changeset 20 07a122eea281
parent 19 630d2f34d719
child 21 4814c5a49428
--- a/cbsref/telephonyrefplugins/atltsy/handler/src/cltsycallcontrolhandler.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:23:08 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// CLtsyCallControlHandler
-//system include
-#include <ctsy/ltsy/cctsydispatchercallback.h>
-#include <mmtsy_ipcdefs.h>
-#include <ctsy/ltsy/ltsylogger.h>
-//#include <e32des16.h> 
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32cons.h>
-//user include
-#include "cltsycallcontrolhandler.h"
-#include "globalphonemanager.h"
-#include "ltsycommondefine.h"
-#include "mslogger.h"
-#include "ltsymacros.h"
-#include "tsyconfg.h"
-#include "atwaitforcallhandler.h"
-#include "atdialvoice.h"
-#include "athangup.h"
-#include "atanswer.h"
-#include "atchld.h"
-#include "unsolicitedcommandcallcontrolhandler.h"
-#include "atdtmfvts.h"
-#include "ltsycallinformationmanager.h"
-#include "athangupcommandrecords.h"
-//const define
-_LIT16(KLtsyEmergencyCallNumber911, "911");
-_LIT16(KLtsyEmergencyCallNumber112, "112");
-	CCtsyDispatcherCallback& aCtsyDispatcherCallback, CGlobalPhonemanager* aGloblePhone)
-	: iCtsyDispatcherCallback(aCtsyDispatcherCallback), iGloblePhone(aGloblePhone)
-	{
-	}
-	{
-	delete iEmergencyCall;
-	iEmergencyCall = NULL;
-	delete iUnsolicitedHandler;
-	iUnsolicitedHandler = NULL;
-	delete iWaitForCall;
-	iWaitForCall = NULL;
-	}
-CLtsyCallControlHandler* CLtsyCallControlHandler::NewLC(
-	CCtsyDispatcherCallback& aCtsyDispatcherCallback,
-	CGlobalPhonemanager* aGloblePhone)
-	{
-	CLtsyCallControlHandler* self = new (ELeave) CLtsyCallControlHandler(aCtsyDispatcherCallback,aGloblePhone);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	return self;
-	}
-CLtsyCallControlHandler* CLtsyCallControlHandler::NewL(CCtsyDispatcherCallback& aCtsyDispatcherCallback, CGlobalPhonemanager* aGloblePhone)
-	{
-	CLtsyCallControlHandler* self=
-			CLtsyCallControlHandler::NewLC(aCtsyDispatcherCallback, aGloblePhone);
-	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-	return self;
-	}
-void CLtsyCallControlHandler::ConstructL()
- * Second phase constructor.
- */
-	{	
-	//Emergency Call
-	iEmergencyCall = CATDialVoice::NewL((*iGloblePhone),iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-	iEmergencyCall->SetEmergnecyCallFlag(ETrue);
-	//Process unsolicited command
-	iUnsolicitedHandler = CUnsolicitedCommandCallControlHandler::NewL((*iGloblePhone), 
-			                                                          iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-	//Monitor incoming call
-	iWaitForCall = CATWaitForCallHandler::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-	iWaitForCall->StartToWaitForCall();
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::ConstructL
-TBool CLtsyCallControlHandler::IsInterfaceSupported(TLtsyDispatchInterfaceApiId aDispatchApiId)
- * Returns whether a Dispatch Interface API is supported or not.
- *
- * @param aDispatchApiId Id of Dispatch interface being queried
- * @return indication whether interface is supported or not
- */
-	{
-	TBool bFlag(EFalse);
-	switch(aDispatchApiId)
-		{
-		// Insert ApiIds when support is provided in LTSY
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer::KLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswerApiId :
-			bFlag =  ETrue;
-			break;		
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlHold::KLtsyDispatchCallControlHoldApiId:
-			bFlag =  ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp::KLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUpApiId :
-			bFlag =  ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlResume::KLtsyDispatchCallControlResumeApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice::KLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoiceApiId :
-			bFlag =  ETrue;
-			break;		
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap::KLtsyDispatchCallControlSwapApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall::KLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCallApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls::KLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCallsApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones::KLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone::KLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfToneApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone::KLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfToneApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel::KLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancelApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber::KLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumberApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		case MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency::KLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergencyApiId :
-			bFlag = ETrue;
-			break;
-		default:
-			bFlag = EFalse;
-			break;
-		}
-	return bFlag;
-	}
-void CLtsyCallControlHandler::IsCallbackIndicatorSupported(TLtsyDispatchIndIdGroup aIdGroup, TUint32& aIndIdBitMask)
- * Returns the set of callback indicators that are supported.
- *
- * @param aIdGroup ID of group that is being queried e.g. aIdGroup=EIndIdGroup1
- * @param aIndIdBitMask [out] argument that should return a bitmask indicating which indicator callbacks are supported.
- */
-	{
-	//Create bitmask with bitset for each indicator ID that is supported. E.g.
-	if(aIdGroup == EIndIdGroup1)
-		aIndIdBitMask = KLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeIndId |
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlReceiveUuiIndId |
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyDataCallCapsChangeIndId|
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyIncomingCallIndId|
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyHscsdInfoChangeIndId|
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyCallEventIndId|
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallInfoIndId|
-		KLtsyDispatchCallControlNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChangeIndId;
-	else
-		aIndIdBitMask = 0; //no indicators from other groups supported
-	}
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleAnswerReqL(TInt aCallId, TBool aIsIsvCall)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlAnswerComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID of the call to answer.
- *
- * @param aIsIsvCall ETrue if the request to answer the call comes from a
- * 3rd party application, EFalse otherwise. This parameter exists in case the
- * LTSY wishes to perform special handling of ISV calls.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleAnswerReqL()"));
-	TInt nEmergencyCallId = iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().FindEmergencyCallId();
-	if (nEmergencyCallId != KErrNotFound)
-		{
-		const TLtsyCallInformation& tCallInfo(iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetCallInformationByCallId(nEmergencyCallId));
-		if (TLtsyCallInformation::EHeldCall  !=  tCallInfo.GetCallState())
-			{
-			//Reset Ring state
-			iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().SetIncomingCallFlag(EFalse);			
-			return KErrNotSupported;
-			}
-		}	
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Reset Ring state
-		iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().SetIncomingCallFlag(EFalse);
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create answer call
-		CATAnswer* cAnswerCall = CATAnswer::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cAnswerCall);
-		cAnswerCall->SetAnswerCallId(aCallId);
-		cAnswerCall->SetIsIsvCall(aIsIsvCall);
-		//Start answer
-		cAnswerCall->StartRequest();		
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleAnswerReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleHoldReqL(TInt aCallId)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlHoldComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID of the call to hold.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleHoldReqL"));
-	LOGTEXT2(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl] aCallId = %d"), aCallId);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create hold call
-		CATChld* cHoldCall = CATChld::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cHoldCall);
-		//Check call id is a hold call or not
-		if (cHoldCall->IsHoldCall(aCallId))
-			{
-			LOGTEXT2(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl] aCallId = %d is a hold call so return KErrNone"), aCallId);
-			iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = EFalse;
-			return KErrNotSupported;
-			}
-		cHoldCall->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		cHoldCall->SetIpcType(CATChld::ELtsyReqCallHold);
-		cHoldCall->SetChldType(CATChld::EHeldAllActiveCallAndAcceptHeldWaiting);
-		cHoldCall->StartRequest();			
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleHoldReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialEmergencyReqL(const TDes& aEmergencyNumber)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialEmergencyComp()
- *
- * @param aEmergencyNumber The emergency phone number to dial.  The descriptor
- * should be of type RMobileENStore::TEmergencyNumber.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialEmergencyReqL()"));
-	//Checking is have emergency call
-	if (iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().FindEmergencyCallId() != KErrNotFound)
-		{
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-		}
-	TBuf8<RMobilePhone::KMaxMobileTelNumberSize> tTelNum;
-	tTelNum.Copy(aEmergencyNumber.Left(tTelNum.MaxLength()));
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Init call
-		iEmergencyCall->InitVariable();
-		//Set telnum
-		iEmergencyCall->SetTelephoneNumber(tTelNum);
-		iEmergencyCall->StartRequest();
-		}
-	else // KErrInUse
-		{
-		if (iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().FindDialingOrAlertingCallId() != KErrNotFound)
-			{
-			//Delete last call
-			iGloblePhone->DeleteLastActiveRequest();
-			//Setting Port active
-			iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-			//Init call
-			iEmergencyCall->InitVariable();
-			//Set telnum
-			iEmergencyCall->SetTelephoneNumber(tTelNum);
-			iEmergencyCall->StartRequest();
-			nRet = KErrNone;
-			}	
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialEmergencyReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleStopDtmfToneReqL(TInt aCallId)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlStopDtmfToneComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId Call ID of the connected call the stop request will be sent
- * through.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleStopDtmfToneReqL()"));
-	LOGTEXT2( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl] CallId = %d"), aCallId);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create DTMF 
-		CATDtmfVts* cDtmfVts = CATDtmfVts::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cDtmfVts);
-		//Set CallId
-		nRet = cDtmfVts->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		if (nRet != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return nRet;
-			}	
-		//Set work type
-		cDtmfVts->SetDtmfWorkType(CATDtmfVts::EDtmfStopOneTone);
-		//Start request
-		cDtmfVts->StartRequest();		
-		}	
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleStopDtmfToneReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSetActiveAlsLineReqL(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine /*aAlsLine*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSetActiveAlsLineComp()
- *
- * @param aAlsLine The new active ALS line.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSetActiveAlsLineReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSendDtmfTonesCancelReqL(TInt aCallId)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancelComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID through which the cancel request should be sent.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSendDtmfTonesCancelReqL()"));
-	LOGTEXT2( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl] CallId = %d"), aCallId);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create DTMF 
-		CATDtmfVts* cDtmfVts = CATDtmfVts::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cDtmfVts);
-		//Set CallId
-		nRet = cDtmfVts->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		if (nRet != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return nRet;
-			}	
-		//Set work type
-		cDtmfVts->SetDtmfWorkType(CATDtmfVts::EDtmfCancelMoreTones);
-		//Start request
-		cDtmfVts->StartRequest();		
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSendDtmfTonesCancelReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleHangUpReqL(TInt aCallId, TInt aHangupCause)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlHangUpComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID of the call to hang up.
- *
- * @param aHangupCause The reason for the hang up request.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleHangUpReqL"));
-	LOGTEXT3(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  aCallId = %d aHangupCause = %d"), aCallId, aHangupCause);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Reset Ring state
-		iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().SetIncomingCallFlag(EFalse);
-		//Set hang up active
-		iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetHangupCommandRecords().SetHangupActiveFlag(ETrue);
-		//Create Hang up  
-		CATChld* cHangupCall = CATChld::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cHangupCall);
-		cHangupCall->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		cHangupCall->SetHangupCase(aHangupCause);
-		cHangupCall->SetIpcType(CATChld::ELtsyReqCallHangup);
-		cHangupCall->SetChldType(CATChld::ERleaseSpecificCall);
-		cHangupCall->StartRequest();			
-		}
-	else if (nRet == KErrInUse)
-		{
-		LOGTEXT( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting Hang up in process so add hangup information"));
-		const TLtsyCallInformation& tCallInfo(iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetCallInformationByCallId(aCallId));
-		if (iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetHangupCommandRecords().GetHangupActiveFlag())
-			{
-			//Hang up is processing so add its information to array
-			nRet = iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetHangupCommandRecords().AddHangupCommandInfo(aCallId, aHangupCause);					
-			}
-		else if (TLtsyCallInformation::EDialingCall  ==  tCallInfo.GetCallState() ||
-				 TLtsyCallInformation::EAlertingCall ==  tCallInfo.GetCallState())
-			{
-			//Delete last call
-			iGloblePhone->DeleteLastActiveRequest();
-			//Setting Port active
-			iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;	
-			//Set hang up active
-			iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetHangupCommandRecords().SetHangupActiveFlag(ETrue);
-			//Create Hang up  
-			CATChld* cHangupCall = CATChld::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-			iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cHangupCall);
-			cHangupCall->SetCallId(aCallId);
-			cHangupCall->SetHangupCase(aHangupCause);
-			cHangupCall->SetIpcType(CATChld::ELtsyReqCallHangup);
-			cHangupCall->SetChldType(CATChld::ERleaseSpecificCall);
-			cHangupCall->StartRequest();
-			nRet = KErrNone;
-			}
-		}	
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleHangUpReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleResumeReqL(TInt aCallId)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlResumeComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID of the call to resume.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleResumeReqL"));
-	LOGTEXT2(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl] aCallId = %d"), aCallId);	
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create DTMF 
-		CATChld* cResumeCall = CATChld::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cResumeCall);
-		if (cResumeCall->IsActiveCall(aCallId))
-			{
-			LOGTEXT2(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl] aCallId = %d is a active call so return KErrNone"), aCallId);
-			iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = EFalse;
-			return KErrNotSupported;
-			}
-		cResumeCall->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		cResumeCall->SetIpcType(CATChld::ELtsyReqCallResume);
-		cResumeCall->SetChldType(CATChld::EHeldAllActiveCallAndAcceptHeldWaiting);
-		cResumeCall->StartRequest();		
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleResumeReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSetDynamicHscsdParamsReqL(
-	TInt /*aCallId*/, const RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1& /*aHscsdParams*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParamsComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The call ID of the data call.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSetDynamicHscsdParamsReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialVoiceReqL(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine /*aLine*/,
-	const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& aDialledParty, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV1& /*aCallParamsV1*/,
-	TBool /*aIsIsvCall*/, RMobileCall::TCallParamOrigin /*aCallOrigin*/, TBool /*aPerformFdnCheck*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp()
- *
- * @param aCallLine The line to use to dial the call.
- *
- * @param aDialledParty Details about the dialled party including the phone
- * number to dial.
- *
- * @param aCallParamsV1 The call parameters of the call to dial.
- *
- * @param aIsIsvCall Indicates whether the call originated from a third party
- * application.
- *
- * @param aCallOrigin The origin of the dial request. e.g. Whether the dial
- * came from an Etel client or the SIM or another source.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialVoiceReqL()"));
-	TInt nEmergencyCallId = iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().FindEmergencyCallId();
-	if (nEmergencyCallId != KErrNotFound)
-		{
-		const TLtsyCallInformation& tCallInfo(iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetCallInformationByCallId(nEmergencyCallId));
-		if (TLtsyCallInformation::EHeldCall  !=  tCallInfo.GetCallState())
-			{
-			return KErrNotSupported;
-			}
-		}
-	//Set telephone number
-	TBuf8<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> dialModifier;
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->iConfiguration->ConfigModemStringL(
-								TPtrC(KCDTypeNameDialToneWaitModifier),
-								dialModifier);
-	if (nRet != KErrNone)
-		{
-		return nRet;
-		}
-	TBuf8<RMobilePhone::KMaxMobileTelNumberSize> tTelNum;
-	tTelNum.Copy(aDialledParty.iTelNumber.Left(tTelNum.MaxLength()));
-	nRet = tTelNum.FindF(dialModifier);
-	if (nRet != KErrNotFound)
-		{
-		tTelNum.Delete(nRet, 1);
-		}
-	nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create dial voice
-		CATDialVoice* cDialVoice = CATDialVoice::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cDialVoice);
-		cDialVoice->SetTelephoneNumber(tTelNum);
-		cDialVoice->StartRequest();
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTransferReqL(TInt /*aHeldCallId*/, TInt /*aSecondCallId*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlTransferComp()
- *
- * @param aHeldCallId Call ID of the held call to transfer.
- *
- * @param aSecondCallId Call ID of the other to transfer the held call to.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTransferReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSendDtmfTonesReqL(TInt aCallId, const TDesC &aTones)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesComp()
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID of the call through which the DTMF string will be
- * sent.
- *
- * @param aTones Tones to send through the active call.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSendDtmfTonesReqL()"));
-	LOGTEXT3( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl] CallId = %d\tTones = %S"), aCallId, &aTones);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create DTMF 
-		CATDtmfVts* cDtmfVts = CATDtmfVts::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);	
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cDtmfVts);
-		//Set CallId
-		TInt nRet = cDtmfVts->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		if (nRet != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return nRet;
-			}	
-		//Set Tones
-		nRet = cDtmfVts->SetDtmfString(aTones);
-		if (nRet != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return nRet;
-			}	
-		//set work type
-		cDtmfVts->SetDtmfWorkType(CATDtmfVts::EDtmfSendMoreTones);
-		cDtmfVts->StartRequest();
-		}	
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSendDtmfTonesReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetIdentityServiceStatusReqL(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdService /*aService*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatusComp()
- *
- * @param aService The service whose status needs to be retrieved.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetIdentityServiceStatusReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSwapReqL(TInt aHeldCallId, TInt aConnectedCallId)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSwapComp()
- *
- * @param aHeldCallId The Call ID of the held call to swap.
- *
- * @param aConnectedCallId The Call ID of the connected call to swap.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSwapReqL"));
-	LOGTEXT3(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl] aHeldCallId = %d\taConnectedCallId = %d"), aHeldCallId, aConnectedCallId);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create DTMF 
-		CATChld* cSwapCall = CATChld::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cSwapCall);
-		cSwapCall->SetCallId(aHeldCallId);
-		cSwapCall->SetConnectedCallId(aConnectedCallId);
-		cSwapCall->SetIpcType(CATChld::ELtsyReqCallSwap);
-		cSwapCall->SetChldType(CATChld::EHeldAllActiveCallAndAcceptHeldWaiting);
-		cSwapCall->StartRequest();			
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSwapReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleLoanDataPortSyncL(TInt /*aCallId*/, RCall::TCommPort& /*aCommPort*/)
- * This request is part of
- * MLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort::HandleLoanDataPortSyncL()
- *
- * @param aCallId Call ID of the data call requiring the data port.
- *
- * @param aCommPort Output parameter. The communications port information
- * retrieved by a client using the RCall::LoanDataPort() API.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleLoanDataPortSyncL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleRecoverDataPortSyncL(TInt /*aCallId*/, RCall::TCommPort& /*aCommPort*/)
- * This request is part of
- * MLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort::HandleRecoverDataPortSyncL()
- *
- * @param aCallId Call ID of the data call requiring the data port.
- *
- * @param aCommPort The data port to recover.  This contains the details previously
- * returned by a call to RCall::LoanDataPort()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleRecoverDataPortSyncL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleStartDtmfToneReqL(TInt aCallId, const TChar& aTone)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlStartDtmfTone()
- *
- * @param aCallId Call ID of the connected call through which the DTMF tone
- * will be sent.
- *
- * @param aTone The tone character to send through the call.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleStartDtmfToneReqL()"));
-	LOGTEXT2( _L8("[Ltsy CallControl] CallId = %d"), aCallId);
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Create DTMF 
-		CATDtmfVts* cDtmfVts = CATDtmfVts::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);	
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cDtmfVts);
-		//Set CallId
-		TInt nRet = cDtmfVts->SetCallId(aCallId);
-		if (nRet != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return nRet;
-			}	
-		//Set Tones
-		TBuf<16> bufTone;
-		bufTone.Append(aTone);
-		nRet = cDtmfVts->SetDtmfString(bufTone);
-		if (nRet != KErrNone)
-			{
-			return nRet;
-			}
-		//set work type
-		cDtmfVts->SetDtmfWorkType(CATDtmfVts::EDtmfSendOneTone);
-		cDtmfVts->StartRequest();
-		}
-	return nRet;	
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleStartDtmfToneSyncL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetActiveAlsLineReqL()
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetActiveAlsLineComp()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TO DO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetActiveAlsLineReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialDataReqL(const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress& /*aDialledParty*/, const RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1& /*aCallParamsV1*/, TBool /*aPerformFdnCheck*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetActiveAlsLineComp()
- *
- * @param aLine The line to use to dial the call.
- *
- * @param aDialledParty Details about the dialled party including the phone
- * number to dial.
- *
- * @param aCallParamsV1 The call parameters of the call to dial.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TO DO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleDialDataReqL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL(const TDesC& aNumber, TBool& aIsEmergencyNumber)
- * This request is part of
- * MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber::HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL()
- *
- * @param aNumber Input parameter. The phone number being queried to see
- * if it is an emergency number or not.
- *
- * @param aIsEmergencyNumber Output parameter used to indicate whether the
- * aNumber parameter is an emergency number. ETrue if it is, EFalse otherwise.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL()"));
-	TInt nEmergencyCallId = iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().FindEmergencyCallId();
-	if (nEmergencyCallId != KErrNotFound)
-		{
-		const TLtsyCallInformation& tCallInfo(iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().GetCallInformationByCallId(nEmergencyCallId));
-		if (TLtsyCallInformation::EHeldCall  !=  tCallInfo.GetCallState())
-			{			
-			return KErrNotSupported;
-			}
-		}	
-	//Check Emergency call number	
-	if (aNumber.CompareF(KLtsyEmergencyCallNumber911) == 0 ||
-		aNumber.CompareF(KLtsyEmergencyCallNumber112) == 0 )
-		{
-		aIsEmergencyNumber = ETrue;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		aIsEmergencyNumber = EFalse;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetAlsPpSupportL()
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetAlsPpSupportComp()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetAlsPp
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetAlsBlockedStatusL()
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatusComp()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetAlsBlockedStatus
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSetAlsBlockedL(RMmCustomAPI::TSetAlsBlock /*aBlocked*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSetAlsBlockedComp()
- *
- *
- * @param aBlocked RMmCustomAPI::EDeactivateBlock when the ALS blocked needs to be deactivate,
- *                 RMmCustomAPI::EActivateBlock when the  ALS blocked needs to be activate.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleSetAlsBlockedL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetLifeTimeL()
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetLifeTime
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTerminateErrorCallL(TInt /*aCallId*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlTerminateErrorCallComp()
- *
- *
- * @param aCallId The Call ID of the call to terminate.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTerminateErrorCallL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTerminateAllCallsL()
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::::CallbackCallControlTerminateAllCallsComp()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy CallControl]  Starting CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTerminateAllCallsL()"));
-	TInt nRet = iGloblePhone->CheckGlobalPhoneStatus();
-	if (nRet == KErrNone)
-		{
-		//Setting Port active
-		iGloblePhone->iEventSignalActive = ETrue;
-		//Reset Ring state
-		iGloblePhone->GetCallInfoManager().SetIncomingCallFlag(EFalse);		
-		CATHangUp* cTerminateAllCalls = CATHangUp::NewL((*iGloblePhone), iCtsyDispatcherCallback);
-		iGloblePhone->SetActiveRequest(cTerminateAllCalls);
-		cTerminateAllCalls->SetHangupOperator(CATHangUp::ECustomAPI);
-		cTerminateAllCalls->StartRequest();	
-		}
-	return nRet;
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleTerminateAllCallsL
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetCallForwardingIndicatorL()
- * This request is completed by invoking
- * CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorComp()
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TODO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleGetCallForwardingIndicator
-TInt CLtsyCallControlHandler::HandleUpdateLifeTimerReqL(TUint32 /*aDuration*/)
- * This request is completed by invoking
- *  CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlUpdateLifeTimerComp
- *
- * @param aDuration Time spent on call since the last invocation of this method.
- *
- * @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if this request is not supported,
- * or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
- */
-	{
-	TInt ret = KErrNotSupported;
-	// TO DO: Add implementation here.......
-	} // CLtsyCallControlHandler:::HandleUpdateLifeTimerReqL
-MLtsyUnsolicitedCommandObserver* CLtsyCallControlHandler::GetUnsolicitedCallControlHandler() const
-	{
-	return static_cast<MLtsyUnsolicitedCommandObserver*>(iUnsolicitedHandler);
-	}
-//End of file