changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/hayes/ATSTD.H	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// AT Command TSY Standard Header
+ @file
+ @internalAll 
+#ifndef __ATSTD_H__
+#define __ATSTD_H__
+#include <etel.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <etelqos.h>
+#include "panic.h"		// for panic codes and function
+const TInt KLengthOfGuardTime=50;				// in 1/50ths of a second
+const TInt KDefaultSecondsToWaitForCarrier=40;
+const TInt KExtraWaitTime=4000;					// in milliseconds
+const TInt KMaxNoChecks=3;
+const TInt KTimeForExtraRxData=500;
+const TInt KDefaultPauseInterval=5;
+const TInt KTimeBetweenRings=7000000;			// in microseconds
+const TInt KDelayForModemSettleAfterRing=500;	// in milliseconds
+const TInt KMinTimeForSuccessfulInit=2000000;	// in microseconds
+const TInt KMinTimeForSuccessfulPreConnectInit=1000000;	// in microseconds
+const TInt KMaxLengthOfUserDefinedInitString=50;		// Chosen because this is the max length of a "short" CommDb text entry
+const TInt KDefaultAutoAnswer=0;
+const TInt KFaxCaps=(RPhone::KCapsFaxClassOne | RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwo | RPhone::KCapsFaxClassTwoPointZero);
+const TInt KOneSecondPause=1000;				// in milliseconds
+const TInt KCallTimerInterval=1000000;			// in microseconds
+CMS Error Codes
+const TInt KErrCmsMe=300;
+const TInt KErrCmsUndefined=500;
+const TInt KFaxLineIndex=0;
+const TInt KDataLineIndex=1;
+const TInt KVoiceLineIndex=2;
+const TInt KNumberOfLines=3;
+Command strings
+Expected modem responses
+_LIT8(KCarrierString, "CONNECT");
+_LIT8(KNoCarrierString,"NO CARRIER");
+_LIT8(KCallMonitoringEventString,"?ECAV: ?,0*"); // For Ericsson Phones that don't return NO CARRIER on Voice calls
+_LIT8(KNotifyMeIfErrorString,"QWERTY"); // so that CATBase-derived thing will always be notified if an IO error occurs
+Fax class strings
+Gprs strings
+_LIT8(KMSClassA, "\"A\"");
+_LIT8(KMSClassB, "\"B\"");
+_LIT8(KMSClassCAlternateMode, "\"CA\"");
+_LIT8(KMSClassCGPRSOnly, "\"CG\"");			
+_LIT8(KMSClassCCircuitSwitchedOnly, "\"CC\"");
+General strings for TSY
+enum TPortAccess
+	{
+	EPortAccessAllowed,
+	EPortAccessDenied
+	};
+enum TPhoneInitStatus
+	{
+	EPhoneNotInitialised,
+	EPhoneInitialising,
+	EPhoneInitialiseCancelling,
+	EPhoneInitialised
+	};
+typedef TBuf8<2> TStorageType;  
+struct TPhoneStatusTSY
+	{
+	RPhone::TModemDetection iModemDetected;
+	RPhone::TMode iMode;
+	TUint iDataAndFaxFlags;
+	TPhoneInitStatus iInitStatus;
+	RCall::TStatus iLineStatus;	// Used for all lines as physically there is only one line
+	TPortAccess iPortAccess;
+	TInt iWaitForCarrierTime;
+	TBool iDataPortLoaned;
+	TUint iSupportedPhoneBookStorageFlag;
+	TInt iSupportedPhoneBookCount;
+	TStorageType iLastAccessedPhoneBook;
+	TBool iNetworkChanged;
+	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus iRegistrationStatus;
+	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 iLocationArea;
+	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1 iCurrentNetwork;
+	};
+// Forward class declarations (as CPhoneGlobals holds pointers to these classes)
+class CTsyConfig;
+class CNotifications;
+class CATWaitForMessageArrived;
+class CATHandleCmtArrived;
+class CATSmsMessagingRead;
+class CATNetworkInfo;
+class CReceiveSmsQueue;
+class CPhoneGlobals : public CBase
+This class is used by nearly all CATCommands dervied classes
+as a general storage place for TSY global values.
+If this TSY was better designed, there should be no need for this class.
+	{
+	static CPhoneGlobals* NewL(TBool aExplicit =EFalse);			// Factory function
+	~CPhoneGlobals();						// destructor
+	// Utility functions
+	static TBool IsWriteAccess(TStorageType aStorageType);
+	inline void SetUnreadMsgPtr(CATSmsMessagingRead* aATSmsMessagingRead);
+	void CheckForUnreadMessages();
+	inline void SetChangeOfNetworkPtr(CATNetworkInfo* aATNetworkInfo);
+	void CheckForChangeOfNetwork();
+	TInt ConvertFromUnicode(TDes8& aMEString, const TDesC16& aUnicode) const;
+	TInt ConvertToUnicode(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aMEString) const;
+	// TSY Global data
+	TPhoneStatusTSY iPhoneStatus;
+	CNotifications* iNotificationStore;
+	CTsyConfig* iConfiguration;
+	TStorageType iPhonePrefMem;  	
+	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 iPhoneId;
+	enum TPhoneSmsPduStd
+		{
+		EPhoneTestUndefined,
+		EPhoneTestNewStandard,
+		EPhoneTestOldStandard
+		};
+	struct TMsgLocation
+		{
+		TInt  iIndex;
+		TName iStoreName;
+		};
+	TPhoneSmsPduStd iPhoneTestState;
+	CATHandleCmtArrived* iCmtArrived;
+	TBool iSmsPduModeSupported;
+	CATSmsMessagingRead* iATSmsMessagingRead;
+	CATNetworkInfo* iATNetworkInfo;
+	TUint32 iBatteryCaps;
+	TUint32 iSignalCaps;
+	TUint32 iPhoneIdCaps;
+	TUint32 iSubscriberIdCaps;
+	TUint32 iNetworkCaps;
+	RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode iNetworkMode;
+	// CATBase flow control flag.
+	// This flag is true when an AT command is writing to the serial port and thus
+	// no other AT command should write to the serial port.
+	// Generally setting and clearing of this flag is done in CATBAse::ExecuteCommand.
+	// Some special case AT commands implement their own flow control.
+	TBool iEventSignalActive;
+	// We have a copy of a pointer to the CReceiveSmsQueue object (owned by CMobileSmsMessaging)
+	// as when CATCommands::Complete is called we need to prod the CReceiveSmsQueue
+	// object to let it know that it is safe for it to read any PDUs that it needs 
+	// from the phones memory.
+	CReceiveSmsQueue* iReceiveSmsQueuePtr;		// This class does not own this object
+	// Gprs capabilities
+	TInt iGprsMaxNumContexts;
+	RPacketService::TMSClass iMSClass;
+	RPacketService::TMSClass iMaxMSClass;
+	RPacketService::TStatus	iGprsStatus;
+	RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus	iGprsRegistrationStatus;
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSCapsGPRS iStaticQoSCaps;
+	//
+	// Modem's SMS receiving capabiltiies.
+	// These values set during the initialisation of the TSY
+	TBool iModemSupportsCMTIMode;
+	TBool iModemSupportsCMTMode;
+	TBool iModemSupportsCSCAMode;
+	//
+	// Modem's GPRS capabiltiies.
+	// These values set during the initialisation of the TSY
+	TBool	iModemSupportsCGREGNotification;
+	//
+	// Data call capabilities (found out using +CBST=? in ATINIT)
+	RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 iCallDataCaps;
+	void ConstructL(TBool aExplicit);	// 2nd stage constructor
+	};
+enum TPanicOccurred
+	{
+	ENoPanicOccurred,
+	EPanicOccurredWithoutDataPortLoan,
+	EPanicOccurredDuringDataPortLoan
+	};
+struct TCallInfoTSY
+	{
+	TName iCallName;
+	TName iLineOwnerName;
+	RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus iMobileStatus;
+	TTime iTimeCallBegan;
+	RCall::TBearerService iBearerService;
+	RCall::THookStatus iHookStatus;
+	TPanicOccurred iClientPanicOccurred;
+	RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl iSpeakerControl;
+	RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume iSpeakerVolume;
+	TInt iInterval;
+	RCall::TWaitForDialTone iWaitForDialTone;
+	TBool iLoanedToClient;
+	RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1 iCallParams;   // just moved DJN
+	};
+inline void CPhoneGlobals::SetUnreadMsgPtr(CATSmsMessagingRead* aATSmsMessagingRead)
+	{
+	iATSmsMessagingRead = aATSmsMessagingRead;
+	}
+inline void CPhoneGlobals::SetChangeOfNetworkPtr(CATNetworkInfo* aATNetworkInfo)
+	{
+	iATNetworkInfo = aATNetworkInfo;
+	}