changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserver/etelpacketdata/dtsy/pcktqostsy.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "pckttsy.h"
+#include "testdef.h"
+#include "etelQoS.h"
+#include <et_clsvr.h>
+#include "dpcktlog.h"
+#include <pcktcs.h>
+#include "coretsy.h"
+//	CGprsQoSDGprsTsy
+CGprsQoSDGprsTsy* CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::NewL(CPhoneFactoryDummyBase* aFac)
+ * NewL method - Standard 2 phase constructor.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: NewL()"));
+	CGprsQoSDGprsTsy* subsession=new(ELeave) CGprsQoSDGprsTsy(aFac);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(subsession);
+	subsession->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return subsession;
+	}
+void CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::Init()
+	{}
+CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::CGprsQoSDGprsTsy(CPhoneFactoryDummyBase* aFac)
+	:CSubSessionExtDummyBase(aFac)
+	{
+	}
+void CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::ConstructL()
+ * ConstructL method
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: Entered constructor"));
+	}
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: Entered destructor"));
+	}
+CTelObject* CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::OpenNewObjectByNameL(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
+ * Opening object(s) from RPacketQoS is not supported.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: OpenNewObjectByNameL() method"));
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	return NULL;
+	}
+CTelObject* CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::OpenNewObjectL(TDes& /*aNewName*/)
+ * Opening object(s) from RPacketQoS is not supported
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: OpenNewObjectL() method"));
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	return NULL;
+	}
+CTelObject::TReqMode CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::ReqModeL(const TInt aIpc)
+ * ReqModeL is called from the server's CTelObject::ReqAnalyserL in order to check the 
+ * type of request it has.
+ * The following are example request types for this dummy TSY. All TSYs do not have to 
+ * have these request types but they have been given "sensible" values in this dummy TSY code.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: ReqModeL() method"));
+	CTelObject::TReqMode ret=0;
+	switch (aIpc)
+		{
+		case EPacketQoSSetProfileParamsCancel:
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileParamsCancel:
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileCapsCancel:
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChangedCancel:
+			// The server should not use ReqMode on Cancel requests
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			break;
+		case EPacketQoSSetProfileParams:
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileParams:
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileCaps:	
+			break;
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged:
+			ret=KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | KReqModeRePostImmediately;
+			break;
+		default:
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			break;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::RegisterNotification(const TInt aIpc)
+ * RegisterNotification is called when the server recognises that this notification is 
+ * being posted for the first time on this sub-session object.
+ * It enables the TSY to "turn on" any regular notification messages that it may receive 
+ * from the phone.
+ */
+	{
+	switch (aIpc)
+		{
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged:
+			LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: RegisterNotification - Profile Changed"));
+			return KErrNone;
+		default:
+			// Unknown or invalid IPC
+			LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: Register error, unknown IPC"));
+			return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::DeregisterNotification(const TInt aIpc)
+ * DeregisterNotification is called when the server recognises that this notification
+ * will not be posted again because the last client to have a handle on this sub-session
+ * object has just closed the handle.
+ * It enables the TSY to "turn off" any regular notification messages that it may 
+ * receive from the phone.
+ */
+	{
+	switch (aIpc)
+		{
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged:
+			LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: DeregisterNotification - Profile Changed"));
+			return KErrNone;
+		default:
+			// Unknown or invalid IPC
+			LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: Deregister error, unknown IPC"));
+			return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::NumberOfSlotsL(const TInt aIpc)
+ * NumberOfSlotsL is called by the server when it is registering a new notification.
+ * It enables the TSY to tell the server how many buffer slots to allocate for
+ * "repost immediately" notifications that may trigger before clients collect them.
+ */
+	{
+	TInt numberOfSlots=1;
+	switch (aIpc)
+		{
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged:
+			LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsDGprsTsy: Registered with 5 slots"));
+			numberOfSlots=5;
+			break;
+		default:
+			// Unknown or invalid IPC
+			LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: Number of Slots error, unknown IPC"));
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			break;
+		}  
+	return numberOfSlots;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TInt aIpc,
+							  const TDataPackage& aPackage)
+ * ExtFunc is called by the server when it has an "extended", i.e. non-core ETel request 
+ * for the TSY to process.
+ * A request handle, request type and request data are passed to the TSY.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: ExtFunc() method"));
+	switch (aIpc)
+		{
+		case EPacketQoSSetProfileParams:
+			return SetProfile(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
+		case EPacketQoSSetProfileParamsCancel:
+			return SetProfileCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileParams:
+			return GetProfile(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileParamsCancel:
+			return GetProfileCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged:
+			return NotifyProfileChanged(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChangedCancel:
+			return NotifyProfileChangedCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileCaps:
+			return GetProfileCaps(aTsyReqHandle, aPackage.Des1n());
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileCapsCancel:
+			return GetProfileCapsCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		default:
+			return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::CancelService(const TInt aIpc,const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
+ * CancelService is called by the server when it is "cleaning-up" any still outstanding
+ * asynchronous requests before closing a client's sub-session.
+ * This will happen if a client closes its R-class handle without cancelling outstanding
+ * asynchronous requests.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy: - CancelService called"));
+	switch (aIpc)
+		{
+		case EPacketQoSSetProfileParams:
+			return SetProfileCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileParams:
+			return GetProfileCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		case EPacketQoSGetProfileCaps:
+			return GetProfileCapsCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		case EPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged:
+			return NotifyProfileChangedCancel(aTsyReqHandle);
+		default:
+			return KErrGeneral; 
+		} 
+	}
+// The following methods are called from ExtFunc and/or CancelService.
+// Each of these will process a TSY request or cancel a TSY request
+// Here, example values are returned or checked within this dummy TSY in order to ensure
+// that the integrity of the data passed to/from client is maintained
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::SetProfile(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TDesC8* aConfig)
+ * Set QoS Profile parameters
+ * This method is called by both the Hurricane and JetStream API tests.
+ * The iExtensionId parameter is checked to determine the packet service.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::SetProfile called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	TInt proceed = 1; // Determines how the function finishes this request
+	TPacketDataConfigBase& aCheckId = (*(TPckg<TPacketDataConfigBase>*) aConfig)();
+	switch (aCheckId.ExtensionId())
+		{
+		case TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS :
+			{
+			// If GPRS Rel97/98, validate the descriptor
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested>* qosConfigGPRSPckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested& qosConfigV1 = (*qosConfigGPRSPckg)();
+			if ((qosConfigV1.iMinDelay != DPCKTTSY_DELAY_MIN1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinMeanThroughput != DPCKTTSY_MEAN_THROUGHPUT_MIN1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinPeakThroughput != DPCKTTSY_PEAK_THROUGHPUT_MIN1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinPrecedence != DPCKTTSY_PRECEDENCE_MIN1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinReliability != DPCKTTSY_RELIABILITY_MIN1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqDelay != DPCKTTSY_DELAY_REQ1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqMeanThroughput != DPCKTTSY_MEAN_THROUGHPUT_REQ1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqPeakThroughput != DPCKTTSY_PEAK_THROUGHPUT_REQ1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqPrecedence != DPCKTTSY_PRECEDENCE_REQ1)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqReliability != DPCKTTSY_RELIABILITY_REQ1))
+				{	
+				ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+				proceed--;		// The method should return with KErrNone after calling ReqCompleted().
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4 : 
+			{
+			// If Rel99/4, validate the descriptor and complete the request
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested>* qosConfigR99R4Pckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested& qosConfigV1 = (*qosConfigR99R4Pckg)();
+			if ((qosConfigV1.iMinTrafficClass != DPCKTTSY_TRAFFIC_CLASS_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinDeliveryOrderReqd != DPCKTTSY_DELIVERY_ORDER_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinDeliverErroneousSDU != DPCKTTSY_ERRONEOUS_SDU_DELIVERY_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinAcceptableMaxSDUSize != DPCKTTSY_MAX_SDU_SIZE_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinAcceptableMaxRate.iUplinkRate != DPCKTTSY_MAX_UPLINK_BITRATE_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinAcceptableMaxRate.iDownlinkRate != DPCKTTSY_MAX_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMaxBER != DPCKTTSY_BER_MAX)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMaxSDUErrorRatio != DPCKTTSY_SDU_ERROR_RATIO_MAX)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMaxTransferDelay != DPCKTTSY_TRANSFER_DELAY_MAX)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinGuaranteedRate.iUplinkRate != DPCKTTSY_GRNT_UPLINK_BITRATE_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iMinGuaranteedRate.iDownlinkRate != DPCKTTSY_GRNT_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_MIN)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqTrafficClass != DPCKTTSY_TRAFFIC_CLASS_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqDeliveryOrderReqd != DPCKTTSY_DELIVERY_ORDER_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqDeliverErroneousSDU != DPCKTTSY_ERRONEOUS_SDU_DELIVERY_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqMaxSDUSize != DPCKTTSY_MAX_SDU_SIZE_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqMaxRate.iUplinkRate != DPCKTTSY_MAX_UPLINK_BITRATE_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqMaxRate.iDownlinkRate != DPCKTTSY_MAX_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqBER != DPCKTTSY_BER_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqSDUErrorRatio != DPCKTTSY_SDU_ERROR_RATIO_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqTransferDelay != DPCKTTSY_TRANSFER_DELAY_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqGuaranteedRate.iUplinkRate != DPCKTTSY_GRNT_UPLINK_BITRATE_REQ)||
+			(qosConfigV1.iReqGuaranteedRate.iDownlinkRate != DPCKTTSY_GRNT_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_REQ))
+				{	
+				ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+				proceed--;		// The method should return with KErrNone after calling ReqCompleted().
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel5 : 
+			{
+			// If R5, validate the descriptor and complete the request
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested>* qosConfigR5Pckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested& qosConfigV1 = (*qosConfigR5Pckg)();
+			if ((!qosConfigV1.iSignallingIndication)||
+				(qosConfigV1.iSourceStatisticsDescriptor != DPCKTTSY_SRC_STATSDESC))
+				{	
+				ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+				proceed--;		// The method should return with KErrNone after calling ReqCompleted().
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
+			proceed--;		// The method should return with KErrNone after calling ReqCompleted().
+			break;
+		}	// switch
+	// If the data is corrupt, proceed should be zero, and the method completes immediately.
+	if (!proceed)
+		return KErrNone;
+	else				// Data is NOT corrupt, continue the implementation
+		{
+		if(!iSetProfile++)
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+		switch(iSetProfile)
+			{
+			case 3:
+				ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				break;
+			}
+		iTsyAsyncReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::SetProfileCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::SetProfileCancel called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	if(aTsyReqHandle == iTsyAsyncReqHandle)
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
+	else
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfile(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TDes8* aConfig)
+ * Get QoS Profile parameters
+ * This method is called by both the Hurricane and JetStream API tests.
+ * The iExtensionId parameter is checked to determine the packet service.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfile called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	if(!iGetProfile++)
+		{
+		TPacketDataConfigBase& aCheckId = (*(TPckg<TPacketDataConfigBase>*) aConfig)();
+		// CDMA QoS profiles are currently not supported in this Dummy TSY.
+		if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigCDMA)
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
+		// If GPRS Rel97/98, unpack the descriptor, get the QoS profile parameters 
+		// and complete the request
+		if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS)
+			{		
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated>* qosConfigGPRSPckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& qosConfigV1 = (*qosConfigGPRSPckg)();
+			qosConfigV1.iDelay = DPCKTTSY_DELAY_NEG2;
+			qosConfigV1.iMeanThroughput = DPCKTTSY_MEAN_THROUGHPUT_NEG2;
+			qosConfigV1.iPeakThroughput = DPCKTTSY_PEAK_THROUGHPUT_NEG2;
+			qosConfigV1.iPrecedence = DPCKTTSY_PRECEDENCE_NEG2;
+			qosConfigV1.iReliability = DPCKTTSY_RELIABILITY_NEG2;
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+			}
+		else if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4) 
+			{
+			// If Rel99/Rel4 network, unpack the descriptor, set the QoS profile parameters 
+			// and complete the request
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated>* qosConfigR99R4Pckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated& qosConfigV1 = (*qosConfigR99R4Pckg)();
+			qosConfigV1.iTrafficClass = DPCKTTSY_TRAFFIC_CLASS_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iDeliveryOrderReqd = DPCKTTSY_DELIVERY_ORDER_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iMaxSDUSize = DPCKTTSY_MAX_SDU_SIZE_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iMaxRate.iUplinkRate = DPCKTTSY_MAX_UPLINK_BITRATE_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iMaxRate.iDownlinkRate = DPCKTTSY_MAX_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iBER = DPCKTTSY_BER_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iSDUErrorRatio = DPCKTTSY_SDU_ERROR_RATIO_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iTransferDelay = DPCKTTSY_TRANSFER_DELAY_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iGuaranteedRate.iUplinkRate = DPCKTTSY_GRNT_UPLINK_BITRATE_NEG;
+			qosConfigV1.iGuaranteedRate.iDownlinkRate = DPCKTTSY_GRNT_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_NEG;
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+			}		
+		}	// !iGetProfile++
+		iTsyAsyncReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
+		return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfileCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfileCancel called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	if(aTsyReqHandle == iTsyAsyncReqHandle)
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
+	else
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfileCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TDes8* aConfig)
+ * Get Profile capabilities.
+ * This method is called by both the Hurricane and JetStream API tests.
+ * The iExtensionId parameter is checked to determine the packet service.
+ */
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfileCaps called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	if(!iGetProfileCaps++)
+		{
+		TPacketDataConfigBase& aCheckId = (*(TPckg<TPacketDataConfigBase>*) aConfig)();
+		// CDMA QoS profiles are currently not supported in this Dummy TSY.
+		if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigCDMA)
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
+		// If GPRS Rel97/98, unpack the descriptor, set the QoS profile caps 
+		// and complete the request
+		if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS)
+			{		
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsGPRS>* qosCapsGPRSPckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsGPRS>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsGPRS& qosCaps = (*qosCapsGPRSPckg)();
+			qosCaps.iDelay = DPCKTTSY_DELAY;
+			qosCaps.iPrecedence = DPCKTTSY_PRECEDENCE;
+			qosCaps.iReliability = DPCKTTSY_RELIABILITY;
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+			}
+		else if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4) 
+			{
+			// If Rel99/Rel4 network, unpack the descriptor, set the QoS profile parameters 
+			// and complete the request
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsR99_R4>* qosCapsR99R4Pckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsR99_R4>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsR99_R4& qosCaps = (*qosCapsR99R4Pckg)();
+			qosCaps.iTrafficClass = DPCKTTSY_TRAFFIC_CLASS;
+			qosCaps.iDeliveryOrderReqd = DPCKTTSY_DELIVERY_ORDER;
+			qosCaps.iBER = DPCKTTSY_BER;
+			qosCaps.iSDUErrorRatio = DPCKTTSY_SDU_ERROR_RATIO;
+			qosCaps.iTrafficHandlingPriority = DPCKTTSY_TRFFC_HNDLG_PRIORITY;
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+			}
+		}	// !iGetProfileCaps++
+	iTsyAsyncReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfileCapsCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::GetProfileCapsCancel called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	if(aTsyReqHandle == iTsyAsyncReqHandle)
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
+	else
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::NotifyProfileChanged(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aConfig)
+ * This method is called by both the Hurricane API tests and the JetStream tests.
+ * The iExtensionId parameter is checked to determine the packet service.
+ */
+	{
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	TPacketDataConfigBase& aCheckId = (*(TPckg<TPacketDataConfigBase>*) aConfig)();
+	if (!iNotifyProfileChanged++)
+		{
+		LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::NotifyProfileChanged called"));
+		// CDMA QoS profiles are currently not supported in this Dummy TSY.
+		if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigCDMA)
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNotSupported);
+		// If GPRS Rel97/98, unpack the descriptor, set the QoS profile parameters 
+		// and complete the request
+		if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS)
+			{
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated>* qosNegotiatedGPRSPckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& qosNotify = (*qosNegotiatedGPRSPckg)();
+			qosNotify.iDelay = DPCKTTSY_DELAY_MIN1;
+			qosNotify.iMeanThroughput = DPCKTTSY_MEAN_THROUGHPUT_MIN1;
+			qosNotify.iPeakThroughput = DPCKTTSY_PEAK_THROUGHPUT_MIN1;
+			qosNotify.iPrecedence = DPCKTTSY_PRECEDENCE_MIN1;
+			qosNotify.iReliability = DPCKTTSY_RELIABILITY_MIN1;
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+			}
+		else if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4) 
+			{
+			// If Rel99/Rel4 network, unpack the descriptor, set the QoS profile parameters 
+			// and complete the request
+			TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated>* qosNegotiatedR99_R4Pckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated>*)aConfig;
+			RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated& qosNotifyR99_R4 = (*qosNegotiatedR99_R4Pckg)();
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iTrafficClass = DPCKTTSY_TRAFFIC_CLASS_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iDeliveryOrderReqd = DPCKTTSY_DELIVERY_ORDER_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iDeliverErroneousSDU = DPCKTTSY_ERRONEOUS_SDU_DELIVERY_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iMaxSDUSize = DPCKTTSY_MAX_SDU_SIZE_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iMaxRate.iUplinkRate = DPCKTTSY_MAX_UPLINK_BITRATE_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iMaxRate.iDownlinkRate = DPCKTTSY_MAX_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iBER = DPCKTTSY_BER_MAX;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iSDUErrorRatio = DPCKTTSY_SDU_ERROR_RATIO_MAX;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iTrafficHandlingPriority = DPCKTTSY_TRFFC_HNDLG_PRIORITY_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iTransferDelay = DPCKTTSY_TRANSFER_DELAY_MAX;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iGuaranteedRate.iUplinkRate = DPCKTTSY_GRNT_UPLINK_BITRATE_MIN;
+			qosNotifyR99_R4.iGuaranteedRate.iDownlinkRate = DPCKTTSY_GRNT_DOWNLINK_BITRATE_MIN;
+			ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+			}
+		}	// !iNotifyProfileChanged++
+	if (aCheckId.ExtensionId() == TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel5)
+		{
+		TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated>* qosNegotiatedR5Pckg = (TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated>*)aConfig;
+		RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated& qosNotifyR5 = (*qosNegotiatedR5Pckg)();
+		switch(iNotifyProfileChanged)
+			{
+			case 3:
+				qosNotifyR5.iSignallingIndication = DPCKTTSY_SIG_IND;
+				qosNotifyR5.iSourceStatisticsDescriptor = DPCKTTSY_SRC_STATSDESC;
+				ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				break;
+			default:
+				ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrArgument);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	iTsyAsyncReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::NotifyProfileChangedCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
+	{
+	LOGTEXT(_L8("CGprsQoSDGprsTsy::NotifyProfileChangedCancel called"));
+	User::After(300000); // wait to have KRequestPending
+	if(aTsyReqHandle == iTsyAsyncReqHandle)
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCancel);
+	else
+		ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrCorrupt);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}