--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/ctsydispatchlayer/test/dispatchertests/dispatchsrc/cctsysimfunegative.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cctsysimfunegative.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <etelmmerr.h>
+#include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsecurityinterface.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsiminterface.h>
+#include <test/tmockltsydata.h>
+/* static */
+CTestSuite* CCTsySimFUNegative::CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName)
+ {
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetServiceTableL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetAPNControlListServiceStatusL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestSetApnControlListServiceStatusL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestEnumerateAPNEntriesL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetAPNnameL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestDeleteAPNNameL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestAppendAPNNameL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestChangeSecurityCodeL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetSubscriberIdL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestPowerSimOffL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestSimWarmResetL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestReadSimFileL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestActivateSimLockL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestDeActivateSimLockL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetAnswerToResetL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetSimCardReaderStatusL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetSimAuthenticationEapSimDataL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCTsySimFUNegative, TestGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaDataL);
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetServiceTable API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetServiceTableL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable::KLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTableApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneNegativeL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable::KLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTableApiId);
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1 tbData;
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1Pckg pkg(tbData);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.GetServiceTable(status, RMobilePhone::EUSIMServiceTable, pkg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrMMEtelWrongMode);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the SetIccMessageWaitingIndicators API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicators::KLtsyDispatchSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 mwiSet;
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1Pckg mwiSetRetPckg(mwiSet);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.SetIccMessageWaitingIndicators(status, mwiSetRetPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetIccMessageWaitingIndicators API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators::KLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneNegativeL(MLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators::KLtsyDispatchSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsApiId);
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 mwi;
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1Pckg mwiRetPckg(mwi);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.GetIccMessageWaitingIndicators(status, mwiRetPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetAPNControlListServiceStatus API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetAPNControlListServiceStatusL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnControlListServiceStatus::KLtsyDispatchSimGetApnControlListServiceStatusApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus statusGet;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.GetAPNControlListServiceStatus(status, statusGet);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the SetApnControlListServiceStatus API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call SetAPNControlListServiceStatus, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestSetApnControlListServiceStatusL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimSetApnControlListServiceStatus::KLtsyDispatchSimSetApnControlListServiceStatusApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus statusSet = RMobilePhone::EAPNControlListServiceEnabled;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.SetAPNControlListServiceStatus(status, statusSet);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the EnumerateAPNEntries API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestEnumerateAPNEntriesL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimEnumerateApnEntries::KLtsyDispatchSimEnumerateApnEntriesApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ TUint32 enmrtRet;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.EnumerateAPNEntries(status, enmrtRet);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetAPNname API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetAPNnameL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnName::KLtsyDispatchSimGetApnNameApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3 apnEntryGet;
+ RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3Pckg apnEntryGetPckg(apnEntryGet);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.GetAPNname(status, 1, apnEntryGetPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the DeleteAPNName API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestDeleteAPNNameL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimDeleteApnName::KLtsyDispatchSimDeleteApnNameApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.DeleteAPNName(status, 1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the AppendAPNName API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestAppendAPNNameL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimAppendApnName::KLtsyDispatchSimAppendApnNameApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3 entryExp;
+ RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3Pckg entryAppPckg(entryExp);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.AppendAPNName(status, entryAppPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the ChangeSecurityCode API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestChangeSecurityCodeL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimChangeSecurityCode::KLtsyDispatchSimChangeSecurityCodeApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ _LIT(KOldPwd,"oldPswd");
+ _LIT(KNewPwd,"newPswd");
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhonePasswordChangeV1 pwdChange;
+ pwdChange.iNewPassword = KNewPwd;
+ pwdChange.iOldPassword = KOldPwd;
+ // Choose Phone Device Lock
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode secCode = RMobilePhone::ESecurityCodePhonePassword;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.ChangeSecurityCode(status, secCode, pwdChange);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetSubscriberId API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetSubscriberIdL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetSubscriberId::KLtsyDispatchSimGetSubscriberIdApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSubscriberId idGet;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iPhone.GetSubscriberId(status, idGet);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &config); // this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the PowerSimOff API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestPowerSimOffL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOff::KLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOffApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.PowerSimOff(status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customApi, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the SendAPDUReq API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestSendAPDUReqL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequest::KLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequestApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ TBuf8<3> info;
+ info.Append(1);
+ info.Append(1);
+ info.Append(1);
+ RBuf8 dataBuf;
+ CleanupClosePushL(dataBuf);
+ _LIT8(KApduDataExp,"APDU DATA EXP ");
+ dataBuf.CreateL(KApduDataExp);
+ RMmCustomAPI::TApdu apdu(info,dataBuf);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.SendAPDUReq(status, apdu);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &config); // dataBuf, customApi, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the SimWarmReset API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestSimWarmResetL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimSimWarmReset::KLtsyDispatchSimSimWarmResetApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.SimWarmReset(status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customApi, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the ReadSimFile API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestReadSimFileL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimReadSimFile::KLtsyDispatchSimReadSimFileApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ //example Ef(Imsi) path
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimFilePath path;
+ path.Append(0x3F);
+ path.Append(0x00);
+ path.Append(0x7F);
+ path.Append(0x00);
+ path.Append(0x6F);
+ path.Append(0x07);
+ path.Append(0x00);
+ path.Append(0x00);
+ const TUint16 offset = 0;
+ const TUint16 size = 15;
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimFileInfo simFileInfo;
+ simFileInfo.iPath = path;
+ simFileInfo.iOffSet = offset;
+ simFileInfo.iSize = size;
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimFileInfoPckg simFileInfoPckg(simFileInfo);
+ TBuf8<20> responseBytes;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.ReadSimFile(status, simFileInfoPckg, responseBytes);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the ActivateSimLock API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned for both async and sync cases
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestActivateSimLockL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockActivate::KLtsyDispatchSimSimLockActivateApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ _LIT(KPassword, "12345");
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimLockPassword simLockPassword;
+ RMmCustomAPI::TLockNumber lockNumber;
+ lockNumber = RMmCustomAPI::EOperator;
+ simLockPassword.Copy(KPassword);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ // async version
+ customApi.ActivateSimLock(status, simLockPassword, lockNumber);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ // synchronous version
+ TInt ret = customApi.ActivateSimLock(simLockPassword, lockNumber);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned for both async & sync APIs
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestDeActivateSimLockL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockDeActivate::KLtsyDispatchSimSimLockDeActivateApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ _LIT(KPassword, "12345");
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimLockPassword simLockPassword;
+ RMmCustomAPI::TLockNumber lockNumber;
+ lockNumber = RMmCustomAPI::EOperator;
+ simLockPassword.Copy(KPassword);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ // async version
+ customApi.DeActivateSimLock(status, simLockPassword, lockNumber);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ // synchronous version
+ TInt ret = customApi.DeActivateSimLock(simLockPassword, lockNumber);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetAnswerToReset (ATR) API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetAnswerToResetL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetAnswerToReset::KLtsyDispatchSimGetAnswerToResetApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ _LIT8(KAnswerToResetSend, "ExampleAnswerToResetSend");
+ TBuf8<100> answerToReset(KAnswerToResetSend);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.GetATR(status, answerToReset);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetSimCardReaderStatus API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetSimCardReaderStatusL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimCardReaderStatus::KLtsyDispatchSimGetSimCardReaderStatusApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimCardReaderStatus simCardReaderStatus;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.GetSimCardReaderStatus(status, simCardReaderStatus);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetSimAuthenticationEapSimData API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetSimAuthenticationEapSimDataL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapSimData::KLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapSimDataApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ // generate a random parameter
+ TUint32 randomValue;
+ TBuf8<16> randomParameter;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i< 16; i++)
+ {
+ randomValue = Math::Random();
+ randomParameter.Append(randomValue);
+ }
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimAuthenticationEapSim eapSim;
+ eapSim.iRandomParameters.Copy(randomParameter);
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimDataPckg simDataPckg(eapSim);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.GetWlanSimAuthenticationData(status, simDataPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }
+ * @SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test handing in CTSY dispatch when the GetSimAuthenticationEapAkaData API is disabled
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ * @SYMTestActions Disable API, call API, check correct error returned
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+ * @SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCTsySimFUNegative::TestGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaDataL()
+ {
+ TConfig config;
+ config.SetSupportedValue(MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaData::KLtsyDispatchSimGetSimAuthenticationEapAkaDataApiId, EFalse);
+ config.PushL();
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ RMmCustomAPI customApi;
+ OpenCustomApiLC(customApi);
+ TUint32 randomValue;
+ TBuf8<16> randomParameter2;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i< 16; i++)
+ {
+ randomValue = Math::Random();
+ randomParameter2.Append(randomValue);
+ }
+ _LIT8(KAUTN,"AUTN Value");
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSimAuthenticationEapAka eapAka;
+ eapAka.iRandomParameters.Copy(randomParameter2);
+ eapAka.iAUTN.Copy(KAUTN);
+ RMmCustomAPI::TAkaDataPckg akaDataPckg(eapAka);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ customApi.GetWlanSimAuthenticationData(status, akaDataPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(status.Int(), KErrNotSupported);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ config.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &config); // customAPI, this, config
+ }