--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simatktsy/tests/inc/ccsatsendsmsfu.h Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// functional unit of the SAT.
+ @file The TEFUnit header file which tests the SendSMS
+#include <test/tefunit.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <etelmmcs.h>
+#include "ccsatcomponenttestbase.h"
+class CCSatSendSMSFU : public CCSatComponentTestBase
+ {
+ // Create a suite of all the tests
+ static CTestSuite* CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName);
+ // Individual test steps
+ void TestNotifySendSmPCmd0001L();
+ void TestNotifySendSmPCmd0002L();
+ void TestNotifySendSmPCmd0004L();
+ // comments in the below enum refers to 3GPP TS 31.124 V7.4.0 (2008-06)
+ enum TSendSmTC {
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.1
+ ETestSequence11,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.2
+ ETestSequence12,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.3
+ ETestSequence13,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.4
+ ETestSequence14,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.5
+ ETestSequence15,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.6
+ ETestSequence16,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.7
+ ETestSequence17,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (normal), sequence 1.8
+ ETestSequence18,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (icon support), sequence 3.1A
+ ETestSequence31A,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (icon support), sequence 3.1B
+ ETestSequence31B,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (icon support), sequence 3.2A
+ ETestSequence32A,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (icon support), sequence 3.2B
+ ETestSequence32B,
+ // clause SEND SHORT MESSAGE (Support of Text Attribute)
+ //ETestSequence41,
+ // run test with address TLV missing all data after the tag
+ ETestMissingAddressType,
+ // run test with address TLV missing a dialling number
+ ETestMissingDiallingNumber,
+ // run test with "relative" TP-VPF value set in the TPDU header
+ ETestRelativeVPF,
+ ETestRelativeVPFPacked,
+ // run test with "enchanced" TP-VPF value set in the TPDU header
+ ETestEnchancedVPF,
+ ETestEnchancedVPFPacked,
+ // run test with "absolute" TP-VPF value set the TPDU header
+ ETestAbsoluteVPF,
+ ETestAbsoluteVPFPacked,
+ // run test using SMS-COMMAND TPDU instead of SMS-SUBMIT one
+ ETestSmsCommand,
+ // run test with 8-bit coded "SMS-SUBMIT" TPDU having too big value in TP-UDL
+ ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bit,
+ // run test with GSM coded "SMS-SUBMIT" TPDU having too big value in TP-UDL
+ ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bit,
+ // run test with packed 8-bit coded "SMS-SUBMIT" TPDU having too big value in TP-UDL
+ ETestTooBigSmsSubmit8bitPacked,
+ // run test with packed GSM coded "SMS-SUBMIT" TPDU having too big value in TP-UDL
+ ETestTooBigSmsSubmit7bitPacked,
+ // run test with "SMS-COMMAND" TPDU having a too big value in TP-CDL
+ ETestTooBigSmsCommand,
+ // run test with missing SMS TPDU
+ ETestMissingSmsTpdu,
+ // test unsolicted event
+ ETestUnsolictedCompletion
+ };
+ void DoPositiveNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ void DoNegativeNotifySendSmPCmdTestL(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ void DoTestTerminalResponseL();
+ void MockPrimeSendSmPCmdL(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC, TInt aResultCode = KErrNone);
+ void MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ void MockPrimeSendSmTerminalResponseL(TSendSmTC aTC, const RSat::TSendSmRspV1& aRsp, TInt aResultCode = KErrNone);
+ void MockCompleteSendSmPCmdL(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC, TInt aResultCode = KErrNone);
+ static void CreateSmsSubmitTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu,TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static void CreateSmsCommandTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu);
+ static void CreateCorruptedSmsTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static void CreateSmsTpdu(TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC8& CreateSendSmTlv(TTlvBase& aTlv, const TTpdu& aTpdu, TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC8& CreateSendSmTerminalResponseTlv(TTlvBase& aTlv,
+ TUint8 aCommandQualifier, const RSat::TSendSmRspV1& aRsp);
+ static TBool PackingIsUsed(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC8& ExpectedTpdu(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TUint8 ValidityPeriodFormat(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC8& DestinationAddress(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TUint8 DataCodingScheme(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TUint8 UserDataLength(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC8& UserData(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TUint8 CommandQualifier(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TBool AlphaIdIsUsed(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC8& AlphaId(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static const TDesC& ExpectedAlphaId(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static RSat::TAlphaIdStatus ExpectedAlphaIdStatus(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TBool CompleteAddressIsUsed(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static RSat::TNumberingPlan ExpectedNumberPlan(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static RSat::TTypeOfNumber ExpectedTypeOfNumber(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TBool IsIconRelatedTC(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TUint8 IconTlvTag(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static TUint8 IconQualifier(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static RSat::TIconQualifier ExpectedIconQualifier(TSendSmTC aTC);
+ static void FillResponse(RSat::TSendSmRspV1& aRsp,TSendSmTC aTC);
+ }; // class CCSatSendSMSFU