changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/smsprotocols/smsstack/smsprot/Inc/smspclass0stor.h	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalAll
+#if !defined (__SMSPCLASS0STOR_H__)
+#define __SMSPCLASS0STOR_H__
+#include "smspreassemblystore.h"
+ *  @internalComponent
+ */
+_LIT(KPreAllocatedFileName,"smsclass0preallocated.dat");	//Pre-allocated File Name
+_LIT(KClass0ReassemblyStoreName,"smsclass0reast.dat");	//reassembly store name
+const TInt KClass0ReassemblyStoreUidValue=0x102835A1;
+const TUid KClass0ReassemblyStoreUid={KClass0ReassemblyStoreUidValue};  //  Used for Third uid of class 0 reassembly store
+class TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry;
+class CClass0SmsReassemblyStore;
+This class is based on Symbian Permanent file store mechanism.
+This class stores the data as streams. Like CSmsReassemblyStore's implementation, 
+the root stream will contain an array (header info) of TSmsReassemblyEntry. 
+There is one entry in the array for every sms messages which is being stored. 
+The entry contains the generic information related to the SMS message. 
+Each SMS is also allocated its own stream inside the file. This stream is primarily 
+used to store the SMS message's user data. The stream id is also stored in the 
+corresponding entry in the header to identify on which stream the SMS user data is stored.
+It provides interface to add, update, delete the SMS messages. It also provides the interface
+to modify the entry information (update log server id, message passed to client, etc.)
+It also provides few cleanup functions to clean the stored messages from this permanent store file.
+(CleanupEntriesWithCompactL, CleanupEntriesL)
+This requirement is very specific to class 0 re-assembly store implementation.
+These functions are needed because it is not possible to delete the message in out-of-disk condition
+from permanent store file. But after getting the disk space it is required to clean up the entries.
+In Class 0 re-assembly store it is possible that few PDUs of a concatenated message are stored 
+in this file. Others are stored in pre-allocated file. There might be a scenario where user has 
+deleted a message but the corresponding message has not been deleted from permanent store file 
+due to out-of-disk condition. And also at the time of forwarding an incomplete message a 
+forwarded message has not been deleted due to above reason. But the entry/PDU is invalid 
+because it is no more in the pre-allocated file which contains master header info.
+class CSmsPermanentFileStore : public CBase
+	{
+friend void CSmsPermanentStoreCloseObject(TAny* aObj);
+	static CSmsPermanentFileStore* NewL(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFileName, const TUid& aThirdUid);
+	~CSmsPermanentFileStore();
+	void CreateL();
+	void OpenL();
+	void Close();
+	TBool IsFileOK();
+	const CArrayFix<TSmsReassemblyEntry>& Entries() const {return iEntryArray;}
+	void AddNewMessageL(TInt& aIndex, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms);
+	void UpdateExistingMessageL(TInt aIndex, const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, const CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexArray, const CArrayFix<TGsmSms>& aSmsArray);
+	void DeleteEntryL(TInt aIndex);
+	void MatchEntryToExistingMessage(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry,	TInt& aIndex);
+	void UpdateLogServerIdL(TInt& aIndex, TLogId aLogServerId);
+	void SetPassedToClientL(TInt aIndex, TBool aBool);
+	void BeginTransactionL();
+	void CommitTransactionL();
+	void Revert();
+	void InternalizeEntryL(const TInt aIndex, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexArray, CArrayFix<TGsmSms>& aSmsArray);
+	void RemovePDUsL(TInt aIndex, TInt aStartPos, TInt aEndPos);
+	void CleanupEntriesWithCompactL(const CArrayFix<TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry>& aEntryArray);
+	void CleanupEntriesL(const CArrayFix<TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry>& aEntryArray);
+	CSmsPermanentFileStore(RFs& aFs, const TUid& aThirdUid);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	void AddEntryL(TSmsReassemblyEntry& aEntry);
+	void ChangeEntryL(TInt aIndex, const TSmsReassemblyEntry& aNewEntry);
+	void ExternalizeEntryArrayL();
+	void InternalizeEntryArrayL();
+	void ExternalizeEntryL(TStreamId& aStreamId,const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexArray,const CArrayFix<TGsmSms>& aSmsArray);
+	void DoCommitAndCompactL();
+	void RemoveDeletedEntries();
+	void ReinstateDeletedEntries();
+	enum
+		{
+		KNumStoreCommitsBeforeCompaction=16
+		};
+	RFs& iFs;
+	HBufC* iFileName;
+	TUid iThirdUid;
+	CFileStore* iFileStore;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TSmsReassemblyEntry>	iEntryArray;
+	TBool iInTransaction;
+	TInt iCommitCount;
+	TBool iCompact;
+	};
+It will contain forwarded message's bit-map information.
+The max size of SMS message can be 256 PDUs. Due to this
+reason 32 bytes character is reserved to store the forwarded
+message information.
+const TInt KBitMapLen = 32;
+typedef TBuf8<KBitMapLen> TForwardedPDUBitMap;
+SMS reassembly store entry for incoming SMS messages in Pre-allocated file.
+	Previously these 4 fields (iStatus, iTimeOffset, iDecodedOnSim, iForwardToClient) 
+	was not part of entry information. Because it was part of CSmsMesssage 
+	& was being stored in the permanent store file. But in the raw data file, 
+	there is no	provision to store CSmsMessage, only PDUs are stored so the given 
+	4 fields are added for this purpose.
+ */
+class TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry : public TSmsReassemblyEntry
+	{
+	TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry();
+	inline TInt PreAllocatedStorageId () const {return iPreAllocatedStorageId;}
+	inline void SetPreAllocatedStorageId (TInt aStorageId) {iPreAllocatedStorageId = aStorageId;}
+	inline RMobileSmsStore::TMobileSmsStoreStatus Status() const {return iStatus;}
+	inline void SetStatus(RMobileSmsStore::TMobileSmsStoreStatus aStatus) {iStatus=aStatus;}
+	inline TTimeIntervalSeconds UTCOffset() const {return iTimeOffset;}
+	inline void SetUTCOffset(TTimeIntervalSeconds aTimeOffset) {iTimeOffset = aTimeOffset;}
+	inline TBool DecodedOnSIM() const { return iDecodedOnSim; }
+	inline void SetDecodedOnSIM(TBool aBool) { iDecodedOnSim = aBool; }
+	inline TBool ForwardToClient() const { return iForwardToClient; }
+	inline void SetForwardToClient(TBool aBool) { iForwardToClient = aBool; }
+	inline TInt NumberOfPDUsForwardToClient() const { return iForwardedCount; }
+	inline void SetNumberOfPDUsForwardToClient(TInt aCount) { iForwardedCount = aCount; }
+	void GetBitMap(TUint8 aIndex, TUint8& aBitMap);
+	void SetBitMap(TUint8 aIndex, TUint8 aBitMap);
+	/*
+	In TSmsReassemblyEntry, the below 2 functions are public.
+	In this class main intention is to make these 2 function private
+	so that client can't use those 2 functions. This class will be used in
+	CPreallocatedFile class which does not deal with storing the data in
+	permanent store file. So there is no need of these 2 functions.
+	*/
+	TStreamId DataStreamId() const;
+	void SetDataStreamId(TStreamId aStreamId);
+	/**
+	This is the unique identifier to identify the PDUs.
+	*/
+	TInt iPreAllocatedStorageId;
+	RMobileSmsStore::TMobileSmsStoreStatus iStatus;
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds iTimeOffset;
+	TBool iDecodedOnSim;
+	TBool iForwardToClient;
+	TInt iForwardedCount;     //< number of PDUs forwarded to client
+	TForwardedPDUBitMap iBitMap;	// Forwarded Message's bit-map information
+	};
+This class will store the incoming PDU in out-of-disk condition. It will create a normal data 
+file (based on Symbian RFile) when SMS stack boots for the 1st time. It will be a fixed size 
+file dedicated to store fixed number (configurable) of class 0 PDUs in out of disk condition 
+& also contain all the stored SMS Message's generic information. At the time of creation of 
+this file, the size of the file will be set (RFile::SetSize) to guarantee that the entire 
+file is allocated. Since Pre-allocated file has a fixed size and known layout, SMS 
+Stack will use RFile::Write() to write data to a fixed position in the file. 
+And the update will be guaranteed to succeed even if there is no memory left on the drive.
+When a class 0 SMS PDU is received and the disk space is exhausted, then class 0 
+reassembly store will store the segment in this file. It will take 2 configuration 
+elements to create this file:
+1.	Number of PDU segments that could be stored in out of disk condition.
+2.	Maximum number of class 0 messages that could be stored at one instance
+This file will have 4 sections: Version Number, Header Section, Duplicate Header Section & Data Section
+1.	Version Number - Interger Value.
+2.	Header Section: Number of entries, Array of Entries, Array of PDU identifier section, Checksum.
+3.	Duplicate Header Section: Same as Header Section.
+4.	Data Section: Array of Container. Each container contains Sms slot informatiuon, index number & PDU.
+It provides interface to add, update, delete the SMS messages. It also provides the interface
+to modify the entry information (update log server id, message passed to client, etc.)
+class CPreallocatedFile : public CBase
+	{
+ *  Pre-allocated file versions
+ */
+	enum TPreAllocatedFileVersion
+		{
+	/** The default value. */
+		EPreAllocatedFileV1
+		};
+	static CPreallocatedFile* NewL(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aMaxClass0Msg, TInt aMaxPDUSeg, TPreAllocatedFileVersion aVersion=EPreAllocatedFileV1);
+	~CPreallocatedFile();
+	void CreateL();
+	void OpenL();
+	void Close();
+	TBool IsFileOK();
+	void AddNewMessageL(TInt& aIndex, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms);
+	void UpdateExistingMessageL(TInt aIndex, const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, TInt aPduIndex, const TGsmSms& aSms);
+	void UpdateLogServerIdL(TInt& aIndex, TLogId aLogServerId);
+	void SetPassedToClientL(TInt aIndex, TBool aBool);
+	void MatchEntryToExistingMessage(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, TInt& aIndex);
+	void AddEntryL(TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry& aEntry);
+	void DeleteEntryL(TInt aIndex);
+	void InternalizeEntryL(const TInt aIndex, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexArray, CArrayFix<TGsmSms>& aSmsArray);
+	void BeginTransactionL();
+	void CommitTransactionL();
+	void Revert();
+	void CopyDuplicateToMasterL();
+	TInt NumberOfPDUStored();
+	TInt GetOldestMessageEntryIndex();
+	void RemovePDUsL(TInt aIndex, TInt aStartPos, TInt aEndPos);
+	void StoreForwardedPDUsInfoL(TInt aIndex, TInt aStartPos, TInt aEndPos);
+	const CArrayFix<TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry>& Entries() const {return iEntryArray;}
+	CPreallocatedFile(RFs& aFs, TInt aMaxClass0Msg, TInt aMaxPDUSeg, TPreAllocatedFileVersion aVersion);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	void InternalizeEntryArrayL();
+	void ExternalizeEntryArray();
+	void ChangeEntryL(TInt aIndex, const TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry& aNewEntry);
+	void AddStorageIdL(TInt aIndex, TInt aStorageId);
+	void ExternalizeEntry(TInt aContainerId, const TGsmSmsSlotEntry& aSmsSlot, TInt aIndex, const TGsmSms& aGsmSms);
+	void ExternalizeEntry(TInt aContainerId, TInt aIndex, const TGsmSms& aGsmSms);
+	TInt GetFreeContainer();
+	TInt GetFreeStorageId();
+	void CheckDataL();
+	TUint32 ChecksumValue();
+	void CopyMasterToDuplicateL();
+	void PutChecksumValueL();
+	void ClearEntryL(TInt aStorageId, TInt aNumberOfPDUs);
+	void RemoveDeletedEntries();
+	void ReinstateDeletedEntries();
+	void ReinstateEntries();
+	enum TReinstateFlag
+		{
+		EEntryIsDeleted=1, //< indicates that this entry is deleted
+		EEntryIsAdded=2    //< indicated that this entry is added
+		};
+	class TReinstateEntryInfo
+		{
+		public:
+			TInt iPreAllocatedStorageId;
+			TInt iContainerId;
+			TReinstateFlag iFlag;
+		};
+	RFs& iFs;
+	RFile	iFile;
+	HBufC* iFileName;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TSmsPreAllocatedFileStoreReassemblyEntry>	iEntryArray;
+	TBool iInTransaction;
+	/*
+	The below data structure (iReinstateEntryInfo) is there for revert 
+	operation to succeed. e.g, If after removing the PDUs from pre-allocated 
+	file it is needed to restore, then using this data structure the lost 
+	information can be retrieved. In the same way after adding the PDU if 
+	it is needed to be deleted then using this data structure it can be 
+	found where	the PDU is added.
+	*/
+	CArrayFixFlat<TReinstateEntryInfo>	iReinstateEntryInfo;
+	TInt iMaxClass0Msg;
+	TInt iMaxPDUSeg;
+	TPreAllocatedFileVersion iVersion;
+	TInt iSizeOfEntrySection;
+	TInt iSizeOfStorageIdentifierSection;
+	TInt iSizeOfFile;
+	TInt iBeginOfDuplicateHeaderSection;
+	TInt iBeginOfDataSection;
+	};
+This class provides the interface to enable & disable the guard timer. 
+When class 0 re-assembly store opens, it enable the guard timer.
+When the timer expires, it requests re-assembly store to forward & purge all
+those messages whose time have expired. Then it again enables the guard timer.
+It always enables the guard timer against the oldest message. When the timer expires
+it again re-calculate expire time on the basis of time of old message. If there is no
+message then it set the timer against configured timeout settings.
+ */
+class CGuardTimer : public CTimer
+	{
+	static CGuardTimer* NewL(CClass0SmsReassemblyStore& aClass0ReassemblyStore, TInt aGuardTimeout);
+	~CGuardTimer();
+	void EnableGuardTimer();
+	void DisableGuardTimer();
+	CGuardTimer(CClass0SmsReassemblyStore& aClass0ReassemblyStore, TInt aGuardTimeout);
+	void RunL();
+	CClass0SmsReassemblyStore& iClass0ReassemblyStore;
+	const TTimeIntervalSeconds   iTimeoutInSecs;
+	};
+This class is primarily responsible for storing incoming class 0 SMS PDU's & assembling them.
+It provides the same functionality as CSmsReassemblyStore class but augmented the 
+functionality by adding the fallback mechanism to store class 0 SMS message in out of 
+disk condition. It maintains reference to CPermanentStoreFile & CPreAllocatedFile
+to store incoming PDU in normal & out of disk condition respectively. It also contains a 
+timer object which will be used as guard timer.
+This class is derived from CReassemblyStore & has implemented all the pure virtual functions.
+It also adds few new functions which is required for handling specific class 0 message requirements
+like handling of incomplete class 0 messages, guard time out, etc.
+class CClass0SmsReassemblyStore : public CReassemblyStore
+	{
+friend class CFacadeSmsReassemblyStore;
+friend void CClass0StoreCloseObject(TAny* aObj);
+	static CClass0SmsReassemblyStore* NewL(RFs& aFs, MSmsComm& aSmsComm);
+	virtual ~CClass0SmsReassemblyStore();
+	//Function related to incomplete message
+	void ProcessMessageIfExceedLimitationL(MSmsComm& aSmsComm);
+	void ForwardCompleteClass0SmsMessagesL(MSmsComm& aSmsComm, const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TSmsAddr* aOriginalSmsAddr,const CSmsMessage* aOriginalSmsMessage,TDes& aDes);
+	void SetIncompleteMessageForwardedToClientL(const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage);
+	//Function which set the disk space state
+	void SetDiskSpaceState(TSmsDiskSpaceMonitorStatus aDiskSpaceStatus);
+	//Function related to guard timer
+	void GetNextGuardTimeout(TTime& aNextTimeout);
+	void ProcessTimeoutMessageL();
+	//Function related to clean-up
+	TInt CleanReassemblyEntries();
+	//Implementation of public pure virtual function of CReassemblyStore
+	virtual void OpenStoreL();
+	virtual void Close();
+	CClass0SmsReassemblyStore(RFs& aFs, MSmsComm& aSmsComm);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void Revert();
+	void ReadConfigurableClass0SmsSettingsL(TInt& aMaxClass0Msg, TInt& aMaxPDUSeg, TInt& aGuardTimeOut);
+	//Function related for reserved space full.
+	TBool IsExceedLimitation();
+	TInt GetIndexOfOldestMessage();
+	TInt GetIndexOfOldestMessageFromReservedFileL();
+	void GetSmsEntriesL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexArray, CArrayFix<TGsmSms>& aSmsArray);
+	void SortPDUsL(CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexArray, CArrayFix<TGsmSms>& aSmsArray);
+	//Implementation of private pure virtual function of CReassemblyStore
+	virtual void PopulateEntryArrayL(CArrayFix<TReassemblyEntry>& aEntryArray);
+	virtual void AddNewMessageL(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms);
+	virtual void UpdateExistingMessageL(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms, TBool& aDuplicateMsgRef, TBool& aDuplicateSlot);
+	virtual void RetrieveMessageL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage);
+	virtual void DeleteEntryL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry);
+	virtual void SetPassedToClientL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, TBool aBool);
+	virtual void UpdateLogServerIdL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, TLogId aLogServerId);
+	virtual void BeginTransactionLC();
+	virtual void CommitTransactionL();
+	enum
+		{
+		KMaxNumberOfClass0MessagesInReassemblyStore = 10
+		};
+	enum
+		{
+		KNumberOfPDUSegmentsStoredInOODCondition = 20
+		};
+	enum
+		{
+		KGuardTimeOut = 12
+		};
+	MSmsComm& iSmsComm;
+	CSmsPermanentFileStore*	iPermanentFileStore;
+	CPreallocatedFile*	iPreallocatedFile;
+	CGuardTimer*		iGuardTimer;
+	TBool iInTransaction;
+	TSmsDiskSpaceMonitorStatus iDiskSpaceStatus;
+	TInt iMaxClass0Msg;
+	TInt iMaxPDUSeg;
+	TInt iGuardTimeOut;
+	};
+#endif // !defined __SMSPCLASS0STOR_H__