--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simatktsy/tests/src/ccsatsetupcallfu.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1350 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file The TEFUnit test suite for SetUpCall in the SAT.
+#include <cstktsy/bertlv_defs.h>
+#include <etel.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <satcs.h>
+#include <ctsy/ltsy/sat_defs.h>
+#include <ctsy/ltsy/mltsydispatchsatinterface.h>
+#include <test/mockltsyindicatorids.h>
+#include <test/tmockltsydata.h>
+#include "ccsatsetupcallfu.h"
+const TInt KDelay = 10;
+CTestSuite* CCSatSetUpCallFU::CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName)
+ {
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0002L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0004L);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001bL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001cL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001dL);
+ ADD_TEST_STEP_ISO_CPP(CCSatSetUpCallFU, TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001eL);
+ }
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::PrepareTlvData ( TTlv& aTlvData,
+ const TData& aData,
+ const TDesC8& aAlphaIdentifier,
+ const TDesC8& aSecondAlphaIdentifier )
+ {
+ aTlvData.Begin(KBerTlvProactiveSimCommandTag);
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvCommandDetailsTag); // Command details
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iCommandNumber); // Command number
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iCommandType); // Command type
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iCommandQualifier); // Command qualifier
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvDeviceIdentityTag); // Device identities
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iSourceDevice); // Source device
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iDestinationDevice); // Destination device
+ if (aAlphaIdentifier.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag); // Alpha identifier
+ aTlvData.AddData(aAlphaIdentifier);
+ }
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvAddressTag); // Address
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iAddress); // International, ISDN / telephone numbering plan
+ TInt callNumberSize = aData.iCallNumber.Length();
+ if (callNumberSize > 0)
+ {
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < callNumberSize; i++)
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iCallNumber[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ TInt infoTransferCapSize = aData.iInfoTransferCap.Length();
+ if (infoTransferCapSize > 0)
+ {
+ // Capability configuration parameters
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvCapabilityConfigurationParametersTag);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < infoTransferCapSize; i++)
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iInfoTransferCap[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ TInt subaddresSize = aData.iSubAddress.Length();
+ if (subaddresSize > 0)
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvSubaddressTag);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < subaddresSize; i++)
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iSubAddress[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aData.iDuration.iIfUse )
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvDurationTag);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iDuration.iUnit);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iDuration.iInterval);
+ }
+ if ( aData.iIcon1.iIfUse )
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvIconIdentifierTag);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iIcon1.iQualifier);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iIcon1.iIdentifier);
+ }
+ // This blocks are always called last.
+ if (aSecondAlphaIdentifier.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag);
+ aTlvData.AddData(aSecondAlphaIdentifier);
+ }
+ if ( aData.iIcon2.iIfUse )
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KTlvIconIdentifierTag);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iIcon2.iQualifier);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iIcon2.iIdentifier);
+ }
+ if ( aData.iTextAttribute1.iIfUse )
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KBerTlvProactiveSimCommandTag);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute1.iFormattingPosition);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute1.iFormattingLength);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute1.iFormattingMode);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute1.iColour);
+ }
+ if ( aData.iTextAttribute2.iIfUse )
+ {
+ aTlvData.AddTag(KBerTlvProactiveSimCommandTag);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute2.iFormattingPosition);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute2.iFormattingLength);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute2.iFormattingMode);
+ aTlvData.AddByte(aData.iTextAttribute2.iColour);
+ }
+ }
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::PrepareExpectDataL ( TUint8 aCommandType )
+ {
+ RBuf8 data;
+ CleanupClosePushL(data);
+ TMockLtsyData1<TUint8> expLtsyData(aCommandType);
+ expLtsyData.SerialiseL(data);
+ iMockLTSY.ExpectL(MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification::KLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotificationApiId, data);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data
+ }
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::PrepareCompleteDataL ( const TData& aData,
+ const TDesC8& aAlphaIdentifier,
+ TInt aResultCode,
+ const TDesC8& aSecondAlphaIdentifier )
+ {
+ RBuf8 data;
+ CleanupClosePushL(data);
+ TTlv tlv;
+ PrepareTlvData( tlv, aData, aAlphaIdentifier, aSecondAlphaIdentifier );
+ TPtrC8 tlvDsc = tlv.End();
+ TDesC8* tlvDscPtr = &tlvDsc;
+ TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> tlvDscPack(tlvDscPtr);
+ tlvDscPack.SerialiseL(data);
+ iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchSatPcmdIndId, aResultCode, data, KDelay);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // data
+ }
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::ProactiveCommandCallL( RSat::TSetUpCallV6& aSetupCallData,
+ const TData& aData,
+ const TDesC8& aAlphaIdentifier,
+ TInt aResultCode,
+ const TDesC8& aSecondAlphaIdentifier )
+ {
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ PrepareExpectDataL ( aData.iCommandType );
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg setpPck(aSetupCallData);
+ iSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd(requestStatus, setpPck);
+ PrepareCompleteDataL ( aData, aAlphaIdentifier, aResultCode, aSecondAlphaIdentifier );
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aResultCode, requestStatus.Int());
+ }
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::DataCompareL(const RSat::TSetUpCallV6& aSetupCallData,
+ const TUint8 aCommandQualifier,
+ const TDesC& aAlphaId,
+ const RSat::TTypeOfNumber aTypeOfNumber,
+ const RSat::TNumberingPlan aNumberPlan)
+ {
+ RSat::TSetUpCallType type;
+ switch ( aCommandQualifier )
+ {
+ case KOnlyIfNotBusy:
+ {
+ // Set up call, if not busy on another call
+ type = RSat::EOnlyIfNotBusy;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KOnlyIfNotBusyWithRedial:
+ {
+ // Set up call, if not busy on another call, with redial
+ type = RSat::EOnlyIfNotBusyWithRedial;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KHoldOtherCalls:
+ {
+ // Set up call, put other calls (if any) on hold
+ type = RSat::EHoldOtherCalls;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KHoldOtherCallsWithRedial:
+ {
+ // Set up call, put other calls (if any) on hold, with
+ // redial
+ type = RSat::EHoldOtherCallsWithRedial;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KDisconnectOtherCalls:
+ {
+ // Set up call, disconnect other calls (if any)
+ type = RSat::EDisconnectOtherCalls;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KDisconnectOtherCallsWithRedial:
+ {
+ // Set up call, disconn. other calls (if any), with redial
+ type = RSat::EDisconnectOtherCallsWithRedial;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Call type not set
+ type = RSat::ESetUpCallTypeNotSet;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(type, aSetupCallData.iType);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(0 == aSetupCallData.iAlphaIdConfirmationPhase.iAlphaId.Compare(aAlphaId));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aTypeOfNumber, aSetupCallData.iAddress.iTypeOfNumber);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(aNumberPlan, aSetupCallData.iAddress.iNumberPlan);
+ }
+// Actual test cases
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ const TUint8 KAddress = 0x91; //10010001
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData;
+ TData data;
+ data.iCommandNumber = 1;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ data.iSourceDevice = KSim;
+ data.iDestinationDevice = KNetwork;
+ data.iAddress = KAddress;
+ data.iCommandType = KSetUpCall;
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier1, "Not busy");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier1_16, "Not busy");
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST C: Successful completion request of
+ // RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // test C - implemented in 0001b-0001d functions
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST E: Coverage test(s) for RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ iMockLTSY.NotifyTerminated(requestStatus);
+ PrepareCompleteDataL ( data, KAlphaIdentifier1 );
+ RSat::TAdditionalInfo additionalInfo;
+ additionalInfo.Append(KNoCause);
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, additionalInfo, RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd, KNullDesC8 );
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // to increase CSatNotifySetUpCall::CompleteNotifyL coverage
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PrepareExpectDataL ( data.iCommandType );
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg setpPck(setupCallData);
+ iSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd(requestStatus, setpPck);
+ RBuf8 bufData;
+ CleanupClosePushL(bufData);
+ TTlv tlv;
+ tlv.Begin(KBerTlvProactiveSimCommandTag);
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvCommandDetailsTag); // Command details
+ tlv.AddByte(data.iCommandNumber); // Command number
+ tlv.AddByte(data.iCommandType); // Command type
+ tlv.AddByte(data.iCommandQualifier); // Command qualifier
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvDeviceIdentityTag); // Device identities
+ tlv.AddByte(data.iSourceDevice); // Source device
+ tlv.AddByte(data.iDestinationDevice); // Destination device
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag);
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvAlphaIdentifierTag);
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvAddressTag);
+ tlv.AddTag(KTlvSubaddressTag);
+ TPtrC8 tlvDsc = tlv.End();
+ TDesC8* tlvDscPtr = &tlvDsc;
+ TMockLtsyData1<TDesC8*> tlvDscPack(tlvDscPtr);
+ tlvDscPack.SerialiseL(bufData);
+ iMockLTSY.CompleteL(KMockLtsyDispatchSatPcmdIndId, KErrNone, bufData, KDelay);
+ PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, KNullDesC16, RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood, KNullDesC8 );
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCorrupt, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // to increase CSatNotifySetUpCall::CompleteNotifyL coverage
+ // in case of "command qualifier"
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const TUint8 KDefualtCommand = 0x7F;
+ const TUint8 qualifierArray[] = { KHoldOtherCallsWithRedial, KDisconnectOtherCallsWithRedial,
+ KDefualtCommand };
+ TUint8 sizeArray = sizeof(qualifierArray)/sizeof(qualifierArray[0]);
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2 resp;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg respPck(resp);
+ for ( TUint8 i = 0; i < sizeArray; i++ )
+ {
+ data.iCommandQualifier = qualifierArray[i];
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier1 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier1_16,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, resp.iAdditionalInfo, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // TEST B: failure on completion of pending request from LTSY->CTSY
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier1, KErrGeneral);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, this); // this, bufData
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for cancelling of RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes cancelling of RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0002L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ TUint8 commandType = KSetUpCall;
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test cancelling of RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PrepareExpectDataL ( commandType );
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg setupCallDataPck(setupCallData);
+ iSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd(requestStatus, setupCallDataPck);
+ iSat.CancelAsyncRequest(ESatNotifySetUpCallPCmd);
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrCancel, requestStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, this); // this
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_csat
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CSAT for multiple client requests to RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes multiple client requests to RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0004L()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ // Open second client
+ RTelServer telServer2;
+ TInt ret = telServer2.Connect();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(telServer2);
+ RMobilePhone phone2;
+ ret = phone2.Open(telServer2, KMmTsyPhoneName);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(phone2);
+ RSat sat2;
+ ret = sat2.Open(phone2);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, ret);
+ CleanupClosePushL(sat2);
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus1;
+ TRequestStatus requestStatus2;
+ const TUint8 KAddress = 0x91; //10010001
+ TData data;
+ data.iCommandNumber = 1;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ data.iSourceDevice = KSim;
+ data.iDestinationDevice = KNetwork;
+ data.iAddress = KAddress;
+ data.iCommandType = KSetUpCall;
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier1, "Not busy");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier2, "Not busy");
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Test A: Test multiple clients requesting RSat::NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+ // when they both pass the same T-class version
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PrepareExpectDataL ( data.iCommandType );
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData1;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg setpPck1(setupCallData1);
+ iSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd(requestStatus1, setpPck1);
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData2;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6Pckg setpPck2(setupCallData2);
+ sat2.NotifySetUpCallPCmd(requestStatus2, setpPck2);
+ PrepareCompleteDataL ( data, KAlphaIdentifier1 );
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus2);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus1.Int());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, requestStatus2.Int());
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData1,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier2,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData2,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier2,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, this); // sat2, phone2, telServer2, this
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CTSY for set up call ipc ( Expected Sequence 2 See 3GPP TS 31.124 )
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001bL()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2 resp;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg respPck(resp);
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData;
+ const TUint8 KAddress = 0x91; //10010001
+ TData data;
+ data.iCommandNumber = 1;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ data.iSourceDevice = KSim;
+ data.iDestinationDevice = KNetwork;
+ data.iAddress = KAddress;
+ data.iCommandType = KSetUpCall;
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 2.1 (SET UP CALL, two alpha identifiers)
+ //
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_1, "CONFIRMATION");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16, "CONFIRMATION");
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_2, "CALL");
+ data.iDuration.iIfUse = EFalse;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_1, KErrNone, KAlphaIdentifier8_2 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, this); // this
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CTSY for set up call ipc ( Expected Sequence 3 See 3GPP TS 31.124 )
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001cL()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2 resp;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg respPck(resp);
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData;
+ const TUint8 KAddress = 0x91; //10010001
+ TData data;
+ data.iCommandNumber = 1;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ data.iSourceDevice = KSim;
+ data.iDestinationDevice = KNetwork;
+ data.iAddress = KAddress;
+ data.iCommandType = KSetUpCall;
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.1A (SET UP CALL, display of basic icon during confirmation phase,
+ // not selfexplanatory, successful)
+ //
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ const TUint8 KIconNotSelfExplanatory = 0x01;
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_9, "Set up call Icon 3.1.1");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_9, "Set up call Icon 3.1.1");
+ data.iIcon1.iIfUse = ETrue;
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x01;
+ data.iIcon1.iQualifier = KIconNotSelfExplanatory;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_9 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_9,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.2A (SET UP CALL, display of basic icon during confirmation phase,
+ // selfexplanatory, successful)
+ //
+ const TUint8 KIconSelfExplanatory = 0x00;
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_10, "Set up call Icon 3.2.1");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_10, "Set up call Icon 3.2.1");
+ data.iIcon1.iQualifier = KIconSelfExplanatory;
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x02;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_10 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_10,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.3A (SET UP CALL, display of colour icon during confirmation phase,
+ // not self-explanatory, successful)
+ //
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_11, "Set up call Icon 3.3.1");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_11, "Set up call Icon 3.3.1");
+ data.iIcon1.iQualifier = KIconNotSelfExplanatory;
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x02;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_11 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_11,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.4A (display of self explanatory basic icon during set up call,
+ // successful)
+ //
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_12_1, "Set up call Icon 3.4.1");
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_12_2, "Set up call Icon 3.4.2");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_12, "Set up call Icon 3.4.1");
+ data.iIcon1.iQualifier = KIconSelfExplanatory;
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x01;
+ data.iIcon2.iIfUse = ETrue;
+ data.iIcon2.iIdentifier = 0x01;
+ data.iIcon2.iQualifier = KIconSelfExplanatory;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_12_1,
+ KErrNone, KAlphaIdentifier8_12_2 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_12,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.1B (SET UP CALL, display of basic icon during confirmation phase,
+ // not selfexplanatory, requested icon could not be displayed)
+ //
+ // Parameters call for Expected Sequence 3.1A
+ data.iIcon1.iQualifier = KIconNotSelfExplanatory;
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x01;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_9 );
+ /*
+ * The Expected Sequence 3.1B does not correspond to code.
+ * CSatNotifySetUpCall::TerminalResponseL function returns KErrCorrupt code error
+ * in case of "resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed".
+ * But 3GPP TS 31.124 ( Section ) document says that in case of
+ * "resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed"
+ * CSatNotifySetUpCall::TerminalResponseL function should return KErrNone.
+ */
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::PrepareTerminalResponseMockDataL(
+ data.iCommandNumber,
+ data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KNullDesC16,
+ resp.iGeneralResult,
+ KNullDesC8);
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ iSat.TerminalRsp(reqStatus, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(KErrNone, reqStatus.Int());
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.2B (SET UP CALL, display of basic icon during confirmation phase,
+ // selfexplanatory, requested icon could not be displayed)
+ //
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x02;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_10 );
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.3B (SET UP CALL, display of colour icon during confirmation phase,
+ // not self-explanatory, requested icon could not be displayed)
+ //
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_11 );
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 3.4B (SET UP CALL, display of self explanatory basic icon during
+ // set up call, requested icon could not be displayed)
+ //
+ data.iIcon1.iQualifier = KIconSelfExplanatory;
+ data.iIcon1.iIdentifier = 0x01;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_12_1,
+ KErrNone, KAlphaIdentifier8_12_2 );
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, this); // this
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CTSY for set up call ipc ( Expected Sequence 4 See 3GPP TS 31.124 )
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001dL()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.1 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Left Alignment)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::ELeft);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.2 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Left Alignment)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::ECenter);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.3 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Right Alignment)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::ERight);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.4 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Large Font Size)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::ELarge);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.5 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Small Font Size)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::ESmall);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.6 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Bold On)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::EBond);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.7 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Italic On)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::EItalic);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.8 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Underline On)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::EUnderline);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.9 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Strikethrough On)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL(CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::EStrikethrough);
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 4.10 (SET UP CALL, Text Attribute ?Foreground and Background Colour)
+ //
+ TestTextAttributeL( CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::ELeft,
+ CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::EMode1,
+ CCSatSetUpCallFU::TData::TTextAttribute::EMode2 );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, this); // this
+ }
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestTextAttributeL( const TUint8 aMode,
+ const TUint8 aColour1,
+ const TUint8 aColour2 )
+ {
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2 resp;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg respPck(resp);
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData;
+ const TUint8 KAddress = 0x91; //10010001
+ TData data;
+ data.iCommandNumber = 1;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ data.iSourceDevice = KSim;
+ data.iDestinationDevice = KNetwork;
+ data.iAddress = KAddress;
+ data.iCommandType = KSetUpCall;
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_1, "CONFIRMATION 1");
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_2, "CALL 1");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16, "CONFIRMATION 1");
+ data.iTextAttribute1.iIfUse = ETrue;
+ data.iTextAttribute1.iFormattingPosition = 0;
+ data.iTextAttribute1.iFormattingLength = 0x14;
+ data.iTextAttribute1.iFormattingMode = aMode;
+ // Dark Green Foreground, Bright Yellow Background
+ data.iTextAttribute1.iColour = aColour1;
+ data.iTextAttribute2 = data.iTextAttribute1;
+ data.iTextAttribute2.iFormattingLength = 0x06;
+ data.iTextAttribute2.iColour = aColour2;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_1,
+ KErrNone, KAlphaIdentifier8_2 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+@SYMPREQ 1780
+@SYMComponent telephony_ctsy
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test support in CTSY for set up call ipc ( Expected Sequence 1 See 3GPP TS 31.124 )
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Invokes RSat.NotifySetUpCallPCmd
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Pass
+@SYMTestType CT
+ */
+void CCSatSetUpCallFU::TestNotifySetUpCallPCmd0001eL()
+ {
+ OpenEtelServerL(EUseExtendedError);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this));
+ OpenPhoneL();
+ OpenSatL();
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2 resp;
+ RSat::TSetUpCallRspV2Pckg respPck(resp);
+ RSat::TSetUpCallV6 setupCallData;
+ const TUint8 KAddress = 0x91; //10010001
+ TData data;
+ data.iCommandNumber = 1;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ data.iSourceDevice = KSim;
+ data.iDestinationDevice = KNetwork;
+ data.iAddress = KAddress;
+ data.iCommandType = KSetUpCall;
+ //
+ // See 3GPP TS 31.124 V7.4.0 (2008-06) in subclause,
+ // Expected Sequence 1.1 (SET UP CALL, call confirmed by the user and connected)
+ //
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_1, "Not busy");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_1, "Not busy");
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_1 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_1,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.SetPCmdNumber(data.iCommandNumber);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.4 (SET UP CALL, putting all other calls on hold, ME busy)
+ //
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallPuttingOtherCallsOnHold;
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_2, "On hold");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_2, "On hold");
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_2 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_2,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.5 (SET UP CALL, disconnecting all other calls, ME busy)
+ //
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallDisconnectingOtherCalls;
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_3, "Disconnect");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_3, "Disconnect");
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_3 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_3,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.6 (SET UP CALL, only if not currently busy on another call, ME busy)
+ //
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_1 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_1,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KMeBusyOnCall);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KMeUnableToProcessCmd;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, resp.iAdditionalInfo, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.7A (SET UP CALL, putting all other calls on hold, call hold is not allowed)
+ //
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallPuttingOtherCallsOnHold;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_2 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_2,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, resp.iAdditionalInfo, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.7B
+ //
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_2 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_2,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ const TUint KFacilityRejected = 0x9D;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(KFacilityRejected);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, resp.iAdditionalInfo, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.8 (SET UP CALL, Capability configuration)
+ //
+ RSat::TCcp infoTransferCap;
+ data.iInfoTransferCap.Append(0x01);
+ data.iInfoTransferCap.Append(0xA0);
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_4, "Capability config");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_4, "Capability config");
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_4 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_4,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KNoAdditionalInfo;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.9 (SET UP CALL, max dialling number string, no alpha identifier)
+ //
+ data.iInfoTransferCap.Zero();
+ data.iCallNumber.Zero();
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x54);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x76);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x98);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x54);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x76);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x98);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusyWithRedial;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KNullDesC8 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KNullDesC16,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.10 (SET UP CALL, 256 octets length, long first alpha identifier)
+ //
+ data.iCallNumber.Zero();
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_5, "Three types are defined: - set up a call, but only if not currently busy on another\
+call; - set up a call, putting all other calls (if any) on hold; - set up a call,\
+disconnecting all other calls (if any) first. For each of these types,");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_5, "Three types are defined: - set up a call, but only if not currently busy on another\
+call; - set up a call, putting all other calls (if any) on hold; - set up a call,\
+disconnecting all other calls (if any) first. For each of these types,");
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_5 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_5,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.11A (SET UP CALL, Called party subaddress, command performed successfully)
+ //
+ data.iCallNumber.Zero();
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x10);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x32);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x04);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x21);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x43);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x65);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x1C);
+ data.iCallNumber.Append(0x2C);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x80);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x50);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x95);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x95);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x95);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x95);
+ data.iSubAddress.Append(0x95);
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_6, "Called party");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_6, "Called party");
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusy;
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_6 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_6,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.11B
+ //
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_6 );
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KCmdBeyondMeCapabilities;
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, KNullDesC16, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ //
+ // Expected Sequence 1.12 (SET UP CALL, maximum duration for the redial mechanism)
+ //
+ const TUint8 KDefualtTimeUnit = 0x7F;
+ const TUint8 timeUnitArray[] = { KMinutes, KSeconds, KTenthsOfSeconds, KDefualtTimeUnit };
+ data.iSubAddress.Zero();
+ _LIT8(KAlphaIdentifier8_7, "Duration");
+ _LIT16(KAlphaIdentifier16_7, "Duration");
+ data.iDuration.iIfUse = ETrue;
+ data.iDuration.iInterval = 0x0A;
+ data.iCommandQualifier = KSetUpCallIfNotCurrentlyBusyWithRedial;
+ resp.iInfoType = RSat::KMeProblem;
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Zero();
+ resp.iAdditionalInfo.Append(KFacilityRejected);
+ resp.iGeneralResult = RSat::KNetworkUnableToProcessCmd;
+ TUint8 sizeArray = sizeof(timeUnitArray)/sizeof(timeUnitArray[0]);
+ /*
+ * to increase CSatNotifySetUpCall::CompleteNotifyL coverage
+ * in case of "duration"
+ */
+ for (TUint8 i = 0; i < sizeArray; i++)
+ {
+ data.iDuration.iUnit = timeUnitArray[i];
+ ProactiveCommandCallL( setupCallData, data, KAlphaIdentifier8_7 );
+ DataCompareL(setupCallData,
+ data.iCommandQualifier,
+ KAlphaIdentifier16_7,
+ RSat::EInternationalNumber,
+ RSat::EIsdnNumberPlan);
+ CCSatComponentTestBase::GenerateTerminalResponseL( data.iCommandNumber, data.iCommandType,
+ data.iCommandQualifier, RSat::ESetUpCall, respPck, resp.iAdditionalInfo, resp.iGeneralResult );
+ AssertMockLtsyStatusL();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, this); // this
+ }