--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simatktsy/tests/src/ccsatsendreceivedatafu.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1948 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file The TEFUnit test suite for SendReceiveData in the SAT.
+#include "ccsatsendreceivedatafu.h"
+#include <etel.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <satcs.h>
+#include <test/tmockltsydata.h>
+// define used constants
+const TUint8 KSendDataStoreMode = 0x00; // constant for store mode
+const TUint8 KReceiveDataQualifier = 0x00; // RFU
+const TUint8 KIconOne = 1; // record 1 in EFIMG file on sim
+const TUint8 KChannelDataLength = 200; // should be non zero
+// additional information for RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd error
+// in processing proactive command
+// please see documentation for RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd
+const TUint8 KRequestedFacilityNotImplemented = 69/*see 3GPP TS 24.008*/ | 0x80;
+// define some channel data
+_LIT8(KChannelData, "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07");
+_LIT8(KBasicIconAlpha, "Basic Icon");
+//"Hello" in Russian, first byte "\x80" is 0x80 UCS2 coding type for Tlv data
+_LIT8(KRussianHello, "\x80\x04\x17\x04\x14\x04\x20\x04\x10\x04\x12\x04\x21\
+//"Hello" in Russian in unicode for checking results
+_LIT16(KRussianHelloU, "\x0417\x0414\x0420\x0410\x0412\x0421\x0422\x0412\
+//"Hello" in Chinese, first byte "\x80" is 0x80 UCS2 coding type for Tlv data
+_LIT8(KChineseHello, "\x80\x4F\x60\x59\x7D");
+//"Hello" in Chinese in unicode for checking results
+_LIT16(KChineseHelloU, "\x4F60\x597D");
+//Characters in Katakana, first byte "\x80" is 0x80 UCS2 coding type for Tlv data
+_LIT8(KKatakanaChars, "\x80\x30\xEB");
+//Characters in Katakana in unicode for checking results
+_LIT16(KKatakanaCharsU, "\x30EB");
+CTestSuite* CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName)
+ {
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0001L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0001bL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0002L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0004L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifySendDataPCmd0001L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifySendDataPCmd0001bL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifySendDataPCmd0002L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSendReceiveDataFU, TestNotifySendDataPCmd0004L);
+ }
+Fills in channel data descriptor
+@param aData TDes8 or TDes16 descriptor data to be prepared
+template <class T>
+LOCAL_C void PrepareChannelData(T& aData)
+ {
+ for (TUint8 i = 0; i < KChannelDataLength; i++)
+ {
+ aData.Append(i);
+ }
+ }
+Resets RSat::SendDataV2 data fields
+@param aSendData data to be reset
+LOCAL_C void ResetSendData(RSat::TSendDataV2& aData)
+ {
+ // reset public members
+ aData.iDestination = RSat::KDeviceIdNotSet;
+ aData.iMode = RSat::ESendDataModeNotSet;
+ aData.iAlphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet;
+ aData.iAlphaId.iAlphaId.Zero();
+ aData.iIconId.iQualifier = RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet;
+ aData.iIconId.iIdentifier = 0;
+ aData.iChannelData.Zero();
+ // reset protected members;
+ aData.SetPCmdNumber(0);
+ }
+Resets RSat::ReceiveDataV2 data fields
+@param aReceiveData data to be reset
+LOCAL_C void ResetReceiveData(RSat::TReceiveDataV2& aData)
+ {
+ // reset public members
+ aData.iDestination = RSat::KDeviceIdNotSet;
+ aData.iAlphaId.iStatus = RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet;
+ aData.iAlphaId.iAlphaId.Zero();
+ aData.iIconId.iQualifier = RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet;
+ aData.iIconId.iIdentifier = 0;
+ aData.iChannelDataLength = 0;
+ // reset protected members;
+ aData.SetPCmdNumber(0);
+ }
+Prepares SendData proactive command complete data for MockLtsy
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aDelay Delay value for MockLtsy completion
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ TInt aDelay)
+ {
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(
+ aChannelData, KPCmdNumberOne, KBipSendDataImmediately, RSat::KChannel1,
+ NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet, KErrNone, aDelay);
+ }
+Prepares SendData proactive command complete data for MockLtsy
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aPCmdNumber Proactive command number.
+@param aCmdQual Command qualifier
+@param aDestDeviceId Command destination device Id
+@param aAlphaId Alpha identifier
+@param aIconQual Type of icon
+@param aResult Proactive command notify result
+@param aDelay Delay value for MockLtsy completion
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+ TUint8 aCmdQual,
+ TUint8 aDestDeviceId,
+ const TDesC8* aAlphaId,
+ RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQual,
+ TInt aResult,
+ TInt aDelay)
+ {
+ TTlv tlv;
+ ProactiveCmdTlvBegin(tlv, aPCmdNumber, KSendData, aCmdQual, aDestDeviceId);
+ if ( aChannelData )
+ {
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvChannelDataTag);
+ tlv.AddData(*aChannelData);//ETLV_ChannelDataString
+ }
+ if ( aAlphaId )
+ {
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag);
+ tlv.AddData(*aAlphaId);//ETLV_AlphaIdentifier
+ }
+ if ( ( RSat::ESelfExplanatory == aIconQual ) ||
+ ( RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory == aIconQual ) )
+ {
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvIconIdentifierTag);
+ tlv.AddByte((RSat::ESelfExplanatory == aIconQual)?0:1);//ETLV_IconQualifier
+ tlv.AddByte(KIconOne);//ETLV_IconIdentifier
+ }
+ PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(tlv.End(), aResult, aDelay);
+ }
+Tests for successful completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aCmdQual Command qualifier
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ TUint8 aCmdQual)
+ {
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ aChannelData, KPCmdNumberOne, aCmdQual, RSat::KChannel1,
+ NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet, KErrNone, NULL);
+ }
+Tests for completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aError Proactive command notify error code for mock data
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmdErrorL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ TInt aError)
+ {
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ aChannelData, KPCmdNumberOne, KBipSendDataImmediately, RSat::KChannel1,
+ NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet, aError, NULL);
+ }
+Tests for successful completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aDestDeviceId Command destination device Id
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ RSat::TDeviceId aDestDeviceId)
+ {
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ aChannelData, KPCmdNumberOne, KBipSendDataImmediately, aDestDeviceId,
+ NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet, KErrNone, NULL);
+ }
+Tests for successful completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aAlphaId Alpha identifier
+@param aAlphaIdCheck Alpha identifier value to ckeck with returned value
+@param aIconQual Type of icon
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ const TDesC8* aAlphaId,
+ const TDesC16* aAlphaIdCheck,
+ RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQual)
+ {
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ aChannelData, KPCmdNumberOne, KBipSendDataImmediately, RSat::KChannel1,
+ aAlphaId, aIconQual, KErrNone, aAlphaIdCheck);
+ }
+Tests for completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+@param aChannelData Channel data
+@param aPCmdNumber Proactive command number
+@param aCmdQual Command qualifier
+@param aDestDeviceId Command destination device Id
+@param aAlphaId Alpha identifier
+@param aIconQual Type of icon
+@param aResult Proactive command notify result
+@param aAlphaIdCheck Alpha identifier value to ckeck with returned value
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(
+ const TDesC8* aChannelData,
+ TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+ TUint8 aCmdQual,
+ RSat::TDeviceId aDestDeviceId,
+ const TDesC8* aAlphaId,
+ RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQual,
+ TInt aResult,
+ const TDesC16* aAlphaIdCheck)
+ {
+ // write expected notify request in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KSendData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ TUint8 destDeviceId = ( RSat::KDeviceIdNotSet==aDestDeviceId )?KDeviceIdNotSet:aDestDeviceId;
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(
+ aChannelData, aPCmdNumber, aCmdQual, destDeviceId,
+ aAlphaId, aIconQual, aResult);
+ // send notify request to CSAT
+ RSat::TSendDataV2 sendData;
+ RSat::TSendDataV2Pckg sendDataPckg(sendData);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ iSat.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus, sendDataPckg);
+ // wait for the request completion
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ // check expected results with recieved data
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aResult, requestStatus.Int());
+ if ( KErrNone == aResult )
+ {
+ // proactive command number
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aPCmdNumber, sendData.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aDestDeviceId, sendData.iDestination);
+ if ( KBipSendDataImmediately & aCmdQual )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ESendDataImmediately, sendData.iMode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::EStoreDataInTxBuffer, sendData.iMode);
+ }
+ if ( aChannelData )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, aChannelData->Compare(sendData.iChannelData) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, KNullDesC8().Compare(sendData.iChannelData) );
+ }
+ if ( aAlphaId && ( 0 < aAlphaId->Length() ) )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::EAlphaIdProvided, sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus);
+ if ( aAlphaIdCheck )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, aAlphaIdCheck->Compare(
+ sendData.iAlphaId.iAlphaId));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, Compare16bitDesWith8bitDesL(
+ *aAlphaId,
+ sendData.iAlphaId.iAlphaId));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aAlphaId && ( 0 == aAlphaId->Length() ) )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( RSat::EAlphaIdNull, sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ }
+ if (RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet != aIconQual)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aIconQual, sendData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KIconOne, sendData.iIconId.iIdentifier);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, sendData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ }
+ }
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+Handles sending a terminal response
+@param aResp terminal response data
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL(
+ const RSat::TSendDataRspV2& aResp)
+ {
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL(aResp, KBipSendDataImmediately);
+ }
+Handles sending a terminal response
+@param aResp terminal response data
+@param aCmdQual Command qualifier
+@param aExpResult Expected result of TerminalRsp() request
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL(
+ const RSat::TSendDataRspV2& aResp,
+ TUint8 aCmdQual,
+ TInt aExpResult)
+ {
+ TTlv additionalInfoTlv;
+ TPtrC8 additionalInfoTlvData(KNullDesC8);
+ TPtrC genResultAddInfo(KNullDesC);
+ if ( RSat::KMeProblem == aResp.iInfoType )
+ {
+ // prepare additional info for general result for expected data in mockLtsy
+ genResultAddInfo.Set( aResp.iAdditionalInfo );
+ }
+ else if ( CommandPerformedSuccessfully(aResp.iGeneralResult) )
+ {
+ // prepare additional info Tlv data for expected data in mockLtsy
+ additionalInfoTlv.AddTag(KTlvChannelDataLengthTag);
+ additionalInfoTlv.AddByte(aResp.iChannelDataLength);//ETLV_ChannelDataLength
+ additionalInfoTlvData.Set( additionalInfoTlv.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag() );
+ }
+ RSat::RSat::TSendDataRspV2Pckg respPckg(aResp);
+ GenerateTerminalResponseL(
+ aResp.PCmdNumber(),
+ KSendData,
+ aCmdQual,
+ RSat::ESendData,
+ respPckg,
+ genResultAddInfo,
+ aResp.iGeneralResult,
+ additionalInfoTlvData,
+ aExpResult);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+Prepares ReceiveData proactive command complete data for MockLtsy
+@param aChannelDataLength Channel data length
+@param aDelay Delay value for MockLtsy completion
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(
+ const TUint8* aChannelDataLength,
+ TInt aDelay)
+ {
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, aChannelDataLength, NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet,
+ KErrNone, aDelay, RSat::KChannel1);
+ }
+Prepares ReceiveData proactive command complete data for MockLtsy
+@param aPCmdNumber Proactive command number.
+@param aChannelDataLength Channel data length
+@param aAlphaId Alpha identifier
+@param aIconQual Type of icon
+@param aResult Proactive command notify result
+@param aDelay Delay value for MockLtsy completion
+@param aDestDeviceId Command destination device Id
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(
+ TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+ const TUint8* aChannelDataLength,
+ const TDesC8* aAlphaId,
+ RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQual,
+ TInt aResult,
+ TInt aDelay,
+ TUint8 aDestDeviceId)
+ {
+ TTlv tlv;
+ ProactiveCmdTlvBegin(tlv, aPCmdNumber, KReceiveData, KReceiveDataQualifier, aDestDeviceId);
+ if ( aChannelDataLength )
+ {
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvChannelDataLengthTag);
+ tlv.AddByte(*aChannelDataLength);//ETLV_ChannelDataLength
+ }
+ if ( aAlphaId )
+ {
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag);
+ tlv.AddData(*aAlphaId);//ETLV_AlphaIdentifier
+ }
+ if ( ( RSat::ESelfExplanatory == aIconQual ) ||
+ ( RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory == aIconQual ) )
+ {
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvIconIdentifierTag);
+ tlv.AddByte((RSat::ESelfExplanatory == aIconQual)?0:1);//ETLV_IconQualifier
+ tlv.AddByte(KIconOne);//ETLV_IconIdentifier
+ }
+ PrepareMockWithCompleteDataForPCmdNotifyL(tlv.End(), aResult, aDelay);
+ }
+Tests for completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd request with specified
+ channel data length and RSat::KChannel1 as the destination device to process
+ the command
+@param aChannelDataLength Channel data length
+@param aResult Proactive command notify result
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ const TUint8* aChannelDataLength,
+ TInt aResult)
+ {
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, aChannelDataLength, NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet,
+ aResult, NULL, RSat::KChannel1);
+ }
+Tests for successful completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd request with
+ specified channel data length and destination device to process the command
+@param aChannelDataLength Channel data length
+@param aDestDeviceId Command destination device Id
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ const TUint8* aChannelDataLength,
+ RSat::TDeviceId aDestDeviceId)
+ {
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, aChannelDataLength, NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet,
+ KErrNone, NULL, aDestDeviceId);
+ }
+Tests for successful completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd request
+@param aChannelDataLength Channel data length
+@param aAlphaId Alpha identifier
+@param aAlphaIdCheck Alpha identifier value to ckeck with returned value
+@param aIconQual Type of icon
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ const TUint8* aChannelDataLength,
+ const TDesC8* aAlphaId,
+ const TDesC16* aAlphaIdCheck,
+ RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQual)
+ {
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, aChannelDataLength, aAlphaId, aIconQual,
+ KErrNone, aAlphaIdCheck, RSat::KChannel1);
+ }
+Tests for completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd request
+@param aPCmdNumber Proactive command number
+@param aChannelDataLength Channel data length
+@param aAlphaId Alpha identifier
+@param aIconQual Type of icon
+@param aResult Proactive command notify result
+@param aAlphaIdCheck Alpha identifier value to ckeck with returned value
+@param aDestDeviceId Command destination device Id
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ TUint8 aPCmdNumber,
+ const TUint8* aChannelDataLength,
+ const TDesC8* aAlphaId,
+ RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQual,
+ TInt aResult,
+ const TDesC16* aAlphaIdCheck,
+ RSat::TDeviceId aDestDeviceId)
+ {
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KReceiveData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ TUint8 destDeviceId = ( RSat::KDeviceIdNotSet==aDestDeviceId )?KDeviceIdNotSet:aDestDeviceId;
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(
+ aPCmdNumber, aChannelDataLength, aAlphaId,
+ aIconQual, aResult, KDefaultNoDelay, destDeviceId);
+ // send notify request to CSAT
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2 receiveData;
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2Pckg receiveDataPckg(receiveData);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ iSat.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus, receiveDataPckg);
+ // wait for notify request completion
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ // check expected results with recieved data
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aResult, requestStatus.Int());
+ if ( KErrNone == aResult )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aPCmdNumber, receiveData.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aDestDeviceId, receiveData.iDestination);
+ if ( aChannelDataLength )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(*aChannelDataLength, receiveData.iChannelDataLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(static_cast<TUint8>(0), receiveData.iChannelDataLength);
+ }
+ if ( aAlphaId && ( 0 < aAlphaId->Length() ) )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::EAlphaIdProvided, receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus);
+ if ( aAlphaIdCheck )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, aAlphaIdCheck->Compare(
+ receiveData.iAlphaId.iAlphaId));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, Compare16bitDesWith8bitDesL(
+ *aAlphaId,
+ receiveData.iAlphaId.iAlphaId));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aAlphaId && ( 0 == aAlphaId->Length() ) )
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( RSat::EAlphaIdNull, receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ }
+ if (RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet != aIconQual)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aIconQual, receiveData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KIconOne, receiveData.iIconId.iIdentifier);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, receiveData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ }
+ }
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+Handles sending a terminal response
+@param aResp terminal response data
+@param aExpResult Expected result of TerminalRsp() request
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL(
+ const RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2& aResp,
+ TInt aExpResult)
+ {
+ TTlv additionalInfoTlv;
+ TPtrC8 additionalInfoTlvData(KNullDesC8);
+ TPtrC genResultAddInfo(KNullDesC);
+ if ( RSat::KMeProblem == aResp.iInfoType )
+ {
+ // prepare additional info for general result for expected data in mockLtsy
+ genResultAddInfo.Set( aResp.iAdditionalInfo );
+ }
+ else if ( CommandPerformedSuccessfully(aResp.iGeneralResult) )
+ {
+ // prepare additional info Tlv data for expected data in mockLtsy
+ additionalInfoTlv.AddTag(KTlvChannelDataTag);
+ TBuf8<RSat::KAdditionalInfoMaxSize> channelData;
+ channelData.Copy(aResp.iAdditionalInfo);
+ additionalInfoTlv.AddData(channelData);//ETLV_ChannelDataString
+ additionalInfoTlv.AddTag(KTlvChannelDataLengthTag);
+ additionalInfoTlv.AddByte(aResp.iChannelDataLength);//ETLV_ChannelDataLength
+ additionalInfoTlvData.Set( additionalInfoTlv.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag() );
+ }
+ RSat::RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2Pckg respPckg(aResp);
+ GenerateTerminalResponseL(
+ aResp.PCmdNumber(),
+ KReceiveData,
+ KReceiveDataQualifier,
+ RSat::EReceiveData,
+ respPckg,
+ genResultAddInfo,
+ aResp.iGeneralResult,
+ additionalInfoTlvData,
+ aExpResult);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+// Actual test cases
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0001L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST C: Successful completion request of
+ // RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd request
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // generate terminal response to RECEIVE DATA proactive command
+ RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2 resp;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(KPCmdNumberOne);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KChannelData;
+ // fills in recieved data
+ PrepareChannelData(resp.iAdditionalInfo);
+ // fills in the size of available data to recieve
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF; // more than 255 bytes still available
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST F: Coverage test(s) for RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing text to display to the user
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd request
+ _LIT8(KAlphaId, "Receive Data");
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength, &KAlphaId);
+ // generate terminal response to RECEIVE DATA proactive command
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing text with null data object
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength, &KNullDesC8);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing a self explanatory icon to display to the user, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RSat::TIconQualifier iconQual = RSat::ESelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing text & not self-explanatory icon, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ iconQual = RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // successful, UCS2 text in Cyrillic
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KRussianHello, &KRussianHelloU);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // successful, UCS2 text in Chinese
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KChineseHello, &KChineseHelloU);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // successful, UCS2 text in Katakana
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KKatakanaChars, &KKatakanaCharsU);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST E: Unsolicited completion of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ // from LTSY.
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify
+ // receive data proactive command request
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for terminal response sent by CSAT
+ RSat::TAdditionalInfo addInfo;
+ addInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KReceiveData, KReceiveDataQualifier,
+ addInfo, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd);
+ // wait for completion of requests processing by mockLtsy
+ WaitForMockLTSYTerminated();
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST B: failure on completion of pending request from LTSY->CTSY
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for unsuccessful completion of notify
+ // receive data proactive command request
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength, KErrUnknown);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd when problems in processing command
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0001bL()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST F: Coverage test(s) for RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing a self explanatory icon to display to the user, but
+ // requested icon could not be displayed
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RSat::TIconQualifier iconQual = RSat::ESelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ // generate terminal response to RECEIVE DATA proactive command
+ RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2 resp;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(KPCmdNumberOne);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KChannelData;
+ // fills in recieved data
+ PrepareChannelData(resp.iAdditionalInfo);
+ // fills in the size of available data to recieve
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF; // more than 255 bytes still available
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // with text & not self-explanatory icon,
+ // requested icon could not be displayed
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ iconQual = RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(
+ &KChannelDataLength, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // missing channel data length
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KReceiveData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // with data missing channel data length
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(NULL);
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for terminal response sent by CSAT
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KReceiveData, KReceiveDataQualifier,
+ KNullDesC, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing);
+ // send notify recieve data proactive command to CSAT
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2 receiveData;
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2Pckg receiveDataPckg(receiveData);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ iSat.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus, receiveDataPckg);
+ // wait for unsuccessful request completion
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // network unable to process command
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful notify request completion
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // unsupported error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd; // invalid for this command
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(KRequestedFacilityNotImplemented);
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0;
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp, KErrCorrupt );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Me unable to process command
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful notify request completion
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command type not understood
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful notify request completion
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdTypeNotUnderstood;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command data not understood
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood;
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // bearer indep protocol error
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KBearerIndepProtocolError;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KChannelIdNotValid);
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command number not known
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdNumberNotKnown;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command beyond me capabilities
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities;
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // proactive session terminated by user
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser;
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // missing device identities
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KReceiveData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, &KChannelDataLength, NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet,
+ KErrNone, KDefaultNoDelay, KDeviceIdNotSet);
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for unsuccessful terminal response sent by CSAT
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KReceiveData, KReceiveDataQualifier,
+ KNullDesC, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing);
+ // send notify request to CSAT
+ iSat.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus, receiveDataPckg);
+ // wait for notify request completion
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // missing information, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMissingInformation;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KChannelData;
+ // fills in recieved data
+ PrepareChannelData(resp.iAdditionalInfo);
+ // fills in the size of available data to recieve
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF; // more than 255 bytes still available
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // partial comprehension, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KPartialComprehension;
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // interaction with CC permanent error
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // unsupported error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KInteractionWithCCPermanentError; // invalid for this command
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificInteractionError);
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0;
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp, KErrCorrupt );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Me unable to process command, empty additional info
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmdL(&KChannelDataLength);
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // ME problem due to procesing the command
+ // without addition info on the problem
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero(); // invalid for this command
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp, KErrCorrupt );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for cancelling of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes cancelling of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0002L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus;
+ iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test cancelling of RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KReceiveData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // delay for completion is used for make cancel before
+ // the completion arrives to CSATTSY
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelDataLength, KDefaultDelay);
+ RSat::TAdditionalInfo addInfo;
+ addInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for unsuccessful terminal response sent by CSAT
+ // on unsolicited notify request completion
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KReceiveData, KReceiveDataQualifier,
+ addInfo, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd);
+ // send notify request to CSAT
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2 receiveData;
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2Pckg receiveDataPckg(receiveData);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ iSat.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus, receiveDataPckg);
+ // cancel notify request
+ iSat.CancelAsyncRequest(ESatNotifyReceiveDataPCmd);
+ // wait for completion of cancelling
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCancel, requestStatus.Int());
+ // Wait for completion of request processing by mockLtsy
+ User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, mockLtsyStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for multiple client requests to RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes multiple client requests to RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifyReceiveDataPCmd0004L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ // Open second client
+ RTelServer telServer2;
+ TInt ret = telServer2.Connect();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(telServer2);
+ RMobilePhone phone2;
+ ret = phone2.Open(telServer2, KMmTsyPhoneName);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(phone2);
+ RSat sat2;
+ ret = sat2.Open(phone2);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(sat2);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test A: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ // when they both pass the same T-class version
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KReceiveData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // delay for completion is used for make the 2nd request before
+ // the completion arrives to CSATTSY
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelDataLength, KDefaultDelay);
+ // send notify requests to CSAT
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2 receiveData;
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2 receiveData2;
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2Pckg receiveDataPckg(receiveData);
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV2Pckg receiveData2Pckg(receiveData2);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus2;
+ iSat.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus, receiveDataPckg);
+ sat2.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus2, receiveData2Pckg);
+ // wait for completion of notify requests
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+ // check results
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, receiveData.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, receiveData.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KChannelDataLength, receiveData.iChannelDataLength);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, receiveData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, receiveData2.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, receiveData2.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KChannelDataLength, receiveData2.iChannelDataLength);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == receiveData2.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == receiveData2.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, receiveData2.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ // send terminal response on the proactive command
+ RSat::TReceiveDataRspV2 resp;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(KPCmdNumberOne);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KChannelData;
+ // fills in recieved data
+ PrepareChannelData(resp.iAdditionalInfo);
+ // fills in the size of available data to recieve
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF; // more than 255 bytes are available
+ // both clients send the terminal response
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test B: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd
+ // when they both pass different T-class versions
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // When multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifyReceiveDataPCmd and they both pass
+ // different packaged parameter versions only the last request completes, because
+ // etel reposts request with new parameter size and looses previous requests.
+ // May be it would be worth to make ESatNotifyReceiveDataPCmd ipc requests flow controlled
+ // by CSATTSY instead of multiple completed by ETEL. Similar defects are 51, 58, 71 and 78
+ ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font color=Orange>$CSATKnownFailure: defect id = %d</font>"), 86);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( EFalse );
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KReceiveData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // delay for completion is used for make the 2nd request before
+ // the completion arrives to CSATTSY
+ PrepareReceiveDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelDataLength, KDefaultDelay);
+ // send notify requests to CSAT
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV5 receiveDataV5;
+ RSat::TReceiveDataV5Pckg receiveDataV5Pckg(receiveDataV5);
+ ResetReceiveData(receiveData);
+ iSat.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus, receiveDataPckg);
+ sat2.NotifyReceiveDataPCmd(requestStatus2, receiveDataV5Pckg);
+ // wait for completion of notify requests
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ // check results
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, receiveData.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, receiveData.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KChannelDataLength, receiveData.iChannelDataLength);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == receiveData.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, receiveData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, receiveDataV5.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, receiveDataV5.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KChannelDataLength, receiveDataV5.iChannelDataLength);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == receiveDataV5.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == receiveDataV5.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, receiveDataV5.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( RSat::ETextAttributeProvided !=
+ receiveDataV5.iTextAttribute.iStatus );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ // send terminal response on the proactive command
+ // both clients send the terminal response
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ GenerateReceiveDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, this); // sat2, phone2, telServer2, this
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmd0001L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST C: Successful completion request of
+ // RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // SEND DATA, immediate mode
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // generate terminal response to SEND DATA proactive command
+ RSat::TSendDataRspV2 resp;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(KPCmdNumberOne);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ // fills in available space in the Tx buffer
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF; // more than 255 bytes
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST F: Coverage test(s) for RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // SEND DATA, Store mode
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd request
+ TBuf8<KChannelDataLength> channelData;
+ PrepareChannelData(channelData);
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &channelData, KSendDataStoreMode );
+ // generate terminal response to SEND DATA proactive command
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp, KSendDataStoreMode );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing text to display to user
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _LIT8(KAlphaId, "Send Data");
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KAlphaId);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing text of zero length
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KNullDesC8);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing self explanatory icon to display to user, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RSat::TIconQualifier iconQual = RSat::ESelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // containing text & not self-explanatory icon, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ iconQual = RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // successful, UCS2 text in Cyrillic
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KRussianHello, &KRussianHelloU);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // successful, UCS2 text in Chinese
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KChineseHello, &KChineseHelloU);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // successful, UCS2 text in Katakana
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KKatakanaChars, &KKatakanaCharsU);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST E: Unsolicited completion of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ // from LTSY.
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify
+ // send data proactive command request
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL( &KChannelData );
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for terminal response sent by CSAT
+ RSat::TAdditionalInfo addInfo;
+ addInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KSendData, KBipSendDataImmediately,
+ addInfo, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd);
+ // wait for completion of requests processing by mockLtsy
+ WaitForMockLTSYTerminated();
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST B: failure on completion of pending request from LTSY->CTSY
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for unsuccessful completion of notify
+ // send data proactive command request
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdErrorL(&KChannelData, KErrUnknown);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd when problems in processing command
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmd0001bL()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST F: Coverage test(s) for RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Expected Sequence 1.5(ETSI TS 131 124), SEND DATA,
+ // immediate mode with a bad channel identifier
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful completion of notify request
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, RSat::KChannel2);
+ // send unsuccessful terminal response on the proactive command
+ RSat::TSendDataRspV2 resp;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(KPCmdNumberOne);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KBearerIndepProtocolError;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KChannelIdNotValid);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // self explanatory icon, requested icon could not be displayed, successful
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test for successful completion of notify request
+ RSat::TIconQualifier iconQual = RSat::ESelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ // send terminal response
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ // fills in available space in the Tx buffer
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF; // more than 255 bytes
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Alpha identifier & BASIC-ICON, not self-explanatory,
+ // requested icon could not be displayed
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ iconQual = RSat::ENotSelfExplanatory;
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL(&KChannelData, &KBasicIconAlpha, NULL, iconQual);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // missing channel data
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KSendData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify
+ // send data proactive command request
+ // with missing channel data
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL( NULL );
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for terminal response sent by CSAT
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KSendData, KBipSendDataImmediately,
+ KNullDesC, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing);
+ // send notify request
+ RSat::TSendDataV2 sendData;
+ RSat::TSendDataV2Pckg sendDataPckg(sendData);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ iSat.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus, sendDataPckg);
+ // wait for notify request completion
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // network unable to process cmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KSatNetworkErrorInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(KRequestedFacilityNotImplemented);
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command type not understood
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdTypeNotUnderstood;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command data not understood
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // bearer indep protocol error
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KBearerIndepProtocolError;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KChannelIdNotValid);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command number not known
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdNumberNotKnown;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // command beyond me capabilities
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // proactive session terminated by user
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // missing device identities
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KSendData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(
+ &KChannelData, KPCmdNumberOne, KBipSendDataImmediately, KDeviceIdNotSet,
+ NULL, RSat::EIconQualifierNotSet, KErrNone, KDefaultNoDelay);
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for unsuccessful terminal response sent by CSAT
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KSendData, KBipSendDataImmediately,
+ KNullDesC, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing);
+ // send notify request to CSAT
+ iSat.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus, sendDataPckg);
+ // wait for notify request completion
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Me unable to process command, empty additional info
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // ME problem due to procesing the command
+ // without addition info on the problem
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp, KBipSendDataImmediately, KErrCorrupt );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // interaction with CC permanent error
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // unsupported error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KInteractionWithCCPermanentError; // invalid for this command
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificInteractionError);
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp, KBipSendDataImmediately, KErrCorrupt );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // missing information ( successful )
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMissingInformation;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // partial comprehension ( successful )
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TestNotifySendDataPCmdL( &KChannelData );
+ // sent terminal response on the command about
+ // an error due to procesing the command
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KPartialComprehension;
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for cancelling of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes cancelling of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmd0002L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ TRequestStatus mockLtsyStatus;
+ iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(mockLtsyStatus);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test cancelling of RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KSendData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // delay for completion is used for make cancel before
+ // the completion arrives to CSATTSY
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelData, KDefaultDelay);
+ // write expected request data in mockLtsy
+ // for unsuccessful terminal response sent by CSAT
+ // on unsolicited notify request completion
+ RSat::TAdditionalInfo addInfo;
+ addInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ KPCmdNumberOne, KSendData, KBipSendDataImmediately,
+ addInfo, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd);
+ // send notify request to CSAT
+ RSat::TSendDataV2 sendData;
+ RSat::TSendDataV2Pckg sendDataPckg(sendData);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ iSat.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus, sendDataPckg);
+ // cancel notify request
+ iSat.CancelAsyncRequest(ESatNotifySendDataPCmd);
+ // wait for completion of cancelling
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCancel, requestStatus.Int());
+ // Wait for completion of request processing by mockLtsy
+ User::WaitForRequest(mockLtsyStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, mockLtsyStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this);
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for multiple client requests to RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes multiple client requests to RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSendReceiveDataFU::TestNotifySendDataPCmd0004L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ // Open second client
+ RTelServer telServer2;
+ TInt ret = telServer2.Connect();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(telServer2);
+ RMobilePhone phone2;
+ ret = phone2.Open(telServer2, KMmTsyPhoneName);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(phone2);
+ RSat sat2;
+ ret = sat2.Open(phone2);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(sat2);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test A: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ // when they both pass the same T-class version
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KSendData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // delay for completion is used for make the 2nd request before
+ // the completion arrives to CSATTSY
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelData, KDefaultDelay);
+ // send notify requests to CSAT
+ RSat::TSendDataV2 sendData;
+ RSat::TSendDataV2 sendData2;
+ RSat::TSendDataV2Pckg sendDataPckg(sendData);
+ RSat::TSendDataV2Pckg sendDataPckg2(sendData2);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus2;
+ iSat.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus, sendDataPckg);
+ sat2.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus2, sendDataPckg2);
+ // wait for completion of notify requests
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+ // check results
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, sendData.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, sendData.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ESendDataImmediately, sendData.iMode);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, KChannelData().Compare(sendData.iChannelData) );
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, sendData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, sendData2.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, sendData2.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ESendDataImmediately, sendData2.iMode);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, KChannelData().Compare(sendData2.iChannelData) );
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == sendData2.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == sendData2.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, sendData2.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ // send terminal response on the proactive command
+ RSat::TSendDataRspV2 resp;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(KPCmdNumberOne);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ // more than 255 bytes of space available in the Tx buffer
+ resp.iChannelDataLength = 0xFF;
+ // both clients send the terminal response
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test B: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd
+ // when they both pass different T-class versions
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // When multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifySendDataPCmd and they both
+ // pass different packaged parameter versions only the last request completes,
+ // because etel reposts request with new parameter size and looses previous
+ // requests. May be it would be worth to make ESatNotifySendDataPCmd ipc
+ // requests flow controlled by CSATTSY instead of multiple completed by ETEL.
+ // Similar defects are 51, 58, 71, 78 and 86
+ ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font color=Orange>$CSATKnownFailure: defect id = %d</font>"), 90);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( EFalse );
+ // write expected notify request data in mockLtsy
+ PrepareMockWithExpDataForPCmdNotifyL(KSendData);
+ // write completion data in mockLtsy to complete notify request
+ // delay for completion is used for make the 2nd request before
+ // the completion arrives to CSATTSY
+ PrepareSendDataCompleteDataL(&KChannelData, KDefaultDelay);
+ // send notify requests to CSAT
+ RSat::TSendDataV5 sendDataV5;
+ RSat::TSendDataV5Pckg sendDataV5Pckg(sendDataV5);
+ ResetSendData(sendData);
+ iSat.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus, sendDataPckg);
+ sat2.NotifySendDataPCmd(requestStatus2, sendDataV5Pckg);
+ // wait for completion of notify requests
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ // check results
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, sendData.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, sendData.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ESendDataImmediately, sendData.iMode);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, KChannelData().Compare(sendData.iChannelData) );
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == sendData.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, sendData.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KPCmdNumberOne, sendDataV5.PCmdNumber());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::KChannel1, sendDataV5.iDestination);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ESendDataImmediately, sendDataV5.iMode);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, KChannelData().Compare(sendDataV5.iChannelData) );
+ ASSERT_TRUE( (RSat::EAlphaIdNotPresent == sendDataV5.iAlphaId.iStatus) ||
+ (RSat::EAlphaIdNotSet == sendDataV5.iAlphaId.iStatus) );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(RSat::ENoIconId, sendDataV5.iIconId.iQualifier);
+ ASSERT_TRUE( RSat::ETextAttributeProvided !=
+ sendDataV5.iTextAttribute.iStatus );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ // send terminal response on the proactive command
+ // both clients send the terminal response
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ GenerateSendDataTerminalResponseL( resp );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, this); // sat2, phone2, telServer2, this
+ }