changeset 20 07a122eea281
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fax/faxclientandserver/FAXCLI/FAXCLI.CPP	Wed Sep 01 12:40:21 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1338 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "CFAX32.H"
+#include "dial.h"	                      // we no longer depend on DialStor, so must depend directly on Dial
+#include "FAXLOG.H"
+#include "faxsettings.h"
+ #include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
+ #include <commsdatutils.h>
+ #include <commsdat_partner.h>
+ using namespace CommsDat;
+TInt FaxClientThread (TAny * session);  // function declaration needed here
+//TInt FaxConverterThread (TAny *);
+//RSemaphore jerry;
+	: CBase()
+	{}
+EXPORT_C CFaxTransfer *CFaxTransfer::NewLC (const TFaxSettings & aFaxSettings)
+/** Constructs a CFaxTransfer object, which offers the publicly exported 
+Symbian OS Fax Client API. 
+As is usual in Symbian OS, the only difference between this function and 
+NewL() is that this variant pushes the object to the cleanup stack.
+@param aFaxSettings  A reference to a TFaxSettings object which contains 
+persistent information applicable to all fax sessions. 
+@return  Pointer to the newly created object. 
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation. 
+@capability None
+   {
+   CFaxTransfer *self = new (ELeave) CFaxTransfer;
+   CleanupStack::PushL (self);
+   self->ConstructL (aFaxSettings);
+   return self;
+   }
+EXPORT_C CFaxTransfer *CFaxTransfer::NewL (const TFaxSettings & aFaxSettings)
+/** Constructs a CFaxTransfer object, which offers the publicly exported 
+Symbian OS Fax Client API.
+@param aFaxSettings A reference to a TFaxSettings object, which
+contains persistent information applicable to all fax sessions. 
+@return A pointer to the newly created object. 
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation. 
+@capability None
+   {
+   CFaxTransfer *self = NewLC (aFaxSettings);
+   CleanupStack::Pop ();
+   return self;
+   }
+void CFaxTransfer::ConstructL (const TFaxSettings & aFaxSettings)
+   {
+   // we now copy the TFaxSettings passed to us - we then
+   // validate the contents and fill in the DialStor bits.
+   // if we don't know the modem class we find it our here
+   iFaxSettings = aFaxSettings;
+   CFaxSettings *currentsettings;
+   currentsettings = CFaxSettings::NewL ();     // bug fix thanks to MartinA
+   CleanupStack::PushL (currentsettings);       // currentsettings saved
+   currentsettings->ValidateAndSetClassL (&iFaxSettings);       // since this could leave
+   CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ();      // currentsettings deleted
+	//   if (((TFaxClass) iFaxSettings.iFaxClass != EClass1) &&
+	//     ((TFaxClass) iFaxSettings.iFaxClass != EClass2) &&
+	//       ((TFaxClass) iFaxSettings.iFaxClass != EClass2point0))
+	//      User::Leave (KFaxCannotAutodetect);
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iFaxClass = (TFaxClass) iFaxSettings.iFaxClass;
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iFaxId.Copy (iFaxSettings.iFaxId);
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iMaxSpeed = iFaxSettings.iMaxSpeed;
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iMinSpeed = iFaxSettings.iMinSpeed;
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iRxResolution = iFaxSettings.iPreferredResolution;
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iRxCompression = iFaxSettings.iPreferredCompression;
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iPreferredECM = iFaxSettings.iPreferredECM;
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay = iFaxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay;
+   iSource = CFaxTransferSource::NewL ();
+   }
+CFaxTransfer::~CFaxTransfer ()
+/** Destructor
+Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction. */
+   {
+   delete iSource;
+   }
+// this function updates the TFaxTransferProgress structure for the
+// caller. It should be prior to inspection.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFaxTransfer::Progress ()
+/** Causes ETel to update the fax progress information in RFax::TProgress.
+It should be called prior to displaying the fax progress information.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error 
+@capability None
+	if (iFaxStarted)
+		{
+		iFaxClientProgress=EProgressRxTx;
+		return (iFax.GetProgress (iProgress));
+		}
+	if (iConverting)
+		{
+		iFaxClientProgress=EProgressConverting;
+		//aProgress=EProgressPreparing;
+		return (KErrNone);
+		}
+	//aProgress=EProgressInitialising;
+	return (KErrNone);
+// this function tells faxtrans what phone number to dial
+// obviously only useful in a dialling mode !
+// the phone number is translated for the modem and service
+// and location required using dialstor facilities if they are
+// available - if not, the number is used in its raw state
+// if use of a raw phonenumber is required then the inline function
+// SetPhoneNumber should be called instead.
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::SetPhoneNumberL (TDesC8 & aNumber)
+/** Resolves a local telephone number into an international number by 
+taking account of the current location and country.
+The alternative SetPhoneNumber() should be used if the phone number 
+must be used in its raw state. One of these functions must be called 
+before CFaxTransfer::Start() when a fax is to be sent. 
+This function may leave with KErrNoMemory if there is insufficient 
+memory to perform the operation. The leave code is one of the system 
+error codes: see system-wide error codes. 
+The current location and country information is obtained from the 
+location table in the communications database.
+The resolved number is then set as the actual phone number to dial.
+@param aNumber  Descriptor containing the phone number to be resolved. 
+@capability WriteUserData
+	{
+	SetPhoneNumber (aNumber);
+	TBuf < KMaxDialString > rawPhoneNumber;
+	rawPhoneNumber.Copy (aNumber);
+	CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_2);
+	CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(db);
+	// Read the currently selected connection preference and find preferred IAP
+	TInt prefRank  = 1;
+	CCDConnectionPrefsRecord *connectionPrefs =
+		static_cast<CCDConnectionPrefsRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdConnectionPrefsRecord));
+	CleanupStack::PushL(connectionPrefs);
+	connectionPrefs->iRanking = prefRank;
+	connectionPrefs->iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing;
+	TBool error = connectionPrefs->FindL(*db);	
+	// The following code is a temporary solution until an issue has been resolved in CommsDat
+	// start
+	CCDIAPRecord* tempPIapRecord =
+		static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord));
+	tempPIapRecord->SetRecordId(connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP);
+	connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord = tempPIapRecord;
+	CCDIAPRecord* pIapRecord = (CCDIAPRecord*)connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord;
+	pIapRecord->SetRecordId(connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP);
+	pIapRecord->LoadL(*db);
+	CCDBearerRecordBase* tempBearerRecord =
+		static_cast<CCDBearerRecordBase*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
+	tempBearerRecord->SetRecordId(pIapRecord->iBearer);
+	pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord = tempBearerRecord;
+	CCDBearerRecordBase* pBearerRecord = (CCDBearerRecordBase*) pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord;
+	pBearerRecord->SetRecordId(pIapRecord->iBearer);
+	pBearerRecord->LoadL(*db);
+	// end
+	TUint32 iapId = pBearerRecord->iRecordTag;
+	CCDIAPRecord *iapRecord =
+		static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord));
+	CleanupStack::PushL(iapRecord);
+	iapRecord->SetRecordId(iapId);
+	iapRecord->LoadL(*db);
+	// more temporary code
+	// start	
+	CCDBearerRecordBase* tempLocationRecord =
+		static_cast<CCDBearerRecordBase*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdLocationRecord));
+	tempLocationRecord->SetRecordId(iapRecord->iLocation);
+	iapRecord->iLocation.iLinkedRecord = tempLocationRecord;
+	CCDLocationRecord* pLocationRecord = (CCDLocationRecord*)iapRecord->iLocation.iLinkedRecord;
+	pLocationRecord->SetRecordId(iapRecord->iLocation);
+	pLocationRecord->LoadL(*db);
+	// end
+	//CommsDat Migration: Would this be the correct way to check whether or not a linked record exists:
+	if (pLocationRecord == NULL)	
+		{
+		iPhoneNumber.Copy(rawPhoneNumber);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TBuf<32> serviceType;
+		serviceType.Copy(iapRecord->iServiceType);
+		if (!serviceType.Compare(TBuf<32>(DIAL_OUT_ISP)))	// Chargecard only valid for dial out ISP
+			{
+			// Get service type id
+			TUint32 serviceId = iapRecord->iService;
+			CCDDialOutISPRecord *ispRecord =
+				static_cast<CCDDialOutISPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdDialOutISPRecord));
+			CleanupStack::PushL(ispRecord);
+			ispRecord->SetRecordId(serviceId);
+			ispRecord->LoadL(*db);
+			TUint32 locationId = 0;
+			TUint32 chargecardId = 0;
+			TRAPD(err,CommsDatUtils::CCommsDatUtils::ResolvePhoneNumberL(rawPhoneNumber, iPhoneNumber, TParseMode(EForDialing), locationId, chargecardId));
+			// if resolving the phone number fails, use the raw phone number
+			if (err)
+				{
+				iPhoneNumber.Copy(rawPhoneNumber);
+				}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ispRecord);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iPhoneNumber.Copy(rawPhoneNumber);
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // db, connectionPrefs, iapRecord
+	}
+// in order to cancel a fax session we set a cancel flag in the lowest
+// level (CFaxModem) - if this has not yet been fully created then we set
+// a flag in the next level up (CFaxModemDriver) instead, which is always
+// going to be there as it is created via CFaxTransfer::ConstructL
+// because of the way that the CFaxModem monitors its request flag
+// we need to avoid multiple cancel requests, so only the first call to
+// Cancel has any effect on it
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::Cancel ()
+/** Tells the fax engine to cancel the fax session at the first convenient 
+The caller should wait for cancellation to complete, which will usually be 
+signalled by the fax thread's TRequestStatus completing with a KFaxCancelRequested 
+error code. After the fax thread completes, Stop() should be called in the 
+normal way.
+The function can be called at any time after the call to Start(). 
+@capability None
+   {
+   if ((iClientCancel == KRequestPending) || (iClientCancel == KErrNone))
+      {
+      TRequestStatus *cancelClient = &iClientCancel;
+      iDriverThread.RequestComplete (cancelClient, KErrCancel);
+      }
+   }
+EXPORT_C TInt CFaxTransfer::Start (TRequestStatus & aThreadStat)
+Start fax sending or receiving session by launching a separate high priority thread.
+A call to Start must be paired with a call to Stop as this is an EPOC32 requirement.
+@param     aThreadStat  thread logon request status
+@return    thread creation code
+@capability NetworkServices
+@capability ReadUserData
+@capability WriteUserData
+   {
+    // the heap and stack sizes set here (4K each) are pure guesswork
+    // CFaxModemDriver has allocated heap space in the parent thread
+    // for any objects it needs to create after this stage
+    // stack sizes increased by 512K to allow etel to connect
+   TInt state = KErrNone;
+   TInt heapSize = 0x14000;
+   TInt stackSize = 0x14000;
+	__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8(" "));
+	__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("-------------------------- new log --------------------------"));
+	__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("CFaxTransfer::Start, starting FaxClientThread"));
+	__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8(" "));
+   state = iDriverThread.Create ((_L ("FaxClientThread")), FaxClientThread, stackSize, heapSize, heapSize, this, EOwnerThread);
+   if (state)
+      {
+      state = KFaxThreadError;
+      }
+   else
+      {
+      aThreadStat = KRequestPending;
+      if (iClientCancel != KErrCancel)
+         iClientCancel = KRequestPending;
+      iDriverThread.Logon (aThreadStat);
+      iDriverThread.SetPriority (EPriorityRealTime);
+      iDriverThread.Resume ();
+      }
+   return (state);
+   }
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::Stop ()
+/** Kills the fax thread once it has completed. 
+Fax threads do not kill themselves, so every successful call to CFaxTransfer::Start() 
+must be paired with a call to CFaxTransfer::Stop(). 
+@capability NetworkServices
+@capability ReadUserData
+@capability WriteUserData
+   {
+   iDriverThread.Close ();
+   }
+// this is a utility function which is the entry to our thread
+// it isn't part of any class, but we pass the address
+// of our CFaxTransfer in so that we can check the
+// session parameter and get back to the required function
+// All possible leaves should be trapped as the return
+// from this function is the TRequestStatus which the
+// caller to CFaxTransfer::Start is waiting for.
+TInt FaxClientThread (TAny * session)
+   {
+   // start of unecessary bureaucracy - error checking left out
+/*#define CSY_NAME _L("ECUART")
+#define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+#define PDD_NAME _L("ECDRV")
+#define PDD_NAME _L("EUART1")
+   User::LoadPhysicalDevice (PDD_NAME);
+   User::LoadLogicalDevice (LDD_NAME);*/
+// jerry.CreateGlobal(_L("FaxCliSem"),0,EOwnerProcess);
+   RCommServ server;
+   // coverity[check_return]
+   server.Connect ();
+// end of unecessary bureaucracy
+   TInt state;
+   CTrapCleanup *cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New ();
+// CFaxTransfer *faxsession = (CFaxTransfer *) session;
+   CFaxTransfer *faxsession =reinterpret_cast<CFaxTransfer *>(session);
+	__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread entering..."));
+   state = faxsession->iTelServer.Connect ();
+   if (state == KErrNone)
+   {
+   TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> tsyName;
+   TRAP(state,faxsession->GetPhoneModuleNameL(tsyName));
+   if (state==KErrNone)
+	{
+      state = faxsession->iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule (tsyName);
+      if (state == KErrNone)
+         {
+		 RTelServer::TPhoneInfo phoneInfo;
+		 state = faxsession->GetPhoneInfoForTsy(tsyName,phoneInfo);
+		 if (state == KErrNone)
+			{
+			__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iPhone.Open"));
+			state = faxsession->iPhone.Open (faxsession->iTelServer, phoneInfo.iName);
+            if (state == KErrNone)
+				{
+				__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iLine.Open"));
+				state = faxsession->iLine.Open (faxsession->iPhone, _L ("Fax"));
+				if (state == KErrNone)
+					{
+					//
+					// If the call name has been provided, then open the
+					// existing call, otherwise open a new call.
+					//
+					if (faxsession->iCallName.Length() == 0)
+						{
+						__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iCall.OpenNewCall"));
+						state = faxsession->iCall.OpenNewCall (faxsession->iLine);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iCall.OpenExistingCall"));
+						state = faxsession->iCall.OpenExistingCall(faxsession->iLine, faxsession->iCallName);
+						}
+					if (state == KErrNone)
+						{
+						faxsession->iSource->iPage = 0;
+						if (faxsession->iMode & KFaxReceive)
+							{
+							faxsession->iFaxSessionSettings.iMode = RCall::EReceive;
+							TRAP (state, faxsession->FaxReceiveL ());
+							__FLOG_FAXCLI1(_L8("FaxClientThread FaxReceiveL exited state=%d"),state);
+							faxsession->iSource->CloseFaxInStore ();
+							}		
+			            else
+					        {
+							faxsession->iFaxSessionSettings.iMode = RCall::ETransmit;
+							TRAP (state, faxsession->FaxTransmitL ());
+							faxsession->iSource->iInstream.Close ();
+							}
+	                    // we tidy up by deleting any objects created
+						// (it does no harm if their pointers are already NULL)
+						// and we close any streams (which also does no harm
+						// if they have already been closed)
+						faxsession->iFaxStarted = EFalse;
+						faxsession->iFax.Close ();
+						faxsession->iSource->CloseFaxStore ();
+						delete faxsession->iSource->iWriteFaxFile;
+						faxsession->iSource->iWriteFaxFile = NULL;
+		                delete faxsession->iSource->iReadFaxFile;
+						faxsession->iSource->iReadFaxFile = NULL;
+						faxsession->iSource->iOutstream.Close ();
+						faxsession->iSource->iInstream.Close ();
+						RCall::TStatus callStatus;
+						faxsession->iCall.GetStatus(callStatus);
+						__FLOG_FAXCLI1(_L8("FaxClientThread callStatus=%d"),callStatus);
+						if (callStatus!=RCall::EStatusIdle)
+							faxsession->iCall.HangUp ();
+						__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iCall.Close"));
+						faxsession->iCall.Close ();
+						}
+					__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iLine.Close"));
+					faxsession->iLine.Close ();
+					}
+				__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("FaxClientThread iPhone.Close"));
+				faxsession->iPhone.Close ();
+				}
+			}
+		faxsession->iTelServer.UnloadPhoneModule (tsyName);
+		}
+		}
+    faxsession->iTelServer.Close ();
+    }
+   delete cleanup;
+// intercept the etel wrong modem type error
+   if (state == KErrEtelWrongModemType) state = KFaxErrWrongModemType;
+   return (state);
+   }
+void CFaxTransfer::GetPhoneModuleNameL(TDes& aModuleName) const
+	{
+	// AnnW, 9/8/99 - This all assumes that we are taking the modem settings from the 
+	// dial out IAP, which is fince for now, but may not be in the future?  This may also 
+	// need modifying for Linda?
+	CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(db);
+	// Read the currently selected connection preference and find preferred IAP
+	TInt prefRank  = 1;
+	CCDConnectionPrefsRecord *connectionPrefs = 
+		static_cast<CCDConnectionPrefsRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdConnectionPrefsRecord));
+	CleanupStack::PushL(connectionPrefs);
+	connectionPrefs->iRanking = prefRank;
+	connectionPrefs->iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing;
+	connectionPrefs->FindL(*db);
+	// The following code is a temporary solution until an issue has been resolved in CommsDat
+	// start
+	CCDIAPRecord* tempPIapRecord =
+		static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord));
+	tempPIapRecord->SetRecordId(connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP);
+	connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord = tempPIapRecord;
+	CCDIAPRecord* pIapRecord = (CCDIAPRecord*)connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord;
+	pIapRecord->SetRecordId(connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP);
+	pIapRecord->LoadL(*db);
+	CCDBearerRecordBase* tempBearerRecord =
+		static_cast<CCDBearerRecordBase*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
+	tempBearerRecord->SetRecordId(pIapRecord->iBearer);
+	pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord = tempBearerRecord;
+	CCDBearerRecordBase* pBearerRecord = (CCDBearerRecordBase*) pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord;
+	pBearerRecord->SetRecordId(pIapRecord->iBearer);
+	pBearerRecord->LoadL(*db);
+	// end
+	TUint32 iapId = pBearerRecord->iRecordTag;
+	CMDBField<TUint32>* bearerField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdIAPBearer);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(bearerField);
+	bearerField->SetRecordId(iapId);
+	bearerField->LoadL(*db);
+	TUint32 modemId = *bearerField;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bearerField);
+	CMDBField<TDesC>* tsyField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TDesC>(KCDTIdTsyName);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tsyField);
+	tsyField->SetRecordId(modemId);
+	tsyField->SetMaxLengthL(KMaxTextLength);
+	tsyField->LoadL(*db);
+	aModuleName = *tsyField;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tsyField);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // db, connectionPrefs
+	}
+void CFaxTransfer::CancelFaxServerSession ()
+   {
+   if (iMode & KFaxWaitForRing)
+      iCall.AnswerIncomingCallCancel ();
+   else
+      {
+      if (iMode & KFaxOffHook)
+         iCall.ConnectCancel ();
+      else
+         iCall.DialCancel ();
+      }
+   }
+// receiving a fax is easy because it is passive
+// just open the file for receiving and off we go
+void CFaxTransfer::FaxReceiveL ()
+   {
+	__FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("CFaxTransfer::FaxReceiveL entering"));
+   if (iMode & KFaxPoll)
+      iFaxSessionSettings.iFaxRetrieveType = RCall::EFaxPoll;
+   else
+      iFaxSessionSettings.iFaxRetrieveType = RCall::EFaxOnDemand;
+   iSource->OpenFaxInL (iReceiveFileName);
+   SetFaxSettingsL();
+   if (iMode & KFaxWaitForRing)
+      {//-- answering incoming call if fax is waiting for a call
+	  iCall.AnswerIncomingCall (iTransferStatus);	
+      if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+         {//-- cancel request, leave
+         iCall.AnswerIncomingCallCancel ();
+		 User::WaitForRequest(iTransferStatus);
+         User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+         }
+      }
+   else	//if (iMode & KFaxWaitForRing) 
+      {//-- if fax is not waiting for a call, dial
+      if (iMode & KFaxOffHook)
+         iCall.Connect (iTransferStatus);
+      else
+         {
+         if (iPhoneNumber.Length() == 0)
+            User::Leave (KErrCouldNotConnect);
+         iCall.Dial (iTransferStatus, iPhoneNumber);
+         }
+      }
+   TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+   RCall::TStatus callStatus;
+   iCall.NotifyStatusChange (reqStatus, callStatus);
+   for (;;)
+      {
+      User::WaitForAnyRequest ();
+      if (reqStatus != KRequestPending)
+         {
+         //-- Call status changed
+         if (reqStatus.Int () != KErrNone)
+            {
+            CancelFaxServerSession ();
+            User::Leave (reqStatus.Int ());
+            }
+         if (iMode & KFaxWaitForRing)
+            {//-- Fax is waiting for a ring
+			if (callStatus == RCall::EStatusRinging)
+				{//-- Call status is 'Ringing', continue waiting 
+				iCall.NotifyStatusChange(reqStatus, callStatus);
+				reqStatus = KRequestPending;
+				continue;
+				}
+			else 
+			 //-- due to PIA-586KGE fix (changes in CATAnswerFax::Start()) 'Connecting' may be not noticed here
+			 //-- so EStatusConnected state is ok
+			 if (callStatus != RCall::EStatusAnswering && callStatus != RCall::EStatusConnected )
+					{
+					iCall.AnswerIncomingCallCancel ();
+					User::Leave (KFaxEtelServerError);
+					} //if (callStatus != RCall::EStatusAnswering)
+            } //if (iMode & KFaxWaitForRing)
+         else
+            {//-- Fax is not waiting for a ring 
+            if (iMode & KFaxOffHook)
+               {
+               if (callStatus != RCall::EStatusConnecting)
+                  {
+                  iCall.ConnectCancel ();
+                  User::Leave (KFaxEtelServerError);
+                  }
+               }
+            else if (callStatus != RCall::EStatusDialling)
+               {
+               iCall.DialCancel ();
+               User::Leave (KFaxEtelServerError);
+               }
+            }
+         TInt ret = iFax.Open (iCall);
+         if (ret != KErrNone)
+            {
+            CancelFaxServerSession ();
+            User::Leave (ret);
+            }
+         iFaxStarted = ETrue;
+         reqStatus = KRequestPending;
+         }//if (reqStatus != KRequestPending)
+      else if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+         {//-- Fax cancel request
+         if (iFaxStarted == EFalse)
+            iCall.NotifyStatusChangeCancel ();
+         CancelFaxServerSession ();
+         User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+         }
+      else if (iTransferStatus != KRequestPending)
+         {//--iCall.AnswerIncomingCall status changed
+         if (iFaxStarted == EFalse)
+            iCall.NotifyStatusChangeCancel ();
+         User::LeaveIfError (iTransferStatus.Int ());
+         break;
+         }
+      else
+         {
+         if (iFaxStarted == EFalse)
+            iCall.NotifyStatusChangeCancel ();
+         CancelFaxServerSession ();
+         User::Leave (KErrCompletion);  // stray event handle
+         }
+      }
+   //-- Data transfer phase
+   User::LeaveIfError (iFax.GetProgress (iProgress));
+   while (iProgress.iPhase == EDataTransfer)
+      {
+      iSource->iResolu = iProgress.iResolution;
+      iSource->iCompression = iProgress.iCompression;
+      for (;;)
+         {
+         iFax.Read (iTransferStatus, iDataBuf);
+         User::WaitForRequest (iTransferStatus, iClientCancel);
+         if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+            {
+            iFax.TerminateFaxSession ();
+            User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+            }
+         User::LeaveIfError (iTransferStatus.Int ());
+         // the server has buffered up lines to minimize interaction
+         // iDataBuf starts with a TInt containing the number of lines
+         // Each line follows, preceded with a TInt containing its length
+         // which must be copied as it might not be aligned on a 4-byte
+         // boundary - a line of zero length indicates we have reached
+         // the end of the page
+         TUint8 *nextLine = CONST_CAST (TUint8 *, iDataBuf.Ptr ());
+         TInt lengthOfLine=0;
+         TInt numberOfLines;
+         Mem::Copy (&numberOfLines, nextLine, sizeof (TInt));
+         nextLine += sizeof (TInt);
+         while (numberOfLines--)
+            {
+            Mem::Copy (&lengthOfLine, nextLine, sizeof (TInt));
+            if (lengthOfLine == 0)
+               break;
+            nextLine += sizeof (TInt);
+            TPtrC8 currentLine (nextLine, lengthOfLine);
+            iSource->WriteFaxDataL (currentLine);
+            nextLine += lengthOfLine;
+            }
+         if (lengthOfLine == 0)
+            break;
+         }
+      iSource->WritePageParmsL (iProgress.iAnswerback);
+      iFax.WaitForEndOfPage (iTransferStatus);
+      User::WaitForRequest (iTransferStatus, iClientCancel);
+      if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+         {
+         iFax.TerminateFaxSession ();
+         User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+         }
+      User::LeaveIfError (iTransferStatus.Int ());
+      User::LeaveIfError (iFax.GetProgress (iProgress));
+      }
+//	iSource->CloseFaxInStore ();
+    if (iProgress.iCompression==EModifiedRead)
+		 Convert1dL ();
+   }
+// sending a fax is rather more complex
+// we need a valid phone number (we don't do polling)
+// we need a valid list of pages to send
+// we need to set the resolution we require to that of the
+// fax we want to send (use the last page)
+void CFaxTransfer::FaxTransmitL ()
+   {
+   __FLOG_FAXCLI(_L8("CFaxTransfer::FaxTransmitL entering"));
+   TBool ConversionStatus=FALSE;
+   //TInt err=0;
+   if (iSource->iOurPreferredCompression==Prefer2D)
+		{	
+		TRAPD (retcode,Convert2dL());
+		if (retcode==KErrNone)
+			ConversionStatus=TRUE;
+		else
+			{
+			ConversionStatus=FALSE;
+			iSource->iOurPreferredCompression=Prefer1D;		// if anything goes wrong during conversion
+			}												// try the 1D version.
+		}
+   if ((iSource->iFaxPages == 0) || (iSource->iFaxListEntries == 0))
+      User::Leave (KErrNotFound);
+   iSource->iSavedFaxListEntries = iSource->iFaxListEntries;
+   iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iPageCount = 0; 
+   iSource->iInstream.Open (*iSource->iSources);
+   iSource->GetNextPageReadyL ();
+   if (iSource->iOurPreferredCompression==Prefer1D)
+	   iFaxSessionSettings.iTxPages=iSource->iFaxPages;
+   // we pass in to the server the resolution of the last added source page
+   iFaxSessionSettings.iTxResolution = (TFaxResolution) iSource->iResolu;
+   if ((iSource->iOurPreferredCompression==Prefer2D) && ConversionStatus==TRUE)
+		iFaxSessionSettings.iTxCompression = (TFaxCompression) EModifiedRead;	
+   else
+	   iFaxSessionSettings.iTxCompression = (TFaxCompression) iSource->iCompression;
+   SetFaxSettingsL();	// pass the settings to the Fax Server
+   SetSharedFileHandlesL();
+   if (iMode & KFaxOffHook)
+      iCall.Connect (iTransferStatus);
+   else
+      {
+      if (iPhoneNumber.Length() == 0)
+         User::Leave (KErrCouldNotConnect);
+      iCall.Dial (iTransferStatus, iPhoneNumber);
+      }
+   TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+   RCall::TStatus callStatus;
+   iCall.NotifyStatusChange (reqStatus, callStatus);
+   for (;;)
+      {
+      User::WaitForAnyRequest ();
+      if (reqStatus != KRequestPending)
+         {
+         if (reqStatus.Int () != KErrNone)
+														// initialisation and comm port errors
+            {
+            CancelFaxServerSession ();
+            User::Leave (reqStatus.Int ());
+            }
+         if (iMode & KFaxOffHook)
+            {
+            if (callStatus != RCall::EStatusConnecting)
+               {
+               iCall.ConnectCancel ();
+               User::Leave (KFaxEtelServerError);
+               }
+            }
+         else if (callStatus != RCall::EStatusDialling)
+            {
+            iCall.DialCancel ();
+            User::Leave (KFaxEtelServerError);
+            }
+         TInt ret = iFax.Open (iCall);
+         if (ret != KErrNone)
+            {
+            CancelFaxServerSession ();
+            User::Leave (ret);
+            }
+         iFaxStarted = ETrue;
+         reqStatus = KRequestPending;   // to prevent first scenario being
+										// chosen each time any request comes in
+         }
+      else if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+         {
+         if (iFaxStarted == EFalse)
+            iCall.NotifyStatusChangeCancel ();
+         CancelFaxServerSession ();
+         User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+         }
+      else if (iTransferStatus != KRequestPending)
+         {
+         if (iFaxStarted == EFalse)
+            iCall.NotifyStatusChangeCancel ();
+         User::LeaveIfError (iTransferStatus.Int ());
+         break;
+         }
+      else
+         {
+         if (iFaxStarted == EFalse)
+            iCall.NotifyStatusChangeCancel ();
+         CancelFaxServerSession ();
+         User::Leave (KErrCompletion);  // stray event handle
+         }
+      }
+   for (;;)
+      {
+      User::LeaveIfError (iFax.GetProgress (iProgress));
+      TInt thispage = iProgress.iPage;
+      TInt thisline = 1;
+      ASSERT (iSource->iLines);
+		if ((iProgress.iCompression) && (iSource->iSavedFaxListEntries>=1))
+			{
+			while (iSource->iCompression == EModifiedHuffman)		// loop until we 
+			iSource->GetNextPageReadyL ();							// find the 2D document
+			}
+      //we buffer up lines to minimize client-server interaction
+      //iDataBuf starts with a TInt containing the number of lines
+      //Each line follows, preceded with a TInt containing its length
+      //which must be copied as it might not be aligned on a 4-byte boundary
+      TUint8 *startData;
+      TUint8 *lineData;
+      TInt numberOfLines;
+      const TUint8 *maxData;
+      TUint8 *currentLineData;
+      TInt currentLineLength;
+      for (;;)
+         {
+         lineData = startData = CONST_CAST (TUint8 *, iDataBuf.Ptr ());
+         maxData = startData + iDataBuf.MaxLength () - KMaxT4Des - sizeof (TInt);
+         iDataBuf.SetMax ();
+         numberOfLines = 0;
+         lineData += sizeof (TInt);
+         for (;;)
+            {
+            if (thisline > iSource->iLines)
+               break;
+            thisline++;
+            numberOfLines++;
+            currentLineData = lineData + sizeof (TInt);
+            *currentLineData = 0x0;
+            TPtr8 currentLine (currentLineData + 1, 0, KMaxT4Des - 1);
+            iSource->ReadFaxData (currentLine);
+            currentLineLength = currentLine.Length () + 1;
+            Mem::Copy (lineData, &currentLineLength, sizeof (TInt));
+            lineData += sizeof (TInt);
+            lineData += currentLineLength;
+            if (lineData > maxData)
+               break;
+            }
+         Mem::Copy (startData, &numberOfLines, sizeof (TInt));
+         iDataBuf.SetLength (lineData - startData);
+         iFax.Write (iTransferStatus, iDataBuf);
+         User::WaitForRequest (iTransferStatus, iClientCancel);
+         if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+            {
+            iFax.TerminateFaxSession ();
+            User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+            }
+         User::LeaveIfError (iTransferStatus.Int ());
+         if (thisline > iSource->iLines)
+            break;
+         }
+      iDataBuf.Zero ();
+      iFax.WaitForEndOfPage (iTransferStatus);
+      User::WaitForRequest (iTransferStatus, iClientCancel);
+      if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+         {
+         iFax.TerminateFaxSession ();
+         User::Leave (KFaxCancelRequested);
+         }
+      User::LeaveIfError (iTransferStatus.Int ());
+      User::LeaveIfError (iFax.GetProgress (iProgress));
+      if (iProgress.iPhase != EDataTransfer)
+         break;
+      if (thispage == iProgress.iPage)
+         iSource->PreviousPageFindL ();
+      else
+         iSource->GetNextPageReadyL ();
+      }
+   if ((iProgress.iCompression==EModifiedHuffman) && (iSource->iOurPreferredCompression==Prefer2D))
+   {
+	   for (TInt i=0; i<(iSource->iFaxPages/2);i++)
+	   iSource->GetNextPageReadyL ();						
+   }
+void CFaxTransfer::SetFaxSettingsL()
+	{
+   TInt error;
+   RPhone::TStatus phoneStatus;
+   error=iPhone.GetStatus(phoneStatus);
+	if (error == KErrNone)
+		{
+		if ((phoneStatus.iModemDetected == RPhone::EDetectedNotPresent) || (phoneStatus.iModemDetected == RPhone::EDetectedUnknown))
+			{
+			TRequestStatus initialiseStatus;
+			iPhone.Initialise(initialiseStatus);
+			User::WaitForAnyRequest();
+			if (iClientCancel != KRequestPending)
+				{
+				iPhone.InitialiseCancel();					// issue initialiseCancel command
+				User::WaitForRequest(initialiseStatus);		// wait for it to complete
+				User::Leave(KFaxCancelRequested);			// leave with  KFaxCancelRequested
+				}	
+			User::LeaveIfError(initialiseStatus.Int());
+			}
+		}   
+   TInt ret=KErrNone;	// so communication with modem has begun...
+   TInt count=0;		// we have a loop where we try three times to set fax settings in the
+						// unlikely event that the initialisation sequence has just started
+						// so the phoneStatus gives ModemDetected Present, but the supported fax
+						// classes have not yet been ascertained.
+   do 
+	{
+	ret=iCall.SetFaxSettings (iFaxSessionSettings);	// retry until init sequence has found out what
+													// the fax classes supported are.
+	if (ret==KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability)
+		User::After(500000);
+	}
+   while (ret==KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability && iClientCancel==KRequestPending && count++<3);
+   if (iClientCancel!=KRequestPending)
+	   ret=KFaxCancelRequested;
+   User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+   }
+void CFaxTransfer::SetSharedFileHandlesL()
+	{
+	//Open a file server session and a file handle on the private header file to be shared.
+	RFs sharedFs;
+	RFile sharedHeaderFile;
+	User::LeaveIfError(sharedFs.Connect());
+	CleanupClosePushL(sharedFs);
+	//allow it to be shared
+	User::LeaveIfError(sharedFs.ShareProtected());
+	//get path 
+	TFileName headerFullPath;
+	CFaxHeaderLines::GeneratePathForHeaderFileL(headerFullPath);
+	//Open the file in read-only mode
+	User::LeaveIfError(sharedHeaderFile.Open(sharedFs, headerFullPath, EFileRead));
+	CleanupClosePushL(sharedHeaderFile);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iCall.AdoptFaxSharedHeaderFile(sharedHeaderFile));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//sharedHeaderFile
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//sharedFs
+	}
+TInt CFaxTransfer::GetPhoneInfoForTsy(const TDes& aTsyName, RTelServer::TPhoneInfo& aPhoneInfo) const
+//	Finds the index of the phone which belongs to TSY named "aTsyName", and retrieves its info.
+	{
+	 TInt count=0;
+	 iTelServer.EnumeratePhones(count);
+	 TName matchTsyName;
+	 TInt ret = iTelServer.GetTsyName(0,matchTsyName);
+	 if (ret == KErrNone)
+		{
+		 TInt i=0;
+		 if (count>1)
+			{
+			while (matchTsyName.CompareF(aTsyName)!=KErrNone && i++<count && ret==KErrNone)
+				ret = iTelServer.GetTsyName(i,matchTsyName);
+			}
+		 ASSERT(matchTsyName.CompareF(aTsyName)==KErrNone);
+		 iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo(i,aPhoneInfo);
+		}
+	 return ret;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::AddSourceL (const TFileName & aFaxPageStore, TFaxPreferredCompression aPreferredCompression)
+/** Specifies which pages of a fax store file should be sent. 
+It can be called more than once to add multiple pages from different files. Typically, 
+this function is called twice for each transmission: once to queue the cover sheet, 
+and a second time to queue the remainder of the fax.
+The overloaded variants are supplied primarily to help error recovery in cases when 
+a fax transmission is either incomplete or when specific pages need to be resent. 
+When transmitting a fax, at least one variant of this function must be called before 
+@param aFaxPageStore  Name of the fax store file from which to take pages.
+@param  aPreferredCompression Preferred compression.
+@capability WriteUserData
+   {
+   iSource->AddSourceL (aFaxPageStore, 1,aPreferredCompression);
+   }
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::AddSourceL (const TFileName & aFaxPageStore, TInt aStartPage,TFaxPreferredCompression aPreferredCompression)
+/** Specifies which pages of a fax store file should be sent. 
+It can be called more than once to add multiple pages from different files. 
+Typically, this function is called twice for each transmission: once to queue 
+the cover sheet, and a second time to queue the remainder of the fax.
+The overloaded variants are supplied primarily to help error recovery in cases 
+when a fax transmission is either incomplete or when specific pages need to be 
+resent. When transmitting a fax, at least one variant of this function must be 
+called before CFaxTransfer::Start().
+@param aFaxPageStore  Name of the fax store file from which to take pages. 
+@param aStartPage  Page in file to start from. If omitted, the file is sent 
+from the start. 
+@param  aPreferredCompression Preferred compression.
+@capability WriteUserData
+   {
+   iSource->AddSourceL (aFaxPageStore, aStartPage, aPreferredCompression);
+   }
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::AddSourceL (const TFileName & aFaxPageStore, TInt aStartPage, TInt aEndPage, TFaxPreferredCompression aPreferredCompression)
+/**Specifies which pages of a fax store file should be sent. 
+It can be called more than once to add multiple pages from different files. 
+Typically, this function is called twice for each transmission: once to queue 
+the cover sheet, and a second time to queue the remainder of the fax.
+The overloaded variants are supplied primarily to help error recovery in cases 
+when a fax transmission is either incomplete or when specific pages need to be 
+resent. When transmitting a fax, at least one variant of this function must be 
+called before CFaxTransfer::Start().
+@param aFaxPageStore  Name of the fax store file from which to take pages. 
+@param aStartPage  Page in file to start from. If omitted, the file is sent from the start. 
+@param aEndPage  Page in file to stop sending. If omitted, transmission continues to the end. 
+@param  aPreferredCompression Preferred compression.
+@capability WriteUserData
+   {
+   iSource->AddSourceL (aFaxPageStore, aStartPage, aEndPage, aPreferredCompression);
+   }
+//EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::AddSourceL (const TFileName & aFaxPageStore, const TFileName & aFaxPageStore2)
+//	{
+//	iSource->AddSourceL(aFaxPageStore, aFaxPageStore2);
+//	}
+EXPORT_C void CFaxTransfer::RemoveAllSources ()
+/** Clears the complete list of pages previously selected for faxing using one 
+of the variants of AddSourceL(). 
+Removal of individual items from the list of pages to be fax is not possible. 
+This function must be used between successive fax transmissions if previously 
+sent pages aren't to be sent again. 
+@capability WriteUserData
+   {
+   iSource->RemoveAllSources ();
+   }
+void CFaxTransfer::Convert2dL ()
+	{	
+	TInt err=0;
+	TInt k=0;
+	TBuf<64> filename;
+	CWriteFaxFile*  writeFaxFile;
+	CReadFaxFile*   readFaxFile;
+	TRawScanLine	decodedScanLine;
+	//TFaxBufSenderId sd;
+	TFaxBufSenderId senderId;
+	writeFaxFile = CWriteFaxFile::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(writeFaxFile);
+	readFaxFile  = CReadFaxFile::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(readFaxFile);
+	iConverting=TRUE;
+	TRAP (err,readFaxFile->OpenL(iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iFaxPageStore));
+	if (err!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		iConverting=FALSE;
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+ 	readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->SetPageL(0);
+	TFaxPageInfo info = readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->CurrentPageInfo();
+	if (info.iCompression != EModifiedHuffman)
+		User::Panic(_L("Not a 1D file"),1);
+	//writeFaxFile->OpenL(_L("c:\\blank2D.fax"),64);
+	filename.Copy(iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iFaxPageStore);
+	filename.Append(_L("2d"));
+	// the second push in OpenL doesn't cause a double deletion of writeFaxFile, since it is pushed by using TCleanupItem.
+	// coverity [double_push]
+	writeFaxFile->OpenL(filename,64);
+	//writeFaxFile->OpenL(iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iFaxPageStore,64);
+	for (k=0; k<iSource->iFaxPages; k++)
+	{
+	readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->SetPageL(k);
+	TFaxPageInfo info = readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->CurrentPageInfo();
+	if (info.iCompression != EModifiedHuffman)
+		User::Panic(_L("Not a 1D file"),1);
+	writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->StartPage(info.iResolution, EModifiedRead);
+	for (TInt n = info.iNumScanLines ; n  ; n--)
+		{
+		readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->GetScanLineL(decodedScanLine);	
+		writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->AddScanLineL(decodedScanLine);
+		}
+	writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->EndPageL(info.iResolution,senderId, EModifiedRead);
+	}// end of for statement
+	writeFaxFile->CommitL();
+	writeFaxFile->Close();
+	readFaxFile->Close();
+	AddSourceL(filename,Prefer2D);
+	iFaxSessionSettings.iTxPages = (iSource->iFaxPages/2);	// sent only the 2d version of the document
+															// which means half the attached pages
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+	iConverting=FALSE;
+// This function takes the received 2D file and converts it to 1D
+// The 2D file will be deleted and the 1D version of the file will 
+// inherit the name of the received 2D version
+void CFaxTransfer::Convert1dL ()
+	{	
+	TInt err=0;
+	TInt k=0;
+	TBuf<64> filename;
+	CWriteFaxFile* writeFaxFile;
+	CReadFaxFile*  readFaxFile;
+	TRawScanLine decodedScanLine;
+	//TFaxBufSenderId sd;
+	TFaxBufSenderId senderId;
+	writeFaxFile = CWriteFaxFile::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(writeFaxFile);
+	readFaxFile  = CReadFaxFile::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(readFaxFile);	
+	iConverting=TRUE;
+	//TRAP (err,readFaxFile->OpenL(iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iFaxPageStore));
+	TRAP (err,readFaxFile->OpenL(iReceiveFileName));
+	if (err!=KErrNone)
+		User::Leave(err);
+ 	readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->SetPageL(0);
+	TFaxPageInfo info = readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->CurrentPageInfo();
+	//if (info.iCompression != EModifiedHuffman)
+	if (info.iCompression != EModifiedRead)
+		User::Panic(_L("Not a 2D file"),1);
+	//filename.Copy(iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iFaxPageStore);
+	filename.Copy(iReceiveFileName);
+	filename.Append(_L("1d"));
+	// the second push in OpenL doesn't cause a double deletion of writeFaxFile, since it is pushed by using TCleanupItem.
+	// coverity [double_push]
+	writeFaxFile->OpenL(filename,64);
+	//	writeFaxFile->OpenL(iSource->iOurFaxEntry.iFaxPageStore,64);
+	TInt iRxPages=readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->NumPages();
+	for (k=0; k<iRxPages; k++)
+	{
+	readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->SetPageL(k);
+	TFaxPageInfo info = readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->CurrentPageInfo();
+	//if (info.iCompression != EModifiedHuffman)
+	if (info.iCompression != EModifiedRead)
+		User::Panic(_L("Not a 2D file"),1);
+	//writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->StartPage(info.iResolution, EModifiedRead);
+	writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->StartPage(info.iResolution, EModifiedHuffman);
+	for (TInt n = info.iNumScanLines ; n  ; n--)
+		{
+		readFaxFile->iReadFaxPages->GetScanLineL(decodedScanLine);	
+		writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->AddScanLineL(decodedScanLine);
+		}
+	//writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->EndPageL(info.iResolution,senderId, EModifiedRead);
+	writeFaxFile->iWriteFaxPages->EndPageL(info.iResolution,senderId, EModifiedHuffman);
+	}// end of for statement
+	writeFaxFile->CommitL();
+	writeFaxFile->Close();
+	readFaxFile->Close();
+	RFs FileServer;
+	err = FileServer.Connect();
+	if (err !=KErrNone)
+		User::Leave(err);
+	User::LeaveIfError(FileServer.Delete(iReceiveFileName));
+	User::LeaveIfError(FileServer.Rename(filename,iReceiveFileName));
+	FileServer.Close();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);	
+	iConverting=FALSE;
+//	AddSourceL(filename,Prefer2D);
+//	iFaxSessionSettings.iTxPages = (iSource->iFaxPages/2);	// sent only the 2d version of the document
+	}	
+	{
+	TInt state = KErrNone;
+	TInt heapSize = 0x14000;	
+	TInt stackSize = 0x14000;
+	reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(this);  // this points to a CFaxTransfer Object
+	state = iConverterThread.Create ((_L ("FaxConverterThread")), FaxConverterThread, stackSize, heapSize, heapSize, this, EOwnerThread);
+	if (state)
+		{
+		state = KFaxThreadError;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//aThreadStat = KRequestPending;
+		//if (iClientCancel != KErrCancel)
+		//iClientCancel = KRequestPending;
+		//iDriverThread.Logon (aThreadStat);
+		iConverterThread.SetPriority (EPriorityRealTime);
+		iConverterThread.Resume ();
+		}
+	return state;
+	}
+TInt FaxConverterThread (TAny * session)
+	{
+	TInt m;
+	CTrapCleanup *cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New ();
+	CFaxTransfer *faxtransfer =reinterpret_cast<CFaxTransfer *>(session);
+	RSemaphore aSemaphore;
+	TFindSemaphore mysemaphore(_L("FaxCli*"));
+    TFullName      theName (_L("FaxCliSem"));
+//  RSemaphore     theSem;             // derived from RHandleBase
+  if ((mysemaphore.Next(theName))==KErrNone)
+        {
+        aSemaphore.Open(mysemaphore,EOwnerThread);
+        }
+	TRAP(m,faxtransfer->Convert2dL());
+	aSemaphore.Signal();	
+	return KErrNone;
+	}