changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalTechnology 
    19 */
    21 #include "ConnPref.h"
    22 #include <es_connpref.h>
    24 #include <comms-infras/metadata.h>
    25 #include <comms-infras/metatype.h>
    27 using namespace Meta;
    30 EXPORT_C TConnPref::TConnPref()
    31 : TBuf8<KMaxConnPrefSize>()
    32 /**
    33 Default Constructor 
    34 Setting length to 0x40 and Extension ID to 0x00
    36 */
    37 	{
    38 	SetLength(KMaxConnPrefSize);
    39 	SetExtensionId(TConnPref::EConnPrefUnknown);
    40 	}
    42 EXPORT_C TConnPref::TConnPref(TInt aExtensionId)
    43 : TBuf8<KMaxConnPrefSize>()
    44 /**
    45 Constructor 
    46 Setting length to 0x40 and Extension ID to aExtensionId
    48 @param aExtensionId
    49 */
    50 	{
    51 	SetLength(KMaxConnPrefSize);
    52 	SetExtensionId(aExtensionId);
    53 	}
    55 EXPORT_C void TConnPref::SetExtensionId(TInt aExtensionId)
    56 /**
    57 Set the extension (derrived class) id
    59 @param aExtensionId
    60 */
    61 	{
    62 	BasePtr()->iExtensionId = aExtensionId;
    63 	}
    65 EXPORT_C TInt TConnPref::ExtensionId() const
    66 /**
    67 Get the extension (derrived class) id 
    69 @return Extension ID.
    70 */
    71 	{
    72 	return BasePtr()->iExtensionId;
    73 	}
    75 EXPORT_C void TConnPref::SetUserLen(TInt aLen)
    76 /**
    77 Set descriptor length to actual length of subclass
    79 @param aLen,length of subclass.
    80 */
    81 	{
    83 	SetLength(aLen+Align4(sizeof(SConnPref)));
    84 	}
    86 EXPORT_C TInt TConnPref::GetUserLen()
    87 /**
    88 Get the length of the subclass 
    90 @return length of the subclass 
    91 */
    92 	{
    94 	return Length()-Align4(sizeof(SConnPref));
    95 	}
    97 struct SCommApPref
    98 /**
    99 @internalTechnology
   100 @released since v9.1
   101 */
   102 	{
   103 	TUint32 iAp;
   104 	};
   106 EXPORT_C TConnSnapPref::TConnSnapPref() :
   107 	TConnPref(EConnPrefSnap)
   108 	{
   109 	SetSnap( 0 );
   110 	}
   112 EXPORT_C TConnSnapPref::TConnSnapPref(TUint32 aSnap) :
   113 	TConnPref(EConnPrefSnap)
   114 	{
   115 	SetSnap( aSnap );
   116 	}
   118 EXPORT_C void TConnSnapPref::SetSnap(TUint32 aSnap)
   119 /**
   120 Sets SNAP
   121 @publishedAll
   122 @param aSnap - new SNAP value
   123 @released since v9.1
   124 */
   125 	{
   126 	SCommApPref* prefPtr = reinterpret_cast<SCommApPref*>(UserPtr());
   127 	prefPtr->iAp = aSnap;
   128 	}
   130 EXPORT_C TUint32 TConnSnapPref::Snap() const
   131 /**
   132 @publishedPartner
   133 @return stored SNAP value
   134 @released since v9.1
   135 */
   136 	{
   137 	return reinterpret_cast<SCommApPref*>(UserPtr())->iAp;
   138 	}
   141 EXPORT_C TConnIdList::TConnIdList() :
   142 	TConnPref(EConnPrefIdList)
   143 	{
   144 	CountRef() = 0;
   145 	}
   147 EXPORT_C TInt TConnIdList::MaxCount()
   148 /**
   149 @publishedPartner
   150 @return max number of APs to store
   151 @released since v9.1
   152 */
   153 	{
   154 	return (KMaxConnPrefSize - sizeof(TInt))/sizeof(TInt);
   155 	}
   157 EXPORT_C TInt& TConnIdList::operator[](TInt aIndex)
   158 /**
   159 operator to access the list based on index
   160 @publishedPartner
   161 @param aIndex - index
   162 @released since v9.1
   163 */
   164 	{
   165 	if (! (aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < Count()))
   166 		{
   167 	  	User::Panic (KNullDesC, KErrOverflow);
   168      	}
   170 	return *(IdList() + aIndex);
   171 	}
   173 EXPORT_C void TConnIdList::Append(TInt aId)
   174 /**
   175 Appends new Id
   176 @publishedPartner
   177 @param aAp - Id to add
   178 @released since v9.1
   179 */
   180 	{
   181 	TUint16& count = CountRef();
   182 	if (count >= MaxCount())
   183 		{
   184 		User::Panic (KNullDesC, KErrOverflow);
   185 		}
   187 	(*this)[count++] = aId;
   188 	}
   190 EXPORT_C TInt TConnIdList::Get(TInt aIndex) const
   191 /**
   192 Allows read only access to Id based on index
   193 @publishedPartner
   194 @released since v9.1
   195 */
   196 	{
   197 	//cast the const away to reuse the op[] tha's not changing anything
   198 	return (*(const_cast<TConnIdList*>(this)))[aIndex];
   199 	}
   201 EXPORT_C TInt TConnIdList::Count() const
   202 /**
   203 @publishedPartner
   204 @return number of Ids in the list
   205 @released since v9.1
   206 */
   207 	{
   208 	//cast the const away to reuse the CountRef() fn that's not changing anything
   209 	return (const_cast<TConnIdList*>(this))->CountRef();
   210 	}
   213 EXPORT_C TConnPrefList::TConnPrefList()
   214 /**
   215 Constructor for TConnPrefList
   216 @publishedAll
   217 */
   218 	{
   219 	SetExtensionId(TConnPref::EConnPrefEComList);
   220 	}
   222 EXPORT_C TConnPrefList::~TConnPrefList()
   223 /**
   224 Destrcutor - closes iPrefs deleting the pointers but not the objects they point
   225 at. These should be deleted explicitly.
   226 @publishedAll
   227 */
   228 	{
   229 	iPrefs.Close();
   230 	}
   232 EXPORT_C TConnPrefList* TConnPrefList::NewL()
   233 	{
   234 	TConnPrefList* self = new (ELeave) TConnPrefList();
   235 	return self;	
   236 	}
   238 EXPORT_C TConnPrefList* TConnPrefList::LoadL(TDesC8& aDes)
   239 /**
   240 This function loads an instance of TConnPrefList from the given descriptor and
   241 returns a pointer to that oject in memory is possible, otherwise leaves
   242 @publishedAll
   243 @param aDes - a descriptor containing a serialized form of TConnPrefList
   244 @return TConnPrefList* to the instance of the object in memory
   245 */
   246 	{
   247 	TConnPrefList* obj = TConnPrefList::NewL();
   248 	CleanupStack::PushL(obj);
   249 	User::LeaveIfError(obj->Load(aDes));
   250 	CleanupStack::Pop(obj);
   251 	return obj;
   252 	}
   254 EXPORT_C TInt TConnPrefList::Length()
   255 /**
   256 Returns the size of the desciptor needed to store the object using the store
   257 function
   258 @publishedAll
   259 @return Integer representing the length of descriptor need to store the object
   260 */
   261 	{
   262 	return KMaxConnPrefSize + iPrefs.Length();
   263 	}
   265 EXPORT_C TInt TConnPrefList::Load(TDesC8& aDes)
   266 /**
   267 This function loads an instance of TConnPrefList from the given descriptor into 
   268 the object its called on. It returns an integer error on failiure
   269 @publishedAll
   270 @param - a descriptor containing a serialized instance of TConnPrefList
   271 @return - KErrNone if successful otherwise KErrArgument
   272 */
   273 	{	
   274 	TPtrC8 aBuffer(aDes);
   276 	Mem::Copy(&iBuf, aBuffer.Ptr() ,sizeof(iBuf));
   277 	aBuffer.Set(aBuffer.Ptr() + sizeof( iBuf), aBuffer.Length() - sizeof(iBuf));
   279 	if(ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefUnknown || ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDb || 
   280 			ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDbMulti || ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefSnap ||
   281 			ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefIdList || ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefSip ||
   282 			ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefProviderInfo)
   283 		{
   284 			return KErrNone;
   285 		}
   286 	else if(ExtensionId() != TConnPref::EConnPrefEComList)
   287 		{
   288 			return KErrArgument;
   289 		}
   291 	TInt ret = iPrefs.GetTypeId().Check(aBuffer);
   292 	if(ret != KErrNone)
   293 		{
   294 		return ret;
   295 		}
   296 	return ret = iPrefs.Load(aBuffer);
   297 	}
   299 EXPORT_C TInt TConnPrefList::Store(TDes8& aDes)
   300 /**
   301 This puts a serilized form of the object that the function is called on into the
   302 descriptor supplied
   303 @publishedAll
   304 @param - a descriptor that is sufficiently long enough to contain the serialized
   305 version of the object
   306 @return - KErrNone if successful
   307  		- KErrOverflow if the descriptor is too short
   308  		- otherwise one of the standard error codes
   309 */
   310 	{
   311 	TUint length = Length();
   313 	aDes.Append((TUint8*)&iBuf,sizeof(iBuf));
   315 	if(aDes.MaxLength() < length)
   316 		{
   317 		return KErrOverflow;
   318 		}
   320 	TInt ret = iPrefs.Store(aDes);
   321 	if(ret != KErrNone)
   322 		{
   323 		return ret;
   324 		}
   326 	return KErrNone;
   327 	}
   329 EXPORT_C void TConnPrefList::AppendL(SMetaDataECom* aFamily)
   330 /**
   331 This adds the pointer supplied to the list. Also see TConnAPPref
   332 Only one instance of TConnAPPref can be appended to the list
   333 and passed to RConnection::Start. More than one will force
   334 RConnection::Start to return KErrArgument
   335 @publishedAll
   336 @param - a pointer to an SMetaDataECom object
   337 */
   338 	{
   339 	if(aFamily == NULL)
   340 		{
   341 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   342 		}
   343 	iPrefs.AppendL(aFamily);
   344 	}
   346 EXPORT_C SMetaData* TConnPrefList::operator[](TInt aIndex)
   347 /**
   348 This retrieves a pointer to the object at the given index
   349 @publishedAll
   350 @param - aIndex - the position of the object in the list
   351 @return a pointer to the object in memory
   352 */
   353 	{
   354 	if(iPrefs.Count() > aIndex)
   355 		{
   356 		return iPrefs[aIndex];
   357 		}
   358 	User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   359 	return NULL;
   360 	}
   362 EXPORT_C void TConnPrefList::Remove(TInt aIndex)
   363 /**
   364 This removes the objet at the given index from the list
   365 @publishedAll
   366 @param - aIndex - the position of the object in the list
   367 */
   368 	{
   369 	if(iPrefs.Count() > aIndex)
   370 		{
   371 		iPrefs.Remove(aIndex);
   372 		}
   373 	}
   375 EXPORT_C TInt TConnPrefList::Count()
   376 /**
   377 This returns an integer value representing the number of objects in the list
   378 @publishedAll
   379 @return - integer representing the number of objects in the list
   380 */
   381 	{
   382 	return iPrefs.Count();
   383 	}