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     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of the Configurator server for on demand loading of CPMs.
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <cfextras.h>
    19 #include <e32svr.h>
    20 #include <e32uid.h>
    21 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include "c32startshared.h"
    23 #include "c32startserv.h"
    24 #include "c32startPolicy.h"
    26 /**
    27 @file 
    28 Implements the Configurator Server side.
    30 @internalTechnology
    31 */
    33 CRsConfiguratorServer::CRsConfiguratorServer(CCommsProcessStarter& aCommsProcess)
    34 	: CPolicyServer(CActive::EPriorityStandard,iPolicy,ESharableSessions),
    35 	iCommsProcess(aCommsProcess)
    36 	/** C'tor 
    37 	@param aCommsProcess base class for managing CPMs
    38 	*/
    39 	{
    40 	}
    42 CRsConfiguratorServer::~CRsConfiguratorServer()
    43 	/** D'tor
    44 	*/
    45 	{
    46 	}
    47 CSession2* CRsConfiguratorServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& /*aVersion*/, const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
    48 	/** Create new session object.Connect API is policed for its capability.
    49      @internalComponent
    50      */
    51 	{
    52 	return new(ELeave) CRsConfiguratorServerSession(this);
    53 	}
    56 CRsConfiguratorServer* CRsConfiguratorServer::NewL(CCommsProcessStarter& aCommsProcess)
    57 	 /** Create new Configurator Server instance.
    58      This is the only way of instantiation
    59      @internalComponent
    60      @param aCommsProcess base class for CPM management
    61      */
    62 	{
    63 	CRsConfiguratorServer* self = new(ELeave) CRsConfiguratorServer(aCommsProcess);
    64 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    65 	self->ConstructL();	
    66 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    67 	return self;
    68 	}
    70 CRsConfiguratorServer* CRsConfiguratorServer::NewLC(CCommsProcessStarter& aCommsProcess)
    71 	/** Create new Configurator Server instance.
    72      This is the only way of instantiation
    73      @internalComponent
    74      @param aCommsProcess base class for CPM management
    75      */
    76 	{
    77 	CRsConfiguratorServer* self=new(ELeave) CRsConfiguratorServer(aCommsProcess);
    78 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    79 	self->ConstructL();	
    80 	return self;
    81 	}
    83 void CRsConfiguratorServer::ConstructL()
    84 	/** Second level construction of ConfiguratorServer.
    85 	Configurator Server is started
    86 	@internalComponent
    87 	*/
    88 	{
    89 	StartL(KRsConfiguratorServerName);
    90 	}
    93 TInt CRsConfiguratorServer::EnumerateModules(const TCFGroupNameF& aGroupName, TInt& aStartAt, TCFModuleNameF& aName)
    94 	/** Returns a module name from list of modules which matches the group name
    95 	@param aGroupName name of a group to which module belongs.
    96 	@param aStartAt search for aName starting at this position.
    97 	@param aName returns the name for matching group.
    98 	*/
    99 	{
   100 	RPointerArray<CModuleRef>& modules=GetModulesList();
   101 	TInt count = modules.Count();
   102     if(aStartAt >= count)
   103     	{
   104     	return KErrEof;
   105     	}
   107     for(TInt i=aStartAt;i<count;i++)
   108     	{
   109     	CModuleRef* pModule = modules[i];
   110 		if(aGroupName == pModule->GroupName())
   111 			{
   112 			aName = pModule->Name();
   113 			aStartAt = i; // to retain the last found position
   114 			__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::EnumerateModules Module Found (%S)"),&aName);
   115 			return KErrNone;
   116 			}
   117     	}
   118      __FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::EnumerateModules RSModuleUnknown For Group (%S)"),&aGroupName);    
   119    	return KErrRSModuleUnknown;
   120 	}
   122 TInt CRsConfiguratorServer::LoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aName,const RMessage2& aMessage)
   123 	/** Loads the CPM module.
   124 	retunrs KErrNone on succesfull load request.
   125 	KErrRSModuleAlreadyExist if module is already loaded.
   126 	KErrRSModuleUnknown if Module is not listed.
   127 	KErrRSModuleNotLoaded if load is fails.
   128 	@param aName name of the module to be loaded.
   129 	*/
   130 	{
   131 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::LoadCpm (%S)"),&aName);    
   132 	CModuleRef* pModule;
   133     if((pModule = FindCpm(aName)) != NULL)
   134 		{
   135 		if(pModule->State()==ENotLoaded)
   136 			{
   137 			// RMessage set here, determines if a module's message can be completed or not.
   138 			// message completion is not on "OnDemand" property, as a boot time module can also be On-Demand loaded.
   139 			pModule->SetRMessage(aMessage);
   140 			// check if any of the bindings has this OnDemand module, if yes, set iHasBinding = ETrue
   141 			RPointerArray<CBindingRef>& bindings = iCommsProcess.GetBindingList();
   142 			for(TInt i=0; i<bindings.Count(); i++)
   143 				{
   144 				const CBindingRef& bind(*bindings[i]);
   145 				if(pModule->Name() == bind.FromModule().Module() || pModule->Name() == bind.ToModule().Module())
   146 					{
   147 					pModule->SetHasBindings();
   148 					break;
   149 					}
   150 				}
   151 			iCommsProcess.LoadOnDemandModule(*pModule);
   152 			return KErrNone;
   153 			}
   154 		else if ((pModule->State()==ELoaded) || (pModule->State()==ELoading))
   155 			{
   156 			__FLOG_1(_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::LoadCpm - %S ModuleAlreadyExist"),&aName);
   157 			return KErrRSModuleAlreadyExist;
   158 			}
   159 		}
   160 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::LoadCpm (%S) ModuleUnknown"),&aName);
   161 	return KErrRSModuleUnknown;
   162 	}
   164 TInt CRsConfiguratorServer::GetModuleIniData(const TCFModuleNameF& aName,const RMessage2& aMessage)
   165 	/** Get the data from [inidata] section for a given module name.
   166 	@param aName name of the module for which inidata section has to be retrieved.
   167 	@param aInidata contains inidata for given module name.
   168 	@param aActualSize on return contains actual size of [inidata]
   169 	@return an error code.  
   170 	*/
   171 	{
   172 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::GetModuleIniData (%S) "),&aName);
   173 	CModuleRef* pModule;
   174     TPckgBuf<TInt> actualLength;
   175     if((pModule = FindCpm(aName)) != NULL)
   176 		{
   177 		TInt deslength = aMessage.GetDesMaxLength(1); // Buffer length to get the contents
   178 		if(deslength <0)
   179 			{
   180 			return deslength;
   181 			}
   182 		HBufC8* inidata = pModule->GetIniData();
   183 		if(inidata != NULL)
   184 			{
   185 			actualLength = inidata->Length(); // Actual length of the inidata
   186 			TInt err = aMessage.Write(2, actualLength);
   187 			if (err == KErrNone )
   188 				{
   189 				if(inidata->Length() <= deslength)
   190 					{
   191 					err = aMessage.Write(1, *inidata);
   192 					}
   193 				else
   194 					{
   195 					return KErrOverflow;	
   196 					}	
   197 				}
   198 			return err;	
   199 			}
   200 		else // No inidata Section return actual size as 0"Zero".	
   201 			{
   202 			actualLength = 0;
   203 			TInt err = aMessage.Write(2, actualLength);	
   204 			return KErrNone; 
   205 			}	
   206 		}
   208 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::GetModuleIniData (%S) ModuleUnknown "),&aName);
   209 	return KErrRSModuleUnknown;	
   211 	}
   213 TInt CRsConfiguratorServer::UnLoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aName, const RMessage2& aMessage)
   214 	/** Unloads module loaded by configurator itself. This calls root server UnloadCpm() internally. 
   215 	@param aName name of the module to be unloaded.
   216 	@param aMessage which is to be completed once the root server unloads the module. 
   217 		Else message would be completed by the Configurator server session ServiceL with error returned from here.
   218 	@return an error code.  
   219 	*/
   220 	{
   221 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::UnLoadCpm (%S)"),&aName);
   223 	CModuleRef* pModule;
   224 	TRSUnLoadType unloadType = (TRSUnLoadType) aMessage.Int1();
   225     if((pModule = FindCpm(aName)) != NULL)
   226 		{
   227 		if(pModule->State()==ELoaded)
   228 			{
   229 			// RMessage set here, determines if a module's message can be completed or not.
   230 			// message completion is not on "OnDemand" property, as a boot time module can also be On-Demand unloaded.
   231 			pModule->SetRMessage(aMessage);
   232 			pModule->UnLoadCpm(aName,unloadType);
   233 			return KErrNone;
   234 			}
   235 		else
   236 			{
   237 			return KErrRSModuleNotLoaded;	
   238 			}	
   239 		}
   241 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::UnLoadCpm (%S) ModuleUnknown "),&aName);
   242 	return KErrRSModuleUnknown;
   243 	}
   245 TInt CRsConfiguratorServer::CancelUnLoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aName)	
   246 	/** Cancel asynchronous unloading of a comms Provider Module. 
   247 	There is no guarantee the module unloading is canceled. 
   248 	A best effort is made and the asynchronous request waiting for the module 
   249 	to load returns KErrCanceled on success.
   251 	@param aName name of the unloading module.
   252 	@return an error code.
   253 	*/
   254 	{
   255 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::CancelUnLoadCpm (%S)"),&aName);
   257 	CModuleRef* pModule;
   258     if((pModule = FindCpm(aName)) != NULL)
   259 		{
   260 		pModule->CancelUnLoadCpm(aName);
   261 		return KErrNone;
   262 		}
   264 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::CancelUnLoadCpm (%S) ModuleUnknown "),&aName);
   265 	return KErrRSModuleUnknown;
   266 	}
   268 TInt CRsConfiguratorServer::CancelLoadCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aName)	
   269 	/**Cancels asynchronous loading of a comms Provider Module. 
   270 	There is no guarantee the module loading is canceled. 
   271 	A best effort is made and the asynchronous request waiting for the module 
   272 	to load returns with KErrCanceled on success. 
   274 	@param aName name of the unloading module.
   275 	@return an error code.
   276 	*/
   277 	{
   278 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::CancelLoadCpm (%S)"),&aName);
   280 	CModuleRef* pModule;
   281     if((pModule = FindCpm(aName)) != NULL)
   282 		{
   283 		pModule->CancelLoadCpm(aName);
   284 		return KErrNone;
   285 		}
   287 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubsys,KComponent,_L8("CRsConfiguratorServer::CancelLoadCpm (%S) ModuleUnknown "),&aName);
   288 	return KErrRSModuleUnknown;
   289 	}	
   291 CModuleRef* CRsConfiguratorServer::FindCpm(const TCFModuleNameF& aName)		
   292 	/**Find a comms provider module by name.
   293 	Search the modules array for a cpm with the matching name
   294     if found return a pointer, otherwise return NULL.
   295     @param aName The name of the cpm to be found.
   296     @return The cpm found or NULL
   297 	@internalComponent	
   298 	*/
   299 	{
   300 	RPointerArray<CModuleRef>& modules = GetModulesList();
   301 	TInt count = modules.Count();
   302 	for(TInt i=0;i<count;i++)
   303 		{
   304 		CModuleRef* pModule = modules[i];
   305 		if(aName == pModule->Name())
   306 			{
   307 			return pModule;
   308 			}
   309 		}
   310 	return NULL;
   311 	}