changeset 26 b564fb5fd78b
parent 25 9d7ce34704c8
child 27 5ebd530e523b
--- a/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/src/ReferenceCPR_connProv.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Reference (empty) implementation file for a Connection Provider
- @file
- @internalComponent
-#include "ReferenceCPR_connProv.h"
-_LIT(KPanicReferenceCPRText,"Reference CPR not filled in properly");
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-// Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
-// (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
-_LIT(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProv, "RefCprConProv");
-// Custom methods
-CReferenceConnectionProvider* CReferenceConnectionProvider::NewL(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory)
-	{
-	CReferenceConnectionProvider* p = new (ELeave) CReferenceConnectionProvider(aFactory);
-	return p;
-	}
-CReferenceConnectionProvider::CReferenceConnectionProvider(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory)
- iNextLayer(NULL)
-	{
-	__FLOG_OPEN(KReferenceLogTag1, KReferenceLogTag2);
-	}
-	{
-	}
-// MConnectionControlClient methods
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
-	{
-	__FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tConnectionGoingDown(aConnProvider %08x)"), this, &aConnProvider);
-	if (&aConnProvider == iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer = NULL;
-		DeleteMeNow();
-		}
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
-	{
-	__FLOG_3(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tProgressNotification(aStage %d aError %d)"), this, aStage, aError);
-	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
-	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
-   		{
-	   	iControlClients[i]->ProgressNotification(aStage, aError);
-		}
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ConnectionError(TInt aStage,  TInt aError)
-	{
-	__FLOG_3(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tConnectionError(aStage %d aError %d)"), this, aStage, aError);
-	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
-	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
-		{
-		iControlClients[i]->ConnectionError(aStage, aError);
-		}
-	max = iDataClients.Count();
-	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
-		{
-		iDataClients[i]->ConnectionError(aStage, aError);
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType)
-	{
-	__FLOG_3(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tServiceChangeNotification(aId %u aType %s)"), this, aId, &aType);
-   	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
-	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
-   		{
-	   	iControlClients[i]->ServiceChangeNotification(aId, aType);
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::SubConnectionEvent(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnNextLayerProvider, const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent)
-	{
-	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
-	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
-		{
-	   	iControlClients[i]->SubConnectionEvent(aSubConnNextLayerProvider, aSubConnectionEvent);
-		}
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::LayerUp(TInt aError)
-	{
-	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
-	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i)
-		{
-		iControlClients[i]->LayerUp(aError);
-		}
-	// broadcast the event to the data clients also, sideways
-	max = iDataClients.Count();
-	for (TInt j = max - 1; j >= 0 ; --j)
-		{
-		iDataClients[j]->Notify(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp, this, aError, NULL);
-		}
-   }
-MConnectionControlClient::TCtlType CReferenceConnectionProvider::CtlType() const
-	{
-	return MConnectionControlClient::ENormal;
-	}
-// CConnectionProviderBase methods
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoDataClientJoiningL(MConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
-	{
-	__FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoDataClientJoiningL number %d"), this, iDataClients.Count());
-	//TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoDataClientLeaving(MConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
-	{
-	__FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoDataClientLeaving number %d"), this, iDataClients.Count());
-	//TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoControlClientJoiningL(MConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
-	{
-	__FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoControlClientJoiningL number %d"), this, iControlClients.Count());
-	//TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoControlClientLeaving(MConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
-	{
-	__FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoControlClientLeaving number %d"), this, iControlClients.Count());
-	//TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoStartL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
-	{
-	//TODO: start this connection
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer->StartL(aParams, aMessage);
-		}
-  	}
-TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoStop(TInt aError, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		//The next layer present. We'll now stop it here and anticipate ConnectionGoingDown() called on 'this'
-		//when indeed, the connection is stopped.
-		return iNextLayer->Stop(aError, aMessage);
-		}
-	else
-    	{
-    	//No next layer present, we're just need to delete this connection to complete the Stop message.
-    	DeleteMeNow();
-    	}
-	return KErrNotReady;
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoProgressL(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer) const
-	{
-	//TODO: update the progress info.
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer->ProgressL(aBuffer);
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoLastProgressError(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer)
-	{
-	//TODO: return the last error actually ocurred.
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		return iNextLayer->LastProgressError(aBuffer);
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoRequestServiceChangeNotificationL()
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer->RequestServiceChangeNotificationL();
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoCancelServiceChangeNotification()
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer->CancelServiceChangeNotification();
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoControlL(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, Meta::SMetaData& aOption, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		return iNextLayer->ControlL(aOptionLevel, aOptionName, aOption, aMessage);
-		}
-  	}
-TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoEnumerateSubConnectionsL(TUint& /*aCount*/)
-	{
-	return KErrNotReady;
-	//TODO: fill up aCount with the number of subconnections active.
-	}
-TUint CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoEnumerateClientsL(HBufC8*& aClientInfoBuffer, TEnumClients aClientType)
-Returns information about the clients of this Interface
-@param aCount on return contains the number of clients using this Interface
-@param aClientInfoBuffer on return contains a TPckg<> containing information about each client
-@exception leaves with KErrNoMemory if memory allocation fails
-	{
-	const TInt KInfoBufMaxLength = 1024;  //is this large enough?
-	TBuf8<KInfoBufMaxLength> infoBuf;
-	TUint count = 0;
-	STypeId tid(KConnectionClientExtUid,EConnectionClientDesc);
-	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
-	for ( TInt n = 0; n < max; n++ )
-		{
-		MConnectionClientDesc* intf = reinterpret_cast<MConnectionClientDesc*>(iControlClients[n]->FetchInterfaceInstanceL(*this,tid));
-		if ( intf )
-			{
-			TConnectionProcessInfo cinfo;
-			cinfo.GetInfoL(aClientType, count, *intf, infoBuf);
-			}
-		}
-	STypeId tid2(KConnectionClientExtUid,EConnectionEnumerateClients);
-	max = iDataClients.Count();
-	for ( TInt n = 0; n < max; n++ )
-		{
-		MConnectionEnumerateClients* intf = reinterpret_cast<MConnectionEnumerateClients*>(iDataClients[n]->FetchInterfaceInstanceL(*this,tid2));
-		if ( intf )
-			{
-			intf->EnumerateClientsL(count, infoBuf, aClientType);
-			}
-		}
-	aClientInfoBuffer = infoBuf.AllocL();
-	return count;
-	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoConnectionControlActivityL( CConnectionProviderBase::TControlActivity /*aControlActivity*/, const Meta::SMetaData* /*aData*/, const RMessagePtr2* /*aMessage*/ )
-	{
-	//TODO:
-	}
-CConnectionSettings& CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoSettingsAccessL()
-	{
-	//TODO: If no lower layer, derive your own CConnectionSettings
-	//class and return a reference to an instance of it here.
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		return iNextLayer->SettingsAccessL();
-		}
-	User::Panic(KPanicReferenceCPRText, KErrNotFound);
-	CConnectionSettings* null = NULL;
-	return *static_cast<CConnectionSettings*>(null);
-	}
-TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable()
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		return iNextLayer->AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable();
-		}
-	return KErrNotReady;
-  	}
-TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoCancelAllSubConnectionNotification()
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		return iNextLayer->CancelAllSubConnectionNotification();
-		}
-	return KErrNotReady;
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoSendIoctlMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer->SendIoctlMessageL(aMessage);
-		}
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoSendCancelIoctl()
-	{
-	if (NULL != iNextLayer)
-		{
-		iNextLayer->SendCancelIoctl();
-		}
-  	}
-TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoCanDoSubConnection(RSubConnection::TSubConnType /*aSubConnType*/) const
-	{
-	return ETrue;
-  	}
-void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoJoinNextLayerL(CConnectionProviderBase* aNextLayer)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(( !iNextLayer && aNextLayer), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProv, 1));
-	iNextLayer = aNextLayer;
-    SetConnectionInfo(iNextLayer->ConnectionInfo());
-    // join ourselves as a connection control client to the lower provider
-    iNextLayer->JoinL(*this);
-	}
-CConnectionProviderBase* CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoNextLayer() const
-	{
-  	return iNextLayer;
-  	}