changeset 20 07a122eea281
parent 19 630d2f34d719
child 21 4814c5a49428
--- a/cbsref/csyrefplugins/csy27010/src/PortC32Interface.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:23:08 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-// * Copyright 2004 Neusoft America Inc.
-// * All rights reserved.
-// * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-// * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// * at the URL "".
-// *
-// * Contributors:
-// * Keith Collins (Neusoft America Inc.)  original software development and additional code and modifications.
-// * Thomas Gahagen (Neusoft America Inc.)  additional code and modifications.
-// * Zhen Yuan (Neusoft America Inc.)  additional code and modifications.
-// *
-// * Description:  This file contains the implementation for the CPortC32Interface class.
-// *               This class contains methods which are invoked by C32 when the
-// *               associated client RComm public API is invoked. These methods
-// *               are used to create, configure, read, write, and close logical
-// *               serial ports. Instances of this class are created by the CSY's
-// *               Port Factory.
-// PortC32Interface.cpp
-/** @file PortC32Interface.cpp
- *
- */
-#include <cdbcols.h>
-#include "PortC32Interface.h"
-#include "Portfactory.h"
-#include "Mux0710Protocol.h"
-#include "CsyMsgBufBPFrame.h"
-#include "ChannelMgrCmdData.h"
-#include "CommFrameReaderAo.h"
-#include "CsyDebugLogger.h"
-#include "CsyGlobals.h"
-#include "CommFrameWriterAo.h"
-CPortC32Interface* CPortC32Interface::NewL(CPortFactory& aPortFactory, 
-										   CPortFactory::TC32PortInfo& aPortInfo)
- * This method uses two phase construction and the cleanup stack to create
- * an instance of class CPortC32Interface.
- *
- * @param aPortFactory - Reference to the port factory
- * @param aPortInfo - Reference to the port information
- * @return Pointer to the created instance
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1( "CPortC32Interface::NewL");
-	CPortC32Interface* self = new(ELeave) CPortC32Interface(aPortFactory, aPortInfo);
-	TCleanupItem closeSelf(CPortFactory::CloseObject, self);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(closeSelf);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-	return self;
-	}
- * Destructor.
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1( ">>CPortC32Interface::~CPortC32Interface");
-	// let port factory know we are deleted
-	iPortFactory.RemoveC32Port(this);
-	CompleteOutstandingRequest();
-	iMuxChannel->Close(this);
-	if (iReadBuf)
-		{
-		_LOG_L3C1("Delete read buffer");
-		delete iReadBuf;
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C1( "<<CPortC32Interface::~CPortC32Interface");
-	}
-CPortC32Interface::CPortC32Interface(CPortFactory& aPortFactory,
-									 CPortFactory::TC32PortInfo& aPortInfo)
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param aPortFactory - Reference to the port factory
- * @param aPortInfo - Reference to the port information
- */
-: CPortC32InterfaceBase(aPortFactory, aPortInfo)
-	{}
-void CPortC32Interface::ConstructL(void)
- * Safe constructor
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1( "CPortC32Interface::ConstructL");
-	CPortC32InterfaceBase::ConstructL();
-	}
-/*               Start of utility methods for CPortC32InterfaceBase                 */
-TInt CPortC32Interface::QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const
- * Called by C32 when the client queries the size of the receive buffer,
- * which returns the number of receive characters available to be read by
- * the C32 client RComm instance.
- *
- * @param aLength - Reference to client's buffer length variable
- * @return KErrNone
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2( "CPortC32Interface::QueryReceiveBuffer [port=%d]", GetPortNumber());
-	aLength = 0;
-	if (iReadBuf)
-		{
-		aLength = iReadBuf->iMsg.Length();
-		_LOG_L4C2("iReadBuf aLength=%d", aLength);
-		}
-	else if (!iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* frame = iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.First();
-		if ((frame)&&(frame->iMsg.Length() >= (KAdvOptionHeaderSize + KChecksumSize)))
-			{
-#ifdef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-			aLength = frame->iMsg.Length() - (KAdvOptionHeaderSize + KChecksumSize);
-			aLength = frame->iMsg.Length() - (KBasicOptionHeaderSize + KChecksumSize);
-			_LOG_L4C2("iFramesWaitingToBeReadList aLength=%d", aLength);
-			}
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void CPortC32Interface::ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags)
- * Called by C32 when the client requests to reset the buffers,
- * by removing all receive and/or transmit messages according to
- * the specified flags.
- *
- * @param aFlags Indicate which buffers (receive and/or transmit) should be reset
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2(">>CPortC32Interface::ResetBuffers [aFlags=%d]", aFlags);
-	_LOG_L4C2("[port=%d]", GetPortNumber());
-	if (aFlags & KCommResetRx)
-		{
-		_LOG_L4C1("Removing all messages intended for the C32 client");
-		RemoveWaitingAllFrames();
-		}
-	if (aFlags & KCommResetTx)
-		{
-		_LOG_L4C1("Removing all messages intended for the modem");
-		GetMuxChannel()->WriteCancel();
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C1("<<CPortC32Interface::ResetBuffers");
-	}
-void CPortC32Interface::SendFrameToClient(CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aFrame)
- * This method is called by a CSY Channel object when it has a single
- * frame to send to a C32 client RComm object.
- *
- * @param aFrame - Pointer to message to send to client
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2( "CPortC32Interface::SendFrameToClient [port=%d]", GetPortNumber());
-	if (aFrame)
-		{
-		// check if queue is empty
-		TBool trigger = iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.IsEmpty();
-		iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.AddLast(*aFrame);
-		if (trigger)
-			{
-			_LOG_L4C1("No packets already waiting");
-			if (iIsReadInProgress)
-				{
-				_LOG_L4C1("A read is outstanding");
-				ReadFromBufOrQueue();
-				}
-			}
-		// inform client new data is available
-		SetDataAvailable();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		//MAF __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, PANIC(KPanicIllegalState));
-		}
-	}
-TBool CPortC32Interface::ReadFromBufOrQueue()
- * This method is called to read from buffer or the frame list
- * It will read as much as possible.
- *
- * @return ETrue if complete the read request
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2( ">>CPortC32Interface::ReadFromBufOrQueue [port=%d]",GetPortNumber());
-	TBool completedTheReadRequest = EFalse;
-	TInt err = KErrGeneral;
-	TBool cont;
-	do
-		{
-		cont = EFalse;
-		if(iReadBuf==NULL)
-			{
-			//Read data from the frame list
-			if (!iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.IsEmpty())
-				{
-				_LOG_L4C1("Set to first item");
-				iReadBuf = iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.First();
-				if (iReadBuf)
-					{
-					_LOG_L4C1("iReadBuf not null");
-					// remove msg buf from client list
-					iFramesWaitingToBeReadList.Remove(*iReadBuf);
-					// subtract checksum field
-					TInt frameLength = iReadBuf->iMsg.Length();
-					_LOG_L4C2("New read buffer frameLength=%d",frameLength);
-					if (frameLength >= KBasicOptionHeaderSize)
-						{
-						iReadBuf->iMsg.SetLength(frameLength - KChecksumSize);
-						// remove leading header ints from frame
-#ifdef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-						iReadBuf->iMsg.Delete(0, KAdvOptionHeaderSize);
-						iReadBuf->iMsg.Delete(0, KBasicOptionHeaderSize);
-						}
-					else
-						{
-						_LOG_L4C1("Incorrect frame size - freeing read buffer");
-						iPortFactory.GetMux0710Protocol()->AddFrameFreeQ(iReadBuf);
-						iReadBuf = NULL;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		if (iReadBuf)
-			{
-			TInt length = -1;
-			if (iClientLength - iPos < iReadBuf->iMsg.Length())
-				{
-				length = iClientLength - iPos;
-				_LOG_L4C2("length = %d",length);
-				}
-			if (iConfig.iTerminatorCount > 0)
-				{
-				_LOG_L4C2("iTerminatorCount = %d",iConfig.iTerminatorCount);
-				// First find terminator
-				TInt terminatorLoc = -1;
-				TInt loc;
-				for (TInt i=0; i< iConfig.iTerminatorCount;i++)
-					{
-					loc = iReadBuf->iMsg.LocateF(iConfig.iTerminator[i]);
-					if (loc > KErrNotFound)
-						{
-						if (terminatorLoc == KErrNotFound)
-							{
-							terminatorLoc = loc;
-							}
-						else
-							{
-							terminatorLoc = Min(loc,terminatorLoc);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				if (terminatorLoc>KErrNotFound)
-					{
-					if (length > KErrNotFound)
-						length = Min(terminatorLoc + 1,length);
-					else
-						length = terminatorLoc + 1;
-					}
-				_LOG_L4C2("length = %d",length);
-				}
-			_LOG_L4C2("Read buf length %d",iReadBuf->iMsg.Length());
-			if ((iReadBuf->iMsg.Length() >= length) && (length > -1))
-				{
-				_LOG_L2C2("complete partial read: # %d ", length);
-				iPartialReadBuf.Copy(&iReadBuf->iMsg[0], length);
-				iReadBuf->iMsg.Delete(0, length);
-				err = IPCWrite(iClientBuffer, iPartialReadBuf, iPos); 
-				if (err)
-					{
-					_LOG_L1C2("** IPCWrite Error %d **",err);
-					}
-				CompleteReadRequest(err);
-				err = KErrGeneral;
-				completedTheReadRequest = ETrue;
-				iPos = 0;
-				if (iReadBuf->iMsg.Length()==0)
-					{
-					_LOG_L4C1("All data used - freeing read buffer");
-					iPortFactory.GetMux0710Protocol()->AddFrameFreeQ(iReadBuf);
-					iReadBuf = NULL;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				err = IPCWrite(iClientBuffer, iReadBuf->iMsg, iPos);
-				if (err)
-					{
-					_LOG_L1C2("** IPCWrite Error %d **",err);
-					}
-				_LOG_L4C3( "Read: iPos = %d, add %d bytes", iPos, iReadBuf->iMsg.Length());
-				//try read next frame in the list
-				cont = ETrue; 
-				iPos += iReadBuf->iMsg.Length();
-				_LOG_L4C1("Freeing read buffer");
-				iPortFactory.GetMux0710Protocol()->AddFrameFreeQ(iReadBuf);
-				iReadBuf = NULL;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	while (cont);
-	if (iPos>0)
-		{
-		if (iOneOrMore)
-			{
-			CompleteReadRequest(err);
-			iPos = 0;
-			completedTheReadRequest = ETrue;
-			}
-		else 
-			{
-			//normal read and have not filled the buffer yet
-			_LOG_L4C3( "Not filled buffer yet iPos = %d, iClientLength = %d", iPos, iClientLength);
-			}
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C2( "<<CPortC32Interface::ReadFromBufOrQueue [completedTheReadRequest=%d]",completedTheReadRequest);
-	return completedTheReadRequest;
-	}
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