--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/gprsumtsqosprt/src/iface.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <in_iface.h>
+#include "context.h"
+#include "async_request.h"
+#include "iface.h"
+#include "tc.h"
+#include "guqos.h"
+#include "guqos_log.h"
+CNif* CNif::NewL(CNifIfBase& aInterface, CModuleGuqos& aModule)
+ {
+ CNif* nif = new (ELeave) CNif(aInterface, aModule);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(nif);
+ nif->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return nif;
+ }
+// XNifTimeoutLinkage
+// ******************
+// Glue to bind timeout callback from the timeout manager into Timeout() call
+// on the CPdpContext
+// *NOTE*
+// This kludgery is all static and compile time, and only used in the constructor
+// of CPdpContext.
+// This ungainly manoevure is forced on us because the offset is not evaluated early enough by GCC3.4 to be
+// passed as a template parameter
+#if defined(__X86GCC__) || defined(__GCCE__)
+#define KNifTimeoutOffset 2144
+__ASSERT_COMPILE(KNifTimeoutOffset == _FOFF(CNif, iTimeout));
+#define KNifTimeoutOffset _FOFF(CNif, iTimeout)
+class XNifTimeoutLinkage : public TimeoutLinkage<CNif, KNifTimeoutOffset>
+ {
+ static void Timeout(RTimeout &aLink, const TTime & /*aNow*/, TAny * /*aPtr*/)
+ {
+ Object(aLink)->RunPendingRequests();
+ }
+ };
+CNif::CNif(CNifIfBase& aNif, CModuleGuqos& aModule) : iNif(aNif), iModule(aModule), iTimeout(XNifTimeoutLinkage::Timeout)
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("new\tCNif[%u] size=%d"), (TInt)this, sizeof(*this)));
+ iContexts.SetOffset(_FOFF(CPdpContext, iNext));
+ iPending.SetOffset(_FOFF(CRequestBase, iLink));
+ }
+void CNif::ConstructL()
+ {
+ // The instance for the primary context exists always for CNif
+ iPrimary = CPdpContext::NewL(*this, EPrimaryContext, 0);
+ AddContext(*iPrimary);
+ User::LeaveIfError(RegisterEventHandler());
+ // Get IapId from Nif
+ TSoIfConnectionInfo netinfo;
+ TPckg<TSoIfConnectionInfo> option(netinfo);
+ if (iNif.Control(KSOLInterface, KSoIfGetConnectionInfo, option) == KErrNone)
+ iIapId = netinfo.iIAPId;
+ }
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("~\tCNif[%u] Start"), (TInt)this));
+ // No upcalls from NIF, we are in destructor!
+ CloseInterface();
+ // Unconditionallly terminate all request activities
+ // Note: CompleteAndDestruct ends up calling "CloseRequest",
+ // which may attempt to activate the next request in queue. To avoid
+ // this, set iCurrentRequest to NULL.
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ while (!iPending.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CRequestBase* request = iPending.First();
+ request->CompleteAndDestruct(KErrDied, NULL);
+ }
+ // Remove all PDP Contexts from NIF and GUQOS
+ while (!iContexts.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CPdpContext *context = iContexts.First();
+ // Remove context from iContexts list before
+ // giving control out (to NIF) After this
+ // the context instance is no more "reachable"
+ // from anywhere else.
+ RemoveContext(*context);
+ context->Delete(); // Delete context from NIF
+ delete context;
+ }
+ iContexts.Reset();
+ iTimeout.Cancel();
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCNif[%u] Destruction Completed"), (TInt)this));
+ }
+// Initialize the iParameters and return reference
+TContextParameters& CNif::ContextParameters()
+ {
+ //?? Hope this doesn't generate a memory leak?
+ //?? is iParameters.iContextConfig.Reset() required instead?
+ iParameters = TContextParameters();
+ return iParameters;
+ }
+CPdpContext* CNif::FindContext(TInt aContextId)
+ {
+ TContextIter iter(iContexts);
+ CPdpContext *context;
+ while ((context = iter++) != NULL)
+ if (context->ContextId() == aContextId)
+ return context;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+CPdpContext* CNif::FindChannel(TInt aChannelId)
+ {
+ TContextIter iter(iContexts);
+ CPdpContext *context;
+ while ((context = iter++) != NULL)
+ if (context->ChannelId() == aChannelId)
+ return context;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// Choose new default Pdp context with the highest QoS profile (according to TS 23.107).
+// *Note*
+// Because in 3GPP there can be only ONE Context without any TFT's, this code
+// assumes that the lower layer (NIF) has already deleted the current primary
+// context. If this is not true, the TFT removal will fail at 3GPP level!
+void CNif::SelectNewDefaultContext()
+ {
+ TContextIter iter(iContexts);
+ CPdpContext* context;
+ CPdpContext* highestQoS=NULL;
+ while ((context = iter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (context == DefaultPdpContext())
+ continue; // Exclude the current default from the search.
+ //lint -e{961} would want terminating 'else' (we don't)
+ if (!highestQoS)
+ highestQoS = context;
+ else if (context->GetQoSRanking() < highestQoS->GetQoSRanking())
+ highestQoS = context;
+ }
+ if (highestQoS == NULL)
+ {
+ // No other contexts available, cannot delete or change the primary!
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tOnly primary context available -- cannot be deleted")));
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // Assign the new default context!
+ // (iPrimary pointer is only additional reference, it does not "own" the
+ // pointed object, thus just overwriting it is ok -- all contexts are in
+ // iContexts list).
+ iPrimary = highestQoS;
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tContext %d (channel=%d) is the new default context"), iPrimary->ContextId(), iPrimary->ChannelId()));
+ // Use the CClose request to clean out all TFT filters
+ // from the context (when context is primary, the RemoveFilters
+ // removes all, regardless of how many flows are connected).
+ CClose* request = CClose::New(*highestQoS);
+ if (request)
+ {
+ highestQoS->Nif().AddRequest(*request);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If allocation of the request fails, there is not much that can
+ // be done, the filters will be left there and packets not matching
+ // them will be dropped. However, the cleanup will be attempted
+ // again any time the context is modified in such way that filters
+ // need to be removed.
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCould not remove TFTs from new default context -- no room for request")));
+ }
+ }
+// delete PDP context, and bind flows using this context to default PDP context
+void CNif::DeletePdpContext(CPdpContext* aContext)
+ {
+ if (DefaultPdpContext() == aContext)
+ {
+ // Attempt to select a new default context (may fail)
+ SelectNewDefaultContext();
+ }
+ CPdpContext *pdpDefault = DefaultPdpContext();
+ if (pdpDefault != aContext)
+ {
+ while (!aContext->Flows().IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CFlowData* flow = aContext->Flows().First();
+ // The SetContext will remove the flow from old
+ // context, and eventually the aContext->Flows()
+ // *MUST* become empty
+ // (because aContext != pdpContext)
+ flow->SetContext(pdpDefault);
+ }
+ RemoveContext(*aContext);
+ delete aContext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Cannot delete the default context, just block flows (as the
+ // context is not actually existing any more).
+ aContext->Block();
+ }
+ }
+TInt CNif::RegisterEventHandler()
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TEvent> opt;
+ opt().iEvent = this;
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tcall NIF Control(KRegisterEventHandler)")));
+ return iNif.Control(KSOLInterface, KRegisterEventHandler, opt);
+ }
+TInt CNif::SetEvents(TBool aValue)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TBool> opt;
+ opt() = aValue;
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tcall NIF Control(KContextSetEvents. %d)"), aValue));
+ return iNif.Control(KSOLInterface, KContextSetEvents, opt);
+ }
+// event received from Nif when the Network status changes
+TInt CNif::NetworkStatusEvent(const TNetworkParameters& aNetworkEvent)
+ {
+ switch(aNetworkEvent.iNetworkEventCode)
+ {
+ case KNetworkConnectionLost:
+ break;
+ case KNetworkInterfaceDown:
+ iModule.IfManager()->DeleteNif(this);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Receive events from umtsnif
+TInt CNif::Event(CProtocolBase* aProtocol, TUint aName, TDes8& aOption, TAny* /*aSource*/)
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L(""))); // just make empty line into log
+#ifdef _LOG
+ TBuf<40> name;
+ switch(aName)
+ {
+ case KContextDeleteEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextDeleteEvent")); break;
+ case KContextActivateEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextActivateEvent")); break;
+ case KContextParametersChangeEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextParametersChangeEvent")); break;
+ case KContextBlockedEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextBlockedEvent")); break;
+ case KContextUnblockedEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextUnblockedEvent")); break;
+ case KNetworkStatusEvent: name.Append(_L("KNetworkStatusEvent")); break;
+ case KContextQoSSetEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextQoSSetEvent")); break;
+ case KContextTFTModifiedEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextTFTModifiedEvent")); break;
+ case KPrimaryContextCreated: name.Append(_L("KPrimaryContextCreated")); break;
+ case KSecondaryContextCreated: name.Append(_L("KSecondaryContextCreated")); break;
+ case KContextModifyActiveEvent: name.Append(_L("KContextModifyActiveEvent")); break;
+ case KGetNegQoSEvent: name.Append(_L("KGetNegQoSEvent")); break;
+ default: name.Append(_L("error")); break;
+ }
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CNif::Event,aName: %d, name: {%S}"), aName, &name));
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CNif::Event(name=%d)"), aName));
+//PREQ399 had to disable this check because in the new architecture, in order to
+//plug UmtsIf capable CFProtos (formerly Nifs) they need to be below IProto,
+//and hence aProtocol will never match the iNif reference that we have here.
+ if ((CNifIfBase *)aProtocol != &iNif)
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tThe CNifIfBase[%u] parameter does not match my CNifIBase[%u]"), (TInt)aProtocol, (TInt)&iNif));
+ return KErrNotFound; // Not called from what we expect! (invalid use of API)
+ }
+ (void)aProtocol;
+ // Handle KNetworkStatusEvent first.
+ if (aName == KNetworkStatusEvent)
+ {
+ if (aOption.Length() >= (TInt)sizeof(TNetworkParameters))
+ {
+ const TNetworkParameters& opt = *(TNetworkParameters*)aOption.Ptr();
+ NetworkStatusEvent(opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tThe aOption length=%d is too short for TNetworkParameters (size=%d)"),
+ aOption.Length(), (TInt)sizeof(TNetworkParameters)));
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ // All remaining valid events use TContextParameters, do the shared
+ // checking and preprocess before the switch...
+ if (aOption.Length() != (TInt)sizeof(TContextParameters))
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tThe aOption length=%d does not match TContextParamaters (size=%d)"),
+ aOption.Length(), (TInt)sizeof(TContextParameters)));
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ const TContextParameters& opt = *(TContextParameters*)aOption.Ptr();
+ // PrimaryContextCreated/SecondaryContextCreated do not have the context
+ // id in opt yet, handle those separately here (because searching PDP
+ // context by id would fail.
+ if (aName == KPrimaryContextCreated)
+ {
+ return PrimaryContextCreated(opt);
+ }
+ else if (aName == KSecondaryContextCreated)
+ {
+ SecondaryContextCreated(opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // Even if the aOption is not TContextParameters, nothing bad happens.
+ // In that case teh context is searced with random id, which either is
+ // found or not.
+ CPdpContext *context = FindContext(opt.iContextInfo.iContextId);
+ if (context == NULL)
+ {
+ return KErrNotFound; // Context does not exist any more
+ }
+ switch (aName)
+ {
+ case KContextUnblockedEvent:
+ // independent of any request pending
+ // NOTE: NIF *MUST* always provide the correct context status for Unblock
+ context->SetContextStatus(opt.iContextInfo.iStatus);
+ context->UnBlock();
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextBlockedEvent:
+ // independent of any request pending
+ // NOTE: NIF *MUST* always provide the correct context status for Block
+ context->SetContextStatus(opt.iContextInfo.iStatus);
+ context->Block();
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextDeleteEvent:
+ // independent of any request pending
+ context->SetContextStatus(opt.iContextInfo.iStatus);
+ // qos framework has to be notified!!!
+ context->DeleteEvent(opt);
+ DeletePdpContext(context);
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextParametersChangeEvent:
+ // independent of any request pending
+ context->ParametersChangedEvent(opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextQoSSetEvent:
+ context->SetQoSReply(iCurrentRequest, opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextTFTModifiedEvent:
+ context->ModifyTftReply(iCurrentRequest, opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextActivateEvent:
+ context->ActivateReply(iCurrentRequest, opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ case KContextModifyActiveEvent:
+ context->ModifyActiveReply(iCurrentRequest, opt);
+ return KErrNone;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+void CNif::SetDefaultQoS()
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tSetDefaultQoS -- begin")));
+ TQoSRequested policy;
+ TInt ret = iModule.GetDefaultParameters(policy, iIapId);
+ if (ret == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TContextParameters& parameters(ContextParameters());
+ parameters.iContextConfig.SetUMTSQoSReq(policy);
+ TPckg<TContextParameters> opt(parameters);
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tcall NIF Control(KNifSetDefaultQoS)")));
+ iNif.Control(KSOLInterface, KNifSetDefaultQoS, opt);
+ }
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tSetDefaultQoS -- end")));
+ }
+void CNif::AddContext(CPdpContext& aContext)
+ {
+ iContexts.AddLast(aContext);
+ }
+TInt CNif::PrimaryContextCreated(const TContextParameters& aParams)
+ {
+ TNifIfInfo info;
+ iNif.Info(info);
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CNif::PrimaryContextCreated [Nif=%S]"),&info.iName));
+ iPrimary->SetContextStatus(aParams.iContextInfo.iStatus);
+ SetStatus(EReady);
+ IssueRequest();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CNif::SecondaryContextCreated(const TContextParameters& aParams)
+ {
+ if (iCurrentRequest)
+ {
+ SetStatus(EReady);
+ CPdpContext* context=NULL;
+ TRAPD(err, context = CPdpContext::NewL(*this, ESecondaryContext, aParams.iContextInfo.iContextId));
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ //coverity[leave_without_push]
+ context->SetContextStatus(aParams.iContextInfo.iStatus);
+ AddContext(*context);
+ iCurrentRequest->Run(EPendingCreate, context, aParams);
+ return; // Do not fall to context destruction.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest->CompleteAndDestruct(err, NULL);
+ // Fall to context destruction...
+ }
+ }
+ // Either there was no request to receive this, or running low on memory
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CNif::SecondaryContextCreated -- but, GUGOS cannot use it, deleting context")));
+ TPckg<TContextParameters> options(aParams);
+ iNif.Control(KSOLInterface, KContextDelete, options);
+ }
+// Issue the creation of secondary PDP context
+TInt CNif::NewPdpContext()
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCNif::NewPdpContext -- request creation of secondary context")));
+ TPckg<TContextParameters> opt(ContextParameters());
+ opt().iContextType = ESecondaryContext;
+ const TInt ret(iNif.Control(KSOLInterface, KContextCreate, opt));
+ return (ret == KErrNone) ? opt().iReasonCode : ret;
+ }
+// Turn off events
+TInt CNif::CloseInterface()
+ {
+ return SetEvents(EFalse);
+ }
+void CNif::AddRequest(CRequestBase& aRequest)
+ {
+ iPending.AddLast(aRequest);
+ ++iPendingSequence; // iPending Modified
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\trequest %S[%u] -- Queued for activation on IAP=%u"), aRequest.iName, (TInt)&aRequest, iIapId));
+ IssueRequest();
+ }
+void CNif::CancelPendingRequest(CFlowData* aFlowData)
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCancelPendingRequest for FLOW -- BEGIN")));
+ TUint32 mark;
+ do
+ {
+ mark = iPendingSequence;
+ TSglQueIter<CRequestBase> iter(iPending);
+ CRequestBase* request;
+ while (iPendingSequence == mark && (request = iter++) != NULL)
+ request->Cancel(aFlowData);
+ }
+ while (mark != iPendingSequence);
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCancelPendingRequest FLOW -- END")));
+ }
+void CNif::CancelPendingRequest(CPdpContext* aContext)
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCancelPendingRequest for PDP -- BEGIN")));
+ TUint32 mark;
+ do
+ {
+ mark = iPendingSequence;
+ TSglQueIter<CRequestBase> iter(iPending);
+ CRequestBase* request;
+ while (iPendingSequence == mark && (request = iter++) != NULL)
+ request->Cancel(aContext);
+ }
+ while (mark != iPendingSequence);
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\tCancelPendingRequest for PDP -- END")));
+ }
+void CNif::IssueRequest()
+ {
+ // Request a callback with delay 0, calls RunPendingRequests as soon as possible.
+ iTimeout.Set(Module().TimeoutManager(), 0);
+ };
+void CNif::RunPendingRequests()
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("")));
+ if (Status() != EReady)
+ return;
+ while (!iPending.IsEmpty() && iCurrentRequest == NULL)
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest = iPending.First();
+ iCurrentRequest->Start();
+ }
+ }
+// Recompute evaluation precedences in use from the current state of PDP contexts.
+void CNif::RecomputeEvaluationPrecedences()
+ {
+ // This is called every time NIF returns the current set of filters.
+ //
+ // When new packet filters are added for the PDP Context, the
+ // precedence indexes must be selected for each of them and
+ // marked as used in the current table. Removal of filter must
+ // release the index, however at the time of TFT removal request,
+ // it is not yet known whether it will succeed.
+ //
+ // Eventually, NIF reports back what filters
+ // and indexes are actually used. Just recomputing the used
+ // status by scanning all (few) PDP Contexts and their current
+ // filters is the simplest solution to keep the information in
+ // in synch with NIF/network view of things.
+ Mem::FillZ(iEvaluationPrecedenceMap, sizeof(iEvaluationPrecedenceMap));
+ TContextIter iter(iContexts);
+ CPdpContext* context;
+ while ((context = iter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < context->iNumFilters; ++i)
+ {
+ const TInt p = context->iFilters[i].iEvaluationPrecedenceIndex;
+ if (p >= 0 && p < KMaxEvaluationPrecedences)
+ iEvaluationPrecedenceMap[p] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Evaluation precedence must be unique amongst all packet filters related to
+// same APN.
+TInt CNif::FindEvaluationPrecedence()
+ {
+ TUint i;
+ for (i=0; i < KMaxEvaluationPrecedences; i++)
+ {
+ if (iEvaluationPrecedenceMap[i] == 0)
+ {
+ iEvaluationPrecedenceMap[i] = 1;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+void CNif::CloseRequest(CRequestBase* aRequest)
+ {
+ LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tCNif::CloseRequest")));
+ iPending.Remove(*aRequest);
+ ++iPendingSequence;
+ // Note: If current request is already NULL, then this does not
+ // activate a new request from queue, even if there would be some.
+ // This is intentional -- see ~CNif() destructor!
+ if (iCurrentRequest != aRequest)
+ return;
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ IssueRequest();
+ }
+CNifManager* CNifManager::NewL()
+ {
+ CNifManager* manager = new (ELeave) CNifManager();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(manager);
+ manager->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return manager;
+ }
+ {
+ while (!iNifs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CNif* nif = iNifs.First();
+ iNifs.Remove(*nif);
+ delete nif;
+ }
+ iNifs.Reset();
+ }
+ {
+ iNifs.SetOffset(_FOFF(CNif, iNext));
+ }
+void CNifManager::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+CNif* CNifManager::CreateNifL(CNifIfBase& aInterface, CModuleGuqos& aModule)
+ {
+ CNif* nif = CNif::NewL(aInterface, aModule);
+ iNifs.AddLast(*nif);
+ nif->SetEvents(ETrue);
+ nif->SetDefaultQoS();
+ return nif;
+ }
+void CNifManager::DeleteNif(CNifIfBase* aInterface)
+ {
+ CNif* nif = FindInterface(aInterface);
+ if (nif)
+ DeleteNif(nif);
+ }
+void CNifManager::DeleteNif(CNif* aInterface)
+ {
+ iNifs.Remove(*aInterface);
+ delete aInterface;
+ }
+CNif* CNifManager::FindInterface(const CNifIfBase *aIface)
+ {
+ TNifIter iter(iNifs);
+ CNif* nif;
+ while ((nif = iter++) != NULL)
+ if (&nif->Interface() == aIface)
+ return nif;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+CPdpContext* CNifManager::FindChannel(TInt aChannelId)
+ {
+ TNifIter iter(iNifs);
+ CNif* nif;
+ while ((nif = iter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ CPdpContext* context = nif->FindChannel(aChannelId);
+ if (context)
+ return context;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// delete all pending requests related to this flow
+void CNifManager::CancelPendingRequests(CFlowData* aFlowData)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFlowData!=NULL, User::Panic(_L("CNifManager::CancelPendingRequests"), 0));
+ TNifIter iter(iNifs);
+ CNif *nif;
+ while ((nif = iter++) != NULL)
+ nif->CancelPendingRequest(aFlowData);
+ }