--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simtsy/src/CSimLine.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file contains the implementation for the functionality common to all
+// the specific line classes, such as CSimVoiceLine and CSimDataline.
+ @file
+#include <testconfigfileparser.h>
+#include "CSimLine.h"
+#include "CSimPhone.h"
+#include "CSimCall.h"
+#include "Simlog.h"
+#include "CSimPubSub.h"
+void CSimLine::CloseLine(TAny* aObj)
+* Utility func for cleanup stack
+* @param aObj a pointer to the CObject to close
+ {
+ ((CObject*)aObj)->Close();
+ }
+CSimLine::CSimLine(CSimPhone* aPhone)
+ :iPhone(aPhone), iState(RMobileCall::EStatusIdle),
+ iHookState(ConvertStateToHook(iState))
+ {
+ iNameOfLastCallAdded.Zero();
+ iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyPending = EFalse;
+ iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyPending = EFalse;
+ }
+void CSimLine::ConstructL(const TName& aName)
+* Second phase of two phase constructor.
+* Creates the System Agent object for incoming call notification and other notifications.
+* @param aName name of the Line to be created.
+ {
+ LOGLINE2(">>CSimLine::ConstructL [aLineName=%S]", &aName);
+ iLineName = aName;
+ iSimPubSubIC = CSimPubSub::NewL(this,iICProperty);
+ iSimPubSubIC->Start();
+ iSimPubSubRH = CSimPubSub::NewL(this,iRHProperty);
+ iSimPubSubRH->Start();
+ iNotifyIncomingCallPause=this->CfgFile()->ItemValue(KNotifyIncomingCallPauseDuration,KDefaultNotifyIncomingCallPauseDuration);
+ iTimer = CSimTimer::NewL(iPhone);
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::ConstructL");
+* Standard destructor.
+ {
+ delete iSimPubSubIC;
+ delete iSimPubSubRH;
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ delete iTimer;
+ }
+void CSimLine::UpdatePhoneNotifiers(CSimCall* aCall,TUint /*aStatus*/)
+ {
+ TInt count= iCalls->Count();
+ TInt i=0;
+ while(i<count)
+ {
+ if(iCalls->At(i) != aCall && (iCalls->At(i)->iState == RMobileCall::EStatusHold || iCalls->At(i)->iState == RMobileCall::EStatusConnected))
+ iCalls->At(i)->UpdateNotifiers();
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+CTelObject::TReqMode CSimLine::ReqModeL(const TInt aIpc)
+* This function returns the Request Mode for the request with the passed IPC value.
+* The ETel Server provides a function for returning the standard request modes for
+* the Core API requests.
+* Multimode API requests mode are handled here.
+* @param aIpc the IPc number representing the client request
+* @return CTelObject::TReqMode the request mode to be used for this IPc number
+* @leave Leaves if the IPc number is not found
+ {
+ // ReqModeL is called from the server's CTelObject::ReqAnalyserL
+ // in order to check the type of request it has
+ CTelObject::TReqMode reqMode=0;
+ switch (aIpc)
+ {
+// No Flow Control NOR Multiple Completion
+ case EMobileLineGetMobileLineStatus:
+ break;
+// Multiple Completion Services with Immediate Server Repost
+// (Usually Notifications)
+ case EMobileLineNotifyMobileLineStatusChange:
+ reqMode=KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | KReqModeRePostImmediately;
+ break;
+// Must be a core API request so get request mode from Etel
+ default:
+ reqMode=CLineBase::ReqModeL(aIpc);
+ break;
+ }
+ return reqMode;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NumberOfSlotsL(const TInt aIpc)
+* NumberOfSlotsL is called by the server when it is registering a new notification
+* It enables the TSY to tell the server how many buffer slots to allocate for
+* "repost immediately" notifications that may trigger before clients collect them
+* @param aIpc the IPc number representing the client request
+* @return TInt the number of slots required
+* @leave Leaves if the IPc number is not found
+ {
+ switch (aIpc)
+ {
+ case EMobileLineNotifyMobileLineStatusChange:
+ LOGLINE1("CLineMobile: Registered with the default number of slots");
+ return KDefaultNumberOfSlots;
+ default:
+ LOGLINE1("CSimLine::NumberOfSlotsL: No match for IPC, defering to base function");
+ break;
+ }
+ return CLineBase::NumberOfSlotsL(aIpc);
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::RegisterNotification(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
+* The ETel Server calls this function when the first client makes a notification request.
+* If supported by the underlying protocol controlling the signalling stack,
+* this can be used to start requesting updates for the relevant service.
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::DeregisterNotification(const TInt /*aIpc*/)
+* The ETel Server calls this function when the last client that had previously
+* made a notification request closes its ETel Server handle. If supported by
+* the underlying protocol controlling the signalling stack, this can be used
+* to stop requesting updates for the relevant service.
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CSimLine::Init()
+* This function can be used to perform any necessary synchronous initialisation.
+ {}
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyIncomingCall(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TName* aName)
+* Register a client's interest in an incoming call notification.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client request
+* @param aName pointer to the name of the call
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyIncomingCall");
+ iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyPending=ETrue;
+ iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyData=(TAny*)aName;
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyIncomingCall");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyIncomingCallCancel(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/)
+* Cancels a client's interest in an incoming call.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client cancel request
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyIncomingCallCancel");
+ if(iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyHandle, KErrCancel);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyIncomingCallCancel");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyHookChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::THookStatus* aHookStatus)
+* Record a client's interst in being notified when the line hook changes state.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client request
+* @param aHookStatus pointer to the line hook
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyHookChange");
+ iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyPending=ETrue;
+ iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyData=(TAny*)aHookStatus;
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyHookChange");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyHookChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/)
+* Cancel a client's interest in being notified when the line hook changes state.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client cancel request
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyHookChangeCancel");
+ if(iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrCancel);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyHookChangeCancel");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus* aStatus)
+* Record a client's interst in being notified when the line changes state. (Multimode)
+* MM ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client request
+* @param aStatus pointer to the line status
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChange");
+ iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyPending=ETrue;
+ iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyData=aStatus;
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChange");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/)
+* Cancel a client's interest in being notified when the line changes state.(Multimode Request)
+* MM ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client cancel request
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChangeCancel");
+ if(iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrCancel);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyMobileLineStatusChangeCancel");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyStatusChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RCall::TStatus* aStatus)
+* Record a client's interst in being notified when the line changes state. (Core)
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client request
+* @param aStatus pointer to the line status
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyStatusChange");
+ iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyPending=ETrue;
+ iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyData=aStatus;
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyStatusChange");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyStatusChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/)
+* Cancel a client's interest in being notified when the line changes state.(Multimode Request)
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client cancel request
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyStatusChangeCancel");
+ if(iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrCancel);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyStatusChangeCancel");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyCallAdded(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TName* aName)
+* Record a client's interest in being notified when a new call is added.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client request
+* @param aName pointer to the name of the call
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyCallAdded");
+ iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyPending=ETrue;
+ iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyData=(TAny*)aName;
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyCallAdded");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyCallAddedCancel(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/)
+* Cancel a client's interest in being notified when a new call is added.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle Tsy Request handle for the client cancel request
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::NotifyCallAddedCancel");
+ if(iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyHandle,KErrCancel);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::NotifyCallAddedCancel");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CSimLine::HandleNewCallAddedNotification(const TDesC& aNewName)
+* Process a potential "New Call Added Notification" completion.
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::HandleNewCallAddedNotification");
+ iNameOfLastCallAdded.Copy(aNewName);
+ if(iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ((TName*)iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyData)->Copy(aNewName);
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyCallAdded.iNotifyHandle,KErrNone);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::HandleNewCallAddedNotification");
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::GetCaps(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RLine::TCaps* aCaps)
+ * Retrieve the current line capabilities.
+ * Core ETel API Request.
+ *
+ * @param aTsyReqHandle TSY request handle associated with this request.
+ * @param aCaps Point to capability structure that will be populated with the caps.
+ * @return TInt Standard return value.
+ */
+ {
+ aCaps->iFlags=iCaps;
+ ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyCapsChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RLine::TCaps* aCaps)
+* Register a client's interest in being notified when the line caps change.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle The TSY handle associated with this request.
+* @param aCaps The capability structure that will be populated with the new capability
+* information.
+* @return TInt Standard error code.
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyPending,SimPanic(ENotificationReqAlreadyOutstanding));
+ iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyPending=ETrue;
+ iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyData=aCaps;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::NotifyCapsChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle /*aTsyReqHandle*/)
+* Cancel a client's interest in being notified when the call capabilities change.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+ {
+ if(iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrCancel);
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::GetInfo(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileLine::TLineInfo* aLineInfo)
+* Retrieve the Line Information
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle
+* @param aLineInfo pointer to the line information to be returned to client
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::GetInfo");
+ aLineInfo->iHookStatus=iHookState;
+ aLineInfo->iStatus=(RCall::TStatus)iState;
+ aLineInfo->iNameOfLastCallAdded.Copy(iNameOfLastCallAdded);
+ if(iAnswerNextIncomingCall)
+ aLineInfo->iNameOfCallForAnswering.Copy(iAnswerNextIncomingCall->iName);
+ else
+ aLineInfo->iNameOfCallForAnswering.Zero();
+ ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::GetInfo");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+RCall::TStatus CSimLine::GetCoreLineStatus()
+* Converts Multimode call status (RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus) to
+* Core call Status (RCall::TStatus)
+* @return RCall::TStatus The core call status
+ {
+// All status enums with values of Disconnecting and below are identical in
+// ETelMM and Core, so the mapping function is simple.
+ RCall::TStatus coreStatus;
+ if (iState <= RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting)
+ coreStatus = (RCall::TStatus)iState;
+ else
+ switch (iState)
+ {
+ case RMobileCall::EStatusReconnectPending:
+ case RMobileCall::EStatusHold:
+ coreStatus = RCall::EStatusConnected;
+ break;
+ case RMobileCall::EStatusWaitingAlternatingCallSwitch:
+ coreStatus = RCall::EStatusIdle;
+ break;
+ default:
+ coreStatus = RCall::EStatusUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ return coreStatus;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::GetStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::TStatus* aLineStatus)
+* Return the current line state. (Core API request)
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle
+* @param aLineStatus pointer to the line status
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::GetStatus");
+ *aLineStatus=GetCoreLineStatus();
+ ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::GetStatus");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::GetMobileLineStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus* aLineStatus)
+* Return the current line state. (MultiMode API request)
+* MM ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle
+* @param aLineStatus pointer to the line status
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::GetMobileLineStatus");
+ *aLineStatus=iState;
+ ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::GetMobileLineStatus");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::GetHookStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,RCall::THookStatus* aHookStatus)
+* Return the current Hook state.
+* Core ETel API Request.
+* @param aTsyReqHandle
+* @param aHookStatus pointer to the hook status
+* @return KErrNone
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::GetHookStatus");
+ *aHookStatus=iHookState;
+ ReqCompleted(aTsyReqHandle,KErrNone);
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::GetHookStatus");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+const CTestConfigSection* CSimLine::CfgFile()
+* Returns a pointer to the config file section
+* @return CTestConfig a pointer to the configuration file data section
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::CfgFile");
+ return iPhone->CfgFile();
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::ChangeStateL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aNewState,TBool aSwap,CSimCall* aOriginatingCall)
+* Validate and change the Line State
+* @param aNewState the new state to change to
+* @param aSwap indicates whether change comes from swap operation on the call
+* @param aOriginatingCall original call that change comes from
+* @return Error indication if change of state is successful or not
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aNewState!=RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown,SimPanic(ECallStatusUnknownIllegal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState!=RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown,SimPanic(ECallStatusUnknownIllegal));
+ CSimCall* swappedCall=NULL;
+ TInt i=0;
+ TInt count=iCalls->Count();
+ for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ LOGLINE3(">>CSimLine::ChangeState0 0x%08x %d",iCalls->At(i),iCalls->At(i)->iState);
+ }
+ TInt ret=KErrGeneral;
+ const TStateChangeValidity* stateChangePnt=KLineStateChangeValidity;
+ while(stateChangePnt->iOldState!=KStateTableTerminator)
+ {
+ if((stateChangePnt->iOldState==iState) &&
+ ((stateChangePnt->iNewState==aNewState) || aNewState==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle))
+ {
+ ret=stateChangePnt->iError;
+ break;
+ }
+ stateChangePnt++;
+ }
+ //coverity[cannot_single]
+ if(ret!=KErrNone && !(aSwap && iState==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected && aNewState==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected))
+ return ret;
+ LOGLINE2(">>CSimLine::ChangeState 0x%08x",aOriginatingCall);
+ if(aNewState==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle)
+ {
+ if(iState==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle)
+ return KErrAlreadyExists;
+ else if(iState==RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting || iState==RMobileCall::EStatusDialling)
+ {
+ TInt i=0;
+ TInt count=iCalls->Count();
+ for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ LOGLINE3(">>CSimLine::ChangeState1 0x%08x %d",iCalls->At(i),iCalls->At(i)->iState);
+ if(aOriginatingCall!=iCalls->At(i) && iCalls->At(i)->iState != RMobileCall::EStatusIdle)
+ {
+ aNewState=iCalls->At(i)->iState;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(aNewState==RMobileCall::EStatusHold)
+ {
+ if((iState == RMobileCall::EStatusRinging) &&
+ (aNewState == RMobileCall::EStatusHold))
+ {
+ if(aOriginatingCall->iState != RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ aNewState=RMobileCall::EStatusRinging;
+ }
+ TInt i=0;
+ TInt count=iCalls->Count();
+ for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ LOGLINE3(">>CSimLine::ChangeState1 0x%08x %d",iCalls->At(i),iCalls->At(i)->iState);
+ if(iCalls->At(i) != aOriginatingCall && iCalls->At(i)->iState == RMobileCall::EStatusHold)
+ {
+ if(aSwap)
+ {
+ swappedCall=iCalls->At(i);
+ swappedCall->iState=RMobileCall::EStatusConnected;
+ aNewState=RMobileCall::EStatusConnected;
+ }
+ else
+ return KErrAlreadyExists;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(aNewState==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
+ {
+ TInt i=0;
+ TInt count=iCalls->Count();
+ for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ LOGLINE3(">>CSimLine::ChangeState1 0x%08x %d",iCalls->At(i),iCalls->At(i)->iState);
+ if(iCalls->At(i) != aOriginatingCall)
+ {
+ if(iCalls->At(i)->iState == RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
+ {
+ //coverity[dead_error_condition]
+ if(aSwap)
+ {
+ swappedCall=iCalls->At(i);
+ swappedCall->iState=RMobileCall::EStatusHold;
+ aNewState=RMobileCall::EStatusConnected;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ //coverity[dead_error_line]
+ return KErrAlreadyExists;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Actually change the state.
+ LOGLINE3(">>CSimLine::ChangeState [oldState=%d] [newState=%d]", iState, aNewState);
+ if(iState != aNewState)
+ {
+ iState=aNewState;
+ // Check for a pending line state notification (core)
+ if(iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ *(RCall::TStatus*)iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyData=GetCoreLineStatus();
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyStatusChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrNone);
+ }
+ // Check for a pending line state notification (multimode)
+ if(iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ *(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus*)iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyData=iState;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyMobileStatusChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrNone);
+ }
+ // Check for a pending hook state notification.
+ if(iHookState!=ConvertStateToHook(iState))
+ {
+ iHookState=ConvertStateToHook(iState);
+ if(iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ *(RCall::THookStatus*)iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyData=iHookState;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyHookChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for a possible change in capabilities.
+ TUint caps=Caps();
+ if(iCaps!=caps)
+ {
+ iCaps=caps;
+ if(iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ((RLine::TCaps*)iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyData)->iFlags=iCaps;
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyCapsChange.iNotifyHandle,KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+ if(aSwap && swappedCall)
+ swappedCall->UpdateNotifiers();
+ // Request that the phone change its state, to ensure its in step.
+ if((ret = iPhone->ValidateChangeState(this,aNewState)) != KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ for(i=0;i<iCalls->Count();i++)
+ {
+ LOGLINE3(">>CSimLine::ChangeState5 0x%08x %d",iCalls->At(i),iCalls->At(i)->iState);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::ChangeState");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CSimLine::SimPSEvent(const CSimPubSub::TPubSubProperty aProperty, TInt /*aStatus*/)
+Handles the P&S notifications for the Line class
+@param aProperty The property key representing the notification.
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::SimPSEvent");
+ if(aProperty==iICProperty) // check for this here still, start the timer for amount specified in config file.
+ ProcessIncomingCallEvent();
+ if(aProperty==iRHProperty)
+ ProcessRemoteHangupEvent();
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::SimPSEvent");
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::SetAutoAnswerCallObject(CSimCall* aCallObject)
+* Attempt to set the call object that will be used to answer the next incoming
+* call. If there is already an AnswerIncomingCall registered, then
+* return with the relevant error.
+* @param aCallObject pointer to the call object
+* @return KErrNone if successful
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::SetAnswerCallObject");
+ if(iAnswerIncomingCallReqPending) // Is there a request already outstanding?
+ return KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding;
+ iAnswerIncomingCallReqPending=ETrue;
+ if (iAnswerNextIncomingCall!=aCallObject)
+ {
+ if (iSpareCall != iAnswerNextIncomingCall)
+ {
+ iAnswerNextIncomingCall->Close();
+ }
+ iAnswerNextIncomingCall=aCallObject; // Set the "answer next call" object
+ iAnswerNextIncomingCall->Open();
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::SetAnswerCallObject");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CSimLine::ResetAutoAnswerCallObject(CSimCall* aCallObject)
+* This function is used to reset, or effectively cancel, the call object that
+* was to be used to automatically answer the next incoming call.
+* @param aCallObject pointer to the call object
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::ResetAnswerCallObject");
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iAnswerNextIncomingCall==aCallObject,SimPanic(EIllegalAnswerNextIncomingCallInconsistancy));
+ iAnswerNextIncomingCall->Close();
+ iAnswerNextIncomingCall=iSpareCall;
+ iAnswerIncomingCallReqPending=EFalse;
+ }
+void CSimLine::ProcessIncomingCallEvent()
+* Process an incoming call event.
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::ProcessIncomingCallEvent ");
+ if (iSpareCall == iAnswerNextIncomingCall)
+ {
+ TName callName;
+ TRAPD(err,iAnswerNextIncomingCall=CreateNewCallL(callName,ECallTypeNormalCall));
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ SimPanic(EOjectNotConstructed);
+ }
+ }
+ // Delay sending the notification of an incoming call if
+ // one has been set.
+ iTimer->Start(iNotifyIncomingCallPause, this);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iAnswerNextIncomingCall->ActionEvent(CSimCall::ECallEventIncomingCall,KErrNone) == KErrNone, SimPanic(EGeneral));
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::ProcessIncomingCallEvent");
+ }
+TInt CSimLine::SetRemoteHangupCallObject(CSimCall* aCallObject)
+* Attempt to set the call object that will be hung up remotely
+* If there is already a RemoteHangup registered, then
+* return with the relevant error.
+* @param aCallObject pointer to the call object
+* @return KErrNone if successful
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::SetRemoteHangupCallObject");
+ if(iRemoteHangupCallReqPending) // Is there a request already outstanding?
+ return KErrEtelInitialisationFailure;
+ iRemoteHangupCallReqPending=ETrue;
+ if (iRemoteHangupCall!=aCallObject)
+ {
+ iRemoteHangupCall=aCallObject; // Set the "remote hang up" object
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::SetRemoteHangupCallObject");
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CSimLine::ResetRemoteHangupCallObject(CSimCall* aCallObject)
+* This function is used to reset, or effectively cancel, the call object that
+* was to be remotely hung up.
+* @param aCallObject pointer to the call object
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::ResetRemoteHangupCallObject");
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iRemoteHangupCall==aCallObject,SimPanic(EIllegalAnswerRemoteHangupCallInconsistency));
+ iRemoteHangupCallReqPending=EFalse;
+ }
+void CSimLine::ProcessRemoteHangupEvent()
+* Process a remote hangup event.
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::ProcessRemoteHangupEvent");
+ if (iRemoteHangupCall == NULL)
+ {
+ TInt err = FindActiveCall(iRemoteHangupCall);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = iRemoteHangupCall->ActionEvent(CSimCall::ECallEventRemoteHangup,KErrNone);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOGLINE2("ERROR: CSimLine::ProcessRemoteHangupEvent returned: %d", err);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGLINE1("No outstanding call to hang up remotely");
+ }
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::ProcessRemoteHangupEvent");
+ }
+void CSimLine::CallDestructor(CSimCall* aCall)
+ * This function is called from a call's destructor.
+ * It must delete the call from its list. If the call cannot be found, an unacceptable
+ * inconsistancy must have developed, and the TSY will panic.
+ */
+ {
+ for(TInt i=0;i<iCalls->Count();i++)
+ {
+ if(iCalls->At(i)==aCall)
+ {
+ iCalls->Delete(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ SimPanic(EIllegalCallNotRegisteredWithLine);
+ }
+TBool CSimLine::IsAnswerCallObjectSpare()
+ * Is the "answer" call object actually the spare object.
+ */
+ {
+ return (iSpareCall==iAnswerNextIncomingCall);
+ }
+Called when iTimer has delayed the sending of the notification of the incoming call.
+void CSimLine::TimerCallBack(TInt /*aId*/)
+ {
+ ProcessNotifyIncomingCallEvent();
+ }
+Send notification of an incoming call.
+void CSimLine::ProcessNotifyIncomingCallEvent()
+ {
+ LOGLINE1(">>CSimLine::ProcessNotifyIncomingCallEvent");
+ if(iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyPending)
+ {
+ iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyPending=EFalse;
+ ((TName*)iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyData)->Copy(iAnswerNextIncomingCall->iName);
+ ReqCompleted(iNotifyIncomingCall.iNotifyHandle,KErrNone);
+ }
+ LOGLINE1("<<CSimLine::ProcessNotifyIncomingCallEvent");
+ }