changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simtsy/inc/CSimIncomingContextManager.h	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// CSimIncomingContextManager.cpp
+// Implements code to manage incoming PDP contexts.
+ @file
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "csimtimer.h"
+#include "CSimPacketContext.h"
+#include "CSimPubSubChange.h"
+Drives the incoming PDP contexts.
+struct TDelayIncomingContext
+	TInt	iExtensionId;
+		// can be 
+		// TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigGPRS= 0x01  
+		// TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel99Rel4= 0x03
+		// TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigRel5= 0x04  
+	TInt	iIndex;
+		// the ExtensionId, Index and index are used to indicate which 
+		// PDP context is incoming.
+	TInt 	iDelay; // After this amount of time an incoming PDP context will be faked.
+class CSimPhone;
+class CTestConfigSection;
+class CTestConfigItem;
+//Note Initialy only supports GPRS	
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSimIncomingContextManager) : CBase
+public :
+	CSimIncomingContextManager(CSimPhone* aPhone);
+	~CSimIncomingContextManager();
+	static CSimIncomingContextManager* NewL(CSimPhone* aPhone, CSimPacketService* aSimPacketService);
+	void ConstructL(CSimPacketService* aSimPacketService);
+	void LoadIncomingContextsL( TPtrC8 aTag );
+	void StartFirstIncomingEvent( );
+	void NextIncomingEvent( TDes8* aPckg );
+		// Call when we want the next timer event, if any to be run.
+	void Cancel( );
+	void ForcedIncoming(TInt aIndex, TDes8* aPckg);
+	TBool IsForcedIncoming(const CSimPubSub::TPubSubProperty aProperty );
+	TBool IsUseTimerOn() { return iUseTimerOn; }
+	void SetUseTimerOn() { iUseTimerOn = ETrue; }
+	void SetUseTimerOff() { iUseTimerOn = EFalse; };
+	static void GetConfigType( const CTestConfigItem& aItem, 
+		TInt aIndex, TInt& aType, TInt& aError );
+	static void GetContextIndex( const CTestConfigItem& aItem, 
+		TInt aIndex, TInt& aContextIndex, TInt& aError );
+	static void GetDelay( const CTestConfigItem& aItem, 
+		TInt aIndex, TInt& aDelay, TInt& aError );
+	const TContextConfigParam* FindContext( const CArrayFixFlat<TContextConfigParam>* aIncomingContextConfigParams, 
+		const TInt aExtensionId, const TInt aIndex );
+	TBool GetContextInCorrectFormatForEtel(const TContextConfigParam* aContextConfig,
+				TDes8* aData);
+	const CTestConfigSection* CfgFile();
+	CSimPacketService* iSimPacketService;
+		// Back link to parent class.
+	CArrayFixFlat<TDelayIncomingContext>* iDelayIncomingContext;
+		// Used to drive the timing of the Incoming PDP contexts.
+	int iCurrentDelayIndex;
+		// Index to the delay/instuction we are currenly executing.
+	CSimPhone* iPhone;		//< Pointer to the phone object (The parent of this class)
+	CSimTimer* iTimer;		// < Pointer to the owned timer class.
+	CSimPubSub::TPubSubProperty iForceIncomingContextChangeProperty;
+	CSimPubSub* iForceIncomingContextChange;
+		// Used when CSimPubSub::TPubSubProperty(KUidPSSimTsyCategory, KPSSimTsyForceIncomingContextActivation, KPSSimTsyForceIncomingContextActivationType)
+		// is changed to force an incoming PDP in C++ code.
+	CArrayFixFlat<TContextConfigParam>* iIncomingContextConfigParams;	//< Pointer to a list of valid Context (GPRS/R99/R5) config parameters
+		// Note this is a duplicate of the config params in contexts. 
+		// It should be noted that potential configs are only avaliable after a PDP has been 
+		// created. This will not do as we need it when we get an incoming PDP i.e. 
+		// before we even have created a PDP. 
+		// Technically there should be only one copy of the TContextConfigParam's and that 
+		// should be at this level. But it would take a while to reorganise and test the code.		
+		// At the moment only GPRS contexts are supported.
+	TBool iUseTimerOn;