changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/rootserver/inc/rserror.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__RSERROR_H__)
+#define __RSERROR_H__
+/** A module has died, voluntarily or otherwise.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSSuddenDeath                        = -17103;
+/** A request was cancelled.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSRequestCancelled					= -17104;
+/** A parameter was in some way invalid.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidParameter					= -17105;
+/** The file could not be found, read or was in some way corrupt.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidParameterFile				= -17106;
+/** The name was invalid.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidParameterName				= -17107;
+/** The stack size was invalid.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidParameterStackSize			= -17108;
+/** The heap size was invalid.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidParameterHeapSize			= -17109;
+/** The second UID of the DLL was not the UID of a Comms Provider Module.
+For a DLL to be a CPM it must have the second UID value of 0x101f7418.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidUidType						= -17110;
+/** A Comms Provider Module with this name is already loaded.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSModuleAlreadyExist					= -17111;
+/** The size of the MBuf pool is invalid.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidMBufPoolSize				= -17112;
+/** The specified module is not running.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSModuleNotRunning					= -17113;
+/** The specified module is not loaded.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSModuleNotLoaded					= -17114;
+/** The specified binding is already active.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSAlreadyBound						= -17115;
+/** There are running modules.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSModulesStillRunning				= -17116;
+/** Unable to create more new heaps in the Comms Process.
+Consider sharing a heap between modules.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSNoNewHeapsAvailable				= -17117;
+/** A request timed out. This can happen when a module stops
+responding to requests for some reason.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSRequestTimedOut					= -17118;
+/** The specified module does not exist..
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSModuleUnknown						= -17119;
+/** The specified submodule does not exist.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSSubModuleUnknown					= -17120;
+/** The specified binding does not exist.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSBindingUnknown						= -17121;
+/** The status is unknown.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSStatusUnknown						= -17122;
+/** The specified binding exist.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSBindingExists						= -17123;
+/** The module is not ready for requests.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSModuleNotReady						= -17124;
+/** The specified binding is not yet completed.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSBindingInProgress					= -17125;
+/** Found heap but unable to open it for sharing.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSUnableToOpenHeap					= -17126;
+/** Unable to find specified heap.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSUnableToFindHeap					= -17127;
+/** Unable to create communication channels for new module.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSUnableToCreateQueues				= -17128;
+/** This Comms Provider Module exist but is not responding.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSZombie								= -17129;
+/** The specified ordinal does not exist for the DLL.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidParameterThreadFuncOrdinal	= -17130;
+/** Invalid binding.
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidBinding						= -17131;
+/** Queue length of binding invalid. Must be between TRSBindingInfo::EMinQueueLength and TRSBindingInfo::EMaxQueueLength.
+@see TRSBindingInfo
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSInvalidQueueLength					= -17132;
+/** A module has died through a panic, Kill(), or other exception
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSSuddenViolentDeath                 = -17133;
+/** A module (boot-time/OnDemand) involved in binding failed, hence if any of the two module(s) is/are On-Demand, 
+the message needs to be completed with this error code to signal to caller that there are icomplete bindings
+ */
+const TInt KErrRSEitherModuleInBindingFailedToLoad 	= -17134;
+#endif // __RSERROR_H__