	qoSConfig.iReqPrecedence	= (RPacketQoS::TQoSPrecedence)data;
   648 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_REQ_DELAY),data);
   649 	qoSConfig.iReqDelay		= (RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay)data;
   651 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_REQ_RELIABILITY),data);
   652 	qoSConfig.iReqReliability	= (RPacketQoS::TQoSReliability)data;
   654 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_REQ_PEAK_THROUGHPUT),data);
   655 	qoSConfig.iReqPeakThroughput = (RPacketQoS::TQoSPeakThroughput)data;
   657 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_REQ_MEAN_THROUGHPUT),data);
   658 	qoSConfig.iReqMeanThroughput = (RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput)data;
   660 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_MIN_PRECEDENCE),data);
   661 	qoSConfig.iMinPrecedence		= (RPacketQoS::TQoSPrecedence)data;
   663 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_MIN_DELAY),data);
   664 	qoSConfig.iMinDelay			= (RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay)data;
   666 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_MIN_RELIABILITY),data);
   667 	qoSConfig.iMinReliability	= (RPacketQoS::TQoSReliability)data;
   669 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_MIN_PEAK_THROUGHPUT),data);
   670 	qoSConfig.iMinPeakThroughput = (RPacketQoS::TQoSPeakThroughput)data;
   672 	iDbAccess.GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_MIN_MEAN_THROUGHPUT),data);
   673 	qoSConfig.iMinMeanThroughput = (RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput)data;
   675 	iPackedQoSConfig = new(ELeave)TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested>(qoSConfig);
   676 	}
   678 TBool CPsdContextQoSConfig::QueryIfQoSAcceptable(TDesC8& aNewQoS) const
   679 /**
   680 Function to check if the QoS config passed in the parameter meets the minimum requiremnts
   681 set in CommDb
   683 @param TDesC8& aNewQoS the QoS config to be checked packed in a descriptor
   684 @return TBool ETrue if the QoS config passed in is above or equal to the minimum values, EFalse otherwise.
   685 */
   686 	{
   687 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   688 	if(iMode == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   689 		{
   690 		TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated> qoSPckg = *((TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated>*)&aNewQoS);
   691 		RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& newQoS = qoSPckg();
   692 		ret = QueryIfGprsQoSAcceptable(newQoS);
   693 		}
   694 	return ret;
   695 	}
   697 TBool CPsdContextQoSConfig::QueryIfGprsQoSAcceptable(const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& /*aNewQoS*/) const
   698 /**
   699 Internal function to check if the QoS config passed in the parameter meets the minimum required for GPRS
   701 @param RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& aNewQoS the QoS config to be checked against the minimum values
   702 @return TBool ETrue if the config passed in is above or equal to the minimum values, EFalse otherwise.
   703 */
   704 	{
   705 	// Apparently the GPRS network has to give you what you asked for otherwise
   706 	// it will not complete the connection, so just return ETrue
   707 	return ETrue;
   708 	}
   710 //
   711 //
   712 // CPsdContextChangeMonitor
   713 //
   715 CPsdContextChangeMonitor* CPsdContextChangeMonitor::NewL(MPsdEnv* aEnv, MPsdContextChangeObserver* aObserver)
   717 /**
   718 Function creates a CPsdContextChangeMonitor object
   720 @param MPsdEnv* aEnv a pointer to a object that provides the MPsdEnv interface
   721 @param MPsdContextChangeObserver* aObserver a pointer to the observing object that should be called back when the quality drops below the minimum value
   722 @return CPsdContextChangeMonitor* the newly created object (ownership of the object is passed to the function caller)
   723 */
   724 	{
   725 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aEnv && aObserver,User::Invariant());
   726 	CPsdContextChangeMonitor* self = new(ELeave)CPsdContextChangeMonitor(aEnv,aObserver);
   727 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   728 	self->ConstructL();
   729 	CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
   730 	return self;
   731 	}
   733 CPsdContextChangeMonitor::~CPsdContextChangeMonitor()
   734 /**
   735 Destructor
   736 */
   737 	{
   738 	Cancel();
   739 	iDebounceTimer.Close();
   740 	delete iQoSWatcher;
   741 	delete iConfigWatcher;
   743 	delete iPackedActualQoSConfig;
   744 	delete iActualQoSConfig;
   745 	delete iPackedActualConfig;
   746 	delete iActualConfig;	
   747 	}
   749 CPsdContextChangeMonitor::CPsdContextChangeMonitor(MPsdEnv* aEnv, MPsdContextChangeObserver* aObserver)
   750 : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iSM(aEnv), iObserver(aObserver), iContextState(CPsdContextChangeMonitor::EContextQualityAcceptable)
   751 	{
   752 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   753 	}
   755 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::ConstructL()
   756 /**
   757 2nd phase constructor. Initialises the member variables as appropriate for the current mode.
   758 Constructs a CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher and a CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher object to watch for
   759 cahnges in context config and qos config.
   760 */
   761 	{
   762 	TInt r=iDebounceTimer.CreateLocal();
   763 	if (r!=KErrNone)
   764 		User::Leave(r);
   765 	TUint32 timeOut = 0; // keeps compiler happy; we know it's always set below
   766 	if(iSM->Mode() == MPsdEnv::EModeWCDMA)
   767 		{
   768 		iActualConfig=new(ELeave)RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS();
   769 		RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& config = *(STATIC_CAST(RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS*, iActualConfig));
   770 		iPackedActualConfig = new(ELeave)TPckg<RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS>(config);
   772 		iActualQoSConfig=new(ELeave)RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated();
   773 		RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& qoSConfig = *(STATIC_CAST(RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated*, iActualQoSConfig));
   774 		iPackedActualQoSConfig = new(ELeave)TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated>(qoSConfig);
   775 		// Get timeOut from the Db; default to 0 on error (eg. Db value is NULL)
   776 		TRAPD(rOk,iSM->BaseEnv().Db()->GetIntL(TPtrC(KGeneralServiceTable),TPtrC(GPRS_QOS_WARNING_TIMEOUT),timeOut));
   777 		if (rOk != KErrNone)
   778 			timeOut = 0;
   779 		}
   780 	iConfigWatcher = new(ELeave)CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher(iSM->Context(), *this, *iPackedActualConfig);
   782 	if (iSM->IsQoSSupported())//the tsy might not support QoS
   783 		iQoSWatcher = new(ELeave)CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher(iSM->QoS(), *this, *iPackedActualQoSConfig);
   784 	else
   785 		iQoSWatcher=0;
   787 	iDebounceTimeout = timeOut;
   788 	if(iDebounceTimeout.Int()>0)
   789 		{
   790 		// The timeout will be greater than zero if the service loss dialogs are enabled
   791 		iConfigWatcher->StartL();
   792 		if (iQoSWatcher)//the tsy might not support QoS
   793 			iQoSWatcher->StartL();
   794 		}
   795 	}
   797 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::ReportConfigChange()
   798 /**
   799 Callback function, called when the CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher object reports
   800 a change in context config parameters
   801 Checks to see if the changed parameters are below the minimum and if so
   802 starts the timeout which will cause the observer to be informed of the 
   803 connection going below quality.
   804 If the context config returns to acceptable values before the timeout completes
   805 the timeout is cancelled and the observer will not be notified of the change
   806 */
   807 	{
   808 	// The config has changed check if it is acceptable
   809 	TBool acceptable = iSM->Config().QueryIfConfigAcceptable(*iPackedActualConfig);
   810 	// Only report if the context was previously of acceptable quality and now it is not
   811 	if(!acceptable && (iContextState == EContextQualityAcceptable))
   812 		{
   813 		// the context config has just gone below quality - don't report again until it becomes acceptable
   814 		iContextState |= EConfigQualityUnAcceptable;
   815 		StartTimeout();
   816 		}
   817 	else if(acceptable && (iContextState & EConfigQualityUnAcceptable))
   818 		{
   819 		// the context config has become of acceptable quality again
   820 		iContextState &= ~EConfigQualityUnAcceptable;
   821 		CancelTimeout();
   822 		}
   823 	}
   825 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::ReportQoSChange()
   826 /**
   827 Callback function, called when the CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher object reports
   828 a change in QoS config parameters
   829 Checks to see if the changed parameters are below the minimum and if so
   830 starts the timeout which will cause the observer to be informed of the 
   831 connection going below quality.
   832 If the QoS config returns to acceptable values before the timeout completes
   833 the timeout is cancelled and the observer will not be notified of the change
   834 */
   835 	{
   836 	// The QoS config has changed check if it is acceptable
   837 	TBool acceptable = iSM->QoSConfig().QueryIfQoSAcceptable(*iPackedActualQoSConfig);
   838 	// Only report if the context was previously of acceptable quality and now it is not
   839 	if(!acceptable && (iContextState == EContextQualityAcceptable))
   840 		{
   841 		// the QoS config has just gone below quality - don't report again until it becomes acceptable
   842 		iContextState |= EQoSQualityUnAcceptable;
   843 		StartTimeout();
   844 		}
   845 	else if(acceptable && (iContextState & EQoSQualityUnAcceptable))
   846 		{
   847 		// the context config has become of acceptable quality again
   848 		iContextState &= ~EQoSQualityUnAcceptable;
   849 		CancelTimeout();
   850 		}
   851 	}
   853 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::RunL()
   854 /**
   855 The RunL will be called when the timeout completes following a drop below acceptable
   856 QoS or context quality. It informs the observer of the quality drop.
   857 */
   858 	{
   859 	// The timeout has completed this means the context quality has been below acceptable
   860 	// for the duration of the timeout, so report it
   861 	iObserver->ReportContextBelowAcceptableQuality();
   862 	}
   864 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::ReportConfigWatcherError(TInt aError)
   865 /**
   866 Callback function called when an error occurs in the CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher object
   868 @param error code for error occurs in the CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher object
   869 */
   870 	{
   871 	iObserver->ReportError(aError);
   872 	}
   874 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::ReportQoSWatcherError(TInt aError)
   875 /**
   876 Callback function called when an error occurs in the CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher object
   878 @param error code for error occurs in the CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher object
   879 */
   880 	{
   881 	iObserver->ReportError(aError);
   882 	}
   884 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::StartTimeout()
   885 	{
   886 	if(!IsActive())
   887 		{
   888 		iDebounceTimer.After(iStatus, iDebounceTimeout);
   889 		SetActive();
   890 		}
   891 	}
   893 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::CancelTimeout()
   894 	{
   895 	if(iContextState == EContextQualityAcceptable)
   896 		{
   897 		Cancel();
   898 		}
   899 	}
   901 void CPsdContextChangeMonitor::DoCancel()
   902 	{	
   903 	iDebounceTimer.Cancel();
   904 	}
   905 //
   906 //
   907 // CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher
   908 //
   910 CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher::CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher(const RPacketContext& aContext, MObserver& aObserver, TPtr8& aContextParams)
   911 : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iObserver(aObserver), iContext(aContext), iContextParams(aContextParams)
   912 /**
   913 Overloaded Constructor adding itself to the active scheduler
   914 */
   915 	{
   916 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   917 	}
   919 void CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher::StartL()
   920 /**
   921 Start notifying observer of changes in context config parameters
   922 */
   923 	{
   924 	iContext.NotifyConfigChanged(iStatus, iContextParams);
   925 	SetActive();
   926 	}
   928 CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher::~CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher()
   929 /**
   930 Destructor
   931 */
   932 	{
   933 	Cancel();
   934 	}
   936 void CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher::RunL()
   937 /**
   938 RunL completes when the context config parameters have changed - call back
   939 the observer to inform them of the event
   940 */
   941 	{
   942 	if(iStatus != KErrNone)
   943 		{
   944 		iObserver.ReportConfigWatcherError(iStatus.Int());
   945 		}
   946 	else
   947 		{
   948 		iObserver.ReportConfigChange();
   949 		}
   950 	// Renew Request
   951 	iContext.NotifyConfigChanged(iStatus, iContextParams);
   952 	SetActive();
   953 	}
   955 void CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher::DoCancel()
   956 /**
   957 Cancell the changes in the context configuration parameters and notifying its observer when such a change occurs.
   958 */
   959 	{
   960 	iContext.CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged);
   961 	}
   963 //
   964 //
   965 // CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher
   966 //
   968 CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher::CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher(const RPacketQoS& aQoS, MObserver& aObserver, TPtr8& aQoSParams)
   969 : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iObserver(aObserver), iQoS(aQoS), iQoSParams(aQoSParams)
   970 /**
   971 Overloaded Constructor adding itself to the active scheduler
   972 */
   973 	{
   974 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   975 	}
   977 void CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher::StartL()
   978 /**
   979 Start notifying observer of changes in QoS config parameters
   980 */
   981 	{
   982 	iQoS.NotifyProfileChanged(iStatus, iQoSParams);
   983 	SetActive();
   984 	}
   986 CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher::~CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher()
   987 /**
   988 Destructor
   989 */
   990 	{
   991 	Cancel();
   992 	}
   994 void CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher::RunL()
   995 /**
   996 RunL completes when the QoS config parameters have changed - call back
   997 the observer to inform them of the event
   998 */
   999 	{
  1000 	if(iStatus != KErrNone)
  1001 		{
  1002 		iObserver.ReportQoSWatcherError(iStatus.Int());
  1003 		}
  1004 	else
  1005 		{
  1006 		iObserver.ReportQoSChange();
  1007 		}
  1008 	// Renew Request
  1009 	iQoS.NotifyProfileChanged(iStatus, iQoSParams);
  1010 	SetActive();
  1011 	}
  1013 void CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher::DoCancel()
  1014 	{
  1015 	iQoS.CancelAsyncRequest(EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged);
  1016 	}