--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserver/etelmultimode/CETEL/mm_conference.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <etelext.h>
+#include <et_clsvr.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include "mm_hold.h"
+// RMobileConferenceCall
+EXPORT_C RMobileConferenceCall::RMobileConferenceCall()
+ : iMmPtrHolder(NULL)
+/** Default constructor. */
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::ConstructL()
+/** Constructs and initializes the RMobileConferenceCall object.
+@capability None
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder==NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicHandleNotClosed));
+ iMmPtrHolder = CMobileConferenceCallPtrHolder::NewL(CMobileConferenceCallPtrHolder::EMaxNumberConferenceCallPtrSlots,
+ CMobileConferenceCallPtrHolder::EMaxNumberConferenceCallPtrCSlots);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::Destruct()
+/** C++ destructor.
+@capability None
+ {
+ delete iMmPtrHolder;
+ iMmPtrHolder = NULL;
+ ResetSessionHandle();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RMobileConferenceCall::Open(RMobilePhone& aPhone)
+/** Opens a RMobileConferenceCall conference call sub-session from RMobilePhone.
+ The name of the sub-session opened in the TSY will equal the string defined
+ by the KETelConferenceCall LIT definition.
+ This API currently supports only one conference call object in the TSY - so
+ this means only one conference call can be ongoing at any one time. The conference
+ call sub-session is opened from the phone (rather than from a line) in order
+ not to place any restrictions on the types of call that could be added to
+ the conference. It is up to the TSY to inform clients which calls can be added
+ to a conference by setting each call's dynamic KCapsJoin capability.
+ @param aPhone The phone sub-session used to open the conference call.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code if not.
+@capability None
+ {
+ RSessionBase* session=&aPhone.SessionHandle();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(session!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
+ TInt subSessionHandle=aPhone.SubSessionHandle();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(subSessionHandle!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
+ TRAPD(ret,ConstructL());
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ TPtrC name(KETelConferenceCall);
+ SetSessionHandle(*session);
+ TIpcArgs args(&name,TIpcArgs::ENothing,subSessionHandle);
+ ret = CreateSubSession(*session,EEtelOpenFromSubSession,args);
+ if (ret)
+ Destruct();
+ return ret;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::Close()
+/** Closes a RMobileConferenceCall sub-session.
+@capability None
+ {
+ CloseSubSession(EEtelClose);
+ Destruct();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RMobileConferenceCall::GetCaps(TUint32& aCaps) const
+ Gets the current capabilities of the conference call.
+ @param aCaps On completion, a descriptor that will contain the conference
+ call capabilities; this consists of the sum of the TMobileConferenceCallCaps
+ constants.
+ @return KErrNone
+@capability None
+ {
+ TPckg<TUint32> ptr1(aCaps);
+ return Get(EMobileConferenceCallGetCaps,ptr1);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::NotifyCapsChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TUint32& aCaps) const
+ Allows clients to be notified when the conference call capabilities change.
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange)
+ to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyCapsChange() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+ @param aCaps On completion, a descriptor that will contain the new conference
+ call capabilities, this consists of the sum of the TMobileConferenceCallCaps
+ constants.
+@capability None
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
+ TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileConferenceCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyConferenceCallCapsChange,aCaps);
+ Get(EMobileConferenceCallNotifyCapsChange,aReqStatus,ptr1);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::CreateConference(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
+ Allows clients to create the initial 3-way conference call.
+ The phone must be in a state where there are two single voice calls, one on
+ hold and the other connected or alerting the remote, called party.
+ The TSY will reflect the conference creation capability by setting the KCapsJoin
+ flags of the individual calls and the KCapsCreate flag of the conference call
+ sub-session.
+ In GSM mode, this function member will complete when the TSY has received
+ confirmation from the network that the conference call service has been successfully
+ invoked.
+ In CDMA mode, this function member will complete when the TSY has sent the
+ conference create request to the network. There is no response from CDMA networks
+ to ascertain whether the request failed or succeeded.
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallCreateConference)
+ to cancel a previously placed asynchronous CreateConference() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+@capability NetworkServices
+ {
+ Blank(EMobileConferenceCallCreateConference,aReqStatus);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::AddCall(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, const TName& aCallName) const
+ Adds the single voice call to an existing conference call.
+ Only calls whose call control capabilities include KCapsJoin can be added
+ to a conference call.
+ In GSM mode, this function member will complete when the TSY has received
+ confirmation from the network that the conference call service has been successfully
+ invoked and the call added.
+ In CDMA mode, only 3-way conference calls are currently possible, so after
+ the initial conference creation it is not possible to add further calls. Therefore
+ single calls outside of the conference will never have the KCapsJoin capability
+ set during CDMA mode.
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallAddCall) to
+ cancel a previously placed asynchronous AddCall() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+ @param aCallName The call sub-session to add to the conference call.
+@capability NetworkServices
+ {
+ Set(EMobileConferenceCallAddCall,aReqStatus,aCallName);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::Swap(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
+ Allows a client to switch a conference call between "Active" and "Hold" states.
+ This function member will complete either when the conference call has successfully
+ moved to the opposite state or if the action failed due to some reason. Can
+ be called by any client that has a handle on the conference call (i.e. not
+ necessarily the client that first created the conference).
+ This action is possible under two circumstances:
+ There is just a conference call. This implies that there are no single calls
+ already in the state to which the client wishes to toggle the conference call.
+ The client will call Swap on the conference call and if it is active it will
+ move to the held state and if it is held it will move to the active state.
+ There is a conference call and a single call, one currently active and one
+ on hold. This function member therefore swaps the conference call with the
+ single call, simultaneously placing the active one on hold and resuming the
+ held one.
+ In either circumstance, the conference call capabilities will include the
+ KCapsSwap flag. In GSM mode, this function member will complete when the TSY
+ has received confirmation from the network that the conference call has been
+ successfully moved to its opposite state. In CDMA mode, this function member
+ will complete when the TSY has sent the swap request to the network. There
+ is no response from CDMA networks to ascertain whether the request failed
+ or succeeded.
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallSwap) to cancel
+ a previously placed asynchronous Swap() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+@capability NetworkServices
+ {
+ Blank(EMobileConferenceCallSwap,aReqStatus);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::HangUp(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus) const
+ Terminates the whole conference.
+ All calls that are currently part of the conference will also be terminated.
+ Can be called by any client that has a handle on the conference call (i.e.
+ not necessarily the client that first created the conference).
+ This action is possible if the conference call capabilities include the KCapsHangUp
+ flag. In GSM mode, this function member will complete when the TSY has received
+ confirmation from the network that the conference call has been fully released.
+ In CDMA mode, this function member will complete when the TSY has sent the
+ hang-up request to the network. There is no response from CDMA networks to
+ ascertain whether the request failed or succeeded.
+ After termination, the conference call will consist of zero calls and will
+ return to the EConferenceIdle state.
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallHangUp) to
+ cancel a previously placed asynchronous HangUp() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+@capability NetworkServices
+ {
+ Blank(EMobileConferenceCallHangUp,aReqStatus);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RMobileConferenceCall::EnumerateCalls(TInt& aCount) const
+ Gets the number of calls (i.e. call objects) that are
+ currently part of the conference call.
+ This number may be zero if a conference call is not active or equal to two
+ or more if a conference call exists.
+ @param aCount On return, the number of calls - will be equal to 0 or >=2.
+ @return KErrNone
+@capability None
+ {
+ TPckg<TInt> ptr1(aCount);
+ return Get(EMobileConferenceCallEnumerateCalls,ptr1);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RMobileConferenceCall::GetMobileCallInfo(TInt aIndex, TDes8& aCallInfo) const
+ Gets a current snapshot of the call information associated
+ with the call specified by the aIndex parameter.
+ @param aIndex The index of the call = 0 to aCount-1 where aCount is the returned
+ value from EnumerateCalls()
+ @param aCallInfo On completion, a RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1Pckg containing
+ the large block of call information.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful, KErrNotFound if call information is not available.
+@capability ReadDeviceData
+ {
+ TPckg<TUint> ptr1(aIndex);
+ return Get(EMobileConferenceCallGetMobileCallInfo,ptr1,aCallInfo);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RMobileConferenceCall::GetConferenceStatus(TMobileConferenceStatus& aStatus) const
+ Allows clients to retrieve the current status of the conference call.
+ @param aStatus On completion, the new conference status.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code if not.
+@capability None
+ {
+ TPckg<TMobileConferenceStatus> ptr1(aStatus);
+ return Get(EMobileConferenceCallGetConferenceStatus,ptr1);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::NotifyConferenceStatusChange(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileConferenceStatus& aStatus) const
+ Allows clients to be notified of a change in the status
+ of a conference call.
+ The notification completes when the TSY recognizes that a conference call
+ has changed state.
+ Conference calls may change state either as a result of a direct client action
+ on the conference call sub-session (e.g. client puts the conference on hold
+ or terminates the whole conference) or as a result of a client action on an
+ individual call (e.g. a private communication with one call in a conference
+ will put the rest of the conference on hold).
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange)
+ to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyCapsChange() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+ @param aStatus On return, the conference status.
+@capability None
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
+ TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileConferenceCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyConferenceStatusChange,aStatus);
+ Get(EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceStatusChange,aReqStatus,ptr1);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RMobileConferenceCall::NotifyConferenceEvent(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TMobileConferenceEvent& aEvent, TName& aCallName) const
+ This notification will complete when a conference call event occurs.
+ Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest(EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent)
+ to cancel a previously placed asynchronous NotifyConferenceEvent() request.
+ @param aReqStatus On return, KErrNone if successful, a system wide error code
+ if not.
+ @param aEvent On completion, contains the conference event.
+ @param aCallName On completion, contains the name of the individual call, if
+ the event is a call added or dropped from a conference.
+@capability None
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMmPtrHolder!=NULL,PanicClient(EEtelPanicNullHandle));
+ TPtr8& ptr1 = iMmPtrHolder->Set(CMobileConferenceCallPtrHolder::ESlot1NotifyConferenceEvent,aEvent);
+ Get(EMobileConferenceCallNotifyConferenceEvent,aReqStatus,ptr1,aCallName);
+ }