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quid "3B84FE2B001F"
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quidu "3B84FDE0037E")))
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quid "3B84FE5501D8"
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quidu "3B84FDE0037E")))
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quid "3B84FE6E01CA"
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quidu "3B84FDE0037E")))
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quid "3B84FE8203E5"
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quidu "3B84FDE0037E")))
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quid "3B84FE3C020E"
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quid "3B84FE030086"
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quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
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quid "3B84FE000190"
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quidu "3B84FDF8035B")))
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quid "3B85039E00BB")
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quidu "3B8503C70260"))
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quid "3B8503C7022F"
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quidu "3B8503C70237")))
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quid "3B8503C70237"
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quid "3B8503C70238"
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quidu "3B8503C7024E")
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quid "3B8503C70239"
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quidu "3B8503C70265")
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quid "3B8503C7023A"
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quidu "3B8503C7027D")
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quid "3B8503C7023B"
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quidu "3B8503C70287")
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quid "3B8503C7023C"
supplier "Logical View::CATWaitForNoCarrier"
quidu "3B8503C7026C"))
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quid "3B8503C7023D"
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quidu "3B8503C70241"))
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quid "3B8503C7023E"
supplier "Logical View::CPhoneGlobals"
quidu "3B85039E00BB")))
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quid "3B8503C70242"
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quidu "3B8503C70244")
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quid "3B8503C70243"
supplier "Logical View::MCallBaseTSY"
quidu "3B8503C7024B")))
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quid "3B8503C70244")
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quid "3B8503C7024B")
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quid "3B8503C70260"
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quid "3B8503C7025F"
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quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
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quid "3B8503C70255"
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quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
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quid "3B8503C70264"
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quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
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quid "3B8503C7027D")
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quid "3B8503C70288"
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quidu "3B8503C70289")))
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quid "3B8503C70289")
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quid "3B8503C7026B"
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quidu "3B84FDF8035B")))
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quid "3B8FB03B03BE"
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quidu "3B8FAFE30014")
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quid "3B8FB0550072"
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quidu "3B8FB05003E6")
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quid "3B8FB056039E"
supplier "Logical View::CATPhoneBookWrite"
quidu "3B8FAFE9012B")
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quid "3B8FB05B03E2"
supplier "Logical View::CATPhoneBookDelete"
quidu "3B8FAFEE031D")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FB06100E7"
supplier "Logical View::CPhoneBookData"
quidu "3B8FAFF7017B"))
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FAFBB0337"
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quidu "3B8503C70244"))
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quid "3B8FAFCB02F4"
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quidu "3B8FAEF40151")
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "3B8FAFD50230"
supplier "Logical View::CATInit"
quidu "3B8503C7024E")
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "3B8FAFDD00D3"
supplier "Logical View::CPhoneGlobals"
quidu "3B85039E00BB")))
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quid "3B8CE9870119"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FAF510335"
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quidu "3B8FAE6D007A"))
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FAEEB0108"
supplier "Logical View::CSubSessionExtBase"
quidu "3B8503C70244"))
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quid "3B8FAF0E0389"
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quidu "3B85039E00BB")
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quid "3B8FAF45005D"
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quidu "3B8FAEF40151")
(object Uses_Relationship
quid "3B8FAF490366"
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quidu "3B8503C7024E")))
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quid "3B8CE9E30067"
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quid "3B8CEC550112"
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quidu "3B8CEC500197")
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quid "3B8CEC8F00B1"
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quidu "3B8CEC8603A7")
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quid "3B8CEC9B0267"
supplier "Logical View::CATAnswerFax"
quidu "3B8CEC940068")
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quid "3B8CECA90068"
supplier "Logical View::CATHangUpFax"
quidu "3B8CECA101F7"))
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quid "3B8CE9F70070"
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quidu "3B8503C70237")
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quid "3B8CEAD30094"
supplier "Logical View::CCallMobile"
quidu "3B8503C7022D")))
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quid "3B8CEA1C01DC")
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quid "3B8CEA3600B7"
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quid "3B8CEB1D0362"
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quidu "3B8CEB130046")
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quid "3B8CEB4400BF"
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quidu "3B8CEB2A0144")
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quid "3B8CEB4602FD"
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quidu "3B8CEB2401DB")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8CEB5E029D"
supplier "Logical View::CATHangUpData"
quidu "3B8CEB300233")
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quid "3B8CEB610279"
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quidu "3B8CEB36021D"))
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEA5E0173"
supplier "Logical View::CCallHayes"
quidu "3B8503C70237")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEAD80327"
supplier "Logical View::CCallMobile"
quidu "3B8503C7022D")))
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quid "3B8CEA4000BB"
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(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FAB4C029F"
supplier "Logical View::CATDialVoice"
quidu "3B8FAB390248")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FAB4F0005"
supplier "Logical View::CATAnswerVoice"
quidu "3B8FAB400035")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FAB510148"
supplier "Logical View::CATHangUpVoice"
quidu "3B8FAB45035D"))
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEA5A02A3"
supplier "Logical View::CCallHayes"
quidu "3B8503C70237")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEAD6007B"
supplier "Logical View::CCallMobile"
quidu "3B8503C7022D")))
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quid "3B8CEB130046"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEB890231"
supplier "Logical View::CATDataCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB830047")))
(object Class "CATAnswerData"
quid "3B8CEB2401DB"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEBDA02A5"
supplier "Logical View::CATDataCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB830047")))
(object Class "CATConnectData"
quid "3B8CEB2A0144"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEBD0037D"
supplier "Logical View::CATDataCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB830047")))
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quid "3B8CEB300233"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEBFC004B"
supplier "Logical View::CATCallAlterCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB9B03DB")))
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quid "3B8CEB36021D"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEC140281"
supplier "Logical View::CATCallAlterCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB9B03DB")))
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quid "3B8CEB830047"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEB950206"
supplier "Logical View::CATCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB92011B")))
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quid "3B8CEB92011B"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEB9F0283"
supplier "Logical View::CATCallAlterCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB9B03DB")))
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quid "3B8CEB9B03DB"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CEBA801B3"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CATDialFax"
quid "3B8CEC500197"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CECD2031A"
supplier "Logical View::CATFaxCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CECCB01DA")))
(object Class "CATConnectFax"
quid "3B8CEC8603A7"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CED54038F"
supplier "Logical View::CATFaxCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CECCB01DA")))
(object Class "CATAnswerFax"
quid "3B8CEC940068"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CED5B00C8"
supplier "Logical View::CATFaxCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CECCB01DA")))
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quid "3B8CECA101F7"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CED62029F"
supplier "Logical View::CATCallAlterCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB9B03DB")))
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quid "3B8CECCB01DA"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8CECDD0031"
supplier "Logical View::CATCallConnectCommands"
quidu "3B8CEB92011B")))
(object Class "CGprsPacket"
quid "3B8F9FDB0225"
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(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA0D40255"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsATAttachDetach"
quidu "3B8FA0BE038A")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA1120114"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsATContextInfo"
quidu "3B8FA0E00393")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA117017F"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsATGetClass"
quidu "3B8FA0F400DF")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA13603E7"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATGetConfig"
quidu "3B8FA11B0207")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA14A01F1"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATSetConfig"
quidu "3B8FA139005C"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8F9FF4036C"
supplier "Logical View::CSubSessionExtBase (class)"
quidu "3B84FCD90005")))
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quid "3B8FA0080130"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA0510333"
supplier "Logical View::CNotifyBase"
quidu "3B8FA04703E3")))
(object Class "CNotifyBase"
quid "3B8FA04703E3")
(object Class "CGprsATAttachDetach"
quid "3B8FA0BE038A"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA0D2011C"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsATContextInfo"
quid "3B8FA0E00393"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA0F20082"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsATGetClass"
quid "3B8FA0F400DF"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA119018C"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsContextATGetConfig"
quid "3B8FA11B0207"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA134025D"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsContextATSetConfig"
quid "3B8FA139005C"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA14C032A"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsContextATActivate"
quid "3B8FA1500272"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA1820089"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsPAcketContext"
quid "3B8FA16203E0"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA18801BE"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATGetConfig"
quidu "3B8FA11B0207")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA18B005A"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATActivate"
quidu "3B8FA1500272")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA18D0189"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATSetConfig"
quidu "3B8FA139005C")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA8CB021B"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATDeactivate"
quidu "3B8FA8B9026F")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA9090397"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsContextATDelete"
quidu "3B8FA8F40206"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA19401BB"
supplier "Logical View::CSubSessionExtBase (class)"
quidu "3B84FCD90005")))
(object Class "CGprsQoS"
quid "3B8FA1A500ED"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA9360215"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsQoSATSetProfile"
quidu "3B8FA922004A")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA96E03D8"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsQoSATSetProfile"
quidu "3B8FA922004A")
(object Has_Relationship
quid "3B8FA98C01A1"
supplier "Logical View::CGprsQoSATProfileCapabilities"
quidu "3B8FA9770291"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA884035A"
supplier "Logical View::CSubSessionExtBase (class)"
quidu "3B84FCD90005")))
(object Class "CGprsContextATDeactivate"
quid "3B8FA8B9026F"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA8C8032F"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "NewClass2"
quid "3B8FA8EB00EB")
(object Class "CGprsContextATDelete"
quid "3B8FA8F40206"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA9070037"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
(object Class "CGprsQoSATSetProfile"
quid "3B8FA922004A"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3B8FA972028A"
supplier "Logical View::CATCommands"
quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
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quid "3B8FAE3700FF"
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quid "3B8FAE9102CB"
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quid "3B8FAEB80014"
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quid "3B8FAE8D02C5"
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quid "3B8FAE8F0354"
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quidu "3B84FDEC0032")))
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quid "3B8FAEF40151")
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quid "3B8FB08403AF"
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quidu "3B8FB07E0356")))
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quid "3B8FB095016E"
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quidu "3B8FB07E0356")))
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quid "3B8FB09C022D"
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quidu "3B8FB07E0356")))
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quid "3B8FB0720286"
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quid "3B8FB08E0273"
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quidu "3B8FB07E0356")))
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quid "3B8FB0AA00E2"
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|cont9=CList<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
|cont20=CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, $TYPE*>
|cont21=CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, $TYPE*>
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name "ClassMethods"
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|*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
|cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&)
|cm3=<<virtual>> ~$NAME()
|cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs;
|cm5=<<const>> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool
|cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm6=<<const>> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm7=<<const>> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm8=<<const>> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm9=<<const>> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm10=<<const>> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm11=<<friend>> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream&
|cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i;
|cm12=<<friend>> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream&
|cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o;
(object Attribute
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value (value Text
|agf=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agf_body=return $NAME;
|asf_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agv=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE&
|agv_body=return $NAME;
|asv_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agp=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agp_body=return $NAME;
|asp_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agr=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agr_body=return $NAME;
|asr_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|aga=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE
|aga_body=return $BASICNAME[index];
|asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void
|asa_body=$BASICNAME[index] = value;|return;
(object Attribute
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|*_decl=#ifdef _DEBUG
|cond1=<<virtual, const>> AssertValid():void
|cond2=<<virtual, const>> Dump(dc:CDumpContext&):void
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value TRUE)))
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value TRUE)
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value TRUE)
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value FALSE)
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value (value Text ""))))
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value FALSE)
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tool "VisualStudio"
name "HiddenTool"
value FALSE))
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