--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fax/faxclientandserver/FAXSVR/FAXSERV.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "FAXSERV.H"
+#include "fax_reversebytes.h"
+#include "FAXMDRV.H"
+#include "FAXMODEM.H"
+#include <et_phone.h>
+#include "FAXLOG.H"
+CFaxSession *CFaxSession::NewLC ()
+ {
+ CFaxSession *self = new (ELeave) CFaxSession;
+ CleanupStack::PushL (self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CFaxSession *CFaxSession::NewL ()
+ {
+ CFaxSession *self = NewLC ();
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return self;
+ }
+ :CBase()
+CFaxSession::~CFaxSession ()
+ {
+ FxClose ();
+ delete iSharedFileHandles;
+ }
+void CFaxSession::SetCallBack(MFaxCompletionBase* aCompletionBase)
+ {
+ iCompletionBase = aCompletionBase;
+ }
+// this kicks off the send or receive session by launching a separate high
+ // priority faxthread. A FxOpen must be paired with a call to FxClose
+ // as this is an EPOC32 requirement
+ //
+ // we are part of c32 here, so we cannot set a thread priority
+ //
+ // the heap and stack sizes set here (4K each) are pure guesswork
+ // we need a handle to this parent thread so that our child thread
+ // is able to signal back to us via a TRequestStatus
+TInt CFaxSession::FxOpen (TFaxServerSessionSettings & aSettings,RFax::TProgress* aProgress)
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV( _L8("CFaxSession::FxOpen entering"));
+ ASSERT (iFaxRequest == NULL);
+ iFaxServerSessionSettings = aSettings;
+// Initialise the Progress Settings
+ iProgress = aProgress;
+ iProgress->iLastUpdateTime=0;
+ iProgress->iAnswerback.Zero();
+ iProgress->iPhase = ENotYetStarted;
+ iProgress->iSpeed = 9600;
+ iProgress->iResolution = EFaxNormal;
+ iProgress->iCompression = EModifiedHuffman;
+ iProgress->iECM = 0;
+ iProgress->iPage = 0;
+ iProgress->iLines = 0;
+ TRAPD (state, iFaxRequest = CFaxRequest::NewL (this));
+ if (state == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iFaxRequest->iChildThread.Logon (iChildDeath);
+ iFaxRequest->iChildThread.Resume ();
+ User::WaitForRequest (iFaxRequest->iThreadStat);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add (iFaxRequest);
+ }
+ return (state);
+TInt CFaxSession::FxClose ()
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV( _L8("CFaxSession::FxClose entering"));
+ if (iFaxRequest)
+ {
+ if (iFaxRequest->IsActive ())
+ {
+ Cancel ();
+ }
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (EFxClose);
+ User::WaitForRequest (iChildDeath);
+ delete iFaxRequest;
+ iFaxRequest = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!iAmDestructing)
+ {
+ iAmDestructing = ETrue;
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return (KErrNone);
+MFaxCompletionBase* CFaxSession::ReturnCompletionBase ()
+ return (iCompletionBase);
+void CFaxSession::RxConnect ()
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (ERxConnect);
+void CFaxSession::RxFaxData (TDes8 & aData)
+ iRxData = &aData;
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (ERxFaxData);
+void CFaxSession::RxPostPage ()
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (ERxPostPage);
+void CFaxSession::TxConnect ()
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (ETxConnect);
+void CFaxSession::TxFaxData (const TDesC8 & aData)
+ iTxData = &aData;
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (ETxFaxData);
+void CFaxSession::TxPostPage ()
+ iFaxRequest->FaxRequest (ETxPostPage);
+void CFaxSession::Cancel ()
+ iFaxRequest->Cancel ();
+void CFaxSession::StartModemL ()
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV( _L8("CFaxSession::StartModemL entering"));
+ if (iModemDriver != NULL)
+ return;
+ if (iFaxServerSessionSettings.iFaxClass == EClass1)
+ iModemDriver = CFaxClass1::NewL (&iFaxServerSessionSettings,*iProgress);
+ else if (iFaxServerSessionSettings.iFaxClass == EClass2)
+ iModemDriver = CFaxClass2::NewL (&iFaxServerSessionSettings,*iProgress);
+ else if (iFaxServerSessionSettings.iFaxClass == EClass2point0)
+ iModemDriver = CFaxClass20::NewL (&iFaxServerSessionSettings,*iProgress);
+ else
+ User::Leave (KFaxCannotAutodetect);
+ iModemDriver->iFaxServerSessionSettings = &iFaxServerSessionSettings;
+ iCompletionBase->GetCadenceAndTimeOfLastRing(iModemDriver->iCadence, iModemDriver->iTimeOfLastRing);
+void CFaxSession::SetFaxHeaderFile(CFaxSharedFileHandles* aSharedFileHandles)
+ {
+ //if we already have an object then delete it and use this one instead
+ if(iSharedFileHandles)
+ {
+ delete iSharedFileHandles;
+ iSharedFileHandles=NULL;
+ }
+ //we are now owners of this object and are responsible for its deletion.
+ iSharedFileHandles = aSharedFileHandles;
+ }
+// the CFaxRequest class is our Fax Server Active Object
+CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::CFaxRequest ()
+:CActive (1)
+CFaxSession::CFaxRequest *CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::NewLC (CFaxSession * aFaxSession)
+ CFaxSession::CFaxRequest *self = new (ELeave) CFaxSession::CFaxRequest ();
+ CleanupStack::PushL (self);
+ self->ConstructL (aFaxSession);
+ return self;
+CFaxSession::CFaxRequest *CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::NewL (CFaxSession * aFaxSession)
+ CFaxSession::CFaxRequest *self = NewLC (aFaxSession);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return self;
+void CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::ConstructL (CFaxSession * aFaxSession)
+ TInt stackSize = 0x1400;
+ _LIT(KFaxThread,"FaxServerThread");
+ iFaxSession = aFaxSession;
+ TInt res = iFaxSession->iParentThread.Duplicate (RThread ());
+ if (res == KErrNone)
+ res = iChildThread.Create (KFaxThread,
+ FaxServerThread,
+ stackSize,
+ iFaxSession,
+ EOwnerProcess);
+ if (res)
+ User::Leave (KFaxThreadError);
+CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::~CFaxRequest ()
+ iFaxSession->iParentThread.Close ();
+ iChildThread.Close ();
+// once we have our active object, we simply call its FaxRequest
+ // it re-activates the faxserver thread to process the request
+ // and sets the FaxRequest object active before returning
+void CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::FaxRequest (CFaxSession::TFaxThreadRequest aFaxThreadRequest)
+ TRequestStatus *threadStatus = &iThreadStat;
+ iFaxThreadRequest = aFaxThreadRequest;
+ if (iFaxThreadRequest != EFxClose)
+ {
+ iStatus = KRequestPending;
+ SetActive ();
+ }
+ iChildThread.RequestComplete (threadStatus, aFaxThreadRequest);
+// here we request a cancel of a fax call
+void CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::DoCancel ()
+ iCancel = 1;
+ if (iFaxSession->iModemDriver)
+ {
+ if (iFaxSession->iModemDriver->iModem->iCancel == 0)
+ iFaxSession->iModemDriver->iModem->iCancel++;
+ }
+void CFaxSession::CFaxRequest::RunL ()
+ switch (iFaxThreadRequest)
+ {
+ case ERxConnect:
+ {
+ iFaxSession->ReturnCompletionBase()->RxConnectComplete (iStatus.Int ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case ERxFaxData:
+ {
+ iFaxSession->ReturnCompletionBase()->RxFaxDataComplete (iStatus.Int ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case ERxPostPage:
+ {
+ iFaxSession->ReturnCompletionBase()->RxPostPageComplete (iStatus.Int ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETxConnect:
+ {
+ iFaxSession->ReturnCompletionBase()->TxConnectComplete (iStatus.Int ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETxFaxData:
+ {
+ iFaxSession->ReturnCompletionBase()->TxFaxDataComplete (iStatus.Int ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETxPostPage:
+ {
+ iFaxSession->ReturnCompletionBase()->TxPostPageComplete (iStatus.Int ());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:;
+ }
+// this is a utility function which is the entry to our thread
+ // it isn't part of any class, but we pass the address
+ // of our CFaxModemDriver in so that we can check the
+ // session parameter and get back to the required function
+ //
+ // it also has the thread service request dispatcher
+TInt FaxServerThread (TAny * session)
+ {
+ TInt state=0;
+ TInt ret;
+ TBool terminateThread=EFalse;
+ CTrapCleanup *cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New ();
+ CFaxSession *faxsession = (CFaxSession *) session;
+ TRequestStatus *openStatus = &faxsession->iFaxRequest->iThreadStat;
+ faxsession->iParentThread.RequestComplete (openStatus, state);
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest (faxsession->iFaxRequest->iThreadStat);
+ state = ret = KErrNone;
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV1( _L8("FaxServerThread: iThreadStat=%d"), faxsession->iFaxRequest->iThreadStat.Int ());
+ switch (faxsession->iFaxRequest->iThreadStat.Int ())
+ {
+ case CFaxSession::ERxConnect:
+ TRAP (state, faxsession->StartModemL ());
+ if (state == KErrNone)
+ {
+ faxsession->iModemDriver->iModem->iCancel = faxsession->iFaxRequest->iCancel;
+ TRAP (state, ret = faxsession->iModemDriver->RxConnectL ());
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV2(_L8("FaxServerThread state: ERxConnect returned ret=%d, state=%d"), ret, state);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CFaxSession::ERxFaxData:
+ if(faxsession->iModemDriver)
+ {
+ TRAP (state, faxsession->iModemDriver->GetFaxDataL (faxsession->iRxData));
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV2( _L8("FaxServerThread state: ERxFaxData returned ret=%d, state=%d"), ret, state);
+ }
+ else
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV( _L8("FaxServerThread state: ERxFaxData - faxsession->iModemDriver=NULL"));
+ break;
+ case CFaxSession::ERxPostPage:
+ if(faxsession->iModemDriver)
+ {
+ TRAP (state, ret = faxsession->iModemDriver->RxPostPageL ());
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV2( _L8("FaxServerThread: iModemDriver->RxPostPageL returned ret=%d, state=%d"), ret, state);
+ }
+ else
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV( _L8("FaxServerThread: iModemDriver->RxPostPageL - faxsession->iModemDriver = NULL"));
+ break;
+ case CFaxSession::ETxConnect:
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV(_L8("FaxServerThread state: ETxConnect"));
+ TRAP (state, faxsession->StartModemL ()); //creates an instance of the appropriate
+ //modem driver (CFax1, CFax2, CFax2.0)
+ if (state == KErrNone)
+ {
+ faxsession->iModemDriver->iModem->iCancel = faxsession->iFaxRequest->iCancel; // added now
+ faxsession->iModemDriver->SetSharedFileHandles(faxsession->iSharedFileHandles);
+ TRAP (state, ret = faxsession->iModemDriver->TxConnectL ());
+ }
+ break;
+ case CFaxSession::ETxFaxData:
+ if(faxsession->iModemDriver)
+ {
+ TRAP (state, ret = faxsession->iModemDriver->SendFaxDataL (faxsession->iTxData));
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV2(_L8("FaxServerThread state: ETxFaxData, state =%d, ret=%d"),state, ret);
+ }
+ else
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV(_L8("FaxServerThread state: ETxFaxData, faxsession->iModemDriver = NULL"));
+ break;
+ case CFaxSession::ETxPostPage:
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV(_L8("FaxServerThread state: ETxPostPage"));
+ if(faxsession->iModemDriver)
+ {
+ TRAP (state, ret = faxsession->iModemDriver->TxPostPageL ());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV(_L8("FaxServerThread state: ETxPostPage, faxsession->iModemDriver = NULL"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case CFaxSession::EFxClose:
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV(_L8("FaxServerThread state: EFxClose:"));
+ delete faxsession->iModemDriver;
+ faxsession->iModemDriver = NULL;
+ terminateThread=ETrue;
+ state = KErrNone;
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ default:
+ state = KErrNone;
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (state == KErrNone)
+ state = ret;
+ if (faxsession->iFaxRequest->iCancel)
+ {
+ __FLOG_FAXSRV1(_L8("FaxServerThread: iCancel=%d"), faxsession->iFaxRequest->iCancel);
+ state = KFaxCancelRequested;
+ delete faxsession->iModemDriver;
+ faxsession->iModemDriver = NULL;
+ }
+ if (faxsession->iFaxRequest->IsActive ())
+ {
+ TRequestStatus *returnStatus = &faxsession->iFaxRequest->iStatus;
+ faxsession->iParentThread.RequestComplete (returnStatus, state);
+ }
+ if(terminateThread)
+ break;
+// if (faxsession->iModemDriver == NULL)
+// break;
+ }
+ delete cleanup;
+ return (state);
+TFaxServerSessionSettings& TFaxServerSessionSettings::operator=(const TFaxServerSessionSettings& aSettings)
+ {
+ iPhoneNumber = aSettings.iPhoneNumber;
+ iLogging = aSettings.iLogging;
+ iFaxInitString = aSettings.iFaxInitString;
+ iMode = aSettings.iMode;;
+ iFaxClass = aSettings.iFaxClass;
+ iPortDriverName = aSettings.iPortDriverName;
+ iCommPortName = aSettings.iCommPortName;
+ iFaxId = aSettings.iFaxId;
+ iMaxSpeed = aSettings.iMaxSpeed;
+ iMinSpeed = aSettings.iMinSpeed;
+ iPreferredECM = aSettings.iPreferredECM;
+ iFaxOnDemandDelay = aSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay;
+ iTxResolution = aSettings.iTxResolution;
+ iTxCompression = aSettings.iTxCompression;
+ iTxPages = aSettings.iTxPages;
+ iRxResolution = aSettings.iRxResolution;
+ iRxCompression = aSettings.iRxCompression;
+ return(*this);
+ }
+// First Ordinal Functions
+extern "C"
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CFaxSession* LibEntry(void); // Force "Proper Name" export
+ }
+EXPORT_C CFaxSession* LibEntry()
+ {
+ return CFaxSession::NewL();
+ }