--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/secondarypdpcontextumtsdriver/te_spudRSubConn/src/te_spudRSubConnSteps.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// te_spudNetworkSideSteps.cpp
+// Implements the integration tests for the SPUD using RawIpNif
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "te_spudRSubConnSteps.h"
+#include <simtsy.h>
+#include <commdbconnpref.h>
+#include <nifvar.h> // Nifman Progress notifications
+#include <es_enum.h>
+#include <c32comm.h> // uniquely for the call to StartC32WithCMISuppressions
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <ip_subconparams.h>
+ {
+ const TInt KMaxMsgLen = 128;
+ }
+ Implements the pure virtual doTestStepPreambleL defined in CTestStep.
+ Used to disable the phone book synchronizer
+ which may cause the tests to fail.
+ @return EPass if successful.
+ @leave If Phonebook synchronizer disabling fails.
+ */
+TVerdict CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KPhbkSyncCMI, "phbsync.cmi");
+ TInt err = StartC32WithCMISuppressions(KPhbkSyncCMI);
+ TESTL(KErrNone == err || KErrAlreadyExists == err);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Step Preamble: disabled Phonebook Synchronizer."));
+ return EPass;
+ }
+ Implements the pure virtual doTestStepL defined in CTestStep.
+ Allows the base class to execute before any of the derived
+ tests is called.
+ @leave If any of the called methods leaves.
+ */
+TVerdict CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ // Tell SIM.TSY which test it should load.
+ // If this is removed, SIM TSY will load test 0.
+ TInt simTsyTestNum = -1;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SimTsyTestNum"), simTsyTestNum));
+ ASSERT(simTsyTestNum >= 0);
+ TInt ret0 = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory,KPSSimTsyTestNumber,simTsyTestNum);
+ if (ret0 != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ret0 = RProperty::Set(KUidPSSimTsyCategory,KPSSimTsyTestNumber,simTsyTestNum);
+ }
+ TRAPD(esockConnErr, TestL(iESock.Connect(), _L("RSockeServ::Connect")));
+ if(KErrNone != esockConnErr)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ESock thread is dead. Most likely, it was crashed by the previous test case. Check the Root Server logs."));
+ SetTestStepResult(EInconclusive);
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+ ASSERT(!CActiveScheduler::Current()); // We should not have an AS at this point.
+ CActiveScheduler* testSched = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testSched);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(testSched);
+ // Test sequence itself:
+ TVerdict testResult = EFail;
+ TRAPD(err, testResult = RunTestStepL());
+ if(KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Step Completion."));
+ SetTestStepResult(testResult);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Test Step Failure: the step left with [%d]"), err);
+ SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+ }
+ // It's ok to close everything more than once, or if not opened...
+ iPrimCtxSock1.Close();
+ iScndCtxSock1.Close();
+ iSpudScndCtx1.Close();
+ iSpud.Close(); // SPUD will linger, we don't care.
+ iESock.Close();
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(NULL); // uninstall the test scheduler
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testSched);
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+Logs a message and leaves on error
+@param aErrCode error code to check
+@param aMsg message to log
+@leave if aError is other than KErrNone
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::TestL(TInt aErrCode, const TDesC& aMsg)
+ {
+ TestL(aErrCode, KErrNone, aMsg);
+ }
+Used to verify that an error code is what expected, and log the associated comment
+@param aErrCode the error code to check
+@param aExpErrCode the expected error code
+@param aMsg the message to log before testing
+@leave if aErrCode != aExpErrCode
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::TestL(TInt aErrCode, TInt aExpErrCode, const TDesC& aMsg)
+ {
+ if(aExpErrCode == aErrCode)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: err[%d], as expected. OK."), &aMsg, aErrCode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF5(_L("%S FAILED: err[%d], expected [%d]. Leaving with [%d])."), &aMsg, aErrCode, aExpErrCode, aErrCode);
+ User::Leave(aErrCode);
+ }
+ }
+Used to verify that a boolean is as expected, and log the associated comment
+@param aBool the boolean to check
+@param aMsg the message to log before testing
+@leave if aBool == EFalse
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::TestBooleanTrueL(TBool aBool, const TDesC& aMsg)
+ {
+ if(aBool)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Value is true, as expected. OK."), &aMsg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed, %S: Value is false. Leaving with KErrGeneral)."), &aMsg);
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ }
+Open and Start an interface */
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::OpenAndStartInterfaceL(RConnection& aConn, TCommDbConnPref& aPref, TRequestStatus& aSt, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Opening and Starting RConnection on IAP=%d."), &aLogMsg, aPref.IapId());
+ TInt openErr = aConn.Open(iESock, KAfInet);
+ TestL(openErr, KErrNone, _L("Opening RConnection"));
+ aConn.Start(aPref, aSt);
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::WaitForCompletionL(TRequestStatus& aSt, TInt aExpErrCode, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Waiting for completion with %d"), &aLogMsg, aExpErrCode);
+ User::WaitForRequest(aSt);
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S completed with status= %d"), &aLogMsg, aSt.Int());
+ TestL(aSt.Int(), aExpErrCode, aLogMsg);
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::ReceiveOnSocketL(RSocket& aSocket, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Waiting to receive."), &aLogMsg);
+ TRequestStatus recvSt;
+ TBuf8<256> recvBuf;
+ TInetAddr srcAddr;
+ aSocket.RecvFrom(recvBuf, srcAddr, 0x0, recvSt);
+ WaitForCompletionL(recvSt, KErrNone, _L("Received on Socket"));
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::VerifyBuffersEqualL(const TDesC8& aBuf1, const TDesC8& aBuf2)
+ {
+ if(0 != aBuf1.Compare(aBuf2))
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Buffer 1 is not equal to Buffer 2. FAILURE."));
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::WriteReadOnSocketL(RSocket& aSocket, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: WriteReadOnSocketL"), &aLogMsg);
+ TRequestStatus wSt1;
+ TBuf8<KMaxMsgLen> writeBuf(_L8("WRITE READ"));
+ aSocket.Write(writeBuf, wSt1);
+ WaitForCompletionL(wSt1, KErrNone, _L("Write on Socket"));
+ TBuf8<KMaxMsgLen> readBuf;
+ TRequestStatus rSt;
+ aSocket.Read(readBuf, rSt);
+ WaitForCompletionL(rSt, KErrNone, _L("Read on Socket"));
+ VerifyBuffersEqualL(writeBuf, readBuf);
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::SendRecvOnSocketL(RSocket& aSocket, TInetAddr& aDstAddr, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: SendRecvOnSocketL"), &aLogMsg);
+ TBuf8<KMaxMsgLen> sendBuf(_L8("SEND RECEIVE"));
+ TRequestStatus sendSt;
+ aSocket.SendTo(sendBuf, aDstAddr, 0x0, sendSt);
+ WaitForCompletionL(sendSt, KErrNone, _L("Send on Socket"));
+ TBuf8<KMaxMsgLen> recvBuf;
+ TRequestStatus recvSt;
+ aSocket.RecvFrom(recvBuf, aDstAddr, 0x0, recvSt);
+ WaitForCompletionL(recvSt, KErrNone, _L("Receive on Socket"));
+ VerifyBuffersEqualL(recvBuf, sendBuf);
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::RecvSendOnSocketL(RSocket& aSocket, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: **Bounce: RecvSendOnSocket"), &aLogMsg);
+ TRequestStatus st;
+ TBuf8<KMaxMsgLen> recvBuf;
+ TInetAddr srcAddr;
+ aSocket.RecvFrom(recvBuf, srcAddr, 0x0, st);
+ WaitForCompletionL(st, KErrNone, _L("**Bounce: Receive on Socket"));
+ aSocket.SendTo(recvBuf, srcAddr, 0x0, st);
+ WaitForCompletionL(st, KErrNone, _L("**Bounce: Send on Socket"));
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::OpenAndBindSocketL(RSocket& aSock, RConnection& aIface, TUint aLocalPort, const TDesC& aLogMsg)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Opening and Binding to port= %d"), &aLogMsg, aLocalPort);
+ TInt ret = aSock.Open(iESock,
+ KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram,
+ KProtocolInetUdp,
+ aIface);
+ TestL(ret, KErrNone, _L("Open UDP Socket"));
+ TInetAddr localAddr;
+ localAddr.SetPort(aLocalPort);
+ TestL(aSock.Bind(localAddr), KErrNone, _L("Bind Socket"));
+ }
+Used in lieu of proper network-based server
+Open an interface, opens a socket on this interface, receives-sends udp (bounces) */
+TVerdict CLoopbackPpp1::RunTestStepL()
+ {
+ // Figure out our name, so that the logging makes sense:
+ TBuf<64> ourName(_L("BOUNCE"));
+ ourName.AppendFormat(_L("[%x]"), this);
+ TInt iapId = -1;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("IapId"), iapId));
+ ASSERT(iapId > 0);
+ TCommDbConnPref pref;
+ pref.SetIapId(iapId);
+ RConnection iface;
+ ASSERT(KErrNone == iface.Open(iESock, KAfInet));
+ TRequestStatus startSt;
+ iface.Start(pref, startSt);
+ User::WaitForRequest(startSt);
+ INFO_PRINTF4(_L("%S: Interface on Iap ID =%d started with error=%d."), &ourName, iapId, startSt.Int());
+ User::LeaveIfError(startSt.Int());
+ TInt localPort = 0x0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("UdpEchoPort"), localPort));
+ ASSERT(localPort > 0x0);
+ RSocket bounceSock;
+ OpenAndBindSocketL(bounceSock, iface, static_cast<TUint>(localPort), ourName);
+ TInt iterations = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("Iterations"), iterations));
+ ASSERT(iterations > 0);
+ for(TInt iter = 0; iter < iterations; ++iter)
+ {
+ RecvSendOnSocketL(bounceSock, ourName);
+ }
+ bounceSock.Close();
+ iface.Close(); // Leave interface lingering, it will be nuked when the peer PPP terminates.
+ return EPass;
+ }
+TBool CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::ApplyQoSParametersL(RSubConnection& aPdpContext)
+ {
+ TInt qosParamSet = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("QoSParamSet"), qosParamSet));
+ ASSERT(qosParamSet >= 0);
+ switch(qosParamSet)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return EFalse; // no qos parameters specified
+ case 2:
+ ApplyQoSParametersSet2L(aPdpContext);
+ return ETrue;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+void CSpudRSubConnTestStepBase::ApplyQoSParametersSet2L(RSubConnection& aPdpContext)
+ {
+ RSubConParameterBundle qosParams;
+ CleanupClosePushL(qosParams);
+ // Create a container for QoS sub connection parameters (Param bundle takes ownership)
+ CSubConParameterFamily* qosFamily = CSubConParameterFamily::NewL(qosParams, KSubConQoSFamily);
+ // set class parameter
+ CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet* ipParamsReq = CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet::NewL(*qosFamily, CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested);
+ //The requested QoS parameters.
+ ipParamsReq->SetTrafficClass(RPacketQoS::ETrafficClassBackground);
+ ipParamsReq->SetMaxBitrateUplink(10);
+ ipParamsReq->SetMaxBitrateDownlink(50);
+ ipParamsReq->SetGuaBitrateDownlink(20);
+ ipParamsReq->SetGuaBitrateUplink(10);
+ ipParamsReq->SetMaxSduSize(1000);
+ ipParamsReq->SetResidualBitErrorRatio(RPacketQoS::EBERFourPerThousand);
+ ipParamsReq->SetSDUErrorRatio(RPacketQoS::ESDUErrorRatioOnePerThousand);
+ ipParamsReq->SetErroneousSDUDelivery(RPacketQoS::EErroneousSDUDeliveryNotRequired);
+ ipParamsReq->SetTrafficHandlingPriority(RPacketQoS::ETrafficPriorityUnspecified);
+ ipParamsReq->SetTransferDelay(3000);
+ ipParamsReq->SetDeliveryOrder(RPacketQoS::EDeliveryOrderNotRequired);
+ //The minimum Requested params
+ CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet* ipParamsMinReq = CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet::NewL(*qosFamily, CSubConParameterFamily::EAcceptable);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetTrafficClass(RPacketQoS::ETrafficClassBackground);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetGuaBitrateDownlink(20);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetGuaBitrateUplink(8);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetMaxBitrateDownlink(20);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetMaxBitrateUplink(10);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetMaxSduSize(200);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetResidualBitErrorRatio(RPacketQoS::EBERFivePerHundred);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetSDUErrorRatio(RPacketQoS::ESDUErrorRatioOnePerTen);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetErroneousSDUDelivery(RPacketQoS::EErroneousSDUDeliveryNotRequired);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetTrafficHandlingPriority(RPacketQoS::ETrafficPriorityUnspecified);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetTransferDelay(4000);
+ ipParamsMinReq->SetDeliveryOrder(RPacketQoS::EDeliveryOrderNotRequired);
+ TInt err = aPdpContext.SetParameters(qosParams);
+ TestL(err, KErrNone, _L("Applied QoS Parameters"));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&qosParams);
+ }
+The test sequence:
+Create the primary & secondary PDP contexts.
+Send - Receive UDP over both of them.
+Close everything
+@leave if a test fails or there is an unexpected error */
+TVerdict CUdp1::RunTestStepL()
+ {
+ TRequestStatus spudStartReq;
+ TCommDbConnPref spudPref;
+ spudPref.SetIapId(2);
+ OpenAndStartInterfaceL(iSpud, spudPref, spudStartReq, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ WaitForCompletionL(spudStartReq, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ TInt ret = iScndCtxSock1.Open(iESock,
+ KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram,
+ KProtocolInetUdp,
+ iSpud);
+ TestL(ret, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>>Open UDP Socket, primary PDP context"));
+ // KSoUdpSynchronousSend option causes the UDP send operation to block when dynamic
+ // interface setup is in progress or when local flow control within the stack would otherwise
+ // cause the packet to be dropped. This is not strictly necessary since we've waited for KLinkLayerOpen,
+ // but who knows what's the timing between TCP/IP stack, Nifman, ESock is like...
+ TestL(iScndCtxSock1.SetOpt(KSoUdpSynchronousSend, KSolInetUdp, 1), KErrNone, _L("SetOpt Sync Send"));
+ // We must bind to a local address, and connect to a remote address,
+ // so that TFT is always generated with the same destination - source ports.
+ // Otherwise, SIM.TSY will reject TFT proposed.
+ TInt scndCtxSockLocalPort = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SecLocalPort"), scndCtxSockLocalPort));
+ ASSERT(scndCtxSockLocalPort > 0);
+ TInetAddr localAddr;
+ localAddr.SetPort(scndCtxSockLocalPort);
+ TestL(iScndCtxSock1.Bind(localAddr), KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Bind the Secondary PDP ctx socket"));
+ TInt scndCtxSockRemotePort = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SecRemotePort"),scndCtxSockRemotePort));
+ ASSERT(scndCtxSockRemotePort > 0);
+ TPtrC scndCtxSockRemoteAddr;
+ ASSERT(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SecRemoteIpAddr"), scndCtxSockRemoteAddr));
+ TInetAddr dstAddr1;
+ dstAddr1.SetPort(scndCtxSockRemotePort);
+ dstAddr1.Input(scndCtxSockRemoteAddr);
+ TRequestStatus connStatus;
+ iScndCtxSock1.Connect(dstAddr1, connStatus);
+ WaitForCompletionL(connStatus, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>Connect the Secondary PDP ctx socket"));
+ TInt sockErr = iPrimCtxSock1.Open(iESock,
+ KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram,
+ KProtocolInetUdp,
+ iSpud);
+ TestL(sockErr, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>Open Primary PDP ctx socket"));
+ TInt openErr = iSpudScndCtx1.Open(iESock,
+ RSubConnection::ECreateNew,
+ iSpud);
+ TestL(openErr, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>Open RSubConnection on SPUD"));
+ TRequestStatus subconNotifyStat;
+ TNotificationEventBuf eventBuf;
+ iSpudScndCtx1.EventNotification(eventBuf, ETrue, subconNotifyStat);
+ TBool waitForQos = ApplyQoSParametersL(iSpudScndCtx1);
+ TRequestStatus subconAddStat;
+ iSpudScndCtx1.Add(iScndCtxSock1, subconAddStat);
+ WaitForCompletionL(subconAddStat, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>Transfer the Socket to 2ndary context"));
+ if(waitForQos)
+ {
+ WaitForCompletionL(subconNotifyStat, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>QoS Negotiation Completion on 2ndary context"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSpudScndCtx1.CancelEventNotification();
+ }
+ //*************************************************************************************************
+ User::After(3 * 1000000); // Give the loopback sockets a chance to bind & open,
+ // else we can end up with ICMP Destination (port) Unreachable.
+ // When used over WinTunnel, this is completely unnecessary.
+ //*************************************************************************************************
+ WriteReadOnSocketL(iScndCtxSock1, _L(">>>>>>>Secondary PDP Context, 1"));
+ // Must address UDP on primary explicitly.
+ TInt primCtxSockRemotePort = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("PrimRemotePort"),primCtxSockRemotePort));
+ ASSERT(primCtxSockRemotePort > 0);
+ TPtrC primCtxSockRemoteAddr;
+ ASSERT(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("PrimRemoteIpAddr"), primCtxSockRemoteAddr));
+ TInetAddr primDstAddr1;
+ primDstAddr1.SetPort(primCtxSockRemotePort);
+ primDstAddr1.Input(primCtxSockRemoteAddr);
+ SendRecvOnSocketL(iPrimCtxSock1, primDstAddr1, _L(">>>>>>>Send - Receive on Primary PDP Context, 1"));
+ WriteReadOnSocketL(iScndCtxSock1, _L(">>>>>>>Secondary PDP Context, 2"));
+ SendRecvOnSocketL(iPrimCtxSock1, primDstAddr1, _L(">>>>>>>Primary PDP Context, 2"));
+ SendRecvOnSocketL(iPrimCtxSock1, primDstAddr1, _L(">>>>>>>Primary PDP Context, 3"));
+ WriteReadOnSocketL(iScndCtxSock1, _L(">>>>>>>Secondary PDP Context, 3"));
+ iSpud.Stop(); // nukes both contexts
+ // Everything will be cleaned up later.
+ return EPass;
+ }
+The test sequence:
+Create the primary context
+Init secondary SubConnection
+Set up QoS params on secondary SubConnection
+Create the secondary PDP contexts on secondary SubConnection.
+Send - Receive UDP over both of them.
+Close everything
+@leave if a test fails or there is an unexpected error */
+TVerdict CUdp2::RunTestStepL()
+ {
+ TRequestStatus spudStartReq;
+ TCommDbConnPref spudPref;
+ spudPref.SetIapId(2);
+ OpenAndStartInterfaceL(iSpud, spudPref, spudStartReq, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ WaitForCompletionL(spudStartReq, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ TInt openErr = iSpudScndCtx1.Open(iESock,
+ RSubConnection::ECreateNew,
+ iSpud);
+ TestL(openErr, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>Open RSubConnection on SPUD"));
+ TRequestStatus subconNotifyStat;
+ TNotificationEventBuf eventBuf;
+ iSpudScndCtx1.EventNotification(eventBuf, ETrue, subconNotifyStat);
+ TBool waitForQos = ApplyQoSParametersL(iSpudScndCtx1);
+ // Socket Open on Secondary SubConnection
+ TInt ret = iScndCtxSock1.Open(iESock,
+ KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram,
+ KProtocolInetUdp,
+ iSpudScndCtx1);
+ TestL(ret, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>>Open UDP Socket, primary PDP context"));
+ // KSoUdpSynchronousSend option causes the UDP send operation to block when dynamic
+ // interface setup is in progress or when local flow control within the stack would otherwise
+ // cause the packet to be dropped. This is not strictly necessary since we've waited for KLinkLayerOpen,
+ // but who knows what's the timing between TCP/IP stack, Nifman, ESock is like...
+ TestL(iScndCtxSock1.SetOpt(KSoUdpSynchronousSend, KSolInetUdp, 1), KErrNone, _L("SetOpt Sync Send"));
+ // We must bind to a local address, and connect to a remote address,
+ // so that TFT is always generated with the same destination - source ports.
+ // Otherwise, SIM.TSY will reject TFT proposed by GUQoS.
+ TInt scndCtxSockLocalPort = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SecLocalPort"), scndCtxSockLocalPort));
+ ASSERT(scndCtxSockLocalPort > 0);
+ TInetAddr localAddr;
+ localAddr.SetPort(scndCtxSockLocalPort);
+ TestL(iScndCtxSock1.Bind(localAddr), KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Bind the Secondary PDP ctx socket"));
+ TInt scndCtxSockRemotePort = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SecRemotePort"),scndCtxSockRemotePort));
+ ASSERT(scndCtxSockRemotePort > 0);
+ TPtrC scndCtxSockRemoteAddr;
+ ASSERT(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("SecRemoteIpAddr"), scndCtxSockRemoteAddr));
+ TInetAddr dstAddr1;
+ dstAddr1.SetPort(scndCtxSockRemotePort);
+ dstAddr1.Input(scndCtxSockRemoteAddr);
+ TRequestStatus connStatus;
+ iScndCtxSock1.Connect(dstAddr1, connStatus);
+ WaitForCompletionL(connStatus, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>Connect the Secondary PDP ctx socket"));
+ if(waitForQos)
+ {
+ WaitForCompletionL(subconNotifyStat, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>QoS Negotiation Completion on 2ndary context"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSpudScndCtx1.CancelEventNotification();
+ }
+ TInt sockErr = iPrimCtxSock1.Open(iESock,
+ KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram,
+ KProtocolInetUdp,
+ iSpud);
+ TestL(sockErr, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>Open Primary PDP ctx socket"));
+ //*************************************************************************************************
+ User::After(3 * 1000000); // Give the loopback sockets a chance to bind & open,
+ // else we can end up with ICMP Destination (port) Unreachable.
+ // When used over WinTunnel, this is completely unnecessary.
+ //*************************************************************************************************
+ WriteReadOnSocketL(iScndCtxSock1, _L(">>>>>>>Secondary PDP Context, 1"));
+ // Must address UDP on primary explicitly.
+ TInt primCtxSockRemotePort = 0;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("PrimRemotePort"),primCtxSockRemotePort));
+ ASSERT(primCtxSockRemotePort > 0);
+ TPtrC primCtxSockRemoteAddr;
+ ASSERT(GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("PrimRemoteIpAddr"), primCtxSockRemoteAddr));
+ TInetAddr primDstAddr1;
+ primDstAddr1.SetPort(primCtxSockRemotePort);
+ primDstAddr1.Input(primCtxSockRemoteAddr);
+ SendRecvOnSocketL(iPrimCtxSock1, primDstAddr1, _L(">>>>>>>Send - Receive on Primary PDP Context, 1"));
+ WriteReadOnSocketL(iScndCtxSock1, _L(">>>>>>>Secondary PDP Context, 2"));
+ SendRecvOnSocketL(iPrimCtxSock1, primDstAddr1, _L(">>>>>>>Primary PDP Context, 2"));
+ SendRecvOnSocketL(iPrimCtxSock1, primDstAddr1, _L(">>>>>>>Primary PDP Context, 3"));
+ WriteReadOnSocketL(iScndCtxSock1, _L(">>>>>>>Secondary PDP Context, 3"));
+ iSpud.Stop(); // nukes both contexts
+ // Everything will be cleaned up later.
+ return EPass;
+ }
+TVerdict CUpperFlowOnLowerNifDown::RunTestStepL()
+ {
+ // Start the primary
+ TRequestStatus spudStartReq;
+ TCommDbConnPref spudPref;
+ spudPref.SetIapId(2);
+ OpenAndStartInterfaceL(iSpud, spudPref, spudStartReq, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ // Start PPP peer for the primary
+ RConnection primCtxPppPeer;
+ TRequestStatus peerStartReq;
+ TCommDbConnPref peerPref;
+ peerPref.SetIapId(1);
+ OpenAndStartInterfaceL(primCtxPppPeer, peerPref, peerStartReq, _L(">>>>Starting PPP Peer for the primary context"));
+ WaitForCompletionL(spudStartReq, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ WaitForCompletionL(peerStartReq, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Starting PPP Peer for SPUD primary context"));
+ // Open socket on primary
+ TInt sockErr = iPrimCtxSock1.Open(iESock,
+ KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram,
+ KProtocolInetUdp,
+ iSpud);
+ TestL(sockErr, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>>>>Open UDP Socket, primary PDP context"));
+ User::After(2 * 10000); // Let everything settle down.
+ // Stop PPP peer, triggerting LinkLayerDown on the primary
+ TInt stopErr = primCtxPppPeer.Stop();
+ ASSERT(KErrNone == stopErr); // If there is an error, the test was not setup correctly.
+ // At this point contxt deletion request is outstanding: SIM TSY will not complete it for a while.
+ // Send on primary socket: no way to verify where it blocked. Must inspect the logs.
+ User::After(5 * 1000000);
+ TInetAddr primDstAddr1;
+ primDstAddr1.SetPort(1060);
+ primDstAddr1.Input(_L(""));
+ TBuf8<KMaxMsgLen> sendBuf(_L8("A packet to the La-La Land."));
+ TRequestStatus sendSt;
+ iPrimCtxSock1.SendTo(sendBuf, primDstAddr1, 0x0, sendSt);
+ WaitForCompletionL(sendSt, KErrNone, _L("Send on Socket")); // ESock completed the send, the packet
+ // still needs to percolate through the tcp/ip stack - GUQoS - SPUD.
+ User::After(30 * 1000000);
+ // SPUD panics if the upper layer tries to send on a flowed-off context.
+ return EPass; // If there was a failure, we'd leave or panic
+ // Cleanup everything later
+ }
+Brings up SPUD & PPP peer from the primary context, then stops Spud.
+This test step is intended to be used in a combination with other steps, (including itself),
+to verify how RConnection::Stop affects the behaviour of the system. */
+TVerdict CSpudPppPrimaryStop::RunTestStepL()
+ {
+ TRequestStatus spudStartReq;
+ TCommDbConnPref spudPref;
+ spudPref.SetIapId(2);
+ OpenAndStartInterfaceL(iSpud, spudPref, spudStartReq, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ RConnection primCtxPppPeer;
+ TRequestStatus peerStartReq;
+ TCommDbConnPref peerPref;
+ peerPref.SetIapId(1);
+ OpenAndStartInterfaceL(primCtxPppPeer, peerPref, peerStartReq, _L(">>>>Starting PPP Peer for the primary context"));
+ WaitForCompletionL(spudStartReq, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Starting SPUD NIF"));
+ WaitForCompletionL(peerStartReq, KErrNone, _L(">>>>>Starting PPP Peer for SPUD primary context"));
+ TInt stopTypeInt = -1;
+ ASSERT(GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), _L("StopType"), stopTypeInt));
+ RConnection::TConnStopType stopType = static_cast<RConnection::TConnStopType>(stopTypeInt);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Stopping Spud with stop type= %d (0 = EStopNormal, 1 = EStopAuthoritative)"), stopType);
+ ASSERT(RConnection::EStopNormal == stopType || RConnection::EStopAuthoritative == stopType);
+ TInt stopErr = iSpud.Stop(stopType);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Stopped Spud with error = %d"), stopErr);
+ ASSERT(KErrNone == stopErr); // If we have an errror, test was not set up / executed correctly.
+ // if stop was authoritative ppp wont do the leaving handshake, so peer also needs to be stopped
+ if (stopType == RConnection::EStopAuthoritative)
+ {
+ TInt stopErr = primCtxPppPeer.Stop(stopType);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Stopped peer with error = %d"), stopErr);
+ ASSERT(KErrNone == stopErr); // If we have an errror, test was not set up / executed correctly.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ primCtxPppPeer.Close(); // No need to stop, peer should be shutting down as a result of Stop on Spud.
+ }
+ return EPass;
+ }