--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simtsy/src/csimsmartcardeap.h Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+#include <et_phone.h>
+#include "etelmm.h"
+#include "CSimPhone.h"
+class CSimSmartCardEap;
+Class to hold one challenge and its response ptrs, as read from
+the config.txt file.
+class TEapChngResp
+ {
+ TEapChngResp();
+ /** Challenge request data parsed from the config.txt. */
+ HBufC8* iChallenge;
+ /** Challenge response data parsed from the config.txt. */
+ HBufC8* iResp;
+ /**
+ The authentication status after this challenge has completed.
+ */
+ RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapAuthStatus iAuthStatus;
+ };
+class to hold the parsed data of an EAP procedure from the
+config.txt file.
+class TEapProcedureData
+ {
+ TEapProcedureData();
+ /**
+ holds Application's ID, on which the authentication is to be
+ carried out. Note, there is no checking for this AID's
+ existence, config file must simply match client's request data.
+ */
+ TBuf8<RMobilePhone::KAIDSize*4> iAID;
+ /** holds the Eap method type to be used with this procedure */
+ RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType iEapType;
+ /** holds the Eap key to be returned at end of this procedure */
+ HBufC8* iEapKey; // MSK
+ HBufC8* iEapExtKey; // EMSK
+ /** holds the Eap identity to be returned at beginning of this procedure */
+ HBufC8* iEapId; // Permanent
+ HBufC8* iEapPsId; // Pseudonym
+ /** holds a list of challenge requests and responses */
+ RArray<TEapChngResp> iChResp;
+ };
+Holds data to help manage access to the smart card applications with
+EAP capability.
+class CSimSmartCardEapManager : public CBase
+ {
+ static CSimSmartCardEapManager* NewL(CSimPhone *aPhone);
+ CSimSmartCardEapManager(CSimPhone *aPhone);
+ void ConstructL();
+ ~CSimSmartCardEapManager();
+ CTelObject* CreateScEapSubSessionL(RMobilePhone::TAID& aAID, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType& aEapType);
+ TEapProcedureData* ProcData(const RMobilePhone::TAID& aAID, const RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType& aEapType);
+ void ProcDataUseCompleted(const TEapProcedureData* aProcData);
+ void RegisterSubSessionL(CSimSmartCardEap* aToRegister);
+ TInt DeRegisterSubSession(const CSimSmartCardEap* aToRegister);
+ const CTestConfigSection* CfgFile();
+ void ParseEapInfoL();
+ void ClearParsedData();
+ void AID_EapType_ExistsInConfigL(const RMobilePhone::TAID& aAID, const RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType& aEapType);
+ CSimPhone *iPhone;
+ /**
+ holds the data parsed from the config file on the EAP procedures
+ configured.
+ */
+ RArray<TEapProcedureData> iEapProcData;
+ /**
+ We must use an array of flags to specify which of the procedures in
+ iEapProcData has been used up. The reason is that we cannot delete
+ from iEapProcData, doing so will cause a mismatch of pointers
+ between the iEapProcData items and the pointers held by the
+ CSimSmartCardEap objects.
+ */
+ RArray<TBool> iDiscardedProcedure;
+ /**
+ Holds a record of all EAP sub-session (CSimSmartCardEap) objects.
+ */
+ RPointerArray<CSimSmartCardEap> iSubSessionObjs;
+ };
+class CSimSmartCardEap : public CSubSessionExtBase
+ {
+class CThreadTerminationListener;
+friend class CThreadTerminationListener;
+ static CSimSmartCardEap* NewL(CSimPhone *aPhone, CSimSmartCardEapManager* aEapMan, RMobilePhone::TAID& aAID, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType& aEapType);
+ CSimSmartCardEap(CSimPhone *aPhone, RMobilePhone::TAID& aAID, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType& aEapType);
+ void ConstructL(CSimSmartCardEapManager* aEapMan);
+ ~CSimSmartCardEap();
+ virtual TInt ExtFunc(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,const TInt aIpc,const TDataPackage& aPackage);
+ virtual CTelObject::TReqMode ReqModeL(const TInt aIPC);
+ virtual CTelObject* OpenNewObjectByNameL(const TDesC& aName);
+ virtual CTelObject* OpenNewObjectL(TDes& aNewName);
+ virtual TInt CancelService(const TInt aIpc, const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ virtual TInt RegisterNotification(const TInt aIpc);
+ virtual TInt DeregisterNotification(const TInt aIpc);
+ virtual TInt NumberOfSlotsL(const TInt aIpc);
+ virtual void Init();
+ TInt SimInitialiseEapMethod(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TThreadId* aThreadId);
+ TInt SimInitialiseEapMethodCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ TInt SimGetUserIdentity(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapUserIdType* aEapIdType, TDes8* aUserId);
+ TInt SimGetUserIdentityCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ TInt SimGetAuthenticationStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapAuthStatus* aAuthStatus);
+ TInt SimGetAuthenticationStatusCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ TInt SimGetEapKey(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapKeyTag* aEapKeyTag, TDes8* aKey);
+ TInt SimGetEapKeyCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ TInt SimSetAuthenticateDataForPhase1(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aEapAuthData, TInt* aPhase1Size);
+ TInt SimGetAuthenticateDataForPhase2(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, TDes8* aEapAuthData, TDes8* aPhase2Resp);
+ TInt SimSmartCardEapAuthenticationCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ TInt SimReleaseEapMethod(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ TInt SimGetEapMethodAccessStatus(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapMethodAccessStatus* aEapState);
+ TInt SimNotifyEapMethodAccessStatusChange(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapMethodAccessStatus* aEapState);
+ TInt SimNotifyEapMethodAccessStatusChangeCancel(const TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle);
+ void SimCompleteNotifyEapMethodAccessStatusChange();
+ virtual RHandleBase* GlobalKernelObjectHandle();
+ void ClientHasTerminated(TInt aExitReason);
+ /**
+ Listener class for client thread termination. Used to ensure
+ iSemaphr is signalled in the event that a client dies unnaturally.
+ */
+ class CThreadTerminationListener : public CActive
+ {
+ public:
+ static CThreadTerminationListener* NewL(CSimSmartCardEap* aSubSess, const TThreadId& aId);
+ void Start();
+ ~CThreadTerminationListener();
+ private:
+ CThreadTerminationListener(CSimSmartCardEap* aPhone);
+ void ConstructL(const TThreadId& aId);
+ void DoCancel();
+ void RunL();
+ private:
+ /** The owner sub-session object. */
+ CSimSmartCardEap* iSubSess;
+ RThread iCliThread;
+ };
+ /**
+ Basic structure for holding the notification information for a
+ SimCompleteNotifyEapMethodAccessStatusChange() call.
+ @see CSimSmartCardEap::iEapAccessNotifyData
+ */
+ struct TNotifyData
+ {
+ TBool iNotifyPending;
+ TTsyReqHandle iNotifyHandle;
+ TAny* iNotifyData;
+ };
+ /** Simtsy's RMobilePhone server object. */
+ CSimPhone *iPhone;
+ RMobilePhone::TAID iAID;
+ RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapType iEapType;
+ /**
+ The procedure data for this sub-session, which is parsed by iEapMan
+ and retieved by this object during SimInitialiseEapMethod().
+ */
+ TEapProcedureData* iProcedureData;
+ /**
+ Flag indicating whether the sub-session has already been
+ intialised.
+ */
+ TBool iSSInitialised;
+ /**
+ The semaphore used by the client side RMobileSmartCardEap code to
+ ensure single access to this sub-session.
+ */
+ RSemaphore iSemaphr;
+ /** The access of this sub-session. */
+ RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapMethodAccessStatus iAccessStatus;
+ /**
+ The authentication status of the EAP procedure running within this
+ sub-session.
+ */
+ RMobileSmartCardEap::TEapAuthStatus iAuthStatus;
+ /** Used in the SimNotifyEapMethodAccessStatusChange() request. */
+ TNotifyData iEapAccessNotifyData;
+ /**
+ This object calls back into ClientHasTerminated() when the client
+ thread dies.
+ */
+ CThreadTerminationListener* iCliTerminationListener;
+ /**
+ The EAP manager object to which this sub-session is linked. This
+ manager object should be one in simtsy and it is the object that
+ created this sub-session CSimSmartCardEap object (for CSimPhone).
+ */
+ CSimSmartCardEapManager* iEapMan;
+ /**
+ iProcedureData contains an RArray of EAP challenge/response data,
+ parsed from the config.txt. This integer keeps track of which
+ challenge should be used in the next call to
+ SimSetAuthenticateDataForPhase1().
+ */
+ TInt iCurrentChallenge;
+ };