changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/secondarypdpcontextumtsdriver/spudman/inc/bindman.h	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// SPUD binder manager
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef BINDMAN_H
+#define BINDMAN_H
+#include "spudman.h"
+#include <networking/mpdpfsminterface.h>
+class CSpudNotify;
+class CSpudMux;
+class CSpudProtocol;
+PDP context states from the perspective of SpudMan
+enum TSpudContextStates
+	{
+	ESpudInactive = 0,
+	/** Default QoS has been set and CNifIfLink::Start is awaited */
+	ESpudHaveQos,
+	/** FSM is creating the primary context */
+	ESpudCreatingPrimary,
+	/** Start has been called on the SPUD */
+	ESpudStartingPrimary,
+	/** CNifIfLink::Start on lower NIF called, waiting for LinkLayerUp or Down.*/
+	ESpudStartingPrimaryLowerNif,
+	/** Secondary context is in the process of being started */
+	ESpudStartingSecondary,
+	/** CNifIfLink::Start on lower NIF called, waiting for LinkLayerUp or Down.*/
+	ESpudStartingSecondaryLowerNif,
+	/* Lower NIF is up, waiting for retrieval of the negotiated QoS. */
+	ESpudGettingNegQoS,
+	/** Spud is up and ready to for data */
+	ESpudUp,
+	/** Spud is up but currently flowed off by lower NIF */
+	ESpudFlowOff,
+	/** Spud is up but currently flowed off by the network */
+	ESpudSuspended,
+	/** Spud is up but currently flowed off by the network and the lower NIF */
+	ESpudFlowOffAndSuspended,
+	/** Context is going down, but it must still be deleted */
+	ESpudLinkDown,
+	/** Lower NIF has been stopped */
+	ESpudContextDelete,
+	/** All communication with GUQoS is finished for this context. */
+	ESpudWaitLinkDown,
+	/** MNifIfNotify::LinkLayerDown called by lower NIF. Binder must be deleted */
+	ESpudWaitBinderDelete
+	};
+Binder class between lower NIF and SPUD
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSpudBinderRef) : public CBase
+	{
+	CSpudBinderRef(CBindMan& aBindMan);
+	~CSpudBinderRef();
+	void ConstructL(MNifIfNotify* aNotify, TContextId aContextId);
+	void Bind(CNifIfLink* aNifLink, CNifIfBase* aNifBase);
+	TBool MatchBase(const CNifIfBase* aBase) const;
+	TBool IsBound() const;
+	// Setters
+	void SetState(TSpudContextStates aState);
+    void SetError(TInt aError);
+	// Getters
+	CNifIfLink* NifLink() const;
+	CNifIfBase* NifBase() const;
+	CSpudNotify* Notify() const;
+	TSpudContextStates State() const;
+    TInt Error() const;
+	/** Reference to BindMan object */
+	CBindMan& iBindMan;
+	/* Pointer to SpudNotify object */
+	CSpudNotify* iNotify;
+	/* Pointer to CNifIfLink in lower NIF */
+	CNifIfLink* iNifLink;
+	/* Pointer to CNifIfBase in lower NIF */
+	CNifIfBase* iNifBase;
+	/** Current state of the PDP context associated with this lower NIF */
+	TSpudContextStates iState;
+    /** Context specific failure condition */
+    TInt iError;
+	};
+Binder management class
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBindMan) : public CBase
+	{
+	CBindMan(CSpudMan& aSpudMan, CSpudMux* aMux, CSpudProtocol* aProto);
+	~CBindMan();
+	void SetProtocolBaseL(CProtocolBase* aProtocolBase) const;
+	CSpudBinderRef* GetRefL(TContextId aContextId) const;
+	TContextId FindContextIdL(const CNifIfBase* aNifBase) const;
+	CSpudBinderRef* GetAnyRefL() const;
+	TUint NumContexts() const;
+	TBool IsLastContext(TContextId aContextId)const;
+	TUint SweepBinders();
+	void LoadNifL(const TDesC& aName, CSpudBinderRef& aBinder);
+	void MuxClosed();
+	CSpudMux* TransferSpudMux();
+	// Getters
+	CSpudMux* SpudMux() const;
+	CSpudMan* SpudMan() const;
+	CSpudProtocol* SpudProtocol() const;
+	CSpudBinderRef* GetNewRefForPrimaryL();
+	CSpudBinderRef* GetNewRefForSecondaryL(TContextId& aContextId);
+	void ReadLowerNifName(void);	
+	/** Reference to CSpudMan object */
+	CSpudMan& iSpudMan;
+	/** Pointer to CSpudMux object */
+	CSpudMux* iMux;
+	/** ETrue if it is our responsibility to delete the iMux object */
+	TBool iDeleteMux;
+	/** Pointer to CSpudProtocol object */
+	CSpudProtocol* iSpudProtocol;
+	/** Array of CSpudBinderRef objects */
+	TFixedArray<CSpudBinderRef*, KMaxPdpContexts> iBinders;
+	/** Name of lower NIF as configured in CommDB */
+	TBuf<KConnMaxInterfaceName> iLowerNifName;
+	};
+#include "bindman.inl"