changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
child 12 8b5d60ce1e94
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfb7c4ff071f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 // Initial Contributors:
     8 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     9 // Contributors:
    10 //
    11 // Description:
    12 // CMBufPoolManager.cpp
    13 // Maintains one or more pool chains (CMBufPoolChain) on behalf of CMBufManager
    14 // 
    15 //
    17 /**
    18 @file
    20 Maintains one or more pool chains (CMBufPoolChain) on behalf of CMBufManager
    22 @internalComponent
    24 */
    26 #include "mbufmanager.h"
    27 #include <comms-infras/cfmacro.h>
    28 #include "MBufPoolManager.h"
    29 #include "MBufPoolChain.h"
    30 #include "MBufPool.h"
    31 #include "MBufMemoryAllocator.h"
    32 #include <cflog.h>
    34 static const TInt KMemoryAlignment = 8;
    35 const TInt KNoOutstandingRequests = -1;
    37 /** Patchable constant detailing the size of cache lines in the target architecture.
    38     The MBufMgr will align data to cache lines.
    39 */
    40 extern const TUint KMBufCacheLineSize = 32;
    42 #define ALIGN_CACHE_MASK    (KMBufCacheLineSize-1)
    43 #define ALIGN_CACHE_UP(n)   (((n)+(ALIGN_MASK)) & ~ALIGN_MASK)
    44 #define ALIGN_CACHE_DOWN(n) ((n) & ~ALIGN_MASK)
    45 #define IS_CACHE_ALIGNED(p) ((((TUint32)(p)) & ALIGN_MASK)==0)
    47 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
    48 __CFLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent, "PoolManager");)
    49 __CFLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KSubsysMBufMgr, "MBufMgr");) // subsystem name
    50 __CFLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponentPerformance, "performance");)	// component name - used for any sub-optimal performance behaviuor
    51 #endif
    53 CMBufPoolManager* CMBufPoolManager::NewL(TInt aMaxAllocSize, CMBufManager& aMBufManager)
    54 	{
    55 	CMBufPoolManager* This = new(ELeave) CMBufPoolManager(aMaxAllocSize, aMBufManager);
    56 	CleanupStack::PushL(This);
    57 	This->ConstructL(aMaxAllocSize);
    58 	CleanupStack::Pop(This);
    59 	return This;
    60 	}
    62 // ctor
    63 CMBufPoolManager::CMBufPoolManager(TInt aMaxAllocSize, CMBufManager& aMBufManager)
    64 	: CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    65 	  iMaxAllocSize(aMaxAllocSize),
    66 	  iMBufManager(aMBufManager)
    67 	{
    68 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
    69 	__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager %x:\tCMBufPoolManager()"), this));
    70 #endif
    72 	iCommitted = EFalse;  
    73 	iNextMBufSize = KNoOutstandingRequests;
    74 	}
    76 void CMBufPoolManager::ConstructL(TInt aMaxAllocSize)
    77 	{
    78 	User::LeaveIfError(iPoolChainLock.CreateLocal());
    79 	iMBufMgrOwnerThread.Duplicate(RThread());
    81 	iMemoryAllocator = CMBufMemoryAllocator::NewL(aMaxAllocSize);
    83 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    85 	WaitForNewPoolRequest();
    86 	}
    88 CMBufPoolManager::~CMBufPoolManager()
    89 	{
    90 	// Cancel any outstanding requests
    91 	Cancel();
    93 	iPoolChains.ResetAndDestroy();	
    94 	iPoolChains.Close();
    96 	delete iMemoryAllocator;
    98     iPoolChainLock.Close();
    99 	iMBufMgrOwnerThread.Close();
   100 	}
   102 CMBufMemoryAllocator& CMBufPoolManager::Memory()
   103 	{
   104 	return *iMemoryAllocator;
   105 	}
   107 CMBufManager& CMBufPoolManager::Manager()
   108 	{
   109 	return iMBufManager;		
   110 	}
   112 void CMBufPoolManager::WaitForNewPoolRequest()
   113 	{
   114 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsActive(), CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_AlreadyActive));
   115 	iStatus = KRequestPending;
   116 	SetActive();
   117 	}
   119 void CMBufPoolManager::DoCancel()
   120 	{
   121 	NETWORKING_ATOMIC(;) // Codepattern below may have SMP implications
   122 	if(!iSignalled)
   123 		{
   124 		// We're almost certainly the only thread doing this; now check again inside the critsec to be sure
   125 		iPoolChainLock.Wait();
   126 		if(!iSignalled)
   127 			{
   128 			iSignalled = ETrue;
   129 			TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
   130 			User::RequestComplete(pStatus, KErrCancel);
   131 			}
   132 		iPoolChainLock.Signal();
   133 		}
   134 	}
   136 TInt CMBufPoolManager::BackgroundAllocateNewPool(CMBufPoolChain& aPoolChain,
   137 					TInt aNumMBufs)
   138 	{
   140 	// Build a list of MBuf sizes and allow one request per MBuf pool size....
   141 	// Note its essential that at least one request is serviced, the allocation can
   142 	// then attempt to use the new MBufs created.  Its not essential that every 
   143 	// request is serviced, its more important to prevent this single new pool
   144 	// allocation routine from locking out processing on the many threads that use
   145 	// this routine for a long time
   147 	// The first attempted growth by aNumMBufs wins
   148 	NETWORKING_ATOMIC(;) // Codepattern below may have SMP implications
   149 	if (!aPoolChain.iSignalled)
   150 		{
   152 		// This is being most likely being called from the context of some thread other than the
   153 		// MBufMgr owner, and there's a distinct risk of more than one thread being OOB at the same
   154 		// time since it's a common PoolChain. 	So we have to lock here to process this PoolChain
   155 		iPoolChainLock.Wait();
   157 		// We're almost certainly the only thread doing this; now check again inside the critsec to be sure
   158 		if (!aPoolChain.iSignalled)
   159 			{
   160 			// First do a simple test to see if the new pool will be created
   161 			// Note in the future when CMBufPool deletion is implemented iNoMoreSpace
   162 			// should be cleared on all pools to allow growth again.
   163 			if (aPoolChain.iNoMoreSpace)
   164 				{
   165 				if (aPoolChain.iLastGrowth > aNumMBufs)
   166 					{
   167 					// Try this smaller allocation
   168 					aPoolChain.iNoMoreSpace = EFalse;
   169 					}
   170 				else
   171 					{
   172 					iPoolChainLock.Signal();
   173 					return KErrNoMBufs;
   174 					}
   175 				}
   176 			aPoolChain.iLastGrowth = aNumMBufs;
   177 			aPoolChain.iNumMBufsToAdd = aNumMBufs;
   178 			aPoolChain.iSignalled = ETrue;
   179 			}
   181 		}
   182 	else
   183 		{
   184 		// Its possible that first time round we missed this growth attempt
   185 		if (iSignalled)
   186 			{
   187 			// already signalled so just return
   188 			return KErrNone;
   189 			}
   190 		// already signalled but the first time round the growth attempt was missed
   191 		// this is always possible because to stop the background thread slowing the
   192 		// these threads we dont lock in the RunL.  The RunL is always run in the same 
   193 		// thread so does not need a lock.
   194 		iPoolChainLock.Wait();
   195 		}
   197 	// Here we have to guard against being completed multiple times because more than
   198 	// one pool chain can be growing at the same time
   199 	if (!iSignalled)
   200 		{
   201 		iSignalled = ETrue;
   203 		// iNextMBufSize is the first freepool for a growth attempt
   204 		iNextMBufSize = aPoolChain.iBufSize; 
   206 		TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
   208 		// We dont need to hold onto the lock now since there is no chance
   209 		// that the RequestComplete can be called twice
   210 		iPoolChainLock.Signal();
   212 		iMBufMgrOwnerThread.RequestComplete(pStatus, KErrNone);
   213 		return KErrNone;
   214 		}
   216 	iPoolChainLock.Signal();
   217 	return KErrNone;
   218 	}
   220 void CMBufPoolManager::RunL()
   221 	{
   222 	// Now that we're in the thread that owns pools and ultimately the
   223 	// memory allocation so attempt to create the new pool
   225 	CMBufPoolChain* selectedPoolChain(NULL);
   226 	TInt growThisPoolChain = iNextMBufSize;
   227 	iNextMBufSize = KNoOutstandingRequests;
   229 	// There is a chance that there are other pools to grow as well
   230 	// looking for them now can save future locking and speed allocation.
   232 	// Note we dont have to catch every growth attempt because background
   233 	// allocation should be triggered from an early threshold.  This allocation
   234 	// might satisfy the immediate growth requirement so no need to lock.
   236 	// Ensure that each time RunL is called a different pool growth attempt
   237 	// by stepping through the available pools looking for the next request.
   238 	TInt poolChainCount = iPoolChains.Count();
   239 	TInt lowestRequest = KNoOutstandingRequests;
   241 	for (TInt i = 0; i < poolChainCount; i++)
   242 		{
   243 		CMBufPoolChain* poolInfo = iPoolChains[i];
   244 		TInt thisMBufSize = poolInfo->BufSize();
   246 		// locate this growth attempt
   247 		if (thisMBufSize == growThisPoolChain)
   248 			{
   249 			selectedPoolChain = poolInfo;
   250 			}
   252 		if (poolInfo->iSignalled)
   253 			{
   254 			if (lowestRequest == KNoOutstandingRequests)
   255 				{
   256 				lowestRequest = thisMBufSize;
   257 				}
   258 			if ( (iNextMBufSize == KNoOutstandingRequests) &&
   259 					(thisMBufSize > growThisPoolChain) )
   260 				{
   261 				// found the next freepool to grow
   262 				iNextMBufSize = thisMBufSize;
   263 				break;
   264 				}
   265 			}
   266 		}
   268 	// Might have wrapped round all the PoolChains
   269 	if ( (iNextMBufSize == KNoOutstandingRequests)  
   270 			&& (lowestRequest != growThisPoolChain) )
   271 		{
   272 		iNextMBufSize = lowestRequest;
   273 		}
   275 	// Now prepare for the next pool growth if any
   276 	if (iNextMBufSize != KNoOutstandingRequests)
   277 		{
   278 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   279 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::RunL() - One of several pool growth attempts")));
   280 #endif
   282 		// Still more requests outstanding
   283 		// iSignalled = ETrue;
   284 		iStatus = KRequestPending;
   286 		SetActive();
   288 		// complete the request so we get called again
   289 		TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
   290 		User::RequestComplete(pStatus, KErrNone);
   291 		}
   292 	else
   293 		{
   294 		// There are no more outstanding requests so prepare for next
   295 		// pool creation request
   296 		iStatus = KRequestPending;
   298 		// open the door for more allocate requests on other pool chains
   299 		iSignalled = EFalse;
   300 		SetActive();
   301 		}
   303 	// No need to surround the pool creation with a lock
   304 	// allocate a pool & associate with the pool chain
   305 	CMBufPool* newpool = NULL;
   306 	CreatePool(newpool, *selectedPoolChain);
   307 	if (newpool == NULL)
   308     	{
   309     	// Pool create fails perhaps due to insufficient memory
   311 		// Each buffer size gets its own out of space indicator
   312     	selectedPoolChain->iNoMoreSpace = ETrue;
   313     	}
   314 	else
   315 		{
   316 		// add the pool to the pool list
   317 		// No need to lock if synchronous allocation is removed
   318 		iPoolChainLock.Wait();
   319 		selectedPoolChain->iPools.AddLast(*newpool);
   320 		iPoolChainLock.Signal();
   322    		// first grab the freelist lock
   323 		selectedPoolChain->iLockFreeList.Wait();
   324 		selectedPoolChain->ExtendFreeList(newpool);
   325 		selectedPoolChain->iLockFreeList.Signal();
   326 		}
   328 	// open the door for more allocate requests on this poolchain
   329 	selectedPoolChain->iSignalled = EFalse;
   331 	}
   334 TInt CMBufPoolManager::Commit()
   335 /**
   336 Ensures that no additional pool chains can be created (ie. via MMBufSizeAllocator::AddL())
   337 Calling this method is useful (but not mandated) to ensure that operations within MMBufSizeAllocator::AddL do not create any adverse affects
   339 @return KErrNone or KErrAlreadyExists if already called.
   340 */
   341 	{
   342 	TInt result = KErrAlreadyExists;
   343 	if (iCommitted == EFalse)
   344 		{
   345 		iCommitted = ETrue;
   346 		result = KErrNone;
   347 		}
   348 	return result;
   349 	}
   351 // create a pool chain with the specified values
   352 // - Deliberately have not exposed the concept of a pool or chain in the api, as these concepts are intended to be hidden within MBM
   353 //   as a private implementation detail.
   354 // - Mbuf size guidelines;
   355 //   1. 128 byte is mandatory for some (poorly writen) legacy code that assumes the existance of mbufs of this size.
   356 //   b. < 128 byte is acceptable, but could break some (poorly written) legacy code that assumes that minimum mbuf size is 128
   357 // - 128 byte guideline is due to K_MBufSmallSize definition having been made public;
   358 //   a. Externally - numerous instances within our codebase (and thus similar assumptions are likely within licensee code) that assume
   359 //		             mbufs of at least this size are available for allocation.
   360 //   b. Internally - When the allocation size is not specified, the value is defaulted to K_MBufSmallSize.  Refer ::AllocL notes.
   361 //                 - RMBufCells are assumed to be no larger than K_MBufSmallSize.
   362 //   Since the first point can't be fixed without a source break, there is little point in not creating a default pool chain of
   363 //   K_MBufSmallSize size in order to rectify the assumptions made within the other points.
   364 void CMBufPoolManager::AddL(TInt aMBufSize, TInt aInitialAllocation, TInt aMinGrowth, TInt aGrowthThreshold, TInt aPoolCeiling)
   365 /**
   366 Populate a free pool of specified size with RMBuf's.  Each RMBuf in this free pool will have the same size.  
   368 RMbuf size guidelines:
   369 At least one free pool with 128 byte RMBuf's is mandatory for some legacy code that assumes the existance of mbufs of this size.
   370 RMBuf size < 128 byte is acceptable, but could break some legacy code that assumes that minimum mbuf size is 128
   371 These 128 byte guideline are due to KMBufSmallSize definition having been made public.  Ideally, this constant should not be published.
   372 Instead, inspect the available sizes via RMBufAllocator::NextMBufSize() or the size of this RMBuf with RMBuf::Size().
   375 @param aMBufSize the size in bytes of the RMBuf's created.
   376 @param aInitialAllocation the number of RMBuf's in the initial free pool.
   377 @param aMinGrowth the number of RMBuf's added to the free pool.
   378 @param aGrowthThreshold when the free pool has less than this number of RMBuf's it will trigger allocation of more memory for more RMBuf's.
   379 */
   380 	{
   381 	// check args
   382 	// - on the surface it makes sense to declare the args as unsigned and rely on the compiler's type checking instead of writing code
   383 	//   to manually check (which has an inherit performance penalty), but as requested this was deliberately not done because;
   384 	//   a. concerns about strict compilers which warn/error arithmetic operations with literals that are not explicitly designeated as unsigned
   385 	//      eg. 1U versus 1
   386 	//   b. encourages type casting by user to avoid warnings, which circumvents useful compiler type checking & often leads to unexpected results
   387 	//	    eg. type casting -1 to unsigned using a 2's compliment compiler resulting in an unexpectedingly large allocation of 2GB
   388 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMBufSize > 0, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_PoolManager_NegativeMBufSize));
   389 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aInitialAllocation >= 0, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_PoolManager_NegativePoolSize));
   390 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMinGrowth >= 0, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_PoolManager_NegativeMinGrowth));
   391 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGrowthThreshold >= 0, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_PoolManager_NegativeGrowthThreshold));
   393 	// ensure we are not already committed - refer CMBufPoolManager::Commit notes
   394 	if (iCommitted)
   395 		{
   396 		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
   397 		}
   399 	TInt alignmentPadding = aMBufSize % KMemoryAlignment;
   400 	if (aMBufSize == 0)
   401 		{
   402 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   403 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::AddAllocSizeL() - Warning! requested mbufSize=0 serves no useful purpose; accepted anyhow")));
   404 #endif
   405 		}
   406 	else if (alignmentPadding != 0)
   407 		{
   408 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   409 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::AddAllocSizeL() - Warning! requested mbufSize=%d is not (armv5) dword aligned, size has been increased to %d"),
   410 			aMBufSize, aMBufSize + KMemoryAlignment - alignmentPadding));
   411 #endif
   412 		aMBufSize += KMemoryAlignment - alignmentPadding;
   413 		}
   414 	if ((aInitialAllocation * aMBufSize) > iMaxAllocSize)
   415 		{
   416 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   417 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::AddAllocSizeL() - Warning! requested initialAllocation=%d exceeds the maxAllocSize=%d; accepted anyhow"),
   418 			(aInitialAllocation * aMBufSize), iMaxAllocSize));
   419 #endif
   420 		}
   421 	if (aMinGrowth == 0)
   422 		{
   423 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   424 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::AddAllocSizeL() - Warning! requested minGrowth=0 increased to the minimum value of 1")));
   425 #endif
   426 		aMinGrowth = 1;
   427 		}
   428 	else if ((aMinGrowth * aMBufSize) > iMaxAllocSize)
   429 		{
   430 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   431 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::AddAllocSizeL() - Warning! requested minGrowth=%d exceeds the maxAllocSize=%d; accepted anyhow"),
   432 			(aMinGrowth * aMBufSize), iMaxAllocSize));
   433 #endif
   434 		}
   435 	if (aGrowthThreshold > aMinGrowth)
   436 		{
   437 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   438 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::AddAllocSizeL() - Warning! requested growthThreshold=%d exceeds minGrowth=%d, hence potentially requiring multiple/iterative growth allocation; accepted anyhow"),
   439 			aGrowthThreshold, aMinGrowth));
   440 #endif
   441 		}
   443 	// check pool chain already exists
   444 	TInt index = 0;
   445 	TInt found = KErrNone;
   446 	if (found == KErrNone)
   447 		{
   448 		CMBufPoolChain poolChain(aMBufSize, *this);
   449   		found = iPoolChains.FindInOrder(&poolChain, index, TLinearOrder<CMBufPoolChain>(CMBufPoolChain::Compare));		
   450 		}
   451 	if (found == KErrNotFound)
   452 		{
   453 		// create a new pool chain
   454 		CMBufPoolChain* chain = CMBufPoolChain::NewL(aMBufSize, aInitialAllocation, aMinGrowth, aGrowthThreshold, aPoolCeiling, *this);
   455 		CleanupStack::PushL(chain);
   456 		iPoolChains.InsertL(chain, index);
   457 		CleanupStack::Pop(); // chain
   459 		// pre-allocate the initial pool
   460 		if (aInitialAllocation > 0)
   461 			{
   462 			// Lock the freelist so that the MBufs can be added to the freepool
   463 			chain->iLockFreeList.Wait();
   465 			// Use synchronous allocate to ensure that the initial pool allocation gives immediate feedback
   466 			// to the rootserver or calling method.
   467 			// This can only be called from the owner thread for CMBufManager 
   468 			// Thus synchronous AllocPool is possible because no conflict with asynchronous 
   469 			// background AllocPool occurs because this also is run from the owner thread
   470 			// for the CMBufManager.  Synchronous AllocPool is not allowed from other threads
   472 			TInt res = AllocPool(*chain, aInitialAllocation, ETrue); 
   473 			chain->iLockFreeList.Signal();
   474 			User::LeaveIfError(res);
   475 			}
   476 		}
   477 	else
   478 		{
   479 		CMBufPoolChain* poolChain = iPoolChains[index];
   480 		// update existing chain's values - these will take affect the next time they are used (eg. next allocation)
   481 		poolChain->iMinGrowth = aMinGrowth;
   482 		poolChain->iGrowthThreshold = aGrowthThreshold;
   483 		}
   485 	// maintain/update the largest mbuf size - for background allocation
   486     if (iLargestMBufSize < aMBufSize)
   487     	{
   488 		iLargestMBufSize = aMBufSize;
   489     	}
   490 	}
   492 void CMBufPoolManager::CreatePool(CMBufPool* &aNewpool, CMBufPoolChain& aMBufPoolChain)
   493 	{
   494 	aNewpool = CMBufPool::New(aMBufPoolChain.iBufSize
   495 							, aMBufPoolChain.iNumMBufsToAdd
   496 							, aMBufPoolChain
   497 							, *iMemoryAllocator);
   498 	}
   500 // Search algorithm to find the pool chain satisfying the request size
   501 // Algorithm first narrows down to pools chains with free mbufs to satisfy the request size
   502 // Then, searches through the remaining pool chains starting from the largest possible pool chain
   503 // towards the smallest pool chain until the whole request is satisfied
   504 void CMBufPoolManager::LinearSearchAlloc(RMBufQ& aList, TInt aSize
   505 					, TInt aMinMBufSize, TInt aMaxMBufSize, TBool aIsAllocPool)
   506 	{
   507 	// Check to see if an empty mbuf with zero length is requested
   508 	TBool zeroLengthMBuf = (aSize == 0);
   510 	TInt poolChainMax = iPoolChains.Count() - 1;
   512 //	CMBufPoolChain* start = iPoolChains[0];
   513 //	CMBufPoolChain* chain = iPoolChains[poolChainMax];
   514 	CMBufPoolChain* chosen = NULL;
   515 	TInt chainIndex = poolChainMax;
   516 	// First narrow the pool chains to those that are acceptable
   517 	// Each pool chain represents a free list of mbufs of a particular size
   518 	// The mbuf size must be within aMinMBufSize - aMaxMBufSize range
   519 	// The free pool must have space
   520 	do
   521 		{
   522 		CMBufPoolChain* chain = iPoolChains[chainIndex];
   523 		// Look for the free pool with the largest mbufs
   524 		if ( (chain->iBufSize <= aMaxMBufSize) && 
   525 				(chain->iLenFree > 0) )
   526 			{
   527 			// Check that the chosen free pool is within the limits set
   528 			if (chain->iBufSize >= aMinMBufSize)
   529 				{
   530 				// This pool chain has space so found the largest mbufs
   531 				chosen = chain;
   532 				break;
   533 				}
   534 			// If reached this point: no pool chain to fulfil the request
   535 			return;
   536 			}
   537 		}
   538 	while (chainIndex-- != 0);
   540 	// Check to see a if there is a pool chain to fulfil the request
   541 	if (chosen == NULL)
   542 		{
   543 		return;
   544 		}
   546 	TInt allocated = 0;
   547 	TInt extraMem = 0;
   549 	// Now find the best free pool and allocate the memory
   550 	do
   551 		{
   552 		CMBufPoolChain* chain = iPoolChains[chainIndex];
   553 		// At first iteration, this check is false since chain == chosen
   554 		// and chosen is greater than aMinMBufSize
   555 		// Check if chain (iterator - smaller than chosen pool chain)
   556 		// is smaller than requested min size
   557 		if  (chain->iBufSize < aMinMBufSize)
   558 			{
   559 			break;
   560 			}
   562 		// Test to see if more than one mbuf would be used to
   563 		// satisfy the request
   564 		if ( (chain->iBufSize < aSize) &&
   565 				(chain->iLenFree > 0) ) 
   566 			{
   567 			// Check if chosen is available, just to be secure
   568 			// Or we have a chosen chain which could complete in 1 mubuf, so choose it
   569 			if (chosen == NULL || chosen != chain)
   570 				{
   571 				break;
   572 				}
   573 			// Chosen is the next largest mbuf size so this allocation
   574 			// can be satisfied with the chosen free pool
   575 			allocated = chosen->Alloc(aList, aSize, aIsAllocPool);
   577 			// Check if the allocation is complete
   578 			if (allocated >= aSize)
   579 				{
   580 				// Test if no smaller chains
   581 				// or no need to check for smaller
   582 				if ((chainIndex == 0) || (allocated == aSize))
   583 					{
   584 					// Allocation is complete
   585 					aSize = 0;
   586 					chosen = NULL;
   587 					break;
   588 					}
   590 				// By swapping the first mbuf with a smaller mbuf it might
   591 				// be possible to fit the remainder into a smaller mbuf that
   592 				// wastes less memory
   593 				extraMem = chosen->iBufSize + aSize - allocated;
   594 				CMBufPoolChain* smallerChain = iPoolChains[chainIndex - 1];
   595 				// Check to see if the remainder can fit into a smaller mbuf
   596 				if ( extraMem <= smallerChain->iBufSize && smallerChain->iBufSize >= aMinMBufSize )
   597 					{
   598 					// It can fit
   599 					// Set request size to this remaining size so that the algorithm
   600 					// will continue searching for this remaining size
   601 					aSize = extraMem;
   602 					// Set chosen to null so that when the search cannot find a
   603 					// smaller mbuf for remaining size the algorithm will know this
   604 					chosen = NULL;
   605 					// No break - continue searching for remainder
   606 					}
   607 				else
   608 					{
   609 					// Remainder is large to fit in a smaller mbuf
   610 					// Allocation is complete
   611 					aSize = 0;
   612 					chosen = NULL;
   613 					break;
   614 					}
   615 				}
   616 			else
   617 				{
   618 				// No space left in the free pool so look for
   619 				// a smaller mbuf to satisfy the request
   620 				aSize -= allocated;
   621 				}
   622 			}
   624 		// Best free pool not found yet
   625 		// Test to see if this free pool is a better choice
   626 		if ( (aSize <= chain->iBufSize) &&
   627 				(chain->iLenFree > 0) )
   628 			{
   629 			chosen = chain;
   630 			}
   631 		}
   632 	while (chainIndex-- != 0);
   634 	// There is a chosen pool but the request is not satisfied yet due to:
   635 	// 1. Requested size is smaller than the smallest pool chain
   636 	// 2. Most suitable pool chain has no free space
   637 	// 3. An empty mbuf with zero length is requested
   638 	// 4. Request size was assigned with remaining size and a pool chain is found
   639 	//    for that remaining size
   640 	if ((chosen != NULL) && ((aSize > 0) || (zeroLengthMBuf)))
   641 		{
   642 		// This chosen free pool will have to do
   643 		RMBufQ bList;
   644 		TInt allocated = chosen->Alloc(bList, aSize, aIsAllocPool);
   645 		// Test for successful allocation
   646 		if (allocated >= aSize)
   647 			{
   648 			// If this allocation is for remaining size swap the extra mbuf with
   649 			// the allocated one
   650 			if (extraMem > 0)
   651 				{
   652 				// Allocation worked so swap this smaller mbuf thus saving space
   653 				RMBuf* first = aList.RemoveLast();
   654 				// Free the first mbuf
   655 				Free(first, ETrue);
   656 				}
   657 			aList.Append(bList);
   658 			aSize = 0;
   659 			}
   660 		}
   662 	// If no chosen pool for remaining size but the allocation was successful
   663 	if (extraMem > 0)
   664 		{
   665 		// Allocation is complete
   666 		aSize = 0;
   667 		}
   669 	// If allocated mbuf is insufficient to fulfill the req empty the list
   670 	if (aSize > 0)
   671 		{
   672 		Free(aList.First(), ETrue);
   673 		aList.Init();
   674 		}
   675 	}
   677 // Finds poolchains that will satisfy the request size using linear search,
   678 // and allocates and initialises a chain of MBufs 
   679 RMBuf* CMBufPoolManager::Alloc(TInt aSize, TInt aMinMBufSize, TInt aMaxMBufSize, TBool aIsAllocPool)
   680 	{
   681 	RMBufQ list;
   683 	TInt poolChainsCount = iPoolChains.Count();
   684 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(poolChainsCount != 0, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_NoPoolChain));
   686 #ifdef _DEBUG
   687 	if (poolChainsCount == 0)
   688 		{
   689 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   690 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::Alloc() - Error! no mbuf pool chain exists")));
   691 #endif
   692 		}
   693 	else if (iLargestMBufSize < aSize)
   694 		{
   695 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   696 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponentPerformance, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::Alloc() - Warning! sub-optimal performance; biggest chain doesn't satisfy the request with one mbuf, aSize=%d chainSize=%d"),
   697 			aSize, iLargestMBufSize));
   698 #endif
   699 		}
   700 #endif
   702 	// Do the allocation
   703 	LinearSearchAlloc(list, aSize, aMinMBufSize, aMaxMBufSize, aIsAllocPool);
   705 #ifdef _DEBUG
   706 	if (list.IsEmpty())
   707 		{
   708 #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
   709 		__CFLOG_VAR((KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufPoolManager::Alloc() - Warning! no matching poolChain found, aSize=%d aMinMBufSize=%d aMaxMBufSize=%d"),
   710 			aSize, aMinMBufSize, aMaxMBufSize));
   711 #endif
   712 		}
   713 #endif
   715 	// At this point, list should be a linked list of all the RMBufs necessary to satisfy the memory request.
   716 	// - mark each one to indicate that it's now being used for buffer data.
   717 	RMBuf* mBuf;
   718 	for (mBuf = list.First(); mBuf != NULL; mBuf = mBuf->Next())
   719 		{
   720 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(mBuf->Type() == EMBufFree, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_AllreadyAlloc));
   721 		mBuf->SetType(EMBufData);
   722 #ifdef _MBUF_TEST
   723 		Mem::Fill(mBuf->Buffer(), mBuf->Size(), '#');
   724 #endif
   725 		}
   727 	return list.First();
   728 	}
   730 // return a chain of MBufs to the pool
   731 void CMBufPoolManager::Free(RMBuf* aMBuf, TBool aIsPreAlloc)
   732 	{
   734 	TBool sameSize = EFalse;
   736 	while (aMBuf != NULL)
   737 		{
   738 		RMBuf* nextMBuf = aMBuf->Next();
   740 		// when aIsPreAlloc is true that means called from Alloc:
   741 		// total allocation for the request is unsuccessful so freeing the allocated MBufs
   742 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(aIsPreAlloc || aMBuf->Type() != EMBufFree, CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_AllreadyFree));
   744 		aMBuf->SetType(EMBufFree);
   745 		aMBuf->SetData(0, aMBuf->Size());	// reset length to the size of the mbuf, subsequent ::Alloc can update this if required
   747 		aMBuf->Unlink();
   749 		// update pool chain - eg. free list members
   750 		// placeholder for REQ7864 (de-allocation of mbufs), the return of mbufs to the free list should/could be more intelligent
   751 		// than merely pre-pending as is currently the case.  Eg. examine the pool and corresponding dchunk they belong too to
   752 		// determine if the mbufs should be given priority to be used or de-allocated in the future
   753 		// or alternatively leave marked mbuf's as orphans and mark the mbufs that need to be de-allocated in this way in the memory manager
   754 		CMBufPoolChain* poolChain = static_cast<CMBufPoolChain*>(aMBuf->Pool());
   755 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(poolChain->iBufSize > 0, User::Invariant());
   757 		if (!sameSize)
   758 			{
   759 			poolChain->iLockFreeList.Wait();
   760 			}
   761 		poolChain->iFreeMBufs.Prepend(aMBuf);	// prepends a single mbuf, ie. not any mbufs that may be pointed to by this mbuf
   762 		poolChain->iLenFree += aMBuf->Size();
   764 		if (nextMBuf)
   765 			{
   766 			sameSize = aMBuf->Size() == nextMBuf->Size();
   767 			}
   769 		aMBuf = nextMBuf;
   771 		// free mbufs within the chain
   772 		// - care taken to ensure correct handling of different sized mbufs
   773 		if (nextMBuf == NULL || !sameSize)
   774 			{
   775 			poolChain->iLockFreeList.Signal();
   776 			}
   777 		}
   779 	// when aIsPreAlloc is true that means called from Alloc:
   780 	// total allocation for the request is unsuccessful so freeing the allocated MBufs
   781 	if (!aIsPreAlloc)
   782 		{
   783 		iMBufManager.CallBackAfterFree();
   784 		}
   785 	}
   787 // allocate a memory pool & merge it into the pool chain
   788 TInt CMBufPoolManager::AllocPool(CMBufPoolChain& aPoolChain, TInt aSize, TBool aIsSynchronous)
   789 	{
   790 	// verify that the maximum size will not be exceeded ie; ceiling is not yet touched	
   791 	if(aPoolChain.HonourPoolCeiling())
   792 		{
   793 		if(aPoolChain.CanExtend())
   794 			{
   795 			// Alloate as much as we can
   796 			aSize = (aPoolChain.ExtendSize() < aSize) ? aPoolChain.ExtendSize() : aSize;
   797 			}
   798 		else
   799 			{
   800 			return KErrNoMBufs;	
   801 			}			
   802 		}
   803 	else
   804 		{
   805 		if ((iAllocSize + aSize * aPoolChain.iBufSize) > iMaxAllocSize)
   806 			{
   807 			return KErrNoMBufs;
   808 			}			
   809 		}
   811 /*
   812 */	
   813 	if (aIsSynchronous)
   814 		{
   815 		// this is only valid if called from the thread that owns the CMBufManager
   816 		// the RHeap is created in that thread and its handle is only valid in that thread
   817 		CMBufPool* newpool = CMBufPool::New(aPoolChain.iBufSize,
   818 							aSize, aPoolChain, *iMemoryAllocator);
   819 		if (newpool != NULL)
   820 			{
   821 			iPoolChainLock.Wait();
   822 			aPoolChain.iPools.AddLast(*newpool);
   823 			iPoolChainLock.Signal();
   825 			aPoolChain.ExtendFreeList(newpool);
   827 			iAllocSize += aSize * aPoolChain.iBufSize;
   828 			return KErrNone;
   829 			}
   830 		return KErrNoMBufs;
   831 		}
   832 	return BackgroundAllocateNewPool(aPoolChain, aSize);
   833 	}
   835 TInt CMBufPoolManager::BytesAvailable()
   836 	// runtime metrics
   837 	// The total number of available bytes that MBufMgr has avaiable in it's free lists.
   838     {
   839     TInt bytes = 0;
   840     TUint poolChainsCount = iPoolChains.Count();
   841 	for (TUint i = 0; i < poolChainsCount; i++)
   842 		{
   843 		bytes += iPoolChains[i]->iLenFree;
   844 		}
   845     return bytes;
   846     }
   848 TInt CMBufPoolManager::BytesAvailable(TInt aSize)
   849 	// runtime metrics
   850 	// The total number of available bytes that MBufMgr has avaiable in a given free list.
   851     {
   852 	TInt index = iPoolChains.FindInOrder((TInt)aSize, CMBufPoolChain::Compare);
   853 	if (index != KErrNotFound)
   854 		{
   855 		return iPoolChains[index]->iLenFree;
   856 		}
   857 	return 0;
   858     }
   860 TInt CMBufPoolManager::NextMBufSize(TInt aSize)
   861 	// runtime metrics
   862     {
   863 	TInt index = 0;
   864     TUint poolChainsCount = iPoolChains.Count();
   865     while(index < poolChainsCount)
   866         {
   867 		if (iPoolChains[index]->iBufSize > aSize )
   868 		    {
   869 		    return iPoolChains[index]->iBufSize;
   870 			}
   871 		++index;
   872 		}
   873 	return KErrNotFound;
   874     }
   876 TInt CMBufPoolManager::BytesAllocated()
   877 	{
   878 	return iMemoryAllocator->AllocBytes();
   879 	}
   881 #ifdef _MBUF_TEST
   883 TInt CMBufPoolManager::__DbgCheckBuffer(RMBuf* aBuf)
   884 //
   885 // For each pool within the corresponding chain, try to locate aBuf
   886 //
   887 	{
   888 	if (aBuf==NULL)
   889 		{
   890 		return 0;
   891 		}
   893 	TInt n=-1;
   894 	CMBufPool* pool;
   896     TInt index = iPoolChains.FindInOrder((TInt)aBuf->Size(), CMBufPoolChain::Compare);
   897 	if (index != KErrNotFound)
   898         {
   899         CMBufPoolChain* poolChain = iPoolChains[index];
   901         TDblQueIter<CMBufPool> list(poolChain->iPools);
   903 		if (poolChain->iPools.IsEmpty())
   904 			{
   905 			return 0;
   906 			}
   908 		// iteratively invoke to locate the required mbuf
   909 		while (n==-1 && (pool = list++, pool!=NULL))
   910 			{
   911 			n = pool->__DbgCheckBuffer(aBuf);
   912 			}
   914 	    if (n<0)
   915 	    	{
   916 	    	CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_NotAnMBuf);
   917 	    	}
   918 		}
   919 	return n;
   920 	}
   922 // retrieve free space for all pool chains
   923 TUint CMBufPoolManager::__DbgGetBufSpace()
   924     {
   925     int len = 0;
   926     TUint poolChainsCount = iPoolChains.Count();
   927 	for (TUint i = 0; i < poolChainsCount; i++)
   928 		{
   929 		len += iPoolChains[i]->iLenFree;
   930 		}
   931     return len;
   932     }
   934 // get free space for pool chain with matching mbuf size
   935 TUint CMBufPoolManager::__DbgGetBufSpace(TUint aMBufSize)
   936     {
   937     TInt index = iPoolChains.FindInOrder((TInt)aMBufSize, CMBufPoolChain::Compare);
   938 	if (index != KErrNotFound)
   939         {
   940         return iPoolChains[index]->iLenFree;
   941 		}
   942 	return 0;
   943     }
   945 // get used space for all pool chains
   946 TUint CMBufPoolManager::__DbgGetBufTotal()
   947     {
   948     int len = 0;
   949     TUint poolChainsCount = iPoolChains.Count();
   950 	for (TUint i = 0; i < poolChainsCount; i++)
   951 		{
   952 		len += iPoolChains[i]->iLenTotal;
   953 		}
   954     return len;
   955     }
   957 // get used space for pool chain with matching mbuf size
   958 TUint CMBufPoolManager::__DbgGetBufTotal(TUint aMBufSize)
   959     {
   960     TInt index = iPoolChains.FindInOrder((TInt)aMBufSize, CMBufPoolChain::Compare);
   961 	if (index != KErrNotFound)
   962         {
   963         return iPoolChains[index]->iLenTotal;
   964 		}
   965 	return 0;
   966     }
   968 // return the first mbuf in the free list belong to the first chain
   969 RMBuf* CMBufPoolManager::__DbgMBufChain()
   970     {
   971     if (iPoolChains.Count() > 0)
   972 		{
   973 		return iPoolChains[0]->iFreeMBufs.First();
   974 		}
   975     return NULL;
   976     }
   977 // return the first mbuf in the free list belonging to the chain of the specified mbuf size
   978 RMBuf* CMBufPoolManager::__DbgMBufChain(TUint aMBufSize)
   979     {
   980     TInt index = iPoolChains.FindInOrder((TInt)aMBufSize, CMBufPoolChain::Compare);
   981 	if (index != KErrNotFound)
   982         {
   983         return iPoolChains[index]->iFreeMBufs.First();
   984 		}
   985 	return 0;
   986     }
   988 // update the max pool limit (debug only) - use the first pool chain
   989 void CMBufPoolManager::__DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt aCount)
   990 	{
   991 	if (iPoolChains.Count() > 0)
   992 		{
   993 		iPoolChains[0]->iDbgPoolLimit = aCount - (aCount % iPoolChains[0]->iBufSize);
   994 		}
   995 	}
   996 // update the max pool limit (debug only) - for the specified mbuf size
   997 void CMBufPoolManager::__DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt aCount, TUint aMBufSize)
   998 	{
   999     TInt index = iPoolChains.FindInOrder((TInt)aMBufSize, CMBufPoolChain::Compare);
  1000 	if (index != KErrNotFound)
  1001         {
  1002         CMBufPoolChain* poolChain = iPoolChains[index];
  1003     	poolChain->iDbgPoolLimit = aCount - (aCount % poolChain->iBufSize);
  1004     	}
  1005 	}
  1007 #endif //#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
  1009 //
  1010 // MBUF POOLS
  1011 //
  1013 // overloaded new operator
  1014 // - allocates pools on the RHeap instead of the std thread heap
  1015 // - placeholder for substituting RHeap with RChunk for either/all;
  1016 //   a. creating
  1017 //   b. growing - req's handle to existing... handle likely stored within CMBM and accessed via a friend
  1018 TAny* CMBufPool::operator new(TUint aSize, TInt aExtra, CMBufMemoryAllocator& aMemoryAllocator) __NO_THROW
  1019 	{
  1020 	TAny* p = aMemoryAllocator.Alloc(aSize + aExtra);
  1021 	return p;
  1022 	}
  1024 void CMBufPool::operator delete(TAny* aPtr) __NO_THROW
  1025 	{
  1026 	if (aPtr)
  1027 		{
  1028 		((CMBufPool* )aPtr)->iMemoryAllocator.Free(aPtr);
  1029 		}
  1030 	}
  1032 /**
  1033  * extra delete operator for exception unwinding in Code Warrior
  1034  */
  1035 void CMBufPool::operator delete(TAny* aPtr, TInt /*aExtra*/, CMBufMemoryAllocator& /*aMemoryAllocator*/) __NO_THROW
  1036 	{
  1037 	CMBufPool::operator delete(aPtr);
  1038 	}
  1040 CMBufPool::CMBufPool(TInt aMBufSize, TInt aNumMBufs, CMBufMemoryAllocator& aMemoryAllocator)
  1041 	: CBase()
  1042 	, iNumMBufs(aNumMBufs)
  1043 	, iMBufSize(aMBufSize)
  1044 	, iMemoryAllocator(aMemoryAllocator)
  1045 	{
  1046 	}
  1048 // Create and return a new mbuf pool
  1049 CMBufPool* CMBufPool::New(TInt aMBufSize, TInt aNumMBufs, CMBufPoolChain& aMBufPoolChain, CMBufMemoryAllocator& aMemoryAllocator)
  1050 	{
  1051     // allocate pool on the RHeap via an overloaded ::new operator (not obvious here)
  1052 	TInt rmbufsize = ALIGN_CACHE_UP(sizeof(RMBuf));
  1053 	TInt mbufsize = ALIGN_CACHE_UP(aMBufSize);
  1054 	CMBufPool* pool = new(aNumMBufs * (rmbufsize + mbufsize), aMemoryAllocator) CMBufPool(mbufsize, aNumMBufs, aMemoryAllocator);
  1055 	if (pool != NULL)
  1056 		{
  1057 		TUint8* poolSize = ((TUint8*) pool) + sizeof(CMBufPool);
  1059 		// buffers must be aligned so that MBUF_ALIGN() will work
  1060 	 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IS_ALIGNED(poolSize), CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_NotAligned));
  1062 		TInt rmbufsize = ALIGN_CACHE_UP(sizeof(RMBuf));
  1063 		TInt actualBufStart = (aNumMBufs * rmbufsize);
  1064 		for (TInt i=0; i<aNumMBufs; i++)
  1065 			{
  1066 			// overloaded new operator - in place allocation at the specified address
  1067 			TUint8* ptr = poolSize + i * rmbufsize;	
  1068 			TInt bufStart = (actualBufStart + (i * mbufsize)) - (i* rmbufsize);
  1069 			RCommsBuf* buf = new(ptr) RCommsBuf (bufStart, aMBufSize, aMBufPoolChain.Id()); 			
  1070 			pool->iList.Append(static_cast<RMBuf*>(buf));
  1071 			}
  1072 		}
  1073 	return pool;
  1074 	}
  1076 CMBufPool::~CMBufPool()
  1077 //
  1078 //
  1079 //
  1080 	{
  1081 	iLink.Deque();
  1082 	}
  1085 void CMBufPool::Merge(RMBufQ &aFreeList)
  1086 //
  1087 //
  1088 //
  1089 	{
  1090 	aFreeList.Append(iList);
  1091 	}
  1093 #ifdef _MBUF_TEST
  1094 TInt CMBufPool::__DbgCheckBuffer(RMBuf* aBuf)
  1095 //
  1096 // Given an mbuf ptr, returns its number in this pool
  1097 //
  1098 	{
  1099 	TUint8* p = (TUint8*)aBuf;
  1100 	TUint8* s = ((TUint8*) this) + sizeof(CMBufPool);
  1101 	TUint8* e = s + (iNumMBufs * sizeof(RMBuf));
  1103 	if (p<s)
  1104 		{
  1105 		return -1;
  1106 		}
  1107 	else if (p<e)
  1108 		{
  1109 		return 1 + ((p-s) / sizeof(RMBuf));
  1110 		}
  1111 	s = e;
  1112 	e = s + (iNumMBufs * aBuf->Size());
  1113 	if (p>=e)
  1114 		{
  1115 		return -1;
  1116 		}
  1117 	else
  1118 		{
  1119 		CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_CorruptMBuf);
  1120 		}
  1122 	return -2 - ((p-s) / aBuf->Size());
  1123 	}
  1124 #else
  1125 TInt CMBufPool::__DbgCheckBuffer(RMBuf* /*aBuf*/)
  1126 {
  1127    return KErrNone;
  1128 }
  1130 #endif