changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/pdplayer/umts/Documentation/SPUD.mdl	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,22717 @@
+(object Petal
+    version    	50
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+(object Design "Logical View"
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+	notation   	"Unified")
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+	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+	    (object Class "TSetQoSStrategy"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"41DC70EF01A5"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
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+		quid       	"41DC6FDD01B5"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"41DC70EA01E4"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
+	    (object Class "TChangeTftStrategy"
+		quid       	"41DC700902FD"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"41DC70E5002E"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
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+		quid       	"41DC7038000F"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"41DC70CB0109"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
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+		quid       	"41DC7072036B"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"41DC70BD03D8"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
+	    (object Class "TActivatePdpStrategy"
+		quid       	"41DC708100DA"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"41DC7090036B"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
+	    (object Class "TGettingNegQoS"
+		quid       	"434D4FB10255"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"434D4FCC00CE"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+			quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+	    (object Class "TGetNegQoSStrategy"
+		quid       	"434D52CB0226"
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+		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+			quid       	"434D52EE0274"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
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+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
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+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$8"
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+			quidu      	"4176EEA9020E"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
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+			quidu      	"4178496203C0"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
+			quid       	"4176F4460388"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+			quidu      	"4176F34903AB"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$14"
+			quid       	"4176FC800349"
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+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
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+			quidu      	"41781A5E004C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$20"
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$22"
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+			quidu      	"4178196102FB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
+			quid       	"41781A2700B1"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpStatusChangeNotifier"
+			quidu      	"4178470C0135"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$26"
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+			quidu      	"41781A5E004C"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$27"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$29"
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$30"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$31"
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+			quidu      	"41781B5700B8"
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$32"
+			quid       	"41781B77016A"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverFactory"
+			quidu      	"41781A5E004C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$33"
+		quid       	"41781B7A025D"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$34"
+			quid       	"41781B7B01DD"
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+			quidu      	"41781B6A00A2"
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$35"
+			quid       	"41781B7B01DE"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverFactory"
+			quidu      	"41781A5E004C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$36"
+		quid       	"41781BA80119"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$37"
+			quid       	"41781BA903B9"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$38"
+			quid       	"41781BA903D7"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpChangeNotifier"
+			quidu      	"417818860383")))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$39"
+		quid       	"41781C830074"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$40"
+			quid       	"41781C8401AB"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpChangeNotifier"
+			quidu      	"417818860383"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1..n")
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$41"
+			quid       	"41781C8401B6"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$42"
+		quid       	"41781DF000B5"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$43"
+			quid       	"41781DF0033F"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Etel::RPacketService"
+			quidu      	"41781D150222"
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$44"
+			quid       	"41781DF00340"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverFactory"
+			quidu      	"41781A5E004C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$45"
+		quid       	"417847E20269"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$46"
+			quid       	"417847E3029D"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::REtelDriverInput"
+			quidu      	"417813E6024A"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$47"
+			quid       	"417847E3029E"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+			quidu      	"4176F34903AB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))))
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+		quid       	"418182900049"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$49"
+			quid       	"41818291029A"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsm"
+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$50"
+			quid       	"4181829102CC"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface"
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
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+		quid       	"4181851E01EE"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$52"
+			quid       	"4181851F0128"
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+			quidu      	"41818505013E"
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$53"
+			quid       	"4181851F0132"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsm"
+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$54"
+		quid       	"41818A1501F6"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$55"
+			quid       	"41818A16025C"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsmFactory"
+			quidu      	"4181896B007F"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$56"
+			quid       	"41818A16025D"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface"
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$57"
+		quid       	"41818B0602F7"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$58"
+			quid       	"41818B070276"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsm"
+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$59"
+			quid       	"41818B0702B2"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsmFactory"
+			quidu      	"4181896B007F"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$60"
+		quid       	"41818E670192"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$61"
+			quid       	"41818E6800CB"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::SpudManSignalInterface"
+			quidu      	"4178496203C0"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$62"
+			quid       	"41818E6800D5"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+			quidu      	"4176F34903AB"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$63"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$64"
+			quid       	"418190070096"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface"
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$65"
+			quid       	"4181900700AA"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))))
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+		quid       	"418191720341"
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+			quid       	"418191730306"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$68"
+			quid       	"41819173032E"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::REtelDriverInput"
+			quidu      	"417813E6024A"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
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+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::REtelDriverInput"
+			quidu      	"417813E6024A"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"418284FE0247"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpStatusChangeNotifier"
+			quidu      	"4178470C0135")))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quidu      	"4176FC2A038C"
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quidu      	"4176FC2A038C"
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"418BF56D0099"
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
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+			quid       	"418BF5B70135"
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
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+			quid       	"418BF60303E8"
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+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
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+			quidu      	"4190237F027E")))
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+			quid       	"4190259001A3"
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+			quidu      	"4190237F027E")))
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
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+			quidu      	"4190246602DA")))
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+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41917296007B"
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+			quidu      	"4191722100D3"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudFactory"
+			quidu      	"419023D0000D"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$172"
+			quid       	"4191730900D1"
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+			quidu      	"419172E902BF"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$173"
+			quid       	"4191730900D2"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudFactory"
+			quidu      	"419023D0000D"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41917341029E"
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"4191734102A8"
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41917451021D"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$179"
+			quid       	"41917451021E"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudBinderRef"
+			quidu      	"4191722100CC")))
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"4191746A0147"
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+			quidu      	"4191722100CC"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41917481035C"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$185"
+			quid       	"41917481035D"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudBinderRef"
+			quidu      	"4191722100CC")))
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$188"
+			quid       	"419175D800AD"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan"
+			quidu      	"41902425009C"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$190"
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+			quidu      	"4190251E0072"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$191"
+			quid       	"419175EF02F5"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_1"
+			quidu      	"419173B3011B")))
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+			quidu      	"419173B3011B"
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$194"
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+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfFactory_1"
+			quidu      	"419173EC00E1"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"419176370212"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_0"
+			quidu      	"4190251E0072"
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+			quid       	"41917637021C"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1"
+			quidu      	"4191744403C3"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1"))))
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+			quidu      	"419173EC00E1"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_1"
+			quidu      	"419173B3011B"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"419176D302F2"
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+			quidu      	"41902425009C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$203"
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+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudNotify"
+			quidu      	"4190246602DA"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))))
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+			quidu      	"4190237F027E"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$206"
+			quid       	"4191776F0292"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_0"
+			quidu      	"4190240601D7"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"419177EF0020"
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+			quidu      	"4190251E0072"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"419177EF0034"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudNotify"
+			quidu      	"4190246602DA"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))))
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+			quidu      	"4176F3BC034D"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$212"
+			quid       	"4191786101A0"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan"
+			quidu      	"41902425009C")))
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+			quidu      	"4191722100D3"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$215"
+			quid       	"419178B5020F"
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$217"
+			quid       	"4191796A0089"
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+			quidu      	"419179470038"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$218"
+			quid       	"4191796A008A"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudNotify"
+			quidu      	"4190246602DA")))
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+			quidu      	"418174CF03CC"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$221"
+			quid       	"419179CB01FC"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::GuQoS::CNif"
+			quidu      	"419179B0024C")))
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+			quid       	"41917A1A00D2"
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+			quidu      	"419172E902BF"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$224"
+			quid       	"41917A1A00DC"
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41917B07023B"
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+			quidu      	"419172C202B9"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$227"
+			quid       	"41917B07023C"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1"
+			quidu      	"4191744403C3"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))))
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+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$229"
+			quid       	"41917C4201DA"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1"
+			quidu      	"4191744403C3"
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quidu      	"419173B3011B"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41917CDC0222"
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+			quidu      	"41917CBD0137"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$233"
+			quid       	"41917CDC0223"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMux"
+			quidu      	"4191722100D3")))
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+			quid       	"419A928A027E"
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$236"
+			quid       	"419A928A0288"
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+			quidu      	"41902425009C"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF7020020E"
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+			quidu      	"41917CBD0137"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$239"
+			quid       	"41BF7020020F"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudProtocol"
+			quidu      	"419172E902BF")))
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+			quid       	"41BF706403D7"
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+			quidu      	"41917CBD0137"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$242"
+			quid       	"41BF706403E7"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudProtocol"
+			quidu      	"419172E902BF")))
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+			quid       	"41BF70E20278"
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quidu      	"4190246602DA"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n"))))
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+			quid       	"41BF7593016D"
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+			quidu      	"4191722100D3"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF76AB0325"
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+			quidu      	"4191722100D3"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quidu      	"41BF7650011B"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF76F80230"
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+			quidu      	"4190240601D7"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quidu      	"4190237F027E"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF7734033D"
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+			quidu      	"4191744403C3"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$257"
+			quid       	"41BF7734034D"
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+			quidu      	"41BF771A00F9"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF7738031E"
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+			quidu      	"419173EC00E1"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quidu      	"41BF771A00F9"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF773C0030"
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+			quidu      	"419173B3011B"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifMan"
+			quidu      	"41BF771A00F9"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			quid       	"41BF7C7E02F8"
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+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"41BF7C7E02F9"
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+			quidu      	"4190237F027E"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"41F551EC029F"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
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+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
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+			quid       	"41F5523201C6"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
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+			quid       	"41F9EBBF02BF"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CBindMan"
+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$275"
+			quid       	"41F9EBBF02CE"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan"
+			quidu      	"41902425009C"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$276"
+		quid       	"4434B0A40133"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$277"
+			quid       	"4434B0AD0097"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Negotiated"
+			quidu      	"4434AE7E024C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$278"
+			quid       	"4434B0AD0099"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$279"
+		quid       	"4434BE96029A"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$280"
+			quid       	"4434BE980327"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Negotiated"
+			quidu      	"4434AE7E024C"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$281"
+			quid       	"4434BE980329"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextConfig"
+			quidu      	"418BE1E00326"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$282"
+		quid       	"4434C0420366"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$283"
+			quid       	"4434C04D01A0"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Requested"
+			quidu      	"4434C0000327"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$284"
+			quid       	"4434C04D01A2"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB")))
+	    (object Association "$UNNAMED$285"
+		quid       	"4434C1E90039"
+		roles      	(list role_list
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$286"
+			quid       	"4434C1ED023D"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Requested"
+			quidu      	"4434C0000327"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			Containment 	"By Value"
+			is_navigable 	TRUE)
+		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$287"
+			quid       	"4434C1ED024C"
+			supplier   	"Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextConfig"
+			quidu      	"418BE1E00326"
+			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+			is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
+	    (object Class_Category "UMTSCoreFSM"
+		quid       	"41780CF4008A"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "CPdpFsm"
+			quid       	"4176ED0400B4"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Input"
+				quid       	"41818CBE0227"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "InputMsg"
+					quid       	"44349FF1056E"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "GetQoSRef"
+				quid       	"41818D10006D"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "GetPdpRef"
+				quid       	"41818D570137"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "GetTFTRef"
+				quid       	"41818D6301E8"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "TPDPState"
+			quid       	"4176F34903AB"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4176F43C03AB"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::PdpFsmSignal"
+				quidu      	"4176EEA9020E"))
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Input"
+				quid       	"41818F1303CA"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "InputMsg"
+					quid       	"44349FF10576"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0))
+			nestedClasses 	(list nestedClasses
+			    (object Class "TCreated"
+				quid       	"4176F3ED014E"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F3FE01B7"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TSettingTFT"
+				quid       	"4176F4820257"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F49A0324"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TOpen"
+				quid       	"4176F53A00F3"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F77402DD"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TSettingQoS"
+				quid       	"4176F48D0158"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F75A0394"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TResettingQoS"
+				quid       	"4176F5020016"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F73901AC"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TResettingTFT"
+				quid       	"4176F50E03B7"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F552024C"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TActivating"
+				quid       	"4176F526020D"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F762022D"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))
+			    (object Class "TClosing"
+				quid       	"4176F5320079"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"4176F76A021B"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState"
+					quidu      	"4176F34903AB")))))
+		    (object Class "PdpFsmSignal"
+			quid       	"4176EEA9020E"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4178497F0353"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::SpudManSignalInterface"
+				quidu      	"4178496203C0")))
+		    (object Class "RPdpFsmInterface"
+			quid       	"417849070329"
+			stereotype 	"Interface"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Open"
+				quid       	"41827F740391"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "Close"
+				quid       	"418BD5EE0170"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "CreatePDP"
+				quid       	"418189D402D9"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "PdpId"
+					quid       	"44349FF10597"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "Input"
+				quid       	"4181831200DC"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "PdpId"
+					quid       	"44349FF10599")
+				    (object Parameter "InputMsg"
+					quid       	"44349FF1059A"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "Set"
+				quid       	"418BF4AE00A7"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "Get"
+				quid       	"418BF4B40178"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CPdpFsmFactory"
+			quid       	"4181896B007F"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Init"
+				quid       	"41827FCA02AF"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "CreatePdp"
+				quid       	"41818A34011E"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "PdpId"
+					quid       	"44349FF105A0"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "TPdpParams"
+			quid       	"41818505013E"
+			class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
+			    (object ClassAttribute "IPAddress"
+				quid       	"4181855A0349")
+			    (object ClassAttribute "DNSAdress"
+				quid       	"418185630017"))))
+		statemachine 	(object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
+		    quid       	"421634A20190"
+		    states     	(list States
+			(object State "Start"
+			    quid       	"421635850058"
+			    type       	"StartState")
+			(object State "Initialised"
+			    quid       	"42163585005D"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "End"
+			    quid       	"421635850071"
+			    type       	"EndState")
+			(object State "OpeningPhone"
+			    quid       	"421635850073"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "CreatingPrimary"
+			    quid       	"42163585007E"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "CreatingSecondary"
+			    quid       	"4216358500F1"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "SettingQoSPrimary"
+			    quid       	"42163585008D"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "ActivatingPrimary"
+			    quid       	"421635850098"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "CreatedSecondary"
+			    quid       	"4216358500C8"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "ActivatingSecondary"
+			    quid       	"4216358500C1"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "SettingQoS"
+			    quid       	"4216358500E1"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "SettingTFT"
+			    quid       	"4216358500E9"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "Open"
+			    quid       	"4216358500A3"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "ChangingQoS"
+			    quid       	"421635850118"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "ChangingTFT"
+			    quid       	"421635850103"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "Suspend"
+			    quid       	"421635850126"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "Closing"
+			    quid       	"42163585010E"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "ModifingActive"
+			    quid       	"421635850134"
+			    type       	"Normal")
+			(object State "GetNegQoS"
+			    quid       	"434D4E91033F"
+			    type       	"Normal"))
+		    partitions 	(list Partitions)
+		    objects    	(list Objects)
+		    transitions 	(list transition_list
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850059"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Start"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850058"
+			    Event      	(object Event "new FSM"
+				quid       	"42163585005A")
+			    action     	(object action "New ETelDriver"
+				quid       	"42163585005B")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585005C"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"42163585005E"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::End"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850071"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    Event      	(object Event "delete FSM"
+				quid       	"42163585005F")
+			    action     	(object action "delete ETelDriver"
+				quid       	"421635850060")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850061"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850062"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::OpeningPhone"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850073"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.CreateAndActivatePrimary"
+				quid       	"421635850063"
+				parameters 	"DefaultTFT, DefaultQoS")
+			    condition  	"!PhoneOpened"
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850065"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.OpenPhone"
+				    quid       	"421635850066")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850067"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingPrimary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585007E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.CreatePrimary"
+				quid       	"421635850068")
+			    condition  	"PhoneOpened"
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585006A"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+				    quid       	"42163585006B")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"42163585006C"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500F1"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.CreateSecondary"
+				quid       	"42163585006D")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585006F"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreateSecondary"
+				    quid       	"421635850070")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850074"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingPrimary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585007E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::OpeningPhone"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850073"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.PhoneOpened"
+				quid       	"421635850075"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850077"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+				    quid       	"421635850078")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850079"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::OpeningPhone"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850073"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.PhoneOpened"
+				quid       	"42163585007A"
+				parameters 	"Failed")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585007C"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"42163585007D")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"42163585007F"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingQoSPrimary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585008D"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585007E"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+				quid       	"421635850080"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850082"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetQoS"
+				    quid       	"421635850083")
+				parameters 	"QoS"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850084"
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingQoSPrimary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585008D"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585007E"
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850087"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850088"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585007E"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+				quid       	"421635850089"
+				parameters 	"Failed")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585008B"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"42163585008C")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500ED"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500F1"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatedSecondary"
+				quid       	"4216358500EE"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500F0"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.CfreateSecondary"
+				    quid       	"4216358500F7")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500F2"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500F1"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatedSecondary"
+				quid       	"4216358500F3"
+				parameters 	"Failed")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500F5"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.CfreateSecondary"
+				    quid       	"4216358500F6")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"42163585008E"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingPrimary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850098"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingQoSPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585008D"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetQoS"
+				quid       	"42163585008F"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850091"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Activate"
+				    quid       	"421635850092")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850093"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingQoSPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585008D"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+				quid       	"421635850094"
+				parameters 	"Failed")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850096"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"421635850097")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850099"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850098"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Activated"
+				quid       	"42163585009A"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585009C"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"42163585009D")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"42163585009E"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingPrimary"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850098"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Activated"
+				quid       	"42163585009F"
+				parameters 	"Fail")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500A1"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"4216358500A2")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500C9"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500C1"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ActivateContext"
+				quid       	"4216358500CA"
+				parameters 	"Ok")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500CC"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETdelDriver.ActivateContext"
+				    quid       	"4216358500CD")
+				parameters 	"Ok"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500CE"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingQoS"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500E1"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetQoS"
+				quid       	"4216358500CF"
+				parameters 	"QoS")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500D1"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetQoS"
+				    quid       	"4216358500D2")
+				parameters 	"QoS"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500D3"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingTFT"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500E9"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetTFT"
+				quid       	"4216358500D4"
+				parameters 	"TFT")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500D6"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetTFT"
+				    quid       	"4216358500D7")
+				parameters 	"TFT"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500D8"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatingSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500F1"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ActivateContext"
+				quid       	"4216358500D9"
+				parameters 	"Failed")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500DB"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETdelDriver.ActivateContext"
+				    quid       	"4216358500DC")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500BD"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C1"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Activated"
+				quid       	"4216358500BE"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500C0"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"4216358500C7")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500C2"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C1"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Activated"
+				quid       	"4216358500C3"
+				parameters 	"Failed")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500C5"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ContextActivated"
+				    quid       	"4216358500C6")
+				parameters 	"Failed"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"434D4E9903AC"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::GetNegQoS"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"434D4E91033F"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ActivatingSecondary"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500C1"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.GetNegQoS"
+				quid       	"434D4E9903AD")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"434D4E9903AF"
+				Event      	(object Event "GetNegQoS"
+				    quid       	"434D4EE102D6")
+				target     	"EtelDriver"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500DD"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingQoS"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500E1"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetQoS"
+				quid       	"4216358500DE"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500E0"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetQoS"
+				    quid       	"4216358500E2")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500E5"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::CreatedSecondary"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500C8"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::SettingTFT"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500E9"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetTFT"
+				quid       	"4216358500E6"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500E8"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetTFT"
+				    quid       	"4216358500EA")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500A4"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingQoS"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850118"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetQoS"
+				quid       	"4216358500A5"
+				parameters 	"QoS")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500A7"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetQoS"
+				    quid       	"4216358500A8")
+				parameters 	"QoS"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500A9"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Suspend"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850126"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.Suspend"
+				quid       	"4216358500AA")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500AC"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Suspend"
+				    quid       	"4216358500AD")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500AE"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.DeleteContext"
+				quid       	"4216358500AF")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500B1"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+				    quid       	"4216358500B2")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500B3"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingTFT"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850103"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetTFTF"
+				quid       	"4216358500B4"
+				parameters 	"TFT")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500B6"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetTFT"
+				    quid       	"4216358500B7")
+				parameters 	"TFT"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500B8"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ModifingActive"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"421635850134"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    client_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan::EContextModifyActive"
+				quid       	"4216358500B9")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"4216358500BB"
+				Event      	(object Event "EtelDriver::EModifyActive"
+				    quid       	"4216358500BC")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850119"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingQoS"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850118"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetQoS"
+				quid       	"42163585011A"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585011C"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.SetQoS"
+				    quid       	"42163585011D")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850114"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingQoS"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850118"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.DeleteContext"
+				quid       	"421635850115")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850117"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+				    quid       	"42163585011E")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850104"
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingTFT"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850103"
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850107"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"4216358500FF"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingTFT"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850103"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.SetTFT"
+				quid       	"421635850100"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    action     	(object action "SpudMan.SetTFT"
+				quid       	"421635850101")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850102"
+				Event      	(object Event "OK"
+				    quid       	"42163585010D")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850108"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ChangingTFT"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850103"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.DeleteContext"
+				quid       	"421635850109")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585010B"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+				    quid       	"42163585010C")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850127"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Suspend"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850126"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.Resume"
+				quid       	"421635850128")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"42163585012A"
+				Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.Resume"
+				    quid       	"42163585012B")))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850122"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Suspend"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850126"
+			    Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.DeleteContext"
+				quid       	"421635850123")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850125"
+				Event      	(object Event "DeleteContext"
+				    quid       	"42163585012C")
+				target     	"ETelDriver"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"42163585010F"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Initialised"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"42163585005D"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Closing"
+			    client_quidu 	"42163585010E"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.ContextDeleted"
+				quid       	"421635850110"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850112"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"421635850135"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::ModifingActive"
+			    client_quidu 	"421635850134"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETelDriver.ContextModified"
+				quid       	"421635850136"
+				parameters 	"OK")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"421635850138"
+				Event      	(object Event "SpudMan.ModifiedActive"
+				    quid       	"421635850139")
+				parameters 	"OK"))
+			(object State_Transition
+			    quid       	"434D4EE901E7"
+			    label      	""
+			    supplier   	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::Open"
+			    supplier_quidu 	"4216358500A3"
+			    client     	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::State/Activity Model::GetNegQoS"
+			    client_quidu 	"434D4E91033F"
+			    Event      	(object Event "ETel.GetNegQoS"
+				quid       	"434D4EE901E8"
+				parameters 	"err")
+			    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+				quid       	"434D4EE901EA"
+				Event      	(object Event "GetNegQoS"
+				    quid       	"434D4F1602D2")
+				parameters 	"err"
+				target     	"SpudMan")))
+		    objectflows 	(list objectflow_list)
+		    statediagrams 	(list StateDiagrams
+			(object ActivityDiagram "The World"
+			    quid       	"421634A20191"
+			    title      	"The World"
+			    zoom       	80
+			    max_height 	28350
+			    max_width  	21600
+			    origin_x   	1102
+			    origin_y   	0
+			    items      	(list diagram_item_list
+				(object Swimlane "" @1
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    width      	450)
+				(object StateView "StartState" "Start" @2
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2256, 160)
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+					face       	"Arial"
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+					underline  	FALSE
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+					default_color 	TRUE)
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+					Parent_View 	@2
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+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "Initialised" @3
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2688, 560)
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
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+					Parent_View 	@3
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+					label      	"Initialised")
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+				    quidu      	"42163585005D"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
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+					    size       	8
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+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
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+					label      	"new FSM / New ETelDriver"
+					pctDist    	0.085136
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+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
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+				    supplier   	@3
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2288, 189)
+					(2615, 492))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "EndState" "End" @6
+				    Parent_View 	@1
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@6
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+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @7
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
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+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @8
+					Parent_View 	@7
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	464
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"delete FSM / delete ETelDriver"
+					pctDist    	0.888500
+					height     	203
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"42163585005E"
+				    client     	@3
+				    supplier   	@6
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2721, 493)
+					(2875, 186))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "OpeningPhone" @9
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(896, 912)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@9
+					location   	(896, 896)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	290
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"OpeningPhone")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"421635850073"
+				    width      	387
+				    height     	144
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @10
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @11
+					Parent_View 	@10
+					location   	(1449, 513)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1628
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.CreateAndActivatePrimary( DefaultTFT, DefaultQoS )[ !PhoneOpened ] ^ETelDriver.OpenPhone"
+					pctDist    	0.613379
+					height     	35
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850062"
+				    client     	@3
+				    supplier   	@9
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2538, 558)
+					(1101, 543)
+					(936, 839))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @12
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @13
+					Parent_View 	@12
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1322
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.PhoneOpened( Failed ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.460625
+					height     	31
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850079"
+				    client     	@9
+				    supplier   	@3
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(828, 840)
+					(336, 316)
+					(1679, 316)
+					(2538, 523))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "CreatingPrimary" @14
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(1328, 1440)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@14
+					location   	(1328, 1425)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	372
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"CreatingPrimary")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"42163585007E"
+				    width      	469
+				    height     	143
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @15
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @16
+					Parent_View 	@15
+					location   	(1751, 800)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1352
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.CreatePrimary[ PhoneOpened ] ^ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+					pctDist    	0.540104
+					height     	24
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850067"
+				    client     	@3
+				    supplier   	@14
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2538, 602)
+					(1677, 845)
+					(1369, 1369))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @17
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @18
+					Parent_View 	@17
+					location   	(949, 1195)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
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+					label      	"ETelDriver.PhoneOpened( OK ) ^ETelDriver.CreatePrimary"
+					pctDist    	0.427086
+					height     	15
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850074"
+				    client     	@9
+				    supplier   	@14
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(903, 983)
+					(927, 1199)
+					(1209, 1368))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "CreatingSecondary" @19
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2624, 1040)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@19
+					location   	(2624, 1025)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	372
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"CreatingSecondary")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"4216358500F1"
+				    width      	468
+				    height     	143
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+				(object TransView "" @20
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+					size       	8
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
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+				    label      	(object SegLabel @21
+					Parent_View 	@20
+					location   	(2647, 909)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1098
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.CreateSecondary ^ETelDriver.CreateSecondary"
+					pctDist    	0.822271
+					height     	6
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"42163585006C"
+				    client     	@3
+				    supplier   	@19
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2679, 627)
+					(2633, 969))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @22
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @23
+					Parent_View 	@22
+					location   	(3311, 777)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1431
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.CreatedSecondary( Failed ) ^SpudMan.CfreateSecondary(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.592107
+					height     	20
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500F2"
+				    client     	@19
+				    supplier   	@3
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2858, 1027)
+					(3229, 1007)
+					(3389, 781)
+					(2838, 607))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "SettingQoSPrimary" @24
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(1280, 1952)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@24
+					location   	(1280, 1937)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	416
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SettingQoSPrimary")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"42163585008D"
+				    width      	513
+				    height     	143
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @25
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
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+				    label      	(object SegLabel @26
+					Parent_View 	@25
+					location   	(1349, 1668)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1117
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.CreatePrimary( OK ) ^ETelDriver.SetQoS(QoS)"
+					pctDist    	0.415996
+					height     	43
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"42163585007F"
+				    client     	@14
+				    supplier   	@24
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1321, 1511)
+					(1286, 1881))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "ActivatingPrimary" @27
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(1312, 2480)
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@27
+					location   	(1312, 2458)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	416
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ActivatingPrimary")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"421635850098"
+				    width      	512
+				    height     	156
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @28
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @29
+					Parent_View 	@28
+					location   	(1341, 2210)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	873
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.SetQoS( OK ) ^ETelDriver.Activate"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"42163585008E"
+				    client     	@24
+				    supplier   	@27
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1284, 2022)
+					(1307, 2401))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "CreatedSecondary" @30
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2656, 1888)
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
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+					Parent_View 	@30
+					location   	(2656, 1872)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
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+					max_width  	366
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"CreatedSecondary")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"4216358500C8"
+				    width      	462
+				    height     	144
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
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+					Parent_View 	@31
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1310
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+					label      	"ETelDriver.CreatedSecondary( OK ) ^SpudMan.CfreateSecondary(OK)"
+					pctDist    	1.380095
+					height     	59
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500ED"
+				    client     	@19
+				    supplier   	@30
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2707, 1111)
+					(2812, 1199)
+					(2672, 1816))
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+					size       	10
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
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+					Parent_View 	@33
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1360
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+					label      	"SpudMan.ActivateContext( Failed ) ^ETdelDriver.ActivateContext(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.562840
+					height     	37
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500D8"
+				    client     	@30
+				    supplier   	@19
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2551, 1815)
+					(2046, 1468)
+					(2528, 1110))
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+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "ActivatingSecondary" @35
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2368, 2464)
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
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+					Parent_View 	@35
+					location   	(2368, 2445)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
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+					max_width  	378
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ActivatingSecondary")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"4216358500C1"
+				    width      	475
+				    height     	150
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+					size       	10
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
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+					Parent_View 	@36
+					location   	(2385, 2239)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
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+					label      	"SpudMan.ActivateContext( Ok ) ^ETdelDriver.ActivateContext(Ok)"
+					pctDist    	0.592317
+					height     	239
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500C9"
+				    client     	@30
+				    supplier   	@35
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+					(2649, 1960)
+					(2620, 2285)
+					(2473, 2389))
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+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "SettingQoS" @38
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(3760, 1408)
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
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+					Parent_View 	@38
+					location   	(3760, 1392)
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+					max_width  	290
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SettingQoS")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"4216358500E1"
+				    width      	387
+				    height     	144
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @39
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @40
+					Parent_View 	@39
+					location   	(3225, 1688)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	921
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.SetQoS( OK ) ^SpudMan.SetQoS(OK)"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500DD"
+				    client     	@38
+				    supplier   	@30
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3594, 1479)
+					(2821, 1815))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @41
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @42
+					Parent_View 	@41
+					location   	(3496, 1277)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	985
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.SetQoS( QoS ) ^ETelDriver.SetQoS(QoS)"
+					pctDist    	0.919873
+					height     	66
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500CE"
+				    client     	@30
+				    supplier   	@38
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2721, 1816)
+					(3214, 1277)
+					(3567, 1361))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "SettingTFT" @43
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(3792, 1920)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@43
+					location   	(3792, 1909)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	204
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SettingTFT")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"4216358500E9"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @44
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @45
+					Parent_View 	@44
+					location   	(3266, 1861)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	951
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.SetTFT( TFT ) ^ETelDriver.SetTFT(TFT)"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500D3"
+				    client     	@30
+				    supplier   	@43
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2887, 1894)
+					(3642, 1915))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "Open" @46
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2080, 3072)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@46
+					location   	(2080, 3061)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	204
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"Open")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"4216358500A3"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @47
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @48
+					Parent_View 	@47
+					location   	(1682, 2699)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1074
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.Activated( OK ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(OK)"
+					pctDist    	0.411086
+					height     	53
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850099"
+				    client     	@27
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1413, 2557)
+					(1993, 3005))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "ChangingQoS" @49
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(3472, 3008)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@49
+					location   	(3472, 2993)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	260
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ChangingQoS")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"421635850118"
+				    width      	356
+				    height     	143
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @50
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @51
+					Parent_View 	@50
+					location   	(2764, 3086)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	921
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.SetQoS( OK ) ^SpudMan.SetQoS(OK)"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850119"
+				    client     	@49
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3294, 3016)
+					(2230, 3065))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @52
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @53
+					Parent_View 	@52
+					location   	(3140, 2704)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	985
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.SetQoS( QoS ) ^ETelDriver.SetQoS(QoS)"
+					pctDist    	0.772184
+					height     	120
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500A4"
+				    client     	@46
+				    supplier   	@49
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2230, 3002)
+					(2878, 2703)
+					(3333, 2937))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "ChangingTFT" @54
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(3280, 3440)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@54
+					location   	(3280, 3425)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	292
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ChangingTFT")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"421635850103"
+				    width      	388
+				    height     	143
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @55
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @56
+					Parent_View 	@55
+					location   	(2767, 3544)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					hidden     	TRUE
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	908
+					justify    	0
+					label      	""
+					pctDist    	0.320637
+					height     	64
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850104"
+				    client     	@54
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3086, 3455)
+					(2687, 3486)
+					(2178, 3138))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @57
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @58
+					Parent_View 	@57
+					location   	(2671, 3207)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	967
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.SetTFTF( TFT ) ^ETelDriver.SetTFT(TFT)"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500B3"
+				    client     	@46
+				    supplier   	@54
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2230, 3117)
+					(3086, 3380))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "Suspend" @59
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(800, 3456)
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@59
+					location   	(800, 3445)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	204
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"Suspend")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"421635850126"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @60
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @61
+					Parent_View 	@60
+					location   	(1431, 3355)
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	744
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.Resume ^ETelDriver.Resume"
+					pctDist    	0.471111
+					height     	11
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850127"
+				    client     	@59
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(950, 3434)
+					(1484, 3358)
+					(1930, 3143))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @62
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @63
+					Parent_View 	@62
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	744
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.Suspend ^ETelDriver.Suspend"
+					pctDist    	0.655368
+					height     	4
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500A9"
+				    client     	@46
+				    supplier   	@59
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1930, 3085)
+					(1246, 3147)
+					(896, 3389))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "Closing" @64
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(2080, 3584)
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@64
+					location   	(2080, 3573)
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+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	204
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+					label      	"Closing")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"42163585010E"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @65
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @66
+					Parent_View 	@65
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	588
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.ContextDeleted( OK )"
+					pctDist    	0.186101
+					height     	53
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"42163585010F"
+				    client     	@64
+				    supplier   	@3
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+					(2079, 3651)
+					(2078, 3979)
+					(4124, 3979)
+					(4124, 558)
+					(2838, 559))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @67
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
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+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
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+					Parent_View 	@67
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
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+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.DeleteContext ^ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+					pctDist    	0.274323
+					height     	18
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850108"
+				    client     	@54
+				    supplier   	@64
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3221, 3510)
+					(3101, 3659)
+					(2230, 3595))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @69
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @70
+					Parent_View 	@69
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+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	989
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.DeleteContext ^ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850114"
+				    client     	@49
+				    supplier   	@64
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3481, 3078)
+					(3581, 3839)
+					(2636, 3839)
+					(2230, 3652))
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+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @71
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+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @72
+					Parent_View 	@71
+					location   	(1993, 3637)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	902
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.DeleteContext ^ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+					pctDist    	1.056337
+					height     	39
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850122"
+				    client     	@59
+				    supplier   	@64
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(950, 3518)
+					(1375, 3694)
+					(1930, 3607))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @73
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @74
+					Parent_View 	@73
+					location   	(1887, 3451)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	989
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.DeleteContext ^ETelDriver.DeleteContext"
+					pctDist    	0.825397
+					height     	194
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500AE"
+				    client     	@46
+				    supplier   	@64
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2080, 3139)
+					(2080, 3517))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "Closing" @75
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(336, 1712)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@75
+					location   	(336, 1701)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	204
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"Closing")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"42163585010E"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @76
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @77
+					Parent_View 	@76
+					location   	(571, 2429)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1140
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.Activated( Fail ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.330762
+					height     	27
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"42163585009E"
+				    client     	@27
+				    supplier   	@75
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1056, 2471)
+					(254, 2445)
+					(328, 1779))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @78
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @79
+					Parent_View 	@78
+					location   	(663, 2073)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1322
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.CreatePrimary( Failed ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.487850
+					height     	32
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850093"
+				    client     	@24
+				    supplier   	@75
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1024, 1988)
+					(621, 2046)
+					(393, 1778))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @80
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @81
+					Parent_View 	@80
+					location   	(663, 1334)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1322
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.CreatePrimary( Failed ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.505015
+					height     	17
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850088"
+				    client     	@14
+				    supplier   	@75
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1094, 1408)
+					(605, 1343)
+					(384, 1645))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object NoteView @82
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(644, 3931)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@82
+					location   	(59, 3770)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					nlines     	6
+					max_width  	1135
+					justify    	1
+					label      	
+|Delete can occur from most states and goes to closing. (not from closing or initialised).
+|If ETelDriver reports that Delete failed, the FSM goes back to Initialised.
+|Out of bound events return errors.
+					)
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    width      	1195
+				    height     	335)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "ModifingActive" @83
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(352, 2864)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@83
+					location   	(352, 2850)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	334
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ModifingActive")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"421635850134"
+				    width      	430
+				    height     	140
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @84
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @85
+					Parent_View 	@84
+					location   	(1203, 2807)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1150
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan::EContextModifyActive ^EtelDriver::EModifyActive"
+					pctDist    	0.544514
+					height     	7
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500B8"
+				    client     	@46
+				    supplier   	@83
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(1930, 3025)
+					(1230, 2811)
+					(567, 2851))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @86
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @87
+					Parent_View 	@86
+					location   	(1241, 3012)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1204
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.ContextModified( OK ) ^SpudMan.ModifiedActive(OK)"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"421635850135"
+				    client     	@83
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(567, 2916)
+					(1132, 3054)
+					(1930, 3069))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object StateView "Normal" "GetNegQoS" @88
+				    Parent_View 	@1
+				    location   	(3751, 2456)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object ItemLabel
+					Parent_View 	@88
+					location   	(3751, 2446)
+					fill_color 	13434879
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	2
+					max_width  	204
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"GetNegQoS")
+				    icon_style 	"Icon"
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    fill_color 	13434879
+				    quidu      	"434D4E91033F"
+				    autoResize 	TRUE)
+				(object TransView "" @89
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @90
+					Parent_View 	@89
+					location   	(3449, 2607)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	10
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1075
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETel.GetNegQoS( err ) ^SpudMan.GetNegQoS(err)"
+					pctDist    	0.106684
+					height     	112
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"434D4EE901E7"
+				    client     	@88
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3601, 2475)
+					(2781, 2581)
+					(2175, 3005))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @91
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @92
+					Parent_View 	@91
+					location   	(2012, 2078)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1196
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.Activated( Failed ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(Failed)"
+					pctDist    	0.476149
+					height     	1
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500C2"
+				    client     	@35
+				    supplier   	@30
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2298, 2388)
+					(1996, 2062)
+					(2425, 1948))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @93
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @94
+					Parent_View 	@93
+					location   	(2262, 2791)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	1074
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.Activated( OK ) ^SpudMan.ContextActivated(OK)"
+					pctDist    	0.500000
+					height     	45
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500BD"
+				    client     	@35
+				    supplier   	@46
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2332, 2539)
+					(2111, 3005))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @95
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @96
+					Parent_View 	@95
+					location   	(3133, 2496)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	10
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	980
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"SpudMan.GetNegQoS ^EtelDriver.GetNegQoS"
+					pctDist    	0.530680
+					height     	37
+					orientation 	1)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"434D4E9903AC"
+				    client     	@35
+				    supplier   	@88
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(2605, 2462)
+					(3601, 2456))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)
+				(object TransView "" @97
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    label      	(object SegLabel @98
+					Parent_View 	@97
+					location   	(3278, 2235)
+					font       	(object Font
+					    size       	8
+					    face       	"Arial"
+					    bold       	FALSE
+					    italics    	FALSE
+					    underline  	FALSE
+					    strike     	FALSE
+					    color      	0
+					    default_color 	TRUE)
+					anchor_loc 	1
+					nlines     	1
+					max_width  	912
+					justify    	0
+					label      	"ETelDriver.SetTFT( OK ) ^SpudMan.SetTFT(OK)"
+					pctDist    	0.499979
+					height     	28
+					orientation 	0)
+				    stereotype 	TRUE
+				    line_color 	3342489
+				    quidu      	"4216358500E5"
+				    client     	@43
+				    supplier   	@30
+				    vertices   	(list Points
+					(3717, 1987)
+					(3406, 2269)
+					(2797, 1959))
+				    line_style 	0
+				    x_offset   	FALSE)))))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
+			quid       	"41780DFA036C"
+			title      	"Main"
+			zoom       	100
+			max_height 	28350
+			max_width  	21600
+			origin_x   	0
+			origin_y   	0
+			items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
+	    (object Class_Category "EtelDriver"
+		quid       	"417812390365"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "REtelDriverInput"
+			quid       	"417813E6024A"
+			stereotype 	"Interface"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Init"
+				quid       	"418285C20392"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "CreatePdp"
+				quid       	"4182859401B5"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "PdpId"
+					quid       	"44349FF106E4"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "Input"
+				quid       	"4181911F00AD"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "PdpId"
+					quid       	"44349FF106E6")
+				    (object Parameter "EtelOperation"
+					quid       	"44349FF106E7"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CEtelDriverContext"
+			quid       	"417814D101BB"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4178184C02C1"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SymbianOS::CActive"
+				quidu      	"417818420082"))
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Input"
+				quid       	"4181962102FF"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "EtelSequence"
+					quid       	"44349FF106EC"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "TEtelDriverStrategy"
+			quid       	"417814EE0330"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Next"
+				quid       	"418196660091"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "context"
+					quid       	"44349FF106EF"
+					type       	"CEtelDriverContext"
+					quidu      	"417814D101BB"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0))
+			nestedClasses 	(list nestedClasses
+			    (object Class "TOpenStrategy"
+				quid       	"417815C6029A"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"41DC72290213"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+					quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
+			    (object Class "TContextDeleteStrategy"
+				quid       	"417815D80250"
+				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+					quid       	"41DC710E0148"
+					supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy"
+					quidu      	"417814EE0330")))
+			    (object Class "TEtelActivatingPdp"
+				quid       	"418195AB0088")))
+		    (object Class "CPdpChangeNotifier"
+			quid       	"417818860383"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"41781A2F008B"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SymbianOS::CActive"
+				quidu      	"417818420082")))
+		    (object Class "CEtelDriverFactory"
+			quid       	"41781A5E004C"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Init"
+				quid       	"418285D100FF"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "CreatePdp"
+				quid       	"418285D40302"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "PdpId"
+					quid       	"44349FF106FD"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CQoSChangeNotifier"
+			quid       	"417846F300D5"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4178471D037E"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpChangeNotifier"
+				quidu      	"417818860383")))
+		    (object Class "CPdpStatusChangeNotifier"
+			quid       	"4178470C0135"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"41784729010F"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpChangeNotifier"
+				quidu      	"417818860383")))
+		    (object Class "CServiceChangeNotifier"
+			quid       	"41828CE803DA"
+			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
+			    (object Realize_Relationship
+				quid       	"41828D300076"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SymbianOS::CActive"
+				quidu      	"417818420082")))
+		    (object Class "CServiceChangeNotify"
+			quid       	"41828D4E032C"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"41828D5E0004"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SymbianOS::CActive"
+				quidu      	"417818420082"))))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "GuQoS"
+		quid       	"417812B301F8"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "MNifEvent"
+			quid       	"4176F3BC034D")
+		    (object Class "CNif"
+			quid       	"419179B0024C"))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "Etel"
+		quid       	"41781E5E0302"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "RPacketService"
+			quid       	"41781D150222")
+		    (object Class "RPhone"
+			quid       	"41781B6A00A2")
+		    (object Class "RTelServer"
+			quid       	"41781B5700B8")
+		    (object Class "RPacketQoS"
+			quid       	"41781B1301BF")
+		    (object Class "RPacketContext"
+			quid       	"4178196102FB"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Activate"
+				quid       	"418197B301D1"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0))
+			class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
+			    (object ClassAttribute "RPacketQoS"
+				quid       	"418197BC0314")))
+		    (object Class "RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated"
+			quid       	"418BE3170020")
+		    (object Class "RPacketContext::TContextStatus"
+			quid       	"418BE22C0235")
+		    (object Class "RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS"
+			quid       	"418BE28503E2")
+		    (object Class "RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested"
+			quid       	"418BE2CC03E4")
+		    (object Class "RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2"
+			quid       	"418BE67002B8")
+		    (object Class "RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated"
+			quid       	"4434AE7E024C")
+		    (object Class "RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested"
+			quid       	"4434C0000327"))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "SymbianOS"
+		quid       	"41781E87018E"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "CActive"
+			quid       	"417818420082"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"41828D020070"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CServiceChangeNotifier"
+				quidu      	"41828CE803DA"))
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "SetActive"
+				quid       	"418197DD00D7"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0))))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "SpudMan"
+		quid       	"4181751700E0"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "SpudManSignalInterface"
+			quid       	"4178496203C0"
+			stereotype 	"Interface"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Signal"
+				quid       	"41818E510367"
+				parameters 	(list Parameters
+				    (object Parameter "Event"
+					quid       	"44349FF10723"))
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CBindMan"
+			quid       	"4190259D02F5"
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+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41BF70B20033"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfFactory_1"
+				quidu      	"419173EC00E1")
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41F9EC200280"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1"
+				quidu      	"4191744403C3"))
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "FindContextIdL"
+				quid       	"41917A2201B0"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "GetRefL"
+				quid       	"41917A2C031D"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CSpudMan"
+			quid       	"41902425009C"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4190254602A0"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_0"
+				quidu      	"4190240601D7"))
+			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41917856032B"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::GuQoS::MNifEvent"
+				quidu      	"4176F3BC034D")
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"419A93830218"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_1"
+				quidu      	"419173B3011B"
+				supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n")
+				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
+		    (object Class "CSpudNotify"
+			quid       	"4190246602DA"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4190253C00ED"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_0"
+				quidu      	"4190251E0072"))
+			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41BF70DB015E"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan"
+				quidu      	"41902425009C")))
+		    (object Class "CSpudBinderRef"
+			quid       	"4191722100CC"
+			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41917B520094"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Esock::CProtocolBase_0"
+				quidu      	"419172C202B9"
+				supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
+				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n")))
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "Bind"
+				quid       	"4191722100CD"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)
+			    (object Operation "SetState"
+				quid       	"4191722100CE"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CSpudProtocol"
+			quid       	"419172E902BF"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"419173040083"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Esock::CProtocolBase_0"
+				quidu      	"419172C202B9")))
+		    (object Class "CSpudMux"
+			quid       	"4191722100D3"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"419173740392"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_0"
+				quidu      	"418174CF03CC"))
+			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41917B32003E"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1"
+				quidu      	"4191744403C3"
+				supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n")
+				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41BF707503B9"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::ProtocolStack::CProtocolBase_1"
+				quidu      	"41917CBD0137")))
+		    (object Class "CSpudFactory"
+			quid       	"419023D0000D"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"419025500381"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfFactory_0"
+				quidu      	"419023C6029E"))
+			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41BF75DA0337"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMux"
+				quidu      	"4191722100D3")
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41BF77FF0185"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan"
+				quidu      	"41902425009C")
+			    (object Uses_Relationship
+				quid       	"41F9EBA5003E"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::SpudMan::CBindMan"
+				quidu      	"4190259D02F5"))))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "UmtsIf"
+		quid       	"418BD6D801D1"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "TContextParameters"
+			quid       	"4176FC2A038C")
+		    (object Class "TContextType"
+			quid       	"418BE1C20106")
+		    (object Class "TContextInfo"
+			quid       	"418BE1D30378")
+		    (object Class "TContextConfig"
+			quid       	"418BE1E00326")
+		    (object Class "TTFTOperationCode"
+			quid       	"418BE1F20278")
+		    (object Class "TTFTInfo"
+			quid       	"418BE3480125"))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "Nifman"
+		quid       	"4190238F026D"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "CNifAgentRef"
+			quid       	"4190237F027E"
+			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4190252702AF"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman:: MNifIfNotify_1"
+				quidu      	"41916D8D0303")
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4191776202A8"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_0"
+				quidu      	"4190251E0072")
+			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
+				quid       	"4191796002E7"
+				supplier   	"Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_2"
+				quidu      	"419179470038")))
+		    (object Class "CNifIfFactory_0"
+			quid       	"419023C6029E")
+		    (object Class "CNifIfLink_0"
+			quid       	"4190240601D7")
+		    (object Class "CNifIfBase_0"
+			quid       	"418174CF03CC")
+		    (object Class "MNifIfNotify_0"
+			quid       	"4190251E0072")
+		    (object Class " MNifIfNotify_1"
+			quid       	"41916D8D0303")
+		    (object Class "CNifIfLink_1"
+			quid       	"419173B3011B"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "GetBinderL"
+				quid       	"41917AB6032F"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "MNifIfNotify_2"
+			quid       	"419179470038")
+		    (object Class "CNifIfFactory_1"
+			quid       	"419173EC00E1"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "NewInterfaceL"
+				quid       	"41917AD60245"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CNifIfBase_1"
+			quid       	"4191744403C3"
+			operations 	(list Operations
+			    (object Operation "BindL"
+				quid       	"41917AE80205"
+				concurrency 	"Sequential"
+				opExportControl 	"Public"
+				uid        	0)))
+		    (object Class "CBinderRef"
+			quid       	"41BF7650011B")
+		    (object Class "CNifMan"
+			quid       	"41BF771A00F9"))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "Esock"
+		quid       	"419172D50299"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "CProtocolBase_0"
+			quid       	"419172C202B9"))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Class_Category "ProtocolStack"
+		quid       	"41F9EDE20177"
+		exportControl 	"Public"
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Class "CProtocolBase_1"
+			quid       	"41917CBD0137"))
+		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list))
+	    (object Mechanism @99
+		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
+		    (object Object "GuQoS"
+			quid       	"4181737F002F"
+			collaborators 	(list link_list
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"4181754D0228"
+				supplier   	"Spudman.Signal(PDP Activated)"
+				quidu      	"418175460124"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "Control(KContextCreate)"
+					quid       	"4181754D0229"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	"1"
+					ordinal    	0
+					Operation  	"Control()"
+					quidu      	"000000000000"
+					creation   	FALSE))))
+			persistence 	"Transient"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "Spudman.Signal(PDP Activated)"
+			quid       	"418175460124"
+			collaborators 	(list link_list
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"418194C80104"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$288"
+				quidu      	"418194BE0345"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "Input(, )"
+					quid       	"418194C80105"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	"1.1"
+					ordinal    	1
+					quidu      	"4181831200DC"
+					creation   	FALSE))))
+			persistence 	"Static"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$288"
+			quid       	"418194BE0345"
+			collaborators 	(list link_list
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"4181950201BC"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$289"
+				quidu      	"418194FC00F5"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "Input()"
+					quid       	"4181950201BD"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	"1.1.1"
+					ordinal    	2
+					quidu      	"41818CBE0227"
+					creation   	FALSE)))
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"41819527031D"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$290"
+				quidu      	"41819520018D"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "Input()"
+					quid       	"41819527031E"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	"1.1.2"
+					ordinal    	3
+					quidu      	"41818F1303CA"
+					creation   	FALSE))))
+			class      	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface"
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			persistence 	"Transient"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$289"
+			quid       	"418194FC00F5"
+			class      	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsm"
+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			persistence 	"Transient"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$290"
+			quid       	"41819520018D"
+			collaborators 	(list link_list
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"41819560038E"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$291"
+				quidu      	"4181955A02EF"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "Input(, )"
+					quid       	"41819560038F"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	4
+					quidu      	"4181911F00AD"
+					creation   	FALSE)))
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"41819BAC02A5"
+				supplier   	"Spudman.Signal(PDP Activated)"
+				quidu      	"418175460124"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message ""
+					quid       	"41819BAC02A6"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	12
+					quidu      	"000000000000"
+					creation   	FALSE))))
+			class      	"Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TCreated"
+			quidu      	"4176F3ED014E"
+			persistence 	"Transient"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$291"
+			quid       	"4181955A02EF"
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+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"418196990026"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$292"
+				quidu      	"418196930295"
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+				    (object Message "Input()"
+					quid       	"418196990027"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	5
+					quidu      	"4181962102FF"
+					creation   	FALSE)))
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"418199480179"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$288"
+				quidu      	"418194BE0345"))
+			class      	"Logical View::EtelDriver::REtelDriverInput"
+			quidu      	"417813E6024A"
+			persistence 	"Transient"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$292"
+			quid       	"418196930295"
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+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"418196AE02E4"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$288"
+				quidu      	"418194BE0345"
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+				    (object Message "Fetch(PdpId, TFT)"
+					quid       	"4181975A0287"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
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+					creation   	FALSE)
+				    (object Message "Set(PdpId, TContextParameters)"
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+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	9
+					Operation  	"Set( )"
+					quidu      	"418BF4AE00A7"
+					creation   	FALSE)
+				    (object Message "Store(PdpId, TFT)"
+					quid       	"418199F0038D"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	10
+					Operation  	"Store"
+					quidu      	"41818395033E"
+					creation   	FALSE)))
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"418197CD01F6"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$293"
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+				    (object Message ""
+					quid       	"418197CD01F7"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	7
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+					creation   	FALSE)))
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"418197E602CE"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$292"
+				quidu      	"418196930295"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "SetActive( )"
+					quid       	"418197E602CF"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	8
+					quidu      	"418197DD00D7"
+					creation   	FALSE)))
+			    (object Link
+				quid       	"41819AB3001C"
+				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$290"
+				quidu      	"41819520018D"
+				messages   	(list Messages
+				    (object Message "Input()"
+					quid       	"41819AB3001D"
+					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
+					synchronization 	"Simple"
+					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
+					sequence   	""
+					ordinal    	11
+					quidu      	"41818F1303CA"
+					creation   	FALSE))))
+			class      	"Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext"
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			persistence 	"Persistent"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE)
+		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$293"
+			quid       	"418197890298"
+			class      	"Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext"
+			quidu      	"4178196102FB"
+			persistence 	"Transient"
+			creationObj 	FALSE
+			multi      	FALSE))))
+	statemachine 	(object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
+	    quid       	"41C8816C006D"
+	    states     	(list States
+		(object State "$UNNAMED$294"
+		    quid       	"41C881BC036B"
+		    type       	"StartState")
+		(object State "Inactive"
+		    quid       	"41C881C00186"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "HaveQos"
+		    quid       	"41C881F800DA"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "StartingPrimary"
+		    quid       	"41C8821B0177"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "StartingSecondary"
+		    quid       	"41C882330167"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "Up"
+		    quid       	"41C8824202CE"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "FlowOff"
+		    quid       	"41C88249034B"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "LinkDown"
+		    quid       	"41C8825300AB"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "ContextDelete"
+		    quid       	"41C8825A01F4"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "WaitLinkDown"
+		    quid       	"41C8826700FA"
+		    type       	"Normal")
+		(object State "GettingNegQoS"
+		    quid       	"434D4AF9037E"
+		    type       	"Normal"))
+	    partitions 	(list Partitions)
+	    objects    	(list Objects)
+	    transitions 	(list transition_list
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88296005D"
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    client     	"$UNNAMED$294"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C881BC036B"
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882960060"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882990119"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::HaveQos"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C881F800DA"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KNifSetDefaultQoS"
+			quid       	"41C88299011A")
+		    action     	(object action "Set"
+			quid       	"41C88299011B")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88299011C"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882A5001F"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingPrimary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8821B0177"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    Event      	(object Event "Start"
+			quid       	"41C882A50020")
+		    action     	(object action "ReadDefaultQoS,ECreatePrimaryPDPContext"
+			quid       	"41C882A50021")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882A50022"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88BB702C5"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextCreate"
+			quid       	"41C88BB702C6")
+		    action     	(object action "EContextCreate"
+			quid       	"41C88BB702C7")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88BB702C8"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8829C038A"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingPrimary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8821B0177"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::HaveQos"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C881F800DA"
+		    Event      	(object Event "Start"
+			quid       	"41C8829C038B")
+		    action     	(object action "ECreatePrimaryPDPContext"
+			quid       	"41C8829C038C")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8829C038D"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8829F037A"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingPrimary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8821B0177"
+		    Event      	(object Event "LinkLayerUp"
+			quid       	"41C8829F037B")
+		    action     	(object action "KPrimaryContextCreated"
+			quid       	"41C8829F037C")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8829F037D"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88D7A007E"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingPrimary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8821B0177"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingPrimary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8821B0177"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KPrimaryContextCreated"
+			quid       	"41C88D7A007F")
+		    action     	(object action "Start"
+			quid       	"41C88D7A0080")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88D7A0081"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882A20119"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::GettingNegQoS"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"434D4AF9037E"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "LinkLayerUp"
+			quid       	"41C882A2011A")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextActivateEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882A2011B")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882A2011C"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88BE60018"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextTFTModify"
+			quid       	"41C88BE60019")
+		    action     	(object action "Set"
+			quid       	"41C88BE6001A")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88BE6001B"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88C870216"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextQoSSet"
+			quid       	"41C88C870217")
+		    action     	(object action "Set"
+			quid       	"41C88C870218")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88C870219"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88CCD00B2"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextActivate"
+			quid       	"41C88CCD00B3")
+		    action     	(object action "EContextActivate"
+			quid       	"41C88CCD00B4")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88CCD00B5"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88D1302AA"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextActivateEvent"
+			quid       	"41C88D1302AB")
+		    action     	(object action "Start"
+			quid       	"41C88D1302AC")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88D1302AD"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8BAD50356"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDelete"
+			quid       	"41C8BAD50357")
+		    action     	(object action "DeleteRef"
+			quid       	"41C8BAD50358")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8BAD50359"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41EF32600232"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KSecondaryContextCreated"
+			quid       	"41EF32600233")
+		    action     	(object action "KSecondaryContextCreated"
+			quid       	"41EF32600234")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41EF32600235"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882A703C8"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::FlowOff"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C88249034B"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    Event      	(object Event "StopSending,KContextBlockedEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882A703C9")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextBlockedEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882A703CA")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882A703CB"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882AE01D4"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::LinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8825300AB"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    Event      	(object Event "LinkLayerDown"
+			quid       	"41C882AE01D5")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextDeleteEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882AE01D6")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882AE01D7"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882B00280"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::ContextDelete"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8825A01F4"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDelete"
+			quid       	"41C882B00281")
+		    action     	(object action "Stop"
+			quid       	"41C882B00282")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882B00283"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882B3029F"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDeleteEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882B302A0")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextDeleteEvent,Stop"
+			quid       	"41C882B302A1")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882B302A2"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88E690157"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    Event      	(object Event "StartSending"
+			quid       	"41C88E690158")
+		    action     	(object action "StartSending"
+			quid       	"41C88E690159")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88E69015A"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41EF466A0251"
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::FlowOff"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C88249034B"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41EF466A0254"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882AA02DE"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::FlowOff"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C88249034B"
+		    Event      	(object Event "StartSending,KContextUnblockedEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882AA02DF")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextUnblockedEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882AA02E0")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882AA02E1"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8B4EA03E5"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::ContextDelete"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8825A01F4"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::FlowOff"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C88249034B"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDelete"
+			quid       	"41C8B4EA03E6")
+		    action     	(object action "Stop"
+			quid       	"41C8B4EA03E7")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8B4EA03E8"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8B4FA029D"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::FlowOff"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C88249034B"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDeleteEvent"
+			quid       	"41C8B4FA029E")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextDeleteEvent,Stop"
+			quid       	"41C8B4FA029F")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8B4FA02A0"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8B51301F1"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::LinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8825300AB"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::FlowOff"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C88249034B"
+		    Event      	(object Event "LinkLayerDown"
+			quid       	"41C8B51301F2")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextDeleteEvent"
+			quid       	"41C8B51301F3")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8B51301F4"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882E00157"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::LinkDown"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8825300AB"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDeleteEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882E00158")
+		    action     	(object action "KContextDeleteEvent,DeleteRef"
+			quid       	"41C882E00159")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882E0015A"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8BD5A01FB"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::LinkDown"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8825300AB"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDelete"
+			quid       	"41C8BD5A01FC")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8BD5A01FE"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882DA03C8"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::ContextDelete"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8825A01F4"
+		    Event      	(object Event "LinkLayerDown"
+			quid       	"41C882DA03C9")
+		    action     	(object action "EContextDelete"
+			quid       	"41C882DA03CA")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882DA03CB"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C882E701B5"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDeleteEvent"
+			quid       	"41C882E701B6")
+		    action     	(object action "DeleteRef"
+			quid       	"41C882E701B7")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C882E701B8"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C88A310280"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Inactive"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C881C00186"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    Event      	(object Event "LinkLayerDown"
+			quid       	"41C88A310281")
+		    action     	(object action "DeleteRef"
+			quid       	"41C88A310282")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C88A310283"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"41C8BCE0011E"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::WaitLinkDown"
+		    client_quidu 	"41C8826700FA"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDelete"
+			quid       	"41C8BCE0011F")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"41C8BCE00121"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"434D4B6B0032"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::Up"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C8824202CE"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::GettingNegQoS"
+		    client_quidu 	"434D4AF9037E"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KGetNegQoSEvent"
+			quid       	"434D4B6B0033")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"434D4B6B0035"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"434D4C270013"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::GettingNegQoS"
+		    client_quidu 	"434D4AF9037E"
+		    Event      	(object Event "KContextDelete"
+			quid       	"434D4C270014")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"434D4C270016"))
+		(object State_Transition
+		    quid       	"434D4C670070"
+		    label      	""
+		    supplier   	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::StartingSecondary"
+		    supplier_quidu 	"41C882330167"
+		    client     	"Logical View::State/Activity Model::GettingNegQoS"
+		    client_quidu 	"434D4AF9037E"
+		    Event      	(object Event "all errors"
+			quid       	"434D4C670071")
+		    sendEvent  	(object sendEvent
+			quid       	"434D4C670073")))
+	    objectflows 	(list objectflow_list)
+	    statediagrams 	(list StateDiagrams
+		(object State_Diagram "SpudMan Pdp States"
+		    quid       	"41C8816C006E"
+		    title      	"SpudMan Pdp States"
+		    zoom       	100
+		    max_height 	28350
+		    max_width  	21600
+		    origin_x   	0
+		    origin_y   	0
+		    items      	(list diagram_item_list
+			(object StateView "StartState" "$UNNAMED$294" @100
+			    location   	(1456, 144)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@100
+				location   	(1498, 114)
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	600
+				justify    	1
+				label      	"")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C881BC036B"
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "Inactive" @101
+			    location   	(1456, 352)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@101
+				location   	(1456, 336)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	234
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"Inactive")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C881C00186"
+			    width      	331
+			    height     	144
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "HaveQos" @102
+			    location   	(656, 512)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@102
+				location   	(656, 495)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	222
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"HaveQos")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C881F800DA"
+			    width      	318
+			    height     	147
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "StartingPrimary" @103
+			    location   	(656, 1104)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@103
+				location   	(656, 1095)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	298
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"StartingPrimary")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C8821B0177"
+			    width      	394
+			    height     	131
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "StartingSecondary" @104
+			    location   	(1774, 1033)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@104
+				location   	(1774, 1018)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	352
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"StartingSecondary")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C882330167"
+			    width      	449
+			    height     	143
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "Up" @105
+			    location   	(1456, 1584)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@105
+				location   	(1456, 1573)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	204
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"Up")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C8824202CE"
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "FlowOff" @106
+			    location   	(208, 1568)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@106
+				location   	(208, 1557)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	204
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"FlowOff")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C88249034B"
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "LinkDown" @107
+			    location   	(2966, 2034)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@107
+				location   	(2966, 2023)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	204
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkDown")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C8825300AB"
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "ContextDelete" @108
+			    location   	(704, 2192)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@108
+				location   	(704, 2176)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	304
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"ContextDelete")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C8825A01F4"
+			    width      	400
+			    height     	144
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "WaitLinkDown" @109
+			    location   	(1488, 2528)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@109
+				location   	(1488, 2512)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	322
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"WaitLinkDown")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"41C8826700FA"
+			    width      	419
+			    height     	144
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object TransView "" @110
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88296005D"
+			    client     	@100
+			    supplier   	@101
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1456, 174)
+				(1456, 280))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @111
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @112
+				Parent_View 	@111
+				location   	(701, 669)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	808
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"Start / ECreatePrimaryPDPContext"
+				pctDist    	0.185022
+				height     	45
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8829C038A"
+			    client     	@102
+			    supplier   	@103
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(656, 585)
+				(656, 1039))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @113
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @114
+				Parent_View 	@113
+				location   	(1027, 1260)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	792
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkLayerUp / KPrimaryContextCreated"
+				pctDist    	0.403144
+				height     	58
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8829F037A"
+			    client     	@103
+			    supplier   	@105
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(764, 1169)
+				(1344, 1517))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @115
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @116
+				Parent_View 	@115
+				location   	(1036, 2336)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	674
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkLayerDown / EContextDelete"
+				pctDist    	0.372009
+				height     	1
+				orientation 	1)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882DA03C8"
+			    client     	@108
+			    supplier   	@109
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(871, 2264)
+				(1319, 2456))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object NoteView @117
+			    location   	(288, 192)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@117
+				location   	(66, 114)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				nlines     	3
+				max_width  	409
+				justify    	1
+				label      	"Error transitions are not shown")
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    width      	469
+			    height     	169)
+			(object TransView "" @118
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @119
+				Parent_View 	@118
+				location   	(1032, 378)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	457
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KNifSetDefaultQoS / Set"
+				pctDist    	0.520452
+				height     	57
+				orientation 	1)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882990119"
+			    client     	@101
+			    supplier   	@102
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1291, 385)
+				(815, 480))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @120
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @121
+				Parent_View 	@120
+				location   	(1145, 831)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	1143
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"Start / ReadDefaultQoS,ECreatePrimaryPDPContext"
+				pctDist    	0.500964
+				height     	137
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882A5001F"
+			    client     	@101
+			    supplier   	@103
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1379, 423)
+				(725, 1039))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @122
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @123
+				Parent_View 	@122
+				location   	(1722, 599)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	674
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextCreate / EContextCreate"
+				pctDist    	0.444688
+				height     	90
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88BB702C5"
+			    client     	@101
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1502, 423)
+				(1663, 673)
+				(1752, 962))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @124
+			    location   	(1774, 812)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @125
+				Parent_View 	@124
+				location   	(2073, 866)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	464
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextTFTModify / Set"
+				pctDist    	3.159037
+				height     	99
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88BE60018"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1717, 961)
+				(1830, 962))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @126
+			    location   	(1774, 812)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @127
+				Parent_View 	@126
+				location   	(2028, 803)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	450
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextQoSSet / Set"
+				pctDist    	2.759483
+				height     	162
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88C870216"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1717, 961)
+				(1830, 962))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @128
+			    location   	(1774, 812)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @129
+				Parent_View 	@128
+				location   	(2058, 738)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	692
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextActivate / EContextActivate"
+				pctDist    	3.000077
+				height     	227
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88CCD00B2"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1717, 961)
+				(1830, 962))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @130
+			    location   	(1774, 812)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @131
+				Parent_View 	@130
+				location   	(1997, 675)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	576
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextActivateEvent / Start"
+				pctDist    	2.460183
+				height     	289
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88D1302AA"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1717, 961)
+				(1830, 962))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @132
+			    location   	(656, 889)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @133
+				Parent_View 	@132
+				location   	(304, 959)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	584
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KPrimaryContextCreated / Start"
+				pctDist    	-2.581365
+				height     	83
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88D7A007E"
+			    client     	@103
+			    supplier   	@103
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(599, 1039)
+				(713, 1038))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @134
+			    location   	(1456, 1367)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @135
+				Parent_View 	@134
+				location   	(1347, 1344)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	545
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"StartSending / StartSending"
+				pctDist    	-0.456140
+				height     	173
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88E690157"
+			    client     	@105
+			    supplier   	@105
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1399, 1517)
+				(1513, 1517))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @136
+			    location   	(1488, 2306)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @137
+				Parent_View 	@136
+				location   	(1697, 2328)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	450
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDelete"
+				pctDist    	2.343002
+				height     	126
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8BCE0011E"
+			    client     	@109
+			    supplier   	@109
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1431, 2456)
+				(1545, 2455))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object SelfTransView "" @138
+			    location   	(1774, 812)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @139
+				Parent_View 	@138
+				location   	(2375, 931)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	1101
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KSecondaryContextCreated / KSecondaryContextCreated"
+				pctDist    	5.830499
+				height     	37
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41EF32600232"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1717, 961)
+				(1830, 962))
+			    line_style 	4)
+			(object NoteView @140
+			    location   	(336, 2768)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@140
+				location   	(70, 2640)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				nlines     	5
+				max_width  	497
+				justify    	1
+				label      	
+|Input events not shown:
+				)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    width      	557
+			    height     	269)
+			(object StateView "Normal" "GettingNegQoS" @141
+			    location   	(2556, 1689)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object ItemLabel
+				Parent_View 	@141
+				location   	(2556, 1678)
+				fill_color 	13434879
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	2
+				max_width  	204
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"GettingNegQoS")
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    quidu      	"434D4AF9037E"
+			    autoResize 	TRUE)
+			(object TransView "" @142
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @143
+				Parent_View 	@142
+				location   	(2646, 1418)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	808
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkLayerUp / KContextActivateEvent"
+				pctDist    	0.948216
+				height     	253
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882A20119"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@141
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1881, 1104)
+				(2206, 1318)
+				(2492, 1622))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @144
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @145
+				Parent_View 	@144
+				location   	(1478, 416)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	526
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDelete / DeleteRef"
+				pctDist    	1.023064
+				height     	36
+				orientation 	1)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8BAD50356"
+			    client     	@104
+			    supplier   	@101
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1683, 962)
+				(1375, 719)
+				(1440, 424))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @146
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @147
+				Parent_View 	@146
+				location   	(3191, 2204)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	897
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDeleteEvent / DeleteRef"
+				pctDist    	0.299644
+				height     	94
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882E701B5"
+			    client     	@109
+			    supplier   	@101
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1697, 2499)
+				(3250, 2290)
+				(3263, 428)
+				(1621, 358))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @148
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @149
+				Parent_View 	@148
+				location   	(3260, 2480)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	526
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkLayerDown / DeleteRef"
+				pctDist    	0.283246
+				height     	43
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C88A310280"
+			    client     	@109
+			    supplier   	@101
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1697, 2527)
+				(3325, 2522)
+				(3319, 328)
+				(1621, 349))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @150
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @151
+				Parent_View 	@150
+				location   	(2875, 1476)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	1114
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDeleteEvent / KContextDeleteEvent,DeleteRef"
+				pctDist    	0.158957
+				height     	163
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882E00157"
+			    client     	@107
+			    supplier   	@101
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(2974, 1966)
+				(3163, 559)
+				(1621, 372))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @152
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @153
+				Parent_View 	@152
+				location   	(2545, 2277)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	450
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDelete"
+				pctDist    	0.270474
+				height     	97
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8BD5A01FB"
+			    client     	@107
+			    supplier   	@109
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(2816, 2084)
+				(1697, 2458))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @154
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @155
+				Parent_View 	@154
+				location   	(777, 1470)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	1201
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"StartSending,KContextUnblockedEvent / KContextUnblockedEvent"
+				pctDist    	0.443608
+				height     	48
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882AA02DE"
+			    client     	@106
+			    supplier   	@105
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(358, 1554)
+				(959, 1502)
+				(1306, 1559))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @156
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @157
+				Parent_View 	@156
+				location   	(488, 1850)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	450
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDelete / Stop"
+				pctDist    	0.500000
+				height     	45
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8B4EA03E5"
+			    client     	@106
+			    supplier   	@108
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(261, 1635)
+				(646, 2119))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @158
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @159
+				Parent_View 	@158
+				location   	(690, 2572)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	980
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDeleteEvent / KContextDeleteEvent,Stop"
+				pctDist    	0.700721
+				height     	46
+				orientation 	1)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8B4FA029D"
+			    client     	@106
+			    supplier   	@109
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(207, 1635)
+				(206, 2526)
+				(1279, 2527))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @160
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @161
+				Parent_View 	@160
+				location   	(1117, 1764)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	748
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkLayerDown / KContextDeleteEvent"
+				pctDist    	0.296623
+				height     	114
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C8B51301F1"
+			    client     	@106
+			    supplier   	@107
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(358, 1620)
+				(2091, 2223)
+				(2816, 2066))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @162
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @163
+				Parent_View 	@162
+				location   	(842, 1652)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	1264
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"StopSending,KContextBlockedEvent / KContextBlockedEvent"
+				pctDist    	0.487141
+				height     	32
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882A703C8"
+			    client     	@105
+			    supplier   	@106
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1306, 1597)
+				(959, 1630)
+				(358, 1580))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @164
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @165
+				Parent_View 	@164
+				location   	(2068, 1993)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	748
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"LinkLayerDown / KContextDeleteEvent"
+				pctDist    	0.484703
+				height     	22
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882AE01D4"
+			    client     	@105
+			    supplier   	@107
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1520, 1650)
+				(1863, 2009)
+				(2816, 2030))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @166
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @167
+				Parent_View 	@166
+				location   	(1007, 2038)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	450
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDelete / Stop"
+				pctDist    	0.708128
+				height     	71
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882B00280"
+			    client     	@105
+			    supplier   	@108
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1373, 1650)
+				(793, 2120))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @168
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+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @169
+				Parent_View 	@168
+				location   	(1555, 2228)
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+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	968
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KContextDeleteEvent / KContextDeleteEvent,Stop"
+				pctDist    	0.720002
+				height     	78
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"41C882B3029F"
+			    client     	@105
+			    supplier   	@109
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(1458, 1651)
+				(1485, 2456))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @170
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+				size       	10
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+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @171
+				Parent_View 	@170
+				location   	(2112, 1552)
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+				    size       	10
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+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	352
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"KGetNegQoSEvent"
+				pctDist    	0.379817
+				height     	94
+				orientation 	1)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"434D4B6B0032"
+			    client     	@141
+			    supplier   	@105
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(2406, 1674)
+				(1606, 1598))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)
+			(object TransView "" @172
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+				size       	10
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+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    label      	(object SegLabel @173
+				Parent_View 	@172
+				location   	(2087, 1429)
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+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				anchor_loc 	1
+				nlines     	1
+				max_width  	184
+				justify    	0
+				label      	"all errors"
+				pctDist    	0.500000
+				height     	45
+				orientation 	0)
+			    stereotype 	TRUE
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    quidu      	"434D4C670070"
+			    client     	@141
+			    supplier   	@104
+			    vertices   	(list Points
+				(2454, 1622)
+				(2129, 1408)
+				(1841, 1103))
+			    line_style 	0
+			    x_offset   	FALSE)))))
+	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
+	    (object ClassDiagram "UMTSCoreFSM"
+		quid       	"4176EB2002E6"
+		title      	"UMTSCoreFSM"
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+		items      	(list diagram_item_list
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TCreated" @174
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(317, 2099)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
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+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@174
+			    location   	(221, 2047)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	192
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TCreated")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F3ED014E"
+			width      	210
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TSettingTFT" @175
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(669, 2115)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@175
+			    location   	(541, 2063)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	256
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TSettingTFT")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F4820257"
+			width      	274
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TSettingQoS" @176
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1037, 2115)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@176
+			    location   	(905, 2063)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	264
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TSettingQoS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F48D0158"
+			width      	282
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TResettingQoS" @177
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(845, 2259)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@177
+			    location   	(694, 2207)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	302
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TResettingQoS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F5020016"
+			width      	320
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TResettingTFT" @178
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(493, 2259)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@178
+			    location   	(347, 2207)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	292
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TResettingTFT")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F50E03B7"
+			width      	310
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TActivating" @179
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1357, 2115)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@179
+			    location   	(1244, 2063)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	226
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TActivating")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F526020D"
+			width      	244
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TClosing" @180
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1197, 2275)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@180
+			    location   	(1095, 2223)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	204
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TClosing")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F5320079"
+			width      	222
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState::TOpen" @181
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1517, 2275)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@181
+			    location   	(1436, 2223)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	162
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TOpen")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F53A00F3"
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object NoteView @182
+			location   	(288, 736)
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+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@182
+			    location   	(53, 642)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	3
+			    max_width  	434
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"Forward input to current State and parameters to CPdpFsm")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	494
+			height     	200)
+		    (object NoteView @183
+			location   	(1893, 1272)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@183
+			    location   	(1752, 1100)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	6
+			    max_width  	246
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"some outputs from States form input into Etel driver FSM")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	306
+			height     	356)
+		    (object NoteView @184
+			location   	(1664, 848)
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+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@184
+			    location   	(1486, 698)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	6
+			    max_width  	321
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"Some signal from States are propagated to SPUDMan and then to GuQoS")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	381
+			height     	312)
+		    (object NoteView @185
+			location   	(256, 368)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@185
+			    location   	(37, 281)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	3
+			    max_width  	403
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"SpudMan inputs requests, store and fetch parameters")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	463
+			height     	187)
+		    (object NoteView @186
+			location   	(240, 112)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@186
+			    location   	(5, 3)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	4
+			    max_width  	434
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"Etel Driver signal request completion and change of network conditions")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	494
+			height     	231)
+		    (object NoteView @187
+			location   	(1504, 144)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@187
+			    location   	(1260, 60)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	3
+			    max_width  	453
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	
+|Request factory to: -Initialise (create states)
+|-Create Pdp Context
+			    )
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	513
+			height     	181)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::REtelDriverInput" @188
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1350, 1542)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@188
+			    location   	(1191, 1388)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	318
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"REtelDriverInput")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417813E6024A"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@188
+			    location   	(1191, 1493)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	4
+			    max_width  	275
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	336
+			height     	332
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AttachView "" @189
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@188
+			supplier   	@183
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1518, 1457)
+			    (1739, 1347))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::SpudManSignalInterface" @190
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(1424, 1152)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@190
+			    location   	(1182, 1048)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	484
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"SpudManSignalInterface")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4178496203C0"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@190
+			    location   	(1182, 1153)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	296
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	502
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AttachView "" @191
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@184
+			supplier   	@190
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1664, 848)
+			    (1424, 1152))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextParameters" @192
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(272, 1312)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@192
+			    location   	(72, 1234)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	400
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TContextParameters")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176FC2A038C"
+			width      	418
+			height     	181
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface" @193
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(896, 368)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@193
+			    location   	(692, 162)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	408
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPdpFsmInterface")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@193
+			    location   	(692, 223)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	7
+			    max_width  	415
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	426
+			height     	436
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AttachView "" @194
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@185
+			supplier   	@193
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (487, 368)
+			    (682, 368))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AttachView "" @195
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@186
+			supplier   	@193
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (487, 208)
+			    (682, 285))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsmFactory" @196
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(1504, 464)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@196
+			    location   	(1326, 358)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	356
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CPdpFsmFactory")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4181896B007F"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@196
+			    location   	(1326, 419)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	3
+			    max_width  	328
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	374
+			height     	236
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$54" @197
+			location   	(1212, 417)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41818A1501F6"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$55" @198
+				Parent_View 	@197
+				location   	(556, -79)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818A16025C"
+				client     	@197
+				supplier   	@196
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1212, 417)
+				    (1316, 433))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @199
+				    Parent_View 	@198
+				    location   	(1297, 485)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$56" @200
+				Parent_View 	@197
+				location   	(556, -79)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818A16025D"
+				client     	@197
+				supplier   	@193
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1212, 417)
+				    (1109, 400))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @201
+				    Parent_View 	@200
+				    location   	(1150, 451)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.557692
+				    height     	44
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AttachView "" @202
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@187
+			supplier   	@197
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1406, 234)
+			    (1212, 417))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::TPDPState" @203
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(800, 1454)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@203
+			    location   	(660, 1373)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TPDPState")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F34903AB"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@203
+			    location   	(660, 1434)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	287
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	298
+			height     	186
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$45" @204
+			location   	(1065, 1495)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"417847E20269"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$46" @205
+				Parent_View 	@204
+				location   	(25, 103)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"417847E3029D"
+				client     	@204
+				supplier   	@188
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1065, 1495)
+				    (1181, 1513))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @206
+				    Parent_View 	@205
+				    location   	(1161, 1565)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$47" @207
+				Parent_View 	@204
+				location   	(25, 103)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"417847E3029E"
+				client     	@204
+				supplier   	@203
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1065, 1495)
+				    (949, 1476))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @208
+				    Parent_View 	@207
+				    location   	(971, 1531)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"n"
+				    pctDist    	0.752577
+				    height     	50
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$3" @209
+			location   	(1142, 971)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F3570153"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$4" @210
+				Parent_View 	@209
+				location   	(118, -101)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4176F358001E"
+				client     	@209
+				supplier   	@203
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1142, 971)
+				    (864, 1360))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @211
+				    Parent_View 	@210
+				    location   	(929, 1332)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.877076
+				    height     	35
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$5" @212
+				Parent_View 	@209
+				location   	(118, -101)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4176F358001F"
+				client     	@209
+				supplier   	@196
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1142, 971)
+				    (1418, 582))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @213
+				    Parent_View 	@212
+				    location   	(1441, 630)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.945157
+				    height     	47
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$60" @214
+			location   	(1065, 1324)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41818E670192"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$61" @215
+				Parent_View 	@214
+				location   	(265, -180)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818E6800CB"
+				client     	@214
+				supplier   	@190
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1065, 1324)
+				    (1178, 1268))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @216
+				    Parent_View 	@215
+				    location   	(1196, 1305)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.968505
+				    height     	39
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$62" @217
+				Parent_View 	@214
+				location   	(265, -180)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818E6800D5"
+				client     	@214
+				supplier   	@203
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1065, 1324)
+				    (949, 1379))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @218
+				    Parent_View 	@217
+				    location   	(979, 1410)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"n"
+				    pctDist    	0.883959
+				    height     	40
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::CPdpFsm" @219
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(800, 976)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@219
+			    location   	(660, 820)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CPdpFsm")
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176ED0400B4"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@219
+			    location   	(660, 881)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	5
+			    max_width  	287
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	298
+			height     	336
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$12" @220
+			location   	(531, 1145)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176FC7F035C"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$13" @221
+				Parent_View 	@220
+				location   	(-269, 137)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4176FC80033F"
+				client     	@220
+				supplier   	@192
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (531, 1145)
+				    (410, 1221))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @222
+				    Parent_View 	@221
+				    location   	(475, 1214)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.604030
+				    height     	27
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$14" @223
+				Parent_View 	@220
+				location   	(-269, 137)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4176FC800349"
+				client     	@220
+				supplier   	@219
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (531, 1145)
+				    (650, 1068))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @224
+				    Parent_View 	@223
+				    location   	(669, 1105)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.984999
+				    height     	40
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$48" @225
+			location   	(843, 696)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418182900049"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$49" @226
+				Parent_View 	@225
+				location   	(-437, 104)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818291029A"
+				client     	@225
+				supplier   	@219
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (843, 696)
+				    (824, 807))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @227
+				    Parent_View 	@226
+				    location   	(885, 785)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.742534
+				    height     	55
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$50" @228
+				Parent_View 	@225
+				location   	(-437, 104)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4181829102CC"
+				client     	@225
+				supplier   	@193
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (843, 696)
+				    (859, 586))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @229
+				    Parent_View 	@228
+				    location   	(912, 607)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AttachView "" @230
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@182
+			supplier   	@225
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (535, 717)
+			    (843, 696))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$57" @231
+			location   	(1145, 724)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41818B0602F7"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$58" @232
+				Parent_View 	@231
+				location   	(-71, 404)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818B070276"
+				client     	@231
+				supplier   	@219
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1145, 724)
+				    (949, 865))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @233
+				    Parent_View 	@232
+				    location   	(1061, 839)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
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+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.555040
+				    height     	43
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$59" @234
+				Parent_View 	@231
+				location   	(-71, 404)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41818B0702B2"
+				client     	@231
+				supplier   	@196
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1145, 724)
+				    (1338, 582))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @235
+				    Parent_View 	@234
+				    location   	(1354, 640)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$72" @236
+			location   	(800, 1252)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41827FE002B0"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$73" @237
+				Parent_View 	@236
+				location   	(0, 260)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41827FE10370"
+				client     	@236
+				supplier   	@203
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 1252)
+				    (800, 1360))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @238
+				    Parent_View 	@237
+				    location   	(843, 1343)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"n"
+				    pctDist    	0.843137
+				    height     	43
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$74" @239
+				Parent_View 	@236
+				location   	(0, 260)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41827FE1037A"
+				client     	@236
+				supplier   	@219
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 1252)
+				    (800, 1144))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @240
+				    Parent_View 	@239
+				    location   	(847, 1170)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.764706
+				    height     	47
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TGettingNegQoS" @241
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1770, 2124)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@241
+			    location   	(1596, 2073)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	348
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TGettingNegQoS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"434D4FB10255"
+			width      	366
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritTreeView "" @242
+			location   	(750, 1890)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (750, 1890)
+			    (750, 1547)))
+		    (object InheritView "" @243
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F3FE01B7"
+			client     	@174
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (316, 2035)
+			    (316, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(316, 2035)
+			terminal_attachment 	(316, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @244
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F49A0324"
+			client     	@175
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (665, 2051)
+			    (665, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(665, 2051)
+			terminal_attachment 	(665, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @245
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F552024C"
+			client     	@178
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (474, 2194)
+			    (474, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(474, 2194)
+			terminal_attachment 	(474, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @246
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F73901AC"
+			client     	@177
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (843, 2195)
+			    (843, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(843, 2195)
+			terminal_attachment 	(843, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @247
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F75A0394"
+			client     	@176
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1038, 2051)
+			    (1038, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(1038, 2051)
+			terminal_attachment 	(1038, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @248
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F762022D"
+			client     	@179
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1355, 2051)
+			    (1355, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(1355, 2051)
+			terminal_attachment 	(1355, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @249
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F76A021B"
+			client     	@180
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1196, 2211)
+			    (1196, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(1196, 2211)
+			terminal_attachment 	(1196, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @250
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4176F77402DD"
+			client     	@181
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1515, 2211)
+			    (1515, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(1515, 2211)
+			terminal_attachment 	(1515, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)
+		    (object InheritView "" @251
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"434D4FCC00CE"
+			client     	@241
+			supplier   	@203
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1769, 2061)
+			    (1769, 1890))
+			line_style 	3
+			origin_attachment 	(1769, 2061)
+			terminal_attachment 	(1769, 1890)
+			drawSupplier 	@242)))
+	    (object ClassDiagram "EtelDriver"
+		quid       	"417813CD012B"
+		title      	"EtelDriver"
+		zoom       	100
+		max_height 	28350
+		max_width  	21600
+		origin_x   	188
+		origin_y   	3251
+		items      	(list diagram_item_list
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy::TOpenStrategy" @252
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(176, 1840)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@252
+			    location   	(17, 1788)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	318
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TOpenStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417815C6029A"
+			width      	336
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy::TContextDeleteStrategy" @253
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(247, 2000)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@253
+			    location   	(9, 1949)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	476
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TContextDeleteStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417815D80250"
+			width      	494
+			height     	126
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SymbianOS::CActive" @254
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			location   	(1200, 880)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@254
+			    location   	(1063, 805)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	274
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CActive")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417818420082"
+			width      	292
+			height     	174
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object NoteView @255
+			location   	(160, 976)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@255
+			    location   	(16, 817)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	6
+			    max_width  	252
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"fetch/store Qos and TFT params and signal request completion")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	312
+			height     	331)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TSetQoSStrategy" @256
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(189, 2144)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@256
+			    location   	(9, 2093)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	360
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TSetQoSStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41DC6F8E0203"
+			width      	378
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TSetTftStrategy" @257
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(176, 1680)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@257
+			    location   	(20, 1629)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	312
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TSetTftStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41DC6FDD01B5"
+			width      	330
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TChangeTftStrategy" @258
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(205, 2320)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@258
+			    location   	(9, 2269)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	392
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TChangeTftStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41DC700902FD"
+			width      	410
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TCreate1ryPdpContextStrategy" @259
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(308, 2464)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@259
+			    location   	(9, 2413)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	598
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TCreate1ryPdpContextStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41DC7038000F"
+			width      	616
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TCreate2ryPdpContextStrategy" @260
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(308, 2608)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@260
+			    location   	(9, 2557)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	598
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TCreate2ryPdpContextStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41DC7072036B"
+			width      	616
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TActivatePdpStrategy" @261
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(224, 2752)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@261
+			    location   	(11, 2701)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	426
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TActivatePdpStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41DC708100DA"
+			width      	444
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpStatusChangeNotifier" @262
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1760, 1760)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@262
+			    location   	(1505, 1708)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	510
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CPdpStatusChangeNotifier")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4178470C0135"
+			width      	528
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface" @263
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(327, 416)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@263
+			    location   	(98, 187)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	458
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPdpFsmInterface")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@263
+			    location   	(98, 292)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	7
+			    max_width  	456
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	476
+			height     	482
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::CQoSChangeNotifier" @264
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1424, 1488)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@264
+			    location   	(1221, 1436)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	406
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CQoSChangeNotifier")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417846F300D5"
+			width      	424
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RTelServer" @265
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1200, 112)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@265
+			    location   	(1086, 38)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	228
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RTelServer")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41781B5700B8"
+			width      	246
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPhone" @266
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1488, 112)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@266
+			    location   	(1399, 38)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	178
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPhone")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41781B6A00A2"
+			width      	196
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketService" @267
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1728, 368)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@267
+			    location   	(1569, 294)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	318
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketService")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41781D150222"
+			width      	336
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::CServiceChangeNotify" @268
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1712, 912)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@268
+			    location   	(1496, 838)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	432
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CServiceChangeNotify")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41828D4E032C"
+			width      	450
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @269
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41828D5E0004"
+			client     	@268
+			supplier   	@254
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1486, 897)
+			    (1346, 889))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$84" @270
+			location   	(1719, 639)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41828D7A023F"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$85" @271
+				Parent_View 	@270
+				location   	(-329, -241)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41828D7B015A"
+				client     	@270
+				supplier   	@267
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1719, 639)
+				    (1725, 454))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @272
+				    Parent_View 	@271
+				    location   	(1778, 475)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$86" @273
+				Parent_View 	@270
+				location   	(-329, -241)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41828D7B015B"
+				client     	@270
+				supplier   	@268
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1719, 639)
+				    (1714, 825))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @274
+				    Parent_View 	@273
+				    location   	(1769, 806)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext" @275
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			location   	(1200, 1680)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@275
+			    location   	(1031, 1605)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	338
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4178196102FB"
+			width      	356
+			height     	174
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$21" @276
+			location   	(1436, 1713)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781A260132"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$22" @277
+				Parent_View 	@276
+				location   	(-436, 385)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781A2700A7"
+				client     	@276
+				supplier   	@275
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1436, 1713)
+				    (1378, 1705))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @278
+				    Parent_View 	@277
+				    location   	(1404, 1748)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.499304
+				    height     	39
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$23" @279
+				Parent_View 	@276
+				location   	(-436, 385)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781A2700B1"
+				client     	@276
+				supplier   	@262
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1436, 1713)
+				    (1495, 1721))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @280
+				    Parent_View 	@279
+				    location   	(1483, 1774)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::REtelDriverInput" @281
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(784, 208)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@281
+			    location   	(539, 77)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	490
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"REtelDriverInput")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417813E6024A"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@281
+			    location   	(539, 138)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	4
+			    max_width  	488
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	508
+			height     	286
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::TEtelDriverStrategy" @282
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(400, 1392)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@282
+			    location   	(88, 1311)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	624
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TEtelDriverStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"None"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417814EE0330"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@282
+			    location   	(88, 1372)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	622
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	642
+			height     	186
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$63" @283
+			location   	(367, 977)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418190060026"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$64" @284
+				Parent_View 	@283
+				location   	(-17, -639)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418190070096"
+				client     	@283
+				supplier   	@263
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (367, 977)
+				    (344, 657))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @285
+				    Parent_View 	@284
+				    location   	(400, 686)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$65" @286
+				Parent_View 	@283
+				location   	(-17, -639)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4181900700AA"
+				client     	@283
+				supplier   	@282
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (367, 977)
+				    (391, 1298))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @287
+				    Parent_View 	@286
+				    location   	(410, 1262)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"n"
+				    pctDist    	0.889979
+				    height     	22
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AttachView "" @288
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@255
+			supplier   	@283
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (316, 976)
+			    (367, 977))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @289
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC70EF01A5"
+			client     	@256
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (297, 2080)
+			    (606, 1901)
+			    (437, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @290
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC710E0148"
+			client     	@253
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (472, 1936)
+			    (606, 1901)
+			    (437, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::CPdpChangeNotifier" @291
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1712, 1200)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@291
+			    location   	(1512, 1148)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	400
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CPdpChangeNotifier")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417818860383"
+			width      	418
+			height     	128
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @292
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781A2F008B"
+			client     	@291
+			supplier   	@254
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1609, 1135)
+			    (1340, 967))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @293
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4178471D037E"
+			client     	@264
+			supplier   	@291
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1488, 1423)
+			    (1647, 1264))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @294
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41784729010F"
+			client     	@262
+			supplier   	@291
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1754, 1695)
+			    (1717, 1264))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS" @295
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1136, 1264)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@295
+			    location   	(1001, 1190)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	270
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41781B1301BF"
+			width      	288
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$81" @296
+			location   	(1293, 1386)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41828CB402EE"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$82" @297
+				Parent_View 	@296
+				location   	(-83, -182)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41828CB50079"
+				client     	@296
+				supplier   	@295
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1293, 1386)
+				    (1247, 1350))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @298
+				    Parent_View 	@297
+				    location   	(1285, 1312)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$83" @299
+				Parent_View 	@296
+				location   	(-83, -182)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41828CB5007A"
+				client     	@296
+				supplier   	@264
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1293, 1386)
+				    (1340, 1423))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @300
+				    Parent_View 	@299
+				    location   	(1368, 1378)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverFactory" @301
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1232, 560)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@301
+			    location   	(1044, 454)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	376
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CEtelDriverFactory")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41781A5E004C"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@301
+			    location   	(1044, 515)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	3
+			    max_width  	216
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	394
+			height     	236
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$30" @302
+			location   	(1214, 319)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781B76026C"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$31" @303
+				Parent_View 	@302
+				location   	(-98, -289)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781B770169"
+				client     	@302
+				supplier   	@265
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1214, 319)
+				    (1206, 198))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @304
+				    Parent_View 	@303
+				    location   	(1154, 214)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$32" @305
+				Parent_View 	@302
+				location   	(-98, -289)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781B77016A"
+				client     	@302
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1214, 319)
+				    (1223, 441))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @306
+				    Parent_View 	@305
+				    location   	(1169, 432)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$33" @307
+			location   	(1369, 319)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781B7A025D"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$34" @308
+				Parent_View 	@307
+				location   	(57, -289)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781B7B01DD"
+				client     	@307
+				supplier   	@266
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1369, 319)
+				    (1438, 198))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @309
+				    Parent_View 	@308
+				    location   	(1384, 185)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$35" @310
+				Parent_View 	@307
+				location   	(57, -289)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781B7B01DE"
+				client     	@307
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1369, 319)
+				    (1300, 441))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @311
+				    Parent_View 	@310
+				    location   	(1261, 402)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$42" @312
+			location   	(1494, 458)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781DF000B5"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$43" @313
+				Parent_View 	@312
+				location   	(182, -150)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781DF0033F"
+				client     	@312
+				supplier   	@267
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1494, 458)
+				    (1559, 433))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @314
+				    Parent_View 	@313
+				    location   	(1534, 387)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$44" @315
+				Parent_View 	@312
+				location   	(182, -150)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781DF00340"
+				client     	@312
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1494, 458)
+				    (1429, 483))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @316
+				    Parent_View 	@315
+				    location   	(1413, 386)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.719894
+				    height     	97
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$69" @317
+			location   	(1024, 396)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418191DF01E9"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$70" @318
+				Parent_View 	@317
+				location   	(240, -212)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418191E10282"
+				client     	@317
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1024, 396)
+				    (1082, 441))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @319
+				    Parent_View 	@318
+				    location   	(1044, 479)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$71" @320
+				Parent_View 	@317
+				location   	(240, -212)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418191E102AA"
+				client     	@317
+				supplier   	@281
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1024, 396)
+				    (966, 351))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @321
+				    Parent_View 	@320
+				    location   	(940, 399)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$15" @322
+			location   	(544, 704)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"417814FB01BC"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$16" @323
+				Parent_View 	@322
+				location   	(-352, -640)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"417814FE03A1"
+				client     	@322
+				supplier   	@282
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (544, 704)
+				    (418, 1298))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @324
+				    Parent_View 	@323
+				    location   	(448, 1234)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.888229
+				    height     	16
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$17" @325
+				Parent_View 	@322
+				location   	(-352, -640)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"417814FE03A2"
+				client     	@322
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (544, 704)
+				    (575, 559)
+				    (1034, 559))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @326
+				    Parent_View 	@325
+				    location   	(972, 613)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$87" @327
+			location   	(1493, 751)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41828D8801B3"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$88" @328
+				Parent_View 	@327
+				location   	(133, 239)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41828D89007E"
+				client     	@327
+				supplier   	@268
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1493, 751)
+				    (1594, 825))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @329
+				    Parent_View 	@328
+				    location   	(1615, 774)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$89" @330
+				Parent_View 	@327
+				location   	(133, 239)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41828D890088"
+				client     	@327
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1493, 751)
+				    (1393, 678))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @331
+				    Parent_View 	@330
+				    location   	(1372, 730)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR99_R4Negotiated" @332
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1265, 2080)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@332
+			    location   	(894, 2006)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	742
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE3170020"
+			width      	760
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext\\:\\:TContextStatus" @333
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1216, 1920)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@333
+			    location   	(897, 1846)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	638
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext::TContextStatus")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE22C0235"
+			width      	656
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext\\:\\:TContextConfigGPRS" @334
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1264, 2224)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@334
+			    location   	(888, 2150)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	752
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE28503E2"
+			width      	770
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR99_R4Requested" @335
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1248, 2336)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@335
+			    location   	(877, 2262)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	742
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE2CC03E4"
+			width      	760
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext\\:\\:TPacketFilterV2" @336
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1216, 2464)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@336
+			    location   	(895, 2390)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	642
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE67002B8"
+			width      	660
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TTFTInfo" @337
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1088, 2592)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@337
+			    location   	(995, 2518)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	186
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TTFTInfo")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE3480125"
+			width      	204
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TTFTOperationCode" @338
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1120, 2720)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@338
+			    location   	(922, 2646)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	396
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TTFTOperationCode")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE1F20278"
+			width      	414
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TGetNegQoSStrategy" @339
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(223, 2919)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@339
+			    location   	(10, 2868)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	426
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TGetNegQoSStrategy")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"434D52CB0226"
+			width      	444
+			height     	126
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @340
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC70EA01E4"
+			client     	@257
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (225, 1616)
+			    (327, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @341
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC70E5002E"
+			client     	@258
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (278, 2256)
+			    (631, 1967)
+			    (436, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @342
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC70CB0109"
+			client     	@259
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (353, 2400)
+			    (656, 1992)
+			    (440, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @343
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC70BD03D8"
+			client     	@260
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (345, 2544)
+			    (675, 2011)
+			    (441, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @344
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC7090036B"
+			client     	@261
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (264, 2688)
+			    (700, 2029)
+			    (442, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @345
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"434D52EE0274"
+			client     	@339
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (257, 2855)
+			    (712, 2066)
+			    (442, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InheritView "" @346
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41DC72290213"
+			client     	@252
+			supplier   	@282
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (318, 1775)
+			    (425, 1729)
+			    (406, 1485))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Negotiated" @347
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1201, 2896)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@347
+			    location   	(879, 2822)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	644
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4434AE7E024C"
+			width      	662
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::EtelDriver::CEtelDriverContext" @348
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			ShowOperationSignature 	TRUE
+			location   	(720, 944)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@348
+			    location   	(533, 863)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	374
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CEtelDriverContext")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417814D101BB"
+			compartment 	(object Compartment
+			    Parent_View 	@348
+			    location   	(533, 924)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    icon_style 	"Icon"
+			    fill_color 	16777215
+			    anchor     	2
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	375
+			    justify    	1)
+			width      	392
+			height     	186
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$18" @349
+			location   	(961, 1314)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781A2003B4"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$19" @350
+				Parent_View 	@349
+				location   	(65, -30)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781A2103C0"
+				client     	@349
+				supplier   	@275
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (961, 1314)
+				    (1142, 1592))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @351
+				    Parent_View 	@350
+				    location   	(1169, 1536)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$20" @352
+				Parent_View 	@349
+				location   	(65, -30)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781A2103C1"
+				client     	@349
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (961, 1314)
+				    (780, 1037))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @353
+				    Parent_View 	@352
+				    location   	(898, 1156)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.506476
+				    height     	34
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$66" @354
+			location   	(749, 600)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418191720341"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$67" @355
+				Parent_View 	@354
+				location   	(-83, 56)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418191730306"
+				client     	@354
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (749, 600)
+				    (728, 850))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @356
+				    Parent_View 	@355
+				    location   	(784, 830)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$68" @357
+				Parent_View 	@354
+				location   	(-83, 56)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41819173032E"
+				client     	@354
+				supplier   	@281
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (749, 600)
+				    (771, 351))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @358
+				    Parent_View 	@357
+				    location   	(823, 382)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$78" @359
+			location   	(559, 1167)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4182879B00F3"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$79" @360
+				Parent_View 	@359
+				location   	(159, -225)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4182879C002C"
+				client     	@359
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (559, 1167)
+				    (652, 1037))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @361
+				    Parent_View 	@360
+				    location   	(679, 1067)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.944205
+				    height     	39
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$80" @362
+				Parent_View 	@359
+				location   	(159, -225)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4182879C0036"
+				client     	@359
+				supplier   	@282
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (559, 1167)
+				    (466, 1298))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @363
+				    Parent_View 	@362
+				    location   	(502, 1309)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"n"
+				    pctDist    	0.927150
+				    height     	36
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$39" @364
+			location   	(1209, 1070)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781C830074"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$40" @365
+				Parent_View 	@364
+				location   	(-103, 462)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781C8401AB"
+				client     	@364
+				supplier   	@291
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1209, 1070)
+				    (1502, 1146))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @366
+				    Parent_View 	@365
+				    location   	(1487, 1088)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$41" @367
+				Parent_View 	@364
+				location   	(-103, 462)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781C8401B6"
+				client     	@364
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1209, 1070)
+				    (916, 994))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @368
+				    Parent_View 	@367
+				    location   	(932, 1053)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$27" @369
+			location   	(932, 1107)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781B1A0147"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$28" @370
+				Parent_View 	@369
+				location   	(-12, -429)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781B1A03D2"
+				client     	@369
+				supplier   	@295
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (932, 1107)
+				    (1023, 1177))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @371
+				    Parent_View 	@370
+				    location   	(1006, 1108)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.518151
+				    height     	45
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$29" @372
+				Parent_View 	@369
+				location   	(-12, -429)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781B1A03D3"
+				client     	@369
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (932, 1107)
+				    (841, 1037))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @373
+				    Parent_View 	@372
+				    location   	(883, 1002)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$24" @374
+			location   	(959, 764)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41781AA601CC"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$25" @375
+				Parent_View 	@374
+				location   	(-353, 156)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781AA80016"
+				client     	@374
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (959, 764)
+				    (845, 850))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @376
+				    Parent_View 	@375
+				    location   	(908, 844)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1..n"
+				    pctDist    	0.622954
+				    height     	33
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$26" @377
+				Parent_View 	@374
+				location   	(-353, 156)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41781AA80020"
+				client     	@374
+				supplier   	@301
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (959, 764)
+				    (1074, 678))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @378
+				    Parent_View 	@377
+				    location   	(1095, 729)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object InheritView "" @379
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4178184C02C1"
+			client     	@348
+			supplier   	@254
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (916, 917)
+			    (1053, 899))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$120" @380
+			location   	(756, 1601)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BF54300C0"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$121" @381
+				Parent_View 	@380
+				location   	(36, 657)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF54402CA"
+				client     	@380
+				supplier   	@332
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (756, 1601)
+				    (782, 2063)
+				    (884, 2066))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @382
+				    Parent_View 	@381
+				    location   	(826, 2118)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$122" @383
+				Parent_View 	@380
+				location   	(36, 657)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF54402DE"
+				client     	@380
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (756, 1601)
+				    (724, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$123" @384
+			location   	(782, 1498)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BF56803A8"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$124" @385
+				Parent_View 	@384
+				location   	(62, 554)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF56D0098"
+				client     	@384
+				supplier   	@333
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (782, 1498)
+				    (828, 1900)
+				    (887, 1902))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @386
+				    Parent_View 	@385
+				    location   	(840, 1954)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$125" @387
+				Parent_View 	@384
+				location   	(62, 554)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF56D0099"
+				client     	@384
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (782, 1498)
+				    (729, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$126" @388
+			location   	(763, 1662)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BF5B5036D"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$127" @389
+				Parent_View 	@388
+				location   	(43, 718)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF5B7012B"
+				client     	@388
+				supplier   	@334
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (763, 1662)
+				    (797, 2205)
+				    (878, 2207))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @390
+				    Parent_View 	@389
+				    location   	(815, 2259)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$128" @391
+				Parent_View 	@388
+				location   	(43, 718)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF5B70135"
+				client     	@388
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (763, 1662)
+				    (724, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$129" @392
+			location   	(754, 1729)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BF5BE01B7"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$130" @393
+				Parent_View 	@392
+				location   	(34, 785)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF5BF028B"
+				client     	@392
+				supplier   	@335
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (754, 1729)
+				    (781, 2334)
+				    (867, 2334))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @394
+				    Parent_View 	@393
+				    location   	(798, 2388)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$131" @395
+				Parent_View 	@392
+				location   	(34, 785)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF5BF0295"
+				client     	@392
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (754, 1729)
+				    (723, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$132" @396
+			location   	(754, 1810)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BF602033B"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$133" @397
+				Parent_View 	@396
+				location   	(34, 866)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF60303E7"
+				client     	@396
+				supplier   	@336
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (754, 1810)
+				    (781, 2478)
+				    (885, 2474))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @398
+				    Parent_View 	@397
+				    location   	(810, 2531)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$134" @399
+				Parent_View 	@396
+				location   	(34, 866)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BF60303E8"
+				client     	@396
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (754, 1810)
+				    (722, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$267" @400
+			location   	(755, 1914)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41F551E902EE"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$268" @401
+				Parent_View 	@400
+				location   	(35, 970)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41F551EC0290"
+				client     	@400
+				supplier   	@337
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (755, 1914)
+				    (781, 2588)
+				    (985, 2590))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @402
+				    Parent_View 	@401
+				    location   	(897, 2643)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$269" @403
+				Parent_View 	@400
+				location   	(35, 970)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41F551EC029F"
+				client     	@400
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (755, 1914)
+				    (722, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$270" @404
+			location   	(754, 1942)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41F552300203"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$271" @405
+				Parent_View 	@404
+				location   	(34, 998)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41F5523201C5"
+				client     	@404
+				supplier   	@338
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (754, 1942)
+				    (781, 2717)
+				    (912, 2717))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @406
+				    Parent_View 	@405
+				    location   	(820, 2771)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$272" @407
+				Parent_View 	@404
+				location   	(34, 998)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41F5523201C6"
+				client     	@404
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (754, 1942)
+				    (722, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$276" @408
+			location   	(752, 2005)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4434B0A40133"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$277" @409
+				Parent_View 	@408
+				location   	(32, 1061)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434B0AD0097"
+				client     	@408
+				supplier   	@347
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (752, 2005)
+				    (780, 2884)
+				    (869, 2886))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @410
+				    Parent_View 	@409
+				    location   	(727, 2877)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$278" @411
+				Parent_View 	@408
+				location   	(32, 1061)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434B0AD0099"
+				client     	@408
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (752, 2005)
+				    (722, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Requested" @412
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1216, 3057)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@412
+			    location   	(894, 2983)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	644
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4434C0000327"
+			width      	662
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$282" @413
+			location   	(755, 2076)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4434C0420366"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$283" @414
+				Parent_View 	@413
+				location   	(35, 1132)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434C04D01A0"
+				client     	@413
+				supplier   	@412
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (755, 2076)
+				    (785, 3017)
+				    (884, 3025))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @415
+				    Parent_View 	@414
+				    location   	(732, 3013)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$284" @416
+				Parent_View 	@413
+				location   	(35, 1132)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434C04D01A2"
+				client     	@413
+				supplier   	@348
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (755, 2076)
+				    (722, 1037))
+				line_style 	0)))))
+	    (object ClassDiagram "UmtsIf"
+		quid       	"418BE19B0164"
+		title      	"UmtsIf"
+		zoom       	100
+		max_height 	28350
+		max_width  	21600
+		origin_x   	0
+		origin_y   	376
+		items      	(list diagram_item_list
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext\\:\\:TPacketFilterV2" @417
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1107, 1702)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@417
+			    location   	(785, 1628)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	644
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext::TPacketFilterV2")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE67002B8"
+			width      	662
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext\\:\\:TContextStatus" @418
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(352, 1504)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@418
+			    location   	(33, 1430)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	638
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext::TContextStatus")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE22C0235"
+			width      	656
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketContext\\:\\:TContextConfigGPRS" @419
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1075, 583)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@419
+			    location   	(699, 509)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	752
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE28503E2"
+			width      	770
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR99_R4Requested" @420
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1448, 1027)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@420
+			    location   	(1077, 953)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	742
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE2CC03E4"
+			width      	760
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR99_R4Negotiated" @421
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1423, 795)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@421
+			    location   	(1052, 721)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	742
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE3170020"
+			width      	760
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TTFTInfo" @422
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(610, 1255)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@422
+			    location   	(517, 1181)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	186
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TTFTInfo")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE3480125"
+			width      	204
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$108" @423
+			location   	(858, 1478)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE6780205"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$109" @424
+				Parent_View 	@423
+				location   	(282, 310)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE679010C"
+				client     	@423
+				supplier   	@417
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (858, 1478)
+				    (1010, 1615))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @425
+				    Parent_View 	@424
+				    location   	(1030, 1562)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"n"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$110" @426
+				Parent_View 	@423
+				location   	(282, 310)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE679010D"
+				client     	@423
+				supplier   	@422
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (858, 1478)
+				    (706, 1341))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @427
+				    Parent_View 	@426
+				    location   	(758, 1316)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextInfo" @428
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(192, 976)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@428
+			    location   	(61, 902)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	262
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TContextInfo")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE1D30378"
+			width      	280
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$90" @429
+			location   	(271, 1239)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE23C0120"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$91" @430
+				Parent_View 	@429
+				location   	(-577, 423)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE23D023A"
+				client     	@429
+				supplier   	@418
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (271, 1239)
+				    (325, 1417))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @431
+				    Parent_View 	@430
+				    location   	(371, 1383)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$92" @432
+				Parent_View 	@429
+				location   	(-577, 423)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE23D023B"
+				client     	@429
+				supplier   	@428
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (271, 1239)
+				    (218, 1062))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @433
+				    Parent_View 	@432
+				    location   	(275, 1066)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TTFTOperationCode" @434
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1232, 96)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@434
+			    location   	(1034, 22)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	396
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TTFTOperationCode")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE1F20278"
+			width      	414
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextType" @435
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1280, 400)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@435
+			    location   	(1137, 326)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	286
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TContextType")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE1C20106"
+			width      	304
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextParameters" @436
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(256, 272)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@436
+			    location   	(48, 198)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	416
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TContextParameters")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176FC2A038C"
+			width      	434
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$102" @437
+			location   	(223, 623)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE3520396"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$103" @438
+				Parent_View 	@437
+				location   	(-129, 335)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE35302DA"
+				client     	@437
+				supplier   	@428
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (223, 623)
+				    (199, 889))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @439
+				    Parent_View 	@438
+				    location   	(255, 867)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$104" @440
+				Parent_View 	@437
+				location   	(-129, 335)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE35302E4"
+				client     	@437
+				supplier   	@436
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (223, 623)
+				    (248, 358))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @441
+				    Parent_View 	@440
+				    location   	(299, 390)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$114" @442
+			location   	(748, 181)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE6F202F1"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$115" @443
+				Parent_View 	@442
+				location   	(492, -91)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE6F302CA"
+				client     	@442
+				supplier   	@434
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (748, 181)
+				    (1024, 132))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @444
+				    Parent_View 	@443
+				    location   	(1004, 190)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$116" @445
+				Parent_View 	@442
+				location   	(492, -91)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE6F302CB"
+				client     	@442
+				supplier   	@436
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (748, 181)
+				    (473, 231))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @446
+				    Parent_View 	@445
+				    location   	(511, 279)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$117" @447
+			location   	(800, 339)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE7500382"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$118" @448
+				Parent_View 	@447
+				location   	(544, 67)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE751026B"
+				client     	@447
+				supplier   	@435
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 339)
+				    (1127, 380))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @449
+				    Parent_View 	@448
+				    location   	(1088, 430)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$119" @450
+				Parent_View 	@447
+				location   	(544, 67)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE751026C"
+				client     	@447
+				supplier   	@436
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 339)
+				    (473, 299))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @451
+				    Parent_View 	@450
+				    location   	(500, 357)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Negotiated" @452
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1447, 1228)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@452
+			    location   	(1081, 1153)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	732
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4434AE7E024C"
+			width      	750
+			height     	175
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UmtsIf::TContextConfig" @453
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(576, 976)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@453
+			    location   	(425, 902)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	302
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"TContextConfig")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418BE1E00326"
+			width      	320
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$93" @454
+			location   	(823, 779)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE29B027B"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$94" @455
+				Parent_View 	@454
+				location   	(-297, 59)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE29C015A"
+				client     	@454
+				supplier   	@419
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (823, 779)
+				    (963, 669))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @456
+				    Parent_View 	@455
+				    location   	(973, 696)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.948354
+				    height     	27
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$95" @457
+				Parent_View 	@454
+				location   	(-297, 59)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE29C015B"
+				client     	@454
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (823, 779)
+				    (683, 889))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @458
+				    Parent_View 	@457
+				    location   	(703, 820)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.674480
+				    height     	43
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$96" @459
+			location   	(901, 994)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE2E101EF"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$97" @460
+				Parent_View 	@459
+				location   	(261, 290)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE2E2009C"
+				client     	@459
+				supplier   	@420
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (901, 994)
+				    (1067, 1004))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @461
+				    Parent_View 	@460
+				    location   	(1052, 950)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$98" @462
+				Parent_View 	@459
+				location   	(261, 290)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE2E2009D"
+				client     	@459
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (901, 994)
+				    (736, 984))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @463
+				    Parent_View 	@462
+				    location   	(784, 1026)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.707490
+				    height     	39
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$99" @464
+			location   	(889, 907)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE31D0228"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$100" @465
+				Parent_View 	@464
+				location   	(249, 203)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE31E0139"
+				client     	@464
+				supplier   	@421
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (889, 907)
+				    (1042, 874))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @466
+				    Parent_View 	@465
+				    location   	(1037, 930)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$101" @467
+				Parent_View 	@464
+				location   	(249, 203)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE31E013A"
+				client     	@464
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (889, 907)
+				    (736, 940))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @468
+				    Parent_View 	@467
+				    location   	(763, 990)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$105" @469
+			location   	(592, 1115)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE37F03C3"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$106" @470
+				Parent_View 	@469
+				location   	(128, 427)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE380032E"
+				client     	@469
+				supplier   	@422
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (592, 1115)
+				    (599, 1168))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @471
+				    Parent_View 	@470
+				    location   	(652, 1157)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$107" @472
+				Parent_View 	@469
+				location   	(128, 427)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE380032F"
+				client     	@469
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (592, 1115)
+				    (586, 1062))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @473
+				    Parent_View 	@472
+				    location   	(674, 1072)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.628120
+				    height     	87
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$111" @474
+			location   	(415, 623)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"418BE69902DF"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$112" @475
+				Parent_View 	@474
+				location   	(159, 351)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE69A01F0"
+				client     	@474
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (415, 623)
+				    (536, 889))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @476
+				    Parent_View 	@475
+				    location   	(573, 841)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$113" @477
+				Parent_View 	@474
+				location   	(159, 351)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"418BE69A0204"
+				client     	@474
+				supplier   	@436
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (415, 623)
+				    (295, 358))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @478
+				    Parent_View 	@477
+				    location   	(356, 363)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$279" @479
+			location   	(858, 1209)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4434BE96029A"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$280" @480
+				Parent_View 	@479
+				location   	(282, 233)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434BE980327"
+				client     	@479
+				supplier   	@452
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (858, 1209)
+				    (919, 1260)
+				    (1071, 1250))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @481
+				    Parent_View 	@480
+				    location   	(1044, 1199)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$281" @482
+				Parent_View 	@479
+				location   	(282, 233)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434BE980329"
+				client     	@479
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (858, 1209)
+				    (680, 1062))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @483
+				    Parent_View 	@482
+				    location   	(665, 1119)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Etel::RPacketQoS\\:\\:TQoSR5Requested" @484
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1454, 1428)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@484
+			    location   	(1085, 1356)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	738
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4434C0000327"
+			width      	756
+			height     	169
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$285" @485
+			location   	(806, 1292)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4434C1E90039"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$286" @486
+				Parent_View 	@485
+				location   	(230, 316)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434C1ED023D"
+				client     	@485
+				supplier   	@484
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (806, 1292)
+				    (841, 1341)
+				    (1075, 1373))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @487
+				    Parent_View 	@486
+				    location   	(1038, 1423)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$287" @488
+				Parent_View 	@485
+				location   	(230, 316)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4434C1ED024C"
+				client     	@485
+				supplier   	@453
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (806, 1292)
+				    (638, 1062))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @489
+				    Parent_View 	@488
+				    location   	(699, 1054)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))))
+	    (object ClassDiagram "Spudman"
+		quid       	"4190235B0236"
+		title      	"Spudman"
+		zoom       	100
+		max_height 	28350
+		max_width  	21600
+		origin_x   	0
+		origin_y   	0
+		items      	(list diagram_item_list
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifAgentRef" @490
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(800, 192)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@490
+			    location   	(663, 118)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	274
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifAgentRef")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190237F027E"
+			width      	292
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_0" @491
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(800, 496)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@491
+			    location   	(673, 422)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	254
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfLink_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190240601D7"
+			width      	272
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$204" @492
+			location   	(800, 343)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191776E031D"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$205" @493
+				Parent_View 	@492
+				location   	(176, -201)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191776F027E"
+				client     	@492
+				supplier   	@490
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 343)
+				    (800, 278))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$206" @494
+				Parent_View 	@492
+				location   	(176, -201)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191776F0292"
+				client     	@492
+				supplier   	@491
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 343)
+				    (800, 409))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_0" @495
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1424, 512)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@495
+			    location   	(1292, 438)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	264
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfBase_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418174CF03CC"
+			width      	282
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::GuQoS::CNif" @496
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1424, 192)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@496
+			    location   	(1322, 118)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	204
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNif")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419179B0024C"
+			width      	222
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$219" @497
+			location   	(1424, 351)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419179CA002D"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$220" @498
+				Parent_View 	@497
+				location   	(-112, 223)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419179CB01FB"
+				client     	@497
+				supplier   	@495
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1424, 351)
+				    (1424, 425))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$221" @499
+				Parent_View 	@497
+				location   	(-112, 223)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419179CB01FC"
+				client     	@497
+				supplier   	@496
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1424, 351)
+				    (1424, 278))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Esock::CProtocolBase_0" @500
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1984, 1328)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@500
+			    location   	(1812, 1254)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	344
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CProtocolBase_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419172C202B9"
+			width      	362
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_0" @501
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(432, 496)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@501
+			    location   	(292, 422)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"MNifIfNotify_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190251E0072"
+			width      	298
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfFactory_1" @502
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(976, 1696)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@502
+			    location   	(811, 1592)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	330
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfFactory_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419173EC00E1"
+			width      	348
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ProtocolStack::CProtocolBase_1" @503
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(2080, 192)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@503
+			    location   	(1908, 118)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	344
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CProtocolBase_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41917CBD0137"
+			width      	362
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface" @504
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			location   	(800, 1199)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@504
+			    location   	(615, 1146)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	370
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPdpFsmInterface")
+			stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@504
+			    location   	(615, 1096)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor     	10
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	370
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"<<Interface>>")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"Label"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			width      	388
+			height     	230
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::GuQoS::MNifEvent" @505
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1136, 208)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@505
+			    location   	(1031, 134)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	210
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"MNifEvent")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4176F3BC034D"
+			width      	228
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1" @506
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1472, 1680)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@506
+			    location   	(1340, 1576)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	264
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfBase_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4191744403C3"
+			width      	282
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$195" @507
+			location   	(191, 1822)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191762F0134"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$196" @508
+				Parent_View 	@507
+				location   	(-1681, 158)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419176370212"
+				client     	@507
+				supplier   	@501
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (191, 1822)
+				    (191, 591)
+				    (282, 554))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$197" @509
+				Parent_View 	@507
+				location   	(-1681, 158)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917637021C"
+				client     	@507
+				supplier   	@506
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (191, 1822)
+				    (191, 1903)
+				    (1309, 1903)
+				    (1385, 1796))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @510
+				    Parent_View 	@509
+				    location   	(1306, 1957)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$225" @511
+			location   	(1921, 1678)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41917B010160"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$226" @512
+				Parent_View 	@511
+				location   	(577, -18)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917B07023B"
+				client     	@511
+				supplier   	@500
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1921, 1678)
+				    (1981, 1678)
+				    (1983, 1414))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @513
+				    Parent_View 	@512
+				    location   	(2037, 1447)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$227" @514
+				Parent_View 	@511
+				location   	(577, -18)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917B07023C"
+				client     	@511
+				supplier   	@506
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1921, 1678)
+				    (1613, 1679))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @515
+				    Parent_View 	@514
+				    location   	(1645, 1733)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"*"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_1" @516
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(464, 1696)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@516
+			    location   	(324, 1592)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfLink_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419173B3011B"
+			width      	298
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$189" @517
+			location   	(253, 1150)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419175EA0103"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$190" @518
+				Parent_View 	@517
+				location   	(-611, -482)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419175EF02F4"
+				client     	@517
+				supplier   	@501
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (253, 1150)
+				    (253, 734)
+				    (365, 582))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$191" @519
+				Parent_View 	@517
+				location   	(-611, -482)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419175EF02F5"
+				client     	@517
+				supplier   	@516
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (253, 1150)
+				    (253, 1694)
+				    (314, 1694))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$192" @520
+			location   	(707, 1696)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191762101A2"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$193" @521
+				Parent_View 	@520
+				location   	(-701, 16)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419176230349"
+				client     	@520
+				supplier   	@516
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (707, 1696)
+				    (613, 1696))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$194" @522
+				Parent_View 	@520
+				location   	(-701, 16)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917623035D"
+				client     	@520
+				supplier   	@502
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (707, 1696)
+				    (801, 1696))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$198" @523
+			location   	(707, 1696)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191768400D2"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$199" @524
+				Parent_View 	@523
+				location   	(-157, 48)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917689015B"
+				client     	@523
+				supplier   	@502
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (707, 1696)
+				    (801, 1696))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @525
+				    Parent_View 	@524
+				    location   	(792, 1750)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$200" @526
+				Parent_View 	@523
+				location   	(-157, 48)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917689016F"
+				client     	@523
+				supplier   	@516
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (707, 1696)
+				    (613, 1696))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @527
+				    Parent_View 	@526
+				    location   	(622, 1750)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$228" @528
+			location   	(991, 1870)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41917C3E02B1"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$229" @529
+				Parent_View 	@528
+				location   	(527, 174)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917C4201DA"
+				client     	@528
+				supplier   	@506
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (991, 1870)
+				    (1294, 1868)
+				    (1360, 1796))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @530
+				    Parent_View 	@529
+				    location   	(1308, 1798)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..1"
+				    pctDist    	0.908139
+				    height     	38
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$230" @531
+				Parent_View 	@528
+				location   	(527, 174)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917C4201E4"
+				client     	@528
+				supplier   	@516
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (991, 1870)
+				    (687, 1872)
+				    (611, 1812))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @532
+				    Parent_View 	@531
+				    location   	(667, 1809)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.894842
+				    height     	37
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudProtocol" @533
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1984, 864)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@533
+			    location   	(1833, 790)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	302
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudProtocol")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419172E902BF"
+			width      	320
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @534
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419173040083"
+			client     	@533
+			supplier   	@500
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1984, 950)
+			    (1984, 1241))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$240" @535
+			location   	(2031, 527)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF70630147"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$241" @536
+				Parent_View 	@535
+				location   	(31, -321)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF706403D7"
+				client     	@535
+				supplier   	@503
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2031, 527)
+				    (2066, 278))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$242" @537
+				Parent_View 	@535
+				location   	(31, -321)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF706403E7"
+				client     	@535
+				supplier   	@533
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2031, 527)
+				    (1995, 777))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMux" @538
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1872, 512)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@538
+			    location   	(1752, 438)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	240
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudMux")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4191722100D3"
+			width      	258
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @539
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419173740392"
+			client     	@538
+			supplier   	@495
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1742, 512)
+			    (1565, 512))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan" @540
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(800, 864)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@540
+			    location   	(680, 790)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	240
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudMan")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41902425009C"
+			width      	258
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @541
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4190254602A0"
+			client     	@540
+			supplier   	@491
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (800, 777)
+			    (800, 582))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$186" @542
+			location   	(800, 1016)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419175D70187"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$187" @543
+				Parent_View 	@542
+				location   	(192, 168)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419175D8008E"
+				client     	@542
+				supplier   	@504
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 1016)
+				    (800, 1083))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$188" @544
+				Parent_View 	@542
+				location   	(192, 168)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419175D800AD"
+				client     	@542
+				supplier   	@540
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (800, 1016)
+				    (800, 950))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$210" @545
+			location   	(1134, 558)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191785D01C2"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$211" @546
+				Parent_View 	@545
+				location   	(334, -306)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419178610196"
+				client     	@545
+				supplier   	@505
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1134, 558)
+				    (1135, 294))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$212" @547
+				Parent_View 	@545
+				location   	(334, -306)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191786101A0"
+				client     	@545
+				supplier   	@540
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1134, 558)
+				    (1134, 618)
+				    (915, 777))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_2" @548
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(352, 208)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@548
+			    location   	(212, 134)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"MNifIfNotify_2")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419179470038"
+			width      	298
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @549
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191796002E7"
+			client     	@490
+			supplier   	@548
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (653, 197)
+			    (501, 202))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudBinderRef" @550
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1264, 1328)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@550
+			    location   	(1101, 1199)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	326
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudBinderRef")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4191722100CC"
+			width      	344
+			height     	282
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$183" @551
+			location   	(1374, 1516)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419174810077"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$184" @552
+				Parent_View 	@551
+				location   	(-34, 172)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917481035C"
+				client     	@551
+				supplier   	@506
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1374, 1516)
+				    (1472, 1680))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @553
+				    Parent_View 	@552
+				    location   	(1346, 1540)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..1"
+				    pctDist    	0.105580
+				    height     	37
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$185" @554
+				Parent_View 	@551
+				location   	(-34, 172)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917481035D"
+				client     	@551
+				supplier   	@550
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1374, 1516)
+				    (1264, 1328))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$177" @555
+			location   	(852, 1516)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419174500294"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$178" @556
+				Parent_View 	@555
+				location   	(-556, 172)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917451021D"
+				client     	@555
+				supplier   	@516
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (852, 1516)
+				    (613, 1625))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$179" @557
+				Parent_View 	@555
+				location   	(-556, 172)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917451021E"
+				client     	@555
+				supplier   	@550
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (852, 1516)
+				    (1091, 1405))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CBindMan" @558
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1264, 864)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@558
+			    location   	(1089, 735)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	350
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CBindMan")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			width      	368
+			height     	282
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$174" @559
+			location   	(1264, 1095)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191733F0377"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$175" @560
+				Parent_View 	@559
+				location   	(-240, 55)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917341029E"
+				client     	@559
+				supplier   	@550
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1264, 1095)
+				    (1264, 1186))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @561
+				    Parent_View 	@560
+				    location   	(1318, 1177)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..*"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$176" @562
+				Parent_View 	@559
+				location   	(-240, 55)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191734102A8"
+				client     	@559
+				supplier   	@558
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1264, 1095)
+				    (1264, 1005))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @563
+				    Parent_View 	@562
+				    location   	(1318, 1015)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$222" @564
+			location   	(1635, 864)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41917A160253"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$223" @565
+				Parent_View 	@564
+				location   	(451, -16)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917A1A00D2"
+				client     	@564
+				supplier   	@533
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1635, 864)
+				    (1823, 864))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$224" @566
+				Parent_View 	@564
+				location   	(451, -16)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917A1A00DC"
+				client     	@564
+				supplier   	@558
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1635, 864)
+				    (1448, 864))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$213" @567
+			location   	(1595, 671)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419178A80379"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$214" @568
+				Parent_View 	@567
+				location   	(411, -193)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419178B50205"
+				client     	@567
+				supplier   	@538
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1595, 671)
+				    (1742, 585))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$215" @569
+				Parent_View 	@567
+				location   	(411, -193)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419178B5020F"
+				client     	@567
+				supplier   	@558
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1595, 671)
+				    (1448, 755))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$234" @570
+			location   	(1004, 864)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419A92890024"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$235" @571
+				Parent_View 	@570
+				location   	(204, 0)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419A928A027E"
+				client     	@570
+				supplier   	@558
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1004, 864)
+				    (1079, 864))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$236" @572
+				Parent_View 	@570
+				location   	(204, 0)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"419A928A0288"
+				client     	@570
+				supplier   	@540
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1004, 864)
+				    (929, 864))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudNotify" @573
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(432, 864)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@573
+			    location   	(299, 790)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	266
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudNotify")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190246602DA"
+			width      	284
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$216" @574
+			location   	(109, 585)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419179650280"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$217" @575
+				Parent_View 	@574
+				location   	(-323, -279)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191796A0089"
+				client     	@574
+				supplier   	@548
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (109, 585)
+				    (109, 222)
+				    (202, 215))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$218" @576
+				Parent_View 	@574
+				location   	(-323, -279)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191796A008A"
+				client     	@574
+				supplier   	@573
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (109, 585)
+				    (109, 862)
+				    (289, 863))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object InheritView "" @577
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4190253C00ED"
+			client     	@573
+			supplier   	@501
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (432, 777)
+			    (432, 582))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$165" @578
+			location   	(564, 1341)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191725903B3"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$166" @579
+				Parent_View 	@578
+				location   	(-636, -243)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191725E01D9"
+				client     	@578
+				supplier   	@573
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (564, 1341)
+				    (431, 1344)
+				    (431, 950))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @580
+				    Parent_View 	@579
+				    location   	(485, 1004)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..*"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$167" @581
+				Parent_View 	@578
+				location   	(-636, -243)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191725E01E3"
+				client     	@578
+				supplier   	@550
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (564, 1341)
+				    (1091, 1330))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object UsesView "" @582
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF70DB015E"
+			client     	@573
+			supplier   	@540
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (574, 864)
+			    (670, 864))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$243" @583
+			location   	(810, 672)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF70DF0268"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$244" @584
+				Parent_View 	@583
+				location   	(378, -192)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF70E20278"
+				client     	@583
+				supplier   	@558
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (810, 672)
+				    (975, 672)
+				    (1079, 741))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$245" @585
+				Parent_View 	@583
+				location   	(378, -192)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF70E20288"
+				client     	@583
+				supplier   	@573
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (810, 672)
+				    (703, 672)
+				    (553, 777))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @586
+				    Parent_View 	@585
+				    location   	(609, 804)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..*"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))))
+		    (object UsesView "" @587
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419A93830218"
+			client     	@540
+			supplier   	@516
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (696, 950)
+			    (478, 1134)
+			    (466, 1579))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object UsesView "" @588
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41917B32003E"
+			client     	@538
+			supplier   	@506
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1841, 598)
+			    (1511, 1563))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object UsesView "" @589
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF707503B9"
+			client     	@538
+			supplier   	@503
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1927, 425)
+			    (2023, 278))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object UsesView "" @590
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF70B20033"
+			client     	@558
+			supplier   	@502
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1144, 1005)
+			    (1037, 1134)
+			    (988, 1579))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object UsesView "" @591
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41F9EC200280"
+			client     	@558
+			supplier   	@506
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1448, 993)
+			    (1528, 1050)
+			    (1481, 1563))
+			line_style 	0)))
+	    (object ClassDiagram "Spudman_ownership"
+		quid       	"419171FC007A"
+		title      	"Spudman_ownership"
+		zoom       	100
+		max_height 	28350
+		max_width  	21600
+		origin_x   	0
+		origin_y   	0
+		items      	(list diagram_item_list
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::MNifIfNotify_0" @592
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(224, 576)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@592
+			    location   	(84, 502)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"MNifIfNotify_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190251E0072"
+			width      	298
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfFactory_0" @593
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(976, 416)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@593
+			    location   	(824, 342)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	304
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfFactory_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419023C6029E"
+			width      	322
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Esock::CProtocolBase_0" @594
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1856, 368)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@594
+			    location   	(1684, 294)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	344
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CProtocolBase_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419172C202B9"
+			width      	362
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_0" @595
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1392, 160)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@595
+			    location   	(1260, 86)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	264
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfBase_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418174CF03CC"
+			width      	282
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfBase_1" @596
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1872, 1664)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@596
+			    location   	(1740, 1560)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	264
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfBase_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4191744403C3"
+			width      	282
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfFactory_1" @597
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1408, 1680)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@597
+			    location   	(1243, 1576)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	330
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfFactory_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419173EC00E1"
+			width      	348
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_1" @598
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(864, 1632)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@598
+			    location   	(724, 1528)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	280
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfLink_1")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419173B3011B"
+			width      	298
+			height     	232
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifMan" @599
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(2192, 96)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@599
+			    location   	(2091, 22)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	202
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifMan")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41BF771A00F9"
+			width      	220
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$255" @600
+			location   	(2137, 961)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF7733037C"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$256" @601
+				Parent_View 	@600
+				location   	(-55, 897)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7734033D"
+				client     	@600
+				supplier   	@596
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2137, 961)
+				    (2093, 1662)
+				    (2013, 1662))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$257" @602
+				Parent_View 	@600
+				location   	(-55, 897)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7734034D"
+				client     	@600
+				supplier   	@599
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2137, 961)
+				    (2185, 182))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$258" @603
+			location   	(2037, 996)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF7738005F"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$259" @604
+				Parent_View 	@603
+				location   	(-155, 932)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7738031E"
+				client     	@603
+				supplier   	@597
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2037, 996)
+				    (1972, 1375)
+				    (1582, 1584))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$260" @605
+				Parent_View 	@603
+				location   	(-155, 932)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7738032E"
+				client     	@603
+				supplier   	@599
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2037, 996)
+				    (2176, 182))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$261" @606
+			location   	(2218, 1630)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF773B008E"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$262" @607
+				Parent_View 	@606
+				location   	(26, 1566)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF773C0030"
+				client     	@606
+				supplier   	@598
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2218, 1630)
+				    (2222, 1837)
+				    (1150, 1837)
+				    (1013, 1738))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$263" @608
+				Parent_View 	@606
+				location   	(26, 1566)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF773C0040"
+				client     	@606
+				supplier   	@599
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (2218, 1630)
+				    (2192, 182))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifIfLink_0" @609
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(608, 416)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@609
+			    location   	(481, 342)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	254
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifIfLink_0")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190240601D7"
+			width      	272
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudFactory" @610
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(975, 687)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@610
+			    location   	(831, 615)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	288
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudFactory")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419023D0000D"
+			width      	306
+			height     	169
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @611
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419025500381"
+			client     	@610
+			supplier   	@593
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (975, 602)
+			    (975, 502))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CNifAgentRef" @612
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(608, 112)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@612
+			    location   	(471, 38)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	274
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CNifAgentRef")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190237F027E"
+			width      	292
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$252" @613
+			location   	(608, 263)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF76F7026E"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$253" @614
+				Parent_View 	@613
+				location   	(160, 183)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF76F80230"
+				client     	@613
+				supplier   	@609
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (608, 263)
+				    (608, 329))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$254" @615
+				Parent_View 	@613
+				location   	(160, 183)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF76F80231"
+				client     	@613
+				supplier   	@612
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (608, 263)
+				    (608, 198))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$264" @616
+			location   	(781, 404)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF7C7D03D2"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$265" @617
+				Parent_View 	@616
+				location   	(173, 292)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7C7E02F8"
+				client     	@616
+				supplier   	@610
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (781, 404)
+				    (781, 544)
+				    (861, 602))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$266" @618
+				Parent_View 	@616
+				location   	(173, 292)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7C7E02F9"
+				client     	@616
+				supplier   	@612
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (781, 404)
+				    (781, 253)
+				    (714, 198))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudNotify" @619
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(224, 848)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@619
+			    location   	(91, 774)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	266
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudNotify")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190246602DA"
+			width      	284
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @620
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4190253C00ED"
+			client     	@619
+			supplier   	@592
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (224, 761)
+			    (224, 662))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Nifman::CBinderRef" @621
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1808, 96)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@621
+			    location   	(1692, 22)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	232
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CBinderRef")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41BF7650011B"
+			width      	250
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudBinderRef" @622
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1408, 1344)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@622
+			    location   	(1245, 1215)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	326
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudBinderRef")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4191722100CC"
+			width      	344
+			height     	282
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$165" @623
+			location   	(524, 1343)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191725903B3"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$166" @624
+				Parent_View 	@623
+				location   	(-676, -241)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191725E01D9"
+				client     	@623
+				supplier   	@619
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (524, 1343)
+				    (222, 1343)
+				    (223, 934))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @625
+				    Parent_View 	@624
+				    location   	(277, 1005)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..*"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	1))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$167" @626
+				Parent_View 	@623
+				location   	(-676, -241)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191725E01E3"
+				client     	@623
+				supplier   	@622
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (524, 1343)
+				    (1235, 1343))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMux" @627
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1392, 512)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@627
+			    location   	(1272, 438)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	240
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudMux")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4191722100D3"
+			width      	258
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @628
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419173740392"
+			client     	@627
+			supplier   	@595
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1392, 425)
+			    (1392, 246))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$249" @629
+			location   	(1598, 303)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF76AB0027"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$250" @630
+				Parent_View 	@629
+				location   	(-210, 207)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF76AB0325"
+				client     	@629
+				supplier   	@627
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1598, 303)
+				    (1475, 425))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$251" @631
+				Parent_View 	@629
+				location   	(-210, 207)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF76AB0335"
+				client     	@629
+				supplier   	@621
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1598, 303)
+				    (1719, 182))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object UsesView "" @632
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF75DA0337"
+			client     	@610
+			supplier   	@627
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1128, 621)
+			    (1262, 565))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudProtocol" @633
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1856, 688)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@633
+			    location   	(1705, 614)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	302
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudProtocol")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"419172E902BF"
+			width      	320
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @634
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"419173040083"
+			client     	@633
+			supplier   	@594
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1856, 601)
+			    (1856, 454))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::UMTSCoreFSM::RPdpFsmInterface" @635
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			location   	(781, 1173)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@635
+			    location   	(596, 1120)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	370
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"RPdpFsmInterface")
+			stereotype 	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@635
+			    location   	(596, 1070)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor     	10
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	370
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"<<Interface>>")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"Label"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"417849070329"
+			width      	388
+			height     	230
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CBindMan" @636
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(1408, 896)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@636
+			    location   	(1233, 767)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	350
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CBindMan")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4190259D02F5"
+			width      	368
+			height     	282
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$174" @637
+			location   	(1408, 1119)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4191733F0377"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$175" @638
+				Parent_View 	@637
+				location   	(-96, 79)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41917341029E"
+				client     	@637
+				supplier   	@622
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1408, 1119)
+				    (1408, 1202))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @639
+				    Parent_View 	@638
+				    location   	(1462, 1194)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"0..*"
+				    pctDist    	0.900000
+				    height     	54
+				    orientation 	0))
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$176" @640
+				Parent_View 	@637
+				location   	(-96, 79)
+				font       	(object Font
+				    size       	10
+				    face       	"Arial"
+				    bold       	FALSE
+				    italics    	FALSE
+				    underline  	FALSE
+				    strike     	FALSE
+				    color      	0
+				    default_color 	TRUE)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"4191734102A8"
+				client     	@637
+				supplier   	@636
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1408, 1119)
+				    (1408, 1037))
+				line_style 	0
+				label      	(object SegLabel @641
+				    Parent_View 	@640
+				    location   	(1456, 1065)
+				    font       	(object Font
+					size       	10
+					face       	"Arial"
+					bold       	FALSE
+					italics    	FALSE
+					underline  	FALSE
+					strike     	FALSE
+					color      	0
+					default_color 	TRUE)
+				    anchor     	2
+				    anchor_loc 	1
+				    nlines     	1
+				    max_width  	15
+				    justify    	0
+				    label      	"1"
+				    pctDist    	0.658537
+				    height     	48
+				    orientation 	1))))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$246" @642
+			location   	(1398, 676)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF759202A6"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$247" @643
+				Parent_View 	@642
+				location   	(-10, -220)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7593016D"
+				client     	@642
+				supplier   	@627
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1398, 676)
+				    (1395, 598))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$248" @644
+				Parent_View 	@642
+				location   	(-10, -220)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41BF7593017D"
+				client     	@642
+				supplier   	@636
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1398, 676)
+				    (1400, 754))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$159" @645
+			location   	(1643, 785)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41916F9203C4"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$160" @646
+				Parent_View 	@645
+				location   	(635, 33)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41916F93023F"
+				client     	@645
+				supplier   	@633
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1643, 785)
+				    (1856, 688))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$161" @647
+				Parent_View 	@645
+				location   	(635, 33)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41916F930240"
+				client     	@645
+				supplier   	@636
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (1643, 785)
+				    (1408, 896))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object UsesView "" @648
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41F9EBA5003E"
+			client     	@610
+			supplier   	@636
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (1128, 760)
+			    (1223, 806))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SpudMan::CSpudMan" @649
+			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
+			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
+			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
+			location   	(608, 848)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@649
+			    location   	(488, 774)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	240
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"CSpudMan")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41902425009C"
+			width      	258
+			height     	172
+			annotation 	8
+			autoResize 	TRUE)
+		    (object InheritView "" @650
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"4190254602A0"
+			client     	@649
+			supplier   	@609
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (608, 761)
+			    (608, 502))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object UsesView "" @651
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41BF77FF0185"
+			client     	@610
+			supplier   	@649
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (821, 753)
+			    (737, 789))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$156" @652
+			location   	(685, 995)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41916F0C01C3"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$157" @653
+				Parent_View 	@652
+				location   	(-323, 243)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41916F0D0233"
+				client     	@652
+				supplier   	@635
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (685, 995)
+				    (718, 1057))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$158" @654
+				Parent_View 	@652
+				location   	(-323, 243)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41916F0D0251"
+				client     	@652
+				supplier   	@649
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (685, 995)
+				    (652, 934))
+				line_style 	0)))
+		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$273" @655
+			location   	(980, 869)
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			quidu      	"41F9EBBE038A"
+			roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$274" @656
+				Parent_View 	@655
+				location   	(372, 21)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41F9EBBF02BF"
+				client     	@655
+				supplier   	@636
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (980, 869)
+				    (1223, 883))
+				line_style 	0)
+			    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$275" @657
+				Parent_View 	@655
+				location   	(372, 21)
+				stereotype 	TRUE
+				line_color 	3342489
+				quidu      	"41F9EBBF02CE"
+				client     	@655
+				supplier   	@649
+				vertices   	(list Points
+				    (980, 869)
+				    (737, 854))
+				line_style 	0)))))
+	    (object InteractionDiagram "PDP Activate"
+		mechanism_ref 	@99
+		quid       	"4181733D0143"
+		title      	"PDP Activate"
+		zoom       	100
+		max_height 	28350
+		max_width  	21600
+		origin_x   	203
+		origin_y   	0
+		items      	(list diagram_item_list
+		    (object InterObjView "GuQoS" @658
+			location   	(336, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@658
+			    location   	(336, 224)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	282
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"GuQoS")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4181737F002F"
+			width      	300
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @659
+			    location   	(336, 368)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@658
+			    height     	1724
+			    y_coord    	1634
+			    Nested     	FALSE))
+		    (object InterObjView "Spudman.Signal(PDP Activated)" @660
+			location   	(720, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@660
+			    location   	(720, 224)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	456
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Spudman.Signal(PDP Activated)")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418175460124"
+			width      	474
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @661
+			    location   	(720, 416)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@660
+			    height     	1616
+			    y_coord    	1526
+			    Nested     	FALSE)
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @662
+			    location   	(720, 1792)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@660
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	TRUE))
+		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$288" @663
+			location   	(1136, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@663
+			    location   	(1136, 225)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	348
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"Label"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418194BE0345"
+			width      	366
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @664
+			    location   	(1136, 512)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@663
+			    height     	1460
+			    y_coord    	1370
+			    Nested     	FALSE)
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @665
+			    location   	(1136, 1104)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@663
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	TRUE)
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @666
+			    location   	(1136, 1376)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@663
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	TRUE)
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @667
+			    location   	(1136, 1568)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@663
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	TRUE))
+		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$289" @668
+			location   	(1472, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@668
+			    location   	(1472, 224)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	282
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418194FC00F5"
+			width      	300
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @669
+			    location   	(1472, 544)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@668
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	FALSE))
+		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$290" @670
+			location   	(1792, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@670
+			    location   	(1792, 224)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	282
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"41819520018D"
+			width      	300
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @671
+			    location   	(1792, 704)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@670
+			    height     	1208
+			    y_coord    	1118
+			    Nested     	FALSE)
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @672
+			    location   	(1792, 1712)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@670
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	TRUE))
+		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$291" @673
+			location   	(2112, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@673
+			    location   	(2112, 225)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	298
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"")
+			icon       	"Interface"
+			icon_style 	"Label"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"4181955A02EF"
+			width      	316
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @674
+			    location   	(2112, 736)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@673
+			    height     	1156
+			    y_coord    	1066
+			    Nested     	FALSE))
+		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$292" @675
+			location   	(2464, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@675
+			    location   	(2464, 224)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	372
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418196930295"
+			width      	390
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @676
+			    location   	(2464, 816)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@675
+			    height     	1016
+			    y_coord    	926
+			    Nested     	FALSE)
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @677
+			    location   	(2464, 1305)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@675
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	TRUE))
+		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$293" @678
+			location   	(2800, 225)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	TRUE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@678
+			    location   	(2800, 224)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	316
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"")
+			icon_style 	"Icon"
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			quidu      	"418197890298"
+			width      	334
+			height     	1957
+			icon_height 	0
+			icon_width 	0
+			icon_y_offset 	0
+			annotation 	1
+			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @679
+			    location   	(2800, 1168)
+			    line_color 	3342489
+			    InterObjView 	@678
+			    height     	60
+			    y_coord    	-30
+			    Nested     	FALSE))
+		    (object InterMessView "Control(KContextCreate)" @680
+			location   	(16, 416)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @681
+			    Parent_View 	@680
+			    location   	(527, 372)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"4181754D0229"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	445
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Control(KContextCreate)"
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@658
+			supplier   	@660
+			Focus_Src  	@659
+			Focus_Entry 	@661
+			origin     	(351, 416)
+			terminus   	(704, 416)
+			ordinal    	0)
+		    (object NoteView @682
+			location   	(736, 64)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@682
+			    location   	(598, 5)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	240
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"From SpudMan")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	300
+			height     	131)
+		    (object AttachView "" @683
+			stereotype 	TRUE
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@682
+			supplier   	@660
+			vertices   	(list Points
+			    (729, 129)
+			    (725, 165))
+			line_style 	0)
+		    (object InterMessView "Input(, )" @684
+			location   	(16, 512)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @685
+			    Parent_View 	@684
+			    location   	(927, 468)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"418194C80105"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	10
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Input(, )"
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@660
+			supplier   	@663
+			Focus_Src  	@661
+			Focus_Entry 	@664
+			origin     	(735, 512)
+			terminus   	(1120, 512)
+			ordinal    	1)
+		    (object InterMessView "Input()" @686
+			location   	(16, 544)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @687
+			    Parent_View 	@686
+			    location   	(1303, 500)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"4181950201BD"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	10
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Input()"
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@663
+			supplier   	@668
+			Focus_Src  	@664
+			Focus_Entry 	@669
+			origin     	(1151, 544)
+			terminus   	(1456, 544)
+			ordinal    	2)
+		    (object InterMessView "Input()" @688
+			location   	(16, 704)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @689
+			    Parent_View 	@688
+			    location   	(1463, 661)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"41819527031E"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	10
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Input()"
+			    pctDist    	0.500780
+			    height     	44
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@663
+			supplier   	@670
+			Focus_Src  	@664
+			Focus_Entry 	@671
+			origin     	(1151, 704)
+			terminus   	(1776, 704)
+			ordinal    	3)
+		    (object InterMessView "Input(, )" @690
+			location   	(16, 736)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @691
+			    Parent_View 	@690
+			    location   	(2043, 677)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"41819560038F"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	10
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Input(, )"
+			    pctDist    	0.819672
+			    height     	60
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@670
+			supplier   	@673
+			Focus_Src  	@671
+			Focus_Entry 	@674
+			origin     	(1807, 736)
+			terminus   	(2096, 736)
+			ordinal    	4)
+		    (object InterMessView "Input()" @692
+			location   	(16, 816)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @693
+			    Parent_View 	@692
+			    location   	(2353, 771)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"418196990027"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	10
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Input()"
+			    pctDist    	0.704918
+			    height     	46
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@673
+			supplier   	@675
+			Focus_Src  	@674
+			Focus_Entry 	@676
+			origin     	(2127, 816)
+			terminus   	(2448, 816)
+			ordinal    	5)
+		    (object InterMessView "Fetch(PdpId, TFT)" @694
+			location   	(16, 1104)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @695
+			    Parent_View 	@694
+			    location   	(1548, 1079)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"4181975A0287"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	328
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Fetch(PdpId, TFT)"
+			    pctDist    	0.695122
+			    height     	26
+			    orientation 	1)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@675
+			supplier   	@663
+			Focus_Src  	@676
+			Focus_Entry 	@665
+			origin     	(2448, 1104)
+			terminus   	(1152, 1104)
+			ordinal    	6)
+		    (object InterMessView "" @696
+			location   	(16, 1168)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @697
+			    Parent_View 	@696
+			    location   	(2631, 1124)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"418197CD01F7"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	0
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	""
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@675
+			supplier   	@678
+			Focus_Src  	@676
+			Focus_Entry 	@679
+			origin     	(2479, 1168)
+			terminus   	(2784, 1168)
+			ordinal    	7)
+		    (object SelfMessView "SetActive( )" @698
+			location   	(16, 1280)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @699
+			    Parent_View 	@698
+			    location   	(2555, 1236)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"418197E602CF"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	212
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"SetActive( )"
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	0)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@675
+			supplier   	@675
+			Focus_Src  	@676
+			Focus_Entry 	@677
+			origin     	(2480, 1280)
+			terminus   	(2630, 1280)
+			ordinal    	8)
+		    (object NoteView @700
+			location   	(2768, 1408)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@700
+			    location   	(2583, 1292)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	4
+			    max_width  	334
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	
+|Network signal activation
+|Etel complete active request
+			    )
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	394
+			height     	244)
+		    (object InterMessView "Set(PdpId, TContextParameters)" @701
+			location   	(16, 1376)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @702
+			    Parent_View 	@701
+			    location   	(1534, 1332)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"418199E40231"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	700
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Set(PdpId, TContextParameters)"
+			    pctDist    	0.705793
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	1)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@675
+			supplier   	@663
+			Focus_Src  	@676
+			Focus_Entry 	@666
+			origin     	(2448, 1376)
+			terminus   	(1152, 1376)
+			ordinal    	9)
+		    (object InterMessView "Store(PdpId, TFT)" @703
+			location   	(16, 1568)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @704
+			    Parent_View 	@703
+			    location   	(1501, 1524)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"418199F0038D"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	322
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Store(PdpId, TFT)"
+			    pctDist    	0.730945
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	1)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@675
+			supplier   	@663
+			Focus_Src  	@676
+			Focus_Entry 	@667
+			origin     	(2448, 1568)
+			terminus   	(1152, 1568)
+			ordinal    	10)
+		    (object NoteView @705
+			location   	(1936, 1232)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@705
+			    location   	(1739, 1173)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	359
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"Store Qos params received from network")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	419
+			height     	131)
+		    (object NoteView @706
+			location   	(1888, 1440)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object ItemLabel
+			    Parent_View 	@706
+			    location   	(1684, 1381)
+			    fill_color 	13434879
+			    nlines     	2
+			    max_width  	372
+			    justify    	1
+			    label      	"Store TFT params received from  network")
+			line_color 	3342489
+			fill_color 	13434879
+			width      	432
+			height     	131)
+		    (object InterMessView "Input()" @707
+			location   	(16, 1712)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @708
+			    Parent_View 	@707
+			    location   	(2128, 1670)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"41819AB3001D"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	10
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	"Input()"
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	43
+			    orientation 	1)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@675
+			supplier   	@670
+			Focus_Src  	@676
+			Focus_Entry 	@672
+			origin     	(2448, 1712)
+			terminus   	(1808, 1712)
+			ordinal    	11)
+		    (object InterMessView "" @709
+			location   	(16, 1792)
+			font       	(object Font
+			    size       	10
+			    face       	"Arial"
+			    bold       	FALSE
+			    italics    	FALSE
+			    underline  	FALSE
+			    strike     	FALSE
+			    color      	0
+			    default_color 	TRUE)
+			label      	(object SegLabel @710
+			    Parent_View 	@709
+			    location   	(1256, 1748)
+			    font       	(object Font
+				size       	10
+				face       	"Arial"
+				bold       	FALSE
+				italics    	FALSE
+				underline  	FALSE
+				strike     	FALSE
+				color      	0
+				default_color 	TRUE)
+			    quidu      	"41819BAC02A6"
+			    anchor_loc 	1
+			    nlines     	1
+			    max_width  	0
+			    justify    	0
+			    label      	""
+			    pctDist    	0.500000
+			    height     	45
+			    orientation 	1)
+			line_color 	3342489
+			client     	@670
+			supplier   	@660
+			Focus_Src  	@671
+			Focus_Entry 	@662
+			origin     	(1776, 1792)
+			terminus   	(736, 1792)
+			ordinal    	12)))))
+    root_subsystem 	(object SubSystem "Component View"
+	quid       	"4176EB2002E2"
+	physical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
+	physical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
+	    (object Module_Diagram "Main"
+		quid       	"4176EB2002E9"
+		title      	"Main"
+		zoom       	100
+		max_height 	28350
+		max_width  	21600
+		origin_x   	0
+		origin_y   	0
+		items      	(list diagram_item_list)))
+	category   	"Logical View"
+	quidu      	"44349FF10376")
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+				tool       	"Ada95"
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+			tool       	"VC++"
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+			value      	TRUE)
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+			name       	"IdlInterfaceAttributes"
+			value      	(value Text 
+			))
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+			name       	"IdlCoClassAttributes"
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+			))
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+			name       	"IdlCoClassInterfaceAttributes"
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+			))
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+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"IdlParameterAttributes"
+			value      	(value Text 
+			))
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+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"IdlMethodAttributes"
+			value      	(value Text 
+			))
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+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"IdlPropertyAttributes"
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+			))
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+			value      	"1.4")
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+			tool       	"VC++"
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+			value      	FALSE)
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+			tool       	"VC++"
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+			name       	"AttributeTypes"
+			value      	(value Text 
+			))
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+|cont1=CArray<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
+|cont9=CList<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
+|cont20=CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, $TYPE*>
+|cont21=CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, $TYPE*>
+|cont22=CTypedPtrList<CObList, $TYPE*>
+|cont23=CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, $TYPE*>
+|cont27=CComQIPtr<$TYPE, IID*>
+			))
+		    (object Attribute
+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"ClassMethods"
+			value      	(value Text 
+|*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
+|cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&)
+|cm3=<<virtual>> ~$NAME()
+|cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs;
+|cm5=<<const>> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool
+|cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
+|cm6=<<const>> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
+|cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
+|cm7=<<const>> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool
+|cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
+|cm8=<<const>> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool
+|cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
+|cm9=<<const>> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
+|cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
+|cm10=<<const>> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
+|cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
+|cm11=<<friend>> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream&
+|cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i;
+|cm12=<<friend>> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream&
+|cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o;
+			))
+		    (object Attribute
+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"Accessors"
+			value      	(value Text 
+|agf=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
+|agf_body=return $NAME;
+|asf_body=$NAME = value;|return;
+|agv=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE&
+|agv_body=return $NAME;
+|asv_body=$NAME = value;|return;
+|agp=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
+|agp_body=return $NAME;
+|asp_body=$NAME = value;|return;
+|agr=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
+|agr_body=return $NAME;
+|asr_body=$NAME = value;|return;
+|aga=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE
+|aga_body=return $NAME[index];
+|asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void
+|asa_body=$NAME[index] = value;|return;
+			))
+		    (object Attribute
+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"Conditionals"
+			value      	(value Text 
+|*_decl=#ifdef _DEBUG
+|cond1=<<virtual, const>> AssertValid():void
+|cond2=<<virtual, const>> Dump(dc:CDumpContext&):void
+			))
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+			name       	"Patterns"
+			value      	(value Text 
+			))
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+			value      	"C")
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+			value      	"I")
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+			tool       	"VC++"
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+			value      	"Class")
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+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"DefaultLogicalPackage"
+			value      	"$language Reverse Engineered/$component")
+		    (object Attribute
+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"DefaultComponentPackage"
+			value      	"")))
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+			tool       	"VC++"
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+			value      	"")
+		    (object Attribute
+			tool       	"VC++"
+			name       	"CodeFileName"
+			value      	"")))
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+			value      	(value Text 
+			))
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+			))
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+			))
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+|Source Files
+|Header Files
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+			tool       	"VC++"
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+			value      	FALSE)))
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