changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simatktsy/tests/src/ccsatgetinputfu.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file The TEFUnit test suite for GetInput in the SAT.
+#include <cstktsy/bertlv_defs.h>
+#include <etel.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <etelsat.h>
+#include <ctsy/serviceapi/gsmerror.h>
+#include <ctsy/mmtsy_names.h>
+#include <satcs.h>
+#include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsatinterface.h>
+#include <test/tmockltsydata.h>
+#include <cstktsy/ttlv.h>
+#include "ccsatgetinputfu.h"
+CTestSuite* CCSatGetInputFU::CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName)
+	{
+	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatGetInputFU, TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0001L);
+	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatGetInputFU, TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0001bL);
+	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatGetInputFU, TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0002L);
+	ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatGetInputFU, TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0004L);
+	}
+Fills in a Tlv with command details and device identities for GetInput proactive command
+@param aTlv Tlv to fill in
+@param aPCmdNumber proactive command number
+@param aCommandQualifier GetInput proactive command qualifier
+void GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( 
+		TTlv& aTlv, 
+		TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+		TUint8 aCommandQualifier)
+	{
+	ProactiveCmdTlvBegin( aTlv, aPCmdNumber, KGetInput, aCommandQualifier, KMe );
+	}
+Prepares a default GetInput data from the data to compare with lately in binary mode,
+so that the data coincides in the fields whos default values is not specified by standards
+(e.g. the rest of buffers)
+@param aDefGetInpData GetInput structure to fill in the default data
+@param aGetInpData GetInput structure containing the default values that is not specified by standards
+void PrepareDefaultGetInpData(RSat::TGetInputV1& aDefGetInpData, const RSat::TGetInputV1& aGetInpData)
+	{
+	Mem::Copy(&aDefGetInpData, &aGetInpData, sizeof(RSat::TGetInputV1));
+	aDefGetInpData.iText.Zero();
+	aDefGetInpData.iInputDisplayOption = RSat::EDisplayUserInput;
+	aDefGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyUnpacked;
+	aDefGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 0;
+	aDefGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 0;
+	aDefGetInpData.iDefaultText.Zero();
+	aDefGetInpData.iIconId.iQualifier = RSat::ENoIconId;
+	aDefGetInpData.iHelp = RSat::ENoHelpAvailable;
+	}
+Test support in SATTSY for successful RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd request without terminal response generation
+@param aPCmdNumber proactive command number
+@param aGetInputQualifier GetInput proactive command qualifier
+@param aGetInputText text for the Terminal to display in conjunction with asking the user to respond
+@param aMinRspLength minimum length of the user response
+@param aMaxRspLength maximum length of the user response
+void CCSatGetInputFU::TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(
+		TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+		TUint8 aGetInputQualifier,
+		const TDesC8& aGetInputText,
+		TUint8 aMinRspLength,
+		TUint8 aMaxRspLength)
+	{
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 getInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg getInpDataPckg(getInpData);
+	TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	TTlv getInpTlv;
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, aPCmdNumber, aGetInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	getInpTlv.AddData(aGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(aMinRspLength); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(aMaxRspLength); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	// check result
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 expGetInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg expGetInpDataPckg(expGetInpData);
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpData);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(aGetInputText);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = aMinRspLength;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = aMaxRspLength;
+	if ( KUserInputMask & aGetInputQualifier )
+		{
+		// User input hidden
+		expGetInpData.iInputDisplayOption = RSat::EHideUserInput;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// User input shown
+		expGetInpData.iInputDisplayOption = RSat::EDisplayUserInput;
+		}
+	// Character set selected
+	if ( KUCS2AlphabetMask & aGetInputQualifier )
+		{
+		// UCS2 alphabet selected
+		expGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::EUcs2Alphabet;
+		}
+	else if ( KAlphabetMask & aGetInputQualifier )
+		{
+		if ( KGetInputSmsPackedMask & aGetInputQualifier )
+			{
+			// SMS default alphabet
+			expGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::ESmsDefaultAlphabetPacked;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			expGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::ESmsDefaultAlphabetUnpacked;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if  ( KGetInputSmsPackedMask & aGetInputQualifier )
+			{
+			// Digit only
+			expGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyPacked;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			expGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyUnpacked;
+			}
+		}
+	// Help information.
+	if ( KHelpAvailabilityMask & aGetInputQualifier )
+		{
+		// Help information available
+		expGetInpData.iHelp = RSat::EHelpAvailable;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// No help
+		expGetInpData.iHelp = RSat::ENoHelpAvailable;
+		}
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare(getInpDataPckg));
+	}
+Test support in SATTSY for successful RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd request with terminal response about unsuccessful command processing
+@param aPCmdNumber proactive command number
+@param aError error code of the proactive command processing
+@param aMeProblemAddInfo additional information in case of Me problem
+@param aExpResult expected result of TerminalRsp() execution
+void CCSatGetInputFU::TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(
+		TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+		RSat::TPCmdResult aError,
+		const TDesC& aMeProblemAddInfo,
+		const TInt aExpResult)
+	{
+	const TUint8 KGetInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask;	// SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, 
+														// Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	_LIT8(KGetInputText, "<GET-INPUT-TEXT>"); 
+	TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(aPCmdNumber, KGetInputQualifier, KGetInputText, 2, 30);
+	//generate the terminal response
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1 resp;
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1Pckg respPckg(resp);
+	resp.iGeneralResult = aError;
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+	if ( RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd == aError )
+		{
+		resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+		resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(aMeProblemAddInfo);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+		}
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::ESmsDefaultAlphabetUnpacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(aPCmdNumber);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(KGetInputQualifier, resp, K8BitDCS, aExpResult);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	}
+Handles sending a terminal response
+@param aCommandQualifier get input proactive command qualifier
+@param aResp terminal response data
+@param aCodingScheme coding scheme of input data
+@param aExpResult expected result of TerminalRsp() execution
+void CCSatGetInputFU::GenerateTerminalResponseL(
+		TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
+		const RSat::TGetInputRspV1& aResp,
+		TUint8 aCodingScheme,
+		const TInt aExpResult)
+	{
+	TPtrC genResultAddInfo(KNullDesC);
+	TPtrC8 additionalInfoTlv(KNullDesC8);
+	if ( RSat::KTextString == aResp.iInfoType ) 
+		{
+		TTlv textStringTlv;
+		textStringTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+		textStringTlv.AddByte(aCodingScheme); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+		TBuf8<RSat::KAdditionalInfoMaxSize> addInfo;
+		addInfo.Zero();
+		switch (aCodingScheme)
+			{
+			case KUCS2DCS:
+				TSatUtility::Copy16to8LE(aResp.iAdditionalInfo, addInfo);
+				break;
+			case K7BitDefaultSmsDCS:
+				TSatUtility::UCSToPacked7(aResp.iAdditionalInfo, addInfo);
+				break;
+			case K8BitDCS:
+			default:
+				addInfo.Copy(aResp.iAdditionalInfo);
+				break;
+			}
+		textStringTlv.AddData(addInfo);
+		additionalInfoTlv.Set( textStringTlv.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag() );
+		}
+	else if ( RSat::KMeProblem == aResp.iInfoType )
+		{
+		genResultAddInfo.Set( aResp.iAdditionalInfo );
+		}
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1Pckg respPckg(aResp);
+	CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL(
+			aResp.PCmdNumber(),
+			KGetInput,
+			aCommandQualifier,
+			RSat::EGetInput,
+			respPckg,
+			genResultAddInfo,
+			aResp.iGeneralResult,
+			additionalInfoTlv,
+			aExpResult);
+	}
+// Actual test cases
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent  telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatGetInputFU::TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0001L()
+	{
+	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+	OpenPhoneL();
+	OpenSatL();
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// TEST C: Successful completion request of
+	// RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd when result is not cached.
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, digits only, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, Terminal supporting 8 bit data Message)
+	//
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 getInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg getInpDataPckg(getInpData);
+	TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	TUint8 pcmdNumber = 1;
+	TTlv getInpTlv;
+	TUint8 getInputQualifier = 0; // digits (0-9, *, # and +) only, SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	_LIT8(KGetInputText, "Enter 12345");
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	// check results
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, Compare16bitDesWith8bitDesL(KGetInputText, getInpData.iText));
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::EDisplayUserInput, getInpData.iInputDisplayOption);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::EDigitOnlyUnpacked, getInpData.iRspFormat);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(static_cast<TUint8>(5), getInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(static_cast<TUint8>(5), getInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, KNullDesC().Compare(getInpData.iDefaultText));
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, getInpData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoHelpAvailable, getInpData.iHelp);
+	// check result by package
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 expGetInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg expGetInpDataPckg(expGetInpData);
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpData);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(KGetInputText);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 5;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 5;
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare(getInpDataPckg));
+	//generate the terminal response
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1 resp;
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1Pckg respPckg(resp);
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	_LIT8(KUserInputText, "12345"); 
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Copy(KUserInputText);
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyUnpacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, digits only, SMS default alphabet, packed, Hide user input)
+	//
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	getInputQualifier = KUserInputMask|KHelpAvailabilityMask|KGetInputSmsPackedMask; // digits (0-9, *, # and +) only, SMS default alphabet, input in packed format, Hide user input, help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	_LIT8(KGetInputText2, "Enter a digit"); 
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText2);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(1); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(1); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvDefaultTextTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	_LIT8(KDefaultText, "1"); 
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KDefaultText);
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	// check results
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpData);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(KGetInputText2);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 1;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 1;
+	expGetInpData.iDefaultText.Copy(KDefaultText);
+	expGetInpData.iHelp = RSat::EHelpAvailable;
+	expGetInpData.iInputDisplayOption = RSat::EHideUserInput;
+	expGetInpData.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyPacked;
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare(getInpDataPckg));
+	//generate the terminal response
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	_LIT(KUserInputText2, "2"); 
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Copy(KUserInputText2);
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyPacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp, K7BitDefaultSmsDCS);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, Terminal supporting 8 bit data Message)
+	//
+	getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	_LIT8(KGetInputText3, "Enter your account name"); 
+	TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier, KGetInputText3, 2, 30);
+	//generate the terminal response
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	_LIT8(KUserInputText3, "Roman"); 
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Copy(KUserInputText3);
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::ESmsDefaultAlphabetUnpacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	TTlv getInpRspTlv3;
+	getInpRspTlv3.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpRspTlv3.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	getInpRspTlv3.AddData(KUserInputText3);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, packed, Terminal to echo text)
+	//
+	getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask|KGetInputSmsPackedMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in packed format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier, KGetInputText3, 2, 30);
+	//generate the terminal response
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	_LIT(KUserInputText4, "Vladimir"); 
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Copy(KUserInputText4);
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::ESmsDefaultAlphabetPacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp, K7BitDefaultSmsDCS);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, UCS2 alphabet, Terminal to echo text)
+	//
+	getInputQualifier = KUCS2AlphabetMask; // UCS2 alphabet, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier, KGetInputText3, 2, 30);
+	//generate the terminal response
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Copy(KUserInputText4);
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::EUcs2Alphabet;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp, KUCS2DCS);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// TEST E: Unsolicited completion of RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+	// from LTSY.
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	getInputQualifier = 0; // digits (0-9, *, # and +) only, SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+	PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(pcmdNumber, KGetInput, getInputQualifier, resp.iAdditionalInfo, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd, KNullDesC8);
+	WaitForMockLTSYTerminated();
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// TEST B: failure on completion of pending request from LTSY->SATTSY
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	getInputQualifier = 0; // digits (0-9, *, # and +) only, SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrGeneral);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrGeneral, requestStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+	}
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent  telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd when problems in processing command
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatGetInputFU::TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0001bL()
+	{
+	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+	OpenPhoneL();
+	OpenSatL();
+	TUint8 pcmdNumber = 1;
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, no text string tag given, required values missing in tlv from sim)
+	//
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 getInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg getInpDataPckg(getInpData);
+	TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	TTlv getInpTlv;
+	TUint8 getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(2); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(30); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(pcmdNumber, KGetInput, getInputQualifier, KNullDesC, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing, KNullDesC8);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, no response length tag given, required values missing in tlv from sim)
+	//
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	_LIT8(KGetInputText, "Enter your account name"); 
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(pcmdNumber, KGetInput, getInputQualifier, KNullDesC, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing, KNullDesC8);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, minimum length of response exceed, command data not understood)
+	//
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte( RSat::KGetInputTextMaxSize + 1 ); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte( 30 ); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(pcmdNumber, KGetInput, getInputQualifier, KNullDesC, RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood, KNullDesC8);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, user answer is empty string)
+	//
+	getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier, KGetInputText, 2, 30);
+	//generate the terminal response
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1 resp;
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1Pckg respPckg(resp);
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::EGetInputRspFormatNotSet;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	TTlv getInpRspTlv2;
+	getInpRspTlv2.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(pcmdNumber, KGetInput, getInputQualifier, KNullDesC, resp.iGeneralResult, getInpRspTlv2.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag());
+	TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+	iSat.TerminalRsp(reqStatus, RSat::EGetInput, respPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, reqStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, user answer is empty string and minimal length is 0)
+	// 
+	getInputQualifier = KAlphabetMask; // SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	TestGetInputSuccessfulWithoutTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier, KGetInputText, 0, 10);
+	//generate the terminal response
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::ESmsDefaultAlphabetUnpacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	getInpRspTlv2.Begin(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(pcmdNumber, KGetInput, getInputQualifier, KNullDesC, resp.iGeneralResult, getInpRspTlv2.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag());
+	iSat.TerminalRsp(reqStatus, RSat::EGetInput, respPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, proactive session terminated by user)
+	//
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser);
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, backward mode requested by user)
+	//
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KBackwardModeRequestedByUser);
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, no response from user)
+	//
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KNoResponseFromUser);
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, help requested by user)
+	//
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KHelpRequestedByUser);
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, command beyond Me capabilities)
+	//
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities);
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, screen busy)
+	//
+	RSat::TAdditionalInfo additionalInfo;
+	additionalInfo.Append(RSat::KScreenBusy);
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd, additionalInfo);
+	//
+	// (GET INPUT, SMS default alphabet, Terminal to echo text, me problem without additional info)
+	//
+	TestGetInputWithUnsuccessfulTerminalResponseL(pcmdNumber, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd, KNullDesC, KErrCorrupt);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+	}
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent  telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for cancelling of RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes cancelling of RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatGetInputFU::TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0002L()
+	{
+	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+	OpenPhoneL();
+	OpenSatL();
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Test cancelling of RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 getInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg getInpDataPckg(getInpData);
+	TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	iSat.CancelAsyncRequest(ESatNotifyGetInputPCmd);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCancel, requestStatus.Int());
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+	}
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent  telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for multiple client requests to RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes multiple client requests to RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatGetInputFU::TestNotifyGetInputPCmd0004L()
+	{
+	OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+	OpenPhoneL();
+	OpenSatL();
+	// Open second client
+	RTelServer telServer2;
+	TInt ret = telServer2.Connect();
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+	CleanupClosePushL(telServer2);
+	RMobilePhone phone2;
+	ret = phone2.Open(telServer2, KMmTsyPhoneName);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+	CleanupClosePushL(phone2);
+	RSat sat2;
+	ret = sat2.Open(phone2);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+	CleanupClosePushL(sat2);
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Test A: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+	// when they both pass the same T-class version
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// send 1st request
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 getInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg getInpDataPckg(getInpData);
+	TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	// send 2nd request
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 getInpData2;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg getInpDataPckg2(getInpData2);
+	TRequestStatus requestStatus2;
+	sat2.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus2, getInpDataPckg2);
+	// generate completion
+	TUint8 pcmdNumber = 1;
+	TTlv getInpTlv;
+	TUint8 getInputQualifier = 0; // digits (0-9, *, # and +) only, SMS default alphabet, input in unpacked format, Terminal to echo text, no help information available
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	_LIT8(KGetInputText, "Enter 12345"); 
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	// completion of requests
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+	// check results
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+	RSat::TGetInputV1 expGetInpData;
+	RSat::TGetInputV1Pckg expGetInpDataPckg(expGetInpData);
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpData);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(KGetInputText);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 5;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 5;
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare(getInpDataPckg));
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpData2);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(KGetInputText);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 5;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 5;
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare(getInpDataPckg2));
+	// generate the terminal response
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1 resp;
+	RSat::TGetInputRspV1Pckg respPckg(resp);
+	resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+	resp.iInfoType = RSat::KTextString;
+	_LIT(KUserInputText, "12345"); 
+	resp.iAdditionalInfo.Copy(KUserInputText);
+	resp.iRspFormat = RSat::EDigitOnlyUnpacked;
+	resp.SetPCmdNumber(pcmdNumber);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Test B: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd
+	// when they both pass different T-class versions
+ 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// When multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifyGetInputPCmd and they both pass
+	// different packaged parameter versions only the last request completes, because
+	// etel reposts request with new parameter size and looses previous requests.
+	// May be it would be worth to make ESatNotifyGetInputPCmd ipc requests flow controlled
+	// by CSATTSY instead of multiple completed by ETEL. Similar defects are 51,
+	// 58, 71, 78, 86 and 90
+	ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font color=Orange>$CSATKnownFailure: defect id = %d</font>"), 99);
+	// Following assert was added to prevent test execution hang
+	ASSERT_TRUE( EFalse );
+	// send 1st request
+	PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KGetInput);
+	iSat.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus, getInpDataPckg);
+	// send 2nd request
+	RSat::TGetInputV5 getInpDataV5;
+	RSat::TGetInputV5Pckg getInpDataV5Pckg(getInpDataV5);
+	sat2.NotifyGetInputPCmd(requestStatus2, getInpDataV5Pckg);
+	// generate completion
+	GetInputProactiveCmdTlvBegin( getInpTlv, pcmdNumber, getInputQualifier );
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvTextStringTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(K8BitDCS); //ETLV_DataCodingScheme
+	getInpTlv.AddData(KGetInputText);
+	getInpTlv.AddTag(KTlvResponseLengthTag);
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MinimumLengthOfResponse
+	getInpTlv.AddByte(5); //ETLV_MaximumLengthOfResponse
+	PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(getInpTlv.End(), KErrNone);
+	// completion of requests
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+	User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+	// check results
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpData);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(KGetInputText);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 5;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 5;
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare(getInpDataPckg));
+	PrepareDefaultGetInpData(expGetInpData, getInpDataV5);
+	expGetInpData.iText.Copy(KGetInputText);
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMinRspLength = 5;
+	expGetInpData.iRspLength.iMaxRspLength = 5;
+	ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, expGetInpDataPckg.Compare( getInpDataV5Pckg.Left(sizeof(RSat::TGetInputV1)) ) );
+	ASSERT_TRUE( RSat::ETextAttributeProvided != getInpDataV5.iTextAttribute.iStatus );
+	// generate the terminal response
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp);
+	GenerateTerminalResponseL(getInputQualifier, resp);
+	AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, this); // sat2, phone2, telServer2, this
+	}